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Text Content

We value your privacy

We use cookies to enhance your browsing experience, serve personalized ads or
content, and analyze our traffic. By clicking "Accept All", you consent to our
use of cookies.

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We use cookies to help you navigate efficiently and perform certain functions.
You will find detailed information about all cookies under each consent category

The cookies that are categorized as "Necessary" are stored on your browser as
they are essential for enabling the basic functionalities of the site. ... Show

NecessaryAlways Active

Necessary cookies are required to enable the basic features of this site, such
as providing secure log-in or adjusting your consent preferences. These cookies
do not store any personally identifiable data.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 year
 * Description
   CookieYes sets this cookie to remember users' consent preferences so that
   their preferences are respected on subsequent visits to this site. It does
   not collect or store any personal information about the site visitors.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
 * Description
   This cookie is set by Hubspot whenever it changes the session cookie. The
   __hssrc cookie set to 1 indicates that the user has restarted the browser,
   and if the cookie does not exist, it is assumed to be a new session.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   30 minutes
 * Description
   HubSpot sets this cookie to keep track of sessions and to determine if
   HubSpot should increment the session number and timestamps in the __hstc


Functional cookies help perform certain functionalities like sharing the content
of the website on social media platforms, collecting feedback, and other
third-party features.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 day
 * Description
   LinkedIn sets the lidc cookie to facilitate data center selection.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 month
 * Description
   LinkedIn sets this cookie for LinkedIn Ads ID syncing.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   5 months 27 days
 * Description
   Linkedin set this cookie for storing visitor's consent regarding using
   cookies for non-essential purposes.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   30 minutes
 * Description
   Cloudflare set the cookie to support Cloudflare Bot Management.


Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the
website. These cookies help provide information on metrics such as the number of
visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 day
 * Description
   Linkedin sets this cookie to registers statistical data on users' behaviour
   on the website for internal analytics.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 month
 * Description
   Linkedin set this cookie to store information about the time a sync took
   place with the lms_analytics cookie.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   2 years
 * Description
   YouTube sets this cookie via embedded YouTube videos and registers anonymous
   statistical data.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   5 months 27 days
 * Description
   Hubspot set this main cookie for tracking visitors. It contains the domain,
   initial timestamp (first visit), last timestamp (last visit), current
   timestamp (this visit), and session number (increments for each subsequent

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   5 months 27 days
 * Description
   HubSpot sets this cookie to keep track of the visitors to the website. This
   cookie is passed to HubSpot on form submission and used when deduplicating

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   3 months
 * Description
   Google Tag Manager sets the cookie to experiment advertisement efficiency of
   websites using their services.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 day
 * Description
   Google Analytics sets this cookie to store information on how visitors use a
   website while also creating an analytics report of the website's performance.
   Some of the collected data includes the number of visitors, their source, and
   the pages they visit anonymously.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 minute
 * Description
   Google Analytics sets this cookie for user behaviour tracking.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 year 1 month 4 days
 * Description
   Google Analytics sets this cookie to calculate visitor, session and campaign
   data and track site usage for the site's analytics report. The cookie stores
   information anonymously and assigns a randomly generated number to recognise
   unique visitors.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 year 1 month 4 days
 * Description
   Google Analytics sets this cookie to store and count page views.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   3 months
 * Description
   Facebook sets this cookie to display advertisements when either on Facebook
   or on a digital platform powered by Facebook advertising after visiting the


Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance
indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for
the visitors.

No cookies to display.


Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with customized
advertisements based on the pages you visited previously and to analyze the
effectiveness of the ad campaigns.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 year 24 days
 * Description
   TikTok set this cookie to track and improve the performance of advertising
   campaigns, as well as to personalise the user experience.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   3 months
 * Description
   LinkedIn sets this cookie to collect user behaviour data to optimise the
   website and make advertisements on the website more relevant.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 year
 * Description
   LinkedIn sets this cookie from LinkedIn share buttons and ad tags to
   recognize browser IDs.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 year
 * Description
   LinkedIn sets this cookie to store performed actions on the website.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 year 24 days
 * Description
   Tiktok set this cookie to collect data about behaviour and activities on the
   website and to measure the effectiveness of the advertising.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
 * Description
   Youtube sets this cookie to track the views of embedded videos on Youtube

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   5 months 27 days
 * Description
   YouTube sets this cookie to measure bandwidth, determining whether the user
   gets the new or old player interface.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   15 minutes
 * Description sets this cookie to determine if the user's browser supports

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 year 24 days
 * Description
   Google DoubleClick IDE cookies store information about how the user uses the
   website to present them with relevant ads according to the user profile.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
 * Description
   YouTube sets this cookie to store the user's video preferences using embedded
   YouTube videos.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
 * Description
   YouTube sets this cookie to register a unique ID to store data on what videos
   from YouTube the user has seen.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
 * Description
   YouTube sets this cookie to register a unique ID to store data on what videos
   from YouTube the user has seen.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
 * Description
   YouTube sets this cookie to store the user's video preferences using embedded
   YouTube videos.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   6 months
 * Description
   Google sets the cookie for advertising purposes; to limit the number of times
   the user sees an ad, to unwanted mute ads, and to measure the effectiveness
   of ads.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   3 months
 * Description
   Facebook sets this cookie to show relevant advertisements by tracking user
   behaviour across the web, on sites with Facebook pixel or Facebook social

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Tänä juhlavuonna takanamme on jo kaksi vuosikymmentä suomalaisen työelämän
rakentajana ja edessämme on uusi, alati muuttuva työelämä. Me lähestymme
haastetta avoimesti – ja kaikkia nykyisiä ja entisiä työkavereita, asiakkaita ja
työnhakijoita kiittäen. Kohti tulevaisuuden työelämää!



