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Lose 30 lbs in six weeks Book Your Free Consultation!


➢ Are you successful in other areas of your life but cannot get a grip on your
physical shape?

➢ Have you tried losing weight with different diets, supplements or exercise
equipment but ended up frustrated every time because you never got the results
you wanted?

➢Were you too busy building your successful career to look after your health?

➢ Are you self-conscious about the way your body looks and consequently wear
clothing to hide it?

➢ Do you lack self-confidence, avoid dating people or feel uncomfortable going
to social events?

➢ Do you want to be in better shape to do activities with your children and

➢ Were you physically active and kept your body in a good shape when you were
younger but as you age your body is starting to get out of shape and you don’t
know how to fix it?


Would you like to look at yourself in the mirror and feel proud of what you see?
Would you like to get in the best shape of your life regardless your age? If so,
you came to the right place.


I am an elite weight loss, health and performance coach who has been
transforming people’s lives for over 30 years. Every client started with weight
loss but for many it led into something much bigger. Their lives changed. They
developed a positive self image which boosted their confidence. Their family,
social and professional lives improved as a result. I’ve touched lives of many
people over the last three decades, but these are some of the most satisfying
comments I received:
George Basargin
 * “You are the most expensive trainer I’ve ever had. I had to change my entire
 * “I don’t know what you did to me, but my wife ripped my clothes off after the
   last class.”
 * “All three doctors that I saw today at Vancouver General Hospital could not
   believe how you could pick up on this. Thank you!”
 * “My boss asked me what I’ve been doing. I told him I’ve been training with
   you. He wants me to do another program and he is paying for it!”
 * “I used to have a problem trying to catch up with my friends playing tennis
   because of my knee issues. Now all of them hate you because they cannot catch
   up with me. “
 * “I finally feel wanted again. I am so grateful for what you’ve done for me.”
 * “My husband says thank you!”
 * “My doctor asked if he could send you his patients.”
 * “Now women are trying to take me away from my wife.”
 *  “I’ve been prescribed blood pressure pills for 28 years. After a few weeks
   of training with you, my doctor said I no longer need them. Thank you!”
 * “My doctor told me it would take at least three years of rehab for my
   shoulder and you fixed it in 6 weeks”


So why you, George? How can you help me better than anyone else? It all comes
down to my background and experience. I have been a sport competitor for the
last 40 years of my life. I started with swimming. I was raised in Olympic
reserve school for swimmers and then fell in love with martial arts. I competed
on national and international levels. I have coached many athletes and raised
Canadian and World Champions. I’ve trained people to qualify for entry into the
law enforcement and military.

When I was young, my parents wanted me to become a neurosurgeon, so I obtained
medical education. I served in Special Forces where I also worked as a combat
medic. The unique combination of my sport, military and medical background and
more than 30 years of experience helping people lose weight and get in shape, is
why I am regarded as a top personal trainer in Vancouver.


George started competing at age 4 and still competes to this day.


George’s Bull’s Eye Training has helped thousands of people lose weight and get
in shape.


George will push your body to it’s full potential while making sure you don’t
get injured

There are 3 key elements to weight loss: nutrition, exercise and discipline. And
that’s all I’ve been practicing my entire life and what I know the best.

1. Nutrition: as an athlete I studied nutrition to perform at the highest level.
I know how certain foods affect the body, how the hormones affect your weight,
and what the best nutrition is to reach specific goals.

2. Exercise: to get in shape, you need to know how to train effectively but
safely. I worked with many people who got injured during their previous
training. If you do not know how to train properly, you will waste time on
lengthy ineffective workouts or you may end up getting injured. Through my
medical background and experience as an athlete, I learned human physiology from
A to Z. Knowing how to engage specific muscles to reach desired results
is extremely important. Details like correct angles, range of motion, and speed
will make all the difference. That’s what my Bull’s Eye Training is based on.

3. Discipline: if you are just testing waters, not sure whether you are willing
to commit to succeed, I am not your trainer. But if you are serious about
getting the results you want and you just need help with discipline or
accountability, you are at the right place. As an ex Special Forces and an
athlete, I know what it takes to win. I will track your results, hold
you accountable and push you to do your best. Failure is not an option.

