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            <a href=";comment=596111" rel="nofollow" class="ipsType_blendLinks">Posted <time datetime="2015-01-03T01:05:01Z" title="01/03/15 01:05  AM" data-short="8 yr">January 3, 2015</time></a>
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            <p><a href="">Bug Submission</a>: </p>
              <strong>Category:</strong> Gameplay
              <strong>Issue Title:</strong> Map resets after rejoining
              <strong>Issue Description:</strong> I am hosting the game and it was working well until 5-6 days ago. It appears that I, as a host, don't have any map related problems, but a client does. The parts of the world that were explored are
              not showing after rejoining the server, the map simply 'resets' and player has to re-explore aaand it goes blank again for a player that disconnects and connects again. This bug is annoying since it kind of lowers the gaming experience.
              It's not keeping me and my friends from playing since we hope you will solve this in the nearest hotfix. I could mention that after I reinstalled the game (thanks god it's only 500MB) players could rejoin normally and map would still be
              as they left it. Adding new mode/s seem to be the cause of the map bug. However, I've seen other people reporting the same bug. Hope you resolve it as soon as possible. <img src="//"
                alt=":)" srcset="// 2x" width="15" height="17">
              <strong>Steps to Reproduce:</strong> a)
            <p> 1. Host the server</p>
            <p> 2. Make someone play with you</p>
            <p> 3. Client should reveal some of the map, disconnect &amp; connect again.</p>
            <p> 4. The map on the client side should now be back to the beginning</p>
            <p> b)</p>
            <p> Before starting the server apply mods you want.</p>
            <p> 1. Host server</p>
            <p> 2. Make someone play with you</p>
            <p> 3. Client should reveal some parts of the map</p>
            <p> 4. Host should disconnect now &amp; close the game</p>
            <p> 5. Go to workshop and find some mode (i.e. Player indicator)</p>
            <p> 6. Re-start the server, ask the same player to join again</p>
            <p> 7. His map should be blank now.</p>
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            data-websharetext="Bug Submission:  
Category: Gameplay 
Issue Title: Map resets after rejoining 
Issue Description: I am hosting the game and it was working well  until 5-6 days ago. It appears that I, as a host, don't have any map related problems, but a client does. The parts of the world that were explored are not showing after rejoining the server, the map simply 'resets' and player has to re-explore aaand it goes blank again for a player that disconnects and connects again. This bug is annoying since it kind of lowers the gaming experience. It's not keeping me and my friends from playing since we hope you will solve this in the nearest hotfix. I could mention that after I reinstalled the game (thanks god it's only 500MB) players could rejoin normally and map would still be as they left it. Adding new mode/s seem to be the cause of the map bug. However, I've seen other people reporting the same bug. Hope you resolve it as soon as possible.  
Steps to Reproduce: a) 
1. Host the server 
2. Make someone play with you 
3. Client should reveal some of the map, disconnect &amp; connect again. 
4. The map on the client side should now be back to the beginning 
Before starting the server apply mods you want. 
1. Host server 
2. Make someone play with you 
3. Client should reveal some parts of the map 
4. Host should disconnect now &amp; close the game 
5. Go to workshop and find some mode (i.e. Player indicator) 
6. Re-start the server, ask the same player to join again 
7. His map should be blank now. 
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            <a href=";comment=596180" rel="nofollow" class="ipsType_blendLinks">Posted <time datetime="2015-01-03T04:51:56Z" title="01/03/15 04:51  AM" data-short="8 yr">January 3, 2015</time></a>
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            <p><strong>@</strong><strong><a href="">Libertas</a></strong>, I think there are a lot of things that could cause this. The direct reason would be if it cannot write to or read
              from the save directory-- the only thing clients really store locally is the map data. If your friend who's having problems could post their log after reconnecting, as well as the complete path to the save directory, that might be
            <p>For me, the log is located here:</p>
            <pre class="ipsCode prettyprint prettyprinted"
              style=""><span class="pln">C</span><span class="pun">:</span><span class="pln">\Users\rafael\Documents\Klei\DoNotStarveTogether\log</span><span class="pun">.</span><span class="pln">txt</span></pre>
            <p>The save directory is in the same folder, so if there are issues it's probably with the beginning of the path.</p>
