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n8n Docs
Type to start searching
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 * Integrations
 * Hosting n8n
 * Code in n8n
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 * API
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 * Courses

n8n Docs
 * Using n8n
   Using n8n
    * Choose your n8n
    * Try it out
      Try it out
       * A very quick quickstart
       * A longer introduction
    * Understand workflows
      Understand workflows
       * Create and run
       * Components
          * Nodes
          * Connections
          * Sticky Notes
       * Executions
          * Workflow-level executions
          * All executions
          * Custom executions data
          * Debug executions
       * Tags
       * Export and import
       * Templates
       * Sharing
       * Settings
       * Workflow history
       * Workflow ID
    * Manage credentials
      Manage credentials
       * Create and edit
       * Credential sharing
    * Flow logic
      Flow logic
       * Splitting with conditionals
       * Merging data
       * Looping
       * Waiting
       * Sub-workflows
       * Error handling
       * Execution order in multi-branch workflows
    * Data
       * Data structure
       * Data flow within nodes
       * Transforming data
       * Process data using code
       * Data mapping
         Data mapping
          * Data mapping in the UI
          * Data mapping in the expressions editor
          * Data item linking
            Data item linking
             * Item linking concepts
             * Item linking in the Code node
             * Item linking errors
             * Item linking for node creators
       * Data pinning
       * Data editing
       * Data filtering
       * Binary data
    * User management
      User management
       * Cloud setup
       * Manage users
       * Account types
       * Best practices
       * 2FA
       * LDAP
       * SAML
          * Set up SAML
          * Okta Workforce Identity SAML setup
          * Troubleshooting
          * Manage users with SAML
    * Manage n8n Cloud
      Manage n8n Cloud
       * Acces the Cloud admin dashboard
       * Update your n8n Cloud version
       * Set the timezone
       * Cloud IP addresses
    * Source control and environments
      Source control and environments
       * Understand
          * Environments
          * Git in n8n
          * Branch patterns
       * Set up
       * Using
          * Push and pull
          * Copy work between environments
          * Manage variables
       * Tutorial: Create environments with source control
    * External secrets
    * Log streaming
    * Privacy and security
      Privacy and security
       * Privacy
       * Security
       * Incident response
       * What you can do
    * Enterprise license key
    * Release notes
    * v1.0 migration guide
    * Keyboard shortcuts
    * Contributing
    * Faircode license

