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                          <h1 aria-hidden="true" role="document" aria-label="To make this website accessible to screen reader, Press combination of alt and 1 keys. To stop getting this message, press the combination of alt and 2 keys"> Orthopedic
                            Care &amp; Treatments </h1>
                          <div class="float-center"><img style="border-radius: 15px;" src="/uploads/public/images/orthopedics/orthocare.jpg" alt="Mount Sinai South Nassau’s Center for Advanced Orthopedic Services"></div>
                          <h2 aria-hidden="true" role="document" aria-label="To make this website accessible to screen reader, Press combination of alt and 1 keys. To stop getting this message, press the combination of alt and 2 keys"> Mount Sinai
                            South Nassau Orthopedic Services</h2>
                          <p> At Mount Sinai South Nassau, the specialists bring the latest advances in orthopedic care of the bones, muscles, and joints. Our team is experienced in groundbreaking techniques and highly specialized orthopedic
                            treatments. Mount Sinai South Nassau has been named a Recipient of the Healthgrades Orthopedic Surgery Excellence Award for 9 Years in a Row (2015-2023). Named Among the Top 10% in the Nation for Overall Orthopedic
                            Services for 9 Years in a Row (2015-2023). <br>
                            <span style="font-weight: 500; font-size: 24px;"><span style="color: rgb(216, 11, 140);">Call
                                <a href="tel:8663267846" aria-label="To make this website accessible to screen reader, Press combination of alt and 1 keys. To stop getting this message, press the combination of alt and 2 keys">866-32-ORTHO</a> to
                                schedule an appointment.</span></span><br>
                          <p> And Mount Sinai South Nassau Orthopedics was one of the first of its kind in the Northeast to commit to surgeries using
                            <a href="/main/advantages-of-our-surgical-techniques.aspx" target="_self" aria-label="To make this website accessible to screen reader, Press combination of alt and 1 keys. To stop getting this message, press the combination of alt and 2 keys">“minimally invasive” techniques</a>,
                            which offer you great benefits over traditional surgery. And we work closely with experts in pain management and rehabilitation, so you can get back to the activities you want and need to do.<br>
                          <h2 aria-hidden="true" role="document" aria-label="To make this website accessible to screen reader, Press combination of alt and 1 keys. To stop getting this message, press the combination of alt and 2 keys">Experts in
                            Spine, Bone, Muscle and Joint Care<br>
                          <p>The expertise of the staff at Mount Sinai South Nassau includes:<br>
                            <li><span style="font-size: 14.5px;">Groundbreaking techniques for:</span></li>
                          <ul style="margin-left: 40px;" type="square">
                            <li><span style="font-size: 14.5px;">Repairing knee cartilage using the patient’s own cells (Carticel<sup>®</sup> therapy)<br>
                            <li><span style="font-size: 14.5px;">Transplants of the meniscus, part of a joint that cushions the ends of the bones<br>
                            <li><span style="font-size: 14.5px;">New cartilage studies for defects of the bone and cartilage (osteochondial defects)<br>
                            <li><span style="font-size: 14.5px;">The latest advances in hip replacement surgery<br>
                            <li><span style="font-size: 14.5px;">Hip arthroscopy, a highly advanced technique to closely examine the joint<br>
                            <li><span style="font-size: 14.5px;">Specialized expertise in adult reconstruction, and foot and ankle injuries<br>
                            <li><span style="font-size: 14.5px;">Expertise in pediatric orthopedics<br>
                            <li><span style="font-size: 14.5px;">Advanced treatment of the hand and upper extremities <br>
                            <li><span style="font-size: 14.5px;">For the knees: torn cartilage and anterior cruciate, posterior cruciate and medial collateral ligaments<br>
                            <li><span style="font-size: 14.5px;">Shoulder care, including instability, impingement, rotator cuff or labrum tears, and recurrent dislocations<br>
                                style="font-size: 14.5px;"></span><a href="/main/advantages-of-our-surgical-techniques.aspx" target="_self" aria-label="To make this website accessible to screen reader, Press combination of alt and 1 keys. To stop getting this message, press the combination of alt and 2 keys"><span style="font-size: 14.5px;">“</span></a><a href="/main/sports-medicine.aspx" target="_self" aria-label="To make this website accessible to screen reader, Press combination of alt and 1 keys. To stop getting this message, press the combination of alt and 2 keys"><span style="font-size: 14.5px;">Minimally invasive” surgery</span></a><span
                                style="font-size: 14.5px;"><span style="font-size: 14.5px;">, </span>using advanced techniques for quicker recovery</span><br>
                          <p>And we work closely with Mount Sinai South Nassau’s specialists in
                            <a href="/main/pain-management.aspx" target="_self" aria-label="To make this website accessible to screen reader, Press combination of alt and 1 keys. To stop getting this message, press the combination of alt and 2 keys">pain management</a>,
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                            your treatment and recovery.<br>