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            data-websharetext="@Libertas, I think there are a lot of things that could cause this. The direct reason would be if it cannot write to or read from the save directory-- the only thing clients really store locally is the map data. If your friend who's having problems could post their log after reconnecting, as well as the complete path to the save directory, that might be helpful. &nbsp; For me, the log is located here: C:\Users\rafael\Documents\Klei\DoNotStarveTogether\log.txtThe save directory is in the same folder, so if there are issues it's probably with the beginning of the path. 
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            <a href=";comment=596205" rel="nofollow" class="ipsType_blendLinks">Posted <time datetime="2015-01-03T06:05:50Z" title="01/03/15 06:05  AM" data-short="8 yr">January 3, 2015</time></a>
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            <p>Hey <strong>@</strong><strong><a href="">Libertas</a></strong>,&nbsp;</p>
            <p>Okay, this issue seems to have a couple of reasons it can happen. So far I fixed two instances where it can happen (a unicode username, as well as the user's document directory being on a network drive), but there's possibly a third
              way this happens, and I really hope to pin it down and get it fixed, so I have a few questions for you <img src="//" alt=":)" srcset="// 2x"
                width="15" height="17"></p>
            <p>1) Does this always happen for you if you repeat the above steps - ie, every user that joins you loses their progress every time they rejoin?</p>
            <p>2) You say you don't lose your progress when you quit and reload the world? (I had expected you would too, so that's different)</p>
            <p>3) As @rezecib said - Can you check if there's a Klei/DoNotStarveTogether directory with a log.txt file in your documents directory?</p>
            <p>4) If possible, same for your friends indeed, do they perhaps have something odd with that directory? Does it exist? Is there a log.txt?</p>
            <p>I know, it's a lot of questions, but this bug has proven fairly elusive.</p>
            <p>Thanks <img src="//" alt=":)" srcset="// 2x" width="15" height="17"></p>
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            data-websharetext="Hey @Libertas,&nbsp; &nbsp; Okay, this issue seems to have a couple of reasons it can happen. So far I fixed two instances where it can happen (a unicode username, as well as the user's document directory being on a network drive), but there's possibly a third way this happens, and I really hope to pin it down and get it fixed, so I have a few questions for you  &nbsp; 1) Does this always happen for you if you repeat the above steps - ie, every user that joins you loses their progress every time they rejoin? 2) You say you don't lose your progress when you quit and reload the world? (I had expected you would too, so that's different) 3) As @rezecib said - Can you check if there's a Klei/DoNotStarveTogether directory with a log.txt file in your documents directory? 4) If possible, same for your friends indeed, do they perhaps have something odd with that directory? Does it exist? Is there a log.txt? &nbsp; I know, it's a lot of questions, but this bug has proven fairly elusive. &nbsp; Thanks  &nbsp; Kaj 
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            <p>just throwing my 2c in here, bought the game last night to play with my boyfriend and was having a blast. after we came back online from a break, i've hosted the server, he's joined and it all seemed ok. until he reaslised that half of
              his map was no longer explored. it could well be this unicode problem you mentioned, his name is bear spelt in asti, we laughed initially that DST recognised his name as characters resembling AACA, but he promptly ragequite when
              discovering he would need to reveal the map again while he goes over there to get resource.</p>
            <p>if you hadn't already guessed, i don't think it's that big an issue. screenshot every now and then so you have references if there's something you want to go back for specifically.</p>
            <p>i would like to say that if this is the only issue i see then i'm really happy with how the game is, but we did find 2 touchstone with no actual stone to touch, but meh. i'm having a great time, just need to find more people</p>
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            data-websharetext="just throwing my 2c in here, bought the game last night to play with my boyfriend and was having a blast. after we came back online from a break, i've hosted the server, he's joined and it all seemed ok. until he reaslised that half of his map was no longer explored. it could well be this unicode problem you mentioned, his name is bear spelt in asti, we laughed initially that DST recognised his name as characters resembling AACA, but he promptly ragequite when discovering he would need to reveal the map again while he goes over there to get resource. &nbsp; if you hadn't already guessed, i don't think it's that big an issue. screenshot every now and then so you have references if there's something you want to go back for specifically. &nbsp; i would like to say that if this is the only issue i see then i'm really happy with how the game is, but we did find 2 touchstone with no actual stone to touch, but meh. i'm having a great time, just need to find more people 
