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You’re tired of the humdrum, aren’t you? You’re itching for an adventure that’ll
make your heart pound and your Instagram followers green with envy. Well, my
friend, you’ve come to the right place.

We’ve compiled a list of North America’s ten best hiking trails just for you. So
grab your boots and let’s hit these breathtaking paths together!


You can’t help but be captivated by the stunning beauty of the Appalachian
Trail. It’s like stepping into a Bob Ross painting, chock-full of ‘happy little
trees’, and it feels as though Mother Nature herself just rolled out her A-game.
Half expecting Disney Princesses to start serenading woodland creatures, right?

It’s not all skipping through daisies, though. You gotta earn those views! The
trail is kinda like an episode of Survivor – minus Jeff Probst giving you
side-eye. But here’s the kicker; you are both the contestant and your own host!
Picture yourself conquering mountain after mountain, each summit offering a
reward better than any immunity idol – freedom!

And oh boy! Are we talking about freedom? Freedom from traffic jams longer than
a Tarantino flick or WiFi signals stronger than your coffee; just you,
unfiltered nature at its finest, and maybe a squirrel companion named Steve.

So go on, lace up those boots. Take that one step leading to 2,200 miles of pure
liberty. Remember what Bilbo Baggins said about stepping onto roads? Well he was
right, except this one doesn’t lead to Mordor…it leads to your true self! How’s
that for adventure?


Spanning over 2,600 miles, it’s no wonder the Pacific Crest Trail is often
considered a hiker’s dream. You’d think Frodo and Sam had it tough with Mordor?
Well, try hiking from Mexico to Canada through California, Oregon, and
Washington. Talk about an epic journey!

Now don’t panic! It’s not all Death Eaters and Dementors out there on the trail.
Instead, you’ll come across enchanting meadows that would make even Cinderella
jealous or snow-capped mountains that could rival Elsa’s ice palace for beauty.
No need for Instagram filters here; mother nature gives you her best selfie
background for free.

But let’s get real now. You’re not going to hike this beast of a trail in one go
unless you’re Bear Grylls’ love child or have Captain America’s super soldier
serum coursing through your veins. It might be wise to break it up into more
manageable quests.

So if Frodo can destroy a ring, Harry Potter can defeat Voldemort and Katniss
Everdeen can survive the Hunger Games then surely you’ve got what it takes to
conquer the Pacific Crest Trail right? Grab your boots and let freedom ring!


Now, don’t go rushing off to the Continental Divide Trail without first coming
to grips with your inner Bear Grylls, folks. Prepare yourself for an epic
journey through some serious geographic eye candy, where survival tips are more
important than knowing who got booted off The Bachelor.


Each trail’s geographic highlights are unique, offering breathtaking views and
diverse landscapes that’ll leave you spellbound.

Imagine trekking the Continental Divide Trail, feeling like Frodo climbing Mount
Doom, except without the pesky ring or Orcs. This ain’t your average walk in the
park folks!

You’ll encounter lush forests that make Twilight’s Forks look like a toddler’s
playground. Then there’re jaw-dropping cliffs dropping more truth bombs than
Morgan Freeman in a documentary! Every step will be an Instagram moment – no
filter needed.

And let’s not forget those peaceful meadows, as serene as Bob Ross’s happy
little trees.

So strap on those boots, channel your inner Bear Grylls (minus drinking urine
part) and set out for freedom! You ain’t seen nothing yet ’till you hit these


But before you set out, it’s crucial to know some survival tips to ensure your
adventure doesn’t turn into a nightmare. You wouldn’t want to be like Frodo and
Sam in Lord of the Rings, wandering around without enough lembas bread, would

Firstly, don’t underestimate the power of hydration – remember what happened to
Spongebob in Sandy’s dome? Don’t be that guy.

