Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submission Tags: falconsandbox
Submission: On March 30 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 0 forms found in the DOM

Text Content

(function (global, factory) {
  typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) :
  typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) :
  (global = global || self, factory(global.window = global.window || {}));
}(this, (function (exports) { 'use strict';

  function _inheritsLoose(subClass, superClass) {
    subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass.prototype);
    subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass;
    subClass.__proto__ = superClass;

  function _assertThisInitialized(self) {
    if (self === void 0) {
      throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");

    return self;

   * GSAP 3.0.5
   * @license Copyright 2008-2020, GreenSock. All rights reserved.
   * Subject to the terms at or for
   * Club GreenSock members, the agreement issued with that membership.
   * @author: Jack Doyle,
  var _config = {
    autoSleep: 120,
    force3D: "auto",
    nullTargetWarn: 1,
    units: {
      lineHeight: ""
      _defaults = {
    duration: .5,
    overwrite: false,
    delay: 0
      _bigNum = 1e8,
      _tinyNum = 1 / _bigNum,
      _2PI = Math.PI * 2,
      _HALF_PI = _2PI / 4,
      _gsID = 0,
      _sqrt = Math.sqrt,
      _cos = Math.cos,
      _sin = Math.sin,
      _isString = function _isString(value) {
    return typeof value === "string";
      _isFunction = function _isFunction(value) {
    return typeof value === "function";
      _isNumber = function _isNumber(value) {
    return typeof value === "number";
      _isUndefined = function _isUndefined(value) {
    return typeof value === "undefined";
      _isObject = function _isObject(value) {
    return typeof value === "object";
      _isNotFalse = function _isNotFalse(value) {
    return value !== false;
      _windowExists = function _windowExists() {
    return typeof window !== "undefined";
      _isFuncOrString = function _isFuncOrString(value) {
    return _isFunction(value) || _isString(value);
      _isArray = Array.isArray,
      _strictNumExp = /(?:-?\.?\d|\.)+/gi,
      _numExp = /[-+=\.]*\d+[\.e\-\+]*\d*[e\-\+]*\d*/gi,
      _complexStringNumExp = /[-+=\.]*\d+(?:\.|e-|e)*\d*/gi,
      _parenthesesExp = /\(([^()]+)\)/i,
      _relExp = /[\+-]=-?[\.\d]+/,
      _delimitedValueExp = /[#\-+\.]*\b[a-z\d-=+%.]+/gi,
      _globals = {},
      _installScope = {},
      _install = function _install(scope) {
    return (_installScope = _merge(scope, _globals)) && gsap;
      _missingPlugin = function _missingPlugin(property, value) {
    return console.warn("Invalid property", property, "set to", value, "Missing plugin? gsap.registerPlugin()");
      _warn = function _warn(message, suppress) {
    return !suppress && console.warn(message);
      _addGlobal = function _addGlobal(name, obj) {
    return name && (_globals[name] = obj) && _installScope && (_installScope[name] = obj) || _globals;
      _emptyFunc = function _emptyFunc() {
    return 0;
      _reservedProps = {},
      _lazyTweens = [],
      _lazyLookup = {},
      _plugins = {},
      _effects = {},
      _nextGCFrame = 30,
      _harnessPlugins = [],
      _callbackNames = "onComplete,onUpdate,onStart,onRepeat,onReverseComplete,onInterrupt",
      _harness = function _harness(targets) {
    var target = targets[0],

    if (!_isObject(target) && !_isFunction(target)) {
      targets = [targets];

    if (!(harnessPlugin = (target._gsap || {}).harness)) {
      i = _harnessPlugins.length;

      while (i-- && !_harnessPlugins[i].targetTest(target)) {}

      harnessPlugin = _harnessPlugins[i];

    i = targets.length;

    while (i--) {
      targets[i] && (targets[i]._gsap || (targets[i]._gsap = new GSCache(targets[i], harnessPlugin))) || targets.splice(i, 1);

    return targets;
      _getCache = function _getCache(target) {
    return target._gsap || _harness(toArray(target))[0]._gsap;
      _getProperty = function _getProperty(target, property) {
    var currentValue = target[property];
    return _isFunction(currentValue) ? target[property]() : _isUndefined(currentValue) && target.getAttribute(property) || currentValue;
      _forEachName = function _forEachName(names, func) {
    return (names = names.split(",")).forEach(func) || names;
      _round = function _round(value) {
    return Math.round(value * 10000) / 10000;
      _arrayContainsAny = function _arrayContainsAny(toSearch, toFind) {
    var l = toFind.length,
        i = 0;

    for (; toSearch.indexOf(toFind[i]) < 0 && ++i < l;) {}

    return i < l;
      _parseVars = function _parseVars(params, type, parent) {
    var isLegacy = _isNumber(params[1]),
        varsIndex = (isLegacy ? 2 : 1) + (type < 2 ? 0 : 1),
        vars = params[varsIndex],

    if (isLegacy) {
      vars.duration = params[1];

    if (type === 1) {
      vars.runBackwards = 1;
      vars.immediateRender = _isNotFalse(vars.immediateRender);
    } else if (type === 2) {
      i = params[varsIndex - 1];
      vars.startAt = i;
      vars.immediateRender = _isNotFalse(vars.immediateRender);

    vars.parent = parent;
    return vars;
      _lazyRender = function _lazyRender() {
    var l = _lazyTweens.length,
        a = _lazyTweens.slice(0),

    _lazyLookup = {};
    _lazyTweens.length = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
      tween = a[i];

      if (tween && tween._lazy) {
        tween.render(tween._lazy[0], tween._lazy[1], true)._lazy = 0;
      _lazySafeRender = function _lazySafeRender(animation, time, suppressEvents, force) {
    if (_lazyTweens.length) {

    animation.render(time, suppressEvents, force);

    if (_lazyTweens.length) {
      _numericIfPossible = function _numericIfPossible(value) {
    var n = parseFloat(value);
    return n || n === 0 ? n : value;
      _passThrough = function _passThrough(p) {
    return p;
      _setDefaults = function _setDefaults(obj, defaults) {
    for (var p in defaults) {
      if (!(p in obj)) {
        obj[p] = defaults[p];

    return obj;
      _setKeyframeDefaults = function _setKeyframeDefaults(obj, defaults) {
    for (var p in defaults) {
      if (!(p in obj) && p !== "duration" && p !== "ease") {
        obj[p] = defaults[p];
      _merge = function _merge(base, toMerge) {
    for (var p in toMerge) {
      base[p] = toMerge[p];

    return base;
      _mergeDeep = function _mergeDeep(base, toMerge) {
    for (var p in toMerge) {
      base[p] = _isObject(toMerge[p]) ? _mergeDeep(base[p] || (base[p] = {}), toMerge[p]) : toMerge[p];

    return base;
      _copyExcluding = function _copyExcluding(obj, excluding) {
    var copy = {},

    for (p in obj) {
      if (!(p in excluding)) {
        copy[p] = obj[p];

    return copy;
      _inheritDefaults = function _inheritDefaults(vars) {
    var parent = vars.parent || _globalTimeline,
        func = vars.keyframes ? _setKeyframeDefaults : _setDefaults;

    if (_isNotFalse(vars.inherit)) {
      while (parent) {
        func(vars, parent.vars.defaults);
        parent = parent.parent;

    return vars;
      _arraysMatch = function _arraysMatch(a1, a2) {
    var i = a1.length,
        match = i === a2.length;

    while (match && i-- && a1[i] === a2[i]) {}

    return i < 0;
      _addLinkedListItem = function _addLinkedListItem(parent, child, firstProp, lastProp, sortBy) {
    if (firstProp === void 0) {
      firstProp = "_first";

    if (lastProp === void 0) {
      lastProp = "_last";

    var prev = parent[lastProp],

    if (sortBy) {
      t = child[sortBy];

      while (prev && prev[sortBy] > t) {
        prev = prev._prev;

    if (prev) {
      child._next = prev._next;
      prev._next = child;
    } else {
      child._next = parent[firstProp];
      parent[firstProp] = child;

    if (child._next) {
      child._next._prev = child;
    } else {
      parent[lastProp] = child;

    child._prev = prev;
    child.parent = parent;
    return child;
      _removeLinkedListItem = function _removeLinkedListItem(parent, child, firstProp, lastProp) {
    if (firstProp === void 0) {
      firstProp = "_first";

    if (lastProp === void 0) {
      lastProp = "_last";

    var prev = child._prev,
        next = child._next;

    if (prev) {
      prev._next = next;
    } else if (parent[firstProp] === child) {
      parent[firstProp] = next;

    if (next) {
      next._prev = prev;
    } else if (parent[lastProp] === child) {
      parent[lastProp] = prev;

    child._dp = parent;
    child._next = child._prev = child.parent = null;
      _removeFromParent = function _removeFromParent(child, onlyIfParentHasAutoRemove) {
    if (child.parent && (!onlyIfParentHasAutoRemove || child.parent.autoRemoveChildren)) {

    child._act = 0;
      _uncache = function _uncache(animation) {
    var a = animation;

    while (a) {
      a._dirty = 1;
      a = a.parent;

    return animation;
      _recacheAncestors = function _recacheAncestors(animation) {
    var parent = animation.parent;

    while (parent && parent.parent) {
      parent._dirty = 1;
      parent = parent.parent;

    return animation;
      _hasNoPausedAncestors = function _hasNoPausedAncestors(animation) {
    return !animation || animation._ts && _hasNoPausedAncestors(animation.parent);
      _elapsedCycleDuration = function _elapsedCycleDuration(animation) {
    return animation._repeat ? _animationCycle(animation._tTime, animation = animation.duration() + animation._rDelay) * animation : 0;
      _animationCycle = function _animationCycle(tTime, cycleDuration) {
    return (tTime /= cycleDuration) && ~~tTime === tTime ? ~~tTime - 1 : ~~tTime;
      _parentToChildTotalTime = function _parentToChildTotalTime(parentTime, child) {
    return (parentTime - child._start) * child._ts + (child._ts > 0 ? 0 : child._dirty ? child.totalDuration() : child._tDur);
      _addToTimeline = function _addToTimeline(timeline, child, position) {
    child.parent && _removeFromParent(child);
    child._start = position + child._delay;
    child._end = child._start + (child.totalDuration() / child._ts || 0);

    _addLinkedListItem(timeline, child, "_first", "_last", timeline._sort ? "_start" : 0);

    timeline._recent = child;

    if (child._time || !child._dur && child._initted) {
      var curTime = (timeline.rawTime() - child._start) * child._ts;

      if (!child._dur || _clamp(0, child.totalDuration(), curTime) - child._tTime > _tinyNum) {
        child.render(curTime, true);


    if (timeline._dp && timeline._time >= timeline._dur && timeline._ts && timeline._dur < timeline.duration()) {
      var tl = timeline;

      while (tl._dp) {
        tl.totalTime(tl._tTime, true);
        tl = tl._dp;

    return timeline;
      _attemptInitTween = function _attemptInitTween(tween, totalTime, force, suppressEvents) {
    _initTween(tween, totalTime);

    if (!tween._initted) {
      return 1;

    if (!force && tween._pt && (tween._dur && tween.vars.lazy !== false || !tween._dur && tween.vars.lazy) && _lastRenderedFrame !== _ticker.frame) {

      tween._lazy = [totalTime, suppressEvents];
      return 1;
      _renderZeroDurationTween = function _renderZeroDurationTween(tween, totalTime, suppressEvents, force) {
    var prevRatio = tween._zTime < 0 ? 0 : 1,
        ratio = totalTime < 0 ? 0 : 1,
        repeatDelay = tween._rDelay,
        tTime = 0,

    if (repeatDelay && tween._repeat) {
      tTime = _clamp(0, tween._tDur, totalTime);
      iteration = _animationCycle(tTime, repeatDelay);
      prevIteration = _animationCycle(tween._tTime, repeatDelay);

      if (iteration !== prevIteration) {
        prevRatio = 1 - ratio;

        if (tween.vars.repeatRefresh && tween._initted) {

    if (!tween._initted && _attemptInitTween(tween, totalTime, force, suppressEvents)) {

    if (ratio !== prevRatio || force || tween._zTime === _tinyNum || !totalTime && tween._zTime) {
      tween._zTime = totalTime || (suppressEvents ? _tinyNum : 0);
      tween.ratio = ratio;

      if (tween._from) {
        ratio = 1 - ratio;

      tween._time = 0;
      tween._tTime = tTime;

      if (!suppressEvents) {
        _callback(tween, "onStart");

      pt = tween._pt;

      while (pt) {
        pt.r(ratio, pt.d);
        pt = pt._next;

      if (!ratio && tween._startAt && !tween._onUpdate && tween._start) {
        tween._startAt.render(totalTime, true, force);

      if (tween._onUpdate && !suppressEvents) {
        _callback(tween, "onUpdate");

      if (tTime && tween._repeat && !suppressEvents && tween.parent) {
        _callback(tween, "onRepeat");

      if ((totalTime >= tween._tDur || totalTime < 0) && tween.ratio === ratio) {
        tween.ratio && _removeFromParent(tween, 1);

        if (!suppressEvents) {
          _callback(tween, tween.ratio ? "onComplete" : "onReverseComplete", true);

          tween._prom && tween._prom();
      _findNextPauseTween = function _findNextPauseTween(animation, prevTime, time) {
    var child;

    if (time > prevTime) {
      child = animation._first;

      while (child && child._start <= time) {
        if (!child._dur && === "isPause" && child._start > prevTime) {
          return child;

        child = child._next;
    } else {
      child = animation._last;

      while (child && child._start >= time) {
        if (!child._dur && === "isPause" && child._start < prevTime) {
          return child;

        child = child._prev;
      _onUpdateTotalDuration = function _onUpdateTotalDuration(animation) {
    if (animation instanceof Timeline) {
      return _uncache(animation);

    var repeat = animation._repeat;
    animation._tDur = !repeat ? animation._dur : repeat < 0 ? 1e12 : _round(animation._dur * (repeat + 1) + animation._rDelay * repeat);


    return animation;
      _zeroPosition = {
    _start: 0,
    endTime: _emptyFunc
      _parsePosition = function _parsePosition(animation, position, useBuildFrom) {
    var labels = animation.labels,
        recent = animation._recent || _zeroPosition,
        clippedDuration = animation.duration() >= _bigNum ? recent.endTime(false) : animation._dur,

    if (_isString(position) && (isNaN(position) || position in labels)) {
      i = position.charAt(0);

      if (i === "<" || i === ">") {
        return (i === "<" ? recent._start : recent.endTime(recent._repeat >= 0)) + (parseFloat(position.substr(1)) || 0);

      i = position.indexOf("=");

      if (i < 0) {
        if (!(position in labels)) {
          labels[position] = clippedDuration;

        return labels[position];

      offset = +(position.charAt(i - 1) + position.substr(i + 1));
      return i > 1 ? _parsePosition(animation, position.substr(0, i - 1)) + offset : clippedDuration + offset;

    return position == null ? clippedDuration : +position;
      _conditionalReturn = function _conditionalReturn(value, func) {
    return value || value === 0 ? func(value) : func;
      _clamp = function _clamp(min, max, value) {
    return value < min ? min : value > max ? max : value;
      getUnit = function getUnit(value) {
    return (value + "").substr((parseFloat(value) + "").length);
      clamp = function clamp(min, max, value) {
    return _conditionalReturn(value, function (v) {
      return _clamp(min, max, v);
      _slice = [].slice,
      _isArrayLike = function _isArrayLike(value) {
    return value && _isObject(value) && "length" in value && (!value.length || value.length - 1 in value && _isObject(value[0])) && !value.nodeType && value !== _win;
      _flatten = function _flatten(ar, leaveStrings, accumulator) {
    if (accumulator === void 0) {
      accumulator = [];

    return ar.forEach(function (value) {
      var _accumulator;

      return _isString(value) && !leaveStrings || _isArrayLike(value) ? (_accumulator = accumulator).push.apply(_accumulator, toArray(value)) : accumulator.push(value);
    }) || accumulator;
      toArray = function toArray(value, leaveStrings) {
    return _isString(value) && !leaveStrings && (_coreInitted || !_wake()) ?, 0) : _isArray(value) ? _flatten(value, leaveStrings) : _isArrayLike(value) ?, 0) : value ? [value] : [];
      distribute = function distribute(v) {
    if (_isFunction(v)) {
      return v;

    var vars = _isObject(v) ? v : {
      each: v
        ease = _parseEase(vars.ease),
        from = vars.from || 0,
        base = parseFloat(vars.base) || 0,
        cache = {},
        isDecimal = from > 0 && from < 1,
        ratios = isNaN(from) || isDecimal,
        axis = vars.axis,
        ratioX = from,
        ratioY = from;