 * Integrations
    * Built-in nodes
      Built-in nodes
       * Core nodes
         Core nodes
          * Activation trigger
          * Aggregate
          * Code
          * Compare Datasets
          * Compression
          * Chat Trigger
          * Convert to File
          * Crypto
          * Date & Time
          * Debug Helper
          * Edit Fields (Set)
          * Edit Image
          * Email trigger (IMAP)
          * Error trigger
          * Execute Command
          * Execute Workflow
          * Execute Workflow trigger
          * Execution Data
          * Extract From File
          * Filter
          * FTP
          * Git
          * GraphQL
          * HTML
          * HTTP Request
          * If
          * Interval
          * LDAP - n8n Documentation
          * Limit
          * Local File trigger
          * Loop Over Items
          * Manual trigger
          * Markdown
          * Merge
          * n8n
          * n8n Form Trigger
          * n8n trigger
          * No Operation, do nothing
          * Read/Write Files from Disk
          * Remove Duplicates
          * Rename Keys
          * Respond to Webhook
          * RSS Read
          * RSS Feed Trigger
          * Schedule trigger
          * Send Email
          * Sort
          * Split Out
          * SSE trigger
          * SSH
          * Start
          * Stop And Error
          * Summarize
          * Switch
          * TOTP
          * Wait
          * Webhook
          * Workflow trigger
          * XML
       * Actions
          * Action Network
          * ActiveCampaign
          * Adalo
          * Affinity
          * Agile CRM
          * Airtable
          * AMQP Sender
          * Asana
          * Automizy
          * Autopilot
          * AWS Certificate Manager
          * AWS Comprehend
          * AWS DynamoDB
          * AWS Elastic Load Balancing
          * AWS Lambda
          * AWS Rekognition
          * AWS S3
          * AWS SES
          * AWS SNS
          * AWS SQS
          * AWS Textract
          * AWS Transcribe
          * BambooHR
          * Bannerbear
          * Baserow
          * Beeminder
          * Bitly
          * Bitwarden
          * Box
          * Brandfetch
          * Brevo
          * Bubble
          * Chargebee
          * CircleCI
          * Webex by Cisco
          * Citrix ADC
          * Clearbit
          * ClickUp
          * Clockify
          * Cloudflare
          * Cockpit
          * Coda
          * CoinGecko
          * Contentful
          * ConvertKit
          * Copper
          * Cortex
          * CrateDB
          * DeepL
          * Demio
          * DHL
          * Discord
          * Discourse
          * Disqus
          * Drift
          * Dropbox
          * Dropcontact
          * E-goi
          * Elasticsearch
          * Elastic Security
          * Emelia
          * ERPNext
          * Facebook Graph API
          * FileMaker
          * Flow
          * Freshdesk
          * Freshservice
          * Freshworks CRM
          * GetResponse
          * Ghost
          * GitHub
          * GitLab
          * Gmail
          * Google Ads
          * Google Analytics
          * Google BigQuery
          * Google Books
          * Google Calendar
          * Google Chat
          * Google Cloud Firestore
          * Google Cloud Natural Language
          * Google Cloud Realtime Database
          * Google Cloud Storage
          * Google Contacts
          * Google Docs
          * Google Drive
          * Google Perspective
          * Google Sheets
          * Google Slides
          * Google Tasks
          * Google Translate
          * Gotify
          * GoToWebinar
          * Grafana
          * Grist
          * G Suite Admin
          * Hacker News
          * HaloPSA
          * Harvest
          * Help Scout
          * HighLevel
          * Home Assistant
          * HubSpot
          * Humantic AI
          * Hunter
          * Intercom
          * Invoice Ninja
          * Iterable
          * Jenkins
          * Jira
          * Kafka
          * Keap
          * Kitemaker
          * KoBo Toolbox
          * Lemlist
          * Line
          * Linear
          * LingvaNex
          * LinkedIn
          * LoneScale
          * Magento 2
          * Mailcheck
          * Mailchimp
          * MailerLite
          * Mailgun
          * Mailjet
          * Mandrill
          * marketstack
          * Matrix
          * Mattermost
          * Mautic
          * Medium
          * MessageBird
          * Metabase
          * Microsoft Dynamics CRM
          * Microsoft Excel
          * Microsoft Graph Security
          * Microsoft OneDrive
          * Microsoft Outlook
          * Microsoft SQL
          * Microsoft Teams
          * Microsoft To Do
          * Mindee
          * MISP
          * Mocean
          * MongoDB
          * Monica CRM
          * MQTT
          * MSG91
          * MySQL
          * Customer Datastore (n8n Training)
          * Customer Messenger (n8n Training)
          * NASA
          * Netlify
          * Nextcloud
          * NocoDB
          * Notion
          * npm
          * Odoo
          * One Simple API
          * Onfleet
          * OpenAI
          * OpenThesaurus
          * OpenWeatherMap
          * Orbit
          * Oura
          * Paddle
          * PagerDuty
          * PayPal
          * Peekalink
          * PhantomBuster
          * Philips Hue
          * Pipedrive
          * Plivo
          * PostBin
          * Postgres
          * PostHog
          * ProfitWell
          * Pushbullet
          * Pushcut
          * Pushover
          * QuestDB
          * Quick Base
          * QuickBooks
          * QuickChart
          * RabbitMQ
          * Raindrop
          * Reddit
          * Redis
          * Rocket.Chat
          * Rundeck
          * S3
          * Salesforce
          * Salesmate
          * SeaTable
          * SecurityScorecard
          * Segment
          * SendGrid
          * Sendy
          * ServiceNow
          * Shopify
          * SIGNL4
          * Slack
          * sms77
          * Snowflake
          * Splunk
          * Spontit
          * Spotify
          * Stackby
          * Storyblok
          * Strapi
          * Strava
          * Stripe
          * Supabase
          * SyncroMSP
          * Taiga
          * Tapfiliate
          * Telegram
          * TheHive
          * TheHive 5
          * TimescaleDB
          * Todoist
          * Travis CI
          * Trello
          * Twake
          * Twilio
          * Twist
          * Twitter
          * Unleashed Software
          * UpLead
          * uProc
          * UptimeRobot
          * Venafi TLS Protect Cloud
          * Venafi TLS Protect Datacenter
          * VERO
          * Vonage
          * Webflow
          * WeKan
          * WhatsApp Business Platform
          * Wise
          * WooCommerce
          * WordPress
          * Xero
          * Yourls
          * YouTube
          * Zammad
          * Zendesk
          * Zoho CRM
          * Zoom
          * Zulip
       * Triggers
          * ActiveCampaign trigger
          * Acuity Scheduling trigger
          * Affinity trigger
          * Airtable trigger
          * AMQP trigger
          * Asana trigger
          * Autopilot trigger