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                              src="/uploads/public/images/about us/awards/hg-ortho-surgery-excellence.png" style="width: 184px; height: 182px;" alt="Healthgrades Orthopedic Surgery Excellence Award "><img
                              src="/Uploads/Public/Images/About%20us/Awards/hg-orthopedic-surgery-award.png" style="" alt="Healthgrades Orthopedic Surgery Excellence Award"><img
                              src="/uploads/public/images/about us/Awards/hg-five-star-ortho-hip-fracture.png" style="width: 184px; height: 182px;" alt="Five-Star Recipient for Hip Fracture Treatment by Healthgrades"><img
                              src="/Uploads/Public/Images/Orthopedics/ortho-bone-sm.png" style="" alt="One the Bone Star Performer"><img src="/uploads/public/images/orthopedics/joint-commission.jpg" style="" alt="Joint Commission">
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                            About Our Orthopedic Care Services</h2>
                            <a href="/main/orthopedics.aspx" target="_self" aria-label="To make this website accessible to screen reader, Press combination of alt and 1 keys. To stop getting this message, press the combination of alt and 2 keys">Mount Sinai South Nassau Orthopedics</a><br>
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                            <a href="/sn/joint-replacement-class" aria-label="To make this website accessible to screen reader, Press combination of alt and 1 keys. To stop getting this message, press the combination of alt and 2 keys">Joint Replacement Class at Mount Sinai South Nassau</a><br>
                            <a href="/main/south-nassau-spine-center.aspx" aria-label="To make this website accessible to screen reader, Press combination of alt and 1 keys. To stop getting this message, press the combination of alt and 2 keys">Mount Sinai South Nassau Spine Care</a><br>
                            <a href="/sn/sports-medicine" aria-label="To make this website accessible to screen reader, Press combination of alt and 1 keys. To stop getting this message, press the combination of alt and 2 keys">Physical Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine at the SMART Center</a><br>
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                              Replacement &amp; Care</h4> For your hip, knee, shoulder, hands and arms, the experienced team of the... <p><a class="view-all" href="/main/Joint-Replacement.aspx" aria-label="Joint Replacement &amp; Care">Read More</a>
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                            <h4 aria-hidden="true" role="document" aria-label="To make this website accessible to screen reader, Press combination of alt and 1 keys. To stop getting this message, press the combination of alt and 2 keys">Our Surgical
                              Techniques</h4> The experts at Mount Sinai South Nassau's Center for Advanced Orthopedics,... <p>
                              <a class="view-all" href="/main/Advantages-of-Our-Surgical-Techniques.aspx" aria-label="Our Surgical Techniques">Read More</a></p>
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                            <img src="/Uploads/Public/Images/Orthopedics/spinecenter.jpg" alt="The Spine Center at South Nassau" event="OnDataBinding">
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                              Mount Sinai South Nassau</h4> At Mount Sinai South Nassau’s Spine Care, our board-certified, fellowship-trained orthopedists... <p>
                              <a class="view-all" href="/main/south-nassau-spine-center.aspx" aria-label="Spine Care at Mount Sinai South Nassau">Read More</a></p>
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     * Advanced Cancer Care Treatment
     * Your Team of Cancer Specialists
     * Gertrude & Louis Feil Cancer Center
     * Breast Cancer Care
       * Angela's Story
       * Susan's Story
     * Brain Cancer
     * Colorectal Cancer
     * Gynecological Cancer
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       * Lung Cancer Screening Program
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       * Amazing Stories - Heidi F.
       * Amazing Stories - Janine G.
     * Clinical & Noninvasive Cardiology Care
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       * Amazing Stories - Charles B.
     * Cardiac Rehabilitation Program
       * Amazing Stories - Bill R.
       * Amazing Stories - Mark B.
     * Heart Failure Program
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     * Accreditations & Certifications
     * Mount Sinai South Nassau’s Cardiologists and Interventional Specialists
     * Jayne's Story
     * Beverly's Story
   * Center for Digestive Health
     * Interventional Gastroenterology (GI)
     * Liver and Bile Duct Surgery Program
     * Pancreatic Surgery Program
   * Center for Prostate Health
     * Prostate Cancer Overview
     * Prostate Cancer Symptoms, Tests & Diagnosis
     * Prostate Cancer Treatments
     * Prostate Cancer Support
     * Jimmie's Story
   * Center for Sleep Wellness
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   * Chiari EDS
     * Chiari EDS Program Team
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     * What is Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes (EDS)?
     * How are Chiari and EDS Related?
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   * Computer-Assisted Surgery
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     * Meet Our Team
   * Dialysis
   * Division of Trauma & Surgical Critical Care
   * Emergency Services
     * Emergency Department at Oceanside
     * Freestanding Emergency Department at Long Beach
   * ENT (Otolaryngology)
     * SinusitisTreatments
     * What Is Sinusitis?
   * Eye Care — Ophthalmology
     * Cataract Treatment
     * Meet Our Doctors
   * Family Medicine
     * Mount Sinai South Nassau – Oceanside, Family Medicine
     * Find a Doctor
   * Gamma Knife
     * What to Expect