Haku päättyy 04.02.2024

Haluatko muuttaa työuraasi 1,5°C kestävämpään suuntaan? Nyt sinulla on
mahdollisuus päästä Suomen 11. parhaaksi työpaikaksi vuonna 2023 rankatun (Great
place to work) tiimiin osalliseksi historiallisen energiamurroksen tekemiseen,
sillä wpd Suomi Oy etsii tuuli- ja aurinkovoimahankkeisiinsa kahta
hankekehittäjää, Ouluun ja Espooseen. Hankekehittäjänä osallistut
hankekehityspäällikön kanssa tuuli- ja aurinkovoimahankkeiden kehittämiseen .
Työtehtäväsi kattavat hankekehittämisen koko elinkaaren, aina
ympäristövaikutusten arviointi (YVA) -menettelyistä hankkeen rakentamiseen.
Suurin osa-alue työssäsi on YVA:n ja maankäytön suunnittelu- sekä
lupamenettelyiden koordinoinnissa, läpiviennissä ja laadunvalvonnassa. Lisäksi
hankkeen aikana tulet osallistumaan neuvotteluihin muun muassa maanomistajien,
kuntapäättäjien ja kaavoitusvastaavien kanssa. Vastuullasi on myös raportoida
hankkeesta ja auttaa hankekehityspäällikköä hänen tehtävissään. Omia itsenäisiä
tehtäviä saat oman osaamisesi ja kiinnostuksesi mukaan. Toivomme sinun olevan
ympäristöalan osaaja, jolla on mielellään aiempaa työkokemusta luvituksesta.
Toimit tiiviissä yhteistyössä wpd:n hankekehityspäällikön ja ulkoisten
sidosryhmien kanssa, joten toivomme sinun olevan myönteinen ja aktiivinen
tiimipelaaja, joka tarttuu rohkealla otteella uusiin tehtäviin. Ennen kaikkea
toivomme, että olet aidon kiinnostunut uusiutuvan energian ja erityisesti
tuulivoima-alan kehityksestä ja haluat päästä osaltasi luomaan kestävämpää
tulevaisuutta. Toimipisteesi sijaitsee joko Espoon Keilaniemessä tai Oulussa,
minkä lisäksi tulet ajoittain matkustamaan tuuli- ja aurinkovoimahankealueille.
Tulet osaksi wpd:n 26 hengen tiivistä työyhteisöä, jossa voit olla oma itsesi ja
jossa kaikki ovat yhtä tärkeitä ja arvostettuja. Odotamme sinulta: Soveltuvaa
koulutustaustaa, esimerkiksi ympäristötieteet, maantiede, biologia,
energiatekniikka Vähintään muutaman vuoden kokemusta ympäristöalasta, etenkin
ympäristövaikutusten arviointi-, eli YVA-ja kaavamenettelyistä sekä
ympäristöluvituksista Hyvää tunne- ja tilanneälyä sekä oma-aloitteista
työskentelyotetta Hyvää suomen ja englannin kielen taitoa Perusosaamista MS
Officesta Matkustusvalmiutta ja B-ajokorttia Katsomme eduksi: Kokemuksen
GIS-ohjelmista Kokemuksen tuuli- tai aurinkovoima-alasta Tarjoamme sinulle:
Eturivin paikan Suomen energiamurroksessa Monipuolisen ja merkityksellisen
tehtävän, jossa sinulla on mahdollisuus kehittää omaa osaamistasi sekä osaltasi
edesauttaa kestävämmän tulevaisuuden rakentamista Paikan innostavassa ja
hyvähenkisessä työporukassa yhdessä Euroopan suurimmista
tuulivoimakehittäjäyhtiöistä, jossa arvostetaan työn ja vapaa-ajan tasapainon
merkitystä Hyvät työsuhde-edut ja kokemukseesi soveltuvan ansiotason - kerro
palkkatoiveesi hakudokumenteissasi niin keskustellaan tarkemmin Viihtyisät ja
modernit työtilat Espoossa tai Oulussa sekä osittaisen etätyömahdollisuuden Tule
muuttamaan maailmaa uusiutuvan energian parissa! Kiinnostuitko? Lähetä
ansioluettelosi sekä motivaatiokirjeesi PDF-muodossa viimeistään 4.2.2024
mennessä aTalentin hakujärjestelmän kautta. Kerrothan hakudokumenteissasi myös
palkkatoiveesi ja aikaisimman mahdollisen aloituspäivän. Emme vastaanota
hakemuksia sähköpostitse, vaan käsittelemme ainoastaan hakujärjestelmän kautta
saapuneet hakemukset. Tässä tehtävässä työllistyt suoraan asiakasyrityksemme wpd
Suomi Oy:n palvelukseen. Lue lisää: Tehtävää koskeviin kysymyksiin
vastaa mielellään koko hakuajan läpi wpd Suomi Oy:n toimitusjohtaja Heikki
Peltomaa ( +358 40 679 7563) sekä varatoimitusjohtaja, hankekehitysjohtaja
Mattias Järvinen (+358 50 312 0295). Tehtävää ja hakuprosessia koskeviin
kysymyksiin vastaa myös aTalentin rekrytointipäällikkö Kati Hautakoski (+358 50
552 0419, kati.hautakoski[at]


