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The Destiny Command is an app/command you can add to your chat bot that allows
you and your viewers to check their stats across Destiny 2 as a whole. Whether
it be Trials stats, K/D, loadout or just checking the amount of times you’ve
achieved a certain medal.

We support all platforms, but mainly focus on Twitch. There are bots supporting
the command on Twitch, Youtube, Discord, Slack and Mixer.

Installation is simple, choose your bot below and follow the instructions. For
most bots a simple copy-paste in your chat is enough!



!destiny <action> <user> <platform>
Example: !destiny primary xgerhard xbox


 * primary (Primary/Kinetic weapon info)
 * secondary (Secondary/energy weapon info)
 * heavy (Heavy/power weapon info)
 * helmet (Helmet info)
 * gauntlet (Gauntlet info)
 * legs (Legs info)
 * helmet (Helmet info)
 * vehicle (Vehicle info)
 * ship (Ship info)
 * classitem (Classitem info)
 * emote (Emote info)
 * chest (Chest info)
 * aura (aura info)
 * weapons (Will show all weapons, without perks)
 * gear (Will show all gear, without perks)


Basic info: By default the stat command will show an account overall stat, if
you want character specific stats add a c in front of the stat.
For example:
!destiny kd xgerhard - Will show account overall kd.
!destiny ckd xgerhard - Will show kd per character.

By default the stat command will grab pvp stats, if you want to specify a
specific playlist add the playlist in front of the command.
For example:
!destiny pvekd xgerhard - Will show account overall kd in PvE.
!destiny cpvekd xgerhard - Will show kd per character in PvE.

The following stats can be checked:

 * kd (Kills/Deaths ratio)
 * kda ((Kills+(Assists/2))/Deaths ratio)
 * wins (Games won)
 * wl (Wins/Losses ratio)
 * wins (Games won)
 * time (Time played)
 * deaths (Total deaths)
 * kills (Total kills)
 * assists (Total assists)
 * cr (Combat rating)
 * bestwep (Best weapon)
 * tdd (Total death distance)
 * avgdd (Average death distance)
 * tkd (Total kill distance)
 * avgkd (Average kill distance)
 * score (Total score)
 * avgspk (Average score per kill)
 * avgspl (Average score per life)
 * mk (Most kill in one game)
 * bestscore (Best single game score)
 * pkills (Precision kills)
 * akills (Ability kills)
 * suicides (Total suicides)
 * lks (Longest killing spree)
 * lsl (Longest single life)
 * fusion (Fusion rifle kills)
 * auto (Auto rifle kills)
 * machinegun (Machinegun kills)
 * pulse (Pulse rifle kills)
 * rocket (Rocket launcher kills)
 * handcannon (Handcannon kills)
 * scout (Scout rifle kills)
 * shotgun (Shotgun kills)
 * sniper (Sniper rifle kills)
 * smg (SMG kills)
 * sidearm (Sidearm kills)
 * sword (Sword kills)
 * grenadelauncher (Grenade launcher kills)
 * grenade (Grenade kills)

The following medals can be checked:

Command codeMedal nameMedal description hurricaneHurricaneDefeat 3 opponents in
a single Arc Staff activation handfullofbulletsHandfull of BulletsDefeat 3
opponents in a single Golden Gun activation lethalinstinctLethal InstinctDefeat
an opponent within 2 seconds of activating Golden Gun lightningstormLighting
StormDefeat two or more opponents in a single Stormtrance activation
bloodforbloodBlood for BloodDefeat an opponent who just defeated an ally
iliveherenowI live her now Hold two or more zones for at least 1 minute
flagbearerFlag BearerComplete a Control match with the most combined Advantage
and Power Play kills gangsallhereGangs All HereWin a round with your entire team
alive thecycleThe CycleIn a single match, land at least one final blow with each
class of weapon (Kinetic, Energy, Power) and ability (Melee, Grenade, Super)
dodgethisDodge thisDefeat a Hunter attempting to dodge barricadebreakerBarricade
BreakerDefeat a Titan within 3 seconds of their deploying a Barricade
riftbreakerRift BreakerDefeat a Warlock while they are within their active Rift
notonmywatchNot on My WatchLand a final blow on an opponent who has damaged an
ally crushedthemCrushed ThemWin a match with a large margin of victory
fightmeFight Me!Deal the most total damage to opponents in a single match
timeandahalfTime and a HalfWin a match in overtime undefeatedUndefeatedComplete
a match in which you are never defeated by an opponent doubleplayDouble
PlayRapidly defeat 2 opposing Guardians tripleplayTriple PlayRapidly defeat 3
opposing Guardians lightsoutLights OutRapidly defeat 4 opposing Guardians
annihilationAnnihilationLand final blows on the entire enemy team before any of
them respawn bestservedcoldPaybackLand the final blow on the Guardian who last
defeated you quickstrikeQuickstrikeQuickly defeat an opponent with Arc Staff
within 3 seconds of activation unyieldingUnyieldingIn a single life, defeat 10
opposing Guardians ruthlessRuthlessIn a single life, defeat 5 opposing Guardians
weranoutofmedalsWe Ran Out of MedalsIn a single life, defeat 20 opposing
Guardians combinedfireCombined FireIn a single life, defeat 3 opposing Guardians
while assisting or assisted by your teammates shutdownShutdownShut down an
opponent's streak wreckingcrewWrecking CrewAs a team, defeat 7 opposing
Guardians without any of your team dying notsofastmyfriendNot So Fast My
FriendDefeat an opposing Guardian using your Super while their Super is active
mycrestismyownMy Crest Is My OwnComplete a match in which your crest is never
collected by an opponent safeandsecuredSafe and SecuredSecure three opposing
crests in a single life) survivorSurvivorWin a Survival round without being
defeated assaultspecialistAssualt SpecialistIn a single match, defeat 7
opponents with Auto Rifle final blows coldfusionCold FusionIn a single life,
defeat two opponents with a Fusion Rifle directhitDirect HitDefeat two opponents
with direct grenade hits without switching weapons or reloading hawkeyeHawkeyeIn
a single life, defeat two opponents with precision Hand Cannon final blows
lethalcadenceLethal CadenceIn a single match, defeat 7 opponents with Pulse
Rifle final blows splashdamageSplash DamageDefeat two or more opponents with a
single rocket fieldscoutField ScoutIn a single match, defeat 5 opponents at long
range with Scout Rifle final blows closeencountersClose EncountersDefeat two
opponents at close range with a Shotgun without switching weapons or reloading
submachinistSub MachinistIn a single life, defeat 2 opponents with Submachine
Gun final blows regentRegentDefeat two opponents with a sword without switching
weapons neverindoubtNever In DoubtDoubt Win a match in which your team never
trailed fromthejawsofdefeatFrom the Jaws of DefeatWin a match after having
trailed by a significant margin fallingstarFalling StarDefeat an opponent with
Brimstone while Daybreak is active defyinggravityDefying GravityIn a single
Daybreak activation, defeat two or more opponents without touching the ground
singularitySingularityDefeat an opponent with a Nova Bomb Vortex
fromdowntownFrom DowntownDefeat two or more opponents with a Nova Bomb that was
in the air for at least 5 seconds thunderstruckThunderstruckDefeat an opponent
with Landfall while casting Stormtrance lightningstrikeLightning StrikeDefeat an
opponent within 3 seconds of activating Arc Staff entangledEntangledDefeat a
tethered opponent within 5 seconds of casting Shadowshot longbowLongbowDefeat an
opponent with Shadowshot at a distance greater than 30 meters
perfectguardPerfect GuardBlock fatal damage within 2 seconds of activating Ward
of Dawn flyingfortressFlying FortressDefeat an opponent with a Shield Rush
within 3 seconds of defeating an opponent with a Sentinel Shield melee
absoluteforceAbsolute ForceDefeat two or more opponents in a single Fists of
Havoc slam strikerspecialStriker SpecialIn a single activation, defeat two
opponents with Shoulder Charge, then a third with Fists of Havoc
pitchperfectPitch PerfectDefeat an opponent with Hammer of Sol at a distance
greater than 30 meters everythinglookslikeanailEverything Looks Like a
NailDefeat three opponents within a single Hammer of Sol activation
counterattackCounter AttackDefeat an opponent within 5 seconds of them setting a
charge pyrotechnicsPyrotechnicsSet a charge that successfully detonates
bombswhatbombsBombs? What Bombs?Defuse multiple charges in a single match
laststandLast StandDefuse the charge as the last Guardian standing
perfectgamePerfect GameWin a Countdown match in which your opponent never scores
and never sets a charge lonegunLone GunWin a round as the last surviving
Guardian on your team minutetowinitMinute to Win ItAs a team, win a round of
Survival within 1 minute undertakerUndertakerLand all knockout blows on the
opposing team in a single round accordingtoplanAccording to PlanWin a Survival
round despite being scoreless on Match Point untouchableUntouchableWin a
Survival match where no one on your team is defeated across all rounds
reclaimerReclaimerRecapture a zone within 15 seconds of it being captured by
your opponents dominantadvantageDominant AdvantageScore 5 advantage or Power
Play kills before the opponent recaptures a zone poweroverwhelmingPower
OverwhelmingAs a team, defeat all 4 opposing Guardians at least once during a
single Power Play firstsecureFirst SecureSecure the first crest in a match
steadfastallySteadfast AllyRecover three allied crests in a single life
crestfallenCrestfallenIn a single life, create 5 consecutive crests that are
secured by your teammates acrownofcrestsA Crown of CrestsComplete a Supremacy
match with the most crests created and a 100% secure rate lightemupLight 'Em
UpCast the first super of the match fireintheholeFire in the Hole!In a single
life, land 5 grenade final blows punchandpiePunch and PieIn a single life, land
3 melee final blows superstarSuperstarIn a single life, cast 3 supers
byourpowerscombinedBy Our Powers CombinedAs a team, rapidly cast all 4 of your
supers totalmayhemTotal MayhemAs a team, land 10 super final blows without
anyone on your team being defeated polyarmoryPolyarmoryIn a single round, both
you and your partner must land one final blow each with Kinetic, Energy, and
Power weapons thirdwheelThird WheelRapidly defeat both your opponents while your
partner is down brokenupBroken UpAs a pair, defeat both your opponents within 3
seconds while they are separated from each other heartbreakerHeartbreakerWin a
Crimson Days match in sudden death bestinclassBest in ClassIn a single life,
defeat at least one Hunter, one Titan, and one Warlock assassinAssassinIn a
single life, land 3 unassisted final blows without taking any damage in between
pickpocketPickpocketIn a single life, steal 5 final blows from your opponents
podiumfinishPodium FinishFinish in the top 3 in a Rumble match roundrobinRound
RobinIn a single life, defeat each opposing player at least once
thesumofalltearsThe Sum of All TearsWin a Rumble match with a score greater than
the sum of all opponents' scores slayerSlayerRapidly defeat 5 opposing Guardians
reaperReaperRapidly defeat 6 opposing Guardians seventhcolumnSeventh
ColumnRapidly defeat 7 opposing Guardians localmaximaLocal MaximaDefeat the most
opponents in a single round denialofserviceDenial of ServiceAs a team, collect 3
consecutive ammo crates in a single round clawingbackClawing BackWithin a round,
retake the lead after trailing by 5 points whenthedustclearsWhen the Dust
ClearsWin a Final Showdown in which your entire team survives
werenotdoneyetWe're Not Done YetForce a Final Showdown round after trailing 0–2
invincibleInvincibleWin a match in which no one on your team is defeated
totalmedalsTotal medalsTotal medals