    if (_isString(from)) {
      ratioX = ratioY = {
        center: .5,
        edges: .5,
        end: 1
      }[from] || 0;
    } else if (!isDecimal && ratios) {
      ratioX = from[0];
      ratioY = from[1];

    return function (i, target, a) {
      var l = (a || vars).length,
          distances = cache[l],

      if (!distances) {
        wrapAt = vars.grid === "auto" ? 0 : (vars.grid || [1, _bigNum])[1];

        if (!wrapAt) {
          max = -_bigNum;

          while (max < (max = a[wrapAt++].getBoundingClientRect().left) && wrapAt < l) {}


        distances = cache[l] = [];
        originX = ratios ? Math.min(wrapAt, l) * ratioX - .5 : from % wrapAt;
        originY = ratios ? l * ratioY / wrapAt - .5 : from / wrapAt | 0;
        max = 0;
        min = _bigNum;

        for (j = 0; j < l; j++) {
          x = j % wrapAt - originX;
          y = originY - (j / wrapAt | 0);
          distances[j] = d = !axis ? _sqrt(x * x + y * y) : Math.abs(axis === "y" ? y : x);

          if (d > max) {
            max = d;

          if (d < min) {
            min = d;

        distances.max = max - min;
        distances.min = min;
        distances.v = l = (parseFloat(vars.amount) || parseFloat(vars.each) * (wrapAt > l ? l - 1 : !axis ? Math.max(wrapAt, l / wrapAt) : axis === "y" ? l / wrapAt : wrapAt) || 0) * (from === "edges" ? -1 : 1);
        distances.b = l < 0 ? base - l : base;
        distances.u = getUnit(vars.amount || vars.each) || 0;
        ease = ease && l < 0 ? _invertEase(ease) : ease;

      l = (distances[i] - distances.min) / distances.max || 0;
      return _round(distances.b + (ease ? ease(l) : l) * distances.v) + distances.u;
      _roundModifier = function _roundModifier(v) {
    var p = v < 1 ? Math.pow(10, (v + "").length - 2) : 1;
    return function (raw) {
      return ~~(Math.round(parseFloat(raw) / v) * v * p) / p + (_isNumber(raw) ? 0 : getUnit(raw));
      snap = function snap(snapTo, value) {
    var isArray = _isArray(snapTo),

    if (!isArray && _isObject(snapTo)) {
      radius = isArray = snapTo.radius || _bigNum;

      if (snapTo.values) {
        snapTo = toArray(snapTo.values);

        if (is2D = !_isNumber(snapTo[0])) {
          radius *= radius;
      } else {
        snapTo = _roundModifier(snapTo.increment);

    return _conditionalReturn(value, !isArray ? _roundModifier(snapTo) : _isFunction(snapTo) ? function (raw) {
      is2D = snapTo(raw);
      return Math.abs(is2D - raw) <= radius ? is2D : raw;
    } : function (raw) {
      var x = parseFloat(is2D ? raw.x : raw),
          y = parseFloat(is2D ? raw.y : 0),
          min = _bigNum,
          closest = 0,
          i = snapTo.length,

      while (i--) {
        if (is2D) {
          dx = snapTo[i].x - x;
          dy = snapTo[i].y - y;
          dx = dx * dx + dy * dy;
        } else {
          dx = Math.abs(snapTo[i] - x);

        if (dx < min) {
          min = dx;
          closest = i;

      closest = !radius || min <= radius ? snapTo[closest] : raw;
      return is2D || closest === raw || _isNumber(raw) ? closest : closest + getUnit(raw);
      random = function random(min, max, roundingIncrement, returnFunction) {
    return _conditionalReturn(_isArray(min) ? !max : roundingIncrement === true ? !!(roundingIncrement = 0) : !returnFunction, function () {
      return _isArray(min) ? min[~~(Math.random() * min.length)] : (roundingIncrement = roundingIncrement || 1e-5) && (returnFunction = roundingIncrement < 1 ? Math.pow(10, (roundingIncrement + "").length - 2) : 1) && ~~(Math.round((min + Math.random() * (max - min)) / roundingIncrement) * roundingIncrement * returnFunction) / returnFunction;
      pipe = function pipe() {
    for (var _len = arguments.length, functions = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
      functions[_key] = arguments[_key];

    return function (value) {
      return functions.reduce(function (v, f) {
        return f(v);
      }, value);
      unitize = function unitize(func, unit) {
    return function (value) {
      return func(parseFloat(value)) + (unit || getUnit(value));
      normalize = function normalize(min, max, value) {
    return mapRange(min, max, 0, 1, value);
      _wrapArray = function _wrapArray(a, wrapper, value) {
    return _conditionalReturn(value, function (index) {
      return a[~~wrapper(index)];
      wrap = function wrap(min, max, value) {
    var range = max - min;
    return _isArray(min) ? _wrapArray(min, wrap(0, min.length), max) : _conditionalReturn(value, function (value) {
      return (range + (value - min) % range) % range + min;
      wrapYoyo = function wrapYoyo(min, max, value) {
    var range = max - min,
        total = range * 2;
    return _isArray(min) ? _wrapArray(min, wrapYoyo(0, min.length - 1), max) : _conditionalReturn(value, function (value) {
      value = (total + (value - min) % total) % total;
      return min + (value > range ? total - value : value);
      _replaceRandom = function _replaceRandom(value) {
    var prev = 0,
        s = "",

    while (~(i = value.indexOf("random(", prev))) {
      end = value.indexOf(")", i);
      isArray = value.charAt(i + 7) === "[";
      nums = value.substr(i + 7, end - i - 7).match(isArray ? _delimitedValueExp : _strictNumExp);
      s += value.substr(prev, i - prev) + random(isArray ? nums : +nums[0], +nums[1], +nums[2] || 1e-5);
      prev = end + 1;

    return s + value.substr(prev, value.length - prev);
      mapRange = function mapRange(inMin, inMax, outMin, outMax, value) {
    var inRange = inMax - inMin,
        outRange = outMax - outMin;
    return _conditionalReturn(value, function (value) {
      return outMin + (value - inMin) / inRange * outRange;
      interpolate = function interpolate(start, end, progress, mutate) {
    var func = isNaN(start + end) ? 0 : function (p) {
      return (1 - p) * start + p * end;

    if (!func) {
      var isString = _isString(start),
          master = {},

      progress === true && (mutate = 1) && (progress = null);

      if (isString) {
        start = {
          p: start
        end = {
          p: end
      } else if (_isArray(start) && !_isArray(end)) {
        interpolators = [];
        l = start.length;
        il = l - 2;

        for (i = 1; i < l; i++) {
          interpolators.push(interpolate(start[i - 1], start[i]));


        func = function func(p) {
          p *= l;
          var i = Math.min(il, ~~p);
          return interpolators[i](p - i);

        progress = end;
      } else if (!mutate) {
        start = _merge(_isArray(start) ? [] : {}, start);

      if (!interpolators) {
        for (p in end) {
, start, p, "get", end[p]);

        func = function func(p) {
          return _renderPropTweens(p, master) || (isString ? start.p : start);

    return _conditionalReturn(progress, func);
      _getLabelInDirection = function _getLabelInDirection(timeline, fromTime, backward) {
    var labels = timeline.labels,
        min = _bigNum,

    for (p in labels) {
      distance = labels[p] - fromTime;

      if (distance < 0 === !!backward && distance && min > (distance = Math.abs(distance))) {
        label = p;
        min = distance;

    return label;
      _callback = function _callback(animation, type, executeLazyFirst) {
    var v = animation.vars,
        callback = v[type],

    if (!callback) {

    params = v[type + "Params"];
    scope = v.callbackScope || animation;

    if (executeLazyFirst && _lazyTweens.length) {

    return params ? callback.apply(scope, params) :;
      _interrupt = function _interrupt(animation) {

    if (animation.progress() < 1) {
      _callback(animation, "onInterrupt");

    return animation;
      _createPlugin = function _createPlugin(config) {
    config = ! && config["default"] || config;

    var name =,
        isFunc = _isFunction(config),
        Plugin = name && !isFunc && config.init ? function () {
      this._props = [];
    } : config,
        instanceDefaults = {
      init: _emptyFunc,
      render: _renderPropTweens,
      add: _addPropTween,
      kill: _killPropTweensOf,
      modifier: _addPluginModifier,
      rawVars: 0
        statics = {
      targetTest: 0,
      get: 0,
      getSetter: _getSetter,
      aliases: {},
      register: 0


    if (config !== Plugin) {
      if (_plugins[name]) {

      _setDefaults(Plugin, _setDefaults(_copyExcluding(config, instanceDefaults), statics));

      _merge(Plugin.prototype, _merge(instanceDefaults, _copyExcluding(config, statics)));

      _plugins[Plugin.prop = name] = Plugin;

      if (config.targetTest) {

        _reservedProps[name] = 1;

      name = (name === "css" ? "CSS" : name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.substr(1)) + "Plugin";

    _addGlobal(name, Plugin);

    if (config.register) {
      config.register(gsap, Plugin, PropTween);
      _255 = 255,
      _colorLookup = {
    aqua: [0, _255, _255],
    lime: [0, _255, 0],
    silver: [192, 192, 192],
    black: [0, 0, 0],
    maroon: [128, 0, 0],
    teal: [0, 128, 128],
    blue: [0, 0, _255],
    navy: [0, 0, 128],
    white: [_255, _255, _255],
    olive: [128, 128, 0],
    yellow: [_255, _255, 0],
    orange: [_255, 165, 0],
    gray: [128, 128, 128],
    purple: [128, 0, 128],
    green: [0, 128, 0],
    red: [_255, 0, 0],
    pink: [_255, 192, 203],
    cyan: [0, _255, _255],
    transparent: [_255, _255, _255, 0]
      _hue = function _hue(h, m1, m2) {
    h = h < 0 ? h + 1 : h > 1 ? h - 1 : h;
    return (h * 6 < 1 ? m1 + (m2 - m1) * h * 6 : h < .5 ? m2 : h * 3 < 2 ? m1 + (m2 - m1) * (2 / 3 - h) * 6 : m1) * _255 + .5 | 0;
      splitColor = function splitColor(v, toHSL) {
    var a = !v ? : _isNumber(v) ? [v >> 16, v >> 8 & _255, v & _255] : 0,

    if (!a) {
      if (v.substr(-1) === ",") {
        v = v.substr(0, v.length - 1);

      if (_colorLookup[v]) {
        a = _colorLookup[v];
      } else if (v.charAt(0) === "#") {
        if (v.length === 4) {
          r = v.charAt(1);
          g = v.charAt(2);
          b = v.charAt(3);
          v = "#" + r + r + g + g + b + b;

        v = parseInt(v.substr(1), 16);
        a = [v >> 16, v >> 8 & _255, v & _255];
      } else if (v.substr(0, 3) === "hsl") {
        a = wasHSL = v.match(_strictNumExp);

        if (!toHSL) {
          h = +a[0] % 360 / 360;
          s = +a[1] / 100;
          l = +a[2] / 100;
          g = l <= .5 ? l * (s + 1) : l + s - l * s;
          r = l * 2 - g;

          if (a.length > 3) {
            a[3] *= 1;

          a[0] = _hue(h + 1 / 3, r, g);
          a[1] = _hue(h, r, g);
          a[2] = _hue(h - 1 / 3, r, g);
        } else if (~v.indexOf("=")) {
          return v.match(_numExp);
      } else {
        a = v.match(_strictNumExp) || _colorLookup.transparent;

      a =;

    if (toHSL && !wasHSL) {
      r = a[0] / _255;
      g = a[1] / _255;
      b = a[2] / _255;
      max = Math.max(r, g, b);
      min = Math.min(r, g, b);
      l = (max + min) / 2;

      if (max === min) {
        h = s = 0;
      } else {
        d = max - min;
        s = l > 0.5 ? d / (2 - max - min) : d / (max + min);
        h = max === r ? (g - b) / d + (g < b ? 6 : 0) : max === g ? (b - r) / d + 2 : (r - g) / d + 4;
        h *= 60;

      a[0] = h + .5 | 0;
      a[1] = s * 100 + .5 | 0;
      a[2] = l * 100 + .5 | 0;

    return a;
      _formatColors = function _formatColors(s, toHSL) {
    var colors = (s + "").match(_colorExp),
        charIndex = 0,
        parsed = "",

    if (!colors) {
      return s;

    for (i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) {
      color = colors[i];
      temp = s.substr(charIndex, s.indexOf(color, charIndex) - charIndex);
      charIndex += temp.length + color.length;
      color = splitColor(color, toHSL);

      if (color.length === 3) {

      parsed += temp + (toHSL ? "hsla(" + color[0] + "," + color[1] + "%," + color[2] + "%," + color[3] : "rgba(" + color.join(",")) + ")";

    return parsed + s.substr(charIndex);
      _colorExp = function () {
    var s = "(?:\\b(?:(?:rgb|rgba|hsl|hsla)\\(.+?\\))|\\B#(?:[0-9a-f]{3}){1,2}\\b",

    for (p in _colorLookup) {
      s += "|" + p + "\\b";

    return new RegExp(s + ")", "gi");
      _hslExp = /hsl[a]?\(/,
      _colorStringFilter = function _colorStringFilter(a) {
    var combined = a.join(" "),
    _colorExp.lastIndex = 0;

    if (_colorExp.test(combined)) {
      toHSL = _hslExp.test(combined);
      a[0] = _formatColors(a[0], toHSL);
      a[1] = _formatColors(a[1], toHSL);
      _ticker = function () {
    var _getTime =,
        _lagThreshold = 500,
        _adjustedLag = 33,
        _startTime = _getTime(),
        _lastUpdate = _startTime,
        _gap = 1 / 60,
        _nextTime = _gap,
        _listeners = [],
        _tick = function _tick(v) {
      var elapsed = _getTime() - _lastUpdate,
          manual = v === true,

      if (elapsed > _lagThreshold) {
        _startTime += elapsed - _adjustedLag;

      _lastUpdate += elapsed;
      _self.time = (_lastUpdate - _startTime) / 1000;
      overlap = _self.time - _nextTime;

      if (overlap > 0 || manual) {
        _nextTime += overlap + (overlap >= _gap ? 0.004 : _gap - overlap);
        dispatch = 1;

      if (!manual) {
        _id = _req(_tick);

      if (dispatch) {
        _listeners.forEach(function (l) {
          return l(_self.time, elapsed, _self.frame, v);

    _self = {
      time: 0,
      frame: 0,
      tick: function tick() {
      wake: function wake() {
        if (_coreReady) {
          if (!_coreInitted && _windowExists()) {
            _win = _coreInitted = window;
            _doc = _win.document || {};
            _globals.gsap = gsap;
            (_win.gsapVersions || (_win.gsapVersions = [])).push(gsap.version);

            _install(_installScope || _win.GreenSockGlobals || !_win.gsap && _win || {});

            _raf = _win.requestAnimationFrame;

          _id && _self.sleep();

          _req = _raf || function (f) {
            return setTimeout(f, (_nextTime - _self.time) * 1000 + 1 | 0);