Haku päättyy 04.02.2024

GS1 etsii IT Service Manageria kasvavaan 27 hengen porukkaansa Helsinkiin.
Tehtävässä sijoitut palvelutiimiin, jonka pääasiallisena tehtävänä on huolehtia
GS1:n palveluiden ylläpidosta, toimivuudesta ja palvelukehityksestä. IT Service
Managerina keskeisin tehtäväsi on vastata it-palveluiden ylläpidosta ja
toimivuudesta sekä toimia pääyhteyshenkilönä ulkoistetuille kumppaneille. Tässä
monipuolisessa tehtävässä osallistut esim. palvelukehitysrajapinnassa
alihankkijoiden ja asiakkaiden kanssa tuotantomuutosten suunnitteluun, jonka
lisäksi vastaat tuotantopäivityksiin ja käyttöönottoihin liittyvästä
valvonnasta, viestinnästä ja dokumentoinnista. Pääset myös koordinoimaan
testaustoimenpiteitä sekä osallistumaan testaustyöhön ja ottamaan vastuullesi
erilaisia IT-tuen tehtäviä, kuten asiakastukena toimimista ja palveluiden
pääkäyttäjätehtäviä. Työlläsi siis varmistat, että GS1 palvelutuotanto kehittyy
ja tuotannossa olevat palvelut toimivat tavoitellulla tasolla. Arjessa
työskentelet tiiviisti sisäisten asiakkaiden, teknisten kumppaneiden,
asiakkuustiimin sekä tuotepäälliköiden kanssa. Tulet työskentelemään monien eri
sisäisten että ulkoisten sidosryhmien kanssa, jonka vuoksi toivomme sinulta
vahvoja vuorovaikutustaitoja sekä aiempaa kokemusta asiakasrajapinnassa
työskentelystä. Katsomme eduksi myös kokemuksen tai ymmärryksen kaupanalan
logistiikka- ja toimitusketjuista sekä päivittäistavarakaupasta. Sinulla on
asiakaslähtöinen asenne ja vahvat ongelmanratkaisutaidot. Tuot mielelläsi
näkemyksesi esille ja pyrit toimivimpaan mahdolliseen lopputulokseen, jolla
parannetaan ja varmistetaan palveluiden jatkuva toimivuus ja kehitys. GS1
tarjoaa sinulle: Mielenkiintoisen tehtävän kansainvälisessä organisaatiossa,
joka kehittää ja tarjoaa omia uniikkeja palveluitaan Työnantajan, jonka toiminta
on puolueetonta, voittoa tavoittelematonta ja merkityksellistä - mm.
EAN-viivakoodi näkyy meidän jokaisen arjessa Työyhteisön, jossa panostetaan
ammatilliseen kehittymiseen ja yksilöllisiin urapolkuihin, tästä tehtävästä on
kasvumahdollisuus esim. Product Ownerin tai liiketoiminnan kehittämisen
tehtäviin Asiantuntevan ja kannustavan tiimin tuen sekä kattavan perehdytyksen
tehtävään Joustavat työajat ja osittaisen etätyömahdollisuuden Viihtyisät
työskentelytilat Kattavia etuja, kuten lounas-, liikunta- ja kulttuuriedut,
polkupyörä- ja työterveysedut sekä vakuutuksiin liittyviä etuuksia Odotamme
sinulta: Muutaman vuoden työkokemusta IT-palvelukehityksestä (esim.
integraatiot, IT-tuki tai ohjelmistotestaus) Aiempaa kokemusta IT-palveluiden
ylläpidosta Itsenäistä ja asiakaslähtöistä työskentelyotetta Erinomaisia
koordinointitaitoja sekä kykyä hallita laajoja kokonaisuuksia Sujuvaa suomen ja
englannin kielen taitoa Lisäksi katsomme eduksesi: Tietotekninen koulutus (AMK,
YO) ITIL-prosessien osaaminen Salesforce-osaaminen Confluence- ja Jira
-osaaminen Tässä kokoaikaisessa ja vakituisessa tehtävässä työllistyt suoraan
GS1:n palvelukseen. Työskentely tapahtuu joustavan hybridimallin mukaan Pasilan
toimistolla ja etänä. Tehtävästä tyypillisesti maksettava kuukausipalkka on
valitun henkilön aloittaessa taustasta ja kokemuksesta riippuen. Jos koet, että
palkkatasosi pitäisi olla jotakin muuta kuin edellä mainittu, kerrothan sen
hakemuksessasi. Oletko sinä etsimämme tekijä? Lähetä CV:si tai LinkedIn
profiilisi sekä vapaaehtoinen motivaatiokirjeesi PDF-muodossa viimeistään
4.2.mennessä aTalentin hakujärjestelmän kautta. Voit halutessasi mainita
hakudokumenteissasi myös palkkatoiveesi ja aikaisimman mahdollisen
aloituspäivän. Huomaathan, ettemme vastaanota hakemuksia sähköpostitse, vaan
käsittelemme ainoastaan hakujärjestelmän kautta saapuneet hakemukset.
Hakuprosessia ja aikatauluja koskeviin kysymyksiin vastaa Rekrytointipäällikkö
Tittamari Bilund (,+358 50 551 3395 ). Etenemme
sopivien hakijoiden kanssa jo hakuajalla ja täytämme tehtävän sopivan henkilön


Haku päättyy 04.02.2024

Oletko ketteristä menetelmistä syttyvä IT-palvelukehityksen ammattilainen?
Haluaisitko työskennellä täysin uuden ja merkittävän palvelukokonaisuuden
omistajana osana ammattitaitoista tiimiä? GS1 etsii nyt kokenutta Product
Owneria toimimaan täysin uuden palvelukokonaisuuden kehittämisen
avainhenkilönä.Tässä tehtävässä pääset työskentelemään mittavan
tietojärjestelmäprojektin parissa, jossa luodaan uusi palvelukokonaisuus GS1:n
asiakkaille. Asiakkaat hallinnoivat ja jakavat palvelulla mm. tuotteisiin
liittyviä tietoja. Product Ownerina vastaat projektin sisällöstä ja sen
edistymisen seurannasta sekä alihankinnan ja sisäisten kehitysresurssien
koordinoinnista. Osallistut vahvasti päätöksentekoon palvelun sisältöön
liittyen, jonka lisäksi raportoit projektista sisäisesti. Käyttöönoton alkaessa
pääset myös toimimaan palvelun liiketoiminnallisena omistajana. Arjessa
työskentelet tiiviisti niin alihankkijoiden kuin myös sisäisten sidosryhmien
kanssa. Olet etsimämme osaaja mikäli olet projektinjohdon ammattilainen, jolta
löytyy aiempaa kokemusta IT-palvelukehityksestä ja Product Ownerin tehtävistä.
Ketterät kehitysmenetelmät ovat sinulle tuttuja ja ymmärrät pitkäjänteisen
kehitystyön vaatimukset sekä alihankinnan käytännöt. Nautit tiiviistä
tiimityöstä sekä projektin operatiivisesta johtamisesta, jonka lisäksi hallitset
hyvin laajoja kokonaisuuksia. Viestit myös ulkoisten kumppanien ja sisäisten
sidosryhmien kanssa sujuvasti sekä suomeksi, että englanniksi. GS1 tarjoaa
sinulle: Paikan kansainvälisessä organisaatiossa, joka kehittää ja tarjoaa omia
uniikkeja palveluitaan Mielenkiintoisen ja monipuolisen työnkuvan osana
merkittävää ja täysin uutta tietojärjestelmäprojektia Työnantajan, jonka
toiminta on puolueetonta, voittoa tavoittelematonta ja merkityksellistä - mm.
EAN-viivakoodi näkyy meidän jokaisen arjessa Työyhteisön, jossa panostetaan
ammatilliseen kehittymiseen ja yksilöllisiin urapolkuihin, tästä tehtävästä on
kasvumahdollisuus esim. liiketoiminnan kehittämisen tehtäviin Asiantuntevan ja
kannustavan tiimin tuen sekä kattavan perehdytyksen tehtävään Joustavat työajat
ja osittaisen etätyömahdollisuuden Viihtyisät työskentelytilat Kattavia etuja,
kuten lounas-, liikunta- ja kulttuuriedut, polkupyörä- ja työterveysedut sekä
vakuutuksiin liittyviä etuuksia Odotamme sinulta: Aiempaa kokemusta Product
Ownerin tehtävistä IT-palvelukehityksen syvällistä ymmärtämistä Ketterien
projektimenetelmien hallintaa Paineensietokykyä ja aktiivista työskentelyotetta
Erinomaisia vuorovaikutus- ja tiimityöskentelytaitoja Sujuvaa suomen ja
englannin kielen osaamista Lisäksi katsomme eduksesi: Tietotekninen koulutus
(AMK, YO) Kaupan- ja teollisuuden alan kokemuksen Tässä kokoaikaisessa ja
vakituisessa tehtävässä työllistyt suoraan GS1:n palvelukseen. Työskentely
tapahtuu joustavan hybridimallin mukaan Pasilan toimistolla ja etänä. Oletko
sinä etsimämme tekijä? Lähetä CV:si tai LinkedIn profiilisi sekä vapaaehtoinen
motivaatiokirjeesi PDF-muodossa viimeistään 4.2. mennessä aTalentin
hakujärjestelmän kautta. Voit halutessasi mainita hakudokumenteissasi myös
palkkatoiveesi ja aikaisimman mahdollisen aloituspäivän. Huomaathan, ettemme
vastaanota hakemuksia sähköpostitse, vaan käsittelemme ainoastaan
hakujärjestelmän kautta saapuneet hakemukset. Hakuprosessia ja aikatauluja
koskeviin kysymyksiin vastaa Rekrytointipäällikkö Tittamari Bilund
(,+358 50 551 3395 ). Etenemme sopivien hakijoiden
kanssa jo hakuajalla ja täytämme tehtävän sopivan henkilön löydyttyä.


