Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

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Submission: On October 19 via manual from CA — Scanned from CA

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

<form class="define-password__Form-auth__sc-6bxm3c-4 cFGjsm">
  <div class="define-password__InputWrapper-auth__sc-6bxm3c-5 cWitfJ"><label required="" for="password" class="label__Label-ui__sc-6ix1no-0 XFwgS">Password</label>
      <div class="style__Wrapper-ui__sc-1nl87h2-0 ivQrdL"><input type="password" aria-label="Password" placeholder="Define a password " id="password" class="input__Input-ui__sc-1cfw93l-0 cKVrkr" value="">
        <div class="custom__Custom-ui__sc-82igxx-0 custom__Right-ui__sc-82igxx-2 xQdfk wkfBJ"><button aria-label="Hide password" type="button" class="button__Button-ui__sc-pfsrxe-0 bzwvW"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"
              class="eyes__Eye-ui__sc-1kg65kl-0 eHNLyy">
              <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12 8a4 4 0 100 8 4 4 0 000-8zm-2 4a2 2 0 114 0 2 2 0 01-4 0z" fill="currentColor"></path>
              <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd"
                d="M22 12c-2 4-4.477 7-10 7s-8-3-10-7c2-4 4.477-7 10-7s8 3 10 7zm-4.93 3.44c1.024-.82 1.865-1.966 2.674-3.44-.809-1.474-1.65-2.62-2.674-3.44C15.905 7.628 14.36 7 12 7c-2.36 0-3.905.627-5.07 1.56-1.024.82-1.865 1.966-2.674 3.44.809 1.474 1.65 2.62 2.674 3.44C8.095 16.372 9.64 17 12 17c2.36 0 3.905-.627 5.07-1.56z"
      <div class="style__InfoContainer-ui__sc-1nl87h2-1 dlmfEm"></div>
    <div class="password-hint__Wrapper-auth__sc-y3qeu3-0 lgAfng">
      <p class="description__Description-ui__sc-sx5ynb-0 password-hint__Hint-auth__sc-y3qeu3-2 lodrsE cpZQCr">At least 10 characters</p>
      <p class="description__Description-ui__sc-sx5ynb-0 password-hint__Hint-auth__sc-y3qeu3-2 lodrsE cpZQCr">At least 1 lowercase letter</p>
      <p class="description__Description-ui__sc-sx5ynb-0 password-hint__Hint-auth__sc-y3qeu3-2 lodrsE cpZQCr">At least 1 number</p>
      <p class="description__Description-ui__sc-sx5ynb-0 password-hint__Hint-auth__sc-y3qeu3-2 lodrsE cpZQCr">At least 1 uppercase letter</p>
  <div role="group"><label class="checkbox-with-label__Label-ui__sc-pa7p7i-1 Usfmd">
      <div class="style__Wrapper-ui__sc-kd1ob4-0 jIOqRP"><input type="checkbox" aria-label="Terms of use" class="style__Input-ui__sc-kd1ob4-2 cQAszo"><span class="style__CheckMarkContainer-ui__sc-kd1ob4-1 gsIOg"><svg width="1em" height="1em"
            viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" class="style__Check-ui__sc-kd1ob4-3 dTFaYE">
            <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd"
              d="M20.592 3.194a1 1 0 01.214 1.398L9.864 19.497a2 2 0 01-3.22.005l1.608-1.188L19.194 3.408a1 1 0 011.398-.214zm-18.186 8.89a1 1 0 011.398.21l4.448 6.02-1.609 1.188-4.447-6.019a1 1 0 01.21-1.398z" fill="currentColor"></path>
          </svg></span></div><span class="checkbox-with-label__Title-ui__sc-pa7p7i-0 kLsQlQ"><span>I accept the
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    <div class="space__Space-ui__sc-17px3d7-0 gggzdN"></div><label class="checkbox-with-label__Label-ui__sc-pa7p7i-1 Usfmd">
      <div class="style__Wrapper-ui__sc-kd1ob4-0 jIOqRP"><input type="checkbox" aria-label="Privacy Policy" class="style__Input-ui__sc-kd1ob4-2 cQAszo"><span class="style__CheckMarkContainer-ui__sc-kd1ob4-1 gsIOg"><svg width="1em" height="1em"
            viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" class="style__Check-ui__sc-kd1ob4-3 dTFaYE">
            <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd"
              d="M20.592 3.194a1 1 0 01.214 1.398L9.864 19.497a2 2 0 01-3.22.005l1.608-1.188L19.194 3.408a1 1 0 011.398-.214zm-18.186 8.89a1 1 0 011.398.21l4.448 6.02-1.609 1.188-4.447-6.019a1 1 0 01.21-1.398z" fill="currentColor"></path>
          </svg></span></div><span class="checkbox-with-label__Title-ui__sc-pa7p7i-0 kLsQlQ"><span>I have read and consent to the
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  <div class="define-password__SubmitButtonWrapper-auth__sc-6bxm3c-6 gvvRPt"><button type="submit" disabled="" class="button__Wrapper-ui__sc-a2a0dz-0 cPeeX"><span class="button__Content-ui__sc-a2a0dz-3 ftvsJh"><span>Access the

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