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 * Healthy Home & Habits
 * More Good Stuff
 * Easy, Healthy Recipes
 * Natural Beauty Tips
 * Toxic: Avoid These!
 * Featured


 * Easy, Healthy Recipes
 * Healthy Home & Habits
 * More Good Stuff
 * Natural Beauty Tips
 * Toxic: Avoid These!

Making beautiful and healthy choices accessible


One of the many triggers of eczema is the changing of the surrounding weather.
And since autumn is just around the corner and winter will follow soon, here are
ways to battle eczema using home remedies.




The problem with dry skin is that it makes eczema itchier. So you need to lather
up with oil, especially after showering before patting your skin dry. Let it
stay on your skin for a while before putting on your clothes.


Put organic honey on top of the affected areas and leave it for at least thirty


Stress can also make eczema worse. Try yoga, meditation, light walking or even
getting enough sleep can help alleviate stress.


Probiotics are known to help improve skin health. So stock up on those plain


I know I said at home remedies, but if you do get bored at home, try visiting a
salt cave/mine. Salty air is also a remedy for eczema. If there's no salt cave
or mine near you, even sea breeze will do.


Other easy ways to help treat eczema are shown in this video:


Do remember that while trying home remedies and natural ways of alleviating
eczema is helpful, it is still best to consult with your physician.


If you're a DIY or a natural beauty product fan, like me, you will definitely
like this oil as a facial wash project.



If you think about, oil is what we're all trying to get rid of from our face,
aside from the dirt and grime of every day. So what's the reson behind using it
to clean your face?

Oil dissolves oil. If you remember your science lessons way back, like dissolves
like. The oil you will put on your face will attract the existing oil and once
you clean it off, the existing oil will also be removed.

Oil production is balanced out. If you try to remove all the oil, your face will
produce more oil. So what you need is something that won't dry out your skin so
you won't produce more oil. What better thing to use than oil as a facial wash?



There are two important components to make your oil facial wash.

Astringent oil. This component can be grapeseed oil, hazelnut oil or castor oil.
The ratio of astringent oil should be around 10% to 30%. Adjust according to
your facial need. For example, if your skin is drier and less oilier, then your
astringent oil should be less. But if you have oilier skin, then increase the
astringent oil ratio to 30%.

Moisturizing oil. This can be jojoba, sunflower, argan or avocado oil. The
moisturizing oil should be around 70% to 90%.



Watch this video and see how easy it is!



 1. You will need a clean, washcloth that has been soaked in hot water.
 2. You don't need to clean or wash your wash before this ritual. In fact, it's
    better when you have your makeup on so you will see how effective it is in
    removing all that dirt and grime.
 3. Leave the washcloth on your face for at least 30 seconds.


Now you're ready to start that DIY project! 😀


Not all of us can afford a hundred dollar trip to the dentist to get our teeth
whitened from all those years of drinking wine or soda (find out what else
stains your teeth here). So I'm going to share with you today ways on how to get
that glowing white teeth back, naturally.




More familiar with us as a spice and something that can really stain our
clothes, as it is even used for dyes. With a toothbrush for the sole purpose of
using turmeric, dip this toothbrush into 1/8 teaspoon organic turmeric before
brushing your teeth with the usual toothpaste. Leave it there for three minutes.



We are aware how vinegar can magically make everything white and shiny again.
And our teeth isn't an exception. Use this as a natural teeth stain remover by
gargling. Mix it with water to dilute the taste, but only if it bothers you. Do
it twice a week, but not every day as vinegar can be damaging if used often.



Another natural teeth stain remover is a banana peel. Wondering how to do the
banana peel trick? This video shows you how:



I know I mentioned it before as a teeth staining food, but lo and behold, a
strawberry paste can be left on the teeth for five minutes and it can do
wonders. Just mix and mash one strawberry with half a teaspoon of baking soda
and voila! You have your own strawberry paste.



Sounds scary, yes, but this natural teeth stain remover is a miracle worker.
Just add a little bit of hydrogen peroxide to your toothpaste and you will
notice the change in days.


These natural teeth stain remover tips are just a few of the ways that you can
whiten your teeth. As always, be cautious when doing this and its best to
consult your dentist before doing any of the above. You might be allergic to any
of these items or there can be an underlying condition that you aren't aware of.


Flashing those pearly whites should be something that is a part of the selfie
routine. But what if your pearly whites and becoming pearly browns? Do you even
know what's causing it?

It might be because of the food we eat and the drinks we consume. These are some
of the food and beverages that we consume on a daily basis that can cause teeth



Bad for our health and teeth. If the candy can color your tongue, the odds are
it can also cause teeth stain. Avoid eating these at all costs.



Colored or not, the chemicals eat away the enamel. So even if you think you're
drinking the non-colored soda, it still harms your teeth. What more if you drink
the non-colored ones?



Blueberries, blackberries, cherries, pomegranates, to name a few. These fruits,
though rich in antioxidants, can cause teeth stain.



If the wine can stain the table cloth, it can also stain your teeth. Even if its
white wine, the acid content is high enough to cause damage.



I love tea. But there are ways to avoid teeth stain without having to sacrifice
not drinking it. It is even said that tea can cause more stains than coffee.



The acidity level of these sports drinks breaks away the enamel that can set the
course for teeth stain. Try to re-hydrate with water during workouts.



These bits can really make the food tasty, like tomato based sauces and curry,
but they can also cause teeth stain.



First is to use straw when drinking tea or wine. Totally avoid sodas and sports
drinks if you can. Swallow the sauces and food swiftly so it won't spend time in
your mouth. The less time it spends in your oral cavity, the better for your
teeth. The most important thing is to also brush your teeth after every meal and
rinse if brushing is not an option.

Some of the teeth staining food and drinks are actually healthy and high in
nutrients, so there's no need to avoid them. If you would like to know more
about how these food and drinks stain our teeth, here is a video to watch.


I love spending time in the kitchen to prepare my meals. But what I love more is
to discover what DIY beauty recipe I can make from kitchen ingredients. It's no
surprise that there are a lot of these ingredients that are supposedly going to
be thrown away, but why throw them when you can still use them for something



If someone in the household drinks coffee, then you're in luck. Especially if
they brew their own. Collect the used ground coffee and save them in a tightly
closed jar with a little bit of water, not completely dried up. When you have
enough, you can start making your body exfoliator.

Aside from the coffee grounds (1/2 cup) you would also need:

 * Sugar (1/2 cup)
 * Coconut Oil  (1/4 cup)
 * Ground Cinnamon (1 teaspoon)

Just mix them all together and voila! This DIY beauty recipe will surely get you
to save money, instead of buying those expensive body scrubs. You can start
exfoliating with your homemade coconut and coffee body scrub.



Yogurt is one of my favorite snacks. Not only is it full of proteins, but it
also makes you less hungry and fight belly fat. Aside from all of these, yogurt
can also do wonders to your face.

All you need to do is to mix full-fat plain or Greek yogurt with honey and
lather it on your face and neck. Let it stay there for about 15 minutes. Rinse
with warm water after. The overall effect is a calmer and moisturized skin. Make
sure to buy enough yogurt for your DIY beauty recipe aka face mask and to still
have some left to eat!



Aside from being one of the healthiest ingredients on the planet, Olive oil can
also be used as a make-up remover. All you need to do is to mix Olive oil and
filtered water and you now have a hydrating makeup remover. How easy is that?


There are other lots of DIY beauty recipe that you can do. Watch this video as a
former model explains what she does to get her unwashed but glossy and full of
volume hair.

Have fun experimenting! These are just guidelines on what you can do and if you
think some ingredients have way better effects, then substitute it. Just be sure
to test its effects on your skin first before you apply it all over, you can
never be too sure what you're allergic to.



When I learned that fun fact I was surprised, then horrified. Surprised because
I hadn’t thought of our skin as an organ, which in my mind was reserved for
internal essentials like the heart or liver. Yet, it turns out the
22-square-foot (on average) external organ that is our skin not only gives us a
presentable appearance, but keeps us from evaporating, guards the body from
damaging sun rays, and acts as a semipermeable membrane that allows us to absorb
vitamins, minerals, and — here’s where the horrified piece comes into play —

In an effort to keep our skin healthy, happy, and (let’s be real) youthful,
we’ve all slathered on any number of lotions and potions. While our favorite
beauty brands proudly highlight natural ingredients and plant-derived anti-aging
champions, they likely hide some of the less appealing ingredients on the back
of the bottle.

Ingredients like ethanolamines (DEA, MEA, ETA), parabens, sulfites and triclosan
are common culprits that not only add foaming, stabilizing, or antibacterial
properties to our products, but are hormone disrupters with carcinogenic

Revellers known as 'Los Indianos', throw talcum powder over each other during
carnival. Something you should definitely not do.

Unfortunately, those are just a few ingredients to avoid, and the list goes on
and on. What’s worse, is because these chemicals are present in the products we
apply to our skin, we absorb them directly into our blood stream and circulate
them throughout our bodies without their first being filtered through the liver
or other organs that help clean ingested toxins.

So, how can we keep our bodies clear, and clean up our beauty product purchases?
Going green in the beauty department has various possible approaches. If you’re
not ready to jump into the deep end (and throw out all your products to start
fresh with the purest of the pure), I suggest a gradual wade-in approach that
starts with avoiding the four most toxic beautifying ingredients:

With their significant side effects, steering clear of these known carcinogens
could be the best thing you ever do. If you find it hard to remember these
chemically concocted names, take a picture of the table above on your smartphone
and reference it when you are out shopping. Once you’ve firmly placed these four
ingredients on the "no go" list, you can expand into purer pastures by
researching products and ingredients on the Environmental Working Group’s Skin
Deep database.

The beauty chapter in Wear No Evil: How to Change the World with Your
Wardrobe also outlines the good, bad and ugly ingredients in our everyday
products, and provides brand suggestions in every category to help smoothly
transition into pure products without sacrificing performance. As we apply
wellness methods to the various areas of our lives, nontoxic beauty claims its
rightful place. Nurture yourself with good food, exercise, meditation, and
products that bring positive impact from the outside in.


Dry, greasy, dull...none of us is happy with our hair! Just as girls are usually
hypercritical in front of the mirror, they are while checking their very own
split ends as well. If you don't have enough time and/or money to get to the
hair salon every month but you don't want to give up effective hair care, look
no further. I have here for you some homemade hair care remedies that I am sure
you will love!


If your hair always seems to look unhealthy and a bit like hay, your ingredients
of choice will be avocado and honey. While avocado repairs your hair, honey is a
natural moisturizer.

For your avocado hair mask, mash up one avocado and apply on damp hair, leaving
it for about 15 minutes. The treatment should be repeated every two weeks. Same
goes for the honey mask: apply half a cup on damp hair for about 20 minutes, and
add oil if the consistency is giving you trouble. Either way, do it once a


Then lemon is your guy! Squeeze a small lemon and mix it with a glass of water.
Apply on your scalp for a few minutes and rinse. Lemon can help control
greasiness and make your hair healthier in general, because it's packed with
vitamins. Win-win!


Egg is said to be the best moisturizer in the world. No need to buy expensive
conditioner this month. Just mix an egg in your hair shampoo, leave it on your
head for about 10 minutes, rinse. Repeat for a few days, until you see the
results. However, if you have oily hair, try using just the egg whites.


The sulphur found in onion juice can help hair growth. Just chop red onions
(shallots are also ok), squeeze out the juice and apply on your scalp for 15
minutes before rinsing. If you are not a fan of onions, try applying green tea
for an hour.

You can also help your hair from the inside. If looking at these masks recipes
made you hungry, here are some snacks that will have the same effect from

Walnuts and salmon, for example, are a very good source of omega-3 fatty acids,
which your body needs to grow hair and which also provide a natural shield for

Hair breakage can be prevented with the aid of vitamin C, present in blueberries
and oranges. Iron will prevent hair loss, and spinach is the best green you can
eat to be sure to get enough of it! Furthermore, oysters, beef and eggs provide
zinc and selenium, important minerals to protect your scalp.

Time to skip the salon and go straight to the supermarket!

Do you have any other treatment you would like to suggest? I am all ears!


Today I have news that I am sure will be thrilling for all the girls among my
readers. I made a new discovery in the field of skincare; its name is OSEA, and
it’s an all vegan, gluten-free and organic line of skincare and bodycare

Yes, you read that right: vegan. What makes this brand an award-winning one is
the difference with most of the others. Instead of investing in marketing
techniques and packaging which is often not at all nature-friendly, OSEA focuses
on the all natural ingredients.

But let’s take one step back and let’s take a look at the fascinating story of
this revolutionary beauty brand.

OSEA’s founder, Jenefer Palmer, lives in Malibu, California, right on the sea.
This great daily view inspired her to create a line of beauty products based on
marine ingredients and nutrients. Jenefer, with a solid background in the body
healing arts, started to experiment herself with cosmetic chemistry. It wasn’t
until the discovery of a miraculous algae from Patagonia, the Gigartina, that
the OSEA project really started to take form. The result, after many years of
successes, are quality, natural and eco-responsible skincare.

Minerals, vitamins and the right fatty acids derived from sea and earth are the
key benefits for your skin that OSEA provides, and there is not much more you
will find in these products! OSEA’s website provides an interesting (and a bit
scary) list of ingredients which are NOT used in their skincare line. The
blacklist includes different ingredients which are often used in the industry
and the reasons why they shouldn't.

An example? Silicone-derived emollients, present in many shampoos, lotions and
moisturizers and used to give the hair that silk-like feeling, are linked to
skin irritation and tumor growth. Same goes for Benzoyl Peroxide, often used in
serums and cleansers.

The fact that many companies in the beauty industry decide to add potentially
dangerous but temporarily effective ingredients to their beauty products is no
news. What is news is that finally someone decided to change things! OSEA’s
commitment is moving: apart from using just natural ingredients and basing the
whole line on the miraculous seaweed called Gigartina, the company takes part to
different movements which fight to make safe beauty products every woman’s

The name of the company itself stands for Ocean, Sun, Earth and Atmosphere. The
skincare line includes products that sound more than yummy. The website presents
a lists of creams, cleansers, moisturizers, treatments and much more for every
kind of skin. You can comfortably shop according to you skin type.
I personally am definitely going to try some of these products. The love and
respect for nature shown by OSEA and its revolutionary approach to skincare
convinced me! Have you ever tried them, or had some other remarkable
experiences? Let me know!


Yes we all want to look pretty. We like shiny, nicely packaged containers that
are known as 'miracles in bottles.' Hence we load our drawers and cabinets with
useless junk that hardly ever get used. 'Useless'? Did I dare say that?

I know I broke your hearts, but do trust me on this one that there are countless
products that claim to remove every mark and blemishes from your pretty face.
But truth is, they do hardly anything.

Here's my top 6 picks of products you should abandon immediately.

Anti-Aging Creams

Its a myth. Don't delude yourself into thinking a mere ointment can wipe
miracally wipe off wrinkles from you face.
It does nothing than temporarily smoothening out your skin and is nothing more
than a simple moisturiser.