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            <p>When i was client everything worked fine till i did get some random&nbsp; disconnect and message "server not responding" while tring to reconnect even if server worked normaly. After reconnect map was reset to moment before session
              with disconect.</p>
            <p>Even if i play 2 hours straight without logout and then get DC my map is reversed to point before it.</p>
            <p>When i host friends got same problem with map amd it seems DC making map reset. If they reconnect&nbsp; after DC and play for about 1h and logout to try same map, it doesn't. After login into server map resets again.</p>
            <p>If client dont get DC while playing and then logout map saves normal, but after DC there are map resets allover.</p>
            <p>When i host&nbsp; friends usualy get DC&nbsp; in same time ,even if my connection to internet is very stable.</p>
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            data-websharetext="Hello When i was client everything worked fine till i did get some random&nbsp; disconnect and message &quot;server not responding&quot; while tring to reconnect even if server worked normaly. After reconnect map was reset to moment before session with disconect. Even if i play 2 hours straight without logout and then get DC my map is reversed to point before it. &nbsp; When i host friends got same problem with map amd it seems DC making map reset. If they reconnect&nbsp; after DC and play for about 1h and logout to try same map, it doesn't. After login into server map resets again. &nbsp; If client dont get DC while playing and then logout map saves normal, but after DC there are map resets allover. &nbsp; When i host&nbsp; friends usualy get DC&nbsp; in same time ,even if my connection to internet is very stable. 
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            <p>Hello @bizziboi ,</p>
            <p>This doesn't happen always, as I said, once I reinstall the game, it seems that any map progress made from that point reappears normally after rejoining the server. I will ask my friend about his log.txt file, but I'm not sure if the
              problem will occur again since I have fresh install, but if it does, both me and my friend will post log.txt file here. Now the answers to your questions,</p>
            <p>1) Nope, haven't tested it step by step, this is just two situations when the problem manifested itself. I only play with 1 person (that friend) so I wouldn't know for any other clients.</p>
            <p>2) My map is there, only client's map isn't, if I don't reinstall the game, any new progress with the map he made would be lost again upon rejoining.</p>
            <p>3) There's a log.txt , and I will post it as attachment, no idea if it's any use, but there it is.</p>
            <p>4) When I get in touch with my friend later today I will ask him to send me his log.txt file that I will post, or he will do it directly.</p>
            <p><a href="">log.txt</a></p>
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            data-websharetext="Hello @bizziboi , &nbsp; This doesn't happen always, as I said, once I reinstall the game, it seems that any map progress made from that point reappears normally after rejoining the server. I will ask my friend about his log.txt file, but I'm not sure if the problem will occur again since I have fresh install, but if it does, both me and my friend will post log.txt file here. Now the answers to your questions, &nbsp; 1) Nope, haven't tested it step by step, this is just two situations when the problem manifested itself. I only play with 1 person (that friend) so I wouldn't know for any other clients. &nbsp; 2) My map is there, only client's map isn't, if I don't reinstall the game, any new progress with the map he made would be lost again upon rejoining. &nbsp; 3) There's a log.txt , and I will post it as attachment, no idea if it's any use, but there it is. &nbsp; 4) When I get in touch with my friend later today I will ask him to send me his log.txt file that I will post, or he will do it directly. &nbsp; log.txt 
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            <p>Here's my friend's log file.</p>
            <p><a href="">log_my_friend.txt</a></p>
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            <p>Hey guys,</p>
            <p>I've had the same problem a few times as I was playing on two servers my friends hosted, so I'm just gonna post my log file here as well. On top of that I once managed to get at least a little bit of my exploration back on the map -
              not sure how that happened though, I think I just disabled and enabled all my mods again.</p>
            <p>&nbsp;However, my friends are using all the same mods and haven't experienced this problem yet.</p>