     * Amazing Stories
     * Physician Resources
     * Patient Resources
     * Our Team
     * FAQ
   * Gastrointestinal (GI) Endoscopy Unit
     * Interventional Gastroenterology (GI)
   * Genetics Program
   * Geriatric & Palliative Care
     * Our Experts
     * What You Can Expect
   * Gynecology
   * Home Health Care
   * Infusion Center (Outpatient)
   * Interventional Gastroenterology (GI)
     * Bariatric Endoscopy
     * Hepatology/Liver Diseases
     * Inflammatory Bowel Disease
     * General Gastroenterology
     * Motility Program
     * Colon Cancer Screening
     * Pancreas Cyst Clinic
     * Meet Our Physicians
   * Joint Replacement & Care
     * Joint Replacement Class at Mount Sinai South Nassau
   * Liver, Bile Duct and Pancreas Disease
     * Pancreatic Surgery Program
   * Maternal Fetal Medicine
   * Maternity/Labor & Delivery/Level II NICU
     * Maternity Services
     * High-Risk Pregnancies
     * Neonatal Intensive Care Services, Level II NICU
     * Education & Support
     * Maternity Tour - Mount Sinai South Nassau
     * Perinatal Classes
     * Holistic Birth Program
     * Pediatrics and Maternity Visiting Policies
   * Novalis Tx Radiosurgery
     * What to Expect
     * Amazing Stories
     * Physician Resources
     * Patient Resources
     * Our Team
   * Nuclear Medicine
   * Orthopedic Care & Treatments
     * Advanced Orthopedic Surgery
     * Joint Replacement & Care
     * Spine Care at Mount Sinai South Nassau
       * Amazing Stories - Joyce L.
   * Outpatient Surgery
   * Pain Management
   * Pediatrics
     * Our Pediatric Experts
     * Our Pediatric Facilities
     * Child Life Program
     * Community Habilitation
   * Pelvic Floor Disorders
     * Meet Our Team
     * Women’s Health OB/GYN
   * Primary Care
     * Family Medicine - Oceanside
     * Primary Care - Bellmore
       * Meet Our Team
     * Primary Care - Hempstead
     * Primary Care - Long Beach
   * Radiology
     * Mount Sinai Doctors - Oceanside, Radiology
     * Center for Women's Imaging
     * Mount Sinai Doctors - Rockville Centre, PET/CT Radiology
     * Interventional Radiology
       * Uterine Fibroid Embolization
       * Y90 Radioembolization for Liver Tumors
     * Ultrasound
     * Nuclear Medicine
     * School of Radiography
   * Sports Medicine
     * Our Experts
     * Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Facility
     * Insurance & Payment
   * Stroke Center
   * Urology
     * Prostate Cancer
     * Enlarged Prostate (BPH)
     * Kidney Stones
     * Kidney Tumors
     * General Urology
     * Men's Health
     * Meet Our Team
   * Vascular Surgery
     * Peripheral Artery Disease
     * Varicose and Spider Veins
     * Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT)
     * Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA)
     * Peripheral Aneurysmal Disease
     * Carotid Artery Disease
     * Dialysis Access
     * Wound Care
     * Vascular Lab
     * Giant Cell Arteritis
     * Lymphedema
     * Mesenteric Ischemia
     * Meet Our Team
   * Weight Loss Surgery
     * Body Mass Index (BMI)
     * Types of Weight Loss Surgery
     * Revisional Weight Loss Surgery
     * Weight Loss Success Stories
     * Support After Weight Loss Surgery
     * Meet Our Team
     * Accreditations & Certifications
     * Weight Loss Surgery Frequently Asked Questions
     * The Dietitian's Corner
     * Discharge Checklist
   * Women's Health OB/GYN
     * Common Conditions
     * Diagnosis & Treatment
     * Urogynecology
     * Gynecological Cancer
     * Infertility
     * Breast Care
     * Uterine Fibroid Embolization
   * Wound Care
     * Diagnosis
     * Treatments
     * First Appointment
   * View All Services
 * Patients & Visitors
   * Preparing for Your Procedure at Mount Sinai South Nassau
     * Hospitalist Program
     * Patient Advocates at Mount Sinai South Nassau
     * Patient Testimonials
     * Translation Services
   * Directions
   * Financial Assistance Program
   * Hospitalist Services
   * Insurance Plans
     * Mount Sinai South Nassau Participating Insurance Plans
     * Mount Sinai South Nassau Hospital Non-Participating Insurance Plans
     * Mount Sinai South Nassau Employed Physician Participating Insurance Plans
     * Mount Sinai South Nassau Employed Physician Non-Participating Insurance
     * Plan Participation for Neonatology
     * Plan Participation for Oceanside and Long Beach Emergency Rooms
     * Outpatient Laboratory Participating Plans
     * Financial Assistance Program
   * Medical Records
   * Language/Translation Services
   * One Medical Passport
   * Online Health Records
   * Parking Advisories
   * Patient and Family Advisory Council
   * Pay Your Bill
   * Praise from Patients
     * Amazing Stories
       * Meet George
       * Meet Sarafina
       * Meet Cheryl
       * Meet Eric
       * Meet Maria
       * Meet Bill
       * Meet Lauren
       * Meet Karyn
       * Meet Charles
       * Meet Heidi
       * Meet Joyce
       * Meet Dorothy
       * Meet Sophia
       * Meet Janine
       * Meet Mark
     * Letters of Praise
   * HIPAA Privacy Policies & Compliance
   * Registration
     * Inpatient
     * Outpatient
     * Maternity
     * Online Patient Registration
   * Spiritual Care
     * Request a Visit or Prayer Online
     * Clinical Pastoral Education
     * NOJA Companion Volunteer Program
     * NOJA Companion Evaluation
   * Telehealth
   * Visitor Information
 * Education & Support
   * Behavioral Health
   * Behind the Mask
   * COVID-19 Facts and Resources
     * Updates from the Mount Sinai Health System
     * Find A Doctor
     * COVID-19 Vaccination Information and Resources
     * Vaxmobile
     * Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Use/FAQs
     * Testing Information for COVID-19
     * Support Our Response to COVID-19
     * Virtual Bereavement Group
   * Calendar of Events
   * Community Education
     * Smoking Cessation