Cellulite Cream

Just like anti-aging cream, this is another product that does nothing. It
doesn't do any smoothening or toning of your body, because if you look close
enough, you'll see they just promise to 'reduce the appearance of cellulite''
not permanently erase the marks. The only thing that can help you with cellulite
is water, exercise, and a healthy diet.

Color-Enhancing Hair Care

So you just spent a a few hundred dollars on a shampoo that promises to lock in
your hair color for forever.
Well, you just got ripped. Because these shampoos only contain a temporary
colour stain that is actually more harmful than being beneficial. If you do
however want long lasting highlights, just reduce your shower frequency.

Lip Exfoliator

Go natural. Just take a handful of sugar and gently scrub over your wet
lips. Its got no chemical, so that's a huge plus and it tastes pretty good too.

Heat Defense Hair Serum

There are so many sprays and serums that promises to protect your hair against
heat treatments. But truth is, your hair gets tortured and fried in the entire
process of brushing, dying and ironing. These miracle serums only have temporary
benefits and actually makes your hair prone to breakage in the long run.

Foot and Elbow Lotion

Any product specifically targeted to a certain body part is a rip off. A normal
body moisturiser will work just as well on your feet or elbow. So please save
yourself the trouble of wasting your money on something that you don't need.


Kohl eyeliner and I have a rocky relationship. It was my best friend during my
teen years and now looking back I wish it wasn't. And it shouldn't be your best
bud either after the truth I'm about to spill.

Did you know that kohl is considered unsafe according to the FDA? According to
their website, the most common ingredient in eyeliner, kohl, contains unsafe
color additive, making it an adulterated product. Kohl is also known as al-kahl,
kajal and surma.

According to the FDA, we are  warned to be watchful of eyeliners containing kohl
because it is mainly made out of heavy metals like antimony and lead, which are
poisonous for humans.

Studies have shown that majority of kohl samples contain significant levels of
lead. One study shows that eighty-eight percent of the kohl-based preparations
contained significant amounts of lead.

Meanwhile other samples of kohl preparations have tested positive for aluminium,
carbon, titanium, calcium, magnesium, oxygen, silver, silicon and sulfur, making
them unsuitable for use on the eyelids.

Second, labels in kohl eyeliner and kohl products sometimes contain labels
falsely claiming to be approved by the FDA when the use and importation of kohl
is illegal.

On the other hand, it must also be noted that not all eyeliners that say are
labeled as "kohl" are actually made from this poisonous substance. There are
some awesome organic cosmetics out there just waiting to blow you away.

> Finding which products you like is priceless, because your skin is unique to
> you – remember that.


Lately, I have been loving organic makeup brands. Because:

a) Organic makeup have numerous advantages over regular makeup brands.

b) No animal testing which I strictly support.

c) They don't have harsh chemicals in the products, which is perfectly apt for
everyday use.

Besides, we're all about being green, right? I love to try out new products and
since I've been into organic brands, I've found some awesome products! It's a
tad hard for me to pick a favorite. But luckily, I've narrowed it down to my top
5 pick. I know you'll love my choices! Makeup is one of my passions so rest
assured you are in good hands. Keep reading for some great organic makeup
brands just ahead!


I love Ecco Bella! Out of all the organic brands I've tried, I would say this
one has the best lipsticks and lip glosses. All Ecco Bella cosmetics and
products are free of gluten, water, preservatives and dyes. And they have body
care products as well as makeup, so definitely check out this organic makeup


Organic Wear by Physicians Formula is one of my absolute top favorite makeup
brands. Their black eyeliner is simply ah-maz-ing! Seriously, you've to try it
to believe it! And their prices are so great! For as wonderful as their products
are, you get a fair price. You can purchase Physicians Formula's Organic Wear
products at nearly any drugstore.


Pure and True is one of the best organic makeup brands by far and not just
because they are truly high quality and luxurious. Pure and True gives back to
social and charity projects so rest assured your money is going somewhere great!
And you're getting awesome, natural products for it!



Bare Minerals is one of the first organic brands I ever tried out. I love how
sheer their products go on, yet they give you great coverage and pigmentation.
Bare minerals are ideal for someone prone to acne since their foundations and
blushes won't clog your pores as much.


I have to say, I only tried one product from Zuii Organic, but I was totally
blown away by it! I definitely plan to try more out in the future and I would
recommend them to anyone. All their products are made from flowers! How cool is


Check out Urbanette Magazine's Organic Beauty Products Pinterest Board. It's
got hundreds of the best organic products listed, with more added daily.

As you can tell from my article, organic makeup brands are the way to go if you
like to use natural products and want to be kind to the earth. I had a lot of
fun trying out these organic makeup brands and I know you will too!

Please comment below if you have any specific organic makeup brands that you
have tried in the past and loved.

Which one's are your favorite? 


Acnes are just the ugliest thing ever. Take it from me. I've seen my beloved
sister's daily fight with dark spots and oily mug all through her teenage. And
these god-awful blemishes accompanied her and well onto her college. That's when
I grew the massive amount of hate for acne.

Sometimes, it doesn't even matter the amount of time you spend cleansing, toning
and moistursing your skin; the spots just don't seem to budge.

And what I've learned over the years is this - you can't hunt down and banish
acne for good in a few mere days.
You need to devote yourself to the system - change your diet, get good nights
sleep, keep your colon clean, and stop putting all sorts of chemical on your
face that you can possibly lay your hands on. Most importantly, you need to stop
worrying about acne because stress triggers growth of acne, and causes hormones
to be even more out of balance.
Instead breath - take long deep, relaxing breathes. And breath out all the
negativities. If you truly want to get rid of acne once and for all, you have to
devote yourself to the detoxification process. Shortcuts usually don't work if
you've had a history with acne from very early time on.

But in the meantime, here are five simple but effective ways you can achieve and
maintain glowing skin the natural way - that you can start from RIGHT NOW!!

1. Drink loads, and loads of water.

You might be rushing to the ladies’ room already with your current water intake.
But even if you have to camp out in your office facilities, up the agua. It’s
still the key to great skin.

2. Lemon Juice

This is the Holy Grail of all acne remedies. I usually drop a good squirt of
lemon juice, mixed with cucumber juice on cotton ball, and place it on the
affected area as long as an hour or so. But please only do this if your skin can
put up with the harsh CaCo2 (I'm a nerd!) Test it on a small area first. But it
stings intially so be preapred to bear with that.
Or better yet, sleep with it. It has worked wonders on my skin and I assure you
you'll see results in less than 4 days.

3. Rub Ice

All over your face. You'll notice the voluptuous zits dramatically reduce in
size if you hold it for a minute or so. And if you make the routine of washing
your face everyday, everytime with ice cold water, you'll be surprised to see
your skin switch to the far end of the oily spectrum - your skin will appear

4. Vitamin A and E

Pop vitamin A and E pills daily to help strengthen your skin, decrease oil
production, assist in skin cell renewal and clear up acne scars.

5. A Healthy, Balanced Diet

It took me a longgg time to finally come to the realization that I need to
overhaul my diet and switch to a healthy, balanced diet. It broke my heart
because I had to let go of pizzas, nachos, burgers and cutlets. But remember,
definitely battling acne on all fronts is key. So please ensure to take the time
to carve out a balanced nutritional plan that can help you achieve a fresh face.
Because your skin is a direct reflection of what you eat.

Have you tried any of these tips? Or do yiu have your own awesome ones? Please
share away.   


When we're thinking of skin elasticity and something that keeps our body looking
younger and glowing--we think of collagen. But what is collagen, really? Why do
we need it? And what are the habits that deplete the natural collagen production
in our body that we feel the need to replace it?


Collagen is a type of natural protein that our bodies naturally produce. It is
also a major component of the human body because it makes up different types of
our skin, bones, muscles, and joints. It's not just responsible for our skin's
plumpness, it keeps our hair strong, our bones healthy, our joints properly
lubricated, and our digestive system working well. It is more than just a
protein that makes us glowing and beautiful.

When we're young, our bodies produce an ample amount of collagen. But in our
mid-20's, we start to produce less collagen. During our mid-40's, the collagen
we produce might be less than 30% already. This would greatly depend on our
lifestyle and the environment that we're in.

Collagen is a very important protein. Without it, our cells can lose structure
and become weaker and thinner. It can cause a lot of skin problems as well, such
as wrinkles, visible fine lines, dark circles underneath your eyes, dry skin and
even cellulites.

Even though collagen supplements are highly available in the market, it's good
to nip the problem in the bud in order to avoid collagen's depletion. Below are
a couple of things that deplete your collagen and some of it's possible


If you're a heavy coffee drinker, which is about two to three cups (or more) a
day, it can stimulate the production of cortisol which is known as the stress
hormone. It can accelerate the aging process by thinning out your skin and it
can be the culprit for skin woes such as fine lines and other signs of skin

The best thing that you can do is to find substitutes for coffee. A good example
of this is matcha, which has calming benefits and is rich in antioxidants.


What makes alcohol the culprit to the depletion of collagen is that drinking it
can be dehydrating. When you are dehydrated, the fibers in collagen can start to
crack and adhere to one another which leads to dry and flaky skin. When your
skin is dry, you are prone to wrinkles.

I know that alcohol is part of our healthy lifestyle, especially wine. But don't
forget to hydrate yourself or go for a mocktail instead.


Lack of sleep can be a culprit for a lot of health issues, including the
depletion of collagen. When you're not getting enough sleep at night, your body
does not repair damaged cells and collagen in its optimal levels.

You should have a minimum of 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep daily. If possible,
eat two hours before bedtime and aim for no gadgets before bedtime in order to
relax your senses before going to bed.


Sugar is known as very toxic and is deemed to be bad for our body. The worst
part is that it is equally bad for our skin. Refined sweeteners can help speed
up the depletion of key skin proteins like elastin and collagen.

The solution here is to substitute refined sugars with natural sweeteners that
the body can properly use. Such as honey, maple syrup, and even dates. These
substitutes contain more minerals and antioxidants that can help your skin look
better and has a lower glycemic index compared to white sugar.


This one is almost unavoidable because it's all around us. Exposure to pollution
can also break down collagen and can cause premature aging. In order to lessen
the effects of pollution against our collagen production, you can opt for an air
and water purifier at home, have oxygen-producing houseplants, and to always
have a healthy diet.

6. SUN

Daily, we only need about 20 minutes of sun exposure in order to encourage the
natural production of vitamin D in our skin. But if we are overexposed to the
sun and worse, it results to a sunburn, it can damage our skin. Staying too long
under the sun causes collagen to break down faster than the usual.

What you can do to avoid this is to make sure that you're wearing sunscreen all
the time to block those unwanted UV rays.

These are only some of the few things that deplete the natural collagen
production in our body. While it's good to take supplements or aid the collagen
production with healthy and nutritious food, preventing the depletion process is
the first priority.


When I first heard of Gua Sha, I thought it was some kind of old practice of
skin rejuvenation or an ultimate spa experience like an Ayurvedic treatment.
Turns out, I was a little right. Gua Sha tools are like the famous jade rollers,
which has become one of a skincare junkie's favorite form of skincare and
self-care. I'm sure you've seen this tool somewhere along the beauty aisle and
it comes in different shapes, sizes, and material. Did you know that just a few
minutes of Gua Sha treatment facial every day can improve your skin and clarity?


Gua Sha is a traditional East Asian and Chinese technique that is used in order
to invite well-being, proper circulation and toxic removal in the body. The Gua
Sha tool is used gently on the skin of the face, and a little aggressive on the
skin of the body. Basically, Gua means to scrape and Sha means to sand. This
practice has been used for thousands of years and the tools that are used vary.
From animal bone, Chinese soup spoon to rose quartz and other gemstones, you can
choose which works for you the best.


In traditional Chinese Medicine, it says that the entire channel of the organ
system unites on the face. It also pre-dates from acupuncture. It says that the
stroke pattern awakens the meridian lines or lifeforce path in order to activate
the body's natural healing system. For our skin, Gua Sha encourages the
production of collagen and helps sculpt and tone the face shape. It promises to
help the skin become radiant since it can increase blood circulation in the
area. It also allows the inflammation to drain and for the muscles to release
tension. Basically, it's like a massage but a lot gentle and aesthetic in

It is said that the Gua Sha's effect is skin deep. Because the meridian lines
are involved, organs like the stomach, spleen, liver, heart, and kidneys also
receive rejuvenation. If you work your way over the area of the face that is
connected to the kidneys, such as down the meridian line of the kidney, you can
release toxins and help it relax. Thus, enabling it to function at optimal

Here's a quick breakdown of what Gua Sha can do for you:

 * Aids in diminishing dark spots and hyperpigmentation in your skin.
 * Eliminates dark circles around your eyes.
 * Prevents and lessens sagging skin.
 * Reduces wrinkles.
 * Brightens the complexion.
 * Can relieve or heal rosacea.
 * Helps in the absorption of your skincare.
 * Speeds up the recovery and healing time of breakouts and pimples.
 * Can relieve migraines.
 * Can even be an alternative to face-lift surgery but only when practiced on a
   regular basis and when you're receiving treatments from a licensed


 1. Start with cleaning your face and washing your hands. After patting your
    face dry with a clean washcloth, use a facial mist that has hydrosol like
    OSEA's Sea Vitamin Boost. Hydrosol is the perfect base to drive the oil, in
    which you'll apply next.
 2. Apply facial oil.  My favorite is also from OSEA, which is their Undaria
    Argan oil. Apply it starting on your forehead downwards. This activates
    movement in skin and tissues which is a great prep stage before the Gua Sha.
 3. Warm your Gua Sha tool. You can do this by slightly rubbing it between your
    hands and adding a little facial oil so it doesn't tug on your skin.
 4. Sweep up your neck on both sides. Do this very gently over your Adam's
 5. Sweep up under your chin, from the middle of your face outwards to your
    earlobe while keeping your tool flat.
 6. Sweep from the middle of your chin over your jawline, towards the back of
    your earlobe. Gently jiggle at your ear to encourage fluid to drain down the
    neck to the lymph nodes.
 7. Sweep underneath your cheekbone, towards your hairline. Lightly jiggle the
    tool at your hairline.

For a more detailed instruction on how to do Gua Sha treatment, check this video


I know that some of you live in the warmer areas of the globe. While others just
love basking in the sun like it's always summer. Wherever you are on this
planet, or whatever season is your favorite, you might want to keep your face
feeling cool with this DIY refreshing face masks. What I love about this is that
it's not just refreshing, but it can also remedy a number of your skin concerns.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, you have to embrace the mix of warm
and cool weather. If you simply want a vacation or you feel like you need a spa
day at home, this DIY face masks will surely bring you a cool, calming energy to
the skin. If you just came home from a sunny vacation and you have mild
sunburns, the recipe below can also be used as a weekly hydration treatment. But
the thing is, I just simply love cooling masks like this all year round! It
doesn't matter if it's warm or not, use it anytime you feel like you need it.


