www.tilegiant.co.uk Open in urlscan Pro
2606:4700:20::681a:ba3  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://tilegiant.co.uk/
Effective URL: https://www.tilegiant.co.uk/
Submission Tags: tranco_l324
Submission: On May 20 via api from DE — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 10 forms found in the DOM

    <legend class="visuallyhidden">Consent Selection</legend>
    <div id="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyFieldsetInnerContainer">
      <div class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonWrapper"><label class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonLabel" for="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonNecessary"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonDescription">Necessary
        <div class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonSliderWrapper CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonSliderWrapperDisabled"><input type="checkbox" id="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonNecessary"
            class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButton CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonDisabled" disabled="disabled" checked="checked"> <span class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonSlider"></span></div>
      <div class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonWrapper"><label class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonLabel" for="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonPreferences"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonDescription">Preferences
        <div class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonSliderWrapper"><input type="checkbox" id="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonPreferences" class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButton CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelConsentCheckbox"
            data-target="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonPreferencesInline" checked="checked" tabindex="0"> <span class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonSlider"></span></div>
      <div class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonWrapper"><label class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonLabel" for="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonStatistics"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonDescription">Statistics
        <div class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonSliderWrapper"><input type="checkbox" id="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonStatistics" class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButton CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelConsentCheckbox"
            data-target="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonStatisticsInline" checked="checked" tabindex="0"> <span class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonSlider"></span></div>
      <div class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonWrapper"><label class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonLabel" for="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonMarketing"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonDescription">Marketing
        <div class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonSliderWrapper"><input type="checkbox" id="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonMarketing" class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButton CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelConsentCheckbox"
            data-target="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonMarketingInline" checked="checked" tabindex="0"> <span class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonSlider"></span></div>

<form><input type="checkbox" id="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonNecessaryInline" class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButton CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonDisabled" disabled="disabled" checked="checked"> <span

<form><input type="checkbox" id="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonPreferencesInline" class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButton CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelConsentCheckbox" data-target="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonPreferences"
    checked="checked" tabindex="0"> <span class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonSlider"></span></form>

<form><input type="checkbox" id="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonStatisticsInline" class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButton CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelConsentCheckbox" data-target="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonStatistics"
    checked="checked" tabindex="0"> <span class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonSlider"></span></form>

<form><input type="checkbox" id="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonMarketingInline" class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButton CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelConsentCheckbox" data-target="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonMarketing" checked="checked"
    tabindex="0"> <span class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonSlider"></span></form>

<form class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonSliderWrapper"><input type="checkbox" id="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyContentCheckboxPersonalInformation" class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButton"> <span

GET https://www.tilegiant.co.uk/catalogsearch/result/

<form class="form minisearch" id="search_mini_form" action="https://www.tilegiant.co.uk/catalogsearch/result/" method="get">
  <div class="field search">
    <label class="label" for="search" data-role="minisearch-label">
    <div class="control">
      <input id="search" type="text" name="q" value="" placeholder=" Search for products" class="input-text" maxlength="128" role="combobox" aria-haspopup="false" aria-autocomplete="both" autocomplete="off" aria-expanded="false" onchange="">
      <div id="search_autocomplete" class="search-autocomplete"></div>
  <div class="actions">
    <button type="submit" title="Search" class="action search" aria-label="Search">

POST https://www.tilegiant.co.uk/newsletter/subscriber/new/

<form class="form subscribe" novalidate="novalidate" action="https://www.tilegiant.co.uk/newsletter/subscriber/new/" method="post" id="newsletter-validate-detail">
  <div class="field newsletter">
    <div class="control">
      <input name="email" type="email" id="newsletter" placeholder="Your email address" data-validate="{required:true, 'validate-email':true}">
  <div class="actions">
    <button class="action subscribe primary" title=" Sign Up" type="submit">
      <span> Sign Up</span>