Haku päättyy 28.01.2024

Business Finland is now looking for a full-time, fixed-term (9,5 months) Mission
Management Trainee with a hands-on attitude and proactive mindset. Working in
Business Finland’s Customers and Networks Service area and Program Management
team offers you an excellent chance to start your career and work closely with
the dynamic Finnish export markets and business environments. As a Mission
Management Trainee your primary goal is to support Business Finland to implement
our strategic thematic choices BF missions. BF missions address major global
market disruptions and needs that also have a strong societal dimension, they
combine a range of different activities towards a common goal. Business Finland
has five missions Carbon Neutrality, Digitalization, Healthcare Reimagined,
Circular transition for zero Life and Immersive Digital Life. In your role your
task is to support common mission management and specially development of common
practices for stakeholder cooperation. WHAT YOU GET TO DO You will get an
opportunity to work in a fast-moving and truly global organization, offering you
a unique view of international markets and business environments. As Mission
Management Trainee, you will have an unique opportunity to support Business
Finland’s internal development work in the core of operations. In this position,
your job tasks include the following: Versatile responsibilities encompass both
strategic and operational aspects in the implementation of the strategy,
including but not limited to: Conducting a comprehensive analysis of current
practices and activities pertaining to missions and stakeholder collaboration,
generating a thorough current state assessment Documenting results and providing
insights for future development Actively contribute to team efforts in
stakeholder engagement, including tasks such as organizing events and managing
on-site practical arrangements. Participating in the development of stakeholder
cooperation follow-up and reporting processes Other tasks that may arise during
the internship WHO AND WHAT ARE WE LOOKING FOR A strategic mindset with the
capability to understand the big picture and also to take things further
proactively on a more practical level Relevant educational background from
university or university of applied sciences, you can be already graduated or in
the final stages of your degree (for example in economics, social sciences,
politics or international business) Previous experience from project work or
administrative and/or strategic responsibilities Good analytical skills and the
ability to work independently as well as in a team: you are socially at ease in
a multicultural environment Full working proficiency and communication skills in
English and Finnish and very good skills in the Office 365 -environment.
Experience in Public communication is considered as a benefit Experience in
issues related to Finnish economic and strategic business development in an
international context, including sustainable development is considered as a
benefit At Business Finland we Think Big and work Together – with Passion and
Sisu! In our colleagues, we also value Ability to embrace challenges and turn
them into opportunities Showing appreciation and respect to others: sparring,
listening and inspiring colleagues Eagerness to develop yourself and look at
things from new perspectives Ability to express your opinions boldly and
constructively Willingness and pride to work for Finland's future THIS IS WHAT
WE OFFER YOU This traineeship is an excellent way to start your career in both
strategic and hands-on responsibilities that will have an impact on Business
Finlands’ strategic development. As a Business Finland trainee, you will be an
important junior colleague to our seasoned professionals, as we try to reach our
common goal – to support Finnish businesses in their growth and
internationalization efforts. By being a part of our international work
environment, you will learn about a great variety of stakeholders and
industries. To make your traineeship a great experience for you, we will take
your competencies and interests into account as much as possible in shaping your
tasks. We provide flexible remote work possibilities. We also offer sports,
culture, and wellbeing benefits through Smartum as well as good occupational
health care. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Looking for a kick-start to your career?
Please, submit your application letter and CV by January 28th at the latest.
Please, note that this is a trainee position, and the salary is proportional to
the level of the job requirements. In this position, you will be employed
directly by Business Finland. As a part of the recruitment process, we will be
carrying out a security clearance check on the successful candidate, with
his/her consent, in accordance with the Security Clearance Act 726/2014 of
Finland. For more information on the security clearance procedure and
individual’s rights, please visit: For
more information about the recruitment process contact aTalent’s Senior
Recruitment Manager Roosa Lönnqvist (+358 50 421 0255,
roosa.lonnqvist[at] in the following times: Fri 19.1. at 11:00-12:30,
Mon 22.1. at 12:00-13:30 or Wed 24.1. 8:00-9:30. How will this recruitment
process proceed? Thu 18.1..: Application period starts Sun 28.1.: Application
period ends Mon 29.1. - Fri 2.2.: Google Meet interviews with aTalent Mon 5.2. –
Fri 9.2.: Interviews with Business Finland Final decisions and the security
clearance check as soon as possible after the interviews. 15.3..: Starting date
as Mission Management trainee