Aloe vera is good for the skin. It contains two hormones called Auxin and
Gibberellins. Those two hormones provide wound healing and anti-inflammatory
properties that reduce puffiness and skin inflammation. Also, aloe is considered
effective in healing chronic skin problems such as psoriasis, eczema, dandruff,
and acne. The Egyptians even call aloe vera the "plant of immortality". It is
also very effective in soothing sunburns, itchy and dry skin by its powerful
healing activity at the epithelial level of the skin. It can act as a protective
layer and helps replenish the moisture. It is also a powerful source of
antioxidants which helps the skin heal quicker.

Aloe vera is very moisturizing without the greasy feel. Personally, I love it as
a moisturizer because it makes your skin feel and look plump. If you're a
shaver, aloe can help soothe the skin to avoid razor burns. (Feel free to let
your hubby use these masks too!)



 * 2 teaspoons raw local honey
 * 1 teaspoon aloe vera gel
 * a spray or a few drops of a rosewater toner
 * organic fresh mint leaves (2 to 4 leaves is all you need)


 1. Bruise and mash up the mint with a mortar and pestle to release the
    essential oils.
 2. Stir everything together.
 3. Apply it all to your face.
 4. Leave the mask on for 10 to 20 minutes.



 * 2 tsp aloe vera gel
 * 1 tsp baking soda
 * ½ tsp lemon juice
 * 1 drop lavender essential oil
 * Small bowl and spoon


 1. Mix all ingredients in a small bowl to form a well-combined gel.
 2. Apply the gel onto your whole face, avoiding the eye area.
 3. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes, then rinse off with warm water first, then
    cold water.
 4. Tone with cooled green tea.
 5. Moisturize with 3 drops of argan oil!



 * 1 tsp pure aloe vera gel
 * 1 tsp cucumber juice
 * ½ tsp honey
 * 1 tsp colloidal oatmeal
 * Small bowl & spoon


 1. Extract cucumber juice by blending a cucumber with a little water. Next
    strain the cucumber puree to obtain cucumber juice. Pour 2 teaspoons of it
    into a small bowl.
 2. Next add 1 tsp colloidal oatmeal, 1 tsp pure aloe vera gel, and ½ tsp honey.
    Mix well.
 3. Apply it on your face and let it sit for 10 minutes to soothe and cool skin.
 4. Rinse off with tepid water when the time is up.
 5. Spray rose water on your face to tone, then moisturize as usual.



 * 2 tsp aloe vera gel
 * 1 tsp rose water
 * 1 tsp sandalwood powder
 * Small bowl & spoon


 1. Into a small bowl, dump in 2 tsp aloe vera gel, 1 tsp rose water and 1 tsp
    sandalwood powder.
 2. Mix everything well to form a smooth paste.
 3. Slather the mixture on your whole face, avoiding the eye area.
 4. Leave it on for about 10 minutes to sink into your skin cells then rinse off
    with tepid water.
 5. Splash your face with cool water and lightly pat it dry so it’s still damp.
    Onto your damp skin, apply a pea-sized amount of shea butter. This will seal
    moisture into your skin cells, leaving your face hydrated and supple!



 * 1 activated charcoal capsule
 * 2 tsp pure aloe vera gel
 * Small bowl & spoon


 1. Twist open an activated charcoal capsule and dump its contents into a small
 2. Next add 2 tsp of pure aloe vera gel.
 3. Mix everything up till your form a black gel.
 4. Apply the gel onto your skin, avoiding the eye and mouth area.
 5. Let it sit on your face for 7 minutes for the detoxifying effects to work
    their magic.
 6. Rinse off with cold water thoroughly and pat your face dry with a clean
 7. Moisturize your skin as usual. To be natural, moisturize it with a pea-sized
    amount of shea butter or 3 drops of a natural skin care oil like argan oil
    or jojoba oil.


A lot of us want to stay youthful and glowing all throughout the years. In order
to have beautiful skin, soft and shiny hair, and strong nails we need collagen.
But what is collagen's role in staying youthful? Collagen is the most abundant
protein that's present in our bodies. It's mostly found in our bones, muscles,
skin, blood vessels, our digestive system, and even in our tendons. It's also
what gives our skin strength and elasticity. Plus, helps with replacing dead
skin cells. Sounds familiar? It's because collagen is one of the main
ingredients that can be found in a lot of cosmetic products. May it be lotions,
creams, even in shampoos.

As we age, our body's collagen production begins to slow down. Signs of aging
can begin to show; wrinkles, sagging skin, and joint pains can be experienced as
well. Lifestyle can also be a factor that can result in the depletion of
collagen levels, such as having a diet that consists of high sugar, smoking and
even high amounts of prolonged exposure under the sun.


Just one cup of this wonder grain can give you more than 8 grams of
collagen-supportive protein. It also has zinc that can assist with the amino
acid-to-collagen transformation. It is extremely high in antioxidants that can
neutralize free radicals. The vitamin A in quinoa can also help stimulate the
skin to produce new collagen over time, which can result in the reduced
appearance of fine lines and strengthen the skin to make it look young, vibrant
and firm.


This includes spinach, kale, and mustard greens that contains a
collagen-boosting trifecta of vitamins A, C, and Zinc. These foods are rich in
antioxidants and boost collagen and even protects your skin from sun damage. It
can also protect you from free radicals that break down collagen. Studies have
shown that consuming chlorophyll increases the production of collagen in our
body and can provide strong antioxidant activity against UV damage that can
cause premature aging.


These little seeds are packed with protein and it's an amazing source of Omega
3. No matter how tiny, it contains all the 9 essential amino acids that our body
needs for growth and repair of blood cells, tissue, muscle, and production of
collagen. It's also high in fiber and could help your body eliminate toxins.
Plus, Chia seeds can even control your blood sugar levels.


This little legume contains a lot of the components that support collagen
production: protein, vitamins A, and C, Zinc, and Thiamine. It also has Vitamin
B that also helps in skin revitalization and wound healing.


While it sounds easier to just grab a bottle of supplements from the drugstore
for anti-aging benefits, it's not always easily absorbed or utilized by the
body. Supplements can also vary and it may differ from the levels of absorption
depending on how potent the supplement is.

Natural food is always highly recommended for boosting your collage intake.
After all, doing it the natural way is always better. Not only that, you can
maximize the benefits of the food. Compared to collagen supplements, you can
even receive other vitamins and minerals than a single pill that's packed with
just collagen.



There's a new study conducted by the University of Alberta wherein researchers
placed fat cells under lamps giving off blue light (the shortest visible light
coming from the sun) for four hours, while other samples were kept in the dark.
In a span of two weeks, the two groups had surprising differences. In their 11th
day of the experiment, the group of fat cells that were exposed to blue light
had fewer lipid droplets (these are the organelles that store fat), compared to
the cells that were kept in the dark. In conclusion to this, it means that less
light means more fat storage, which is why people gain weight during months that
have less sunlight.

While this is a theory that's not proven to help with actual weight loss, it
just goes to show how much we need sunlight in order for our cells to do their
work properly. However, basking in the sun doesn't necessarily mean skipping
sunscreen and staying under the sun for really long hours just to lose weight.
We all know how ultra-violet radiation and skin cancers can be caused by too
much exposure to sunlight. Also, the sun cannot directly cause you to lose
weight. Instead, it affects your body in such a way that your body will be in a
better state for you to be successful in your weight loss goals.


Another reason that sunlight can play a role in weight loss is the theory of
heat-production. When your body temperature drops, you'll feel hungrier. When
your body temperature rises, you'll feel less hungry. Bottomline, cold
temperatures can result in greater calorie consumption especially with less
sunlight and it can affect your weight.


Not only that, but we all know how we're feeling sluggish or lazier during
colder months. Whether it's raining outside, snowing or too chilly to even go
out, we manage to do fewer activities which causes our body to burn fewer
calories. The solution to this: Push yourself to keep doing physical activities.
Regardless if it's outdoor or not. If possible, do yoga or exercise indoors.
Even without the sun, your body will still burn calories.

With all these theories in mind, we can adjust our lifestyle according to the
needs of our body. When the sun is out, have your healthy dose of sun. When the
sun is nowhere to be seen, be active and be mindful of your physical activities.


Probably once or twice (or maybe more?) in our lifetime, we believed what beauty
companies advertised about their skin care products. With the dire need to fix
our skin woes, most of us have probably resulted in a buying spree with
anti-aging products, hypo-allergenic products, dermatologist tested, and the
list goes on. Companies promised us visible changes within months, some even
within weeks of continued use. But to no avail, we're left with a half-full
bottle of a beauty product that didn't deliver the results promised.

Below is a list of few of the lies about your skin care products. Maybe, just
maybe, you will realize that getting a better and clearer skin is easier to
achieve just by eating the right food, instead of slathering on layers of skin
care products that probably won't even work.


In reality, Science has yet to discover an ingredient that can actually slow
down or reverse the aging process. If that's the case, then why are they selling
us anti-aging products? Especially when it's not meant to slow down or reverse
the process? Overall, sunscreen is the only scientifically proven product that
can prevent (but not reverse!) signs of skin aging by protecting the skin from
sun damage. But once the damage is done, there isn't really any product that can
reverse the damage. Unless of course, you're loading up on foods rich in
antioxidants that can speed up the healing of your damaged skin.

The term anti-aging is only used because it's meant to boost sales and profits.
Because, why the hell not? Everyone wants youthful skin forever! So why not use
it to lure people into buying products that claim to make them look younger in
weeks? It's a brilliant idea, honestly. But then the term has no actual medical


The term itself means that the product has very little chance of causing an
allergic reaction to the person, or overall will not cause any allergic reaction
at all. In reality, there isn't even a federal standard for this term. There is
no scientifical test that can guarantee that a product will not cause an
allergic reaction to an individual. One way or another, a certain ingredient can
cause an allergic reaction to a person whether it was labeled hypo-allergenic or
not. Why? Well, it's because the person was selectively allergic to the
ingredient! This isn't even rocket science. If a person is allergic to an
ingredient, it will always cause allergic reactions, period.

The products that are mostly labeled as hypo-allergenic often contain one
ingredient in common--a preservative. Preservatives are known to cause skin
reactions, especially to those who already have sensitive skin. So, why is it
called hypo-allergenic?  If this doesn't scare you, maybe this will: the usual
products that are hypo-allergenic are baby products!


Oh boy, this just means that at least one dermatologist has used or tested the
product on his or her body once, or maybe twice, we honestly don't know! And
then, that dermatologist just decided that he or she can profit from it, so they
began to endorse it, claiming that it has passed their standards and that it's
safe for everyone to use.

We all know how one's skin may be different from the other, and what may work
for one may not always work for everyone. With this in mind, how can one or two
dermatologists vouch for all the product claims? Another red flag, right?

With these lies in mind, it's safe to say that switching to natural remedies or
eating healthy can be a better option for a youthful glow. These benefits are
scientifically proven, and not only that it is safe, it's also proven to be
effective. Plus, it can give you a health boost.

Healthy or youthful skin can always be achieved with the right lifestyle. It's
not about the expensive bottles of skin care and high-end products that promised
to give you youthful and glowing skin. If you're not taking care of your body
from within, it's bound to manifest physically. Always remember that being
healthy on the inside can also make you look healthy on the outside.



Blessed are those who have no puffy eye bags or dark circles under their eyes.
Those bags and panda eyes are the only thing in this world that seems to be
permanent and stick with you forever--and that sucks big time. However, we might
have found a natural way to "de-puff" those bags. It's nothing like botox
though! Don't get us wrong. It's just a quick remedy that can reduce those
cursed bags when you can't afford to look too tired because you have a party or
an important event to go to. Or simply, when you've had quite a lot of
colleagues asking you if you're stressed or if you haven't been sleeping at all.
You can do this once or twice every week, like a pick-me-up when your bags look
too heavy!

Green Tea has been one of our all-time favorites. Plus, it is one of Mother
Nature's miracle cure. It is rich in antioxidants and flavonoids that are
anti-aging, repairs skin, and soothes irritated skin. As Green Tea ice cubes, it
can boost the blood circulation underneath your eyes and drain the fluid that
causes the puffiness. However, it's good to remember that you should not rub the
Green Tea ice cubes on your undereye area. The skin there is very delicate so be
careful about putting any pressure. Just pat it gently against the area but
don't leave it on for too long. Without further ado, here's the recipe!


4 green tea bags
2 cups of water
1 ice tray


 1. Pour 2 cups of water into a small saucepan and bring to a boil.
 2. Turn off the heat. Place 4 green tea bags into the hot water. Let steep for
    5 minutes, then remove the tea bags. If you have fresh Green Tea leaves, you
    can add this too!
 3. Wait for the tea mixture to cool. Then, pour into an ice tray.
 4. Place the tray in your freezer and leave overnight.
 5. To use, pop out an ice cube and wrap it in any clean cloth. Gently dab
    underneath your eyes.


Using Coconut Oil as a makeup remover has been quite a controversy in the beauty
world. It is said to have comedogenic properties that can clog pores and lead to
blackheads or breakouts. There are also a lot of people who don't swear by
having oil on their face especially if their skin is already on the oilier side.
However, recent studies have proven that in order to be able to use Coconut Oil
as an effective makeup remover, it needs to be organic, unrefined and
cold-pressed. It also has anti-bacterial properties, anti-yeast, and yes, it
is safe. Just by the sound of that, I'm already starting to be a fan.

Since the ingredients in the Coconut Oil has saturated fatty acids, and if the
quality of the coconut oil is poor, it can be contaminated and badly purified.
If this is the case, it can be highly comedogenic. It is recommended that you
only use the purified, cold-pressed coconut oil in liquid form. Always check the
label for these properties!


Now, what exactly differentiates the cold-pressed to the regular one? When it is
manufactured, oils are extracted with chemicals that bind to active ingredients.
The solvent agents bind to the lipids in coconut oil. Which basically means that
the harmful chemicals can be absorbed by the skin when you apply it.
Cold-pressed Coconut oil doesn't have harmful chemicals or toxins that can
affect the skin. Thus, it is highly recommended that you choose this.

While Coconut Oil isn't exactly a holy grail makeup remover that can remedy all
your skin woes and makeup cleansing, it's a good substitute for those who have
sensitive skin and loves going all-natural with their products. Not only that,
but it is also a cheaper alternative to makeup wipes and store-bought makeup
removers that have more harmful chemicals than you can imagine. Just the jar and
your fingers to apply it all over your face and you're good to go. Again, don't
rely on this to do the moisturizing for you.

However, it is good to take note that not all skin types can be compatible with
it as a makeup remover. As one may have allergic reactions and the other may
not. Always do patch tests even with natural ingredients! Also, don't forget to
rinse this off properly. (Imagine cleansing then leaving what you just cleansed
on your skin, again?)