POST https://www.tilegiant.co.uk/simple-checkout/index/post/

<form class="form form-cart" action="https://www.tilegiant.co.uk/simple-checkout/index/post/" id="contact-form" method="post" data-hasrequired="* Required Fields" data-mage-init="{&quot;validation&quot;:{}}">
  <input type="hidden" name="orderingprocess_request" value="1">
  <h3 class="title">Delivery Details</h3>
  <fieldset class="fieldset-wrapper">
    <fieldset class="fieldset">
      <div class="field firstname required">
        <label class="label" for="email"><span>First Name</span></label>
        <div class="control">
          <input type="text" name="firstname" value="" title="First Name" placeholder="First Name*" class="input-text required-entry" id="firstname">
    <fieldset class="fieldset">
      <div class="field lastname required">
        <label class="label" for="email"><span>Last Name</span></label>
        <div class="control">
          <input type="text" name="lastname" value="" title="Last Name" placeholder="Last Name*" class="input-text required-entry" id="lastname">
    <fieldset class="fieldset">
      <div class="field email required">
        <label class="label" for="email"><span>Email</span></label>
        <div class="control">
          <input type="text" name="email" value="" title="Email" class="input-text required-entry" placeholder="Email*" id="email">
    <fieldset class="fieldset">
      <div class="field telephone required">
        <label class="label" for="telephone"><span>Telephone</span></label>
        <div class="control">
          <input type="text" name="telephone" value="" title="Telephone" class="input-text required-entry" placeholder="Telephone*" id="telephone">
    <div class="field country required">
      <label class="label" for="country"><span>Country</span></label>
      <div class="control">
        <select name="country_id" id="country" class="" title="Country" data-validate="{'validate-select':true}">
          <option value="" selected="selected">Country</option>
          <option value="GG">Guernsey</option>
          <option value="IM">Isle of Man</option>
          <option value="JE">Jersey</option>
          <option value="GB">United Kingdom</option>
    <div class="field" id=""><label class="label">Address Search</label>
      <div class="control"><input class="cc_search_input" type="text" cc_applied="true" placeholder="Start with postcode or street" autocomplete="new-crafty-global-search"></div>
    <fieldset class="fieldset">
      <div class="field street required">
        <label for="street_1" class="label">
          <span>Street Address</span>
        <div class="control">
          <input type="text" name="street[0]" value="" title="Street Address 1" id="street_1" placeholder="Street Address 1*" class="input-text required-entry">
          <div class="nested">
            <div class="field additional">
              <label class="label" for="street_2">
                <span>Street Address 2</span>
              <div class="control">
                <input type="text" name="street[1]" value="" title="Street Address 2" id="street_2" placeholder="Street Address 2" class="input-text">
    <fieldset class="fieldset">
      <div class="field city required">
        <label class="label" for="city"><span>City</span></label>
        <div class="control">
          <input type="text" name="city" value="" title="City" class="input-text required-entry" placeholder="City*" id="city">
    <fieldset class="fieldset">
      <div class="field region">
        <label class="label" for="region_id">
        <div class="control">
          <input type="text" id="region" name="region" value="" title="County" placeholder="County*" class="input-text">
    <fieldset class="fieldset">
      <div class="field postcode required">
        <label class="label" for="postcode">
        <div class="control">
          <input type="text" name="postcode" value="" title="Postcode" id="postcode" placeholder="Postcode*" class="input-text validate-zip-international required-entry">
    <fieldset class="fieldset">
  <div class="actions-toolbar">
    <div class="primary">
      <input type="hidden" name="hideit" id="hideit" value="">
      <button type="submit" title="Order Your Free Cut Samples" class="action submit primary">
        <span>Order Your Free Cut Samples</span>