Haku päättyy 28.01.2024

Business Finland is now looking for a full time, fixed-term (9,5-10 months)
Digital Marketing and Visual Content Creator Trainee with a creative hands-on
attitude and proactive mindset. Working in Business Finland’s Communications and
Marketing team offers you an excellent chance to start your career and work
closely with the dynamic Finnish export markets and business environments. As
Digital marketing and visual content creator trainee your primary goal is to
support Business Finland’s Marketing and Communications for Finnish audiences
through various content production tasks, with a specific focus on creating
visual and audio-visual materials and content for both internal and external
communication purposes. WHAT YOU GET TO DO You will get an opportunity to work
in a fast-moving and truly global organization, offering you a unique view on
international markets and business environments. When working at Business
Finland, you will meet colleagues and partners from all over the world from many
different industries, companies, and organizations, and you will have an
opportunity to influence the core of innovations and international cooperation.
In this position, your job tasks include the following: Create animations,
videos and photos and write copy for Business Finland’s digital channels and
social media (mainly LinkedIn, X, Facebook) according to Business Finland brand
and content guidelines. Design and create powerpoint presentations,
publications, newsletters and other content Support daily marketing and
communications activities, mainly focusing on graphic design and visual tasks
for example for digital marketing campaigns and events Utilize modern tools for
content creation such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign and Premiere
Other tasks that may occur during the traineeship, based on the upcoming
projects and your skills and interests WHO AND WHAT ARE WE LOOKING FOR Relevant
educational background from university of applied sciences or university for
example in visual communications and graphic design, digital marketing and
content creation Experience in visual content creation, graphic design and with
modern digital marketing tools, social media channels (e.g. from student
organization or project activities) and willingness to develop your skills in
digital marketing and content management systems. Ability to create creative
content as part of a team following visual and brand guidelines and content
strategy Good skills in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign and Premiere, and
Office 365 environment, especially with Microsoft PowerPoint Good working
proficiency in English. Good working proficiency in Finnish is an advantage, but
this position is open also for non-native Finnish speakers - You have to have
the ability to communicate and write and express thoughts in a concise and
coherent way in English and understand verbal brand materials in Finnish
Proactive, creative and a hands-on working attitude with great collaboration
skills: you feel at ease in an international environment and like to work in a
multicultural team and with different stakeholders. Exchange studies or previous
experience in project work are also considered an advantage At Business Finland
our values matter. We think big and work together – with passion and sisu. In
our colleagues, we also value Ability to embrace challenges and turn them into
opportunities Showing appreciation and respect to others: sparring, listening
and inspiring colleagues Eagerness to develop yourself and look at things from
new perspectives Ability to express your opinions boldly and constructively
Willingness and pride to work for Finland's future THIS IS WHAT WE OFFER YOU
This traineeship is an excellent way to start your career, if you are looking
forward to working with tasks related to Finnish companies and their
internationalization. As a Business Finland trainee, you will be an important
junior colleague to our seasoned professionals, as we try to reach our common
goal – to support Finnish businesses in their growth and internationalization
efforts. By being a part of our work environment, you will learn about a great
variety of industries. To make your traineeship a great experience for you, we
will take your competencies and interests into account as much as possible in
shaping your tasks. We provide flexible remote work possibilities. We also offer
sports, culture and wellbeing benefits through ePassi as well as good
occupational health care. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Looking for a kick-start to
your career? Please, submit your application letter, CV and portfolio by January
28th at the latest. Please, note that this is a trainee position, and the salary
is proportional to the level of the job requirements. In this position, you will
be employed directly by Business Finland. As a part of the recruitment process,
we will be carrying out a security clearance check on the successful candidate,
with his/her consent, in accordance with the Security Clearance Act 726/2014 of
Finland. For more information on the security clearance procedure and
individual’s rights, please visit: For
more information about the recruitment process contact aTalent’s Senior
Recruitment Manager Roosa Lönnqvist (+358 50 421 0255,
roosa.lonnqvist[at] in the following times: Fri 19.1. at 11:00-12:30,
Mon 22.1. at 12:00-13:30 or Wed 24.1. 8:00-9:30. How will this recruitment
process proceed? Thu 18.1..: Application period starts Sun 28.1.: Application
period ends Mon 29.1. - Mon 5.2.: Google Meet interviews with aTalent Wed 7.2. –
Fri 16.2.: Interviews with Business Finland Final decisions and the security
clearance check as soon as possible after the interviews. 15.3.: Starting date
as Digital marketing and visual content creator trainee


Haku päättyy 28.01.2024

Business Finland is now looking for two full time, fixed-term (9,5-10 months)
Archives Management Trainees with a hands-on attitude and proactive mindset.
Working in Business Finland’s Legal, Administration and Compliance unit offers
you an excellent chance to start your career and familiarize yourself with
Business Finland’s operations. WHAT YOU GET TO DO As Archives Management
Trainee, you will play a pivotal role in advancing the overall document
management and documentation processes at Business Finland. You will be part of
the 13-member Legal, Administration & Compliance unit and your nearest
colleagues belong to the document management team. As a part of this document
management team you will contribute to the enhancement of the organization's
records management framework. This internship provides a unique opportunity to
actively engage in shaping and optimizing the documentation landscape within a
dynamic and innovative environment. In addition, you will have the opportunity
to learn about and participate in describing the different processes of Business
Finland administration. In this position, your job tasks include the following:
Reviewing the archive and organizing documents (e.g. related to innovation
funding) Preparing materials for digitization and maintaining the archive
inventory Coordinating the transportation of archive materials with the
transportation company Participating in regular meetings of the Legal,
Administration & Compliance -unit and the document management team. Support the
unit and team in describing the administrative processes and other assisting
tasks that arise during the internship WHO AND WHAT ARE WE LOOKING FOR Relevant
educational background in University or University of Applied Sciences, e.g.
Records management or Archives and Information Management Previous experience in
administrative responsibilities, e.g. summer jobs or internships, that have
demanded a precise and meticulous approach Professional working and
communication skills in Finnish and good skills in English : you feel at ease in
an international team-environment Good skills in the Office 365 environment
Previous experience in archives/records management is considered as an advantage
Interest towards information systems used in administration At Business Finland
we Think Big and work Together – with Passion and Sisu! In our colleagues, we
also value Ability to embrace challenges and turn them into opportunities
Showing appreciation and respect to others: sparring, listening and inspiring
colleagues Eagerness to develop yourself and look at things from new
perspectives Ability to express your opinions boldly and constructively
Willingness and pride to work for Finland's future THIS IS WHAT WE OFFER YOU As
a Business Finland trainee, you will be an important junior colleague to our
seasoned professionals, as we try to reach our common goal – to support Finnish
businesses in their growth and internationalization efforts. By being a part of
Business Finland’s working environment, you will get to learn about a great
variety of industries. To make your traineeship a great experience for you, we
will take your competencies and interests into account as much as possible in
shaping your tasks. Please note that in this Trainee position, working model is
onsite - mainly at the Ruoholahti office but from time to time also at the
archives in Kamppi, Helsinki. Part-time remote working is possible e.g when
describing the processes. We also offer sports, culture and wellbeing benefits
through Smartum as well as good occupational health care. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
Looking for a kick-start to your career? Please, submit your application letter
and CV by January 28th at the latest. Please, note that this is a trainee
position, and the salary is proportional to the level of the job requirements.
In this position, you will be employed directly by Business Finland. As a part
of the recruitment process, we will be carrying out a security clearance check
on the successful candidate, with his/her consent, in accordance with the
Security Clearance Act 726/2014 of Finland. For more information on the security
clearance procedure and individual’s rights, please visit: For more information about the
recruitment process contact aTalent’s Senior Recruitment Manager Roosa Lönnqvist
(+358 50 421 0255, roosa.lonnqvist[at] in the following times: Fri
19.1. at 11:00-12:30, Mon 22.1. at 12:00-13:30 or Wed 24.1. 8:00-9:30. How will
this recruitment process proceed? Thu 18.1..: Application period starts Sun
28.1.: Application period ends Mon 29.1. - Mon 5.2.: Google Meet interviews with
aTalent Tue 6.2. - Mon 12.2.: Interviews with Business Finland Final decisions
and the security clearance check as soon as possible after the interviews.
(1.3./)15.3..: Starting date as Archives Management trainee