   * CPR Training
   * Diabetes Education Program
     * Diabetes Health Tips (Video Series)
     * Seasonal Diabetes Classes
   * Diversity and Inclusion
   * Healthy Outlook Newsletter
   * Injury Prevention
   * LGB/TGNB Health
   * MedlinePlus: Health Information
   * Perinatal Classes
   * Parent-Child Education
   * Prenatal Care Program
   * SIBSPlace
   * Social Services
   * Support Groups
   * The Heart Truth
   * Truth In Medicine Poll
     * The Truth About the Updated Covid Vaccine
     * Truth About Prescription Weight Loss Drugs
     * Truth About the Tridemic: Don't Delay Vaccines
     * Truth About Mental Health Services
     * Truth About Government & COVID-19 Testing
     * Truth About Vaccine Boosters
     * Truth About COVID-19: Poll 3
     * Truth About COVID-19: Poll 2
     * Truth About COVID-19: Poll 1
     * Truth About Stress
     * Truth About Vaping
     * Truth About HPV
     * Truth About Marijuana
     * Truth About Screen Time
     * Truth About Supplements
     * Truth About Cancer Screenings
     * Truth About Vaccines
     * Truth About Antibiotics
     * Truth About Flu
   * Virtual Brochure Rack
 * My Medical Records
   * Online Health Records
   * Request Paper Copies
 * Contact Us
   * Directions
 * About Us
   * Get to Know Us
     * President’s Message
     * Community Service Plan (CHNA)
     * Mission, Vision & Values
   * Our Leadership
     * Administrative Team
     * Advisory Board
     * Clinical Leadership
   * Newsroom
     * In the News
     * Press Releases
     * Media Contact
   * Awards & Accreditations
   * Long Beach Campus
     * Freestanding Emergency Department at Long Beach
     * Center for Primary Care at Long Beach
     * Press Releases
     * Events
     * Contractor Information
   * FEMA Projects
     * What is SEQRA?
     * SEQRA Process
     * Long Beach Medical Arts Pavilion (Mount Sinai Doctors - Long Beach)
     * Long Beach Investment to Date
     * Feil Family Pavilion (J Wing)
     * Oceanside Campus Parking Structure
     * Oceanside Campus Central Utility Plant & Emergency Electrical
     * Public Information Sessions
     * Procurements
     * FEMA Environmental Assessment(s) – Finding of No Significant Impact
     * Document Archive
   * 2020 Wantagh Ave
   * Contact Us
     * Directions
 * Volunteer
   * Volunteer Recognition
   * Junior Volunteer Program
   * Junior Volunteer Scholarships
 * Give
   * Gift Giving
     * Ways to Give
     * Bequests
     * President’s Club
     * Auxiliary
     * Appreciated Securities
     * Give to Mount Sinai South Nassau
   * Fundraising Events
   * Buy a Brick - Health Care Heroes Plaza
   * Community Events
 * Careers
   * Careers: Search Jobs
   * Employee Benefits
   * Application FAQ
   * Nursing at Mount Sinai South Nassau
   * School of Radiography
   * Volunteer
   * Employee Onboarding
 * Nursing
 * Medical Staff
   * Careers
   * Physicians' Forum
   * For Physicians
     * About Our Staff
     * Join Our Team
     * Medical Staff Affairs
     * Physician Recognition
     * Physicians’ Forum
 * Residency
   * Family Medicine Residency
     * From the Program Director
     * Application Information
     * Our Program
       * Program Curriculum
       * Conferences
       * Salaries & Benefits
     * Training Sites
       * The Hospital
       * Oceanside Family Medicine Center
       * Community Outreach Programs
     * Clinical Rotations
       * Pediatrics
       * Surgery
       * Obstetrics
       * Emergency Medicine
       * Family Medicine
       * Subspecialties
       * Geriatrics
       * Orthopedics & Sports Medicine
       * Other Education
     * Meet the Faculty
     * Meet the Residents
     * FAQ
       * Living on Long Island
   * General Surgery Residency
     * From the Program Director
     * Application Information
     * Our Program
       * 5 Year General Surgery Curriculum
       * Academic Schedule
       * Surgical Simulations
       * Salaries & Benefits
     * Meet the Faculty
   * Internal Medicine Residency
     * From the Program Director
     * Application Information
     * Our Program
     * Meet the Faculty
     * Training Sites
   * Obstetrics & Gynecology Residency
     * From the Program Director
     * Application Information
     * Our Program
       * Program Curriculum
       * Conferences & Education
       * Salaries & Benefits
     * Meet the Faculty
     * Meet the Residents
     * Women’s Health at Mount Sinai South Nassau
     * Frequently Asked Questions
   * Podiatry Residency
     * Meet the Residents
   * Transitional Year Residency
     * From the Program Director
     * Application Information
     * Our Program
       * Training Sites
       * Clinical Rotations
       * Program Curriculum
       * Didactics
       * Salaries & Benefits
     * Osteopathic Education
     * Meet the Faculty
     * Meet the Residents
     * FAQ
       * Living On Long Island
       * News
       * Contact Us
 * Locations
   * Directions
 * Construction
   * Long Beach Medical Arts Pavilion (Mount Sinai Doctors - Long Beach)
   * Feil Family Pavilion (J Wing)
   * Parking Structure
   * Central Utility Plant
   * 2020 Wantagh Ave
 * Pay Your Bill
   * Federal No Surprises Act Balance Bill Protections
   * Protecciones De La Ley De Protección Contra Facturación Del Saldo
   * Out-of-Network Law
     * Plan Participation for Hospital
     * Plan Participation for Employed Physicians Except Neonatology & Oceanside
     * Plan Participation for Neonatology
     * Plan Participation for Oceanside and Long Beach Emergency Rooms
     * Contracted Physician Groups
     * Financial Assistance Program
   * Pay Your Bill Online
   * Understanding Your Bill
   * Billing Requests & Questions
   * Price Transparency
   * Mount Sinai South Nassau Participating Insurance Plans
   * Mount Sinai South Nassau Non-Participating Insurance Plans
   * Outpatient Laboratory Participating Plans
   * Financial Assistance Program