<form class="form form-login" method="post" data-bind="event: {submit: login }" id="login-form">
  <div class="fieldset login" data-bind="attr: {'data-hasrequired': $t('* Required Fields')}" data-hasrequired="* Required Fields">
    <div class="field email required">
      <label class="label" for="auth-login-email"><span data-bind="i18n: 'Email Address'">Email Address</span></label>
      <div class="control">
        <input name="username" id="auth-login-email" type="email" class="input-text" data-mage-init="{&quot;mage/trim-input&quot;:{}}" data-bind="attr: {autocomplete: autocomplete}" data-validate="{required:true, 'validate-email':true}"
    <div class="field password required">
      <label for="auth-login-pass" class="label"><span data-bind="i18n: 'Password'">Password</span></label>
      <div class="control">
        <input name="password" type="password" class="input-text" id="auth-login-pass" data-bind="attr: {autocomplete: autocomplete}" data-validate="{required:true}" autocomplete="off">
    <!-- ko foreach: getRegion('additional-login-form-fields') -->
    <!-- ko template: getTemplate() -->
    <!-- ko foreach: {data: elems, as: 'element'} --><!-- /ko -->
    <!-- /ko -->
    <!-- ko template: getTemplate() -->
    <input name="captcha_form_id" type="hidden" data-bind="value: formId,  attr: {'data-scope': dataScope}" value="user_login" data-scope="">
    <!-- ko if: (isRequired() && getIsVisible())--><!-- /ko -->
    <!-- /ko -->
    <!-- /ko -->
    <div class="actions-toolbar">
      <input name="context" type="hidden" value="checkout">
      <div class="primary">
        <button type="submit" class="action action-login secondary" name="send" id="send2">
          <span data-bind="i18n: 'Sign In'">Sign In</span>
      <div class="secondary">
        <a class="action" data-bind="attr: {href: forgotPasswordUrl}" href="https://www.tilegiant.co.uk/customer/account/forgotpassword/">
                                <span data-bind="i18n: 'Forgot Your Password?'">Forgot Your Password?</span>

Text Content

Powered by Cookiebot
 * Consent
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 * About


We use cookies to personalise content, analyse traffic, and improve user
experience. We also share information about your use of our site with our social
media, advertising and analytics solutions who may combine it with other
information that you’ve provided to them or that they’ve collected from your use
of their services.