We highly recommend purchasing a big jar, since Coconut Oil can be used in many


Pollution not only harms the environment but also our skin. It can cause skin
aging, uneven skin tone, acne and even skin cancer. Microscopic specks of smoke,
soot, acid and other pollutants are released into the atmosphere from different
sources like cars, fire, factories, and smoke make their way deep into your
skin. "Pollution breaks down collagen and the lipid layer in the skin, which
impairs skin barrier functions," says Zoe Draelos, M.D., consulting professor of
dermatology at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, and author of
the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology article "Aging in a Polluted World."

Pollution isn't going away soon, so it's good to know that there are ways that
can prevent pollution from affecting your skin any further.


After a long day, cleansing your face before going to bed removes all the dirt,
gunk and pollution that has accumulated on the surface of your skin during the
day. This is a very important step that many of us fail to do especially when we
feel too lazy or too tired already. But always remember that a few minutes of
sacrifice helps your skin a lot and prevents it from further damage. It also
preps your skin for the next skin care products that you will be putting next.

Cleansing your face isn't just something that you do at night, even in the
morning you should use a gentle cleanser that can rinse off sweat, excess oil or
skin care products that you used the night before.

One or twice a week, you can also exfoliate either by physical or chemical
exfoliation in order to remove dead skin cells. This can help reveal a brighter
and clearer skin if done correctly. Never over exfoliate as it can do more harm
to your skin and be more prone to damage.

To double-cleanse, you can also use a cotton pad with a toner and swipe it
across your face to make sure that there is no dirt residue that your cleanser
failed to remove. Toners also balance the pH levels of your skin if your
cleanser was too acidic, making it feel and look more hydrated and plump.


Pollution not only damages the skin directly but also causes the thinning of the
ozone layer. This makes your skin prone to sun damage twice or thrice as much.
Even on days where you don't see the sun, like on cloudy days and rainy days,
never assume that the UV rays are not there to damage your skin. Make it a habit
to wear sunscreen regardless of the weather outside. A big thank you to the
beauty and cosmetic world for creating a sunscreen that can be worn on a daily
basis unlike before-- wherein sunscreens are unbearable to use especially to
those who are darker in skin-tone because of the opaque white cast it leaves on
your skin. Not to mention that sunscreens used to be a nightmare for those who
have oily skin! Well, those days are gone. There are a lot of lightweight
sunscreens that are now highly available in the market. Now, there's no excuse
to not use sunscreen anymore, right?


Protecting your skin isn't just done on the outside, but also on the inside.
Eating a healthy diet and food rich in antioxidants can help your skin get back
to its former glow. Foods rich in carotenoids like beta-carotene, lycopene, and
vitamin C are a great option.

Foods like Goji berries, wild blueberries, dark chocolate, pecans, artichoke,
elderberries, kidney beans, cranberries, blackberries, and cilantro are just one
of the few that is recorded to have the highest ORAC scores as antioxidants.



Having a facial mask at home is quite expensive. Also, it's quite hard to find
different brands and types of masks that you know won't harm your face. It
happened to me once, I tried a facial mask and then after a few minutes, my face
got so irritated! Then by morning, I got pimples and my skin was all red... A
disaster! Now, I'm thinking twice before buying masks...

To avoid the same misadventure than me, here are some safe facial masks to make
at home:

1. Strawberry Facial Mask

 * 8 Fresh strawberries
 * 3 Tablespoons of honey

In a bowl, mash the strawberries with a fork until smooth.  Add in the honey and
mix the ingredients together. Using clean hands or a sanitised brush, gently
apply the mixture all over your face, avoiding the eye area. Lie down and leave
the mask on for 10 to 15 minutes. Wash it away with warm water, pat your face
dry and follow up with your favourite toner and moisturiser

2. Kiwi Facial Masks

 * 4 Kiwi Finely Chopped
 * 1 Tablespoon of Yoghurt

Mixed the chopped kiwi with the tablespoon of yoghurt. Apply the paste evenly on
your face. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes and then wash off with warm water for
a glowing skin.

3. Coffee Powder

 * 1 teaspoon Coffee Powder
 * 1 teaspoon Honey

Mix the above two ingredients and apply on washed face and neck in circular
motion. Let it gets completely dry for at least 15 minutes. Wash your face with
cold water and wipe with a wet tissue to remove the stain of coffee, if any.

4. Aloe Vera Facial Masks


 * 2 tsp Aloe Vera Gel
 * 1 tsp Egg White

Cut off a leaf from the plant and scrape out the gel, mix it with egg white to
make a smooth paste. Apply this mask generously on your clean face and let it
dry for 15 minutes. Wash your face with cold water.

5. Coconut Oil Facial Mask

 * 1 tbsp Coconut Oil
 * ¼ tbsp Turmeric

Mix these two ingredients in mentioned proportion and apply on your face. Wash
your face after 15 – 20 min with cold water and pat dry.

Depending on the kind of facial masks you need - whether it's for acne, oily
skin, blackheads, or wrinkles - these are all safe and won't harm your skin
since it's all natural ingredients. There are more kitchen-to-found facial
masks you can find. Go ahead and try yourself!


You've heard it time and again, the secret to glowing skin isn't what you apply
externally, but what you put internally. Simply put, even though you purchased a
hundred dollar beauty product to apply on your skin every night, you still won't
get that glowing skin without eating these food items high in antioxidants. Not
only that, it will also help you save that hundred dollars.


Antioxidants in food are actually quite popular. There are so many different
kinds of antioxidants in certain food items, so which one will help your skin



Here are 5 of these antioxidants and which food items contain them the most:


Eat more: oranges, kiwi, spinach, broccoli, peppers, berries


Drink more: green tea and red wine


Indulge more in: dark chocolate (80%)


Munch more: watermelon and tomato


Cook more with: onion and garlic

If you feel like its too much information and you'd forget it, refer to this
chart from and eat more of these:


Or learn how to prepare antioxidant packed snacks in this video:


This sure is easier than letting go of a hundred bucks for a 15ml tube of beauty
product! Plus you will also reap all the benefits of eating more antioxidants,
and not just glowing skin. 😀


One of the many triggers of eczema is the changing of the surrounding weather.
And since autumn is just around the corner and winter will follow soon, here are
ways to battle eczema using home remedies.




The problem with dry skin is that it makes eczema itchier. So you need to lather
up with oil, especially after showering before patting your skin dry. Let it
stay on your skin for a while before putting on your clothes.


Put organic honey on top of the affected areas and leave it for at least thirty


Stress can also make eczema worse. Try yoga, meditation, light walking or even
getting enough sleep can help alleviate stress.


Probiotics are known to help improve skin health. So stock up on those plain


I know I said at home remedies, but if you do get bored at home, try visiting a
salt cave/mine. Salty air is also a remedy for eczema. If there's no salt cave
or mine near you, even sea breeze will do.


Other easy ways to help treat eczema are shown in this video:


Do remember that while trying home remedies and natural ways of alleviating
eczema is helpful, it is still best to consult with your physician.


If you're a DIY or a natural beauty product fan, like me, you will definitely
like this oil as a facial wash project.



If you think about, oil is what we're all trying to get rid of from our face,
aside from the dirt and grime of every day. So what's the reson behind using it
to clean your face?

Oil dissolves oil. If you remember your science lessons way back, like dissolves
like. The oil you will put on your face will attract the existing oil and once
you clean it off, the existing oil will also be removed.

Oil production is balanced out. If you try to remove all the oil, your face will
produce more oil. So what you need is something that won't dry out your skin so
you won't produce more oil. What better thing to use than oil as a facial wash?



There are two important components to make your oil facial wash.

Astringent oil. This component can be grapeseed oil, hazelnut oil or castor oil.
The ratio of astringent oil should be around 10% to 30%. Adjust according to
your facial need. For example, if your skin is drier and less oilier, then your
astringent oil should be less. But if you have oilier skin, then increase the
astringent oil ratio to 30%.

Moisturizing oil. This can be jojoba, sunflower, argan or avocado oil. The
moisturizing oil should be around 70% to 90%.



Watch this video and see how easy it is!



 1. You will need a clean, washcloth that has been soaked in hot water.
 2. You don't need to clean or wash your wash before this ritual. In fact, it's
    better when you have your makeup on so you will see how effective it is in
    removing all that dirt and grime.
 3. Leave the washcloth on your face for at least 30 seconds.


Now you're ready to start that DIY project! 😀


Not all of us can afford a hundred dollar trip to the dentist to get our teeth
whitened from all those years of drinking wine or soda (find out what else
stains your teeth here). So I'm going to share with you today ways on how to get
that glowing white teeth back, naturally.




More familiar with us as a spice and something that can really stain our
clothes, as it is even used for dyes. With a toothbrush for the sole purpose of
using turmeric, dip this toothbrush into 1/8 teaspoon organic turmeric before
brushing your teeth with the usual toothpaste. Leave it there for three minutes.



We are aware how vinegar can magically make everything white and shiny again.
And our teeth isn't an exception. Use this as a natural teeth stain remover by
gargling. Mix it with water to dilute the taste, but only if it bothers you. Do
it twice a week, but not every day as vinegar can be damaging if used often.



Another natural teeth stain remover is a banana peel. Wondering how to do the
banana peel trick? This video shows you how:



I know I mentioned it before as a teeth staining food, but lo and behold, a
strawberry paste can be left on the teeth for five minutes and it can do
wonders. Just mix and mash one strawberry with half a teaspoon of baking soda
and voila! You have your own strawberry paste.



Sounds scary, yes, but this natural teeth stain remover is a miracle worker.
Just add a little bit of hydrogen peroxide to your toothpaste and you will
notice the change in days.


These natural teeth stain remover tips are just a few of the ways that you can
whiten your teeth. As always, be cautious when doing this and its best to
consult your dentist before doing any of the above. You might be allergic to any
of these items or there can be an underlying condition that you aren't aware of.


Flashing those pearly whites should be something that is a part of the selfie
routine. But what if your pearly whites and becoming pearly browns? Do you even
know what's causing it?

It might be because of the food we eat and the drinks we consume. These are some
of the food and beverages that we consume on a daily basis that can cause teeth



Bad for our health and teeth. If the candy can color your tongue, the odds are
it can also cause teeth stain. Avoid eating these at all costs.



Colored or not, the chemicals eat away the enamel. So even if you think you're
drinking the non-colored soda, it still harms your teeth. What more if you drink
the non-colored ones?



Blueberries, blackberries, cherries, pomegranates, to name a few. These fruits,
though rich in antioxidants, can cause teeth stain.



If the wine can stain the table cloth, it can also stain your teeth. Even if its
white wine, the acid content is high enough to cause damage.



I love tea. But there are ways to avoid teeth stain without having to sacrifice
not drinking it. It is even said that tea can cause more stains than coffee.



The acidity level of these sports drinks breaks away the enamel that can set the
course for teeth stain. Try to re-hydrate with water during workouts.



These bits can really make the food tasty, like tomato based sauces and curry,
but they can also cause teeth stain.



First is to use straw when drinking tea or wine. Totally avoid sodas and sports
drinks if you can. Swallow the sauces and food swiftly so it won't spend time in
your mouth. The less time it spends in your oral cavity, the better for your
teeth. The most important thing is to also brush your teeth after every meal and
rinse if brushing is not an option.

Some of the teeth staining food and drinks are actually healthy and high in
nutrients, so there's no need to avoid them. If you would like to know more
about how these food and drinks stain our teeth, here is a video to watch.


I love spending time in the kitchen to prepare my meals. But what I love more is
to discover what DIY beauty recipe I can make from kitchen ingredients. It's no
surprise that there are a lot of these ingredients that are supposedly going to
be thrown away, but why throw them when you can still use them for something



If someone in the household drinks coffee, then you're in luck. Especially if
they brew their own. Collect the used ground coffee and save them in a tightly
closed jar with a little bit of water, not completely dried up. When you have
enough, you can start making your body exfoliator.

Aside from the coffee grounds (1/2 cup) you would also need:

 * Sugar (1/2 cup)
 * Coconut Oil  (1/4 cup)
 * Ground Cinnamon (1 teaspoon)

Just mix them all together and voila! This DIY beauty recipe will surely get you
to save money, instead of buying those expensive body scrubs. You can start
exfoliating with your homemade coconut and coffee body scrub.



Yogurt is one of my favorite snacks. Not only is it full of proteins, but it
also makes you less hungry and fight belly fat. Aside from all of these, yogurt
can also do wonders to your face.

All you need to do is to mix full-fat plain or Greek yogurt with honey and
lather it on your face and neck. Let it stay there for about 15 minutes. Rinse
with warm water after. The overall effect is a calmer and moisturized skin. Make
sure to buy enough yogurt for your DIY beauty recipe aka face mask and to still
have some left to eat!



Aside from being one of the healthiest ingredients on the planet, Olive oil can
also be used as a make-up remover. All you need to do is to mix Olive oil and
filtered water and you now have a hydrating makeup remover. How easy is that?


There are other lots of DIY beauty recipe that you can do. Watch this video as a
former model explains what she does to get her unwashed but glossy and full of
volume hair.

Have fun experimenting! These are just guidelines on what you can do and if you
think some ingredients have way better effects, then substitute it. Just be sure
to test its effects on your skin first before you apply it all over, you can
never be too sure what you're allergic to.



When I learned that fun fact I was surprised, then horrified. Surprised because
I hadn’t thought of our skin as an organ, which in my mind was reserved for
internal essentials like the heart or liver. Yet, it turns out the
22-square-foot (on average) external organ that is our skin not only gives us a
presentable appearance, but keeps us from evaporating, guards the body from
damaging sun rays, and acts as a semipermeable membrane that allows us to absorb
vitamins, minerals, and — here’s where the horrified piece comes into play —

In an effort to keep our skin healthy, happy, and (let’s be real) youthful,
we’ve all slathered on any number of lotions and potions. While our favorite
beauty brands proudly highlight natural ingredients and plant-derived anti-aging
champions, they likely hide some of the less appealing ingredients on the back
of the bottle.

Ingredients like ethanolamines (DEA, MEA, ETA), parabens, sulfites and triclosan
are common culprits that not only add foaming, stabilizing, or antibacterial
properties to our products, but are hormone disrupters with carcinogenic

Revellers known as 'Los Indianos', throw talcum powder over each other during
carnival. Something you should definitely not do.

Unfortunately, those are just a few ingredients to avoid, and the list goes on
and on. What’s worse, is because these chemicals are present in the products we
apply to our skin, we absorb them directly into our blood stream and circulate
them throughout our bodies without their first being filtered through the liver
or other organs that help clean ingested toxins.

So, how can we keep our bodies clear, and clean up our beauty product purchases?
Going green in the beauty department has various possible approaches. If you’re
not ready to jump into the deep end (and throw out all your products to start
fresh with the purest of the pure), I suggest a gradual wade-in approach that
starts with avoiding the four most toxic beautifying ingredients:

With their significant side effects, steering clear of these known carcinogens
could be the best thing you ever do. If you find it hard to remember these
chemically concocted names, take a picture of the table above on your smartphone
and reference it when you are out shopping. Once you’ve firmly placed these four
ingredients on the "no go" list, you can expand into purer pastures by
researching products and ingredients on the Environmental Working Group’s Skin
Deep database.