My Bull’s Eye Personal Training program derived from my sport, medical and
military background puts your body in that one and only spot resulting in the
most efficient training. That combined with precise nutrition and accountability
will get you in the best shape of your life in the shortest time possible. Learn
more about the Bull’s Eye Training here.



As a personal trainer and founder of Fit Body By George, I take your health and
physique very seriously. I create a custom program for every client based on
their goal and current condition. No program is the same. What works for one may
not work for someone else. It starts with a consultation, so you can tell me
where you are at, any medical conditions you may have, and what your goals and
challenges are. I will assess your nutritional habits, evaluate your physical
condition and create your customized program.


Fill out the application form here and I will get back to you to schedule your
free consultation.


The Bull’s Eye personal training program consists of six weeks of customized one
on one in person or online training (your choice), personalized nutrition plan
and customized exercise routine for you to do at home. Your progress will be
tracked live through my fitness app which also monitors if any adjustments are
needed. You will have my support 24/7.


My Bull’s Eye training program is designed to give you all the tools for you to
maintain your results for life. You will learn all the what how and why so you
can apply it on your own after the program.


Susan Testimonial

Ryan Testimonial

Derek Testimonial

July Testimonial

Iman Testimonial

Video Testimonial

Tammy Testimonial

Video Testimonial

Zian Testimonial

Kiki Testimonial

Tyler Testimonial

Lucy Testimonial

Lucas Testimonial

Video Testimonial

Video Testimonial

Video Testimonial

Graham Testimonial

Joanna Testimonial

Olga Testimonial

Bill Testimonial

Pamela Testimonial

Naghmeh Testimonial

Phil Testimonial

Alexander Testimonial

Randy Testimonial

Priya Testimonial

AJ Testimonial

Jessica Testimonial

Rati Testimonial

Jason Transformation

Graham Transformation

Richard Transformation

Randy Transformation

Sandra Transformation

Priya Transformation

Phil Transformation

Naoko Transformation

Linda Transformation

Kiki Transformation

Klay Transformation

Iman Transformation

Robert Transformation

Victor Transformation

Anna Transformation

Igor Transformation

Trudy Transformation


Success Stories

We love George! Jason and I agree that of all the decisions we had to make
during our wedding, signing up for George was the probably the best one. We
heard about George from my sister, who told us about an intense workout she had
with this crazy Russian guy on Broadway. Mandy stopped by for a visit and he
told her that if we follow his 6 week plan we would drop pounds and get ripped.
George totally delivered on his promise! We ended up losing more weight and
becoming more toned than we thought was possible. George is a tough trainer and
he expects nothing but the best from you and for you. If you want to look your
best on your big day, you need to call George and make it happen!


I’ve lost 67lbs training with George! It is amazing what you can achieve in such
a short period of time if you are doing the right things and have somebody
helping and guiding you!

I feel great! It’s awesome! I now believe that I can achieve anything I want in
my life!!! I am so grateful!

Thank you George!

Jason Bawa

Thank you for a great 6 weeks, it was truly an amazing experience. I haven’t
felt this good, healthy and strong in a real long time. It feels great to be
able to look into the mirror and be proud of myself again. This was the most
comprehensive work out and eating plan I have ever experienced. I have gained a
lifetime of knowledge in regards to healthy eating, work out plans and most
importantly healthy and clean living. I will be forever grateful!!


I started the challenge to try and push myself into getting back into shape. I
cannot believe how fast I actually saw the results from following George’s
instructions. No matter how hard I pushed myself, he was there to push just that
extra that I needed. The 6 weeks went by much faster than I thought they would.
After 3 weeks I noticed the change in my face and how my clothes fit. By week 4
my friends really started to notice the change. I was able to run longer than I
had in years and my energy level was the highest I have been in over 5 years.
The fast results are what help to keep the motivation going and understanding of
how my eating habits help to keep me fit make all the difference. George really
does know how to customize a program to the individual. He encourages and helps
keep you motivated to achieve your goals.


Richard Walz

I have worked out and done Fitness World routines before, but I was never able
to get results until I started training with George. I lost 30 pounds in six
weeks and have muscles for the first time in my life.
George is very supportive and knows what he is doing, all you have to do is show
up and do your best to survive for an hour.
Although I am done my program now he still continues to motivate me from the

Thank you George!