Consent Selection




Show details
 * Necessary 71
   Necessary cookies help make a website usable by enabling basic functions like
   page navigation and access to secure areas of the website. The website cannot
   function properly without these cookies.
    * Adobe Inc.
      Learn more about this provider
      ds-cartNecessary for the shopping cart functionality on the website.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      ds-view-history-time-decayRegisters statistical data on users' behaviour
      on the website. Used for internal analytics by the website operator.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
    * Cookiebot
      Learn more about this provider
      1.gifUsed to count the number of sessions to the website, necessary for
      optimizing CMP product delivery.
      Expiry: SessionType: Pixel
      CookieConsentStores the user's cookie consent state for the current domain
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
    * Crazyegg
      Learn more about this provider
      _ce.gtld [x2]Holds which URL should be presented to the visitor when
      visiting the site.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
      ce_asset_waitingThis cookie is part of a bundle of cookies which serve the
      purpose of content delivery and presentation. The cookies keep the correct
      state of font, blog/picture sliders, color themes and other website
      Expiry: SessionType: HTML
      ce_successful_csp_checkDetects whether user behaviour tracking should be
      active on the website.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      _ce.cchStores the user's cookie consent state for the current domain
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
      _ce.sCollects data on the user’s navigation and behavior on the website.
      This is used to compile statistical reports and heatmaps for the website
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
      cebsTracks the individual sessions on the website, allowing the website to
      compile statistical data from multiple visits. This data can also be used
      to create leads for marketing purposes.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
    * Freshworks
      Learn more about this provider
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      localforage#keyvaluepairsUsed to maintain filter settings on the website.
      Expiry: PersistentType: IDB
      localforage#local-forage-detect-blob-supportDetects whether the visitor’s
      browser allows for blob-format-storage.
      Expiry: PersistentType: IDB
    * Google
      Learn more about this provider
      Expiry: 1 dayType: HTTP
      rc::aThis cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots. This is
      beneficial for the website, in order to make valid reports on the use of
      their website.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      rc::cThis cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTML
      tdRegisters statistical data on users' behaviour on the website. Used for
      internal analytics by the website operator.
      Expiry: SessionType: Pixel
    * New Relic
      Learn more about this provider
      JSESSIONIDPreserves users states across page requests.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
    * PayPal
      Learn more about this provider
      enforce_policyThis cookie is provided by Paypal. The cookie is used in
      context with transactions on the website - The cookie is necessary for
      secure transactions.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
      l7_azThis cookie is necessary for the PayPal login-function on the
      Expiry: 1 dayType: HTTP
      ts_cUsed in context with the PayPal payment-function on the website. The
      cookie is necessary for making a safe transaction through PayPal.
      Expiry: 400 daysType: HTTP
    * Paypal
      Learn more about this provider
      __paypal_storage__Used in context with the PayPal payment-function on the
      website. The cookie is necessary for making a safe transaction through
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
    * Pinterest
      Learn more about this provider
      is_euDetermines whether the user is located within the EU and therefore is
      subject to EU's data privacy regulations.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTML
    * Salesfire
      Learn more about this provider
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
      cookies.jsDetermines whether the visitor has accepted the cookie consent
      box. This ensures that the cookie consent box will not be presented again
      upon re-entry.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
    * Vimeo
      Learn more about this provider
      _cfuvidThis cookie is a part of the services provided by Cloudflare -
      Including load-balancing, deliverance of website content and serving DNS
      connection for website operators.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
    * adobedc.net
      mgPreserves the visitor's session state across page requests.
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
    * js.squarecdn.com
      apt_pixelControl cookie used in connection to the website’s Content
      Delivery Network (CDN).
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
    * js.squarecdn.com
      __cf_bm [x6]This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots.
      This is beneficial for the website, in order to make valid reports on the
      use of their website.
      Expiry: 1 dayType: HTTP
    * paypal.com
