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Submitted URL: http://www.eversheds-sutherland.com/
Effective URL: https://www.eversheds-sutherland.com/de/global
Submission: On December 14 via manual from IN — Scanned from DE
Effective URL: https://www.eversheds-sutherland.com/de/global
Submission: On December 14 via manual from IN — Scanned from DE
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COP28 – UPDATES FROM OUR ESG LAWYERS The global climate change summit, COP28, is taking place in Dubai, UAE from November 30 to December 12, 2023. Our ESG legal team provide daily updates from the conference, covering a broad range of topics including finance, trade, energy, education and urbanization. AT EVERSHEDS SUTHERLAND WE PUT OUR COMMITMENT TO RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS AT THE HEART OF EVERYTHING WE DO. 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Insights Weitere publikationen News Eversheds Sutherland berät Ardonagh beim Erwerb von Assepro News Michael Röhsner ist neuer Partner bei Eversheds Sutherland News News Weitere news Events und Trainings January 23, 2024 1pm - 4pm Vereinigtes Königreich Events und Trainings January 30, 2024 2pm-5pm Belgien Events und Trainings January 31, 2024 2pm - 5pm Frankreich Events und Trainings February 06, 2024 Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Weitere events und trainings GET THE LEGAL SUPPORT YOUR BUSINESS NEEDS It’s not just about legal advice. Our lawyers are commercially savvy and steeped in the sectors in which they operate, ensuring we give you cutting edge advice tailored to the needs of your business. Find a lawyer in your area today. 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Eversheds Sutherland bemüht sich mit größtmöglicher Sorgfalt, dass die Materialien, Informationen und Unterlagen, insbesondere, jedoch nicht abschließend, Artikel, Newsletter, Berichte und Blogs („Materialien“) auf der Eversheds Sutherland-Website zutreffend und vollständig sind. Die Materialien werden jedoch ausschließlich zu allgemeinen Informationszwecken und nicht zum Zwecke einer Rechtsberatung zur Verfügung gestellt, und spiegeln nicht unbedingt die aktuelle Gesetzeslage oder aktuelle Richtlinien wider. Die Materialien sind nicht als eine Rechtsberatung zu etwaigen Angelegenheiten auszulegen. Die Materialien bilden gegebenenfalls nicht die aktuellen rechtlichen Entwicklungen ab. Der Inhalt und die Auslegung der Materialien sowie die in den Materialien angesprochenen Gesetze unterliegen weiteren Prüfungen. In Bezug auf die Korrektheit oder Vollständigkeit der Materialien und somit in Bezug auf die Materialien wird keine ausdrückliche oder implizite Gewährleistung oder Garantie gegeben und auf diese sollte somit nicht vertraut werden. Eversheds Sutherland übernimmt im gesetzlich zulässigen Rahmen keinerlei Haftung im Hinblick auf Handlungen und Unterlassungen auf Basis von Inhalt(en) der Materialien. Die Materialien erheben keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit und beabsichtigen nicht die Darstellung einer Beratung, auf die Sie sich verlassen können. Für konkrete rechtliche Angelegenheiten sollte stets eine qualifizierte (Rechts-) Anwältin oder ein qualifizierter (Rechts-) Anwalt zu Rate gezogen werden. Sämtliche in den Materialien ausgedrückten Ansichten spiegeln die Ansichten der jeweiligen Autorin oder des jeweiligen Autors und nicht unbedingt auch die Ansichten von Eversheds Sutherland oder einer sonstigen (Rechts-) Anwältin oder eines sonstigen (Rechts-) Anwalts wider. Abschicken CloseSchließen We place cookies on your device to enable this site to work, to enhance your user experience and to improve our services. Some cookies we use are necessary for the site to work, while others are used to help us manage and improve the site and the services we offer you. If you’re happy to opt-in to our use of cookies just click the "Accept all cookies" button. Necessary cookies onlyAccept all cookies Review our use of cookies and set your preferences Strictly necessary These cookies are important to the underlying operational and functionality of the website. Detailed description of cookies categorised as: Strictly necessary. CookieExpiryDomainCompanyPurposeCookiead_session_id (x 3)ExpiryDomainjs.buto.tvCompanyPurposeUnder review This cookie is currently under review and its purpose is being assigned. Once complete, this description will be updated accordingly. This cookie is currently under review and its purpose is being assigned. Once complete, this description will be updated accordingly.Cookiead_session_idExpiry30 minutesDomainwatch.eversheds-sutherland.comCompanyPurposeUnder review This cookie is currently under review and its purpose is being assigned. Once complete, this description will be updated accordingly. This cookie is currently under review and its purpose is being assigned. Once complete, this description will be updated