The beauty chapter in Wear No Evil: How to Change the World with Your
Wardrobe also outlines the good, bad and ugly ingredients in our everyday
products, and provides brand suggestions in every category to help smoothly
transition into pure products without sacrificing performance. As we apply
wellness methods to the various areas of our lives, nontoxic beauty claims its
rightful place. Nurture yourself with good food, exercise, meditation, and
products that bring positive impact from the outside in.


Dry, greasy, dull...none of us is happy with our hair! Just as girls are usually
hypercritical in front of the mirror, they are while checking their very own
split ends as well. If you don't have enough time and/or money to get to the
hair salon every month but you don't want to give up effective hair care, look
no further. I have here for you some homemade hair care remedies that I am sure
you will love!


If your hair always seems to look unhealthy and a bit like hay, your ingredients
of choice will be avocado and honey. While avocado repairs your hair, honey is a
natural moisturizer.

For your avocado hair mask, mash up one avocado and apply on damp hair, leaving
it for about 15 minutes. The treatment should be repeated every two weeks. Same
goes for the honey mask: apply half a cup on damp hair for about 20 minutes, and
add oil if the consistency is giving you trouble. Either way, do it once a


Then lemon is your guy! Squeeze a small lemon and mix it with a glass of water.
Apply on your scalp for a few minutes and rinse. Lemon can help control
greasiness and make your hair healthier in general, because it's packed with
vitamins. Win-win!


Egg is said to be the best moisturizer in the world. No need to buy expensive
conditioner this month. Just mix an egg in your hair shampoo, leave it on your
head for about 10 minutes, rinse. Repeat for a few days, until you see the
results. However, if you have oily hair, try using just the egg whites.


The sulphur found in onion juice can help hair growth. Just chop red onions
(shallots are also ok), squeeze out the juice and apply on your scalp for 15
minutes before rinsing. If you are not a fan of onions, try applying green tea
for an hour.

You can also help your hair from the inside. If looking at these masks recipes
made you hungry, here are some snacks that will have the same effect from

Walnuts and salmon, for example, are a very good source of omega-3 fatty acids,
which your body needs to grow hair and which also provide a natural shield for

Hair breakage can be prevented with the aid of vitamin C, present in blueberries
and oranges. Iron will prevent hair loss, and spinach is the best green you can
eat to be sure to get enough of it! Furthermore, oysters, beef and eggs provide
zinc and selenium, important minerals to protect your scalp.

Time to skip the salon and go straight to the supermarket!

Do you have any other treatment you would like to suggest? I am all ears!


Today I have news that I am sure will be thrilling for all the girls among my
readers. I made a new discovery in the field of skincare; its name is OSEA, and
it’s an all vegan, gluten-free and organic line of skincare and bodycare

Yes, you read that right: vegan. What makes this brand an award-winning one is
the difference with most of the others. Instead of investing in marketing
techniques and packaging which is often not at all nature-friendly, OSEA focuses
on the all natural ingredients.

But let’s take one step back and let’s take a look at the fascinating story of
this revolutionary beauty brand.

OSEA’s founder, Jenefer Palmer, lives in Malibu, California, right on the sea.
This great daily view inspired her to create a line of beauty products based on
marine ingredients and nutrients. Jenefer, with a solid background in the body
healing arts, started to experiment herself with cosmetic chemistry. It wasn’t
until the discovery of a miraculous algae from Patagonia, the Gigartina, that
the OSEA project really started to take form. The result, after many years of
successes, are quality, natural and eco-responsible skincare.

Minerals, vitamins and the right fatty acids derived from sea and earth are the
key benefits for your skin that OSEA provides, and there is not much more you
will find in these products! OSEA’s website provides an interesting (and a bit
scary) list of ingredients which are NOT used in their skincare line. The
blacklist includes different ingredients which are often used in the industry
and the reasons why they shouldn't.

An example? Silicone-derived emollients, present in many shampoos, lotions and
moisturizers and used to give the hair that silk-like feeling, are linked to
skin irritation and tumor growth. Same goes for Benzoyl Peroxide, often used in
serums and cleansers.

The fact that many companies in the beauty industry decide to add potentially
dangerous but temporarily effective ingredients to their beauty products is no
news. What is news is that finally someone decided to change things! OSEA’s
commitment is moving: apart from using just natural ingredients and basing the
whole line on the miraculous seaweed called Gigartina, the company takes part to
different movements which fight to make safe beauty products every woman’s

The name of the company itself stands for Ocean, Sun, Earth and Atmosphere. The
skincare line includes products that sound more than yummy. The website presents
a lists of creams, cleansers, moisturizers, treatments and much more for every
kind of skin. You can comfortably shop according to you skin type.
I personally am definitely going to try some of these products. The love and
respect for nature shown by OSEA and its revolutionary approach to skincare
convinced me! Have you ever tried them, or had some other remarkable
experiences? Let me know!


Yes we all want to look pretty. We like shiny, nicely packaged containers that
are known as 'miracles in bottles.' Hence we load our drawers and cabinets with
useless junk that hardly ever get used. 'Useless'? Did I dare say that?

I know I broke your hearts, but do trust me on this one that there are countless
products that claim to remove every mark and blemishes from your pretty face.
But truth is, they do hardly anything.

Here's my top 6 picks of products you should abandon immediately.

Anti-Aging Creams

Its a myth. Don't delude yourself into thinking a mere ointment can wipe
miracally wipe off wrinkles from you face.
It does nothing than temporarily smoothening out your skin and is nothing more
than a simple moisturiser.

Cellulite Cream

Just like anti-aging cream, this is another product that does nothing. It
doesn't do any smoothening or toning of your body, because if you look close
enough, you'll see they just promise to 'reduce the appearance of cellulite''
not permanently erase the marks. The only thing that can help you with cellulite
is water, exercise, and a healthy diet.

Color-Enhancing Hair Care

So you just spent a a few hundred dollars on a shampoo that promises to lock in
your hair color for forever.
Well, you just got ripped. Because these shampoos only contain a temporary
colour stain that is actually more harmful than being beneficial. If you do
however want long lasting highlights, just reduce your shower frequency.

Lip Exfoliator

Go natural. Just take a handful of sugar and gently scrub over your wet
lips. Its got no chemical, so that's a huge plus and it tastes pretty good too.

Heat Defense Hair Serum

There are so many sprays and serums that promises to protect your hair against
heat treatments. But truth is, your hair gets tortured and fried in the entire
process of brushing, dying and ironing. These miracle serums only have temporary
benefits and actually makes your hair prone to breakage in the long run.

Foot and Elbow Lotion

Any product specifically targeted to a certain body part is a rip off. A normal
body moisturiser will work just as well on your feet or elbow. So please save
yourself the trouble of wasting your money on something that you don't need.


Kohl eyeliner and I have a rocky relationship. It was my best friend during my
teen years and now looking back I wish it wasn't. And it shouldn't be your best
bud either after the truth I'm about to spill.

Did you know that kohl is considered unsafe according to the FDA? According to
their website, the most common ingredient in eyeliner, kohl, contains unsafe
color additive, making it an adulterated product. Kohl is also known as al-kahl,
kajal and surma.

According to the FDA, we are  warned to be watchful of eyeliners containing kohl
because it is mainly made out of heavy metals like antimony and lead, which are
poisonous for humans.

Studies have shown that majority of kohl samples contain significant levels of
lead. One study shows that eighty-eight percent of the kohl-based preparations
contained significant amounts of lead.

Meanwhile other samples of kohl preparations have tested positive for aluminium,
carbon, titanium, calcium, magnesium, oxygen, silver, silicon and sulfur, making
them unsuitable for use on the eyelids.

Second, labels in kohl eyeliner and kohl products sometimes contain labels
falsely claiming to be approved by the FDA when the use and importation of kohl
is illegal.

On the other hand, it must also be noted that not all eyeliners that say are
labeled as "kohl" are actually made from this poisonous substance. There are
some awesome organic cosmetics out there just waiting to blow you away.

> Finding which products you like is priceless, because your skin is unique to
> you – remember that.


Lately, I have been loving organic makeup brands. Because:

a) Organic makeup have numerous advantages over regular makeup brands.

b) No animal testing which I strictly support.

c) They don't have harsh chemicals in the products, which is perfectly apt for
everyday use.

Besides, we're all about being green, right? I love to try out new products and
since I've been into organic brands, I've found some awesome products! It's a
tad hard for me to pick a favorite. But luckily, I've narrowed it down to my top
5 pick. I know you'll love my choices! Makeup is one of my passions so rest
assured you are in good hands. Keep reading for some great organic makeup
brands just ahead!


I love Ecco Bella! Out of all the organic brands I've tried, I would say this
one has the best lipsticks and lip glosses. All Ecco Bella cosmetics and
products are free of gluten, water, preservatives and dyes. And they have body
care products as well as makeup, so definitely check out this organic makeup


Organic Wear by Physicians Formula is one of my absolute top favorite makeup
brands. Their black eyeliner is simply ah-maz-ing! Seriously, you've to try it
to believe it! And their prices are so great! For as wonderful as their products
are, you get a fair price. You can purchase Physicians Formula's Organic Wear
products at nearly any drugstore.


Pure and True is one of the best organic makeup brands by far and not just
because they are truly high quality and luxurious. Pure and True gives back to
social and charity projects so rest assured your money is going somewhere great!
And you're getting awesome, natural products for it!



Bare Minerals is one of the first organic brands I ever tried out. I love how
sheer their products go on, yet they give you great coverage and pigmentation.
Bare minerals are ideal for someone prone to acne since their foundations and
blushes won't clog your pores as much.


I have to say, I only tried one product from Zuii Organic, but I was totally
blown away by it! I definitely plan to try more out in the future and I would
recommend them to anyone. All their products are made from flowers! How cool is


Check out Urbanette Magazine's Organic Beauty Products Pinterest Board. It's
got hundreds of the best organic products listed, with more added daily.

As you can tell from my article, organic makeup brands are the way to go if you
like to use natural products and want to be kind to the earth. I had a lot of
fun trying out these organic makeup brands and I know you will too!

Please comment below if you have any specific organic makeup brands that you
have tried in the past and loved.

Which one's are your favorite? 


Acnes are just the ugliest thing ever. Take it from me. I've seen my beloved
sister's daily fight with dark spots and oily mug all through her teenage. And
these god-awful blemishes accompanied her and well onto her college. That's when
I grew the massive amount of hate for acne.

Sometimes, it doesn't even matter the amount of time you spend cleansing, toning
and moistursing your skin; the spots just don't seem to budge.

And what I've learned over the years is this - you can't hunt down and banish
acne for good in a few mere days.
You need to devote yourself to the system - change your diet, get good nights
sleep, keep your colon clean, and stop putting all sorts of chemical on your
face that you can possibly lay your hands on. Most importantly, you need to stop
worrying about acne because stress triggers growth of acne, and causes hormones
to be even more out of balance.
Instead breath - take long deep, relaxing breathes. And breath out all the
negativities. If you truly want to get rid of acne once and for all, you have to
devote yourself to the detoxification process. Shortcuts usually don't work if
you've had a history with acne from very early time on.

But in the meantime, here are five simple but effective ways you can achieve and
maintain glowing skin the natural way - that you can start from RIGHT NOW!!

1. Drink loads, and loads of water.

You might be rushing to the ladies’ room already with your current water intake.
But even if you have to camp out in your office facilities, up the agua. It’s
still the key to great skin.

2. Lemon Juice

This is the Holy Grail of all acne remedies. I usually drop a good squirt of
lemon juice, mixed with cucumber juice on cotton ball, and place it on the
affected area as long as an hour or so. But please only do this if your skin can
put up with the harsh CaCo2 (I'm a nerd!) Test it on a small area first. But it
stings intially so be preapred to bear with that.
Or better yet, sleep with it. It has worked wonders on my skin and I assure you
you'll see results in less than 4 days.

3. Rub Ice

All over your face. You'll notice the voluptuous zits dramatically reduce in
size if you hold it for a minute or so. And if you make the routine of washing
your face everyday, everytime with ice cold water, you'll be surprised to see
your skin switch to the far end of the oily spectrum - your skin will appear

4. Vitamin A and E

Pop vitamin A and E pills daily to help strengthen your skin, decrease oil
production, assist in skin cell renewal and clear up acne scars.

5. A Healthy, Balanced Diet

It took me a longgg time to finally come to the realization that I need to
overhaul my diet and switch to a healthy, balanced diet. It broke my heart
because I had to let go of pizzas, nachos, burgers and cutlets. But remember,
definitely battling acne on all fronts is key. So please ensure to take the time
to carve out a balanced nutritional plan that can help you achieve a fresh face.
Because your skin is a direct reflection of what you eat.

Have you tried any of these tips? Or do yiu have your own awesome ones? Please
share away.   


When we're thinking of skin elasticity and something that keeps our body looking
younger and glowing--we think of collagen. But what is collagen, really? Why do
we need it? And what are the habits that deplete the natural collagen production
in our body that we feel the need to replace it?


Collagen is a type of natural protein that our bodies naturally produce. It is
also a major component of the human body because it makes up different types of
our skin, bones, muscles, and joints. It's not just responsible for our skin's
plumpness, it keeps our hair strong, our bones healthy, our joints properly
lubricated, and our digestive system working well. It is more than just a
protein that makes us glowing and beautiful.

When we're young, our bodies produce an ample amount of collagen. But in our
mid-20's, we start to produce less collagen. During our mid-40's, the collagen
we produce might be less than 30% already. This would greatly depend on our
lifestyle and the environment that we're in.

Collagen is a very important protein. Without it, our cells can lose structure
and become weaker and thinner. It can cause a lot of skin problems as well, such
as wrinkles, visible fine lines, dark circles underneath your eyes, dry skin and
even cellulites.

Even though collagen supplements are highly available in the market, it's good
to nip the problem in the bud in order to avoid collagen's depletion. Below are
a couple of things that deplete your collagen and some of it's possible


If you're a heavy coffee drinker, which is about two to three cups (or more) a
day, it can stimulate the production of cortisol which is known as the stress
hormone. It can accelerate the aging process by thinning out your skin and it
can be the culprit for skin woes such as fine lines and other signs of skin

The best thing that you can do is to find substitutes for coffee. A good example
of this is matcha, which has calming benefits and is rich in antioxidants.


What makes alcohol the culprit to the depletion of collagen is that drinking it
can be dehydrating. When you are dehydrated, the fibers in collagen can start to
crack and adhere to one another which leads to dry and flaky skin. When your
skin is dry, you are prone to wrinkles.

I know that alcohol is part of our healthy lifestyle, especially wine. But don't
forget to hydrate yourself or go for a mocktail instead.


Lack of sleep can be a culprit for a lot of health issues, including the
depletion of collagen. When you're not getting enough sleep at night, your body
does not repair damaged cells and collagen in its optimal levels.

You should have a minimum of 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep daily. If possible,
eat two hours before bedtime and aim for no gadgets before bedtime in order to
relax your senses before going to bed.