      [SessionID#27] [x2]This cookie is provided by Paypal. The cookie is used
      in context with transactions on the website - The cookie is necessary for
      secure transactions.
      Expiry: 400 daysType: HTTP
    * pixel.nudgify.com
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
    * unpkg.com
      com.adobe.alloy.getTld [x2]Registers data on visitors' website-behaviour.
      This is used for internal analysis and website optimization.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
    * www.tilegiant.co.uk
      amzn-checkout-sessionNecessary for the checkout function on the website.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
      amzn-checkout-sessionNecessary for the checkout function on the website.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      Expiry: 1 dayType: HTTP
      form_keyEnsures visitor browsing-security by preventing cross-site request
      forgery. This cookie is essential for the security of the website and
      Expiry: 1 dayType: HTTP
      mage-banners-cache-storageThis cookie is necessary for the cache function.
      A cache is used by the website to optimize the response time between the
      visitor and the website. The cache is usually stored on the visitor’s
      Expiry: 1 dayType: HTTP
      mage-banners-cache-storageThis cookie is necessary for the cache function.
      A cache is used by the website to optimize the response time between the
      visitor and the website. The cache is usually stored on the visitor’s
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      mage-banners-cache-timeoutThis cookie is necessary for the cache function.
      A cache is used by the website to optimize the response time between the
      visitor and the website. The cache is usually stored on the visitor’s
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      mage-banners-storeIdThis cookie is necessary for the cache function. A
      cache is used by the website to optimize the response time between the
      visitor and the website. The cache is usually stored on the visitor’s
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      mage-cache-sessidThis cookie is used in context with load balancing - This
      optimizes the response rate between the visitor and the site, by
      distributing the traffic load on multiple network links or servers.
      Expiry: 1 dayType: HTTP
      mage-cache-storageThis cookie is used in context with load balancing -
      This optimizes the response rate between the visitor and the site, by
      distributing the traffic load on multiple network links or servers.
      Expiry: 1 dayType: HTTP
      mage-cache-storageUsed to optimize the loading speed on the website. This
      is done by pre-loading some procedures in the visitors' browser.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      mage-cache-storage-section-invalidationUsed to optimize the loading speed
      on the website. This is done by pre-loading some procedures in the
      visitors' browser.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      mage-cache-storage-section-invalidationThis cookie is used in context with
      load balancing - This optimizes the response rate between the visitor and
      the site, by distributing the traffic load on multiple network links or
      Expiry: 1 dayType: HTTP
      mage-cache-timeoutThis cookie is necessary for the cache function. A cache
      is used by the website to optimize the response time between the visitor
      and the website. The cache is usually stored on the visitor’s browser.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      mage-messagesNecessary for the functionality of the website's chat-box
      Expiry: 1 dayType: HTTP
      PHPSESSIDPreserves user session state across page requests.
      Expiry: 1 dayType: HTTP
      private_content_versionThis cookie is necessary for the cache function. A
      cache is used by the website to optimize the response time between the
      visitor and the website. The cache is usually stored on the visitor’s
      Expiry: 400 daysType: HTTP
      product_data_storageNecessary for the compare-products function on the
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      product_data_storageDetermines which products the user has viewed,
      allowing the website to promote related products.
      Expiry: 1 dayType: HTTP
      recently_compared_productNecessary for the compare-products function on
      the website.
      Expiry: 1 dayType: HTTP
      recently_compared_product_previousNecessary for the compare-products
      function on the website.
      Expiry: 1 dayType: HTTP
      recently_viewed_productDetermines which products the user has viewed,
      allowing the website to promote related products.
      Expiry: 1 dayType: HTTP
      recently_viewed_product_previousCollects information on which products
      have been viewed by the visitor - This is used for optimizing the specific
      visitor's navigation on the website.
      Expiry: 1 dayType: HTTP
      section_data_idsUsed in context with the shopping cart functionality.
      Remembers any wish-list products and visitor credentials when checking
      Expiry: 1 dayType: HTTP
      X-Magento-VaryThis cookie is necessary for the cache function. A cache is
      used by the website to optimize the response time between the visitor and
      the website. The cache is usually stored on the visitor’s browser.
      Expiry: 1 dayType: HTTP
    * www.tilegiant.co.uk
      #-#-#-#-# [x2]Pending
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML

 * Preferences 1
   Preference cookies enable a website to remember information that changes the
   way the website behaves or looks, like your preferred language or the region
   that you are in.
    * Salesfire
      Learn more about this provider
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML

 * Statistics 28
   Statistic cookies help website owners to understand how visitors interact
   with websites by collecting and reporting information anonymously.
    * Crazyegg
      Learn more about this provider
      ce_fvdCollects data on the user’s navigation and behavior on the website.
      This is used to compile statistical reports and heatmaps for the website
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      ce_virtual_tracker_dataCollects data on the user’s navigation and behavior
      on the website. This is used to compile statistical reports and heatmaps
      for the website owner.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      cetabidSets a unique ID for the session. This allows the website to obtain
      data on visitor behaviour for statistical purposes.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTML
      _ce.clock_dataCollects data on the user’s navigation and behavior on the
      website. This is used to compile statistical reports and heatmaps for the
      website owner.
      Expiry: 1 dayType: HTTP
      _ce.clock_eventCollects data on the user’s navigation and behavior on the
      website. This is used to compile statistical reports and heatmaps for the
      website owner.
      Expiry: 1 dayType: HTTP
      cebsp_Collects data on the user’s navigation and behavior on the website.
      This is used to compile statistical reports and heatmaps for the website
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
    * Microsoft
      Learn more about this provider
      c.gifCollects data on the user’s navigation and behavior on the website.
      This is used to compile statistical reports and heatmaps for the website
      Expiry: SessionType: Pixel
      _clck [x2]Collects data on the user’s navigation and behavior on the
      website. This is used to compile statistical reports and heatmaps for the
      website owner.
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
      _clsk [x2]Registers statistical data on users' behaviour on the website.
      Used for internal analytics by the website operator.
      Expiry: 1 dayType: HTTP
      _cltkRegisters statistical data on users' behaviour on the website. Used
      for internal analytics by the website operator.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTML
      CLIDCollects data on the user’s navigation and behavior on the website.
      This is used to compile statistical reports and heatmaps for the website
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
    * Salesfire
      Learn more about this provider
      _sp_root_domain_test_# [x3]Registers statistical data on users' behaviour
      on the website. Used for internal analytics by the website operator.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
    * Vimeo
      Learn more about this provider
      vuidCollects data on the user's visits to the website, such as which pages
      have been read.
      Expiry: 2 yearsType: HTTP
    * cdn.amplitude.com
      AMP_unsent_#Registers statistical data on users' behaviour on the website.
      Used for internal analytics by the website operator.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      AMP_TLDTEST [x2]Registers statistical data on users' behaviour on the
      website. Used for internal analytics by the website operator.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
      AMP_#Registers statistical data on users' behaviour on the website. Used
      for internal analytics by the website operator.
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
      AMP_MKTG_#Registers statistical data on users' behaviour on the website.
      Used for internal analytics by the website operator.
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
      AMP_TEST [x2]Registers statistical data on users' behaviour on the
      website. Used for internal analytics by the website operator.
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
    * js.squarecdn.com
      amp_#Registers statistical data on users' behaviour on the website. Used
      for internal analytics by the website operator.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
    * r1.trackedweb.net
      pagevisitRegisters statistical data on users' behaviour on the website.
      Used for internal analytics by the website operator.
      Expiry: SessionType: Pixel
    * unpkg.com
      snowplowOutQueue_#_post2Registers statistical data on users' behaviour on
      the website. Used for internal analytics by the website operator.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      snowplowOutQueue_#_post2.expiresRegisters statistical data on users'
      behaviour on the website. Used for internal analytics by the website
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML

 * Marketing 75
   Marketing cookies are used to track visitors across websites. The intention
   is to display ads that are relevant and engaging for the individual user and
   thereby more valuable for publishers and third party advertisers.
    * Meta Platforms, Inc.
      Learn more about this provider
      _fbp [x2]Used by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products
      such as real time bidding from third party advertisers.
      Expiry: 3 monthsType: HTTP
      lastExternalReferrerDetects how the user reached the website by
      registering their last URL-address.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      lastExternalReferrerTimeDetects how the user reached the website by
      registering their last URL-address.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
    * Adobe Inc.
      Learn more about this provider
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      recsNecessary for the shopping cart functionality on the website to
      remember the chosen products - This also allows the website to promote
      related products to the visitor, based on the content of the shopping
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
    * Google
      Learn more about this provider
      _ga [x2]Used to send data to Google Analytics about the visitor's device
      and behavior. Tracks the visitor across devices and marketing channels.
      Expiry: 2 yearsType: HTTP
      _ga_# [x3]Used to send data to Google Analytics about the visitor's device
      and behavior. Tracks the visitor across devices and marketing channels.
      Expiry: 2 yearsType: HTTP
      _gcl_au [x2]Used by Google AdSense for experimenting with advertisement
      efficiency across websites using their services.
      Expiry: 3 monthsType: HTTP
      ads/ga-audiencesUsed by Google AdWords to re-engage visitors that are
      likely to convert to customers based on the visitor's online behaviour
      across websites.
      Expiry: SessionType: Pixel
      pagead/1p-user-list/#Tracks if the user has shown interest in specific
      products or events across multiple websites and detects how the user
      navigates between sites. This is used for measurement of advertisement
      efforts and facilitates payment of referral-fees between websites.
      Expiry: SessionType: Pixel
    * Microsoft
      Learn more about this provider
      _uetsidUsed to track visitors on multiple websites, in order to present
      relevant advertisement based on the visitor's preferences.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      _uetsid_expContains the expiry-date for the cookie with corresponding
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      _uetvidUsed to track visitors on multiple websites, in order to present
      relevant advertisement based on the visitor's preferences.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      _uetvid_expContains the expiry-date for the cookie with corresponding
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      MR [x2]Used to track visitors on multiple websites, in order to present
      relevant advertisement based on the visitor's preferences.
      Expiry: 7 daysType: HTTP
      MSPTCThis cookie registers data on the visitor. The information is used to
      optimize advertisement relevance.
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
      MUID [x2]Used widely by Microsoft as a unique user ID. The cookie enables
      user tracking by synchronising the ID across many Microsoft domains.
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
      SRM_BTracks the user’s interaction with the website’s search-bar-function.
      This data can be used to present the user with relevant products or
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
      ANONCHKRegisters data on visitors from multiple visits and on multiple
      websites. This information is used to measure the efficiency of
      advertisement on websites.
      Expiry: 1 dayType: HTTP
      SMRegisters a unique ID that identifies the user's device during return
      visits across websites that use the same ad network. The ID is used to
      allow targeted ads.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
      _uetsid [x2]Collects data on visitor behaviour from multiple websites, in
      order to present more relevant advertisement - This also allows the
      website to limit the number of times that they are shown the same
      Expiry: 1 dayType: HTTP
      _uetvidUsed to track visitors on multiple websites, in order to present
      relevant advertisement based on the visitor's preferences.
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
    * Pinterest
      Learn more about this provider
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
      v3/Used by Pinterest to track the usage of services.
      Expiry: SessionType: Pixel
      _pin_unauthUsed by Pinterest to track the usage of services.
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
    * Salesfire
      Learn more about this provider
      lscache-sf_idCollects information on user preferences and/or interaction
      with web-campaign content - This is used on CRM-campaign-platform used by
      website owners for promoting events or products.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      lscache-sf_sCollects information on user preferences and/or interaction
      with web-campaign content - This is used on CRM-campaign-platform used by
      website owners for promoting events or products.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      lscache-sf_scCollects information on user preferences and/or interaction
      with web-campaign content - This is used on CRM-campaign-platform used by
      website owners for promoting events or products.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      lscache-sf_spCollects information on user preferences and/or interaction
      with web-campaign content - This is used on CRM-campaign-platform used by
      website owners for promoting events or products.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
    * YouTube
      Learn more about this provider
      Expiry: SessionType: HTML
      iU5q-!O9@$Registers a unique ID to keep statistics of what videos from
      YouTube the user has seen.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTML
      LAST_RESULT_ENTRY_KEYUsed to track user’s interaction with embedded
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
      Expiry: PersistentType: IDB