I’ve been training with George for a couple of months now and feel better than
ever. I have lost over 30lbs and 13 inches and gained muscle tone, definition,
renewed my energy. And a wonderful sense of accomplishment.
Simple really: consistency, basic nutritional guidelines, George’s vast
knowledge and expertise in fitness and overall personal well-being, and a
consistently diverse and challenging program tailored to my (increasing) fitness
and personal needs.

All delivered in a calm, professional and encouraging manner. Perfect.

Victor C

What can I say but WOW! I’ve just finished George’s 6 weeks personal training
program and I’m completely amazed at the results! I’ve lost 30.2 pounds! I was
quite skeptical before I began but as soon as I saw the pounds coming off I
realized that I had stumbled onto a really great program.
The 6 week program incorporates a nutrition and training program that is
personalized and tailored to my goals and my body requirements, and it works!
The program is tough but manageable; all you really need to do is simply follow
George’s instructions, add some commitment, discipline and hard work and the
weight will come off. It’s that easy!

I would definitely recommend this program to anyone who wants to get in better
shape and is willing to commit the short 6 weeks to the program. I have new
fitness goals now and would definitely consider training with George to achieve
the new goals. I know he has the knowledge and expertise to get me there.


I am now in my mid 60’s and have indeed been physically active all of my life.
I am in training to compete on a national sports team.

In order to be on our team I need to perform a stringent fitness evaluation and
to vastly exceed my usual level of endurance, stamina and strength.
I came to George with only a month before testing. He designed the ideal
exercise and nutrition program for me and his humor, inspiration and
philosophical wisdom aided me through the toughest workout challenges.

In just 11 lessons I went from doing one push up to 32 push ups in 60 seconds! I
am now even much stronger mentally in attitude and confidence as well as

As a result of George’s expertise in training and his dedication to my goal in
an unrealistic time frame, I performed in the top range of the competitors!

Thank you George!

Igor Mironyuk

First full, I would like to thank my personal trainer George. When I have heard
about this program I was a bit skeptical because I have tried several trainers
prior with different diets but nothing worked for me. George was recommended by
a good friend of mine, who did the same program and lost 32 pounds. So I decided
to give it a try. I have lost 27 pounds from being 242 to 215 in just in 4 weeks
as promised!

I feel so much better than I have felt in such a long time and I have more
confidence in myself, which has given me the confidence to do new things! I
still have about 10 pounds to go, but I know I can do it, just as long as I
stick to the program. Thank you once again for changing my life for better, I
will recommend this natural and healthy program to anyone.

Sayona K.

When I turned 30 I realized that the days of eating what I want without
exercising were near their end. I am someone who never exercised and in fact I
want to say I hated it. But one class with George changed everything, including
my attitude.

George has changed my life. He made me into a cardio lover not hater. His
classes are so intense yet absolutely fun that by the end of your first class
you’ll find yourself begging for more!!! My energy level is at an all time high,
my spirit is always happy, my body is getting the workout of its life and it’s
all thanks to George. He has changed my views on health and wellness, and the
body I once had is making a comeback.

Robert L.

After years of going to the gym, countless injuries and minimal results I
decided to take my training in another direction. With some research and a
little luck I found George. He supervised not only my training but also my
nutrition with a goal of reducing my weight to a healthier level and increasing
my overall fitness, while teaching me boxing and self-defense skills. George’s
training makes the lessons fun and effective. No two classes are the same,
constantly varying the training to keep it fun while challenging you physically.
After 6 weeks I reduced my weight 40 pounds. My cholesterol level dropped so
much my doctor was amazed. I am looking forward to my results after the 90 day
program is complete. Thank you George!

Katerina Michtchenko

George has really helped me shed the weight after my second pregnancy. I find
the workouts very challenging, but extremely effective. I feel that George
exercises all of your muscles in the right way and helps get rid of the weight
and also build stamina and strength. The workouts are very stimulating, however,
he motivates you and pushes you to complete the task, so that you yourself feel
accomplished and pleased with your results. There are times when I feel like
giving up, but there’s always something that George says that brings you up and
tells you not to give up on yourself and keep trying. Thank you George!

Igor K.

I had carried excess weight for the most of my life. Diets and weight loss
programs were not effective and brought just a temporary solution to the
lifelong problem. Although I always stayed physically active, it did not stop my
weight from climbing up.