 * Find a Doctor
 * Services►
   * Behavioral Health Services►
     * Mental Health Workshops & Support Groups
     * SIBSPlace
     * Behavioral Health Counseling Locations
     * Partial Hospitalization Program
     * Intensive Outpatient Program
     * Inpatient Behavioral Health Unit
     * Substance Abuse & Addiction Treatments
   * Cancer Treatment & Oncology Care►
     * Cancer Treatment
     * Advanced Cancer Care Treatment
     * Your Team of Cancer Specialists
     * Gertrude & Louis Feil Cancer Center
     * Breast Cancer Care►
       * Angela's Story
       * Susan's Story
     * Brain Cancer
     * Colorectal Cancer
     * Gynecological Cancer
     * Liver, Bile Duct and Pancreas Disease
     * Lung Cancer►
       * Lung Cancer Screening Program
     * Melanoma Program
     * Prostate Health
     * Surgical Oncology
     * Thyroid Cancer
     * Accreditations & Certifications
     * Support & Education
     * Cancer Outcomes Program
   * Cardiac Care Services►
     * Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory
     * Cardiac Electrophysiology Laboratory►
       * Amazing Stories - Heidi F.
       * Amazing Stories - Janine G.
     * Clinical & Noninvasive Cardiology Care
     * Peripheral Vascular Laboratory►
       * Amazing Stories - Charles B.
     * Cardiac Rehabilitation Program►
       * Amazing Stories - Bill R.
       * Amazing Stories - Mark B.
     * Heart Failure Program
     * Fetal and Pediatric Cardiology
     * Accreditations & Certifications
     * Mount Sinai South Nassau’s Cardiologists and Interventional Specialists
     * Jayne's Story
     * Beverly's Story
   * Center for Digestive Health►
     * Interventional Gastroenterology (GI)
     * Liver and Bile Duct Surgery Program
     * Pancreatic Surgery Program
   * Center for Prostate Health►
     * Prostate Cancer Overview
     * Prostate Cancer Symptoms, Tests & Diagnosis
     * Prostate Cancer Treatments
     * Prostate Cancer Support
     * Jimmie's Story
   * Center for Sleep Wellness►
     * Sleeping Fast Facts
     * Pediatric Sleep Medicine
     * Testimonials
     * Center for Sleep Wellness Contact / Inquiry Form►
   * Center for Weight Loss and Metabolic Health►
     * Body Mass Index (BMI)
     * Health Impacts of Obesity
     * Medical Therapies
     * Weight Loss Procedures
     * Metabolic Disorders
     * Meet Our Team
     * Contact Us
     * Achievements
   * Center for Women's Imaging►
     * Breast Screenings & Treatments
     * Bone Density Screenings
     * Biopsy & Surgery
     * Prevention
     * Awards & Certifications
     * Contact Us / Appointments
   * Chiari EDS►
     * Chiari EDS Program Team
     * What is Chiari Malformation?
     * What is Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes (EDS)?
     * How are Chiari and EDS Related?
     * Contact Us►
   * Computer-Assisted Surgery►
     * da Vinci Surgical System
     * Gamma Knife
     * Novalis Tx Radiosurgery
   * da Vinci Surgical System►
     * Cardiothoracic
     * Colorectal
     * Gynecology
     * Hernia
     * Urology
     * Meet Our Team
   * Dialysis
   * Division of Trauma & Surgical Critical Care
   * Emergency Services►
     * Emergency Department at Oceanside
     * Freestanding Emergency Department at Long Beach
   * ENT (Otolaryngology)►
     * SinusitisTreatments
     * What Is Sinusitis?
   * Eye Care — Ophthalmology►
     * Cataract Treatment
     * Meet Our Doctors
   * Family Medicine►
     * Mount Sinai South Nassau – Oceanside, Family Medicine
     * Find a Doctor
   * Gamma Knife►
     * What to Expect
     * Amazing Stories
     * Physician Resources
     * Patient Resources
     * Our Team
     * FAQ
   * Gastrointestinal (GI) Endoscopy Unit►
     * Interventional Gastroenterology (GI)
   * Genetics Program
   * Geriatric & Palliative Care►
     * Our Experts
     * What You Can Expect
   * Gynecology
   * Home Health Care
   * Infusion Center (Outpatient)
   * Interventional Gastroenterology (GI)►
     * Bariatric Endoscopy
     * Hepatology/Liver Diseases
     * Inflammatory Bowel Disease
     * General Gastroenterology
     * Motility Program
     * Colon Cancer Screening
     * Pancreas Cyst Clinic
     * Meet Our Physicians
   * Joint Replacement & Care►
     * Joint Replacement Class at Mount Sinai South Nassau
   * Liver, Bile Duct and Pancreas Disease►
     * Pancreatic Surgery Program
   * Maternal Fetal Medicine
   * Maternity/Labor & Delivery/Level II NICU►
     * Maternity Services
     * High-Risk Pregnancies
     * Neonatal Intensive Care Services, Level II NICU
     * Education & Support
     * Maternity Tour - Mount Sinai South Nassau
     * Perinatal Classes
     * Holistic Birth Program
     * Pediatrics and Maternity Visiting Policies
   * Novalis Tx Radiosurgery►
     * What to Expect
     * Amazing Stories
     * Physician Resources
     * Patient Resources
     * Our Team
   * Nuclear Medicine
   * Orthopedic Care & Treatments►
     * Advanced Orthopedic Surgery
     * Joint Replacement & Care
     * Spine Care at Mount Sinai South Nassau►
       * Amazing Stories - Joyce L.
   * Outpatient Surgery
   * Pain Management
   * Pediatrics►
     * Our Pediatric Experts