Sugar is known as very toxic and is deemed to be bad for our body. The worst
part is that it is equally bad for our skin. Refined sweeteners can help speed
up the depletion of key skin proteins like elastin and collagen.

The solution here is to substitute refined sugars with natural sweeteners that
the body can properly use. Such as honey, maple syrup, and even dates. These
substitutes contain more minerals and antioxidants that can help your skin look
better and has a lower glycemic index compared to white sugar.


This one is almost unavoidable because it's all around us. Exposure to pollution
can also break down collagen and can cause premature aging. In order to lessen
the effects of pollution against our collagen production, you can opt for an air
and water purifier at home, have oxygen-producing houseplants, and to always
have a healthy diet.

6. SUN

Daily, we only need about 20 minutes of sun exposure in order to encourage the
natural production of vitamin D in our skin. But if we are overexposed to the
sun and worse, it results to a sunburn, it can damage our skin. Staying too long
under the sun causes collagen to break down faster than the usual.

What you can do to avoid this is to make sure that you're wearing sunscreen all
the time to block those unwanted UV rays.

These are only some of the few things that deplete the natural collagen
production in our body. While it's good to take supplements or aid the collagen
production with healthy and nutritious food, preventing the depletion process is
the first priority.


When I first heard of Gua Sha, I thought it was some kind of old practice of
skin rejuvenation or an ultimate spa experience like an Ayurvedic treatment.
Turns out, I was a little right. Gua Sha tools are like the famous jade rollers,
which has become one of a skincare junkie's favorite form of skincare and
self-care. I'm sure you've seen this tool somewhere along the beauty aisle and
it comes in different shapes, sizes, and material. Did you know that just a few
minutes of Gua Sha treatment facial every day can improve your skin and clarity?


Gua Sha is a traditional East Asian and Chinese technique that is used in order
to invite well-being, proper circulation and toxic removal in the body. The Gua
Sha tool is used gently on the skin of the face, and a little aggressive on the
skin of the body. Basically, Gua means to scrape and Sha means to sand. This
practice has been used for thousands of years and the tools that are used vary.
From animal bone, Chinese soup spoon to rose quartz and other gemstones, you can
choose which works for you the best.


In traditional Chinese Medicine, it says that the entire channel of the organ
system unites on the face. It also pre-dates from acupuncture. It says that the
stroke pattern awakens the meridian lines or lifeforce path in order to activate
the body's natural healing system. For our skin, Gua Sha encourages the
production of collagen and helps sculpt and tone the face shape. It promises to
help the skin become radiant since it can increase blood circulation in the
area. It also allows the inflammation to drain and for the muscles to release
tension. Basically, it's like a massage but a lot gentle and aesthetic in

It is said that the Gua Sha's effect is skin deep. Because the meridian lines
are involved, organs like the stomach, spleen, liver, heart, and kidneys also
receive rejuvenation. If you work your way over the area of the face that is
connected to the kidneys, such as down the meridian line of the kidney, you can
release toxins and help it relax. Thus, enabling it to function at optimal

Here's a quick breakdown of what Gua Sha can do for you:

 * Aids in diminishing dark spots and hyperpigmentation in your skin.
 * Eliminates dark circles around your eyes.
 * Prevents and lessens sagging skin.
 * Reduces wrinkles.
 * Brightens the complexion.
 * Can relieve or heal rosacea.
 * Helps in the absorption of your skincare.
 * Speeds up the recovery and healing time of breakouts and pimples.
 * Can relieve migraines.
 * Can even be an alternative to face-lift surgery but only when practiced on a
   regular basis and when you're receiving treatments from a licensed


 1. Start with cleaning your face and washing your hands. After patting your
    face dry with a clean washcloth, use a facial mist that has hydrosol like
    OSEA's Sea Vitamin Boost. Hydrosol is the perfect base to drive the oil, in
    which you'll apply next.
 2. Apply facial oil.  My favorite is also from OSEA, which is their Undaria
    Argan oil. Apply it starting on your forehead downwards. This activates
    movement in skin and tissues which is a great prep stage before the Gua Sha.
 3. Warm your Gua Sha tool. You can do this by slightly rubbing it between your
    hands and adding a little facial oil so it doesn't tug on your skin.
 4. Sweep up your neck on both sides. Do this very gently over your Adam's
 5. Sweep up under your chin, from the middle of your face outwards to your
    earlobe while keeping your tool flat.
 6. Sweep from the middle of your chin over your jawline, towards the back of
    your earlobe. Gently jiggle at your ear to encourage fluid to drain down the
    neck to the lymph nodes.
 7. Sweep underneath your cheekbone, towards your hairline. Lightly jiggle the
    tool at your hairline.

For a more detailed instruction on how to do Gua Sha treatment, check this video


I know that some of you live in the warmer areas of the globe. While others just
love basking in the sun like it's always summer. Wherever you are on this
planet, or whatever season is your favorite, you might want to keep your face
feeling cool with this DIY refreshing face masks. What I love about this is that
it's not just refreshing, but it can also remedy a number of your skin concerns.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, you have to embrace the mix of warm
and cool weather. If you simply want a vacation or you feel like you need a spa
day at home, this DIY face masks will surely bring you a cool, calming energy to
the skin. If you just came home from a sunny vacation and you have mild
sunburns, the recipe below can also be used as a weekly hydration treatment. But
the thing is, I just simply love cooling masks like this all year round! It
doesn't matter if it's warm or not, use it anytime you feel like you need it.


Aloe vera is good for the skin. It contains two hormones called Auxin and
Gibberellins. Those two hormones provide wound healing and anti-inflammatory
properties that reduce puffiness and skin inflammation. Also, aloe is considered
effective in healing chronic skin problems such as psoriasis, eczema, dandruff,
and acne. The Egyptians even call aloe vera the "plant of immortality". It is
also very effective in soothing sunburns, itchy and dry skin by its powerful
healing activity at the epithelial level of the skin. It can act as a protective
layer and helps replenish the moisture. It is also a powerful source of
antioxidants which helps the skin heal quicker.

Aloe vera is very moisturizing without the greasy feel. Personally, I love it as
a moisturizer because it makes your skin feel and look plump. If you're a
shaver, aloe can help soothe the skin to avoid razor burns. (Feel free to let
your hubby use these masks too!)



 * 2 teaspoons raw local honey
 * 1 teaspoon aloe vera gel
 * a spray or a few drops of a rosewater toner
 * organic fresh mint leaves (2 to 4 leaves is all you need)


 1. Bruise and mash up the mint with a mortar and pestle to release the
    essential oils.
 2. Stir everything together.
 3. Apply it all to your face.
 4. Leave the mask on for 10 to 20 minutes.



 * 2 tsp aloe vera gel
 * 1 tsp baking soda
 * ½ tsp lemon juice
 * 1 drop lavender essential oil
 * Small bowl and spoon


 1. Mix all ingredients in a small bowl to form a well-combined gel.
 2. Apply the gel onto your whole face, avoiding the eye area.
 3. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes, then rinse off with warm water first, then
    cold water.
 4. Tone with cooled green tea.
 5. Moisturize with 3 drops of argan oil!



 * 1 tsp pure aloe vera gel
 * 1 tsp cucumber juice
 * ½ tsp honey
 * 1 tsp colloidal oatmeal
 * Small bowl & spoon


 1. Extract cucumber juice by blending a cucumber with a little water. Next
    strain the cucumber puree to obtain cucumber juice. Pour 2 teaspoons of it
    into a small bowl.
 2. Next add 1 tsp colloidal oatmeal, 1 tsp pure aloe vera gel, and ½ tsp honey.
    Mix well.
 3. Apply it on your face and let it sit for 10 minutes to soothe and cool skin.
 4. Rinse off with tepid water when the time is up.
 5. Spray rose water on your face to tone, then moisturize as usual.



 * 2 tsp aloe vera gel
 * 1 tsp rose water
 * 1 tsp sandalwood powder
 * Small bowl & spoon


 1. Into a small bowl, dump in 2 tsp aloe vera gel, 1 tsp rose water and 1 tsp
    sandalwood powder.
 2. Mix everything well to form a smooth paste.
 3. Slather the mixture on your whole face, avoiding the eye area.
 4. Leave it on for about 10 minutes to sink into your skin cells then rinse off
    with tepid water.
 5. Splash your face with cool water and lightly pat it dry so it’s still damp.
    Onto your damp skin, apply a pea-sized amount of shea butter. This will seal
    moisture into your skin cells, leaving your face hydrated and supple!



 * 1 activated charcoal capsule
 * 2 tsp pure aloe vera gel
 * Small bowl & spoon


 1. Twist open an activated charcoal capsule and dump its contents into a small
 2. Next add 2 tsp of pure aloe vera gel.
 3. Mix everything up till your form a black gel.
 4. Apply the gel onto your skin, avoiding the eye and mouth area.
 5. Let it sit on your face for 7 minutes for the detoxifying effects to work
    their magic.
 6. Rinse off with cold water thoroughly and pat your face dry with a clean
 7. Moisturize your skin as usual. To be natural, moisturize it with a pea-sized
    amount of shea butter or 3 drops of a natural skin care oil like argan oil
    or jojoba oil.


A lot of us want to stay youthful and glowing all throughout the years. In order
to have beautiful skin, soft and shiny hair, and strong nails we need collagen.
But what is collagen's role in staying youthful? Collagen is the most abundant
protein that's present in our bodies. It's mostly found in our bones, muscles,
skin, blood vessels, our digestive system, and even in our tendons. It's also
what gives our skin strength and elasticity. Plus, helps with replacing dead
skin cells. Sounds familiar? It's because collagen is one of the main
ingredients that can be found in a lot of cosmetic products. May it be lotions,
creams, even in shampoos.

As we age, our body's collagen production begins to slow down. Signs of aging
can begin to show; wrinkles, sagging skin, and joint pains can be experienced as
well. Lifestyle can also be a factor that can result in the depletion of
collagen levels, such as having a diet that consists of high sugar, smoking and
even high amounts of prolonged exposure under the sun.


Just one cup of this wonder grain can give you more than 8 grams of
collagen-supportive protein. It also has zinc that can assist with the amino
acid-to-collagen transformation. It is extremely high in antioxidants that can
neutralize free radicals. The vitamin A in quinoa can also help stimulate the
skin to produce new collagen over time, which can result in the reduced
appearance of fine lines and strengthen the skin to make it look young, vibrant
and firm.


This includes spinach, kale, and mustard greens that contains a
collagen-boosting trifecta of vitamins A, C, and Zinc. These foods are rich in
antioxidants and boost collagen and even protects your skin from sun damage. It
can also protect you from free radicals that break down collagen. Studies have
shown that consuming chlorophyll increases the production of collagen in our
body and can provide strong antioxidant activity against UV damage that can
cause premature aging.


These little seeds are packed with protein and it's an amazing source of Omega
3. No matter how tiny, it contains all the 9 essential amino acids that our body
needs for growth and repair of blood cells, tissue, muscle, and production of
collagen. It's also high in fiber and could help your body eliminate toxins.
Plus, Chia seeds can even control your blood sugar levels.


This little legume contains a lot of the components that support collagen
production: protein, vitamins A, and C, Zinc, and Thiamine. It also has Vitamin
B that also helps in skin revitalization and wound healing.


While it sounds easier to just grab a bottle of supplements from the drugstore
for anti-aging benefits, it's not always easily absorbed or utilized by the
body. Supplements can also vary and it may differ from the levels of absorption
depending on how potent the supplement is.

Natural food is always highly recommended for boosting your collage intake.
After all, doing it the natural way is always better. Not only that, you can
maximize the benefits of the food. Compared to collagen supplements, you can
even receive other vitamins and minerals than a single pill that's packed with
just collagen.



There's a new study conducted by the University of Alberta wherein researchers
placed fat cells under lamps giving off blue light (the shortest visible light
coming from the sun) for four hours, while other samples were kept in the dark.
In a span of two weeks, the two groups had surprising differences. In their 11th
day of the experiment, the group of fat cells that were exposed to blue light
had fewer lipid droplets (these are the organelles that store fat), compared to
the cells that were kept in the dark. In conclusion to this, it means that less
light means more fat storage, which is why people gain weight during months that
have less sunlight.

While this is a theory that's not proven to help with actual weight loss, it
just goes to show how much we need sunlight in order for our cells to do their
work properly. However, basking in the sun doesn't necessarily mean skipping
sunscreen and staying under the sun for really long hours just to lose weight.
We all know how ultra-violet radiation and skin cancers can be caused by too
much exposure to sunlight. Also, the sun cannot directly cause you to lose
weight. Instead, it affects your body in such a way that your body will be in a
better state for you to be successful in your weight loss goals.


Another reason that sunlight can play a role in weight loss is the theory of
heat-production. When your body temperature drops, you'll feel hungrier. When
your body temperature rises, you'll feel less hungry. Bottomline, cold
temperatures can result in greater calorie consumption especially with less
sunlight and it can affect your weight.


Not only that, but we all know how we're feeling sluggish or lazier during
colder months. Whether it's raining outside, snowing or too chilly to even go
out, we manage to do fewer activities which causes our body to burn fewer
calories. The solution to this: Push yourself to keep doing physical activities.
Regardless if it's outdoor or not. If possible, do yoga or exercise indoors.
Even without the sun, your body will still burn calories.

With all these theories in mind, we can adjust our lifestyle according to the
needs of our body. When the sun is out, have your healthy dose of sun. When the
sun is nowhere to be seen, be active and be mindful of your physical activities.


Probably once or twice (or maybe more?) in our lifetime, we believed what beauty
companies advertised about their skin care products. With the dire need to fix
our skin woes, most of us have probably resulted in a buying spree with
anti-aging products, hypo-allergenic products, dermatologist tested, and the
list goes on. Companies promised us visible changes within months, some even
within weeks of continued use. But to no avail, we're left with a half-full
bottle of a beauty product that didn't deliver the results promised.

Below is a list of few of the lies about your skin care products. Maybe, just
maybe, you will realize that getting a better and clearer skin is easier to
achieve just by eating the right food, instead of slathering on layers of skin
care products that probably won't even work.


In reality, Science has yet to discover an ingredient that can actually slow
down or reverse the aging process. If that's the case, then why are they selling
us anti-aging products? Especially when it's not meant to slow down or reverse
the process? Overall, sunscreen is the only scientifically proven product that
can prevent (but not reverse!) signs of skin aging by protecting the skin from
sun damage. But once the damage is done, there isn't really any product that can
reverse the damage. Unless of course, you're loading up on foods rich in
antioxidants that can speed up the healing of your damaged skin.

The term anti-aging is only used because it's meant to boost sales and profits.
Because, why the hell not? Everyone wants youthful skin forever! So why not use
it to lure people into buying products that claim to make them look younger in
weeks? It's a brilliant idea, honestly. But then the term has no actual medical


The term itself means that the product has very little chance of causing an
allergic reaction to the person, or overall will not cause any allergic reaction
at all. In reality, there isn't even a federal standard for this term. There is
no scientifical test that can guarantee that a product will not cause an
allergic reaction to an individual. One way or another, a certain ingredient can
cause an allergic reaction to a person whether it was labeled hypo-allergenic or
not. Why? Well, it's because the person was selectively allergic to the
ingredient! This isn't even rocket science. If a person is allergic to an
ingredient, it will always cause allergic reactions, period.