Couple of years ago, I brought my son to Reality Martial Arts to take kick
boxing classes and my attention was caught by George’s knowledgeable and
result-oriented approach to training. I like what I saw and asked him to help me
to get back into shape. I dropped 30 lbs in less than a month through
personalized nutrition and exercise plan and on my way to stay fit and feel
great for good. I could not wish for more!


After 10 years of carrying excess weight and suffering from stress, hypertension
and chronic migraines, I was more than ready to make some changes. Low calorie
diet programs and work out DVDs did not work for me. Luckily, I stumbled upon
George’s website and I took the plunge.

Six weeks later my health got better, I gained more energy, my migraines went
away and I was losing weight! More than this, I have learned and believe in the
importance of an effective workout coupled with healthy food choices. Shortcuts
just don’t work! George helps you understand that in order to get to where you
want you have to work at it.

He motivates you every step of the way and with his guidance you just keep
getting better and you feel better.

It’s a journey through hell when he’s training you but the results are so
amazing. I was wearing size 6 pants and I now fit into a size 2.
I couldn’t have done this without George and I am so immensely thankful.



I started the challenge to try and push myself into getting back into shape. I
cannot believe how fast I actually saw the results from following George’s
instructions. No matter how hard I pushed myself, he was there to push just that
extra that I needed. The 6 weeks went by much faster than I thought they
would.   After 3 weeks I noticed the change in my face and how my clothes fit. 
By week 4 my friends really started to notice the change. I was able to run
longer than I had in years and my energy level was the highest I have been in
over 5 years. The fast results are what help to keep the motivation going and
understanding of how my eating habits help to keep me fit make all the
difference. George really does know how to customize a program to the
individual. He encourages and helps keep you motivated to achieve your goals.

Sandy Sohal

Thanks for a great workout. You really had me doing some hard stuff.

And thank you so much for allowing me to share with you – my frustrations,
experiences, etc. You are a great trainer and I am so happy that I finally found
you. I was asking for a trainer like you for many years! But I guess I wasn’t
ready and now I am, and here you are!

And I mean it when I say no sugar until I see you again!

Sandy Sohal

Mona Khanifar

I would have never believed that I could make such dramatic changes, in such a
short period of time! I am so thankful for George, for all of his coaching,
training, guidance and the mentor-ship he has provided me. In only 6 weeks, I
was able to lose 15 pounds and drastically change my life forever. My body is
now one that I can be proud of and the confidence I have, feels amazing. George
provided me with a detailed meal plan, a routine to complete at home and 12
wonderful and intense one-on-one training sessions in his private gym.  George
has not only shared his nutritional and fitness expertise, but has taught me the
various aspects of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. George has been a wonderful
trainer to have and has customized every aspect of his training to suit my needs
and goals. Now that our program is complete, I look forward to seeing what
changes I can make over the next few months, with the skills that I have learned
from George.  I would highly recommend George for anyone who is looking to lose
weight in a healthy, natural and permanent way!

Mona Khanifar

Leonardo Rocha

I am a 38 years old male, and as many others like me I’ve been struggling with
the size of my belly. I can’t say I was fat, but my belly was big and I was
weighting 200lbs, a little bit too much for a guy that is just 5’6 tall.

Losing weight was never a problem for me. Just put myself in a very strict diet
and the scale would go down…but never the belly!

The situation reached a point when I considered surgery. And I did it. December
2013 I underwent liposuction in the abdominal area, and after three months the
results weren’t good…actually I’ve gained 10 pounds!

In March 2014 I came across George though internet and decided to give it a try.
Very shortly after I start the six weeks program I start to notice change. I
drop substantial weight and my belly almost disappeared. At the end of the
program I was 30 lbs lighter and passed from waist 38 to 34.

The program is not easy. It takes commitment and seriousness, but at the end you
realize that isn’t just a six weeks program, it is a lesson that you take with
you, and can repeat again and again.

George is a nice person, committed and serious himself. I felt secure and in the
hands of someone who knew what he was doing.

Would I recommend the program to others? Sure thing! It was the best investment
I did in myself in years.

Fr. Leonardo Rocha, CS



I jogged but mostly walked all the way to work this morning…arrived at 7:15
am…earlier than I usually do. I feel so proud of myself…never in my wildest
dreams would I have thought that possible. I’m paying for it now though…but it’s
a good pain.