            <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentcommentid="596239" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic" data-ipsquote-contentid="48261"
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                On 1/3/2015 at 8:40 AM, Moshii said: </div>
                <div>i would like to say that if this is the only issue i see then i'm really happy with how the game is, but we did find 2 touchstone with no actual stone to touch, but meh. i'm having a great time, just need to find more people
            <p>AFAIK touch stones in DST can only be used by ghosts to resurrect themselves, same as the jury-rigged portal.</p>
            <p><a href="">log.txt</a></p>
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            data-websharetext="Hey guys, &nbsp; I've had the same problem a few times as I was playing on two servers my friends hosted, so I'm just gonna post my log file here as well. On top of that I once managed to get at least a little bit of my exploration back on the map - not sure how that happened though, I think I just disabled and enabled all my mods again. &nbsp;However, my friends are using all the same mods and haven't experienced this problem yet. &nbsp; &nbsp; AFAIK touch stones in DST can only be used by ghosts to resurrect themselves, same as the jury-rigged portal. log.txt 
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            <p><strong>@</strong><strong><a href="">bizziboi</a></strong>, Just figured out a way to mention you so you know that I replied. I want to emphasize that the possible problem
              could be in the mods, in terms when adding and/or removing them and clicking apply button, afaik things started happening after that. You will see that I have 3 mods enabled, but this happened before the 3rd one (RoG characters).</p>
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            data-websharetext="@bizziboi, Just figured out a way to mention you so you know that I replied. I want to emphasize that the possible problem could be in the mods, in terms when adding and/or removing them and clicking apply button, afaik things started happening after that. You will see that I have 3 mods enabled, but this happened before the 3rd one (RoG characters). 
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                On 1/3/2015 at 12:49 PM, Daimaju said: </div>
                  <p>AFAIK touch stones in DST can only be used by ghosts to resurrect themselves, same as the jury-rigged portal.</p>
            <p>ahh thank you. im realising how hard it is to look anything up when i can't pause the game XD</p>
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            <p><strong>@</strong><strong><a href="">bizziboi</a></strong>,&nbsp;</p>
            <p>We have the same problem on the new started server. I will post the log files from literally 10mins ago.</p>
            <p>First log file is from my friend, the other one named log.txt is mine. Hopefully this will give you some insight.</p>
            <p><a href="">my_friend's_log_file.txt</a></p>
            <p><a href="">log.txt</a></p>
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            data-websharetext="@bizziboi,&nbsp; &nbsp; We have the same problem on the new started server. I will post the log files from literally 10mins ago. First log file is from my friend, the other one named log.txt is mine. Hopefully this will give you some insight. &nbsp; Regards, Libertas &nbsp; &nbsp; my_friend's_log_file.txt log.txt 
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            <p><strong>@<a href="">Libertas</a></strong>, Does this file exist on your friend's computer?</p>
            <pre class="ipsCode prettyprint prettyprinted"
              style=""><span class="typ">Failed</span><span class="pln"> to load minimap </span><span class="kwd">from</span><span class="pln"> session data</span><span class="pun">:</span><span class="pln"> session</span><span class="pun">/</span><span class="lit">0B6000115CA5DA08</span><span class="pun">/</span><span class="pln">KU_g0w2meii_minimap&nbsp;</span></pre>
            <p>The session folder would be located inside the save folder next to the log file. If it does exist, it might help to upload it.</p>
            <p>Edit: @<a href="">k4rl1</a> similarly for your client, but check for this file instead:</p>
            <pre class="ipsCode prettyprint prettyprinted"
              style=""><span class="typ">Failed</span><span class="pln"> to load minimap </span><span class="kwd">from</span><span class="pln"> session data</span><span class="pun">:</span><span class="pln"> session</span><span class="pun">/</span><span class="lit">07500002CDBE9728</span><span class="pun">/</span><span class="pln">KU_mLcCf5Gl_minimap</span></pre>
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            data-websharetext="@Libertas, Does this file exist on your friend's computer? Failed to load minimap from session data: session/0B6000115CA5DA08/KU_g0w2meii_minimap&nbsp;The session folder would be located inside the save folder next to the log file. If it does exist, it might help to upload it. &nbsp; Edit: @k4rl1 similarly for your client, but check for this file instead: Failed to load minimap from session data: session/07500002CDBE9728/KU_mLcCf5Gl_minimap