Account linking is available for Nightbot users. Tired of typing your
gamertag/platform for each command? Use !destiny setplayer username platform to
link your Twitch/Youtube/Discord account to your Destiny account. After linking
your account you can use all !destiny commands without having to type your
username/platform, for example: !destiny primary.



!commands add !destiny $(urlfetch$(querystring)&default_console=xbox)

Optional: the default_console parameter can be changed to either pc, xbox or ps.
This is the main console which will be chosen if no console is provided.


!addcmd !destiny

Required: Change CHANNEL_NAME_HERE to your actual channel name.

Optional: the default_console parameter can be changed to either pc, xbox or ps.
This is the main console which will be chosen if no console is provided.


!addcommand !destiny

Optional: the default_console parameter can be changed to either pc, xbox or ps.
This is the main console which will be chosen if no console is provided.


!addcom !destiny (customapi

Optional: the default_console parameter can be changed to either pc, xbox or ps.
This is the main console which will be chosen if no console is provided.


Charlemagne is a fast Discord bot that provides detailed access to Destiny
information. Besides that Charlemagne also responds to all your !destiny
commands. More information about Charlemagne at:

To install Charlemagne to your Discord go to and click "add
Charlemagne to your server". The following page will pop up:

Select your own, or a server you manage and hit Authorize.

That's it, you can close the confirmation page and jump in Discord to play
around with Charlemagne.


!command add !destiny
$(1:))&bot=streamelements&user=$(queryencode ${user})&channel=$(queryencode

Optional: the default_console parameter can be changed to either pc, xbox or ps.
This is the main console which will be chosen if no console is provided.


Easiest way is to download the command from the MixItUpApp store:
 1. New command
 2. Download from Store
 3. Search "Destiny Stats"
 4. Select "Destiny Stats"
 5. Click download
 6. Insert a command name & chat trigger
 7. Click Save

If that doesn't work, you can create the command manually:
 1. New command
 2. Advanced command
 3. Insert a command name & chat trigger
 4. Select "Action" → Web Request → click +
 5. Insert "Web Request URL":$allargs&bot=mixitup&user=$username&channel=$streamerusername&default_console=xbox
 6. Select "Action To Perform With Response": Chat
 7. Insert "Chat message": $webrequestresult
 8. Click Save

Optional: the default_console parameter can be changed to either pc, xbox or ps.
This is the main console which will be chosen if no console is provided.


Tweet @DestinyCommand to request install info for a different bot.


Need help? Please contact us at Twitter @DestinyCommand.


Like the project? Support us here.