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        <h1>Privacy Policy</h1>
        <p>LAST UPDATED: May 25, 2018</p>
        <p>This Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”) describes the practices of the Connection companies, comprising PC Connection, Inc., PC Connection Sales Corporation, MoreDirect, Inc., GovConnection, Inc. and GlobalServe, Inc. (collectively,
          “Connection” or the “Companies,” “we,” “us,” “our”) regarding information collected through our websites and our products and services (collectively, the “Connection Services” or “Services”).<br>
          <br> Our privacy practices may vary among the places in which we operate in order to comply with applicable legal requirements.<br>
          <strong>When you interact with the Connection Services, you consent to such collection, use and sharing of information as described in this Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use. If you do not consent to the terms of this Privacy Policy and
            our Terms of Use, do not continue to interact with or use the Connection Services. </strong><br>
          <strong>European Residents:</strong> Please see our European Privacy Policy (below) for residents of the European Union, the European Economic Area or Switzerland.<br>
          <br> We may also process personal data submitted relating to individuals in Europe via other compliance mechanisms, including use of the European Union Standard Contractual Clauses or Binding Corporate Rules.
      <p>The Connection Services gather certain information automatically, some of which may be considered personal information under applicable law.<br>
        <br> We may collect, among other things, the following types of information:<br>
        <br> &nbsp;&nbsp;• Name<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;• Address (including billing and shipping address)<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;• Telephone number<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;• Email address<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;• Fax number<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;• Professional information, such as
        employer or organizational affiliation for a customer or partner<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;• Payment or financial information for billing purposes <br> &nbsp;&nbsp;• Screen name<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;• Screen sharing views, at the request of customers, for
        technical or other types of support <br> &nbsp;&nbsp;• Any data in any files uploaded, emailed or otherwise provided by customers for technical or other types of support <br> &nbsp;&nbsp;• Operating system type and version, web server type
        and version, php version, database type and version<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;• Unique IDs such as a cookie placed on a computer or mobile device, or device IDs<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;• IP address or MAC address, and information derived from an IP or MAC
        address, such as geographic location<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;• Browsing activities, cookies and similar data, and platform or mobile application use data<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;• Referring domain, destination domain and destination path<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;•
        Geolocational data, including latitudinal and longitudinal data<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;• User IDs and passwords for customers with accounts on the Connection Services<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;• Information about the performance, security, software
        configuration and availability of our software on your servers and network<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;• Website user statistics and website and portal use and viewing activity records<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;• Communication preferences<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;• Other
        similar information<br>
        <br> We may also collect information, including personal information, in the following situations:<br>
        <strong>• Registration, purchase and use of the Connection Services:</strong> Information such as name, email address, billing or shipping address, telephone number, company/organization, financial information (such as credit card number,
        verification code, expiration date), and other information, may be collected in connection with registration for, purchase of or use of the Connection Services (for example, to sign-up for and log into the Connection Services), including for
        processing and shipping of orders. Customers may update their information by logging into their account. Information may also be collected to track license use.<br>
        <strong>• Communications:</strong> Personal information such as name, email address, and other information, may be collected, when provided in any communications, whether via email, social media, telephone or otherwise.<br>
        <strong>• Support:</strong> Personal information may be collected in connection with customer support, whether via screensharing, email, social media, telephone or otherwise.<br>
        <strong>• Surveys and Research:</strong> We may collect personal information from anyone participating in research, contests or surveys.<br>
      <h2>USE OF INFORMATION</h2> Connection may use the information, including personal information, collected in connection with the Connection Services for the purpose of providing the Services to our customers, as well as for supporting our