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            <p>I have the same problem, the map of the client will be reseted every time he joins.</p>
            <p><a href="">log_client.txt</a></p>
            <p><a href="">log_host.txt</a></p>
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            <p>Hello guys ,</p>
            <p>We are getting same problem.When we leaved from together and wants to back play again then the map &nbsp;<span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);font-family:helvetica, arial, sans-serif;">back to the beginning.</span></p>
            <p><span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);font-family:helvetica, arial, sans-serif;">So this should be general problem and I hope it can be fix soon.</span></p>
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            data-websharetext="Hello guys , &nbsp; We are getting same problem.When we leaved from together and wants to back play again then the map &nbsp;back to the beginning. &nbsp; So this should be general problem and I hope it can be fix soon. 
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            <p><strong>@</strong><strong><a href="">rezecib</a></strong>,&nbsp;</p>
            <p>Hello, just talked with a friend, he says the folder "<span style="color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:Consolas, 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono', 'Courier New', Courier, monospace;">session/0B6000115CA5DA08" is empty. I checked if there are any
                files on my PC, my folder has few stuff in it. </span><a href="" rel="external nofollow noopener" target="_blank"></a></p>
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            <p>having exactly the same problem here. Any new ideas/solutions?</p>
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            <p>Got same problem and found&nbsp;<span style="color:rgb(255,0,0);"><strong>temporary solution</strong></span>.</p>
            <p>So I got same problem with map disappearing and found that, if the server host send you map file (in my case "KU_aKd006fA_minimap") and you put it in server folder (in my case ...session\04100002EEBAF428) you got map what is explored
              by host. If you are playing with friend who hosts server than you just explore map together and if your map disappears in next time you play on his server, just ask him/her to send map file.<br><br>Hope this helps.</p>
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            data-websharetext="Got same problem and found&nbsp;temporary solution. &nbsp; So I got same problem with map disappearing and found that, if the server host send you map file (in my case &quot;KU_aKd006fA_minimap&quot;) and you put it in server folder (in my case ...session\04100002EEBAF428) you got map what is explored by host. If you are playing with friend who hosts server than you just explore map together and if your map disappears in next time you play on his server, just ask him/her to send map file.  Hope this helps. 
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            <p>This has happened to me as host and to others on my server several times after fixing mod issues. I just tried taking a minimap file from a backup where I know my full map was revealed and copying into the live directory, but it did
              not work. This is a very annoying bug which makes gameplay much less fun, let alone admin. Hopefully it can be fixed soon.&nbsp;</p>
            <p>Note, this time I had a typo in the modoverrides.lua file. A single comma in the wrong place is what killed the map. <img src="//" alt=":("
                srcset="// 2x" width="15" height="17"></p>
            <p>I understand keeping the mystery for players who are new, but at least please fix the reveal commands so that they work again if you can't figure out this bug. Or give us SOME WAY TO GET OUR MAPS BACK PLEASE. It would be much
              appreciated.&nbsp; <img src="//" alt=":juggling:"></p>
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            data-websharetext="This has happened to me as host and to others on my server several times after fixing mod issues. I just tried taking a minimap file from a backup where I know my full map was revealed and copying into the live directory, but it did not work. This is a very annoying bug which makes gameplay much less fun, let alone admin. Hopefully it can be fixed soon.&nbsp; &nbsp; Note, this time I had a typo in the modoverrides.lua file. A single comma in the wrong place is what killed the map.  &nbsp; I understand keeping the mystery for players who are new, but at least please fix the reveal commands so that they work again if you can't figure out this bug. Or give us SOME WAY TO GET OUR MAPS BACK PLEASE. It would be much appreciated.&nbsp;  
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By Libertas,
January 3, 2015 in [Archived Bugs]



