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Mind your Media - Stationary Phase Cheat Sheet.pdf

Phase Target Compound Polarity Typical Use
Silica High & Medium Typical normal phase LC polar phase
Achiral SFC
Amino High & Medium Carbohydrates & Amines
Achiral SFC
Diol Medium & Low Lipids
C18 Low & Nonpolar Typical reversed phase nonpolar phase
C18 AQ Low & Nonpolar Use with a majority aqueous mobile
phase system
C18 WP / C4 WP Low & Nonpolar Wide pore option
Proteins & Peptides
Immobilized / Coated
Polysaccharides Chiral/SFC
Brush Type Chiral/SFC
Flash Prep HPLC SFC
Particle Size 15 - 63 um 5 - 15 um 5 - 15 um
Column ID 12 - 115 mm 10 - 70 mm 4.6 - 50 um
Flow Rate 15 - 250 mL/min 5-100 mL/min 50 - 660 mL/min
Loading Capacity < 300 g < 1g < 1g
Max Pressure 50 bar 300 bar 400 bar
Productivity High Low Highest*
Mind your Media
Stationary Phase Selection for Flash, Prep HPLC, or SFC
Choosing a phase
Ideal separation occurs
when the polarity of the
stationary phase and target
compounds are matched.
Fine-tune your selection
Optimize your separation and throughput by selecting the best method and
cartridge parameters for your application.
Find more resources at www.buchi.com
*Due to a combination of high flow rates, high separation efficiency, and
multiple injection possibility

Mind your Media - Stationary Phase Cheat Sheet.pdf

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