      business functions, such as fraud prevention, marketing, analytics and legal functions and other legitimate purposes. <br>
      <br> To the extent permitted by applicable law and, for customer data, as permitted by our customer agreements, we may use information collected in connection with our Services:<br>
      <br> &nbsp;&nbsp;• To operate the Connection Services and provide support.<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;• To fulfill customer requests, such as to create a Connection Services account or complete customer purchases.<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;• To communicate with our
      customers; to inform customers and users of products, programs, services and promotions.<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;• To send customers information regarding the Connection Services and issues specifically affecting Connection Services.<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;•
      To respond to reviews, comments, or other feedback provided to us. <br> &nbsp;&nbsp;• To support and personalize our Services, websites, mobile services, and advertising. <br> &nbsp;&nbsp;• To protect the security and integrity of our Services,
      content, and our business.<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;• To provide support<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;• For benchmarking, data analysis, audits, developing new products, enhancing the Connection Services, facilitating product, software and applications development,
      improving our services, conducting research, analysis, studies or surveys, identifying usage trends, as well as for other analytics purposes.<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;• To meet our contractual requirements, to comply with applicable legal or regulatory
      requirements and our policies, and to protect against criminal activity, claims and other liabilities.<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;• For any other lawful purpose for which the information is provided.<br>
      <strong>Aggregate Information.</strong> To the extent permitted by applicable law, we may use, process, transfer, and store any data about individuals and customers or partners in an anonymous (or pseudonymous) and aggregated manner. We may
      combine personal information with other information, collected online and offline, including information from third party sources. We may also use information in other ways with consent or as permitted by applicable law. By using the Connection
      Services, our customers agree that we are hereby licensed to collect, use, share and store anonymized (or pseudonymized) aggregated data collected through the Connection Services for benchmarking, analytics, A/B testing, metrics, research,
      reporting, machine learning and other business purposes. <br>
      <strong>Automated Decisions.</strong> To the extent permitted by applicable law, we may collect data in an automated manner and make automated decisions, including using machine learning algorithms, about individual users of the Connection
      Services in order to provide or optimize the Connection Services offered and/or delivered, for security or analytics purposes, and for any other lawful purpose. To the extent permitted by applicable law, we may use automated decisions, for
      example, to display advertisements and offers based on the individual’s preferences.<br>
      <h2>SHARING OF INFORMATION</h2> To the extent permitted by applicable law, Connection may share and disclose information, including personal information, as set forth below:<br>
      <br> &nbsp;&nbsp;• <strong>Customers.</strong> We may share information with our customers and their service providers and other platforms that may assist those customers.<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;• <strong>Affiliates and Agents.</strong> We may share
      information with our affiliates or any business partners or agents acting on our behalf.<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;• <strong>Service Providers.</strong> We may share information with our service providers, agents, vendors and other third parties we use
      to support and advertise the Connection Services and our business. We share personal information with such third parties to the extent necessary to provide services to us, and pursuant to binding contractual obligations.<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;•
      <strong>Advertising and Marketing.</strong> To the extent permitted by applicable law, we may share information with third parties for marketing, advertising, promotions, contests, or other similar purposes. If required by applicable law, we
      will share such data for advertising and marketing purposes only in an aggregate, anonymous, and de-identified manner.<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;• <strong>Mergers, Acquisitions, Divestitures.</strong> We may share, disclose or transfer information to a
      buyer, investor, new affiliate, or other successor in the event Connection, or any affiliate, portion, group or business unit thereof, undergoes a business transition, such as a merger, acquisition, consolidation, reorganization, divestiture,
      liquidation or dissolution (including bankruptcy), or a sale or other transfer of all or a portion of any assets of Connection or any affiliates or during steps in contemplation of such activities (e.g., negotiations and due diligence).<br>
