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This website is all about wxPython, the cross-platform GUI toolkit for the
Python language. With wxPython software developers can create truly native user
interfaces for their Python applications, that run with little or no
modifications on Windows, Macs and Linux or other unix-like systems.

Learn more



The wxPython Team

2023-06-07 00:00


wxPython 4.2.1 is now available at PyPI, with some additional files at Extras

The biggest change in this release is the addition of Mac and Windows builds for
both Python 3.11 and Python 3.12 (beta). In addition there have been some
updates in the distro versions used for the Linux wheels available at the extras
archive, including some with Python 3.11 builds.


The wxPython Team

2022-08-07 00:00


wxPython 4.2.0 is now available at PyPI, with some additional files at Extras

New and improved in this release:

 * Yes, it's been a VERY long time since the last release. I'm not dead, just on
   an extended break. It took me a while to get up to speed on a new day job,
   and then there was a seemingly perpetual crunch-mode to get the product
   through a couple release cycles. I can't say that things are fully back to
   normal yet, but at least I now know what I'm doing. Mostly. <wink>

 * This release is built using the wxWidgets' 3.2.0 release tag.

 * Tweaked the build scripts a bit to ensure that on non-Windows platforms that
   the compiler and flags used by default match those used by wxWidgets, (with
   the flags needed by Python added on.) The compiler commands can be overridden
   by setting CC and CXX in the environment if needed. #1247

 * On Windows the build code that locates and sets up the environment for the
   MSVC compiler no longer relies on distutils code, but is now using more
   modern code in setuptools instead. This enables much more compiler
   flexibility and wxPython should now be buildable with Visual Studio versions
   from 2015 through 2022+.

 * Switched to SIP 6 for generating the wrapper code. Rather than a standalone
   executable, SIP is now a Python package that needs to be installed in the
   Python environment used for the build. A dependency has been added to
   requirements/devel.txt to help ensure that the correct version is installed.
   The wx.siplib module code is no longer kept in the repository, but is
   generated during the build.

 * Changed wx.App.InitLocale to just do locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "C") to
   undo what Python (3.8+ on Windows) does. This lets wxWidgets start with an
   uninitialized locale as it expects. #1637

 * Fixed issues related to time_t always being treated as a 32-bit value on
   Windows. #1910

 * Added wx.FullScreenEvent and wx.EVT_FULLSCREEN.

 * The legacy, OSX-Only wx.webkit module has been removed.

 * Fix building wxPython with Python 3.10 on Windows #2016

 * Fix PyProgress on Windows by avoiding invalid sizer flags #1985

 * Fix 'More Grid Features' in demo

 * Many of the widgets which deal with bitmaps have been changed to use a
   wx.BitmapBundle object instead of wx.Bitmap. This is the mechanism which
   wxWidgets has implemented for adapting to things like Hi-DPI displays.
   Essentially you can load a list of bitmaps of different sizes (but similar or
   scaled content) into a wx.BitmapBundle, and the widget can choose one based
   on the display density. Existing code should be able to continue to pass a
   wx.Bitmap to the widget constructor or to methods like SetBitmap, as wxPython
   will automatically convert from a wx.Bitmap to a wx.BitmapBundle containing
   the single image provided.

 * Add support for new wx.grid event, EVT_GRID_ROW_MOVE

 * Fix path issues in wx.lib.agw.multidirdialog #2120

 * Fix eventwatcher checkAll(check=False) #2139

 * Fix exception on grid labels click #1841

 * Fix a large number of Python 3.10 issues. In Python 3.10, a change was
   implemented where extension functions that take integer arguments will no
   longer silently accept non-integer arguments (e.g., floats) that can only be
   converted to integers with a loss of precision. Fixed most of these issues in
   the pure-Python classes and demos by explicitly converting the parameters to
   int before passing them to wxWidgets. There is loss of precision, but this
   was happening before (automatically) anyway as most wxWidgets DeviceContext
   functions operate using integers.