     * Our Pediatric Facilities
     * Child Life Program
     * Community Habilitation
   * Pelvic Floor Disorders►
     * Meet Our Team
     * Women’s Health OB/GYN
   * Primary Care►
     * Family Medicine - Oceanside
     * Primary Care - Bellmore►
       * Meet Our Team
     * Primary Care - Hempstead
     * Primary Care - Long Beach
   * Radiology►
     * Mount Sinai Doctors - Oceanside, Radiology
     * Center for Women's Imaging
     * Mount Sinai Doctors - Rockville Centre, PET/CT Radiology
     * Interventional Radiology ►
       * Uterine Fibroid Embolization
       * Y90 Radioembolization for Liver Tumors
     * Ultrasound
     * Nuclear Medicine
     * School of Radiography
   * Sports Medicine►
     * Our Experts
     * Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Facility
     * Insurance & Payment
   * Stroke Center
   * Urology►
     * Prostate Cancer
     * Enlarged Prostate (BPH)
     * Kidney Stones
     * Kidney Tumors
     * General Urology
     * Men's Health
     * Meet Our Team
   * Vascular Surgery►
     * Peripheral Artery Disease
     * Varicose and Spider Veins
     * Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT)
     * Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA)
     * Peripheral Aneurysmal Disease
     * Carotid Artery Disease
     * Dialysis Access
     * Wound Care
     * Vascular Lab
     * Giant Cell Arteritis
     * Lymphedema
     * Mesenteric Ischemia
     * Meet Our Team
   * Weight Loss Surgery►
     * Body Mass Index (BMI)
     * Types of Weight Loss Surgery
     * Revisional Weight Loss Surgery
     * Weight Loss Success Stories
     * Support After Weight Loss Surgery
     * Meet Our Team
     * Accreditations & Certifications
     * Weight Loss Surgery Frequently Asked Questions
     * The Dietitian's Corner
     * Discharge Checklist
   * Women's Health OB/GYN►
     * Common Conditions
     * Diagnosis & Treatment
     * Urogynecology
     * Gynecological Cancer
     * Infertility
     * Breast Care
     * Uterine Fibroid Embolization
   * Wound Care►
     * Diagnosis
     * Treatments
     * First Appointment
   * View All Services
 * Patients & Visitors►
   * Preparing for Your Procedure at Mount Sinai South Nassau►
     * Hospitalist Program
     * Patient Advocates at Mount Sinai South Nassau
     * Patient Testimonials
     * Translation Services
   * Directions
   * Financial Assistance Program
   * Hospitalist Services
   * Insurance Plans►
     * Mount Sinai South Nassau Participating Insurance Plans
     * Mount Sinai South Nassau Hospital Non-Participating Insurance Plans
     * Mount Sinai South Nassau Employed Physician Participating Insurance Plans
     * Mount Sinai South Nassau Employed Physician Non-Participating Insurance
     * Plan Participation for Neonatology
     * Plan Participation for Oceanside and Long Beach Emergency Rooms
     * Outpatient Laboratory Participating Plans
     * Financial Assistance Program
   * Medical Records
   * Language/Translation Services
   * One Medical Passport
   * Online Health Records
   * Parking Advisories
   * Patient and Family Advisory Council
   * Pay Your Bill
   * Praise from Patients►
     * Amazing Stories►
       * Meet George
       * Meet Sarafina
       * Meet Cheryl
       * Meet Eric
       * Meet Maria
       * Meet Bill
       * Meet Lauren
       * Meet Karyn
       * Meet Charles
       * Meet Heidi
       * Meet Joyce
       * Meet Dorothy
       * Meet Sophia
       * Meet Janine
       * Meet Mark
     * Letters of Praise
   * HIPAA Privacy Policies & Compliance
   * Registration►
     * Inpatient
     * Outpatient
     * Maternity
     * Online Patient Registration►
   * Spiritual Care►
     * Request a Visit or Prayer Online►
     * Clinical Pastoral Education
     * NOJA Companion Volunteer Program
     * NOJA Companion Evaluation
   * Telehealth
   * Visitor Information
 * Education & Support►
   * Behavioral Health
   * Behind the Mask
   * COVID-19 Facts and Resources►
     * Updates from the Mount Sinai Health System
     * Find A Doctor
     * COVID-19 Vaccination Information and Resources
     * Vaxmobile►
     * Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Use/FAQs
     * Testing Information for COVID-19
     * Support Our Response to COVID-19
     * Virtual Bereavement Group
   * Calendar of Events
   * Community Education►
     * Smoking Cessation
   * CPR Training
   * Diabetes Education Program►
     * Diabetes Health Tips (Video Series)
     * Seasonal Diabetes Classes
   * Diversity and Inclusion
   * Healthy Outlook Newsletter
   * Injury Prevention
   * LGB/TGNB Health
   * MedlinePlus: Health Information
   * Perinatal Classes
   * Parent-Child Education
   * Prenatal Care Program
   * SIBSPlace
   * Social Services
   * Support Groups
   * The Heart Truth
   * Truth In Medicine Poll►
     * The Truth About the Updated Covid Vaccine
     * Truth About Prescription Weight Loss Drugs
     * Truth About the Tridemic: Don't Delay Vaccines
     * Truth About Mental Health Services
     * Truth About Government & COVID-19 Testing
     * Truth About Vaccine Boosters
     * Truth About COVID-19: Poll 3
     * Truth About COVID-19: Poll 2