      &nbsp;&nbsp;• <strong>Law Enforcement and National Security.</strong> We may share information with legal, governmental, or judicial authorities, as instructed or required by those authorities or applicable laws, or to comply with any law or
      directive, judicial or administrative order, legal process or investigation, warrant, subpoena, government request, regulatory request, law enforcement or national security investigation, or as otherwise required or authorized by law.<br>
      &nbsp;&nbsp;• <strong>Protection of Rights, Property or Safety.</strong> We may also share information if, in our sole discretion, we believe disclosure is necessary or appropriate to protect the rights, property or safety of any person, or if
      we suspect fraud or other illegal activity,<br>
      <br> Connection may also disclose personal information for other purposes or to other third parties when an individual has consented to or requested such disclosure, or where a customer has obtained permission from such individual, or where
      such disclosure is otherwise legally permitted for legitimate business purposes, and, for customer data, with such customer’s authorization or otherwise in accordance with Connection’s agreement with such customer. <br>
      <br> We may use cookies and similar technologies to operate and improve the Connection Services, as well as to simplify our interaction with you. A "cookie" is a unique numeric code that we transfer to your computer so that we can keep track of
      your interests and/or preferences and recognize you as a return visitor to the websites. We may use cookies, log files, pixel tags, web bugs, web beacons, clear GIFs, Local Storage Objects (LSOs) such as HTML5 and Flash or other similar
      technologies to collect information about the ways you interact with and use the Connection Services, to support and enhance features and functionality, to monitor performance, to personalize content and experiences, for marketing and
      analytics, and for other lawful purposes. We may also engage third party service providers to provide advertisements and promotions on our behalf, or authorize third parties to advertise and market products and services via the Connection
      Services. <br>
      <br> We may use the following types of cookies and similar technologies: <br>
      <br> &nbsp;&nbsp;• <strong>Strictly necessary cookies</strong> required for the operation of the Connection Services. They include, for example, cookies that enable you to log into secure areas.<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;• <strong>Analytical/performance
        cookies</strong> that collect information about how you use the Connection Services. They allow us to recognize and count the number of visitors and to see how visitors move around our website. This helps us to improve the way our website
      works. These cookies are sometimes placed by third party providers of web traffic analysis services. <br> &nbsp;&nbsp;• <strong>Functionality cookies</strong> that remember choices you make and recognize you when you return. This enables us to
      personalize our content, greet you by name and remember your preferences (for example, your choice of language or region). <br> &nbsp;&nbsp;• <strong>Targeting cookies</strong> that collect information about your browsing habits such as the
      pages you have visited and the links you have followed. We use this information to make our website more relevant to your interests, and, if we enable advertising, to make advertising more relevant to you, as well as to limit the number of
      times you see an ad. These cookies are usually placed by third-party advertising networks. They remember the other websites that you visit and this information is shared with third-party organizations, for example, advertisers. <br>
      <br> Most internet browsers accept cookies by default. You can block cookies by activating the setting on your browser that allows you to reject all or some cookies. The help and support area on your internet browser should have instructions on
      how to block or delete cookies. Some web browsers (including some mobile web browsers) provide settings that allow you to control or reject cookies or to alert you to when a cookie is placed on your computer, tablet or mobile device. Although
      you are not required to accept cookies, if you block or reject them, you may not have access to all of the features available through the Connection Services. <br>
      <br> We may use third party analytics such as Google Analytics or similar analytics services. The analytics providers that administer these services may use technologies such as cookies and web beacons to, among other things, help us analyze
      how visitors use our websites. <br>
      <br> We may use third-party advertisers to serve or track advertisements on or relating to the Connection Services. These third parties may use cookies and other tracking and analytical technologies to, among other things, record which ads your
      browser has loaded and which pages you were viewing when ads were delivered or accessed. Information so collected is subject to the privacy policies of those third parties, which you should carefully review. We have no control over third party
      use of cookies.<br>
      <h2>DATA RETENTION</h2>
      <br> To the extent permitted by applicable law, we may retain information for as long as is reasonably necessary to provide the Connection Services or as needed for other lawful purposes. We may retain cached or archived copies of information.