Haku päättyy 28.01.2024

Business Finland is now looking for a full time, fixed-term (9 months)
Communications and Event Coordinator Trainee with a hands-on attitude and
proactive mindset. Working in Business Finland’s Communications and Marketing
team offers you an excellent chance to start your career and work closely with
the dynamic Finnish export markets and business environments. As communications
and event coordinator trainee your primary goal is to support Business Finland’s
Marketing and Communications functions via a variety of tasks, such as planning
and organizing internal and external events, such as webinars and communications
and media trainings. You will also get to participate in day-to-day
communications work by doing content editing and creation, and participating in
other marketing and communications activities. WHAT YOU GET TO DO You will get
an opportunity to work in a fast-moving and truly global organization, offering
you a unique view on international markets and business environments. When
working at Business Finland, you will meet colleagues and partners from all over
the world from many different industries, companies, and organizations, and you
will have an opportunity to influence the core of innovations and international
cooperation. In this position, your job tasks include the following:
Participating in planning, organizing and marketing various Business Finland’s
events such as webinars, seminars and trainings starting from planning to
execution and follow-up. (For example Team Finland Talks, Team Finland Day and
communications and thought leadership trainings for Business Finland employees)
Using CRM and digital marketing tools for creating mailing lists, event
invitations, feedback forms and newsletters and taking care of the customer data
Internal and external communications work, writing and editing content for
websites: news, blog posts and articles in Finnish and in English Coordinating
the event calendar and supporting the team in other administrative assignments,
f.ex. setting up meetings and coordinating network communications WHO AND WHAT
ARE WE LOOKING FOR Relevant educational background from university or university
of applied sciences for example in communications, journalism, marketing or
business studies Good organizational and project management skills, preferably
with experience in organizing events and trainings Experience in and willingness
to learn more about content creation and digital marketing tools and social
media channels (e.g. from student organization or project activities) Working
proficiency in English and in Finnish - you have the ability to communicate and
write and express thoughts in a concise and coherent way with both languages
Good skills in the Office 365 environment. CRM (Dynamics) and content management
systems will be learned on the job Proactive, creative and a hands-on working
attitude with great collaboration skills: you feel at ease in an international
environment and like to work in a multicultural team and with different
stakeholders. Exchange studies or previous experience in international business
can be considered an advantage At Business Finland we Think Big and work
Together – with Passion and Sisu! In our colleagues, we also value Ability to
embrace challenges and turn them into opportunities Showing appreciation and
respect to others: sparring, listening and inspiring colleagues Eagerness to
develop yourself and look at things from new perspectives Ability to express
your opinions boldly and constructively Willingness and pride to work for
Finland's future THIS IS WHAT WE OFFER YOU This traineeship is an excellent way
to start your career, if you are looking forward to working with tasks related
to Finnish companies and their internationalization. As a Business Finland
trainee, you will be an important junior colleague to our seasoned
professionals, as we try to reach our common goal – to support Finnish
businesses in their growth and internationalization efforts. By being a part of
our international work environment, you will learn about a great variety of
industries. To make your traineeship a great experience for you, we will take
your competencies and interests into account as much as possible in shaping your
tasks. We provide flexible remote work possibilities. We also offer sports,
culture and wellbeing benefits through Smartum as well as good occupational
health care. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Looking for a kick-start to your career?
Please, submit your application letter and CV by January 28th at the latest.
Please, note that this is a trainee position, and the salary is proportional to
the level of the job requirements. In this position, you will be employed
directly by Business Finland. As a part of the recruitment process, we will be
carrying out a security clearance check on the successful candidate, with
his/her consent, in accordance with the Security Clearance Act 726/2014 of
Finland. For more information on the security clearance procedure and
individual’s rights, please visit: For
more information about the recruitment process contact aTalent’s Senior
Recruitment Manager Roosa Lönnqvist (+358 50 421 0255,
roosa.lonnqvist[at] in the following times: Fri 19.1. at 11:00-12:30,
Mon 22.1. at 12:00-13:30 or Wed 24.1. 8:00-9:30. How will this recruitment
process proceed? Thu 18.1..: Application period starts Sun 28.1.: Application
period ends Mon 29.1. - Mon 5.2.: Google Meet interviews with aTalent Wed 7.2. –
Fri 16.2.: Interviews with Business Finland Final decisions and the security
clearance check as soon as possible after the interviews. 1.4.: Starting date as
Communications and event coordinator trainee


