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Tanga Featured Deal



Includes Universal Strong Car Mount and 3-in-1 Braided 4' Charging Cable
(available in 4 colors)

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Estimated delivery Nov 17 - Nov 21

Color: Please select...Pick Color Mount + Gold CableMount + Black CableMount +
Red CableMount + Gray Cable

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Include 2-Year Product Replacement Protection Plan for $6.99Include 1-Year
Product Replacement Protection Plan for $4.49
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Product Details

Bundle Includes Universal Car Mount and 3-in-1 Braided 4’ Charging Cable

Universal Car Mount Features:

 * 3-in-1 Design: Can be securely mounted on dashboard, windshield or air vent
 * Adjustable arm adds an additional 4 inches to allow for closer access to
 * 360 degree ball joint and the adjustable telescopic arm allows for viewing at
   any angle
 * View vertically or horizontally
 * Compatible with any device up to 3.5" in width
 * Thick-case friendly up to .6" in depth
 * Includes sticky gel pads that fit securely to most surfaces – just rinse with
   warm water and air dry
 * Strong suction power
 * Adjustable bottom foot can move left or right to allow the ability to charge
   your device
 * Color: Black
 * Easy & quick installation
 * Width of clamp arm: 2.2"-3.8"
 * Weight: 8.2 ounces

3-in-1 Nylon Braided 4’ Charging Cable Features:

 * Universal: Supports charging devices with 8Pin, Micro USB and Type-C
   connectors simultaneously
 * Durable nylon braided cable with aluminum alloy connector
 * Flexible 6000+ bend lifespan
 * Output: 5V/2A
 * Material: Braided cable with Aluminum, ABS
 * Length: 4 feet
 * Available in 4 colors


 * Universal Strong Dashboard & Windshield Car Mount
 * 3-in-1 Braided 4’ Charging Cable

Additional Information
 * 30 day warranty

 * New

Shipping Information
 * Free Shipping!
 * Estimated delivery Nov 17 - Nov 21
 * Returns available within 30 days
 * Ships to U.S. (No AK/HI, No P.O. Boxes, and No Military Addresses)

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Customer Reviews
3.3 out of 5

3 customer reviews 5 Stars

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Verified Buyer: Yes
Reviewed: 2022-10-14

Just what l was looking for, Thanks


Verified Buyer: Yes
Reviewed: 2022-10-25

This is the first of many car mounts that has worked for me , it fits my phone
perfectly and is stable on my dashboard . The charging cord is the perfect
length , not to long or to short .


B. Sanchez
Verified Buyer: Yes
Reviewed: 2022-11-13

I ordered this specifically because the photos show it attaches to a vehicle air
vent. Received the first delivery and no possible way for attaching to air vent.
Made contact and received the exact same thing again. No air vent attachment.
Now I have 2 phone mounts I’ll never use. Charging cable looks as advertised and
I received it both times but the first one would only charge my phone if it was
turned 1 way. Not impressed. The advertisement images need to be updated to
reflect actual product.


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