      We may retain anonymized or pseudonymized, aggregated data indefinitely, to the extent permitted under applicable law. We may be required to retain some data for a longer period of time because of various laws and regulations or because of
      contractual obligations. We also will retain information as long as reasonably necessary to comply with our legal and contractual obligations, resolve disputes and enforce our agreements.<br>
      <h2>CHOICES AND OPT-OUT</h2>
      <br> To the extent required by applicable law, or in our discretion otherwise, we will allow customers and individuals to limit use of personal information. If at any time after providing us with your personal information such information
      changes or you change your mind about receiving information from us, you may request access to your data or that your data be changed.<br>
      <br> If you no longer wish to receive our communications, you may opt-out of receiving them at any time by following the instructions included in each communication, by sending a blank email request to unsubscribe@connection.com, or by mail at
      Connection, 730 Milford Rd. Merrimack, NH 03054, Attn: Senior director, Information Security. Please note: Even though you may choose to unsubscribe from our communications, for security reasons we will always attempt to send you
      transaction-related order, backorder and shipment confirmation emails concerning your purchase through our website.<br>
      <br> When you use your mobile device to interact with us or use the Connection Services, we may receive information about your mobile device, including a unique identifier for your device. We and our service providers and third parties we
      collaborate with, including ad networks, may use cross-device/cross-context tracking. For example, you might use multiple browsers on a single device, or use various devices (such as desktops, smartphones, and tablets), which can result in your
      having multiple accounts or profiles across these various contexts and devices. Cross-device/cross-context technology may be used to connect these various accounts or profiles and the corresponding data from the different contexts and
      <h2>THIRD PARTY SITES</h2>
      <br> The Connection Services may provide links to other websites or resources over which Connection does not have control (“External Web Sites”). Such links do not constitute an endorsement by Connection of those External Web Sites. You
      acknowledge that Connection is providing these links to you only as a convenience, and further agree that Connection is not responsible for the content of such External Web Sites. Your use of External Web Sites is subject to the terms of use
      and privacy policies located on the External Web Sites.<br>
      <br> To prevent unauthorized access or disclosure, to maintain data accuracy, and to ensure the appropriate use of personal information, we employ procedural and technological measures that are reasonably designed to help safeguard the
      information we collect. Connection may use encryption, secure socket layer, firewall, password protection and other physical security measures to help prevent unauthorized access to such. Connection may also place internal restrictions on who
      in the company may access data to help prevent unauthorized access to such information.<br>
      <br> Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet or data storage system can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. Therefore, despite our efforts, we cannot guarantee its absolute security. We do not warrant or represent that personal
      information about you will be protected against, loss, misuse, or alteration by third parties.<br>
      <br> Where required under applicable law or by contract, we will notify the appropriate parties or individuals of any loss, misuse or alteration of personal information so that such parties or individuals can take the appropriate actions for
      the due protection of their rights. If such personal information is information of a Connection customer, we will notify such customer and coordinate with them regarding any required notices to particular individuals.<br>
      <br> We recognize the importance of protecting the privacy and safety of children. The Connection Services are not intended for children under 13 years of age - and for European residents, for children under 16 years of age (see our European
      Privacy Policy). We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 13. Anyone under 13 should not use the Connection Services. If we learn we have collected or received personal information from a child under 13 without
      verification of parental consent, we will delete that information. If you believe we might have any information from or about a child under 13, please contact us as set forth below.<br>
      <br> The Connection Services may be provided using resources and servers located in various countries around the world, including the United States and other countries. Therefore, personal information about individuals or customers may be
      transferred, processed and stored outside the country where the Connection Services are used, including to countries outside the European Union (“EU”), European Economic Area (“EEA”) or Switzerland, where the level of data protection may not be
      deemed adequate by the European Commission.<br>
      <br> Under California’s “Shine the Light” law, California residents who provide personal information in obtaining products or services for personal, family or household use may be entitled to request and obtain from us, once per calendar year,
      information about customer information we have shared, if any, with other businesses for such other businesses’ own direct marketing uses. If applicable, this information would include the categories of resident information and the names and
