www.spamcop.net Open in urlscan Pro
2a02:26f0:480:9b6::22d0  Public Scan

URL: https://www.spamcop.net/bl.shtml?
Submission: On May 30 via manual from FR — Scanned from FR

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

POST /mcgi

<form method="post" action="/mcgi">
    <input size="15" type="text" name="username">
    <input size="8" type="password" name="password">
    <input type="submit" value="Login">
    <input type="hidden" name="duration" value="+12h">
    <input type="hidden" name="action" value="cookielogin">
    <input type="hidden" name="returnurl" value="/bl.shtml?">

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SpamCop Blocking List

Was your email blocked?

SpamCop's blocking list works on a mail-server level. If your mail was blocked
incorrectly it may be due to the actions of other users or technical flaws with
the mail system you use. If you are not the administrator of your email system,
please forward this information to them.
Information about the reasons for IP listing (blocking) your mail server

The most common causes of blocking systems not intending to spam

You may be attempting to send mail from a system which is being blocked for
cause. System administrators should consider the current most common causes of

 * Misdirected auto replies: Vacation messages, auto-responses,
   challenge-response spam filters and virus-notification messages are some of
   the most prominent examples of automatic emails which have caused otherwise
   innocent sites to be blocked. If you or your system's administrator operate
   any of these systems, they may be responsible for your system being blocked.
   More details..
 * SMTP-auth brute-force password guessing: Microsoft Exchange and other servers
   using smtp-auth to limit outbound mail are being exploited frequently in the
   wild. Spammers are using brute-force methods to find valid accounts. Today,
   the holes found by spammers are much more subtle than the traditional "open
   More details..
 * Non-mailserver spam sources inside your firewall: Workstations (usually
   windows systems) will often become infected with spam-sending viruses. These
   will try to send spam bypassing your normal outbound mail server. Check your
   firewall or NAT logs for outboud port-25 connections to identify the infected
   systm. Or simply block outbound port-25 from systems which are not actual
   legitimate mail servers.
 * "Typhoid Mary" laptops: Sometimes, normally well-defended networks can become
   spam sources when travelling users connect systems which have been infected
   outside your network are connected. Check your mailserver logs and firewall
   logs for unusually large amounts of email from a single internal IP address.

SpamCop Blocking List Details

The SpamCop Blocking List (SCBL) lists IP addresses which have transmitted
reported email to SpamCop users. SpamCop, service providers and individual users
then use the SCBL to block and filter unwanted email. The SCBL is a fast and
automatic list of sites sending reported mail, fueled by a number of sources,
including automated reports and SpamCop user submissions. The SCBL is
time-based, resulting in quick and automatic delisting of these sites when
reports stop.

 * Learn more about the SpamCop Blocking List (SCBL)
 * How to implement the SCBL
 * Other information about the SCBL

Received a Report from SpamCop?

Start by following the link(s) in the email report you received from SpamCop.
These links provide details about the reported email and SpamCop's procedures.
These links provide access to advanced options for analyzing and responding to
reported spam.

 * More information for report recipients
 * Read or post to the SpamCop help forums

Implement the SCBL to Filter Spam

The SCBL aims to stop most spam while not blocking wanted email. This is a
difficult task. It is not possible for any blocking tool to avoid blocking
wanted mail entirely. Given the power of the SCBL, SpamCop encourages use of the
SCBL in concert with an actively maintained allow list of wanted email senders.
SpamCop encourages SCBL users to tag and divert email, rather than block it
outright. Most SCBL users consider the amount of unwanted email successfully
filtered to make the risks and additional efforts worthwhile.

The SCBL is aggressive and often errs on the side of blocking mail. When
implementing the SCBL, provide users with the information about how the SCBL and
your mail system filter their email. Ideally, they should have a choice of
filtering options. Many mailservers operate with blocking lists in a "tag only"
mode, which is preferable in many situations.

There is no warranty associated with using this system. It is provided as is.

 * Read more details on how to implement the SCBL

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