Secondly, always pack a first-aid kit. It’s not as epic as Katniss with her bow
and arrow but believe me, bandages are more useful when you trip over unseen

Finally, carry a map or GPS; we’re not all Jack Sparrow with an innate sense of


Okay, tough guy! You’ve nailed the survival tips; you’re practically Bear
Grylls. But hold onto your Indiana Jones hat because we’re moving from
‘Survivor’ to ‘Wild Kingdom.’

Venturing on these top-tier hiking trails isn’t like a stroll in Central Park.
No siree!

You’ll be sharing nature’s corridor with the Kardashians of the animal kingdom
and let me tell you, they don’t particularly enjoy paparazzi. Up close and
personal with Bambi? Magical! Selfie with a grizzly? Not so much.

Remember: while you love freedom (who doesn’t?), wildlife does too. Respect
their space as you would Chris Hemsworth’s at a comic-con.

Stay safe, stay smart, keep your distance and enjoy the wild side of hiking
without becoming ‘When Animals Attack’ viral material!


You know that feeling when you’ve binge-watched all the seasons of ‘Stranger
Things’ and you’re left wondering, ‘what should I do with my life now?’

Well, buddy, we’ve got a thrilling adventure for you: exploring the unique
features of John Muir Trail.

Don’t worry, we won’t throw you into the Upside Down without preparing you –
we’ll break down its difficulty level like Eleven breaks down doors.

And hey, keep your eyes peeled because this ain’t a Netflix show; real wildlife
can make surprise appearances on this trail!


Each trail’s got its own unique features that’ll surely take your breath away.
Like the John Muir Trail, for instance. Forget Hollywood – this is where the
real stars are! Not just an A-lister, but a veritable Kardashian of trails!

You want freedom? The JMT’s your ticket outta here with over 200 miles of pure,
unadulterated wilderness. It’s like Woodstock for nature lovers – only without
the questionable hygiene and dodgy music.

And the views! Imagine basking in an IMAX panorama of Mother Nature’s greatest
hits: Yosemite, Sequoia National Park… it’s like a Bob Ross painting sprung to
life! And if you’re lucky enough to traipse up Half Dome during a full
moon—baby, it’ll make Neil Armstrong jealous. Yeah, it’s THAT stellar!


Despite all its jaw-dropping splendor, don’t be fooled – the JMT’s no walk in
the park. It’s more like if Frodo decided to ditch Sam halfway and carry that
pesky ring up Mount Doom alone. So, yeah, it’s tough.

Now, you’re not going to face orcs and giant spiders, but expect a
soul-searching journey across 200+ miles with an elevation gain equivalent to
scaling Everest from sea level. Twice! You’ll need determination stronger than
Iron Man’s suit and gutsier than Han Solo flying through an asteroid field.

But hey! That’s part of the charm, right? Embrace your inner Indiana Jones
because freedom’s out there on those rugged paths. It ain’t easy being free, but
boy is it worth it on the John Muir Trail!


It’s not just the challenging terrain that’ll keep you on your toes, but also
the diverse wildlife you’ll encounter along the John Muir Trail. Picture it like
an episode of ‘Planet Earth,’ except you’re Attenborough and this is
live-action, baby!

From chirping birds to furry bears; they’re part of this wilderness
extravaganza. Don’t fret though – no one’s asking for a Snow White moment with a

Sure, spotting Bambi or Thumper could be pretty cool – Instagram gold right
there. Just remember not to feed them as tempting as their Disney-like eyes may

This isn’t Disneyland folks; it’s wild out there! So strap on those hiking
boots, channel your inner Bear Grylls and embrace the unscripted beauty of
freedom in nature’s TV show.


You’ll be amazed by the diverse landscapes on the North Country Trail, spanning
several states from New York to North Dakota. Think of it as an epic road trip,
but instead of a ’66 Mustang, you’ve got your trusty hiking boots and a thirst
for adventure stronger than Thor’s desire for another Asgardian ale.