Haku päättyy 28.01.2024

Business Finland is now looking for a full time, fixed-term (12 months)
Delegations and Event Coordination Trainee to the Delegations’ team with a
hands-on attitude and proactive mindset. Working in Business Finland’s
Delegations team offers you an excellent chance to start your career and work
closely with the dynamic Finnish export markets and business environments. The
Delegations Team is part of Business Finland’s Global Growth service area and
the team organizes high-level trade promotion visits abroad and hosts foreign
delegations in Finland as well as supports BF’s Global Network in its events
globally or online. As a key member of the Team Finland network, delegations
team works annually with almost 5000 Finnish companies and organizations across
several industry fields in specific target markets globally. The work is very
practical and hands-on, ensuring a smooth running of the preparations and
execution of the high-level visits and events abroad and in Finland. The team
currently consists of 10 experienced project experts. WHAT YOU GET TO DO You
will get an opportunity to work in a fast-moving and truly global organization,
offering you aunique view on international markets and business environments.
When working at Business Finland, you will meet colleagues and partners from all
over the world from many different industries, companies, and organizations, and
you will have an opportunity to influence in the core of innovations and
international cooperation. In this position, your job tasks include the
following: Assisting team members in their work arranging programs for
delegations abroad and in Finland Preparing materials for the marketing of
visits and events, supporting in content creation for visit invitations and
delegation brochures Communicating with clients on practical arrangements of
visits Updating data in the CRM system (MS Dynamics) Assisting in physical
events in Finland Other responsibilities that may arise during traineeship WHO
AND WHAT ARE WE LOOKING FOR Relevant educational background from university of
applied sciences or university, e.g. in hospitality and event management,
international business or business management Experience in delegation work,
project work and/or event management responsibilities. Previous experience in
content creation is considered as a benefit Good knowledge of Microsoft tools
(Dynamics CRM, Events, Marketing, Office) and other digital working tools as
well as of event execution tools (currently we use Lyyti and Ventla) Full
working proficiency in English and Finnish, both written and oral; knowledge of
other languages is considered an advantage Good social skills: you feel at ease
in an international environment, you are a good organizer and can keep several
tasks under control simultaneously even during hectic periods – and still carry
a positive attitude Exchange studies or previous experience in international
business is considered an advantage At Business Finland we Think Big and work
Together – with Passion and Sisu! In our colleagues, we also value Ability to
embrace challenges and turn them into opportunities Showing appreciation and
respect to others: sparring, listening and inspiring colleagues Eagerness to
develop yourself and look at things from new perspectives Ability to express
your opinions boldly and constructively Willingness and pride to work for
Finland's future THIS IS WHAT WE OFFER YOU This traineeship is an excellent way
to start your career, if you are looking forward to working with tasks related
to Finnish companies and their internationalization. As a Business Finland
trainee, you will be an important junior colleague to our seasoned
professionals, as we try to reach our common goal – to support Finnish
businesses in their growth and internationalization efforts. By being a part of
our international work environment, you will learn about a great variety of
industries. To make your traineeship a great experience for you, we will take
your competencies and interests into account as much as possible in shaping your
tasks. We provide flexible remote work possibilities. We also offer sports,
culture and wellbeing benefits through Smartum as well as good occupational
health care. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Looking for a kick-start to your career?
Please, submit your application letter and CV by January 28th at the latest.
Please, note that this is a trainee position, and the salary is proportional to
the level of the job requirements. In this position, you will be employed
directly by Business Finland. As a part of the recruitment process, we will be
carrying out a security clearance check on the successful candidate, with
his/her consent, in accordance with the Security Clearance Act 726/2014 of
Finland. For more information on the security clearance procedure and
individual’s rights, please visit: For
more information about the recruitment process contact aTalent’s Senior
Recruitment Manager Roosa Lönnqvist (+358 50 421 0255,
roosa.lonnqvist[at] in the following times: Fri 19.1. at 11:00-12:30,
Mon 22.1. at 12:00-13:30 or Wed 24.1. 8:00-9:30. How will this recruitment
process proceed? Thu 18.1..: Application period starts Sun 28.1.: Application
period ends Mon 29.1. - Mon 5.2.: Google Meet interviews with aTalent Wed 7.2. –
Fri 16.2.: Interviews with Business Finland Final decisions and the security
clearance check as soon as possible after the interviews. Mon 18.3.: Starting
date as Delegations and Event Coordination Trainee


Haku päättyy 28.01.2024

Business Finland is now looking for a full time, fixed-term (12 months) Project
coordinator trainee with a hands-on attitude and proactive mindset. Working in
Business Finland’s Global Initiatives unit offers you an excellent chance to
start your career and work closely with the dynamic Finnish export markets and
business environments. Global Initiatives Unit is part of Business Finland’s
Global Growth service area focusing on generating exports from Finland. The unit
runs special projects that connect Finnish companies and their solutions to
business opportunities globally. These projects are coordinated by four teams
that all have team members in Finland and abroad: Rebuilding Ukraine project
connecting relevant Finnish companies to the needs and opportunities in Ukraine
International Business Innovations projects focusing on Indonesia, Japan,
Saudi-Arabia and multiple countries in Africa and Latin America Export Booster
campaigns focusing on Turkey, Norway, USA, Malaysia, Japan and UAE Developing
Market Platform operated in cooperation with Ministry for Foreign Affairs to
connect Finnish companies to opportunities to generate positive development
impact while doing good business in developing countries The work is very
practical and hands-on, while giving opportunities to participate in ensuring a
smooth running of the preparations and execution of the projects that help
Finnish companies to find new business from international markets. The four
teams have 12 core members in Finland to work closely with. Tens of experts from
Business Finland and Team Finland network abroad are participating in the
coordinated projects. WHAT YOU GET TO DO You will get an opportunity to work in
a fast-moving and truly global organization, offering you a unique view on
international markets and business environments. When working at Business
Finland, you will meet colleagues and partners from all over the world from many
different industries, companies, and organizations, and you will have an
opportunity to influence in the core of innovations and international
cooperation. In this position, your job tasks include the following: Development
and coordination tasks related to various export promotion activities and
projects Collecting and analyzing project data, updating data in CRM system (MS
Dynamics) and planning and executing other project tasks Help project teams in
various tasks ranging from communication to events and customer case
development. For example with event management your responsibilities can include
overall coordination and pre-event arrangement tasks, event invitations,
technical arrangements, collecting feedback, etc. Taking care of other
administrative tasks, such as data collection for reports, participation in
meetings, note taking and producing memos and presentation materials Being an
integral member in four teams which focus on international business development.
Other responsibilities that may arise during traineeship WHO AND WHAT ARE WE
LOOKING FOR Relevant educational background from university or university of
applied sciences, e.g. international business, economics, management, corporate
social responsibility Previous experience in international projects or operating
in a multicultural environment. Experience with project management, event
management or other practical arrangement responsibilities is considered as a
benefit Full working proficiency in English, both written and oral. Knowledge of
other languages is considered as an advantage Excellent skills in the Office 365
-environment, especially with Excel and PPT. Previous experience with
CRM-systems is considered as an advantage Analytical and open-minded approach,
with which you are able to contribute to the continuous development of Business
Finland’s customer service activities Good social skills: you feel at ease in an
international environment, you are a good organizer and can keep several tasks
under control simultaneously – and still carry a positive attitude At Business
Finland we Think Big and work Together – with Passion and Sisu! In our
colleagues, we also value Ability to embrace challenges and turn them into
opportunities Showing appreciation and respect to others: sparring, listening
and inspiring colleagues Eagerness to develop yourself and look at things from
new perspectives Ability to express your opinions boldly and constructively
Willingness and pride to work for Finland's future THIS IS WHAT WE OFFER YOU
This traineeship is an excellent way to start your career, if you are looking
forward to working with tasks related to Finnish companies and their
internationalization. As a Business Finland trainee, you will be an important
junior colleague to our seasoned professionals, as we try to reach our common
goal – to support Finnish businesses in their growth and internationalization
efforts. By being a part of our international work environment, you will learn
about a great variety of industries. To make your traineeship a great experience
for you, we will take your competencies and interests into account as much as
possible in shaping your tasks. We provide flexible remote work possibilities.
We also offer sports, culture and wellbeing benefits through Smartum as well as
good occupational health care. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Looking for a kick-start
to your career? Please, submit your application letter and CV by January 28th at
the latest. Please, note that this is a trainee position, and the salary is
proportional to the level of the job requirements. In this position, you will be
employed directly by Business Finland. As a part of the recruitment process, we
will be carrying out a security clearance check on the successful candidate,
with his/her consent, in accordance with the Security Clearance Act 726/2014 of
Finland. For more information on the security clearance procedure and
individual’s rights, please visit: For
more information about the recruitment process contact aTalent’s Senior
Recruitment Manager Roosa Lönnqvist (+358 50 421 0255,
roosa.lonnqvist[at] in the following times: Fri 19.1. at 11:00-12:30,
Mon 22.1. at 12:00-13:30 or Wed 24.1. 8:00-9:30. How will this recruitment
process proceed? Thu 18.1..: Application period starts Sun 28.1.: Application
period ends Mon 29.1. - Mon 5.2.: Google Meet interviews with aTalent Wed 7.2. –
Fri 16.2.: Interviews with Business Finland Final decisions and the security
clearance check as soon as possible after the interviews. Mon 18.3.: Starting
date as Project coordinator trainee, Global Initiatives