          * AWS SNS trigger
          * Bitbucket trigger
          * Box trigger
          * Brevo trigger
          * Calendly trigger
          * Cal trigger
          * Chargebee trigger
          * ClickUp trigger
          * Clockify trigger
          * ConvertKit trigger
          * Copper trigger
          * trigger
          * trigger
          * Emelia trigger
          * Eventbrite trigger
          * Facebook Lead Ads trigger
          * Facebook trigger
          * Figma trigger (Beta) node
          * Flow trigger
          * trigger
          * Formstack trigger
          * GetResponse trigger
          * GitHub trigger
          * GitLab trigger
          * Gmail trigger
          * Google Calendar trigger
          * Google Drive trigger
          * Google Sheets trigger
          * Gumroad trigger
          * Help Scout trigger
          * HubSpot trigger
          * Invoice Ninja trigger
          * Jira trigger
          * JotForm trigger
          * Kafka trigger
          * Keap trigger
          * KoboToolbox trigger
          * Lemlist trigger
          * Linear trigger
          * LoneScale trigger
          * Mailchimp trigger
          * MailerLite trigger
          * Mailjet trigger
          * Mautic trigger
          * MQTT trigger
          * Netlify trigger
          * Notion trigger
          * Onfleet trigger
          * PayPal trigger
          * Pipedrive trigger
          * Postgres trigger
          * Postmark trigger
          * Pushcut trigger
          * RabbitMQ trigger
          * Redis trigger
          * SeaTable trigger
          * Shopify trigger
          * Strava trigger
          * Stripe trigger
          * SurveyMonkey trigger
          * Taiga trigger
          * Telegram trigger
          * TheHive 5 trigger
          * TheHive trigger
          * Toggl trigger
          * Trello trigger
          * Typeform trigger
          * Venafi TLS Protect Cloud trigger
          * Webex by Cisco trigger
          * Webflow trigger
          * Wise trigger
          * WooCommerce trigger
          * Workable trigger
          * Wufoo trigger
          * Zendesk trigger
       * Cluster nodes
         Cluster nodes
          * Root nodes
            Root nodes
             * Agent
             * Basic LLM Chain
             * Question and Answer Chain
             * Summarization Chain
             * LangChain Code
             * OpenAI Assistant
             * In Memory Vector Store
             * Pinecone Vector Store
             * Qdrant Vector Store
             * Supabase Vector Store
             * Zep Vector Store
          * Sub-nodes
             * Default Data Loader
             * GitHub Document Loader
             * Embeddings AWS Bedrock
             * Embeddings Azure OpenAI
             * Embeddings Cohere
             * Embeddings Google PaLM
             * Embeddings HuggingFace Inference
             * Embeddings Mistral Cloud
             * Embeddings OpenAI
             * Anthropic Chat Model
             * AWS Bedrock Chat Model
             * Azure OpenAI Chat Model
             * Google PaLM Chat Model
             * Mistral Cloud Chat Model
             * Ollama Chat Model
             * OpenAI Chat Model
             * Cohere Model
             * Google PaLM Language Model
             * Ollama Model
             * OpenAI Model
             * Hugging Face Inference Model
             * Window Buffer Memory
             * Chat Memory Manager
             * Motorhead
             * Redis Chat Memory
             * Xata
             * Zep
             * Auto-fixing Output Parser
             * Item List Output Parser
             * Structured Output Parser
             * Contextual Compression Retriever
             * MultiQuery Retriever
             * Vector Store Retriever
             * Workflow Retriever
             * Character Text Splitter
             * Recursive Character Text Splitter
             * Token Splitter
             * Calculator
             * Custom Code Tool
             * SerpAPI
             * Wikipedia
             * Wolfram|Alpha
             * Custom n8n Workflow Tool
       * Credentials
          * Action Network credentials
          * ActiveCampaign credentials
          * Acuity Scheduling credentials
          * Adalo credentials
          * Affinity credentials
          * Agile CRM credentials
          * Airtable credentials
          * AlienVault credentials
          * AMQP credentials
          * Anthropic credentials
          * credentials
          * Asana credentials
          * Auth0 Management credentials
          * Automizy credentials
          * Autopilot credentials
          * AWS credentials
          * Azure OpenAI credentials
          * BambooHR credentials
          * Bannerbear credentials
          * Baserow credentials
          * Beeminder credentials
          * Bitbucket credentials
          * Bitly credentials
          * Bitwarden credentials
          * Box credentials
          * Brandfetch credentials
          * Brevo credentials
          * Bubble credentials
          * Cal credentials
          * Calendly credentials
          * Carbon Black credentials
          * Chargebee credentials
          * CircleCI credentials
          * Cisco Meraki credentials
          * Cisco Secure Endpoint credentials
          * Cisco Umbrella credentials
          * Citrix ADC credentials
          * Clearbit credentials
          * ClickUp credentials
          * Clockify credentials
          * Cloudflare credentials
          * Cockpit credentials
          * Coda credentials
          * Cohere credentials
          * Contentful credentials
          * ConvertKit credentials
          * Copper credentials
          * Cortex
          * CrateDB credentials
          * credentials
          * CrowdStrike credentials
          * credentials
          * DeepL credentials
          * Demio credentials
          * DHL credentials
          * Discord credentials
          * Discourse credentials
          * Disqus credentials
          * Drift credentials
          * Dropbox credentials
          * Dropcontact credentials
          * E-goi credentials
          * Elasticsearch credentials
          * Elastic Security credentials
          * Emelia credentials
          * ERPNext credentials
          * Eventbrite credentials
          * F5 Big-IP credentials
          * Facebook App credentials
          * Facebook Graph API credentials
          * Facebook Lead Ads credentials
          * Figma credentials
          * FileMaker credentials
          * Flow credentials
          * Trigger credentials
          * Formstack Trigger credentials
          * Fortinet FortiGate credentials
          * Freshdesk credentials
          * Freshservice credentials
          * Freshworks CRM credentials
          * FTP credentials
          * GetResponse credentials
          * Ghost credentials
          * Git credentials
          * GitHub credentials
          * GitLab credentials
          * Google
             * Google OAuth2 single service
             * Google OAuth2 generic
             * Google Service Account
             * Google PaLM credentials
          * Gotify credentials
          * GoToWebinar credentials
          * Grafana credentials
          * Grist credentials
          * Gumroad credentials