          _tickerActive = 1;

      sleep: function sleep() {
        (_raf ? _win.cancelAnimationFrame : clearTimeout)(_id);
        _tickerActive = 0;
        _req = _emptyFunc;
      lagSmoothing: function lagSmoothing(threshold, adjustedLag) {
        _lagThreshold = threshold || 1 / _tinyNum;
        _adjustedLag = Math.min(adjustedLag, _lagThreshold, 0);
      fps: function fps(_fps) {
        _gap = 1 / (_fps || 60);
        _nextTime = _self.time + _gap;
      add: function add(callback) {
        _listeners.indexOf(callback) < 0 && _listeners.push(callback);

      remove: function remove(callback) {
        var i;
        ~(i = _listeners.indexOf(callback)) && _listeners.splice(i, 1);
      _listeners: _listeners
    return _self;
      _wake = function _wake() {
    return !_tickerActive && _ticker.wake();
      _easeMap = {},
      _customEaseExp = /^[\d.\-M][\d.\-,\s]/,
      _quotesExp = /["']/g,
      _parseObjectInString = function _parseObjectInString(value) {
    var obj = {},
        split = value.substr(1, value.length - 3).split(":"),
        key = split[0],
        i = 1,
        l = split.length,

    for (; i < l; i++) {
      val = split[i];
      index = i !== l - 1 ? val.lastIndexOf(",") : val.length;
      parsedVal = val.substr(0, index);
      obj[key] = isNaN(parsedVal) ? parsedVal.replace(_quotesExp, "").trim() : +parsedVal;
      key = val.substr(index + 1).trim();

    return obj;
      _configEaseFromString = function _configEaseFromString(name) {
    var split = (name + "").split("("),
        ease = _easeMap[split[0]];
    return ease && split.length > 1 && ease.config ? ease.config.apply(null, ~name.indexOf("{") ? [_parseObjectInString(split[1])] : _parenthesesExp.exec(name)[1].split(",").map(_numericIfPossible)) : _easeMap._CE && _customEaseExp.test(name) ? _easeMap._CE("", name) : ease;
      _invertEase = function _invertEase(ease) {
    return function (p) {
      return 1 - ease(1 - p);
      _parseEase = function _parseEase(ease, defaultEase) {
    return !ease ? defaultEase : (_isFunction(ease) ? ease : _easeMap[ease] || _configEaseFromString(ease)) || defaultEase;
      _insertEase = function _insertEase(names, easeIn, easeOut, easeInOut) {
    if (easeOut === void 0) {
      easeOut = function easeOut(p) {
        return 1 - easeIn(1 - p);

    if (easeInOut === void 0) {
      easeInOut = function easeInOut(p) {
        return p < .5 ? easeIn(p * 2) / 2 : 1 - easeIn((1 - p) * 2) / 2;

    var ease = {
      easeIn: easeIn,
      easeOut: easeOut,
      easeInOut: easeInOut

    _forEachName(names, function (name) {
      _easeMap[name] = _globals[name] = ease;
      _easeMap[lowercaseName = name.toLowerCase()] = easeOut;

      for (var p in ease) {
        _easeMap[lowercaseName + (p === "easeIn" ? ".in" : p === "easeOut" ? ".out" : ".inOut")] = _easeMap[name + "." + p] = ease[p];

    return ease;
      _easeInOutFromOut = function _easeInOutFromOut(easeOut) {
    return function (p) {
      return p < .5 ? (1 - easeOut(1 - p * 2)) / 2 : .5 + easeOut((p - .5) * 2) / 2;
      _configElastic = function _configElastic(type, amplitude, period) {
    var p1 = amplitude >= 1 ? amplitude : 1,
        p2 = (period || (type ? .3 : .45)) / (amplitude < 1 ? amplitude : 1),
        p3 = p2 / _2PI * (Math.asin(1 / p1) || 0),
        easeOut = function easeOut(p) {
      return p === 1 ? 1 : p1 * Math.pow(2, -10 * p) * _sin((p - p3) * p2) + 1;
        ease = type === "out" ? easeOut : type === "in" ? function (p) {
      return 1 - easeOut(1 - p);
    } : _easeInOutFromOut(easeOut);

    p2 = _2PI / p2;

    ease.config = function (amplitude, period) {
      return _configElastic(type, amplitude, period);

    return ease;
      _configBack = function _configBack(type, overshoot) {
    if (overshoot === void 0) {
      overshoot = 1.70158;

    var easeOut = function easeOut(p) {
      return --p * p * ((overshoot + 1) * p + overshoot) + 1;
        ease = type === "out" ? easeOut : type === "in" ? function (p) {
      return 1 - easeOut(1 - p);
    } : _easeInOutFromOut(easeOut);

    ease.config = function (overshoot) {
      return _configBack(type, overshoot);

    return ease;

  _forEachName("Linear,Quad,Cubic,Quart,Quint,Strong", function (name, i) {
    var power = i < 5 ? i + 1 : i;

    _insertEase(name + ",Power" + (power - 1), i ? function (p) {
      return Math.pow(p, power);
    } : function (p) {
      return p;
    }, function (p) {
      return 1 - Math.pow(1 - p, power);
    }, function (p) {
      return p < .5 ? Math.pow(p * 2, power) / 2 : 1 - Math.pow((1 - p) * 2, power) / 2;

  _easeMap.Linear.easeNone = _easeMap.none = _easeMap.Linear.easeIn;

  _insertEase("Elastic", _configElastic("in"), _configElastic("out"), _configElastic());

  (function (n, c) {
    var n1 = 1 / c,
        n2 = 2 * n1,
        n3 = 2.5 * n1,
        easeOut = function easeOut(p) {
      return p < n1 ? n * p * p : p < n2 ? n * Math.pow(p - 1.5 / c, 2) + .75 : p < n3 ? n * (p -= 2.25 / c) * p + .9375 : n * Math.pow(p - 2.625 / c, 2) + .984375;

    _insertEase("Bounce", function (p) {
      return 1 - easeOut(1 - p);
    }, easeOut);
  })(7.5625, 2.75);

  _insertEase("Expo", function (p) {
    return p ? Math.pow(2, 10 * (p - 1)) : 0;

  _insertEase("Circ", function (p) {
    return -(_sqrt(1 - p * p) - 1);

  _insertEase("Sine", function (p) {
    return -_cos(p * _HALF_PI) + 1;

  _insertEase("Back", _configBack("in"), _configBack("out"), _configBack());

  _easeMap.SteppedEase = _easeMap.steps = _globals.SteppedEase = {
    config: function config(steps, immediateStart) {
      if (steps === void 0) {
        steps = 1;

      var p1 = 1 / steps,
          p2 = steps + (immediateStart ? 0 : 1),
          p3 = immediateStart ? 1 : 0,
          max = 1 - _tinyNum;
      return function (p) {
        return ((p2 * _clamp(0, max, p) | 0) + p3) * p1;
  _defaults.ease = _easeMap["quad.out"];
  var GSCache = function GSCache(target, harness) { = _gsID++;
    target._gsap = this; = target;
    this.harness = harness;
    this.get = harness ? harness.get : _getProperty;
    this.set = harness ? harness.getSetter : _getSetter;
  var Animation = function () {
    function Animation(vars, time) {
      var parent = vars.parent || _globalTimeline;
      this.vars = vars;
      this._dur = this._tDur = +vars.duration || 0;
      this._delay = +vars.delay || 0;

      if (this._repeat = vars.repeat || 0) {
        this._rDelay = vars.repeatDelay || 0;
        this._yoyo = !!vars.yoyo || !!vars.yoyoEase;


      this._ts = 1; =;

      if (!_tickerActive) {

      if (parent) {
        _addToTimeline(parent, this, time || time === 0 ? time : parent._time);

      if (vars.reversed) {

      if (vars.paused) {

    var _proto = Animation.prototype;

    _proto.delay = function delay(value) {
      if (value || value === 0) {
        this._delay = value;
        return this;

      return this._delay;

    _proto.duration = function duration(value) {
      var isSetter = arguments.length,
          repeat = this._repeat,
          repeatCycles = repeat > 0 ? repeat * ((isSetter ? value : this._dur) + this._rDelay) : 0;
      return isSetter ? this.totalDuration(repeat < 0 ? value : value + repeatCycles) : this.totalDuration() && this._dur;

    _proto.totalDuration = function totalDuration(value) {
      if (!arguments.length) {
        return this._tDur;

      var repeat = this._repeat,
          isInfinite = (value || this._rDelay) && repeat < 0;
      this._tDur = isInfinite ? 1e12 : value;
      this._dur = isInfinite ? value : (value - repeat * this._rDelay) / (repeat + 1);
      this._dirty = 0;


      return this;

    _proto.totalTime = function totalTime(_totalTime, suppressEvents) {

      if (!arguments.length) {
        return this._tTime;

      var parent = this.parent || this._dp,

      if (parent && parent.smoothChildTiming && this._ts) {
        start = this._start;
        this._start = parent._time - (this._ts > 0 ? _totalTime / this._ts : ((this._dirty ? this.totalDuration() : this._tDur) - _totalTime) / -this._ts);
        this._end += this._start - start;

        if (!parent._dirty) {

        while (parent.parent) {
          if (parent.parent._time !== parent._start + (parent._ts > 0 ? parent._tTime / parent._ts : (parent.totalDuration() - parent._tTime) / -parent._ts)) {
            parent.totalTime(parent._tTime, true);

          parent = parent.parent;

        if (!this.parent) {
          _addToTimeline(this._dp, this, this._start - this._delay);

      if (this._tTime !== _totalTime || !this._dur && !suppressEvents) {
        this._ts || (this._pTime = _totalTime);

        _lazySafeRender(this, _totalTime, suppressEvents);

      return this;

    _proto.time = function time(value, suppressEvents) {
      return arguments.length ? this.totalTime(Math.min(this.totalDuration(), value + _elapsedCycleDuration(this)) % this._dur || (value ? this._dur : 0), suppressEvents) : this._time;

    _proto.totalProgress = function totalProgress(value, suppressEvents) {
      return arguments.length ? this.totalTime(this.totalDuration() * value, suppressEvents) : this._tTime / this.totalDuration();

    _proto.progress = function progress(value, suppressEvents) {
      return arguments.length ? this.totalTime(this.duration() * (this._yoyo && !(this.iteration() & 1) ? 1 - value : value) + _elapsedCycleDuration(this), suppressEvents) : this.duration() ? this._time / this._dur : this.ratio;

    _proto.iteration = function iteration(value, suppressEvents) {
      var cycleDuration = this.duration() + this._rDelay;

      return arguments.length ? this.totalTime(this._time + (value - 1) * cycleDuration, suppressEvents) : this._repeat ? _animationCycle(this._tTime, cycleDuration) + 1 : 1;

    _proto.timeScale = function timeScale(value) {
      if (!arguments.length) {
        return this._ts || this._pauseTS || 0;

      if (this._pauseTS !== null) {
        this._pauseTS = value;
        return this;

      this._ts = value;
      return _recacheAncestors(this.totalTime(this.parent ? _parentToChildTotalTime(this.parent._time, this) : this._tTime, true));

    _proto.paused = function paused(value) {
      var isPaused = !this._ts;

      if (!arguments.length) {
        return isPaused;

      if (isPaused !== value) {
        if (value) {
          this._pauseTS = this._ts;
          this._pTime = this._tTime || Math.max(-this._delay, this.rawTime());
          this._ts = this._act = 0;
        } else {
          this._ts = this._pauseTS || 1;
          this._pauseTS = null;
          value = this._tTime || this._pTime;

          if (this.progress() === 1) {
            this._tTime -= _tinyNum;

          this.totalTime(value, true);

      return this;

    _proto.startTime = function startTime(value) {
      if (arguments.length) {
        if (this.parent && this.parent._sort) {
          _addToTimeline(this.parent, this, value - this._delay);

        return this;

      return this._start;

    _proto.endTime = function endTime(includeRepeats) {
      return this._start + (_isNotFalse(includeRepeats) ? this.totalDuration() : this.duration()) / Math.abs(this._ts);

    _proto.rawTime = function rawTime(wrapRepeats) {
      var parent = this.parent || this._dp;
      return !parent ? this._tTime : wrapRepeats && (!this._ts || this._repeat && this._time && this.totalProgress() < 1) ? this._tTime % (this._dur + this._rDelay) : !this._ts ? this._tTime : _parentToChildTotalTime(parent.rawTime(wrapRepeats), this);

    _proto.repeat = function repeat(value) {
      if (arguments.length) {
        this._repeat = value;
        return _onUpdateTotalDuration(this);

      return this._repeat;

    _proto.repeatDelay = function repeatDelay(value) {
      if (arguments.length) {
        this._rDelay = value;
        return _onUpdateTotalDuration(this);

      return this._rDelay;

    _proto.yoyo = function yoyo(value) {
      if (arguments.length) {
        this._yoyo = value;
        return this;

      return this._yoyo;
    }; = function seek(position, suppressEvents) {
      return this.totalTime(_parsePosition(this, position), _isNotFalse(suppressEvents));

    _proto.restart = function restart(includeDelay, suppressEvents) {
      return ? -this._delay : 0, _isNotFalse(suppressEvents));
    }; = function play(from, suppressEvents) {
      if (from != null) {, suppressEvents);

      return this.reversed(false).paused(false);

    _proto.reverse = function reverse(from, suppressEvents) {
      if (from != null) { || this.totalDuration(), suppressEvents);

      return this.reversed(true).paused(false);

    _proto.pause = function pause(atTime, suppressEvents) {
      if (atTime != null) {, suppressEvents);

      return this.paused(true);

    _proto.resume = function resume() {
      return this.paused(false);

    _proto.reversed = function reversed(value) {
      var ts = this._ts || this._pauseTS || 0;

      if (arguments.length) {
        if (value !== this.reversed()) {
          this[this._pauseTS === null ? "_ts" : "_pauseTS"] = Math.abs(ts) * (value ? -1 : 1);
          this.totalTime(this._tTime, true);

        return this;

      return ts < 0;

    _proto.invalidate = function invalidate() {
      this._initted = 0;
      return this;

    _proto.isActive = function isActive(hasStarted) {
      var parent = this.parent || this._dp,
          start = this._start,
      return !!(!parent || this._ts && (this._initted || !hasStarted) && parent.isActive(hasStarted) && (rawTime = parent.rawTime(true)) >= start && rawTime < this.endTime(true) - _tinyNum);

    _proto.eventCallback = function eventCallback(type, callback, params) {
      var vars = this.vars;

      if (arguments.length > 1) {
        if (!callback) {
          delete vars[type];
        } else {
          vars[type] = callback;

          if (params) {
            vars[type + "Params"] = params;

          if (type === "onUpdate") {
            this._onUpdate = callback;

        return this;

      return vars[type];

    _proto.then = function then(onFulfilled) {
      var _this = this;

      return new Promise(function (resolve) {
        var f = onFulfilled || _passThrough,
            _resolve = function _resolve() {
          var _then = _this.then;
          _this.then = null;
          f = f(_this);

          if (f && (f.then || f === _this)) {
            _this._prom = f;
            _this.then = _then;

          _this.then = _then;

        if (_this._initted && _this.totalProgress() === 1 && _this._ts >= 0 || !_this._tTime && _this._ts < 0) {
        } else {
          _this._prom = _resolve;

    _proto.kill = function kill() {

    return Animation;

  _setDefaults(Animation.prototype, {
    _time: 0,
    _start: 0,
    _end: 0,
    _tTime: 0,
    _tDur: 0,
    _dirty: 0,
    _repeat: 0,
    _yoyo: false,
    parent: 0,
    _initted: false,
    _rDelay: 0,
    _ts: 1,
    _dp: 0,
    ratio: 0,
    _zTime: -_tinyNum,
    _prom: 0,
    _pauseTS: null

  var Timeline = function (_Animation) {
    _inheritsLoose(Timeline, _Animation);

    function Timeline(vars, time) {
      var _this2;

      if (vars === void 0) {
        vars = {};

      _this2 =, vars, time) || this;
      _this2.labels = {};
      _this2.smoothChildTiming = _isNotFalse(vars.smoothChildTiming);
      _this2.autoRemoveChildren = !!vars.autoRemoveChildren;
      _this2._sort = _isNotFalse(vars.sortChildren);
      return _this2;

    var _proto2 = Timeline.prototype; = function to(targets, vars, position) {
      new Tween(targets, _parseVars(arguments, 0, this), _parsePosition(this, _isNumber(vars) ? arguments[3] : position));
      return this;

    _proto2.from = function from(targets, vars, position) {
      new Tween(targets, _parseVars(arguments, 1, this), _parsePosition(this, _isNumber(vars) ? arguments[3] : position));
      return this;

    _proto2.fromTo = function fromTo(targets, fromVars, toVars, position) {
      new Tween(targets, _parseVars(arguments, 2, this), _parsePosition(this, _isNumber(fromVars) ? arguments[4] : position));
      return this;

    _proto2.set = function set(targets, vars, position) {
      vars.duration = 0;
      vars.parent = this;

      if (!vars.repeatDelay) {
        vars.repeat = 0;

      vars.immediateRender = !!vars.immediateRender;
      new Tween(targets, vars, _parsePosition(this, position));
      return this;
    }; = function call(callback, params, position) {
      return _addToTimeline(this, Tween.delayedCall(0, callback, params), _parsePosition(this, position));

    _proto2.staggerTo = function staggerTo(targets, duration, vars, stagger, position, onCompleteAll, onCompleteAllParams) {
      vars.duration = duration;
      vars.stagger = vars.stagger || stagger;
      vars.onComplete = onCompleteAll;
      vars.onCompleteParams = onCompleteAllParams;
      vars.parent = this;
      new Tween(targets, vars, _parsePosition(this, position));
      return this;

    _proto2.staggerFrom = function staggerFrom(targets, duration, vars, stagger, position, onCompleteAll, onCompleteAllParams) {
      vars.runBackwards = 1;
      vars.immediateRender = _isNotFalse(vars.immediateRender);
      return this.staggerTo(targets, duration, vars, stagger, position, onCompleteAll, onCompleteAllParams);

