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June 12, 2023June 2, 2023 Leave a reply

We had the good fortune of connecting with Jessica Goodwin and we’ve shared our
conversation below.

Hi Jessica, what habits do you feel helped you succeed?
I think success is about discipline, perseverance, and positive reenforcement. I
really do believe that what we focus on grows. It takes a lot of hard work to
develop a craft, and I’ve learned over the years that it’s not just about
preparing for the gigs I have, but it’s what I do in the interim time that
matter just as much. It’s in developing discipline that I have seen the most
growth- practicing for hours in times when I have “nothing to practice for”,
taking care of my mental and physical health; or making sacrifices because I
have a deadline coming up and I need to learn music. That can mean losing sleep,
not spending time with friends or loved ones because I have work to do to get
and be prepared once I am on a gig.

Perseverance because a lot of being a musician is rejection. Not getting the
call back, not landing the gig, and feeling like a failure. I have had moments
where I have let these things get the best of me- where I’ve wanted to quit or
give up. Now I know that it’s just a part of the job, and how you push through
those moments really matters. For all of those no’s, there are yes’s. You can’t
lose sight of that ever!

Positive reenforcement is so important as well. Whether that is talking to other
musicians who understand and provide you with mutual support, friends that tell
you to “just keep going!”, or loved ones that just have your back- especially on
those days when your brain says “I can’t do this!”. I believe we all need people
who are in our corner.

I think it’s also important to ask yourself what success looks like. It’s so
subjective. Defining this for yourself, or even getting clear about what success
is or isn’t to you can help you to aim yourself in the right direction and give
you a goal to work towards.

Don’t forget to celebrate when you do have successes big or small- stay humble
and grateful and good things will come your way!

Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
Over the years, I have built a reputation for myself of being a solid player,
someone who is reliable, as well as a person with a positive attitude. My
passion is live performance, and I am really big on the performance aspect. I
love to have fun and go crazy on stage, and I think that makes for a great show!
I get a lot of feedback from audience members at gigs, and they always say “Wow!
I can tell you love what you do!”, and it’s genuine! I think there is a lot to
be said for your attitude in my industry. Things as small as showing up on time,
or not losing your cool under pressure are really important.

I moved to LA at 21 years old with $60 in my pocket and no job. I’ve worked hard
for everything I have and everything I’ve done. Over the years, I’ve gained
experience by playing with tons of different people and developing my knowledge
and skills through being on tours/gigs/shoots, etc. You learn how to work
through any problem you can imagine on stage because you’ve gone through it!
I’ve been on stage and had the drums fall off of the drum riser, played through
a set while bleeding, played a long set when I’ve been sick as a dog, played
while injured and barely able to walk… I’ve grown as a professional on a gig,
learned how to ask for what I need, how to prepare myself mentally and
physically, how to travel for months at a time and keep my head in the game. And
maybe most importantly, I’ve learned that rejection is a part of the process as
much as success is.

Currently, I’m on my third national tour with the band Dreamers. Over the years,
I’ve toured in eight different countries, performed on the Ellen Degeneres show,
played drums in a nation TV commercial, performed in countless music videos, and
have gotten to play for thousands and thousands of people. I am most proud of
myself for never giving up and continuing to follow my dreams.

It wasn’t easy. I’ve struggled with so much self doubt over the years, and it’s
held me back a lot. I’ve had moments of success only to see everything come
crashing down; fallen into a depression and not played my instrument for long
periods of time. Being a musician can be very isolating and lonely at times. I
spend a lot of time alone in a practice room. Being an independent musician, it
can be stressful not knowing when the next gig is coming up. I always remind
myself though that my life could change in just one phone call.

I’ve also learned that musicians basically all have similar struggles at any
level of success. We all have moments of self doubt or feelings that we aren’t
good enough. The more I’ve spoken openly about the struggles, the more I’ve
realized that we all have similar challenges. There’s something comforting about
knowing that. I’ve learned to persevere through all of the challenges you can

I want the world to know that it’s never too late to do what you love. It’s
never too late to follow your dreams. It takes a lot of blood sweat and tears
and banging your head up against the wall, but if you give 100% of your heart
and soul to something, I believe the universe will respond. You are what you
focus on. I certainly have a lot more to learn and a lot more goals I want to
accomplish as a musician, but I try to keep a healthy perspective and I am
grateful for every step of the way. When I was a child in school and my teachers
or counselors asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, my answer was always
that I wanted to be a rock star. Although I don’t consider myself a rock star, I
think my childhood self would, and for that, I’m proud!

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are
in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love
and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your
shoutout to?
Shoutout to all of the folks who have support me and encouraged me along the
way! And especially my parents for putting up with me playing a loud drum set in
the house growing up!

Website: Link.tree/Jessthedrummer

Instagram: JessTheDrummer



Image Credits
Dieter Unrath, George Ortiz

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutLA is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the
community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know
deserves recognition please let us know here.
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