          * HaloPSA credentials
          * Harvest credentials
          * Help Scout credentials
          * HighLevel credentials
          * Home Assistant credentials
          * HTTP Request credentials
          * HubSpot credentials
          * Hugging Face credentials
          * Humantic AI credentials
          * Hunter credentials
          * Hybrid Analysis credentials
          * IMAP credentials
          * Imperva WAF credentials
          * Intercom credentials
          * Invoice Ninja credentials
          * Iterable credentials
          * Jenkins credentials
          * Jira credentials
          * JotForm credentials
          * Kafka credentials
          * Keap credentials
          * Kibana credentials
          * Kitemaker credentials
          * KoBo Toolbox credentials
          * LDAP credentials - n8n Documentation
          * Lemlist credentials
          * Line credentials
          * Linear credentials
          * LingvaNex credentials
          * LinkedIn credentials
          * LoneScale credentials - n8n Documentation
          * Magento 2 credentials
          * Mailcheck credentials
          * Mailchimp credentials
          * MailerLite credentials
          * Mailgun credentials
          * Mailjet credentials
          * Mandrill credentials
          * Marketstack credentials
          * Matrix credentials
          * Mattermost credentials
          * Mautic credentials
          * Medium credentials
          * MessageBird credentials
          * Metabase credentials
          * Microsoft credentials
          * Microsoft Entra ID credentials
          * Microsoft SQL credentials
          * Mindee credentials
          * MISP credentials
          * Mist credentials
          * Mistral Cloud credentials
          * Mocean credentials
          * credentials
          * MongoDB credentials
          * Monica CRM credentials
          * Motorhead credentials
          * MQTT credentials
          * MSG91 credentials
          * MySQL credentials
          * NASA credentials
          * Netlify credentials
          * Nextcloud credentials
          * NocoDB credentials
          * Notion credentials
          * npm credentials
          * Odoo credentials
          * Okta credentials
          * Ollama credentials
          * One Simple API credentials
          * Onfleet credentials
          * OpenAI credentials
          * OpenCTI credentials
          * OpenWeatherMap credentials
          * Orbit credentials
          * Oura credentials
          * Paddle credentials
          * PagerDuty credentials
          * PayPal credentials
          * Peekalink credentials
          * PhantomBuster credentials
          * Philips Hue credentials
          * Pinecone credentials
          * Pipedrive credentials
          * Plivo credentials
          * Postgres credentials
          * PostHog credentials
          * Postmark credentials
          * ProfitWell credentials
          * Pushbullet credentials
          * Pushcut credentials
          * Pushover credentials
          * QRadar credentials
          * Qdrant credentials
          * Qualys credentials
          * QuestDB credentials
          * Quick Base credentials
          * QuickBooks credentials
          * RabbitMQ credentials
          * Raindrop credentials
          * Recorded Future credentials
          * Reddit credentials
          * Redis credentials
          * Rocket.Chat credentials
          * Rundeck credentials
          * S3 credentials
          * Salesforce credentials
          * Salesmate credentials
          * SeaTable credentials
          * SecurityScorecard credentials
          * Segment credentials
          * Sekoia credentials
          * Send Email credentials
          * SendGrid credentials
          * Sendy credentials
          * credentials
          * Serp credentials
          * ServiceNow credentials
          * Shopify credentials
          * Shuffler credentials
          * SIGNL4 credentials
          * Slack credentials
          * sms77 credentials
          * Snowflake credentials
          * Splunk credentials
          * Spontit credentials
          * Spotify credentials
          * SSH credentials
          * Stackby credentials
          * Storyblok credentials
          * Strapi credentials
          * Strava credentials
          * Stripe credentials
          * Supabase credentials
          * SurveyMonkey credentials
          * SyncroMSP credentials
          * Taiga credentials
          * Tapfiliate credentials
          * Telegram credentials
          * TheHive credentials
          * TheHive 5 credentials
          * TimescaleDB credentials
          * Todoist credentials
          * Toggl credentials
          * TOTP credentials
          * Travis CI credentials
          * Trellix ePO credentials
          * Trello credentials
          * Twake credentials
          * Twilio credentials
          * Twist credentials
          * Twitter credentials
          * Typeform credentials
          * Unleashed Software credentials
          * UpLead credentials
          * uProc credentials
          * UptimeRobot credentials
          * credentials
          * Venafi TLS Protect Cloud credentials
          * Venafi TLS Protect Datacenter credentials
          * VERO credentials
          * VirusTotal credentials
          * Vonage credentials
          * Webex by Cisco credentials
          * Webflow credentials
          * WeKan credentials
          * WhatsApp Business credentials
          * Wise credentials
          * Wolfram|Alpha credentials
          * WooCommerce credentials
          * WordPress credentials
          * Workable credentials
          * Wufoo credentials
          * Xata credentials
          * Xero credentials
          * Yourls credentials
          * Zammad credentials
          * Zendesk credentials
          * Zep credentials
          * Zoho credentials
          * Zoom credentials
          * Zscaler ZIA credentials
          * Zulip credentials
    * Custom API actions for existing nodes
    * Community nodes
      Community nodes
       * Installation and management
         Installation and management
          * GUI installation
          * Manual installation
       * Risks
       * Blocklist
       * Using community nodes
       * Troubleshooting
       * Building community nodes
    * Creating nodes
      Creating nodes
       * Plan your node
         Plan your node
          * Choose a node type
          * Choose a node building style
          * Node UI design
          * Choose node file structure
       * Build your node
         Build your node
          * Set up your development environment
          * Tutorial: Build a declarative-style node
          * Tutorial: Build a programmatic-style node
          * Reference
             * Node UI elements
             * Code standards
             * Versioning
             * File structure
             * Base files
             * Codex files
             * Credentials files
             * HTTP request helpers
             * Item linking
       * Test your node
         Test your node
          * Run your node locally
          * Node linter
          * Troubleshooting
       * Deploy your node
         Deploy your node
          * Submit community nodes
          * Install private nodes