accordingly.CookieARPT_SERVICESExpiryDomainsecure.viewer.zmags.comCompanyPurposeUnder review This cookie is currently under review and its purpose is being assigned. Once complete, this description will be updated accordingly. This cookie is currently under review and its purpose is being assigned. Once complete, this description will be updated accordingly.CookiewscrCookieConsentExpiry1 yearDomainwww.eversheds-sutherland.comCompanyDigital Control Room LtdPurposeYour visit Stores your cookie consent session for our site. It contains no information other than whether you have opted in or out for each cookie level. * Digital Control Room Ltd - Privacy Policy (Digital Control Room Ltd) Stores your cookie consent session for our site. It contains no information other than whether you have opted in or out for each cookie level. * Digital Control Room Ltd - Privacy Policy (Digital Control Room Ltd) CookieOptanonConsentExpiry1 yearDomainwww.eversheds-sutherland.comCompanyOneTrust, LLC.PurposeYour visit Stores the categories of cookies the site visitor agrees to. * OneTrust, LLC. - Privacy Policy (OneTrust, LLC.) Stores the categories of cookies the site visitor agrees to. * OneTrust, LLC. - Privacy Policy (OneTrust, LLC.) Cookieeversheds-sutherland.vuture.net_VxSessionIdExpirySessionDomaineversheds-sutherland.vuture.netCompanyVuture by MarigoldPurposeAuthorisation This cookie is not used by the Vuture front-end. It is only used where a back-end user is logged in and accessing a front-end page e.g. for our secure pages functionality. It serves no purpose for a normal recipient who does not have a back-end login. * Vuture by Marigold - Privacy Policy (Vuture by Marigold) This cookie is not used by the Vuture front-end. It is only used where a back-end user is logged in and accessing a front-end page e.g. for our secure pages functionality. It serves no purpose for a normal recipient who does not have a back-end login. * Vuture by Marigold - Privacy Policy (Vuture by Marigold) CookieintEmailHistoryId (x 2)Expiry1 yearDomaines.vuturevx.comCompanyVuture by MarigoldPurposeAuthorisation Connects your e-marketing journey with your website journey. This is used by the Vuture platform to uniquely identify you if you click onto an Eversheds Sutherland web page from an email marketing communication from Eversheds Sutherland. The cookie records the pages you visit on the Eversheds Sutherland website and time spent on the page. * Vuture by Marigold - Privacy Policy (Vuture by Marigold) Connects your e-marketing journey with your website journey. This is used by the Vuture platform to uniquely identify you if you click onto an Eversheds Sutherland web page from an email marketing communication from Eversheds Sutherland. The cookie records the pages you visit on the Eversheds Sutherland website and time spent on the page. * Vuture by Marigold - Privacy Policy (Vuture by Marigold) CookieAWSALBExpiry1 hourDomain10542.global.siteimproveanalytics.ioCompanyAmazon Web Services, Amazon.com, Inc.PurposeYour visit Used by Elastic Load Balancing from Amazon Web Services to effectively balance load on the servers. * Amazon Web Services - Privacy Policy (Amazon Web Services) * Amazon.com, Inc. - Privacy Policy (Amazon.com, Inc.) Used by Elastic Load Balancing from Amazon Web Services to effectively balance load on the servers. * Amazon Web Services - Privacy Policy (Amazon Web Services) * Amazon.com, Inc. - Privacy Policy (Amazon.com, Inc.) CookieAWSALBCORSExpiry1 weekDomain10542.global.siteimproveanalytics.ioCompanyAmazon Web Services, Amazon.com, Inc.PurposeYour visit Used by Elastic Load Balancing from Amazon Web Services to effectively balance load on the servers. * Amazon Web Services - Privacy Policy (Amazon Web Services) * Amazon.com, Inc. - Privacy Policy (Amazon.com, Inc.) Used by Elastic Load Balancing from Amazon Web Services to effectively balance load on the servers. * Amazon Web Services - Privacy Policy (Amazon Web Services) * Amazon.com, Inc. - Privacy Policy (Amazon.com, Inc.) CookieASPSESSIONID* (x 2)ExpirySessionDomainemail.es-notifications.comCompanyASP.NET, Microsoft CorporationPurposeYour visit Stores session data during a website visit, issued by Microsoft's ASP.NET Application, a framework for building websites. * Microsoft Corporation - Privacy Policy (Microsoft Corporation) Stores session data during a website visit, issued by Microsoft's ASP.NET Application, a framework for building websites. * Microsoft Corporation - Privacy Policy (Microsoft Corporation) CookieJSESSIONID (x 2)ExpirySessionDomaineversheds.assetbank-server.comCompanyEIS, Microsoft CorporationPurposeYour visit Stores session data during a website visit, issued by Jetty Web Server. * Microsoft Corporation - Privacy Policy (Microsoft Corporation) Stores session data during a website visit, issued by Jetty Web Server. * Microsoft Corporation - Privacy Policy (Microsoft Corporation) Site experience Consent for: Site experience