    _proto2.staggerFromTo = function staggerFromTo(targets, duration, fromVars, toVars, stagger, position, onCompleteAll, onCompleteAllParams) {
      toVars.startAt = fromVars;
      toVars.immediateRender = _isNotFalse(toVars.immediateRender);
      return this.staggerTo(targets, duration, toVars, stagger, position, onCompleteAll, onCompleteAllParams);

    _proto2.render = function render(totalTime, suppressEvents, force) {
      var prevTime = this._time,
          tDur = this._dirty ? this.totalDuration() : this._tDur,
          dur = this._dur,
          tTime = totalTime > tDur - _tinyNum && totalTime >= 0 && this !== _globalTimeline ? tDur : totalTime < _tinyNum ? 0 : totalTime,
          crossingStart = this._zTime < 0 !== totalTime < 0 && (this._initted || !dur),

      if (tTime !== this._tTime || force || crossingStart) {
        if (crossingStart) {
          if (!dur) {
            prevTime = this._zTime;

          if (totalTime || !suppressEvents) {
            this._zTime = totalTime;

        time = tTime;
        prevStart = this._start;
        timeScale = this._ts;
        prevPaused = timeScale === 0;

        if (prevTime !== this._time && dur) {
          time += this._time - prevTime;

        if (this._repeat) {
          yoyo = this._yoyo;
          cycleDuration = dur + this._rDelay;
          time = _round(tTime % cycleDuration);

          if (time > dur || tDur === tTime) {
            time = dur;

          iteration = ~~(tTime / cycleDuration);

          if (iteration && iteration === tTime / cycleDuration) {
            time = dur;

          prevIteration = _animationCycle(this._tTime, cycleDuration);

          if (yoyo && iteration & 1) {
            time = dur - time;

          if (iteration !== prevIteration && !this._lock) {
            var rewinding = yoyo && prevIteration & 1,
                doesWrap = rewinding === (yoyo && iteration & 1);

            if (iteration < prevIteration) {
              rewinding = !rewinding;

            prevTime = rewinding ? 0 : dur;
            this._lock = 1;
            this.render(prevTime, suppressEvents, !dur)._lock = 0;

            if (!suppressEvents && this.parent) {
              _callback(this, "onRepeat");

            if (prevTime !== this._time || prevPaused !== !this._ts) {
              return this;

            if (doesWrap) {
              this._lock = 2;
              prevTime = rewinding ? dur + 0.0001 : -0.0001;
              this.render(prevTime, true);

            this._lock = 0;

            if (!this._ts && !prevPaused) {
              return this;

        if (this._hasPause && !this._forcing && this._lock < 2) {
          pauseTween = _findNextPauseTween(this, _round(prevTime), _round(time));

          if (pauseTween) {
            tTime -= time - (time = pauseTween._start);

        this._tTime = tTime;
        this._time = time;
        this._act = !timeScale;

        if (!this._initted) {
          this._onUpdate = this.vars.onUpdate;
          this._initted = 1;

        if (!prevTime && time && !suppressEvents) {
          _callback(this, "onStart");

        if (time >= prevTime && totalTime >= 0) {
          child = this._first;

          while (child) {
            next = child._next;

            if ((child._act || time >= child._start) && child._ts && pauseTween !== child) {
              if (child.parent !== this) {
                return this.render(totalTime, suppressEvents, force);

              child.render(child._ts > 0 ? (time - child._start) * child._ts : (child._dirty ? child.totalDuration() : child._tDur) + (time - child._start) * child._ts, suppressEvents, force);

              if (time !== this._time || !this._ts && !prevPaused) {
                pauseTween = 0;

            child = next;
        } else {
          child = this._last;
          var adjustedTime = totalTime < 0 ? totalTime : time;

          while (child) {
            next = child._prev;

            if ((child._act || adjustedTime <= child._end) && child._ts && pauseTween !== child) {
              if (child.parent !== this) {
                return this.render(totalTime, suppressEvents, force);

              child.render(child._ts > 0 ? (adjustedTime - child._start) * child._ts : (child._dirty ? child.totalDuration() : child._tDur) + (adjustedTime - child._start) * child._ts, suppressEvents, force);

              if (time !== this._time || !this._ts && !prevPaused) {
                pauseTween = 0;

            child = next;

        if (pauseTween && !suppressEvents) {
          pauseTween.render(time >= prevTime ? 0 : -_tinyNum)._zTime = time >= prevTime ? 1 : -1;

          if (this._ts) {
            this._start = prevStart;
            return this.render(totalTime, suppressEvents, force);

        if (this._onUpdate && !suppressEvents) {
          _callback(this, "onUpdate", true);

        if (tTime === tDur || !tTime && this._ts < 0) if (prevStart === this._start || Math.abs(timeScale) !== Math.abs(this._ts)) if (!time || tDur >= this.totalDuration()) {
          (totalTime || !dur) && (tTime && this._ts > 0 || !tTime && this._ts < 0) && _removeFromParent(this, 1);

          if (!suppressEvents && !(totalTime < 0 && !prevTime)) {
            _callback(this, tTime === tDur ? "onComplete" : "onReverseComplete", true);

            this._prom && this._prom();

      return this;

    _proto2.add = function add(child, position) {
      var _this3 = this;

      if (!_isNumber(position)) {
        position = _parsePosition(this, position);

      if (!(child instanceof Animation)) {
        if (_isArray(child)) {
          child.forEach(function (obj) {
            return _this3.add(obj, position);
          return _uncache(this);

        if (_isString(child)) {
          return this.addLabel(child, position);

        if (_isFunction(child)) {
          child = Tween.delayedCall(0, child);
        } else {
          return this;

      return this !== child ? _addToTimeline(this, child, position) : this;

    _proto2.getChildren = function getChildren(nested, tweens, timelines, ignoreBeforeTime) {
      if (nested === void 0) {
        nested = true;

      if (tweens === void 0) {
        tweens = true;

      if (timelines === void 0) {
        timelines = true;

      if (ignoreBeforeTime === void 0) {
        ignoreBeforeTime = -_bigNum;

      var a = [],
          child = this._first;

      while (child) {
        if (child._start >= ignoreBeforeTime) {
          if (child instanceof Tween) {
            if (tweens) {
          } else {
            if (timelines) {

            if (nested) {
              a.push.apply(a, child.getChildren(true, tweens, timelines));

        child = child._next;

      return a;

    _proto2.getById = function getById(id) {
      var animations = this.getChildren(1, 1, 1),
          i = animations.length;

      while (i--) {
        if (animations[i] === id) {
          return animations[i];

    _proto2.remove = function remove(child) {
      if (_isString(child)) {
        return this.removeLabel(child);

      if (_isFunction(child)) {
        return this.killTweensOf(child);

      _removeLinkedListItem(this, child);

      if (child === this._recent) {
        this._recent = this._last;

      return _uncache(this);

    _proto2.totalTime = function totalTime(_totalTime2, suppressEvents) {
      if (!arguments.length) {
        return this._tTime;

      this._forcing = 1;

      if (!this.parent && !this._dp && this._ts) {
        this._start = _ticker.time - (this._ts > 0 ? _totalTime2 / this._ts : (this.totalDuration() - _totalTime2) / -this._ts);
      }, _totalTime2, suppressEvents);

      this._forcing = 0;
      return this;

    _proto2.addLabel = function addLabel(label, position) {
      this.labels[label] = _parsePosition(this, position);
      return this;

    _proto2.removeLabel = function removeLabel(label) {
      delete this.labels[label];
      return this;

    _proto2.addPause = function addPause(position, callback, params) {
      var t = Tween.delayedCall(0, callback || _emptyFunc, params); = "isPause";
      this._hasPause = 1;
      return _addToTimeline(this, t, _parsePosition(this, position));

    _proto2.removePause = function removePause(position) {
      var child = this._first;
      position = _parsePosition(this, position);

      while (child) {
        if (child._start === position && === "isPause") {

        child = child._next;

    _proto2.killTweensOf = function killTweensOf(targets, props, onlyActive) {
      var tweens = this.getTweensOf(targets, onlyActive),
          i = tweens.length;

      while (i--) {
        _overwritingTween !== tweens[i] && tweens[i].kill(targets, props);

      return this;

    _proto2.getTweensOf = function getTweensOf(targets, onlyActive) {
      var a = [],
          parsedTargets = toArray(targets),
          child = this._first,

      while (child) {
        if (child instanceof Tween) {
          if (_arrayContainsAny(child._targets, parsedTargets) && (!onlyActive || child.isActive(onlyActive === "started"))) {
        } else if ((children = child.getTweensOf(parsedTargets, onlyActive)).length) {
          a.push.apply(a, children);

        child = child._next;

      return a;

    _proto2.tweenTo = function tweenTo(position, vars) {
      var tl = this,
          endTime = _parsePosition(tl, position),
          startAt = vars && vars.startAt,
          tween =, _setDefaults({
        ease: "none",
        lazy: false,
        time: endTime,
        duration: Math.abs(endTime - (startAt && "time" in startAt ? startAt.time : tl._time)) / tl.timeScale() || _tinyNum,
        onStart: function onStart() {
          var duration = Math.abs(endTime - tl._time) / tl.timeScale();

          if (tween._dur !== duration) {
            tween._dur = duration;
            tween.render(tween._time, true, true);

          if (vars && vars.onStart) {
            vars.onStart.apply(tween, vars.onStartParams || []);
      }, vars));

      return tween;

    _proto2.tweenFromTo = function tweenFromTo(fromPosition, toPosition, vars) {
      return this.tweenTo(toPosition, _setDefaults({
        startAt: {
          time: _parsePosition(this, fromPosition)
      }, vars));

    _proto2.recent = function recent() {
      return this._recent;

    _proto2.nextLabel = function nextLabel(afterTime) {
      if (afterTime === void 0) {
        afterTime = this._time;

      return _getLabelInDirection(this, _parsePosition(this, afterTime));

    _proto2.previousLabel = function previousLabel(beforeTime) {
      if (beforeTime === void 0) {
        beforeTime = this._time;

      return _getLabelInDirection(this, _parsePosition(this, beforeTime), 1);

    _proto2.currentLabel = function currentLabel(value) {
      return arguments.length ?, true) : this.previousLabel(this._time + _tinyNum);

    _proto2.shiftChildren = function shiftChildren(amount, adjustLabels, ignoreBeforeTime) {
      if (ignoreBeforeTime === void 0) {
        ignoreBeforeTime = 0;

      var child = this._first,
          labels = this.labels,

      while (child) {
        if (child._start >= ignoreBeforeTime) {
          child._start += amount;

        child = child._next;

      if (adjustLabels) {
        for (p in labels) {
          if (labels[p] >= ignoreBeforeTime) {
            labels[p] += amount;

      return _uncache(this);

    _proto2.invalidate = function invalidate() {
      var child = this._first;
      this._lock = 0;

      while (child) {
        child = child._next;


    _proto2.clear = function clear(includeLabels) {
      if (includeLabels === void 0) {
        includeLabels = true;

      var child = this._first,

      while (child) {
        next = child._next;
        child = next;

      this._time = this._tTime = 0;

      if (includeLabels) {
        this.labels = {};

      return _uncache(this);

    _proto2.totalDuration = function totalDuration(value) {
      var max = 0,
          self = this,
          child = self._last,
          prevStart = _bigNum,
          repeat = self._repeat,
          repeatCycles = repeat * self._rDelay || 0,
          isInfinite = repeat < 0,

      if (!arguments.length) {
        if (self._dirty) {
          while (child) {
            prev = child._prev;

            if (child._dirty) {

            if (child._start > prevStart && self._sort && child._ts && !self._lock) {
              self._lock = 1;

              _addToTimeline(self, child, child._start - child._delay);

              self._lock = 0;
            } else {
              prevStart = child._start;

            if (child._start < 0 && child._ts) {
              max -= child._start;

              if (!self.parent && !self._dp || self.parent && self.parent.smoothChildTiming) {
                self._start += child._start / self._ts;
                self._time -= child._start;
                self._tTime -= child._start;

              self.shiftChildren(-child._start, false, -1e20);
              prevStart = 0;

            end = child._end = child._start + child._tDur / Math.abs(child._ts || child._pauseTS || _tinyNum);

            if (end > max && child._ts) {
              max = _round(end);

            child = prev;

          self._dur = self === _globalTimeline && self._time > max ? self._time : Math.min(_bigNum, max);
          self._tDur = isInfinite && (self._dur || repeatCycles) ? 1e12 : Math.min(_bigNum, max * (repeat + 1) + repeatCycles);
          self._end = self._start + (self._tDur / Math.abs(self._ts || self._pauseTS || _tinyNum) || 0);
          self._dirty = 0;

        return self._tDur;

      return isInfinite ? self : self.timeScale(self.totalDuration() / value);

    Timeline.updateRoot = function updateRoot(time) {
      if (_globalTimeline._ts) {
        _lazySafeRender(_globalTimeline, _parentToChildTotalTime(time, _globalTimeline));

        _lastRenderedFrame = _ticker.frame;

      if (_ticker.frame >= _nextGCFrame) {
        _nextGCFrame += _config.autoSleep || 120;
        var child = _globalTimeline._first;
        if (!child || !child._ts) if (_config.autoSleep && _ticker._listeners.length < 2) {
          while (child && !child._ts) {
            child = child._next;

          if (!child) {

    return Timeline;

  _setDefaults(Timeline.prototype, {
    _lock: 0,
    _hasPause: 0,
    _forcing: 0

  var _addComplexStringPropTween = function _addComplexStringPropTween(target, prop, start, end, setter, stringFilter, funcParam) {
    var pt = new PropTween(this._pt, target, prop, 0, 1, _renderComplexString, null, setter),
        index = 0,
        matchIndex = 0,
    pt.b = start;
    pt.e = end;
    start += "";
    end += "";

    if (hasRandom = ~end.indexOf("random(")) {
      end = _replaceRandom(end);

    if (stringFilter) {
      a = [start, end];
      stringFilter(a, target, prop);
      start = a[0];
      end = a[1];

    startNums = start.match(_complexStringNumExp) || [];

    while (result = _complexStringNumExp.exec(end)) {
      endNum = result[0];
      chunk = end.substring(index, result.index);

      if (color) {
        color = (color + 1) % 5;
      } else if (chunk.substr(-5) === "rgba(") {
        color = 1;

      if (endNum !== startNums[matchIndex++]) {
        startNum = parseFloat(startNums[matchIndex - 1]) || 0;
        pt._pt = {
          _next: pt._pt,
          p: chunk || matchIndex === 1 ? chunk : ",",
          s: startNum,
          c: endNum.charAt(1) === "=" ? parseFloat(endNum.substr(2)) * (endNum.charAt(0) === "-" ? -1 : 1) : parseFloat(endNum) - startNum,
          m: color && color < 4 ? Math.round : 0
        index = _complexStringNumExp.lastIndex;

    pt.c = index < end.length ? end.substring(index, end.length) : "";
    pt.fp = funcParam;

    if (_relExp.test(end) || hasRandom) {
      pt.e = 0;

    this._pt = pt;
    return pt;
      _addPropTween = function _addPropTween(target, prop, start, end, index, targets, modifier, stringFilter, funcParam) {
    if (_isFunction(end)) {
      end = end(index || 0, target, targets);

    var currentValue = target[prop],
        parsedStart = start !== "get" ? start : !_isFunction(currentValue) ? currentValue : funcParam ? target[prop.indexOf("set") || !_isFunction(target["get" + prop.substr(3)]) ? prop : "get" + prop.substr(3)](funcParam) : target[prop](),
        setter = !_isFunction(currentValue) ? _setterPlain : funcParam ? _setterFuncWithParam : _setterFunc,

    if (_isString(end)) {
      if (~end.indexOf("random(")) {
        end = _replaceRandom(end);

      if (end.charAt(1) === "=") {
        end = parseFloat(parsedStart) + parseFloat(end.substr(2)) * (end.charAt(0) === "-" ? -1 : 1) + (getUnit(parsedStart) || 0);

    if (parsedStart !== end) {
      if (!isNaN(parsedStart + end)) {
        pt = new PropTween(this._pt, target, prop, +parsedStart || 0, end - (parsedStart || 0), typeof currentValue === "boolean" ? _renderBoolean : _renderPlain, 0, setter);

        if (funcParam) {
          pt.fp = funcParam;

        if (modifier) {
          pt.modifier(modifier, this, target);

        return this._pt = pt;