Thank you for everything so far…amazing!!!



Edith MacIver

Just thought I’d send you an email that I started your program the end of
January for  6 weeks.   I have now lost 50 lbs as of last week.  I continue to
follow your plan even when I fall off the wagon  which surprises me that I am
still with it!  On Saturday my daughter and I went for a bike ride and ended up
doing 25 kms.  She was sometimes 2-3 intersections ahead of me and we had to bus
our bikes home because my butt was sore, but I can’t remember the last time I
rode that far.  I passed level 1 swimming and am signing up again in the fall.
 Things continue to amaze me as the pounds disappear.  For the first time in
years I feel free!

I just wanted to thank you again for your having taken me on and your positive
motivation that anything is possible.  You not only believed , but you have the
skills and knowledge to share with others.

Edith MacIver

Crystal Thomasen

“I have tried getting fit numerous times by going to the gym but would never get
the results I wanted, so I often gave up after a couple of months. With George’s
unique and individualized training program I began to see results within the
first two weeks! After 6 weeks of training with George I reached my goal weight,
got muscle tone in places I had never had muscle tone before and I haven’t felt
this energetic or healthy in years! At the end of a long day at work I still
have energy for a night out on the town or to drop in on one of Georges Cardio
Kickboxing classes!”

-Crystal Thomasen (Registered Nurse)

Ravi Bindra

I would highly recommend Fit Body by George to anyone looking to get fit. George
is an excellent trainer and is there to help get results efficiently. I
appreciated George’s responsiveness to any questions I had outside of our
training sessions. George’s insights on training and nutrition are invaluable,
he truly cares for his clients and their health and fitness goals. George has
taught me to work out more efficiently and make the right choices nutrition-wise
outside of the gym in a manner that is achievable.

Ravi Bindra


I’ve done 2 programs and continue to learn so much each time. George’s knowledge
and insight is vast. It’s up to you to commit to the program(s), but if you
truly follow his advice you’ll see the results you are looking for. I trust
George because he tells you to do your own research – his workouts don’t cause
any injury or pain. I’ve had chronic back pain since I was 13 (now 35) and I
never injure myself during the workout sessions. I recommend trying one of his
programs for whatever your goals are.


Susan Francis

George was recommended to me by a colleague. Completed George’s 6 week program
and was amazed with my results. Surpassed my goal! George is incredibly
knowledgeable in fitness, health, nutrition, and the body. Needed someone to
kick my butt and was looking for something new. Interesting and effective
workouts and nutrition plan to follow. Even did it all virtually due to living
outside of Vancouver. Learned a lot and am forever grateful. Feeling more
comfortable and confident. Do what he says and it will work – I promise. Thanks

Susan Francis

Sandra Lee

George knows his stuff! He’s a wealth of information and provides sound and
practical advice on nutrition and fitness which yields results. He’s passionate
about what he does and truly wants to see all his clients succeed in the goals
they have set for themselves. I participated in George’s 4 week bootcamp and was
amazed at how easily the weight came off as soon as I implemented his eating
guidelines and simple and effective workout routines. Thanks George – I have the
knowledge to keep the weight off!

Sandra Lee

John Voth

George’s coaching and techniques just work, period. dropped 30 pounds by being
disciplined to his instructions. He also taught me new ways to work out that are
simpler and more effective than most of what I’ve learned before. Sign up with
him, you won’t regret it.

John Voth

Anin Setyo

George is the only trainer that got me to where I want to be. After years of
going from trainer to trainer, regular visits to the gym outside of that,
counting my macros, limiting calorie intake, etc., I was still struggling to
lose weight. In our first meeting, George promised me that he’ll take me to my
goal in 6 weeks if I listen. So I did and I have never seen the weight come off
so naturally like clockwork – I don’t even have to think about it. I received
more than what I asked for, I feel healthiest I’ve been, constant energy level,
not bloated or cramps during my period, abs showing at all times. I’ve never
been more satisfied with a purchase before. Warning: George’s training and
nutrition plan are not for the faint of heart , best for those who want results
and not waste their time.