 * Fix PlotCanvas point label drawing on Linux

 * Fix GetPopupMenu override for wx.adv.TaskbarIcon #2067

 * Fix invisible text in lib.plot with dark theme

 * Add new button type: ShowHideToggleButton. Like a ToggleButton, but with an
   associated "menu", a Window or Sizer which is shown/hidden when button is
   toggled. Includes methods for setting active and inactive fore/background

 * Fix unbinding of events in FIFO order #2027

 * Enable customization of layout of pdfviewer button panel

 * Support newer PyMuPDF versions #2205

 * IntCtrl: Change default colour to wx.NullColour so the default color will be
   used. #2215

 * Change PopupControl to respect all the parameters passed to its init method.

 * Fixes in flatmenu.py Remove and DestroyItem #2219

 * Using the MinGW toolchain to build wxPython has been simplified a bit. #2211


The wxPython Team

2020-11-21 00:00


wxPython 4.1.1 is now available at PyPI, with some additional files at Extras

New and improved in this release:

 * This should have been mentioned in the notes for the last release, but alas,
   it wandered away and got lost. wxWidgets is now validating the flags passed
   when adding items to a sizer, to ensure that they are the correct flags for
   the type of the sizer. If the given flags do not make sense, for example
   using horizontal alignment flags in a horizontal box sizer, then a
   wxAssertionError error is raised.

 * Fixed missing binder for EVT_STC_AUTOCOMP_SELECTION_CHANGE. #1613

 * DataViewModel.HasValue can be overridden and will inform the DataViewCtrl
   whether or not an item and column has data. If HasValue returns False, then
   GetValue for that item/col will not be called. This allows a distinction
   between a truly empty cell, and one that has a value even if it is an empty
   string. #1600

 * Added flag that allows blocking of item dragging in the UltimateListControl
   class. PR#1620

 * Add the column index to notification events in UltimateListControl PR#1630

 * Added orientation parameter to UltimateListControl.GetScrollPos. PR#1632

 * wx.lib.agw.aui.AuiNotebook RemovePage() now hides the removed page, so it
   needs to be shown again if it is reused in another place. PR#1668

 * Fixed issue that could modify bytes objects under Python. PR#1680

 * Added wx.lib.agw.aui.EVT_AUI_PANE_CLOSE event which is sent when a AUI (the
   agw version) Pane has been closed (after it has been closed, not when it is
   about to be closed, which is when EVT_AUI_PANE_CLOSE is sent.) PR#1628

 * Exposed the wx.DC methods GetGraphicsContext and SetGraphicsContext.
   Depending on the platform and the type of the DC, there may be a
   wx.GraphicsContext used for the implementation of the DC. If so, the
   GetGraphicsContext method enables access to it. Be sure to check that the
   return value is not None before trying to use it.

 * Simplified the implementation of the wx.App.InitLocale method. See the
   MigrationGuide for more information.

 * Added wx.lib.agw.aui.AUI_DOCKART_HINT_WINDOW_BORDER_COLOUR constant so the
   hint window border color can be themed as well.

 * The wx.lib.mixins.listCtrl.CheckListCtrlMixin is now obsolete because
   wx.ListCtrl has new functionality which does pretty much the same thing. In
   fact there is some overlap in method names which may trip up some use cases.
   It is advised to drop the use of CheckListCtrlMixin and just use the
   wx.ListBox functionality. You will need to call EnableCheckBoxes to turn it
   on, and you may need to change some event handlers or overloaded methods.

 * wx.html2.WebView is now able to use Microsoft's Edge browser component as its
   backend renderer. This should improve the capabilities of the WebView widget
   on Windows, and be more consistent with the WebViews on the other platforms,
   compared to the original IE 11 backend. Using this backed requires that a
   new-ish version of the Edge browser is installed on the end user's computer.

 * Added the wx.Image.ConvertToRegion method. This lets you create a wx.Region
   from an image and a specified color or the mask if the image has one. This
   was done to workaround a bug in wxMac, but it seems worthwhile enough to keep
   it around even after the bug was fixed.

 * Added the missing context manager methods for wx.LogNull. #1842

 * Refactored ScrolledThumbnail out of agw.ThumbnailCtrl so as to be usable
   outside of ThumbnailCtrl.

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