     * Truth About COVID-19: Poll 1
     * Truth About Stress
     * Truth About Vaping
     * Truth About HPV
     * Truth About Marijuana
     * Truth About Screen Time
     * Truth About Supplements
     * Truth About Cancer Screenings
     * Truth About Vaccines
     * Truth About Antibiotics
     * Truth About Flu
   * Virtual Brochure Rack
 * My Medical Records►
   * Online Health Records
   * Request Paper Copies
 * Contact Us►
   * Directions
 * About Us►
   * Get to Know Us►
     * President’s Message
     * Community Service Plan (CHNA)
     * Mission, Vision & Values
   * Our Leadership►
     * Administrative Team
     * Advisory Board
     * Clinical Leadership
   * Newsroom►
     * In the News
     * Press Releases
     * Media Contact
   * Awards & Accreditations
   * Long Beach Campus►
     * Freestanding Emergency Department at Long Beach
     * Center for Primary Care at Long Beach
     * Press Releases
     * Events
     * Contractor Information
   * FEMA Projects►
     * What is SEQRA?
     * SEQRA Process
     * Long Beach Medical Arts Pavilion (Mount Sinai Doctors - Long Beach)
     * Long Beach Investment to Date
     * Feil Family Pavilion (J Wing)
     * Oceanside Campus Parking Structure
     * Oceanside Campus Central Utility Plant & Emergency Electrical
     * Public Information Sessions
     * Procurements
     * FEMA Environmental Assessment(s) – Finding of No Significant Impact
     * Document Archive
   * 2020 Wantagh Ave
   * Contact Us►
     * Directions
 * Volunteer►
   * Volunteer Recognition
   * Junior Volunteer Program
   * Junior Volunteer Scholarships
 * Give►
   * Gift Giving►
     * Ways to Give
     * Bequests
     * President’s Club
     * Auxiliary
     * Appreciated Securities
     * Give to Mount Sinai South Nassau►
   * Fundraising Events
   * Buy a Brick - Health Care Heroes Plaza►
   * Community Events
 * Careers►
   * Careers: Search Jobs
   * Employee Benefits
   * Application FAQ
   * Nursing at Mount Sinai South Nassau
   * School of Radiography
   * Volunteer
   * Employee Onboarding
 * Nursing
 * Medical Staff►
   * Careers
   * Physicians' Forum
   * For Physicians►
     * About Our Staff
     * Join Our Team
     * Medical Staff Affairs
     * Physician Recognition
     * Physicians’ Forum
 * Residency►
   * Family Medicine Residency►
     * From the Program Director
     * Application Information
     * Our Program►
       * Program Curriculum
       * Conferences
       * Salaries & Benefits
     * Training Sites►
       * The Hospital
       * Oceanside Family Medicine Center
       * Community Outreach Programs
     * Clinical Rotations►
       * Pediatrics
       * Surgery
       * Obstetrics
       * Emergency Medicine
       * Family Medicine
       * Subspecialties
       * Geriatrics
       * Orthopedics & Sports Medicine
       * Other Education
     * Meet the Faculty
     * Meet the Residents
     * FAQ►
       * Living on Long Island
   * General Surgery Residency►
     * From the Program Director
     * Application Information
     * Our Program►
       * 5 Year General Surgery Curriculum
       * Academic Schedule
       * Surgical Simulations
       * Salaries & Benefits
     * Meet the Faculty
   * Internal Medicine Residency►
     * From the Program Director
     * Application Information
     * Our Program
     * Meet the Faculty
     * Training Sites
   * Obstetrics & Gynecology Residency►
     * From the Program Director
     * Application Information
     * Our Program►
       * Program Curriculum
       * Conferences & Education
       * Salaries & Benefits
     * Meet the Faculty
     * Meet the Residents
     * Women’s Health at Mount Sinai South Nassau
     * Frequently Asked Questions
   * Podiatry Residency►
     * Meet the Residents
   * Transitional Year Residency►
     * From the Program Director
     * Application Information
     * Our Program►
       * Training Sites
       * Clinical Rotations
       * Program Curriculum
       * Didactics
       * Salaries & Benefits
     * Osteopathic Education
     * Meet the Faculty
     * Meet the Residents
     * FAQ►
       * Living On Long Island
       * News
       * Contact Us
 * Locations►
   * Directions
 * Construction►
   * Long Beach Medical Arts Pavilion (Mount Sinai Doctors - Long Beach)
   * Feil Family Pavilion (J Wing)
   * Parking Structure
   * Central Utility Plant
   * 2020 Wantagh Ave
 * Pay Your Bill►
   * Federal No Surprises Act Balance Bill Protections
   * Protecciones De La Ley De Protección Contra Facturación Del Saldo
   * Out-of-Network Law►
     * Plan Participation for Hospital
     * Plan Participation for Employed Physicians Except Neonatology & Oceanside
     * Plan Participation for Neonatology
     * Plan Participation for Oceanside and Long Beach Emergency Rooms
     * Contracted Physician Groups
     * Financial Assistance Program
   * Pay Your Bill Online
   * Understanding Your Bill
   * Billing Requests & Questions
   * Price Transparency
   * Mount Sinai South Nassau Participating Insurance Plans
   * Mount Sinai South Nassau Non-Participating Insurance Plans
   * Outpatient Laboratory Participating Plans
   * Financial Assistance Program