These cookies are used to support your experience on the site and include user-selected options, site navigation aids, etc. Detailed description of cookies categorised as: Site experience. CookieExpiryDomainCompanyPurposeCookieARRAffinityExpirySessionDomaincms.chambers.comCompanyMicrosoft CorporationPurposeNavigation Used by the Windows Azure platform to effectively balance load on the servers. * Microsoft Corporation - Privacy Policy (Microsoft Corporation) Used by the Windows Azure platform to effectively balance load on the servers. * Microsoft Corporation - Privacy Policy (Microsoft Corporation) CookieARRAffinitySameSiteExpirySessionDomaincms.chambers.comCompanyMicrosoft CorporationPurposeNavigation Used by the Windows Azure platform to effectively balance load on the servers. * Microsoft Corporation - Privacy Policy (Microsoft Corporation) Used by the Windows Azure platform to effectively balance load on the servers. * Microsoft Corporation - Privacy Policy (Microsoft Corporation) Cookiees.vuturevx.com_VxSessionIdExpirySessionDomaines.vuturevx.comCompanyVuture By MarigoldPurposeNavigation Tracks your website journey. * Vuture By Marigold - Privacy Policy (Vuture By Marigold) Tracks your website journey. * Vuture By Marigold - Privacy Policy (Vuture By Marigold) Performance and operation Consent for: Performance and operation These cookies are used in the management of the site and include customer surveys, recording visitor numbers and other web analytics. Detailed description of cookies categorised as: Performance and operation. CookieExpiryDomainCompanyPurposeCookienmstatExpiry1000 daysDomaineversheds-sutherland.comCompanySiteimprovePurposeAnalytics This cookie is used to register whether or not you are a returning user. * Siteimprove - Privacy Policy (Siteimprove) This cookie is used to register whether or not you are a returning user. * Siteimprove - Privacy Policy (Siteimprove) CookieARPT_STATSExpirySessionDomainsecure.stats.zmags.comCompanyZmags Inc.PurposePerformance / Networking Used by the load balancer for traffic between servers. * Zmags Inc. - Privacy Policy (Zmags Inc.) Used by the load balancer for traffic between servers. * Zmags Inc. - Privacy Policy (Zmags Inc.) Cookiesession_referer (x 2)ExpirySessionDomainwatch.eversheds-sutherland.comCompany23 Video, 23 Visual ApsPurposeAnalytics Used by the 23 Video platform to collect statistics on videos that have been served. * 23 Visual Aps - Privacy Policy (23 Visual Aps) Used by the 23 Video platform to collect statistics on videos that have been served. * 23 Visual Aps - Privacy Policy (23 Visual Aps) Cookieuuid (x 2)Expiry3 monthsDomainwatch.eversheds-sutherland.comCompany23 Video, 23 Visual ApsPurposeAnalytics Stores a unique identifier for current visitor, used for authentication to for example webinars and gated videos. When a workspace has Analytics cookies enabled, this cookie is remembered across sessions and used to build usage information across visits.” * 23 Visual Aps - Privacy Policy (23 Visual Aps) Stores a unique identifier for current visitor, used for authentication to for example webinars and gated videos. When a workspace has Analytics cookies enabled, this cookie is remembered across sessions and used to build usage information across visits.” * 23 Visual Aps - Privacy Policy (23 Visual Aps) Cookie_gaExpiry2 yearsDomaineversheds-sutherland.comCompanyGoogle Analytics, Google LLCPurposeAnalytics A unique identifier given to each browser to track user interactions with the website. * Google LLC - Privacy Policy (Google LLC) A unique identifier given to each browser to track user interactions with the website. * Google LLC - Privacy Policy (Google LLC) Cookie_gidExpiry1 dayDomaineversheds-sutherland.comCompanyGoogle Analytics, Google LLCPurposeAnalytics A unique identifier given to each browser to track user interactions with the website. * Google LLC - Privacy Policy (Google LLC) A unique identifier given to each browser to track user interactions with the website. * Google LLC - Privacy Policy (Google LLC) Marketing, personalization and advertising Consent for: Marketing, personalization and advertising These cookies are used to gather information about your browsing across our websites. They can be used to build a profile of search and browsing history for every visitor so that we might deliver personalised content. Detailed description of cookies categorised as: Marketing, personalization and advertising. CookieExpiryDomainCompanyPurposeCookieAnalyticsSyncHistoryExpiry30 daysDomainlinkedin.comCompanyLinkedIn CorporationPurposeSocial networking Used to store information about the time a sync with the lms_analytics cookie took place for users in the Designated Countries * LinkedIn Corporation - Privacy Policy (LinkedIn Corporation) Used to store information about the time a sync with the lms_analytics cookie took place for users in the Designated Countries * LinkedIn Corporation - Privacy Policy (LinkedIn Corporation) CookiebcookieExpiry2 yearsDomainlinkedin.comCompanyLinkedIn CorporationPurposeSocial networking Browser Identifier cookie to uniquely identify devices accessing LinkedIn to detect abuse on the platform * LinkedIn Corporation - Privacy Policy (LinkedIn Corporation) Browser Identifier cookie to uniquely identify devices accessing LinkedIn to detect abuse on the platform * LinkedIn Corporation - Privacy Policy (LinkedIn Corporation) CookiebscookieExpiry2 yearsDomainwww.linkedin.comCompanyLinkedIn CorporationPurposeSocial networking Used for saving the state of 2FA of a logged in user * LinkedIn Corporation - Privacy Policy (LinkedIn Corporation) Used for saving the state of 2FA of a logged in user * LinkedIn Corporation - Privacy Policy (LinkedIn Corporation) CookielidcExpiry1 dayDomainlinkedin.comCompanyLinkedIn CorporationPurposeSocial networking Set by social networking platform LinkedIn Corporation when you load web pages that include a panel inviting you to Follow us. * LinkedIn Corporation - Privacy Policy (LinkedIn Corporation) Set by social networking platform LinkedIn Corporation when you load web pages that include a panel inviting you to Follow us. * LinkedIn Corporation - Privacy Policy (LinkedIn Corporation) Cookieli_gcExpiry2 yearsDomainlinkedin.comCompanyLinkedIn CorporationPurposeSocial networking Used to store consent of guests regarding the use of cookies for non-essential purposes * LinkedIn Corporation - Privacy Policy (LinkedIn Corporation) Used to store consent of guests regarding the use of cookies for non-essential purposes * LinkedIn Corporation - Privacy Policy (LinkedIn Corporation) Cookieli_sugrExpiry90 daysDomainlinkedin.comCompanyLinkedIn CorporationPurposeSocial networking Used to make a probabilistic match of a user's identity outside the Designated Countries * LinkedIn Corporation - Privacy Policy (LinkedIn Corporation) Used to make a probabilistic match of a user's identity outside the Designated Countries * LinkedIn Corporation - Privacy Policy (LinkedIn Corporation) CookieUserMatchHistoryExpiry1 monthDomainlinkedin.comCompanyLinkedIn CorporationPurposeSocial networking LinkedIn Ads ID syncing * LinkedIn Corporation - Privacy Policy (LinkedIn Corporation) LinkedIn Ads ID syncing * LinkedIn Corporation - Privacy Policy (LinkedIn Corporation) CookielididExpiry2 yearsDomainliadm.comCompanyLiveIntent, Inc.PurposeAdvertising A people-based marketing technology platform. * LiveIntent, Inc. - Privacy Policy (LiveIntent, Inc.) A people-based marketing technology platform. * LiveIntent, Inc. - Privacy Policy (LiveIntent, Inc.) Marketing, targeted advertising Consent for: Marketing, targeted advertising These cookies are used to track browsing habits and activity. We use this information to enable us to show you relevant/personalised marketing content. Using these types of cookies, we may collect personally identifiable information and use this to display targeted advertising and/or share this data with third parties for the same purpose. Any activity tracked and recorded using these cookies maybe shared to third parties. We do not use any cookies in this category. Manage your cookies What are cookies, how are they used and how are they managed? Cookies are small text files that contain letters and numbers and are placed on your computer or device. Cookies are set when you visit a website that uses cookies and may be used to keep track of pages visited within the site, help you continue where you left off or remember your preferences, such as language settings. Cookies are very important to help us make online services easier to use, to monitor the use of our site and to help us improve the service to you. To make it easier for you to understand the way a website uses cookies, we have grouped them into easy to understand categories. The category to which a cookie belongs can be seen in the Cookie Panel. The information in the Cookie Panel is provided to you in an open and transparent way, so that you can see how cookies are used to enrich your visitor experience and make an informed choice to allow their usage. However, if you wish to control and remove cookies, this can be done via settings in your web browser. Please be aware that restricting cookies may impact the functionality of a website. Many of the interactive functions offered by websites are dependent on cookies and disabling or blocking cookies can prevent these services from working or reduce their usefulness. Different web browsers may use different methods for managing cookies. Please follow the instructions below, from the web browser manufacturers directly, to configure your browser settings*. * Microsoft Edge * Google Chrome * Apple Safari * Mozilla Firefox * These links are to third party sites, over which we have no control – no liability can be claimed if they are inaccurate. Last updated 2023-10-20Powered by Digital Control Room