The products that are mostly labeled as hypo-allergenic often contain one
ingredient in common--a preservative. Preservatives are known to cause skin
reactions, especially to those who already have sensitive skin. So, why is it
called hypo-allergenic?  If this doesn't scare you, maybe this will: the usual
products that are hypo-allergenic are baby products!


Oh boy, this just means that at least one dermatologist has used or tested the
product on his or her body once, or maybe twice, we honestly don't know! And
then, that dermatologist just decided that he or she can profit from it, so they
began to endorse it, claiming that it has passed their standards and that it's
safe for everyone to use.

We all know how one's skin may be different from the other, and what may work
for one may not always work for everyone. With this in mind, how can one or two
dermatologists vouch for all the product claims? Another red flag, right?

With these lies in mind, it's safe to say that switching to natural remedies or
eating healthy can be a better option for a youthful glow. These benefits are
scientifically proven, and not only that it is safe, it's also proven to be
effective. Plus, it can give you a health boost.

Healthy or youthful skin can always be achieved with the right lifestyle. It's
not about the expensive bottles of skin care and high-end products that promised
to give you youthful and glowing skin. If you're not taking care of your body
from within, it's bound to manifest physically. Always remember that being
healthy on the inside can also make you look healthy on the outside.



Blessed are those who have no puffy eye bags or dark circles under their eyes.
Those bags and panda eyes are the only thing in this world that seems to be
permanent and stick with you forever--and that sucks big time. However, we might
have found a natural way to "de-puff" those bags. It's nothing like botox
though! Don't get us wrong. It's just a quick remedy that can reduce those
cursed bags when you can't afford to look too tired because you have a party or
an important event to go to. Or simply, when you've had quite a lot of
colleagues asking you if you're stressed or if you haven't been sleeping at all.
You can do this once or twice every week, like a pick-me-up when your bags look
too heavy!

Green Tea has been one of our all-time favorites. Plus, it is one of Mother
Nature's miracle cure. It is rich in antioxidants and flavonoids that are
anti-aging, repairs skin, and soothes irritated skin. As Green Tea ice cubes, it
can boost the blood circulation underneath your eyes and drain the fluid that
causes the puffiness. However, it's good to remember that you should not rub the
Green Tea ice cubes on your undereye area. The skin there is very delicate so be
careful about putting any pressure. Just pat it gently against the area but
don't leave it on for too long. Without further ado, here's the recipe!


4 green tea bags
2 cups of water
1 ice tray


 1. Pour 2 cups of water into a small saucepan and bring to a boil.
 2. Turn off the heat. Place 4 green tea bags into the hot water. Let steep for
    5 minutes, then remove the tea bags. If you have fresh Green Tea leaves, you
    can add this too!
 3. Wait for the tea mixture to cool. Then, pour into an ice tray.
 4. Place the tray in your freezer and leave overnight.
 5. To use, pop out an ice cube and wrap it in any clean cloth. Gently dab
    underneath your eyes.


Using Coconut Oil as a makeup remover has been quite a controversy in the beauty
world. It is said to have comedogenic properties that can clog pores and lead to
blackheads or breakouts. There are also a lot of people who don't swear by
having oil on their face especially if their skin is already on the oilier side.
However, recent studies have proven that in order to be able to use Coconut Oil
as an effective makeup remover, it needs to be organic, unrefined and
cold-pressed. It also has anti-bacterial properties, anti-yeast, and yes, it
is safe. Just by the sound of that, I'm already starting to be a fan.

Since the ingredients in the Coconut Oil has saturated fatty acids, and if the
quality of the coconut oil is poor, it can be contaminated and badly purified.
If this is the case, it can be highly comedogenic. It is recommended that you
only use the purified, cold-pressed coconut oil in liquid form. Always check the
label for these properties!


Now, what exactly differentiates the cold-pressed to the regular one? When it is
manufactured, oils are extracted with chemicals that bind to active ingredients.
The solvent agents bind to the lipids in coconut oil. Which basically means that
the harmful chemicals can be absorbed by the skin when you apply it.
Cold-pressed Coconut oil doesn't have harmful chemicals or toxins that can
affect the skin. Thus, it is highly recommended that you choose this.

While Coconut Oil isn't exactly a holy grail makeup remover that can remedy all
your skin woes and makeup cleansing, it's a good substitute for those who have
sensitive skin and loves going all-natural with their products. Not only that,
but it is also a cheaper alternative to makeup wipes and store-bought makeup
removers that have more harmful chemicals than you can imagine. Just the jar and
your fingers to apply it all over your face and you're good to go. Again, don't
rely on this to do the moisturizing for you.

However, it is good to take note that not all skin types can be compatible with
it as a makeup remover. As one may have allergic reactions and the other may
not. Always do patch tests even with natural ingredients! Also, don't forget to
rinse this off properly. (Imagine cleansing then leaving what you just cleansed
on your skin, again?)

We highly recommend purchasing a big jar, since Coconut Oil can be used in many


Pollution not only harms the environment but also our skin. It can cause skin
aging, uneven skin tone, acne and even skin cancer. Microscopic specks of smoke,
soot, acid and other pollutants are released into the atmosphere from different
sources like cars, fire, factories, and smoke make their way deep into your
skin. "Pollution breaks down collagen and the lipid layer in the skin, which
impairs skin barrier functions," says Zoe Draelos, M.D., consulting professor of
dermatology at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, and author of
the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology article "Aging in a Polluted World."

Pollution isn't going away soon, so it's good to know that there are ways that
can prevent pollution from affecting your skin any further.


After a long day, cleansing your face before going to bed removes all the dirt,
gunk and pollution that has accumulated on the surface of your skin during the
day. This is a very important step that many of us fail to do especially when we
feel too lazy or too tired already. But always remember that a few minutes of
sacrifice helps your skin a lot and prevents it from further damage. It also
preps your skin for the next skin care products that you will be putting next.

Cleansing your face isn't just something that you do at night, even in the
morning you should use a gentle cleanser that can rinse off sweat, excess oil or
skin care products that you used the night before.

One or twice a week, you can also exfoliate either by physical or chemical
exfoliation in order to remove dead skin cells. This can help reveal a brighter
and clearer skin if done correctly. Never over exfoliate as it can do more harm
to your skin and be more prone to damage.

To double-cleanse, you can also use a cotton pad with a toner and swipe it
across your face to make sure that there is no dirt residue that your cleanser
failed to remove. Toners also balance the pH levels of your skin if your
cleanser was too acidic, making it feel and look more hydrated and plump.


Pollution not only damages the skin directly but also causes the thinning of the
ozone layer. This makes your skin prone to sun damage twice or thrice as much.
Even on days where you don't see the sun, like on cloudy days and rainy days,
never assume that the UV rays are not there to damage your skin. Make it a habit
to wear sunscreen regardless of the weather outside. A big thank you to the
beauty and cosmetic world for creating a sunscreen that can be worn on a daily
basis unlike before-- wherein sunscreens are unbearable to use especially to
those who are darker in skin-tone because of the opaque white cast it leaves on
your skin. Not to mention that sunscreens used to be a nightmare for those who
have oily skin! Well, those days are gone. There are a lot of lightweight
sunscreens that are now highly available in the market. Now, there's no excuse
to not use sunscreen anymore, right?


Protecting your skin isn't just done on the outside, but also on the inside.
Eating a healthy diet and food rich in antioxidants can help your skin get back
to its former glow. Foods rich in carotenoids like beta-carotene, lycopene, and
vitamin C are a great option.

Foods like Goji berries, wild blueberries, dark chocolate, pecans, artichoke,
elderberries, kidney beans, cranberries, blackberries, and cilantro are just one
of the few that is recorded to have the highest ORAC scores as antioxidants.



Having a facial mask at home is quite expensive. Also, it's quite hard to find
different brands and types of masks that you know won't harm your face. It
happened to me once, I tried a facial mask and then after a few minutes, my face
got so irritated! Then by morning, I got pimples and my skin was all red... A
disaster! Now, I'm thinking twice before buying masks...

To avoid the same misadventure than me, here are some safe facial masks to make
at home:

1. Strawberry Facial Mask

 * 8 Fresh strawberries
 * 3 Tablespoons of honey

In a bowl, mash the strawberries with a fork until smooth.  Add in the honey and
mix the ingredients together. Using clean hands or a sanitised brush, gently
apply the mixture all over your face, avoiding the eye area. Lie down and leave
the mask on for 10 to 15 minutes. Wash it away with warm water, pat your face
dry and follow up with your favourite toner and moisturiser

2. Kiwi Facial Masks

 * 4 Kiwi Finely Chopped
 * 1 Tablespoon of Yoghurt

Mixed the chopped kiwi with the tablespoon of yoghurt. Apply the paste evenly on
your face. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes and then wash off with warm water for
a glowing skin.

3. Coffee Powder

 * 1 teaspoon Coffee Powder
 * 1 teaspoon Honey

Mix the above two ingredients and apply on washed face and neck in circular
motion. Let it gets completely dry for at least 15 minutes. Wash your face with
cold water and wipe with a wet tissue to remove the stain of coffee, if any.

4. Aloe Vera Facial Masks


 * 2 tsp Aloe Vera Gel
 * 1 tsp Egg White

Cut off a leaf from the plant and scrape out the gel, mix it with egg white to
make a smooth paste. Apply this mask generously on your clean face and let it
dry for 15 minutes. Wash your face with cold water.

5. Coconut Oil Facial Mask

 * 1 tbsp Coconut Oil
 * ¼ tbsp Turmeric

Mix these two ingredients in mentioned proportion and apply on your face. Wash
your face after 15 – 20 min with cold water and pat dry.

Depending on the kind of facial masks you need - whether it's for acne, oily
skin, blackheads, or wrinkles - these are all safe and won't harm your skin
since it's all natural ingredients. There are more kitchen-to-found facial
masks you can find. Go ahead and try yourself!


You've heard it time and again, the secret to glowing skin isn't what you apply
externally, but what you put internally. Simply put, even though you purchased a
hundred dollar beauty product to apply on your skin every night, you still won't
get that glowing skin without eating these food items high in antioxidants. Not
only that, it will also help you save that hundred dollars.


Antioxidants in food are actually quite popular. There are so many different
kinds of antioxidants in certain food items, so which one will help your skin



Here are 5 of these antioxidants and which food items contain them the most:


Eat more: oranges, kiwi, spinach, broccoli, peppers, berries


Drink more: green tea and red wine


Indulge more in: dark chocolate (80%)


Munch more: watermelon and tomato


Cook more with: onion and garlic

If you feel like its too much information and you'd forget it, refer to this
chart from and eat more of these:


Or learn how to prepare antioxidant packed snacks in this video:


This sure is easier than letting go of a hundred bucks for a 15ml tube of beauty
product! Plus you will also reap all the benefits of eating more antioxidants,
and not just glowing skin. 😀


One of the many triggers of eczema is the changing of the surrounding weather.
And since autumn is just around the corner and winter will follow soon, here are
ways to battle eczema using home remedies.




The problem with dry skin is that it makes eczema itchier. So you need to lather
up with oil, especially after showering before patting your skin dry. Let it
stay on your skin for a while before putting on your clothes.


Put organic honey on top of the affected areas and leave it for at least thirty


Stress can also make eczema worse. Try yoga, meditation, light walking or even
getting enough sleep can help alleviate stress.


Probiotics are known to help improve skin health. So stock up on those plain


I know I said at home remedies, but if you do get bored at home, try visiting a
salt cave/mine. Salty air is also a remedy for eczema. If there's no salt cave
or mine near you, even sea breeze will do.


Other easy ways to help treat eczema are shown in this video:


Do remember that while trying home remedies and natural ways of alleviating
eczema is helpful, it is still best to consult with your physician.


Toxic: Avoid These!


I love my daily dose of sun and I definitely love the beach. Summer is my
favorite time of the year and there's nothing that can stop me from getting my
surf on. There's also something about tans that make you feel like it's really
summer because of that sun-kissed glow. I love taking my bikinis out and I'm
just so excited for that tan line to show up after a few hours of bathing under
the sun.

I'm guilty, yes. Most of us are.

Tans can become an obsession, others even need a little boost-- like
self-tanners and tanning sprays. Some of us could really use some golden glow,
even with the help of these canned or tubed formulas.

First and foremost, let's discuss how self-tanners, including spray tans, work.


The active ingredient in tanning products is dihydroxyacetone or also known as
DHA. It is a simple carbohydrate that can be derived chemically or from natural
resources. Once DHA is applied, it causes a reaction with the amino acids in
your skin's top layer, which generates compounds called melanoidins. This helps
in creating the brown color because it absorbs certain wavelengths of light.
This is called the "Maillard Reaction".  The reaction starts within two to four
hours and may continue up to 72 hours until the dead cells shed and causes the
tan to fade.


Let's say that these products can give you a temporary tanned glowing look.
However, it can also increase your free radical exposure. The issue with
self-tanners is that the DHA reaction or Maillard Reaction is synonymous to what
happens when you caramelize sugar or grill meat. Picture that reaction on your
skin and it's pretty much clear that it's not as safe as we thought it would be.

Lately, there's a rise in DHA-free tanning products, mainly because of these

 * Oxidative Stress - The reaction triggered by DHA generates free radicals.
   Free radicals are known to be highly reactive chemical byproducts that attack
   cell structures and damage collagen and elastin fibers-- which is linked to
   wrinkles, premature aging and sagging skin.
 * Increased Sun Damage - Oxidative stress worsens once you go out in the sun
   after applying tanning products with DHA.
 * DNA Damage - Long-term use of DHA can produce consequences to the genotoxic
   capacity of DHA and have been found to induce DNA damage. DNA damage leads to
   cancer, and about 20% of Americans will get skin cancer.
 * Less Vitamin D Production - Using DHA can disrupt the body's process of
   producing vitamin D.
 * Contact Dermatitis - Prolonged use of DHA can lead to irritation and
   inflammation which can cause contact dermatitis.


Choose your self-tanner wisely. Be mindful of checking the labels for
ingredients that could possibly harm your health. If by any chance that you
still choose to use a self-tanner, consider skipping spray altogether and opt
for creams instead. This doesn't mean that you should regularly use it too, you
might want to just use it on special occasions that you feel like you need it

There are cleaner formulas out there and you just have to find your perfect fit.
Most drugstore and department store brands mostly have toxic ingredients such as
dyes, synthetics, fragrance in addition to DHA may cause reactions. Others even
include carcinogens and hormone disruptors. Look for brands that are made with
natural and simple botanical ingredients.

For something that is more natural, you can try smoothies that can give your
skin a golden glow. While I still recommend that you stop using self-tanners
overall, I know that others may feel like they simply need these formulas for a
bigger cause.