      !currentValue && !(prop in target) && _missingPlugin(prop, end);
      return, target, prop, parsedStart, end, setter, stringFilter || _config.stringFilter, funcParam);
      _processVars = function _processVars(vars, index, target, targets, tween) {
    if (_isFunction(vars)) {
      vars = _parseFuncOrString(vars, tween, index, target, targets);

    if (!_isObject(vars) || && vars.nodeType || _isArray(vars)) {
      return _isString(vars) ? _parseFuncOrString(vars, tween, index, target, targets) : vars;

    var copy = {},

    for (p in vars) {
      copy[p] = _parseFuncOrString(vars[p], tween, index, target, targets);

    return copy;
      _checkPlugin = function _checkPlugin(property, vars, tween, index, target, targets) {
    var plugin, pt, ptLookup, i;

    if (_plugins[property] && (plugin = new _plugins[property]()).init(target, plugin.rawVars ? vars[property] : _processVars(vars[property], index, target, targets, tween), tween, index, targets) !== false) {
      tween._pt = pt = new PropTween(tween._pt, target, property, 0, 1, plugin.render, plugin, 0, plugin.priority);

      if (tween !== _quickTween) {
        ptLookup = tween._ptLookup[tween._targets.indexOf(target)];
        i = plugin._props.length;

        while (i--) {
          ptLookup[plugin._props[i]] = pt;

    return plugin;
      _initTween = function _initTween(tween, time) {
    var vars = tween.vars,
        ease = vars.ease,
        startAt = vars.startAt,
        immediateRender = vars.immediateRender,
        lazy = vars.lazy,
        onUpdate = vars.onUpdate,
        onUpdateParams = vars.onUpdateParams,
        callbackScope = vars.callbackScope,
        runBackwards = vars.runBackwards,
        yoyoEase = vars.yoyoEase,
        keyframes = vars.keyframes,
        autoRevert = vars.autoRevert,
        dur = tween._dur,
        prevStartAt = tween._startAt,
        targets = tween._targets,
        parent = tween.parent,
        fullTargets = parent && === "nested" ? parent.parent._targets : targets,
        autoOverwrite = tween._overwrite === "auto",
        tl = tween.timeline,

    if (tl && (!keyframes || !ease)) {
      ease = "none";

    tween._ease = _parseEase(ease, _defaults.ease);
    tween._yEase = yoyoEase ? _invertEase(_parseEase(yoyoEase === true ? ease : yoyoEase, _defaults.ease)) : 0;

    if (yoyoEase && tween._yoyo && !tween._repeat) {
      yoyoEase = tween._yEase;
      tween._yEase = tween._ease;
      tween._ease = yoyoEase;

    if (!tl) {
      if (prevStartAt) {
        prevStartAt.render(-1, true).kill();

      if (startAt) {
        _removeFromParent(tween._startAt = Tween.set(targets, _setDefaults({
          data: "isStart",
          overwrite: false,
          parent: parent,
          immediateRender: true,
          lazy: _isNotFalse(lazy),
          startAt: null,
          delay: 0,
          onUpdate: onUpdate,
          onUpdateParams: onUpdateParams,
          callbackScope: callbackScope,
          stagger: 0
        }, startAt)));

        if (immediateRender) {
          if (time > 0) {
            !autoRevert && (tween._startAt = 0);
          } else if (dur) {
      } else if (runBackwards && dur) {
        if (prevStartAt) {
          !autoRevert && (tween._startAt = 0);
        } else {
          if (time) {
            immediateRender = false;

          _removeFromParent(tween._startAt = Tween.set(targets, _merge(_copyExcluding(vars, _reservedProps), {
            overwrite: false,
            data: "isFromStart",
            lazy: immediateRender && _isNotFalse(lazy),
            immediateRender: immediateRender,
            stagger: 0,
            parent: parent

          if (!immediateRender) {
            _initTween(tween._startAt, _tinyNum);
          } else if (!time) {

      cleanVars = _copyExcluding(vars, _reservedProps);
      tween._pt = 0;
      harness = targets[0] ? _getCache(targets[0]).harness : 0;
      harnessVars = harness && vars[harness.prop];
      lazy = dur && _isNotFalse(lazy) || lazy && !dur;

      for (i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) {
        target = targets[i];
        gsData = target._gsap || _harness(targets)[i]._gsap;
        tween._ptLookup[i] = ptLookup = {};

        if (_lazyLookup[]) {

        index = fullTargets === targets ? i : fullTargets.indexOf(target);

        if (harness && (plugin = new harness()).init(target, harnessVars || cleanVars, tween, index, fullTargets) !== false) {
          tween._pt = pt = new PropTween(tween._pt, target,, 0, 1, plugin.render, plugin, 0, plugin.priority);

          plugin._props.forEach(function (name) {
            ptLookup[name] = pt;

          if (plugin.priority) {
            hasPriority = 1;

        if (!harness || harnessVars) {
          for (p in cleanVars) {
            if (_plugins[p] && (plugin = _checkPlugin(p, cleanVars, tween, index, target, fullTargets))) {
              if (plugin.priority) {
                hasPriority = 1;
            } else {
              ptLookup[p] = pt =, target, p, "get", cleanVars[p], index, fullTargets, 0, vars.stringFilter);

        if (tween._op && tween._op[i]) {
          tween.kill(target, tween._op[i]);

        if (autoOverwrite && tween._pt) {
          _overwritingTween = tween;

          _globalTimeline.killTweensOf(target, ptLookup, "started");

          _overwritingTween = 0;

        if (tween._pt && lazy) {
          _lazyLookup[] = 1;

      if (hasPriority) {

      if (tween._onInit) {

    tween._from = !tl && !!vars.runBackwards;
    tween._onUpdate = onUpdate;
    tween._initted = 1;
      _addAliasesToVars = function _addAliasesToVars(targets, vars) {
    var harness = targets[0] ? _getCache(targets[0]).harness : 0,
        propertyAliases = harness && harness.aliases,

    if (!propertyAliases) {
      return vars;

    copy = _merge({}, vars);

    for (p in propertyAliases) {
      if (p in copy) {
        aliases = propertyAliases[p].split(",");
        i = aliases.length;

        while (i--) {
          copy[aliases[i]] = copy[p];

    return copy;
      _parseFuncOrString = function _parseFuncOrString(value, tween, i, target, targets) {
    return _isFunction(value) ?, i, target, targets) : _isString(value) && ~value.indexOf("random(") ? _replaceRandom(value) : value;
      _staggerTweenProps = _callbackNames + ",repeat,repeatDelay,yoyo,repeatRefresh,yoyoEase",
      _staggerPropsToSkip = (_staggerTweenProps + ",id,stagger,delay,duration,paused").split(",");

  var Tween = function (_Animation2) {
    _inheritsLoose(Tween, _Animation2);

    function Tween(targets, vars, time) {
      var _this4;

      if (typeof vars === "number") {
        time.duration = vars;
        vars = time;
        time = null;

      _this4 =, _inheritDefaults(vars), time) || this;
      var _this4$vars = _this4.vars,
          duration = _this4$vars.duration,
          delay = _this4$vars.delay,
          immediateRender = _this4$vars.immediateRender,
          stagger = _this4$vars.stagger,
          overwrite = _this4$vars.overwrite,
          keyframes = _this4$vars.keyframes,
          defaults = _this4$vars.defaults,
          parsedTargets = _isArray(targets) && _isNumber(targets[0]) ? [targets] : toArray(targets),
      _this4._targets = parsedTargets.length ? _harness(parsedTargets) : _warn("GSAP target " + targets + " not found.", !_config.nullTargetWarn) || [];
      _this4._ptLookup = [];
      _this4._overwrite = overwrite;

      if (keyframes || stagger || _isFuncOrString(duration) || _isFuncOrString(delay)) {
        vars = _this4.vars;
        tl = _this4.timeline = new Timeline({
          data: "nested",
          defaults: defaults || {}
        tl.parent = _assertThisInitialized(_this4);

        if (keyframes) {
          _setDefaults(tl.vars.defaults, {
            ease: "none"

          keyframes.forEach(function (frame) {
            return, frame, ">");
        } else {
          l = parsedTargets.length;
          staggerFunc = stagger ? distribute(stagger) : _emptyFunc;

          if (_isObject(stagger)) {
            for (p in stagger) {
              if (~_staggerTweenProps.indexOf(p)) {
                if (!staggerVarsToMerge) {
                  staggerVarsToMerge = {};

                staggerVarsToMerge[p] = stagger[p];

          for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
            copy = {};

            for (p in vars) {
              if (_staggerPropsToSkip.indexOf(p) < 0) {
                copy[p] = vars[p];

            copy.stagger = 0;

            if (staggerVarsToMerge) {
              _merge(copy, staggerVarsToMerge);

            if (vars.yoyoEase && !vars.repeat) {
              copy.yoyoEase = vars.yoyoEase;

            curTarget = parsedTargets[i];
            copy.duration = +_parseFuncOrString(duration, _assertThisInitialized(_this4), i, curTarget, parsedTargets);
            copy.delay = (+_parseFuncOrString(delay, _assertThisInitialized(_this4), i, curTarget, parsedTargets) || 0) - _this4._delay;

            if (!stagger && l === 1 && copy.delay) {
              _this4._delay = delay = copy.delay;
              _this4._start += delay;
              copy.delay = 0;

  , copy, staggerFunc(i, curTarget, parsedTargets));

          duration = delay = 0;

        duration || _this4.duration(duration = tl.duration());
      } else {
        _this4.timeline = 0;

      if (overwrite === true) {
        _overwritingTween = _assertThisInitialized(_this4);


        _overwritingTween = 0;

      if (immediateRender || !duration && !keyframes && _this4._start === _this4.parent._time && _isNotFalse(immediateRender) && _hasNoPausedAncestors(_assertThisInitialized(_this4)) && !== "nested") {
        _this4._tTime = -_tinyNum;

        _this4.render(Math.max(0, -delay));

      return _this4;

    var _proto3 = Tween.prototype;

    _proto3.render = function render(totalTime, suppressEvents, force) {
      var prevTime = this._time,
          tDur = this._tDur,
          dur = this._dur,
          tTime = totalTime > tDur - _tinyNum && totalTime >= 0 ? tDur : totalTime < _tinyNum ? 0 : totalTime,

      if (!dur) {
        _renderZeroDurationTween(this, totalTime, suppressEvents, force);
      } else if (tTime !== this._tTime || !totalTime || force || this._startAt && this._zTime < 0 !== totalTime < 0) {
        time = tTime;
        timeline = this.timeline;

        if (this._repeat) {
          cycleDuration = dur + this._rDelay;
          time = _round(tTime % cycleDuration);

          if (time > dur) {
            time = dur;

          iteration = ~~(tTime / cycleDuration);

          if (iteration && iteration === tTime / cycleDuration) {
            time = dur;

          isYoyo = this._yoyo && iteration & 1;

          if (isYoyo) {
            yoyoEase = this._yEase;
            time = dur - time;

          prevIteration = _animationCycle(this._tTime, cycleDuration);

          if (time === prevTime && !force && this._initted) {
            return this;

          if (iteration !== prevIteration) {
            if (this.vars.repeatRefresh && !this._lock) {
              this._lock = force = 1;
              this.render(cycleDuration * iteration, true).invalidate()._lock = 0;

        if (!this._initted && _attemptInitTween(this, time, force, suppressEvents)) {
          this._tTime = 0;
          return this;

        this._tTime = tTime;
        this._time = time;

        if (!this._act && this._ts) {
          this._act = 1;
          this._lazy = 0;

        this.ratio = ratio = (yoyoEase || this._ease)(time / dur);

        if (this._from) {
          this.ratio = ratio = 1 - ratio;

        if (!prevTime && time && !suppressEvents) {
          _callback(this, "onStart");

        pt = this._pt;

        while (pt) {
          pt.r(ratio, pt.d);
          pt = pt._next;

        timeline && timeline.render(totalTime < 0 ? totalTime : !time && isYoyo ? -_tinyNum : timeline._dur * ratio, suppressEvents, force) || this._startAt && (this._zTime = totalTime);

        if (this._onUpdate && !suppressEvents) {
          if (totalTime < 0 && this._startAt) {
            this._startAt.render(totalTime, true, force);

          _callback(this, "onUpdate");

        if (this._repeat) if (iteration !== prevIteration && this.vars.onRepeat && !suppressEvents && this.parent) {
          _callback(this, "onRepeat");

        if ((tTime === tDur || !tTime) && this._tTime === tTime) {
          if (totalTime < 0 && this._startAt && !this._onUpdate) {
            this._startAt.render(totalTime, true, force);

          (totalTime || !dur) && (tTime && this._ts > 0 || !tTime && this._ts < 0) && _removeFromParent(this, 1);

          if (!suppressEvents && !(totalTime < 0 && !prevTime)) {
            _callback(this, tTime === tDur ? "onComplete" : "onReverseComplete", true);

            this._prom && this._prom();

      return this;

    _proto3.targets = function targets() {
      return this._targets;

    _proto3.invalidate = function invalidate() {
      this._pt = this._op = this._startAt = this._onUpdate = this._act = this._lazy = 0;
      this._ptLookup = [];

      if (this.timeline) {


    _proto3.kill = function kill(targets, vars) {
      if (vars === void 0) {
        vars = "all";

      if (!targets && (!vars || vars === "all")) {
        this._lazy = 0;

        if (this.parent) {
          return _interrupt(this);

      if (this.timeline) {
        this.timeline.killTweensOf(targets, vars, _overwritingTween && _overwritingTween.vars.overwrite !== true);
        return this;

      var parsedTargets = this._targets,
          killingTargets = targets ? toArray(targets) : parsedTargets,
          propTweenLookup = this._ptLookup,
          firstPT = this._pt,

      if ((!vars || vars === "all") && _arraysMatch(parsedTargets, killingTargets)) {
        return _interrupt(this);

      overwrittenProps = this._op = this._op || [];

      if (vars !== "all") {
        if (_isString(vars)) {
          p = {};

          _forEachName(vars, function (name) {
            return p[name] = 1;

          vars = p;

        vars = _addAliasesToVars(parsedTargets, vars);

      i = parsedTargets.length;

      while (i--) {
        if (~killingTargets.indexOf(parsedTargets[i])) {
          curLookup = propTweenLookup[i];

          if (vars === "all") {
            overwrittenProps[i] = vars;
            props = curLookup;
            curOverwriteProps = {};
          } else {
            curOverwriteProps = overwrittenProps[i] = overwrittenProps[i] || {};
            props = vars;

          for (p in props) {
            pt = curLookup && curLookup[p];

            if (pt) {
              if (!("kill" in pt.d) || pt.d.kill(p) === true) {
                _removeLinkedListItem(this, pt, "_pt");

              delete curLookup[p];

            if (curOverwriteProps !== "all") {
              curOverwriteProps[p] = 1;

      if (this._initted && !this._pt && firstPT) {

      return this;
    }; = function to(targets, vars) {
      return new Tween(targets, vars, arguments[2]);

    Tween.from = function from(targets, vars) {
      return new Tween(targets, _parseVars(arguments, 1));

    Tween.delayedCall = function delayedCall(delay, callback, params, scope) {
      return new Tween(callback, 0, {
        immediateRender: false,
        lazy: false,
        overwrite: false,
        delay: delay,
        onComplete: callback,
        onReverseComplete: callback,
        onCompleteParams: params,
        onReverseCompleteParams: params,
        callbackScope: scope

    Tween.fromTo = function fromTo(targets, fromVars, toVars) {
      return new Tween(targets, _parseVars(arguments, 2));

    Tween.set = function set(targets, vars) {
      vars.duration = 0;

      if (!vars.repeatDelay) {
        vars.repeat = 0;

      return new Tween(targets, vars);

    Tween.killTweensOf = function killTweensOf(targets, props, onlyActive) {
      return _globalTimeline.killTweensOf(targets, props, onlyActive);

    return Tween;

  _setDefaults(Tween.prototype, {
    _targets: [],
    _lazy: 0,
    _startAt: 0,
    _op: 0,
    _onInit: 0