 * Hosting n8n
   Hosting n8n
    * Installation
       * npm
       * Docker
       * Server setups
         Server setups
          * Digital Ocean
          * Heroku
          * Hetzner
          * Amazon Web Services
          * Azure
          * Google Cloud
          * Docker Compose
       * Updating
    * Environment variables
      Environment variables
       * Configuration methods
       * Environment variables reference
       * Configuration examples
         Configuration examples
          * Isolating n8n
    * Supported databases and settings
    * User management
    * External storage
    * Security audit
    * Logging and monitoring
      Logging and monitoring
       * Logging
       * Monitoring
    * Scaling
       * Performance and benchmarking
       * Execution data
       * Configuring queue mode
       * Binary data filesystem mode
       * Memory-related errors
    * Architecture
       * Database structure
    * CLI commands

 * Code in n8n
   Code in n8n
    * Expressions
    * Code node
    * Built in methods and variables
      Built in methods and variables
       * Current node input
       * Output of other nodes
       * Date and time
       * JMESPath
       * HTTP node
       * LangChain Code node
       * n8n metadata
       * Convenience methods
       * Data transformation functions
         Data transformation functions
          * Arrays
          * Dates
          * Numbers
          * Objects
          * Strings
    * Create custom variables
    * Handling dates
    * Query JSON with JMESPath
    * AI coding
    * Cookbook
       * Built-in methods and variables examples
         Built-in methods and variables examples
          * execution
          * getWorkflowStaticData
          * Retrieve linked items from earlier in the workflow
          * (node-name).all
          * vars
       * Expressions
          * Check incoming data
       * Code node
         Code node
          * Get number of items returned by last node
          * Get the binary data buffer
          * Output to the browser console
       * HTTP Request node
         HTTP Request node
          * Pagination