      nextIdUsed to track user’s interaction with embedded content.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
      PREFRegisters a unique ID that is used by Google to keep statistics of how
      the visitor uses YouTube videos across different websites.
      Expiry: 8 monthsType: HTTP
      remote_sidNecessary for the implementation and functionality of YouTube
      video-content on the website.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
      requestsUsed to track user’s interaction with embedded content.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
      ServiceWorkerLogsDatabase#SWHealthLogNecessary for the implementation and
      functionality of YouTube video-content on the website.
      Expiry: PersistentType: IDB
      TESTCOOKIESENABLEDUsed to track user’s interaction with embedded content.
      Expiry: 1 dayType: HTTP
      VISITOR_INFO1_LIVETries to estimate the users' bandwidth on pages with
      integrated YouTube videos.
      Expiry: 180 daysType: HTTP
      VISITOR_PRIVACY_METADATAStores the user's cookie consent state for the
      current domain
      Expiry: 180 daysType: HTTP
      YSCRegisters a unique ID to keep statistics of what videos from YouTube
      the user has seen.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
      yt.innertube::nextIdRegisters a unique ID to keep statistics of what
      videos from YouTube the user has seen.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      YtIdbMeta#databasesUsed to track user’s interaction with embedded content.
      Expiry: PersistentType: IDB
      yt-remote-cast-availableStores the user's video player preferences using
      embedded YouTube video
      Expiry: SessionType: HTML
      yt-remote-cast-installedStores the user's video player preferences using
      embedded YouTube video
      Expiry: SessionType: HTML
      yt-remote-connected-devicesStores the user's video player preferences
      using embedded YouTube video
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      yt-remote-device-idStores the user's video player preferences using
      embedded YouTube video
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      yt-remote-fast-check-periodStores the user's video player preferences
      using embedded YouTube video
      Expiry: SessionType: HTML
      yt-remote-session-appStores the user's video player preferences using
      embedded YouTube video
      Expiry: SessionType: HTML
      yt-remote-session-nameStores the user's video player preferences using
      embedded YouTube video
      Expiry: SessionType: HTML
    * static.trackedweb.net
      dmSessionIDCollects information on what products the visitor has viewed
      and the content of the shopping-cart. This is used to increase the
      website's conversion rate through targeted advertisement and product
      promotions through emails.
      Expiry: 1 dayType: HTTP
      recordIDCollects information on what products the visitor has viewed and
      the content of the shopping-cart. This is used to increase the website's
      conversion rate through targeted advertisement and product promotions
      through emails.
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
    * wisepops.net
      __tld__ [x2]Used to track visitors on multiple websites, in order to
      present relevant advertisement based on the visitor's preferences.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
      wisepops [x2]Used in context with pop-up advertisement-content on the
      website. The cookie determines which ads the visitor should be shown, as
      well as ensuring that the same ads does not get shown more than intended.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
      wisepops_props [x2]Used in context with pop-up advertisement-content on
      the website. The cookie determines which ads the visitor should be shown,
      as well as ensuring that the same ads does not get shown more than
      Expiry: 400 daysType: HTTP
      wisepops_session [x2]Used in context with pop-up advertisement-content on
      the website. The cookie determines which ads the visitor should be shown,
      as well as ensuring that the same ads does not get shown more than
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
      wisepops_visits [x2]Used in context with pop-up advertisement-content on
      the website. The cookie determines which ads the visitor should be shown,
      as well as ensuring that the same ads does not get shown more than
      Expiry: 400 daysType: HTTP
    * www.tilegiant.co.uk
      recently_compared_productThis cookie is used to determine which products
      the visitor has viewed. This information is used to promote related
      products and optimize ad-efficiency.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      recently_compared_product_previousCollects information on which products
      have been viewed by the visitor - This is used for optimizing the specific
      visitor's navigation on the website.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      recently_viewed_productCollects information on which products have been
      viewed by the visitor - This is used for optimizing the specific visitor's
      navigation on the website.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      recently_viewed_product_previousCollects information on which products
      have been viewed by the visitor - This is used for optimizing the specific
      visitor's navigation on the website.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML

 * Unclassified 17
   Unclassified cookies are cookies that we are in the process of classifying,
   together with the providers of individual cookies.
    * Salesfire
      Learn more about this provider
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
    * cdn.mida.so
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      Expiry: 1 dayType: HTTP
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
    * co.uk
      wisepops_visitor [x3]Pending
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
    * unpkg.com
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
    * wisepops.net
      Expiry: SessionType: HTML
      Expiry: SessionType: HTML
      Expiry: SessionType: HTML
      Expiry: SessionType: HTML
    * www.tilegiant.co.uk
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML

List of domains your consent applies to: [#BULK_CONSENT_DOMAINS#]
Cookie declaration last updated on 09.05.24 by Cookiebot



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