  _forEachName("staggerTo,staggerFrom,staggerFromTo", function (name) {
    Tween[name] = function () {
      var tl = new Timeline(),
          params = toArray(arguments);
      params.splice(name === "staggerFromTo" ? 5 : 4, 0, 0);
      return tl[name].apply(tl, params);

  var _setterPlain = function _setterPlain(target, property, value) {
    return target[property] = value;
      _setterFunc = function _setterFunc(target, property, value) {
    return target[property](value);
      _setterFuncWithParam = function _setterFuncWithParam(target, property, value, data) {
    return target[property](data.fp, value);
      _setterAttribute = function _setterAttribute(target, property, value) {
    return target.setAttribute(property, value);
      _getSetter = function _getSetter(target, property) {
    return _isFunction(target[property]) ? _setterFunc : _isUndefined(target[property]) && target.setAttribute ? _setterAttribute : _setterPlain;
      _renderPlain = function _renderPlain(ratio, data) {
    return data.set(data.t, data.p, Math.round((data.s + data.c * ratio) * 10000) / 10000, data);
      _renderBoolean = function _renderBoolean(ratio, data) {
    return data.set(data.t, data.p, !!(data.s + data.c * ratio), data);
      _renderComplexString = function _renderComplexString(ratio, data) {
    var pt = data._pt,
        s = "";

    if (!ratio && data.b) {
      s = data.b;
    } else if (ratio === 1 && data.e) {
      s = data.e;
    } else {
      while (pt) {
        s = pt.p + (pt.m ? pt.m(pt.s + pt.c * ratio) : Math.round((pt.s + pt.c * ratio) * 10000) / 10000) + s;
        pt = pt._next;

      s += data.c;

    data.set(data.t, data.p, s, data);
      _renderPropTweens = function _renderPropTweens(ratio, data) {
    var pt = data._pt;

    while (pt) {
      pt.r(ratio, pt.d);
      pt = pt._next;
      _addPluginModifier = function _addPluginModifier(modifier, tween, target, property) {
    var pt = this._pt,

    while (pt) {
      next = pt._next;

      if (pt.p === property) {
        pt.modifier(modifier, tween, target);

      pt = next;
      _killPropTweensOf = function _killPropTweensOf(property) {
    var pt = this._pt,

    while (pt) {
      next = pt._next;

      if (pt.p === property && !pt.op || pt.op === property) {
        _removeLinkedListItem(this, pt, "_pt");
      } else if (!pt.dep) {
        hasNonDependentRemaining = 1;

      pt = next;

    return !hasNonDependentRemaining;
      _setterWithModifier = function _setterWithModifier(target, property, value, data) {
    data.mSet(target, property,, value,, data);
      _sortPropTweensByPriority = function _sortPropTweensByPriority(parent) {
    var pt = parent._pt,

    while (pt) {
      next = pt._next;
      pt2 = first;

      while (pt2 && > {
        pt2 = pt2._next;

      if (pt._prev = pt2 ? pt2._prev : last) {
        pt._prev._next = pt;
      } else {
        first = pt;

      if (pt._next = pt2) {
        pt2._prev = pt;
      } else {
        last = pt;

      pt = next;

    parent._pt = first;

  var PropTween = function () {
    function PropTween(next, target, prop, start, change, renderer, data, setter, priority) {
      this.t = target;
      this.s = start;
      this.c = change;
      this.p = prop;
      this.r = renderer || _renderPlain;
      this.d = data || this;
      this.set = setter || _setterPlain; = priority || 0;
      this._next = next;

      if (next) {
        next._prev = this;

    var _proto4 = PropTween.prototype;

    _proto4.modifier = function modifier(func, tween, target) {
      this.mSet = this.mSet || this.set;
      this.set = _setterWithModifier;
      this.m = func; = target;
      this.tween = tween;

    return PropTween;

  _forEachName(_callbackNames + ",parent,duration,ease,delay,overwrite,runBackwards,startAt,yoyo,immediateRender,repeat,repeatDelay,data,paused,reversed,lazy,callbackScope,stringFilter,id,yoyoEase,stagger,inherit,repeatRefresh,keyframes,autoRevert", function (name) {
    _reservedProps[name] = 1;
    if (name.substr(0, 2) === "on") _reservedProps[name + "Params"] = 1;

  _globals.TweenMax = _globals.TweenLite = Tween;
  _globals.TimelineLite = _globals.TimelineMax = Timeline;
  _globalTimeline = new Timeline({
    sortChildren: false,
    defaults: _defaults,
    autoRemoveChildren: true,
    id: "root"
  _config.stringFilter = _colorStringFilter;
  var _gsap = {
    registerPlugin: function registerPlugin() {
      for (var _len2 = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len2), _key2 = 0; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) {
        args[_key2] = arguments[_key2];

      args.forEach(function (config) {
        return _createPlugin(config);
    timeline: function timeline(vars) {
      return new Timeline(vars);
    getTweensOf: function getTweensOf(targets, onlyActive) {
      return _globalTimeline.getTweensOf(targets, onlyActive);
    getProperty: function getProperty(target, property, unit, uncache) {
      if (_isString(target)) {
        target = toArray(target)[0];

      var getter = _getCache(target || {}).get,
          format = unit ? _passThrough : _numericIfPossible;

      if (unit === "native") {
        unit = "";

      return !target ? target : !property ? function (property, unit, uncache) {
        return format((_plugins[property] && _plugins[property].get || getter)(target, property, unit, uncache));
      } : format((_plugins[property] && _plugins[property].get || getter)(target, property, unit, uncache));
    quickSetter: function quickSetter(target, property, unit) {
      target = toArray(target);

      if (target.length > 1) {
        var setters = (t) {
          return gsap.quickSetter(t, property, unit);
            l = setters.length;
        return function (value) {
          var i = l;

          while (i--) {

      target = target[0] || {};

      var Plugin = _plugins[property],
          cache = _getCache(target),
          setter = Plugin ? function (value) {
        var p = new Plugin();
        _quickTween._pt = 0;
        p.init(target, unit ? value + unit : value, _quickTween, 0, [target]);
        p.render(1, p);
        _quickTween._pt && _renderPropTweens(1, _quickTween);
      } : cache.set(target, property);

      return Plugin ? setter : function (value) {
        return setter(target, property, unit ? value + unit : value, cache, 1);
    isTweening: function isTweening(targets) {
      return _globalTimeline.getTweensOf(targets, true).length > 0;
    defaults: function defaults(value) {
      if (value && value.ease) {
        value.ease = _parseEase(value.ease, _defaults.ease);

      return _mergeDeep(_defaults, value || {});
    config: function config(value) {
      return _mergeDeep(_config, value || {});
    registerEffect: function registerEffect(_ref) {
      var name =,
          effect = _ref.effect,
          plugins = _ref.plugins,
          defaults = _ref.defaults,
          extendTimeline = _ref.extendTimeline;
      (plugins || "").split(",").forEach(function (pluginName) {
        return pluginName && !_plugins[pluginName] && !_globals[pluginName] && _warn(name + " effect requires " + pluginName + " plugin.");

      _effects[name] = function (targets, vars) {
        return effect(toArray(targets), _setDefaults(vars || {}, defaults));

      if (extendTimeline) {
        Timeline.prototype[name] = function (targets, vars, position) {
          return this.add(_effects[name](targets, _isObject(vars) ? vars : (position = vars) && {}), position);
    registerEase: function registerEase(name, ease) {
      _easeMap[name] = _parseEase(ease);
    parseEase: function parseEase(ease, defaultEase) {
      return arguments.length ? _parseEase(ease, defaultEase) : _easeMap;
    getById: function getById(id) {
      return _globalTimeline.getById(id);
    exportRoot: function exportRoot(vars, includeDelayedCalls) {
      if (vars === void 0) {
        vars = {};

      var tl = new Timeline(vars),
      tl.smoothChildTiming = _isNotFalse(vars.smoothChildTiming);


      tl._dp = 0;
      tl._time = tl._tTime = _globalTimeline._time;
      child = _globalTimeline._first;

      while (child) {
        next = child._next;

        if (includeDelayedCalls || !(!child._dur && child instanceof Tween && child.vars.onComplete === child._targets[0])) {
          _addToTimeline(tl, child, child._start - child._delay);

        child = next;

      _addToTimeline(_globalTimeline, tl, 0);

      return tl;
    utils: {
      wrap: wrap,
      wrapYoyo: wrapYoyo,
      distribute: distribute,
      random: random,
      snap: snap,
      normalize: normalize,
      getUnit: getUnit,
      clamp: clamp,
      splitColor: splitColor,
      toArray: toArray,
      mapRange: mapRange,
      pipe: pipe,
      unitize: unitize,
      interpolate: interpolate
    install: _install,
    effects: _effects,
    ticker: _ticker,
    updateRoot: Timeline.updateRoot,
    plugins: _plugins,
    globalTimeline: _globalTimeline,
    core: {
      PropTween: PropTween,
      globals: _addGlobal,
      Tween: Tween,
      Timeline: Timeline,
      Animation: Animation,
      getCache: _getCache

  _forEachName("to,from,fromTo,delayedCall,set,killTweensOf", function (name) {
    return _gsap[name] = Tween[name];


  _quickTween ={}, {
    duration: 0

  var _getPluginPropTween = function _getPluginPropTween(plugin, prop) {
    var pt = plugin._pt;

    while (pt && pt.p !== prop && pt.op !== prop && pt.fp !== prop) {
      pt = pt._next;

    return pt;
      _addModifiers = function _addModifiers(tween, modifiers) {
    var targets = tween._targets,

    for (p in modifiers) {
      i = targets.length;

      while (i--) {
        pt = tween._ptLookup[i][p];

        if (pt && (pt = pt.d)) {
          if (pt._pt) {
            pt = _getPluginPropTween(pt, p);

          pt && pt.modifier && pt.modifier(modifiers[p], tween, targets[i], p);
      _buildModifierPlugin = function _buildModifierPlugin(name, modifier) {
    return {
      name: name,
      rawVars: 1,
      init: function init(target, vars, tween) {
        tween._onInit = function (tween) {
          var temp, p;

          if (_isString(vars)) {
            temp = {};

            _forEachName(vars, function (name) {
              return temp[name] = 1;

            vars = temp;

          if (modifier) {
            temp = {};

            for (p in vars) {
              temp[p] = modifier(vars[p]);

            vars = temp;

          _addModifiers(tween, vars);

  var gsap = _gsap.registerPlugin({
    name: "attr",
    init: function init(target, vars, tween, index, targets) {
      for (var p in vars) {
        this.add(target, "setAttribute", (target.getAttribute(p) || 0) + "", vars[p], index, targets, 0, 0, p);

  }, {
    name: "endArray",
    init: function init(target, value) {
      var i = value.length;

      while (i--) {
        this.add(target, i, target[i] || 0, value[i]);
  }, _buildModifierPlugin("roundProps", _roundModifier), _buildModifierPlugin("modifiers"), _buildModifierPlugin("snap", snap)) || _gsap;
  Tween.version = Timeline.version = gsap.version = "3.0.5";
  _coreReady = 1;

  if (_windowExists()) {

  var Power0 = _easeMap.Power0,
      Power1 = _easeMap.Power1,
      Power2 = _easeMap.Power2,
      Power3 = _easeMap.Power3,
      Power4 = _easeMap.Power4,
      Linear = _easeMap.Linear,
      Quad = _easeMap.Quad,
      Cubic = _easeMap.Cubic,
      Quart = _easeMap.Quart,
      Quint = _easeMap.Quint,
      Strong = _easeMap.Strong,
      Elastic = _easeMap.Elastic,
      Back = _easeMap.Back,
      SteppedEase = _easeMap.SteppedEase,
      Bounce = _easeMap.Bounce,
      Sine = _easeMap.Sine,
      Expo = _easeMap.Expo,
      Circ = _easeMap.Circ;

  var _win$1,
      _windowExists$1 = function _windowExists() {
    return typeof window !== "undefined";
      _transformProps = {},
      _RAD2DEG = 180 / Math.PI,
      _DEG2RAD = Math.PI / 180,
      _atan2 = Math.atan2,
      _bigNum$1 = 1e8,
      _capsExp = /([A-Z])/g,
      _numWithUnitExp = /[-+=\.]*\d+[\.e-]*\d*[a-z%]*/g,
      _horizontalExp = /(?:left|right|width|margin|padding|x)/i,
      _complexExp = /[\s,\(]\S/,
      _propertyAliases = {
    autoAlpha: "opacity,visibility",
    scale: "scaleX,scaleY",
    alpha: "opacity"
      _renderCSSProp = function _renderCSSProp(ratio, data) {
    return data.set(data.t, data.p, ~~((data.s + data.c * ratio) * 1000) / 1000 + data.u, data);
      _renderPropWithEnd = function _renderPropWithEnd(ratio, data) {
    return data.set(data.t, data.p, ratio === 1 ? data.e : ~~((data.s + data.c * ratio) * 1000) / 1000 + data.u, data);
      _renderCSSPropWithBeginning = function _renderCSSPropWithBeginning(ratio, data) {
    return data.set(data.t, data.p, ratio ? ~~((data.s + data.c * ratio) * 1000) / 1000 + data.u : data.b, data);
      _renderRoundedCSSProp = function _renderRoundedCSSProp(ratio, data) {
    var value = data.s + data.c * ratio;
    data.set(data.t, data.p, ~~(value + (value < 0 ? -.5 : .5)) + data.u, data);
      _renderNonTweeningValue = function _renderNonTweeningValue(ratio, data) {
    return data.set(data.t, data.p, ratio ? data.e : data.b, data);
      _renderNonTweeningValueOnlyAtEnd = function _renderNonTweeningValueOnlyAtEnd(ratio, data) {
    return data.set(data.t, data.p, ratio !== 1 ? data.b : data.e, data);
      _setterCSSStyle = function _setterCSSStyle(target, property, value) {
    return[property] = value;
      _setterCSSProp = function _setterCSSProp(target, property, value) {
    return, value);
      _setterTransform = function _setterTransform(target, property, value) {
    return target._gsap[property] = value;
      _setterScale = function _setterScale(target, property, value) {
    return target._gsap.scaleX = target._gsap.scaleY = value;
      _setterScaleWithRender = function _setterScaleWithRender(target, property, value, data, ratio) {
    var cache = target._gsap;
    cache.scaleX = cache.scaleY = value;
    cache.renderTransform(ratio, cache);
      _setterTransformWithRender = function _setterTransformWithRender(target, property, value, data, ratio) {
    var cache = target._gsap;
    cache[property] = value;
    cache.renderTransform(ratio, cache);
      _transformProp = "transform",
      _transformOriginProp = _transformProp + "Origin",
      _createElement = function _createElement(type, ns) {
    var e = _doc$1.createElementNS ? _doc$1.createElementNS((ns || "").replace(/^https/, "http"), type) : _doc$1.createElement(type);
    return ? e : _doc$1.createElement(type);
      _getComputedProperty = function _getComputedProperty(target, property, skipPrefixFallback) {
    var cs = getComputedStyle(target);
    return cs[property] || cs.getPropertyValue(property.replace(_capsExp, "-$1").toLowerCase()) || cs.getPropertyValue(property) || !skipPrefixFallback && _getComputedProperty(target, _checkPropPrefix(property) || property, 1) || "";
      _prefixes = "O,Moz,ms,Ms,Webkit".split(","),
      _checkPropPrefix = function _checkPropPrefix(property, element) {
    var e = element || _tempDiv,
        s =,
        i = 5;

    if (property in s) {
      return property;

    property = property.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + property.substr(1);

    while (i-- && !(_prefixes[i] + property in s)) {}

    return i < 0 ? null : (i === 3 ? "ms" : i >= 0 ? _prefixes[i] : "") + property;
      _initCore = function _initCore() {
    if (_windowExists$1()) {
      _win$1 = window;
      _doc$1 = _win$1.document;
      _docElement = _doc$1.documentElement;
      _tempDiv = _createElement("div") || {
        style: {}
      _tempDivStyler = _createElement("div");
      _transformProp = _checkPropPrefix(_transformProp);
      _transformOriginProp = _checkPropPrefix(_transformOriginProp); = "border-width:0;line-height:0;position:absolute;padding:0";
      _supports3D = !!_checkPropPrefix("perspective");
      _pluginInitted = 1;
      _getBBoxHack = function _getBBoxHack(swapIfPossible) {
    var svg = _createElement("svg", this.ownerSVGElement && this.ownerSVGElement.getAttribute("xmlns") || ""),
        oldParent = this.parentNode,
        oldSibling = this.nextSibling,
        oldCSS =,


    svg.appendChild(this); = "block";

    if (swapIfPossible) {
      try {
        bbox = this.getBBox();
        this._gsapBBox = this.getBBox;
        this.getBBox = _getBBoxHack;
      } catch (e) {}
    } else if (this._gsapBBox) {
      bbox = this._gsapBBox();

    if (oldSibling) {
      oldParent.insertBefore(this, oldSibling);
    } else {

    _docElement.removeChild(svg); = oldCSS;
    return bbox;
      _getAttributeFallbacks = function _getAttributeFallbacks(target, attributesArray) {
    var i = attributesArray.length;