Anin Setyo

Stephanie Orr

I have had many trainers and worked out at way too many gyms. I even have a
degree in exercise physiology, but I could never lose the weight and get in
shape. With George I have lost 20 lbs and have 10 more to go. But the best part
is that I’m actually healthy physically, mentally and emotionally. I will never
NOT train with George.

Stephanie Orr

Dwayne Mason

I have been training with George for over 2yrs . Why ? Because George is not
your typical run of the mill trainer, he takes your success personally,
everybody says that but George lives it. lf you want results, real life changing
progress call George.

Dwayne Mason

Christopher Chan

I have trained with George for 5 years very constantly and what I have learned
is still applied to my life day to day. 120% recommend for anything even if it’s
not related to training.

Christopher Chan

Fedor Tokarev

George is the most knowledgeable, result oriented and ethical personal trainer
I’ve met.

Fedor Tokarev

Natasha Dales

I definitely recommend George’s 6 week program and him as a trainer. He is tough
and will push you but definitely gets results. I’m extremely happy with my
results from doing his program once and have continued it a second time. He has
a lot of knowledge and the program is designed well. His app is great for
tracking everything and communicating with him and he responds quickly to all my
questions too.

Natasha Dales

Anna Jab

If you want results, go see George! As a mother with young children, I don’t
have much extra time, so I need training sessions that are targeted and
effective. George is very knowledgeable and tailors his clients’ workouts both
to their abilities and their needs. Whenever I feel like I need to get in better
shape, see results fast and stay on track, I know that attending training
sessions with George will do the trick. Wish I had more time to work out with
him more often!

Anna Jab

Robert Klein

Saved my life. Lost 47 pounds with George.

Robert Klein

Ashley D.

Working out with George was the best decision I have ever made. It had amazing
results on my body, health, and eating habits and it was all done in 6 weeks. I
was pretty skeptical of his bold statement of “lose 30lbs in 6 weeks”, but the
truth is if YOU really want to achieve a certain goal, whether it is weight
loss, toning, fitness improvement etc. George will get you there. He tailors you
a personal programme and coaches you all the way. The key is, YOU have to do
EXACTLY what he says and YOU will achieve your goal.

If you really want to get in shape he is well worth the money and effort.

Ashley D.

Natasha Dales

Definitely recommend George’s 6 week program and him as a trainer. He is tough
and will push you but definitely gets results. I’m extremely happy with my
results from doing his program once and have continued it a second time. He has
a lot of knowledge and the program is designed well. His app is great for
tracking everything and communicating with him and he responds quickly to all my
questions too.

Raveen MP

Do what George says and you will see results. I loved how simple and
straightforward the plan was. Meal prep was uncomplicated and fit into my busy
days without a problem. George is a great trainer and his workouts are super
effective. After 6 weeks I am much smaller and stronger than when I started. My
eating habits and relationship with food are so much better than before. I am
confident that I have the tools to get even leaner or simply maintain my weight
going forward. Thank you George for a life changing 6 weeks!

Ross Redhead

I decided to make a change in my life and lose the weight that I’d be caring
around for most of my adult life. After searching for trainers in my area I
decided on working with George. To say George delivered on his guarantee is an
understatement I have reached my goal and more. I am now looking to improve my
overall health with George’s help. It’s not an easy program but with George’s
encouragement , guidance and honesty I really think anyone can do this. If you
are thinking of doing this program all I can say is do it!

Joey Coffin

Highly recommend George and his training philosophy at FBBG.
Walked out the door after 6 weeks, not only 33 lbs lighter, but clearer mentally
with a plan for the future. It’s not jut about the training but the way you
think of yourself and the process. I was always athletic but I’m moving forward
as an athlete.

Krista Klein

If you want results, see George. He is the best trainer I have ever worked with
and he keeps you accountable.


Words cannot express how i feel right now. I never thought i would feel so happy
and energized at this stage in my life. So excited and hopeful about my future
and the great possibilities….

Latest From Our

Welcome to the Fit Body By George Official Weight Loss Blog. You will find all
sorts of weight loss related tips and tricks here. The goal here is to teach you
about weight loss using three different aspects, mind, body and food. That is
the Fit Body By George difference! I am here to help you lose weight and feel
better. I want to supply you with the knowledge and expertise needed to lose
weight and keep it off for good!

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By George

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How you can have a cheat meal and not gain weight? The way to do it is first to

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