 * Find a Doctor

 * Services
   * Behavioral Health Services
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Mount Sinai South Nassau - Oceanside, NYServicesOrthopedic Care & Treatments


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Cancer Treatment & Oncology Care
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Center for Weight Loss and Metabolic Health
Center for Women's Imaging
Chiari EDS
Computer-Assisted Surgery
da Vinci Surgical System
Division of Trauma & Surgical Critical Care
Emergency Services
ENT (Otolaryngology)
Eye Care — Ophthalmology
Family Medicine
Gamma Knife
Gastrointestinal (GI) Endoscopy Unit
Genetics Program
Geriatric & Palliative Care
Home Health Care
Infusion Center (Outpatient)
Interventional Gastroenterology (GI)
Joint Replacement & Care
Liver, Bile Duct and Pancreas Disease
Maternal Fetal Medicine
Maternity/Labor & Delivery/Level II NICU
Novalis Tx Radiosurgery
Nuclear Medicine
Orthopedic Care & Treatments
Advanced Orthopedic Surgery
Joint Replacement & Care
Spine Care at Mount Sinai South Nassau
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At Mount Sinai South Nassau, the specialists bring the latest advances in
orthopedic care of the bones, muscles, and joints. Our team is experienced in
groundbreaking techniques and highly specialized orthopedic treatments. Mount
Sinai South Nassau has been named a Recipient of the Healthgrades Orthopedic
Surgery Excellence Award for 9 Years in a Row (2015-2023). Named Among the Top
10% in the Nation for Overall Orthopedic Services for 9 Years in a Row

Call 866-32-ORTHO to schedule an appointment.

And Mount Sinai South Nassau Orthopedics was one of the first of its kind in the
Northeast to commit to surgeries using “minimally invasive” techniques, which
offer you great benefits over traditional surgery. And we work closely with
experts in pain management and rehabilitation, so you can get back to the
activities you want and need to do.


The expertise of the staff at Mount Sinai South Nassau includes:

 * Groundbreaking techniques for:

 * Repairing knee cartilage using the patient’s own cells (Carticel® therapy)
 * Transplants of the meniscus, part of a joint that cushions the ends of the
 * New cartilage studies for defects of the bone and cartilage (osteochondial

 * The latest advances in hip replacement surgery
 * Hip arthroscopy, a highly advanced technique to closely examine the joint
 * Specialized expertise in adult reconstruction, and foot and ankle injuries
 * Expertise in pediatric orthopedics
 * Advanced treatment of the hand and upper extremities
 * For the knees: torn cartilage and anterior cruciate, posterior cruciate and
   medial collateral ligaments
 * Shoulder care, including instability, impingement, rotator cuff or labrum
   tears, and recurrent dislocations
 * “Minimally invasive” surgery, using advanced techniques for quicker recovery

And we work closely with Mount Sinai South Nassau’s specialists in pain
management, physical rehabilitation and sports medicine throughout your
treatment and recovery.


Mount Sinai South Nassau Orthopedics
Advantages of Our Surgical Techniques
Joint Replacement & Care
Joint Replacement Class at Mount Sinai South Nassau
Mount Sinai South Nassau Spine Care
Physical Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine at the SMART Center
Injury Prevention Programs


For your hip, knee, shoulder, hands and arms, the experienced team of the...

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The experts at Mount Sinai South Nassau's Center for Advanced Orthopedics,...

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At Mount Sinai South Nassau’s Spine Care, our board-certified,
fellowship-trained orthopedists...

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One Healthy Way
Oceanside, NY 11572
516-632-3000, or

Copyright © 2024

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   * Center for Prostate Health
   * Center for Sleep Wellness
   * Center for Weight Loss and Metabolic Health
   * Center for Women's Imaging
   * Chiari EDS
   * Computer-Assisted Surgery
   * da Vinci Surgical System
   * Dialysis
   * Division of Trauma & Surgical Critical Care
   * Emergency Services
   * ENT (Otolaryngology)
   * Eye Care — Ophthalmology
   * Family Medicine
   * Gamma Knife
   * Gastrointestinal (GI) Endoscopy Unit
   * Genetics Program
   * Geriatric & Palliative Care
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   * Infusion Center (Outpatient)
   * Interventional Gastroenterology (GI)
   * Joint Replacement & Care
   * Liver, Bile Duct and Pancreas Disease
   * Maternal Fetal Medicine
   * Maternity/Labor & Delivery/Level II NICU
   * Novalis Tx Radiosurgery
   * Nuclear Medicine
   * Orthopedic Care & Treatments
   * Outpatient Surgery
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   * Pediatrics
   * Pelvic Floor Disorders
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