    while (i--) {
      if (target.hasAttribute(attributesArray[i])) {
        return target.getAttribute(attributesArray[i]);
      _getBBox = function _getBBox(target) {
    var bounds;

    try {
      bounds = target.getBBox();
    } catch (error) {
      bounds =, true);

    return bounds && !bounds.width && !bounds.x && !bounds.y ? {
      x: +_getAttributeFallbacks(target, ["x", "cx", "x1"]) || 0,
      y: +_getAttributeFallbacks(target, ["y", "cy", "y1"]) || 0,
      width: 0,
      height: 0
    } : bounds;
      _isSVG = function _isSVG(e) {
    return !!(e.getCTM && (!e.parentNode || e.ownerSVGElement) && _getBBox(e));
      _removeProperty = function _removeProperty(target, property) {
    if (property) {
      var style =;

      if (property in _transformProps) {
        property = _transformProp;

      if (style.removeProperty) {
        if (property.substr(0, 2) === "ms" || property.substr(0, 6) === "webkit") {
          property = "-" + property;

        style.removeProperty(property.replace(_capsExp, "-$1").toLowerCase());
      } else {
      _addNonTweeningPT = function _addNonTweeningPT(plugin, target, property, beginning, end, onlySetAtEnd) {
    var pt = new PropTween(plugin._pt, target, property, 0, 1, onlySetAtEnd ? _renderNonTweeningValueOnlyAtEnd : _renderNonTweeningValue);
    plugin._pt = pt;
    pt.b = beginning;
    pt.e = end;


    return pt;
      _nonConvertibleUnits = {
    deg: 1,
    rad: 1,
    turn: 1
      _convertToUnit = function _convertToUnit(target, property, value, unit) {
    var curValue = parseFloat(value) || 0,
        curUnit = (value + "").trim().substr((curValue + "").length) || "px",
        style =,
        horizontal = _horizontalExp.test(property),
        isRootSVG = target.tagName.toLowerCase() === "svg",
        measureProperty = (isRootSVG ? "client" : "offset") + (horizontal ? "Width" : "Height"),
        amount = 100,
        toPixels = unit === "px",

    if (unit === curUnit || !curValue || _nonConvertibleUnits[unit] || _nonConvertibleUnits[curUnit]) {
      return curValue;

    isSVG = target.getCTM && _isSVG(target);

    if (unit === "%" && _transformProps[property]) {
      return _round(curValue / (isSVG ? target.getBBox()[horizontal ? "width" : "height"] : target[measureProperty]) * amount);

    style[horizontal ? "width" : "height"] = amount + (toPixels ? curUnit : unit);
    parent = unit === "em" && target.appendChild && !isRootSVG ? target : target.parentNode;

    if (isSVG) {
      parent = (target.ownerSVGElement || {}).parentNode;

    if (!parent || parent === _doc$1 || !parent.appendChild) {
      parent = _doc$1.body;

    cache = parent._gsap;

    if (cache && unit === "%" && cache.width && horizontal && cache.time === _ticker.time) {
      return _round(curValue / cache.width * amount);
    } else {
      px = _tempDiv[measureProperty];

      if (horizontal && unit === "%") {
        cache = _getCache(parent);
        cache.time = _ticker.time;
        cache.width = parent[measureProperty];

    return _round(toPixels ? px * curValue / amount : amount / px * curValue);
      _get = function _get(target, property, unit, uncache) {
    var value;

    if (!_pluginInitted) {

    if (property in _propertyAliases && property !== "transform") {
      property = _propertyAliases[property];

      if (~property.indexOf(",")) {
        property = property.split(",")[0];

    if (_transformProps[property] && property !== "transform") {
      value = _parseTransform(target, uncache);
      value = property !== "transformOrigin" ? value[property] : _firstTwoOnly(_getComputedProperty(target, _transformOriginProp)) + value.zOrigin + "px";
    } else {
      value =[property];

      if (!value || value === "auto" || uncache || ~(value + "").indexOf("calc(")) {
        value = _getComputedProperty(target, property) || _getProperty(target, property) || (property === "opacity" ? 1 : 0);

    return unit ? _convertToUnit(target, property, value, unit) + unit : value;
      _tweenComplexCSSString = function _tweenComplexCSSString(target, prop, start, end) {
    var pt = new PropTween(this._pt,, prop, 0, 1, _renderComplexString),
        index = 0,
        matchIndex = 0,
    pt.b = start;
    pt.e = end;
    start += "";
    end += "";

    if (end === "auto") {[prop] = end;
      end = _getComputedProperty(target, prop) || end;[prop] = start;

    a = [start, end];


    start = a[0];
    end = a[1];
    startValue = start.indexOf("rgba(");
    endValue = end.indexOf("rgba(");

    if (!!startValue !== !!endValue) {
      if (startValue) {
        start = start.substr(startValue) + " " + start.substr(0, startValue - 1);
      } else {
        end = end.substr(endValue) + " " + end.substr(0, endValue - 1);

    startValues = start.match(_numWithUnitExp) || [];
    endValues = end.match(_numWithUnitExp) || [];

    if (endValues.length) {
      while (result = _numWithUnitExp.exec(end)) {
        endValue = result[0];
        chunk = end.substring(index, result.index);

        if (color) {
          color = (color + 1) % 5;
        } else if (chunk.substr(-5) === "rgba(") {
          color = 1;

        if (endValue !== (startValue = startValues[matchIndex++] || "")) {
          startNum = parseFloat(startValue) || 0;
          startUnit = startValue.substr((startNum + "").length);
          relative = endValue.charAt(1) === "=" ? +(endValue.charAt(0) + "1") : 0;

          if (relative) {
            endValue = endValue.substr(2);

          endNum = parseFloat(endValue);
          endUnit = endValue.substr((endNum + "").length);
          index = _numWithUnitExp.lastIndex - endUnit.length;

          if (!endUnit) {
            endUnit = endUnit || _config.units[prop] || startUnit;

            if (index === end.length) {
              end += endUnit;
              pt.e += endUnit;

          if (startUnit !== endUnit) {
            startNum = _convertToUnit(target, prop, startValue, endUnit) || 0;

          pt._pt = {
            _next: pt._pt,
            p: chunk || matchIndex === 1 ? chunk : ",",
            s: startNum,
            c: relative ? relative * endNum : endNum - startNum,
            m: color && color < 4 ? Math.round : 0

      pt.c = index < end.length ? end.substring(index, end.length) : "";
    } else {
      pt.r = prop === "display" && end === "none" ? _renderNonTweeningValueOnlyAtEnd : _renderNonTweeningValue;

    if (_relExp.test(end)) {
      pt.e = 0;

    this._pt = pt;
    return pt;
      _keywordToPercent = {
    top: "0%",
    bottom: "100%",
    left: "0%",
    right: "100%",
    center: "50%"
      _convertKeywordsToPercentages = function _convertKeywordsToPercentages(value) {
    var split = value.split(" "),
        x = split[0],
        y = split[1] || "50%";

    if (x === "top" || x === "bottom" || y === "left" || y === "right") {
      value = x;
      x = y;
      y = value;

    split[0] = _keywordToPercent[x] || x;
    split[1] = _keywordToPercent[y] || y;
    return split.join(" ");
      _renderClearProps = function _renderClearProps(ratio, data) {
    if (data.tween && data.tween._time === data.tween._dur) {
      var target = data.t,
          style =,
          props = data.u,

      if (props === "all" || props === true) {
        style.cssText = "";
        clearTransforms = 1;
      } else {
        props = props.split(",");
        i = props.length;

        while (--i > -1) {
          prop = props[i];

          if (_transformProps[prop]) {
            clearTransforms = 1;
            prop = prop === "transformOrigin" ? _transformOriginProp : _transformProp;

          _removeProperty(target, prop);

      if (clearTransforms) {
        _removeProperty(target, _transformProp);

        clearTransforms = target._gsap;

        if (clearTransforms) {
          if (clearTransforms.svg) {

          _parseTransform(target, 1);
      _specialProps = {
    clearProps: function clearProps(plugin, target, property, endValue, tween) {
      if ( !== "isFromStart") {
        var pt = plugin._pt = new PropTween(plugin._pt, target, property, 0, 0, _renderClearProps);
        pt.u = endValue; = -10;
        pt.tween = tween;


        return 1;
      _identity2DMatrix = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
      _rotationalProperties = {},
      _isNullTransform = function _isNullTransform(value) {
    return value === "matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)" || value === "none" || !value;
      _getComputedTransformMatrixAsArray = function _getComputedTransformMatrixAsArray(target) {
    var matrixString = _getComputedProperty(target, _transformProp);

    return _isNullTransform(matrixString) ? _identity2DMatrix : matrixString.substr(7).match(_numExp).map(_round);
      _getMatrix = function _getMatrix(target, force2D) {
    var cache = target._gsap,
        style =,
        matrix = _getComputedTransformMatrixAsArray(target),

    if (cache.svg && target.getAttribute("transform")) {
      temp = target.transform.baseVal.consolidate().matrix;
      matrix = [temp.a, temp.b, temp.c, temp.d, temp.e, temp.f];
      return matrix.join(",") === "1,0,0,1,0,0" ? _identity2DMatrix : matrix;
    } else if (matrix === _identity2DMatrix && !target.offsetParent && target !== _docElement && !cache.svg) {
      temp = style.display;
      style.display = "block";
      parent = target.parentNode;

      if (!parent || !target.offsetParent) {
        addedToDOM = 1;
        nextSibling = target.nextSibling;


      matrix = _getComputedTransformMatrixAsArray(target);

      if (temp) {
        style.display = temp;
      } else {
        _removeProperty(target, "display");

      if (addedToDOM) {
        if (nextSibling) {
          parent.insertBefore(target, nextSibling);
        } else if (parent) {
        } else {

    return force2D && matrix.length > 6 ? [matrix[0], matrix[1], matrix[4], matrix[5], matrix[12], matrix[13]] : matrix;
      _applySVGOrigin = function _applySVGOrigin(target, origin, originIsAbsolute, smooth, matrixArray, pluginToAddPropTweensTo) {
    var cache = target._gsap,
        matrix = matrixArray || _getMatrix(target, true),
        xOriginOld = cache.xOrigin || 0,
        yOriginOld = cache.yOrigin || 0,
        xOffsetOld = cache.xOffset || 0,
        yOffsetOld = cache.yOffset || 0,
        a = matrix[0],
        b = matrix[1],
        c = matrix[2],
        d = matrix[3],
        tx = matrix[4],
        ty = matrix[5],
        originSplit = origin.split(" "),
        xOrigin = parseFloat(originSplit[0]) || 0,
        yOrigin = parseFloat(originSplit[1]) || 0,

    if (!originIsAbsolute) {
      bounds = _getBBox(target);
      xOrigin = bounds.x + (~originSplit[0].indexOf("%") ? xOrigin / 100 * bounds.width : xOrigin);
      yOrigin = bounds.y + (~(originSplit[1] || originSplit[0]).indexOf("%") ? yOrigin / 100 * bounds.height : yOrigin);
    } else if (matrix !== _identity2DMatrix && (determinant = a * d - b * c)) {
      x = xOrigin * (d / determinant) + yOrigin * (-c / determinant) + (c * ty - d * tx) / determinant;
      y = xOrigin * (-b / determinant) + yOrigin * (a / determinant) - (a * ty - b * tx) / determinant;
      xOrigin = x;
      yOrigin = y;

    if (smooth || smooth !== false && cache.smooth) {
      tx = xOrigin - xOriginOld;
      ty = yOrigin - yOriginOld;
      cache.xOffset = xOffsetOld + (tx * a + ty * c) - tx;
      cache.yOffset = yOffsetOld + (tx * b + ty * d) - ty;
    } else {
      cache.xOffset = cache.yOffset = 0;

    cache.xOrigin = xOrigin;
    cache.yOrigin = yOrigin;
    cache.smooth = !!smooth;
    cache.origin = origin;
    cache.originIsAbsolute = !!originIsAbsolute;[_transformOriginProp] = "0px 0px";

    if (pluginToAddPropTweensTo) {
      _addNonTweeningPT(pluginToAddPropTweensTo, cache, "xOrigin", xOriginOld, xOrigin);

      _addNonTweeningPT(pluginToAddPropTweensTo, cache, "yOrigin", yOriginOld, yOrigin);

      _addNonTweeningPT(pluginToAddPropTweensTo, cache, "xOffset", xOffsetOld, cache.xOffset);

      _addNonTweeningPT(pluginToAddPropTweensTo, cache, "yOffset", yOffsetOld, cache.yOffset);
      _parseTransform = function _parseTransform(target, uncache) {
    var cache = target._gsap || new GSCache(target);

    if ("x" in cache && !uncache && !cache.uncache) {
      return cache;

    var style =,
        invertedScaleX = cache.scaleX < 0,
        xOrigin = cache.xOrigin || 0,
        yOrigin = cache.yOrigin || 0,
        px = "px",
        deg = "deg",
        origin = _getComputedProperty(target, _transformOriginProp) || "0",
    x = y = z = rotation = rotationX = rotationY = skewX = skewY = perspective = 0;
    scaleX = scaleY = 1;
    cache.svg = !!(target.getCTM && _isSVG(target));
    matrix = _getMatrix(target, cache.svg);

    if (cache.svg) {
      _applySVGOrigin(target, origin, cache.originIsAbsolute, cache.smooth !== false, matrix);

    if (matrix !== _identity2DMatrix) {
      a = matrix[0];
      b = matrix[1];
      c = matrix[2];
      d = matrix[3];
      x = a12 = matrix[4];
      y = a22 = matrix[5];

      if (matrix.length === 6) {
        scaleX = Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b);
        scaleY = Math.sqrt(d * d + c * c);
        rotation = a || b ? _atan2(b, a) * _RAD2DEG : 0;
        skewX = c || d ? _atan2(c, d) * _RAD2DEG + rotation : 0;

        if (cache.svg) {
          x -= xOrigin - (xOrigin * a + yOrigin * c);
          y -= yOrigin - (xOrigin * b + yOrigin * d);
      } else {
        a32 = matrix[6];
        a42 = matrix[7];
        a13 = matrix[8];
        a23 = matrix[9];
        a33 = matrix[10];
        a43 = matrix[11];
        x = matrix[12];
        y = matrix[13];
        z = matrix[14];
        angle = _atan2(a32, a33);
        rotationX = angle * _RAD2DEG;

        if (angle) {
          cos = Math.cos(-angle);
          sin = Math.sin(-angle);
          t1 = a12 * cos + a13 * sin;
          t2 = a22 * cos + a23 * sin;
          t3 = a32 * cos + a33 * sin;
          a13 = a12 * -sin + a13 * cos;
          a23 = a22 * -sin + a23 * cos;
          a33 = a32 * -sin + a33 * cos;
          a43 = a42 * -sin + a43 * cos;
          a12 = t1;
          a22 = t2;
          a32 = t3;

        angle = _atan2(-c, a33);
        rotationY = angle * _RAD2DEG;

        if (angle) {
          cos = Math.cos(-angle);
          sin = Math.sin(-angle);
          t1 = a * cos - a13 * sin;
          t2 = b * cos - a23 * sin;
          t3 = c * cos - a33 * sin;
          a43 = d * sin + a43 * cos;
          a = t1;
          b = t2;
          c = t3;

        angle = _atan2(b, a);
        rotation = angle * _RAD2DEG;

        if (angle) {
          cos = Math.cos(angle);
          sin = Math.sin(angle);
          t1 = a * cos + b * sin;
          t2 = a12 * cos + a22 * sin;
          b = b * cos - a * sin;
          a22 = a22 * cos - a12 * sin;
          a = t1;
          a12 = t2;

        if (rotationX && Math.abs(rotationX) + Math.abs(rotation) > 359.9) {
          rotationX = rotation = 0;
          rotationY = 180 - rotationY;

        scaleX = _round(Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b + c * c));
        scaleY = _round(Math.sqrt(a22 * a22 + a32 * a32));
        angle = _atan2(a12, a22);
        skewX = Math.abs(angle) > 0.0002 ? angle * _RAD2DEG : 0;
        perspective = a43 ? 1 / (a43 < 0 ? -a43 : a43) : 0;

      if (cache.svg) {
        matrix = target.getAttribute("transform");
        cache.forceCSS = target.setAttribute("transform", "") || !_isNullTransform(_getComputedProperty(target, _transformProp));
        matrix && target.setAttribute("transform", matrix);

    if (Math.abs(skewX) > 90 && Math.abs(skewX) < 270) {
      if (invertedScaleX) {
        scaleX *= -1;
        skewX += rotation <= 0 ? 180 : -180;
        rotation += rotation <= 0 ? 180 : -180;
      } else {
        scaleY *= -1;
        skewX += skewX <= 0 ? 180 : -180;

    cache.x = ((cache.xPercent = x && Math.round(target.offsetWidth / 2) === Math.round(-x) ? -50 : 0) ? 0 : x) + px;
    cache.y = ((cache.yPercent = y && Math.round(target.offsetHeight / 2) === Math.round(-y) ? -50 : 0) ? 0 : y) + px;
    cache.z = z + px;
    cache.scaleX = _round(scaleX);
    cache.scaleY = _round(scaleY);
    cache.rotation = _round(rotation) + deg;
    cache.rotationX = _round(rotationX) + deg;
    cache.rotationY = _round(rotationY) + deg;
    cache.skewX = skewX + deg;
    cache.skewY = skewY + deg;
    cache.transformPerspective = perspective + px;

    if (cache.zOrigin = parseFloat(origin.split(" ")[2]) || 0) {
      style[_transformOriginProp] = _firstTwoOnly(origin);

    cache.xOffset = cache.yOffset = 0;
    cache.force3D = _config.force3D;
    cache.renderTransform = cache.svg ? _renderSVGTransforms : _supports3D ? _renderCSSTransforms : _renderNon3DTransforms;
    cache.uncache = 0;
    return cache;
      _firstTwoOnly = function _firstTwoOnly(value) {
    return (value = value.split(" "))[0] + " " + value[1];
      _addPxTranslate = function _addPxTranslate(target, start, value) {
    var unit = getUnit(start);
    return _round(parseFloat(start) + parseFloat(_convertToUnit(target, "x", value + "px", unit))) + unit;
      _renderNon3DTransforms = function _renderNon3DTransforms(ratio, cache) {
    cache.z = "0px";
    cache.rotationY = cache.rotationX = "0deg";
    cache.force3D = 0;