Each step takes you deeper into this sprawling choose-your-own-adventure story.
You’re the hero here; Bilbo Baggins ain’t got nothing on you! But remember, it’s
not Mordor we’re trying to reach (thankfully), but rather places like Michigan’s
Pictured Rocks and Minnesota’s Boundary Waters. I mean, who needs Mount Doom
when you can have crystal clear waters?

Do me a favor? Take some time out one day to just sit and bask in all that
glorious freedom around you – no wifi signals jamming your spiritual antennas or
emails demanding immediate attention. Just pure, unadulterated liberty wrapped
up in picturesque panoramic views.

So strap on those boots, Frodo! Onwards through forests of towering pines,
across mighty rivers, past lush green valleys. This isn’t just any hike; it’s
your very own Freedom Trail waiting to be discovered!


We’re now off to the breathtaking Highline Trail, known for its thrilling
cliff-side walks and stunning alpine views. Picture yourself as Indiana Jones,
minus the rolling boulder and creepy snakes. Seriously though, if you’ve got a
decent pair of hiking boots and an unquenchable thirst for freedom (and perhaps
a healthy lack of fear), this trail is your jam.

Check it out: you’re walking along a narrow path carved into a sheer rock face –
on one side, rugged mountain beauty; on the other, well… let’s just say it’s not
the time to test your fear of heights! Now imagine Frodo Baggins trekking this
route to Mount Doom instead of Mordor. Can’t picture our Hobbit buddy hanging
out in ‘The Lord of The Rings’? Maybe pitch him wearing Ray-Bans instead of that
shiny ring!

When you hit Logan Pass Visitor Center at mile 7.6, take a breather like Yoda
after his epic lightsaber duel with Darth Sidious in ‘Star Wars’. Because
friend, you’ve conquered something bigger than any Empire or Ring – you’ve
tasted sweet liberty on the edge. So what’s next on your freedom-seeking agenda?


So, you’ve conquered the Highline Trail. Congrats! You’re officially a hiking
rockstar. Now what? Well, sit down and buckle up because you’re about to embark
on the ‘Game of Trails’ – The Long Trail. It’s older than your favorite pair of
jeans and twice as rugged.

The Long Trail is like Gandalf from “Lord of the Rings” – it’s been around for
ages (over a century, to be exact), full of wisdom (that’d be the breathtaking
views) and occasionally grumpy (the weather can be unpredictable). Spanning 272
miles through Green Mountain State, this beast will introduce you to all its
buddies: peaks, valleys, forests and streams.

But don’t worry – no mystical creatures here. Although if you imagine each
mountain as a dragon… well then brace yourself Khaleesi!

Trust me; this trail isn’t called ‘Long’ just because someone ran out of
creative juice! It’s got enough twists and turns to give any reality TV show a
run for its money. So grab your freedom-loving self by the bootstraps and get
ready for an intense meet-cute with Mother Nature herself on Vermont’s premiere
hiking experience – The Long Trail.


If you’re yearning for a trek that’s got the heart of an explorer, then Pacific
Northwest Trail’s untamed wilderness won’t disappoint. Picture yourself as
Indiana Jones, minus the creepy crawlies and booby traps of course. You may not
unearth ancient artifacts but hey, you’ll get to experience 1,200 miles of
unspoiled nature at its finest.

Now I ain’t gonna sugarcoat it; this trail can be tough. But aren’t those things
we remember always a bit rough around the edges? Like when Ross tried to pivot
that couch in Friends or Luke’s first attempt at using The Force in Star Wars.
It’s challenging but rewarding.

Imagine stretching your legs across seven national forests, three national parks
and multiple mountain ranges – all while keeping an eye out for Bigfoot! Kidding
(or am I?), Bigfoot sightings are as rare as unsweetened coffee in Starbucks.

So strap on your boots and channel your inner Bear Grylls or Dora the Explorer
(no judgement here). On this trail, you’re free from city chaos and Wi-Fi
signals. You’ll find there’s nothing quite like embracing Mother Nature while
uncovering hidden treasures within yourself.

Freedom is calling with each step on the Pacific Northwest Trail; answer it!

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