Posted January 3, 2015


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Posted January 3, 2015

Bug Submission:

Category: Gameplay

Issue Title: Map resets after rejoining

Issue Description: I am hosting the game and it was working well until 5-6 days
ago. It appears that I, as a host, don't have any map related problems, but a
client does. The parts of the world that were explored are not showing after
rejoining the server, the map simply 'resets' and player has to re-explore aaand
it goes blank again for a player that disconnects and connects again. This bug
is annoying since it kind of lowers the gaming experience. It's not keeping me
and my friends from playing since we hope you will solve this in the nearest
hotfix. I could mention that after I reinstalled the game (thanks god it's only
500MB) players could rejoin normally and map would still be as they left it.
Adding new mode/s seem to be the cause of the map bug. However, I've seen other
people reporting the same bug. Hope you resolve it as soon as possible.

Steps to Reproduce: a)

1. Host the server

2. Make someone play with you

3. Client should reveal some of the map, disconnect & connect again.

4. The map on the client side should now be back to the beginning


Before starting the server apply mods you want.

1. Host server

2. Make someone play with you

3. Client should reveal some parts of the map

4. Host should disconnect now & close the game

5. Go to workshop and find some mode (i.e. Player indicator)

6. Re-start the server, ask the same player to join again

7. His map should be blank now.





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Posted January 3, 2015


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Posted January 3, 2015

@Libertas, I think there are a lot of things that could cause this. The direct
reason would be if it cannot write to or read from the save directory-- the only
thing clients really store locally is the map data. If your friend who's having
problems could post their log after reconnecting, as well as the complete path
to the save directory, that might be helpful.


For me, the log is located here:


The save directory is in the same folder, so if there are issues it's probably
with the beginning of the path.





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Posted January 3, 2015


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Posted January 3, 2015

Hey @Libertas, 


Okay, this issue seems to have a couple of reasons it can happen. So far I fixed
two instances where it can happen (a unicode username, as well as the user's
document directory being on a network drive), but there's possibly a third way
this happens, and I really hope to pin it down and get it fixed, so I have a few
questions for you


1) Does this always happen for you if you repeat the above steps - ie, every
user that joins you loses their progress every time they rejoin?

2) You say you don't lose your progress when you quit and reload the world? (I
had expected you would too, so that's different)

3) As @rezecib said - Can you check if there's a Klei/DoNotStarveTogether
directory with a log.txt file in your documents directory?

4) If possible, same for your friends indeed, do they perhaps have something odd
with that directory? Does it exist? Is there a log.txt?


I know, it's a lot of questions, but this bug has proven fairly elusive.









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Posted January 3, 2015


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Posted January 3, 2015

just throwing my 2c in here, bought the game last night to play with my
boyfriend and was having a blast. after we came back online from a break, i've
hosted the server, he's joined and it all seemed ok. until he reaslised that
half of his map was no longer explored. it could well be this unicode problem
you mentioned, his name is bear spelt in asti, we laughed initially that DST
recognised his name as characters resembling AACA, but he promptly ragequite
when discovering he would need to reveal the map again while he goes over there
to get resource.


if you hadn't already guessed, i don't think it's that big an issue. screenshot
every now and then so you have references if there's something you want to go
back for specifically.


i would like to say that if this is the only issue i see then i'm really happy
with how the game is, but we did find 2 touchstone with no actual stone to
touch, but meh. i'm having a great time, just need to find more people





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Posted January 3, 2015


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Posted January 3, 2015


When i was client everything worked fine till i did get some random  disconnect
and message "server not responding" while tring to reconnect even if server
worked normaly. After reconnect map was reset to moment before session with

Even if i play 2 hours straight without logout and then get DC my map is
reversed to point before it.


When i host friends got same problem with map amd it seems DC making map reset.
If they reconnect  after DC and play for about 1h and logout to try same map, it
doesn't. After login into server map resets again.


If client dont get DC while playing and then logout map saves normal, but after
DC there are map resets allover.


When i host  friends usualy get DC  in same time ,even if my connection to
internet is very stable.





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Posted January 3, 2015

Hello @bizziboi ,


This doesn't happen always, as I said, once I reinstall the game, it seems that
any map progress made from that point reappears normally after rejoining the
server. I will ask my friend about his log.txt file, but I'm not sure if the
problem will occur again since I have fresh install, but if it does, both me and
my friend will post log.txt file here. Now the answers to your questions,


1) Nope, haven't tested it step by step, this is just two situations when the
problem manifested itself. I only play with 1 person (that friend) so I wouldn't
know for any other clients.


2) My map is there, only client's map isn't, if I don't reinstall the game, any
new progress with the map he made would be lost again upon rejoining.