I know people who have skin discolorations that they want to hide on certain
occasions, so they choose to use tanning creams in order to create an illusion
of an even skin tone. This is acceptable, I understand completely.

However, some of you might want to consider that loving your skin as it is may
be a better option than risking your health over beauty standards. I think all
of you are beautiful and that's what matters most.

Toxic: Avoid These!


Vitamin deficiencies are very common even with people who seem to be the
healthiest. The moment we experience deficiencies, the best remedy that we can
think about is to pop vitamin supplements. However, it's been an undying battle
if these supplements really help our body or not.

Some manufacturers lie about their list of ingredients to trick consumers. They
either hide potentially harmful chemicals and camouflage them into something
that's vague to confuse you. Worst case scenario, they don't even list these
toxic ingredients.

Let's take into consideration what is inside some of these vitamin supplements.


While supplements aren't necessarily bad, nutritionists would recommend getting
the nutrients that you lack from actual food. From the word itself, dye, we
already know how vitamins come in a wide range of colors. While it's
aesthetically appealing to be ingesting an ocean blue colored pill or a very
bright pink one, it doesn't really offer any benefit to your body. It can even
cause allergies and behavior problems. You might be thinking, "Then, what's the
purpose of the dye?" The main purpose of dyes is if a certain medication is
exposed to extreme light, temperature, moisture or any other conditions, it can
be an indication that certain ingredients in the supplement can be rendered
useless or more useful. Basically, it is useful to an extent but it doesn't mean
that it's useful to your body. While some dyes can be safer than the other, it
might be better to just avoid it all in all.

Here are dangerous dyes according to the Americal College of Healthcare Sciences
in Portland: FD&C Blue No. 1, FD&C Blue No. 2, FD&C Green No. 3, FD&C Red No. 3,
FD&C Red No. 40, FD&C Yellow No. 5, and FD&C Yellow No. 6.


Fillers in vitamin supplements usually serve a purpose. Whether it's to give a
certain color to the pill, as a preservative, or as an anti-caking agent to
prevent lumps. If you think about it, it sounds useful and harmless. But here
are some of the fillers that you might find in your supplements that are
considered carcinogens. The first one is magnesium stearate which is used to
lubricate machines (Yes, machines! Can you imagine?!), silicon dioxide which is
also used as a machine lubricant and a capsule filler, and titanium dioxide
which is used to create that milky white color in a lot of pills. Another filler
is a preservative called sodium benzoate. It is mostly found in sodas and
processed food but is still considered a carcinogen and is toxic to the body if
ingested in unhealthy amounts.

Did you know that the same artery-clogging hydrogenated fats and oils-- or what
we usually call as trans fats are also used as vitamin fillers? The safest way
to avoid these fillers is by simply reading the label. If you can't decipher
certain ingredients, just look them up online.


I bet you know a friend or two who are taking Omega-3 to improve their health.
Fish can have dangerous levels of mercury, lead and other contaminants that
weren't eliminated in the process of making the fish oil supplements. Also,
don't let the lie of "organic" label stamped on the bottle fool you. We all know
how we put so much faith in anything that's labeled "all-natural" and "organic".


ConsumerLab has tested nearly 6,000 supplements since 1999 and found that about
20% of the supplements that they test are not properly made -- containing too
little or too much of a listed ingredient, are contaminated (such as with lead,
cadmium, or arsenic), or are pills that will not properly break apart to release
all of their ingredients.

The frequency of problems varies and depends on the type of supplement, with
multivitamins and herbal supplements having the most problems, while simple,
single-ingredient supplements are least likely to be problematic. Gummies also
tend to have more issues than pills and capsules.

In addition, even products that contain what they claim may be inappropriate to
use, having been designed to provide too little or too much of an ingredient.
And, of course, many supplements won't do you any good simply because they may
not be effective the condition for which they are being used.

I recommend that you sign up for the ConsumerLab newsletter and subscribe (it's
well worth it, and will save you from taking potentially harmful supplements,
and help you get the most potent bang-for-your-buck) so you can learn about
which supplements will help versus hurt you.


You have to realize that supplements cannot replace all the nutrients that can
be found in natural food. Nothing beats a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle.
No vitamin supplement can ever give you that regardless of the brand or how
expensive it is. I think that some supplements can definitely be helpful, and
there could be instances wherein these supplements are the only choice available
for individuals in order to improve their health.

Realistically speaking, a green and leafy vegetable salad can't simply be
replaced by a few supplements. Actual food can have more than just one nutrient
in it that can really improve your overall health, and those work in synergy to
help your body get and stay healthy.

Toxic: Avoid These!


I haven't met anyone (so far) who doesn't like anything sweet. I'm starting to
think that most of us are really programmed to like sugar! But the thing is, we
all know how sugar can be bad for our health and can be highly addicting.

New research has been claiming that some of us can be genetically more prone and
inclined to crave sugar compared to others. It can even be compared to being
addicted to heroin, nicotine or cocaine. The bingeing and addictive behaviors
can be very similar in alcoholics and sugar addicts-- sounds scary, right?

If you think you have a sugar addiction, don't worry because that can easily be
modified by modulating your brain chemistry through the food and nutrients that
you consume. Regulating your hormones and neurotransmitters that affect your
appetite and cravings can greatly affect how you handle your sugar addiction.



 1. Balance your blood sugar levels. Research indicates that low blood sugar is
    linked to lower blood flow to the brain which means you're prone to making
    bad decisions-- such as eating more than what is required. In order to keep
    your blood sugar level stable, make sure that you eat a nutritious breakfast
    that has a lot of protein. It is also good to eat or snack every 3-4 hours
    which includes protein (Nuts, healthy fats, and seeds). You'll be surprised
    at how this helps people maintain weight loss instead of the other way
 2. Remove all sugar and artificial sweeteners to your diet. If you're not going
    to stop eating it, then what's the point of it all? Go cold turkey! Avoid it
    at all costs and let your brain reset.
 3. Get 7-8 hours of sleep daily. Did you notice that every time you didn't get
    enough sleep, you're more likely to crave sweets? It's because research
    shows that lack of sleep can increase cravings.
 4. Go for fruits. If you're just looking for a snack that's not savory and you
    really find yourself craving for something sweet, opt for fruits. Fruits
    have sugar but not the refined one that we considered toxic. You'll find
    that after a while of eating fruits as a dessert, you won't be craving for
    cakes and cookies!
 5. Load up on Vitamin D3. If your vitamin D levels are low, there's a hormone
    that turns your appetite off isn't working, so you feel hungrier all the
    time even if you keep on eating. Here are some of the foods rich in vitamin
    D: spinach, kale, okra, collards, soybeans, white beans, etc.
 6. Add more Omega3 Fatty Acids in your diet. Low levels of Omega3 can sabotage
    normal brain cell functions and insulin control. It is highly recommended
    that you add more of this to your diet by eating chia seeds, walnuts,
    soybeans, etc.

If the cravings don't stop there, you might want to try this instead. If you
think that eliminating the sweet taste isn't something that you can do,
especially when you're cooking, opt for these healthier alternatives to sugar.

Healthy Home & Habits


Technology and gadgets are all around us. Most of us function and work on a
daily basis while staring at smartphones, laptops, and tablets. I'm kind of
guilty for this too, even on a vacation, I browse social media and I find myself
glued on to my phone and tablet longer than I expected.

At the end of the day, do you end up with a headache, blurry vision, fatigue and
sleep disturbance? This might be because of the blue light strain because of all
those gadgets you use.


To simplify it, sunlight or "white light" has a combination of different colored
light rays that have varying energy and wavelengths. The shorter the wavelength
contains more energy and the longer the wavelength contains less energy. Those
on the blue side of the light spectrum have shorter wavelengths, therefore more

We're exposed to high energy blue light rays from TVs, tablet screens, computers
and our phones which can be very damaging to our eyes.

Our cornea and the lens in our eyes can block other UV rays, which is almost all
the visible light passes through the retina which is sensitive to light. This
can cause damage that may lead to certain conditions like macular degeneration
and vision loss. As a short term effect, being exposed to blue light can lead to
eye fatigue, headache and difficulty sleeping.


I'm sure all of you can relate that there's no getting away from those screens
and blue light. But studies have shown that certain nutrients that may help
fight the effects of blue light in our body. This is good news!

Colorful fruits and vegetables are rich in three types of carotenoids that are
beneficial to eye health: zeaxanthin, lutein, and astaxanthin. These compounds
are unique and they can cross the blood-retinal barrier that can reach the eyes
and bring protective benefits. Xeathanin and lutein have high concentrations in
the macula of the eye and can help block blue light from reaching sensitive
parts of the inner eye like the retina.


In order to protect your eyes from blue light, the best food that you can eat is
green leafy vegetables like broccoli, spinach, and kale. Not only that but these
nutrients also exist in yellow and orange produces like carrots, sweet potatoes,
tomatoes, squash, and oranges.

Astaxanthin is a red pigment that can be found in seafood like shrimp, salmon
and certain types of algae which is also high in antioxidant. Antioxidants are
also crucial in fighting free radical damage to the cells of the eyes and may
help reduce the symptoms of blue light strain.


 * If your problem is that greens go bad easily and you're having a hard time
   keeping stocks in the fridge, you might want to opt for kale because it lasts
   longer. It can be used for a salad, stir-fries, omelets, soups, and stews and
   even as a pesto sauce.
 * Frozen vegetables are a great solution, especially broccoli. It's very
   convenient and can be used in soups, sautéed and even added into a smoothie.
   Don't be afraid to freeze certain veggies!
 * For your daily dose of orange and yellow, you can make a smoothie out of
   mangoes or enjoy it as it is.
 * Sliced bell peppers can be great for salsa and hummus too. You can even try
   mixing hummus with some pumpkin or butternut squash and you already have your
   daily lutein intake.
 * Don't underestimate the power of doing research for recipes that contain
   foods rich in these nutrients. Feel free to browse Radiant Peach's choice of
   recipes too!

While some of these lifestyle adjustments can only help your eyes to an extent,
incorporating these foods that are rich in zeaxanthin, lutein and astaxanthin
may at least help you protect your eyes in the long run. But whether we like it
or not, let's try our best to detach ourselves from electronics that emit blue

More Good Stuff


In every culture, spices are used in their cuisine. In India, cardamom and cumin
are widely used. In Italy, they love basil and oregano. In Mexico, cilantro,
garlic, and chili are used in more than half of their cuisine. In Thailand,
there's sweet basil and lemongrass.

Herbs and spices are very crucial if you want to step up your game in cooking.
Not only do they enhance the taste, but most spices also have additional health
benefits that you definitely don't want to miss.

Cooking with herbs and spices is a form of art that's translated to health.
Knowing which ones to add to your daily meal is good for you.


This spice has an acquired taste that not everyone loves. However, I think it
adds a very clean and refreshing flavor to the mix. It's amazing in soups,
casseroles, smoothies, salad dressings and even in stir-fries. If you want, you
can even make your very own homemade ginger ale.

Ginger is considered a medicinal root. Gingerol is a bioactive compound in
ginger that has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. It also
helps aid in morning sickness, colic, irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea, nausea
and loss of appetite. If you're suffering from menstrual cramps, migraines, and
osteoarthritis, ginger can also help in alleviating the pain. Healthy, right?


I love how garlic makes any savory dish delicious. It can be minced, chopped,
blended, powdered or even be eaten in cloves-- just grill it! These aren't your
average defense to vampires, but also to fight off certain cancers.

Garlic is very nutritious but very low in calories, which is a good thing. It's
very rich in vitamin C, vitamin B6 and manganese.

The benefits don't stop there because it can even reduce the severity of common
colds and flu. When you take high doses of garlic, it can even improve your
blood pressure and avoid hypertension. Personally, I love garlic because it's
healthy and it really adds a nice flavor to a lot of food.


Basil is another powerful antioxidant. It has a lot of polyphenolic flavonoids
which shields our body's structure from free radicals. It's a good source of
magnesium, vitamin A and has anti-inflammatory that works as well as aspirin and
ibuprofen. This can be your new headache medication!

If you have asthma and arthritis, eating this regularly may reduce the symptoms.
There's no harm in trying, since adding basil to your meals is as easy as adding
salt to taste.

I really enjoy basil even in something as simple as a sandwich and very basic
salads. It adds a unique fresh taste that I really love.

Fun fact: Basil isn't just for food purposes. It's oil can be extracted and made
into an essential oil that can be used to treat wounds, cuts and skin
infections. It is also said that it's shown to be effective in fighting acne.

It's easy to keep your health in check just by making sure that you maximize and
optimize the food that you eat. Take note that every drop or portion that you
consume, whether it's whole foods or herbs and spices, you have to be aware of
the nutritional value or the lack of health benefits that you're getting.

The key to eating healthy is consciously eating what you need.

More Good Stuff


Sweet potatoes are very nutritious. In a medium-sized spud, there is over 400%
of your vitamin A daily requirement. Amazing, right? But it doesn't stop there!

This wonder food is one of nature's incredibly tasty and healthy foods. Not only
that it's versatile; you can roast it, mash it, slice, bake into fries and even
turn it into brownies. It's also rich in fiber, potassium and has more grams of
natural sugar compared to a regular potato. Even with all the nutrients, this
wonder food has very few calories.

Homemade Cooked Sweet Potato with spices and herbs on dark background.


I was actually surprised to know that sweet potato have different kinds: the
dry-fleshed and the moist-fleshed one. Dry-fleshed ones are starchier and have
tan skin with a lighter flesh that may range to white to light yellow. It's
almost similar to regular potatoes than the moist-fleshed ones.

On the other hand, the moist-fleshed ones are darker and have reddish-brown
peels and orange flesh. Personally, I think they're sweeter than the dry ones
and I like them better.


Let's start with the basics that sweet potatoes are 77% water, 20%
carbohydrates, 1.6% protein, 3% fiber, and free of fat. If you're going to eat a
medium-sized sweet potato, it only has about 180 calories aside from it being
the perfect source of vitamins and minerals like vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin
B6, manganese, magnesium, and potassium.


Sweet potatoes are known to be complex carbohydrates, to they digest really
slowly which makes it a steady energy source for your body.


Did you know that sweet potato are linked to better brain function? It protects
the brain, aids in improving learning, and better memory. Sweet potatoes also
have high levels of anthocyanins which are antioxidants that reduce inflammation
and protects neurons.


Sweet potatoes are amazing for your digestion since it contains both soluble and
insoluble fiber. Since our body can't digest either type, instead of breaking
down as they pass through our digestive tract, these fibers travel intact and
sweep your gut in the process. Thus, making your bowel movements regular.


Other than being rich in vitamins and minerals, it also has antioxidants that
help protect our body from free radicals. It can help prevent chronic and
serious health conditions like cancer and heart disease.

If this doesn't convince you that sweet potatoes should be a part of your diet,
then you're missing out. There are lots of recipes out there that will surely
help you enjoy including it in your snacks and meals.

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