    _renderCSSTransforms(ratio, cache);
      _zeroDeg = "0deg",
      _zeroPx = "0px",
      _endParenthesis = ") ",
      _renderCSSTransforms = function _renderCSSTransforms(ratio, cache) {
    var _ref = cache || this,
        xPercent = _ref.xPercent,
        yPercent = _ref.yPercent,
        x = _ref.x,
        y = _ref.y,
        z = _ref.z,
        rotation = _ref.rotation,
        rotationY = _ref.rotationY,
        rotationX = _ref.rotationX,
        skewX = _ref.skewX,
        skewY = _ref.skewY,
        scaleX = _ref.scaleX,
        scaleY = _ref.scaleY,
        transformPerspective = _ref.transformPerspective,
        force3D = _ref.force3D,
        target =,
        zOrigin = _ref.zOrigin,
        transforms = "",
        use3D = force3D === "auto" && ratio && ratio !== 1 || force3D === true;

    if (zOrigin && (rotationX !== _zeroDeg || rotationY !== _zeroDeg)) {
      var angle = parseFloat(rotationY) * _DEG2RAD,
          a13 = Math.sin(angle),
          a33 = Math.cos(angle),

      angle = parseFloat(rotationX) * _DEG2RAD;
      cos = Math.cos(angle);
      x = _addPxTranslate(target, x, a13 * cos * -zOrigin);
      y = _addPxTranslate(target, y, -Math.sin(angle) * -zOrigin);
      z = _addPxTranslate(target, z, a33 * cos * -zOrigin + zOrigin);

    if (xPercent || yPercent) {
      transforms = "translate(" + xPercent + "%, " + yPercent + "%) ";

    if (use3D || x !== _zeroPx || y !== _zeroPx || z !== _zeroPx) {
      transforms += z !== _zeroPx || use3D ? "translate3d(" + x + ", " + y + ", " + z + ") " : "translate(" + x + ", " + y + _endParenthesis;

    if (transformPerspective !== _zeroPx) {
      transforms += "perspective(" + transformPerspective + _endParenthesis;

    if (rotation !== _zeroDeg) {
      transforms += "rotate(" + rotation + _endParenthesis;

    if (rotationY !== _zeroDeg) {
      transforms += "rotateY(" + rotationY + _endParenthesis;

    if (rotationX !== _zeroDeg) {
      transforms += "rotateX(" + rotationX + _endParenthesis;

    if (skewX !== _zeroDeg || skewY !== _zeroDeg) {
      transforms += "skew(" + skewX + ", " + skewY + _endParenthesis;

    if (scaleX !== 1 || scaleY !== 1) {
      transforms += "scale(" + scaleX + ", " + scaleY + _endParenthesis;
    }[_transformProp] = transforms || "translate(0, 0)";
      _renderSVGTransforms = function _renderSVGTransforms(ratio, cache) {
    var _ref2 = cache || this,
        xPercent = _ref2.xPercent,
        yPercent = _ref2.yPercent,
        x = _ref2.x,
        y = _ref2.y,
        rotation = _ref2.rotation,
        skewX = _ref2.skewX,
        skewY = _ref2.skewY,
        scaleX = _ref2.scaleX,
        scaleY = _ref2.scaleY,
        target =,
        xOrigin = _ref2.xOrigin,
        yOrigin = _ref2.yOrigin,
        xOffset = _ref2.xOffset,
        yOffset = _ref2.yOffset,
        forceCSS = _ref2.forceCSS,
        tx = parseFloat(x),
        ty = parseFloat(y),

    rotation = parseFloat(rotation);
    skewX = parseFloat(skewX);
    skewY = parseFloat(skewY);

    if (skewY) {
      skewY = parseFloat(skewY);
      skewX += skewY;
      rotation += skewY;

    if (rotation || skewX) {
      rotation *= _DEG2RAD;
      skewX *= _DEG2RAD;
      a11 = Math.cos(rotation) * scaleX;
      a21 = Math.sin(rotation) * scaleX;
      a12 = Math.sin(rotation - skewX) * -scaleY;
      a22 = Math.cos(rotation - skewX) * scaleY;

      if (skewX) {
        skewY *= _DEG2RAD;
        temp = Math.tan(skewX - skewY);
        temp = Math.sqrt(1 + temp * temp);
        a12 *= temp;
        a22 *= temp;

        if (skewY) {
          temp = Math.tan(skewY);
          temp = Math.sqrt(1 + temp * temp);
          a11 *= temp;
          a21 *= temp;

      a11 = _round(a11);
      a21 = _round(a21);
      a12 = _round(a12);
      a22 = _round(a22);
    } else {
      a11 = scaleX;
      a22 = scaleY;
      a21 = a12 = 0;

    if (tx && !~(x + "").indexOf("px") || ty && !~(y + "").indexOf("px")) {
      tx = _convertToUnit(target, "x", x, "px");
      ty = _convertToUnit(target, "y", y, "px");

    if (xOrigin || yOrigin || xOffset || yOffset) {
      tx = _round(tx + xOrigin - (xOrigin * a11 + yOrigin * a12) + xOffset);
      ty = _round(ty + yOrigin - (xOrigin * a21 + yOrigin * a22) + yOffset);

    if (xPercent || yPercent) {
      temp = target.getBBox();
      tx = _round(tx + xPercent / 100 * temp.width);
      ty = _round(ty + yPercent / 100 * temp.height);

    temp = "matrix(" + a11 + "," + a21 + "," + a12 + "," + a22 + "," + tx + "," + ty + ")";
    target.setAttribute("transform", temp);

    if (forceCSS) {[_transformProp] = temp;
      _addRotationalPropTween = function _addRotationalPropTween(plugin, target, property, startNum, endValue, relative) {
    var cap = 360,
        isString = _isString(endValue),
        endNum = parseFloat(endValue) * (isString && ~endValue.indexOf("rad") ? _RAD2DEG : 1),
        change = relative ? endNum * relative : endNum - startNum,
        finalValue = startNum + change + "deg",

    if (isString) {
      direction = endValue.split("_")[1];

      if (direction === "short") {
        change %= cap;

        if (change !== change % (cap / 2)) {
          change += change < 0 ? cap : -cap;

      if (direction === "cw" && change < 0) {
        change = (change + cap * _bigNum$1) % cap - ~~(change / cap) * cap;
      } else if (direction === "ccw" && change > 0) {
        change = (change - cap * _bigNum$1) % cap - ~~(change / cap) * cap;

    plugin._pt = pt = new PropTween(plugin._pt, target, property, startNum, change, _renderPropWithEnd);
    pt.e = finalValue;
    pt.u = "deg";


    return pt;
      _addRawTransformPTs = function _addRawTransformPTs(plugin, transforms, target) {
    var style =,
        startCache = target._gsap,
    style.cssText = getComputedStyle(target).cssText + ";position:absolute;display:block;";
    style[_transformProp] = transforms;


    endCache = _parseTransform(_tempDivStyler, 1);

    for (p in _transformProps) {
      startValue = startCache[p];
      endValue = endCache[p];

      if (startValue !== endValue && p !== "perspective") {
        startUnit = getUnit(startValue);
        endUnit = getUnit(endValue);
        startNum = startUnit !== endUnit ? _convertToUnit(target, p, startValue, endUnit) : parseFloat(startValue);
        endNum = parseFloat(endValue);
        plugin._pt = new PropTween(plugin._pt, startCache, p, startNum, endNum - startNum, _renderCSSProp);
        plugin._pt.u = endUnit;



  var CSSPlugin = {
    name: "css",
    register: _initCore,
    targetTest: function targetTest(target) {
      return && target.nodeType;
    init: function init(target, vars, tween, index, targets) {
      var props = this._props,
          style =,

      if (!_pluginInitted) {

      for (p in vars) {
        if (p === "autoRound") {

        endValue = vars[p];

        if (_plugins[p] && _checkPlugin(p, vars, tween, index, target, targets)) {

        type = typeof endValue;
        specialProp = _specialProps[p];

        if (type === "function") {
          endValue =, index, target, targets);
          type = typeof endValue;

        if (type === "string" && ~endValue.indexOf("random(")) {
          endValue = _replaceRandom(endValue);

        if (specialProp) {
          if (specialProp(this, target, p, endValue, tween)) {
            hasPriority = 1;
        } else if (p.substr(0, 2) === "--") {
          this.add(style, "setProperty", getComputedStyle(target).getPropertyValue(p) + "", endValue + "", index, targets, 0, 0, p);
        } else {
          startValue = _get(target, p);
          startNum = parseFloat(startValue);
          relative = type === "string" && endValue.charAt(1) === "=" ? +(endValue.charAt(0) + "1") : 0;

          if (relative) {
            endValue = endValue.substr(2);

          endNum = parseFloat(endValue);

          if (p in _propertyAliases) {
            if (p === "autoAlpha") {
              if (startNum === 1 && _get(target, "visibility") === "hidden" && endNum) {
                startNum = 0;

              _addNonTweeningPT(this, style, "visibility", startNum ? "inherit" : "hidden", endNum ? "inherit" : "hidden", !endNum);

            if (p !== "scale" && p !== "transform") {
              p = _propertyAliases[p];

              if (~p.indexOf(",")) {
                p = p.split(",")[0];

          isTransformRelated = p in _transformProps;

          if (isTransformRelated) {
            if (!transformPropTween) {
              cache = target._gsap;
              smooth = vars.smoothOrigin !== false && cache.smooth;
              transformPropTween = this._pt = new PropTween(this._pt, style, _transformProp, 0, 1, cache.renderTransform, cache, 0, -1);
              transformPropTween.dep = 1;

            if (p === "scale") {
              this._pt = new PropTween(this._pt, cache, "scaleY", cache.scaleY, relative ? relative * endNum : endNum - cache.scaleY);
              props.push("scaleY", p);
              p += "X";
            } else if (p === "transformOrigin") {
              endValue = _convertKeywordsToPercentages(endValue);

              if (cache.svg) {
                _applySVGOrigin(target, endValue, 0, smooth, 0, this);
              } else {
                endUnit = parseFloat(endValue.split(" ")[2]);

                if (endUnit !== cache.zOrigin) {
                  _addNonTweeningPT(this, cache, "zOrigin", cache.zOrigin, endUnit);

                _addNonTweeningPT(this, style, p, _firstTwoOnly(startValue), _firstTwoOnly(endValue));

            } else if (p === "svgOrigin") {
              _applySVGOrigin(target, endValue, 1, smooth, 0, this);

            } else if (p in _rotationalProperties) {
              _addRotationalPropTween(this, cache, p, startNum, endValue, relative);

            } else if (p === "smoothOrigin") {
              _addNonTweeningPT(this, cache, "smooth", cache.smooth, endValue);

            } else if (p === "force3D") {
              cache[p] = endValue;
            } else if (p === "transform") {
              _addRawTransformPTs(this, endValue, target);

          } else if (!(p in style)) {
            p = _checkPropPrefix(p) || p;

          if (isTransformRelated || (endNum || endNum === 0) && (startNum || startNum === 0) && !_complexExp.test(endValue) && p in style) {
            startUnit = (startValue + "").substr((startNum + "").length);
            endUnit = (endValue + "").substr((endNum + "").length) || (p in _config.units ? _config.units[p] : startUnit);

            if (startUnit !== endUnit) {
              startNum = _convertToUnit(target, p, startValue, endUnit);

            this._pt = new PropTween(this._pt, isTransformRelated ? cache : style, p, startNum, relative ? relative * endNum : endNum - startNum, endUnit === "px" && vars.autoRound !== false && !isTransformRelated ? _renderRoundedCSSProp : _renderCSSProp);
            this._pt.u = endUnit || 0;

            if (startUnit !== endUnit) {
              this._pt.b = startValue;
              this._pt.r = _renderCSSPropWithBeginning;
          } else if (!(p in style)) {
            if (p in target) {
              this.add(target, p, target[p], endValue, index, targets);
            } else {
              _missingPlugin(p, endValue);

          } else {
  , target, p, startValue, endValue);


      if (hasPriority) {
    get: _get,
    aliases: _propertyAliases,
    getSetter: function getSetter(target, property, plugin) {
      return property in _transformProps && property !== _transformOriginProp && (target._gsap.x || _get(target, "x")) ? plugin && _recentSetterPlugin === plugin ? property === "scale" ? _setterScale : _setterTransform : (_recentSetterPlugin = plugin || {}) && (property === "scale" ? _setterScaleWithRender : _setterTransformWithRender) : && !_isUndefined([property]) ? _setterCSSStyle : ~property.indexOf("-") ? _setterCSSProp : _getSetter(target, property);
  gsap.utils.checkPrefix = _checkPropPrefix;

  (function (positionAndScale, rotation, others, aliases) {
    var all = _forEachName(positionAndScale + "," + rotation + "," + others, function (name) {
      _transformProps[name] = 1;

    _forEachName(rotation, function (name) {
      _config.units[name] = "deg";
      _rotationalProperties[name] = 1;

    _propertyAliases[all[13]] = positionAndScale + "," + rotation;

    _forEachName(aliases, function (name) {
      var split = name.split(":");
      _propertyAliases[split[1]] = all[split[0]];
  })("x,y,z,scale,scaleX,scaleY,xPercent,yPercent", "rotation,rotationX,rotationY,skewX,skewY", "transform,transformOrigin,svgOrigin,force3D,smoothOrigin,transformPerspective", "0:translateX,1:translateY,2:translateZ,8:rotate,8:rotationZ,9:rotateX,10:rotateY");

  _forEachName("x,y,z,top,right,bottom,left,width,height,fontSize,padding,margin,perspective", function (name) {
    _config.units[name] = "px";


  var gsapWithCSS = gsap.registerPlugin(CSSPlugin) || gsap;

  exports.Back = Back;
  exports.Bounce = Bounce;
  exports.CSSPlugin = CSSPlugin;
  exports.Circ = Circ;
  exports.Cubic = Cubic;
  exports.Elastic = Elastic;
  exports.Expo = Expo;
  exports.Linear = Linear;
  exports.Power0 = Power0;
  exports.Power1 = Power1;
  exports.Power2 = Power2;
  exports.Power3 = Power3;
  exports.Power4 = Power4;
  exports.Quad = Quad;
  exports.Quart = Quart;
  exports.Quint = Quint;
  exports.Sine = Sine;
  exports.SteppedEase = SteppedEase;
  exports.Strong = Strong;
  exports.TimelineLite = Timeline;
  exports.TimelineMax = Timeline;
  exports.TweenLite = Tween;
  exports.TweenMax = Tween;
  exports.default = gsapWithCSS;
  exports.gsap = gsapWithCSS;

  if (typeof(window) === 'undefined' || window !== exports) {Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });} else {delete window.default;}