3) There's a log.txt , and I will post it as attachment, no idea if it's any
use, but there it is.


4) When I get in touch with my friend later today I will ask him to send me his
log.txt file that I will post, or he will do it directly.







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Posted January 3, 2015



Here's my friend's log file.








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Posted January 3, 2015


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Posted January 3, 2015

Hey guys,


I've had the same problem a few times as I was playing on two servers my friends
hosted, so I'm just gonna post my log file here as well. On top of that I once
managed to get at least a little bit of my exploration back on the map - not
sure how that happened though, I think I just disabled and enabled all my mods

 However, my friends are using all the same mods and haven't experienced this
problem yet.


>   On 1/3/2015 at 8:40 AM, Moshii said:
> i would like to say that if this is the only issue i see then i'm really happy
> with how the game is, but we did find 2 touchstone with no actual stone to
> touch, but meh. i'm having a great time, just need to find more people


AFAIK touch stones in DST can only be used by ghosts to resurrect themselves,
same as the jury-rigged portal.






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Posted January 3, 2015

@bizziboi, Just figured out a way to mention you so you know that I replied. I
want to emphasize that the possible problem could be in the mods, in terms when
adding and/or removing them and clicking apply button, afaik things started
happening after that. You will see that I have 3 mods enabled, but this happened
before the 3rd one (RoG characters).





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Posted January 4, 2015


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Posted January 4, 2015
>   On 1/3/2015 at 12:49 PM, Daimaju said:
> AFAIK touch stones in DST can only be used by ghosts to resurrect themselves,
> same as the jury-rigged portal.


ahh thank you. im realising how hard it is to look anything up when i can't
pause the game XD





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Posted January 4, 2015


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Posted January 4, 2015



We have the same problem on the new started server. I will post the log files
from literally 10mins ago.

First log file is from my friend, the other one named log.txt is mine. Hopefully
this will give you some insight.












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Posted January 4, 2015


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Posted January 4, 2015

@Libertas, Does this file exist on your friend's computer?

Failed to load minimap from session data: session/0B6000115CA5DA08/KU_g0w2meii_minimap 

The session folder would be located inside the save folder next to the log file.
If it does exist, it might help to upload it.


Edit: @k4rl1 similarly for your client, but check for this file instead:

Failed to load minimap from session data: session/07500002CDBE9728/KU_mLcCf5Gl_minimap





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Posted January 4, 2015

I have the same problem, the map of the client will be reseted every time he









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Posted January 4, 2015


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Posted January 4, 2015

Hello guys ,


We are getting same problem.When we leaved from together and wants to back play
again then the map  back to the beginning.


So this should be general problem and I hope it can be fix soon.





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Posted January 4, 2015


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Posted January 4, 2015



Hello, just talked with a friend, he says the folder "session/0B6000115CA5DA08"
is empty. I checked if there are any files on my PC, my folder has few stuff in





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Posted January 5, 2015


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Posted January 5, 2015






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Posted January 8, 2015


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Posted January 8, 2015



having exactly the same problem here. Any new ideas/solutions?






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Posted January 8, 2015


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Posted January 8, 2015

Got same problem and found temporary solution.


So I got same problem with map disappearing and found that, if the server host
send you map file (in my case "KU_aKd006fA_minimap") and you put it in server
folder (in my case ...session\04100002EEBAF428) you got map what is explored by
host. If you are playing with friend who hosts server than you just explore map
together and if your map disappears in next time you play on his server, just
ask him/her to send map file.

Hope this helps.





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Posted December 10, 2015


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Posted December 10, 2015

This has happened to me as host and to others on my server several times after
fixing mod issues. I just tried taking a minimap file from a backup where I know
my full map was revealed and copying into the live directory, but it did not
work. This is a very annoying bug which makes gameplay much less fun, let alone
admin. Hopefully it can be fixed soon. 


Note, this time I had a typo in the modoverrides.lua file. A single comma in the
wrong place is what killed the map.


I understand keeping the mystery for players who are new, but at least please
fix the reveal commands so that they work again if you can't figure out this
bug. Or give us SOME WAY TO GET OUR MAPS BACK PLEASE. It would be much





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