Kaikki avoimet työpaikat


Yhdistämme osaavat tekijät oikeisiin yrityksiin

Katso referenssimme






aTalentin omistavat Aalto-yliopiston alumni- ja opiskelijajärjestöt.
Omistuspohjamme sekä 20 vuoden kokemus luovat meille edun asiantuntijoiden,
esihenkilöiden ja päälliköiden rekrytoimisessa.


Rekrytointi on aina suuri investointi ja virherekrytoinnit tulevat kalliiksi.
Laatu on meillä kaiken ytimessä ja erinomainen hakijakokemus takaa myös pitkän
aikavälin onnistumiset.


Tyytyväiset asiakkaat ovat elinehtomme. Tämän takia palveluumme sisältyy
tyytyväisyystakuu. Kysy lisää tai katso referenssimme!

> Yhteistyö aTalentin kanssa on ollut sujuvaa alusta asti. Rekrytointiprosessit
> ovat olleet yhdistelmä struktuuria, tehokkuutta ja miellyttävää
> kommunikaatiota, ja tärkeimpänä rekrytoinnin tulokset ovat olleet lupaavia.
> Helppo suositella!

Otto Ripatti Nimbus Group

> Kaikki hoitui sovitusti, ohjeistus rekryprosessista oli selkeää, henkilöstö
> ammattitaitoista ja saimme mitä halusimmekin -uuden tekijän tiimiimme.

Tuomas Pohjola Ohjelmistotalo Sowellus Oy

> Koko prosessi hoitui nopeasti ja sujuvasti ja esikarsitun kandidaattilistan
> ammattilaiset vastasivat haettua profiilia.

Kati Kaksonen Terveystalo

> Asiantuntevia ja mukavia tyyppejä, joilla pysyy langat käsissä - rekrytoinnin
> parhaita ammattilaisia!

Sari Eestilä Caruna

> Asiantunteva ja joustava palvelu, joka mahdollisti onnistuneen lopputuloksen
> myös nopealla aikataululla.

Linda Hasi Kyrö Distillery Company

> Prosessi oli helppo ja vaivaton. Rekrykandien pooli oli positiivinen yllätys
> ja toimeksiannolla saatiin aikaiseksi toivottu rekrytointi.

Iiro Toppila Medaffcon Oy

> Rekrytointiprosessi oli alusta saakka selkeä ja hyvin aikataulutettu. Jokainen
> vaihe oli selkeä ja informaatio kulki hyvin. Lopulliseen haastatteluun oli
> kandidaatit hyvin valittu.

Marko Repo Nohau Solutions AB

> Asiantuntijat olivat huippuammattilaisia sekä asiakaspalvelussa että itse
> rekrytoinnissa - tavoitteeseen päästiin ja hienosti! Toiminta oli lisäksi
> nopea ja sujuvaa.

Tuomo Kronbäck GS1 FINLAND OY

> aTalentin kanssa yhteistyö oli ripeää ja joustavaa. Meidän tarpeita
> kuunneltiin ja ymmärrettiin.

Johanna Rantala-Cenamor Gigglebug Entertainment












Avoimet työpaikat



Viestimme aktiivisesti hakuprosessien etenemisestä ja tarjoamme jokaiselle
hakijalle mahdollisuuden palauteeseen hakuprosessin päätteeksi.


Tarjoamme talouden, tekniikan ja IT-alan osaajille soveltuvia tehtäviä, jotka
mahdollistavat ammatillisen kasvun. Emme välitä koskaan palkattomia


Autamme sinua saamaan kaiken irti hakukokemuksestasi ja työsuhteestasi aina
hakudokumenteista palkkaneuvotteluihin.

> Yhteydenotot olivat nopeita ja rekrytoija helposti lähestyttävä. Minua
> pidettiin koko ajan hyvin ajan tasalla prosessin vaiheista.


> Annoitte hyvää infoa yrityksestä, teillä oli nopeat vastaus- ja
> yhteydenottoajat sekä kiva myös, että piditte yhteyttä koko
> rekrytointiprosessin ajan. Siitä tuli olo, että mut nähtiin oikeesti yksilönä
> ja tärkeenä hakijana, eikä vaan yhtenä muiden joukossa - iso kiitos siitä ja
> hatun nosto teille!


> Tunsin itseäni arvokkaana työnhakuprosessissa; sain tilanteen päivitykset
> ajoissa. Minulle oli helppo seurustella minun Recruitment Managerini kanssa ja
> olla avoin erilaisiin kysymyksiin


> Koin saaneeni alkuhaastattelusta ja sen jälkeisestä yhteydenpidosta hyviä
> vinkkejä varsinaisiin haastatteluihin.


> Nopea yhteydenotto ja miellyttävä haastattelu. Kiva kun valinnasta
> ilmoitettiin puhelimitse.


> Rekrytointiprosessi oli nopea ja koko ajan oli tieto, milloin ja mitä tapahtuu
> seuraavaksi!


> Prosessi oli selkeä ja lyhyt, eri vaiheet kommunikoitiin hakijalle selkeästi.
> Työpaikkailmoituksessa oli selvästi työn vaatimukset ja
> etenemismahdollisuudet.


> Rekrytoinnin tehnyt henkilö oli puhelimessa iloinen ja todella ystävällinen.
> Keskustelu oli miellyttävää. Henkilö vastasi työnantajaa koskeviin kysymyksiin
> hyvin.Keskustelusta välittyi mielenkiinto hakijaa kohtaan.













SuorarekrytointiHenkilöstövuokrausSuorahakuTrainee-ohjelmatHR as a
ServiceEmployer branding


Tuoreimmat uutiset asiantuntijoiden rekrytoinnista, employer brandingista ja
rekrytoinnin kehityksestä.

Olen työnantaja
Olen työnhakija

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