 * Advanced AI
   Advanced AI
    * Tutorial: Build an AI workflow in n8n
    * LangChain in n8n
      LangChain in n8n
       * Langchain concepts in n8n
       * LangChain learning resources
    * Examples and concepts
      Examples and concepts
       * What is a tool?
       * Use Google Sheets as a data source
       * Call an API to fetch data
       * Set a human fallback for AI workflows

 * API
    * Authentication
    * Pagination
    * Using the API playground
    * API reference

 * Embed
    * Prerequisites
    * Deployment
    * Configuration
    * Workflow management
    * Workflows templates
    * White labelling

 * Courses
    * Level one
      Level one
       * Navigating the editor UI
       * Building a mini-workflow
       * Automating a (real-world) use case
       * Designing the workflow
       * Building the workflow
         Building the workflow
          * Getting data from the data warehouse
          * Inserting data into airtable
          * Filtering orders
          * Setting values for processing orders
          * Calculating booked orders
          * Notifying the team
          * Scheduling the workflow
          * Activating and examining the workflow
       * Exporting and importing workflows
       * Test your knowledge
    * Level two
      Level two
       * Understanding the data structure
       * Processing different data types
       * Merging and splitting data
       * Dealing with errors in workflows
       * Automating a business workflow
         Automating a business workflow
          * Use case
          * Workflow 1
          * Workflow 2
          * Workflow 3
       * Test your knowledge

Table of contents
 * Where to start
 * About n8n


This is the documentation for n8n, a fair-code licensed node-based workflow
automation tool.

It covers everything from setup to usage and development. It's a work in
progress and all contributions are welcome.


 * Quickstarts
   Jump in with n8n's quickstart guides.
   Try it out

 * Choose the right n8n for you
   Cloud, npm, self-host . . .

 * Explore integrations
   Browse n8n's integrations library.
   Find your apps

 * Build AI functionality
   n8n supports building AI functionality and tools.
   Advanced AI


n8n (pronounced n-eight-n) helps you to connect any app with an API with any
other, and manipulate its data with little or no code.

 * Customizable: highly flexible workflows and the option to build custom nodes.
 * Convenient: use the npm or Docker to try out n8n, or the Cloud hosting option
   if you want us to handle the infrastructure.
 * Privacy-focused: self-host n8n for privacy and security.

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