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Submission: On June 04 via manual from PH — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

POST /houstonmethodist/Home

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                    <h3><strong>HR Weekly</strong></h3>
                    <dl class="hr-weekly">
                      <dt>May 22, 2024</dt>
                        <a href=";portalid=78" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" target="_blank">Assistance for Employees with Storm Damage/HM Ranks  No. 14 on Glassdoor List of Best-Led Companies</a>
                    <dl class="hr-weekly">
                      <dt>May 15, 2024</dt>
                        <a href=";portalid=78" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" target="_blank">Staff FPR In-Services Available Next Week/Registration Open for YMCA Summer Camp</a>
                    <dl class="hr-weekly">
                      <dt>May 8, 2024</dt>
                        <a href=";portalid=78" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" target="_blank">Wear Green Next Wednesday for Mental Health Awareness/Hospital Week is Next Week</a>
                    <dl class="hr-weekly">
                      <dt>May 1, 2024</dt>
                        <a href=";portalid=78" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" target="_blank">How Much is Your Patient Satisfaction Bonus?/May is Mental Health Awareness Month</a>
                    <p><a href="/houstonmethodist/Home/HR-Weekly-Archive">View archive &gt;&gt;</a>
                    <p style="text-align: left;" rel="text-align: left;"><span style="font-size:larger;"><strong><a class="button" href="/houstonmethodist/Home/Taking-Care-of-You-Archive" role="button">Taking Care of You Archive</a></strong></span>
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                    <h3><strong>HR Important Dates</strong></h3>
                    <dl class="key-dates">
                      <dt><span>May 1</span></dt>
                      <dd>Mental Health Awareness Month begins</dd>
                    <dl class="key-dates">
                      <dt><span>May 3</span></dt>
                      <dd>MOMs of Methodist ERG conference</dd>
                    <dl class="key-dates">
                      <dt><span>May 4</span></dt>
                      <dd>Election Day</dd>
                    <dl class="key-dates">
                      <dt><span>May 6-12</span></dt>
                      <dd>National Nurses Week</dd>
                    <dl class="key-dates">
                      <dt><span>May 12-18</span></dt>
                      <dd>National Hospital Week</dd>
                    <dl class="key-dates">
                      <dt><span>May 14</span></dt>
                      <dd>Patient satisfaction bonus payout</dd>
                    <dl class="key-dates">
                      <dt><span>May 23</span></dt>
                      <dd>100% PTO Sell payout if elected in 2024 Open Enrollment</dd>
                    <dl class="key-dates">
                      <dt><span>May 27</span></dt>
                      <dd>Memorial Day holiday</dd>
                    <dl class="key-dates">
                      <dt><span>May 28</span></dt>
                      <dd>Performance documents available for self-evaluation for staff FPR</dd>
                    <dl class="key-dates">
                      <dt><span>May 31</span></dt>
                      <dd>Deadline to submit eligible 2023 FSA expenses</dd>
                    <dl class="key-dates">
                      <dt><span>June 1</span></dt>
                      <dd>Atlantic hurricane season begins</dd>
                    <p><a href="/houstonmethodist/Home/HR-Important-Dates">See more dates</a>&nbsp; </p>
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                              <h2>It's never too early to plan for retirement</h2>
                              <p>We have resources if you need a
                                <a href="/houstonmethodist/Home/Pay-Incentives-Savings/Savings-Retirement/Financial-Wellbeing" style="color:white" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow"><u>plan for today</u></a> or are getting
                                <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" style="color:white" target="_blank"><u>ready to retire</u></a>. </p>
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Text Content


See how HealthyDirections+ works


May 22, 2024 Assistance for Employees with Storm Damage/HM Ranks No. 14 on
Glassdoor List of Best-Led Companies May 15, 2024 Staff FPR In-Services
Available Next Week/Registration Open for YMCA Summer Camp May 8, 2024 Wear
Green Next Wednesday for Mental Health Awareness/Hospital Week is Next Week May
1, 2024 How Much is Your Patient Satisfaction Bonus?/May is Mental Health
Awareness Month

View archive >>

Taking Care of You Archive


May 1 Mental Health Awareness Month begins May 3 MOMs of Methodist ERG
conference May 4 Election Day May 6-12 National Nurses Week May 12-18 National
Hospital Week May 14 Patient satisfaction bonus payout May 23 100% PTO Sell
payout if elected in 2024 Open Enrollment May 27 Memorial Day holiday May 28
Performance documents available for self-evaluation for staff FPR May 31
Deadline to submit eligible 2023 FSA expenses June 1 Atlantic hurricane season

See more dates 


We have resources if you need a plan for today or are getting ready to retire.



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