      addresses of those businesses with which we shared such resident information for the immediately prior calendar year. To obtain this information, please contact us as indicated below. Please include sufficient personal identification
      information so that we can process the request, including that you are a California resident.<br>
      <br> If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, or our collection, use, sharing or storage of information about you, you can contact us by email at infosec@connection.com, or write to the following address:<br>
      <br> &nbsp;&nbsp;Attn: Senior Director, Information Security<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;Connection<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;730 Milford Rd.<br> &nbsp;&nbsp; Merrimack, NH 03054<br>
      <strong>DISPUTE RESOLUTION.</strong> Except as otherwise expressly provided above, or in our European Privacy Policy or otherwise required by applicable law, you agree that the exclusive jurisdiction of any actions arising out of, relating to,
      or in any way connected with, this Privacy Policy, shall be in the state or federal courts, as applicable, located in the State of New Hampshire, USA. <br>
      <br> Connection may update this Privacy Policy from time to time in our sole discretion to reflect changes to our information and privacy practices. Connection will post any updated Privacy Policy on this page or in the Connection Services, or
      with any notice to individual users if required by applicable law. Continued use of the Connection Services after any such modifications constitutes acceptance to any such modified Privacy Policy. Connection encourages you to review this
      Privacy Policy regularly for any changes. The date of last revision is shown at the “Last Updated” legend at the top of this page.<br>
      <strong>The following European Privacy Policy applies to residents of the European Union, the European Economic Area and Switzerland.</strong><br>
      <strong>Personal Data and Processing.</strong> For the purposes of this European Privacy Policy:<br>
      <em><strong>“Personal Data”</strong></em> means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an
      identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of such natural person; and <br>
      <em><strong>“Processing”</strong></em> means any operation or set of operations which is performed on Personal Data or on sets of Personal Data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organization, structuring,
      storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.<br>
      <strong>Purposes and Legal Bases for Processing Personal Data.</strong> Connection processes data for the purposes as set forth in our Privacy Policy, including to provide the Connection Services and as explained in the Use of Information and
      Sharing of Information sections. To fulfill these purposes, Connection may access data, including Personal Data, to provide the Connection Services, to correct and address technical, service or security problems, or in response to contractual
      requirements. Please see our Connection Privacy Policy Information We Collect and Data Retention sections for additional details on how we collect, use, disclose and share data, make automated decisions, and retain data, including Personal
      Data, about individual users or customers.<br>
      <br> Our legal bases for the processing of Personal Data are: (i) consent or (ii) any other applicable legal bases, such as our legitimate interest in engaging in commerce, offering products and services of value to the customers of the
      Connection Services, preventing fraud, ensuring information and network security, direct marketing and advertising, and complying with industry practices. <br>
      <strong>Additional Rights for European Residents.</strong> As a resident of the EU or a country following substantially similar legislation regarding the protection of Personal Data, individuals may have one or more of the following additional
      rights: <br>
      <br> &nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>Access.</strong> To request a copy of the Personal Data we have collected about you by contacting us.<br>
      <br> &nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>Rectification &amp; Erasure.</strong> To request that we rectify or delete any of the Personal Data about you that is incomplete, incorrect, unnecessary or outdated.<br>
      <br> &nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>Objection.</strong> To object, at any time, to Personal Data about you being Processed for direct marketing purposes.<br>
      <br> &nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>Restriction of Processing.</strong> To request restriction of Processing of Personal Data about you for certain reasons, such as, for example, if you consider Personal Data about you collected by us to be inaccurate or
      you have objected to the Processing and the existence of legitimate grounds for Processing is still under consideration.<br>
      <br> &nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>Data Portability.</strong> To request and receive the Personal Data we have collected about you in a commonly used and machine-readable form.<br>
      <br> &nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>Right to Withdraw Consent.</strong> If Personal Data about you is processed solely based on your consent and not for any other legitimate interest, to withdraw your consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness
      of our Processing based on such consent before it was withdrawn, including processing related to existing contracts for our products and services.<br>
      <br> &nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>Right to Lodge a Complaint with a DPA.</strong> If you believe our Processing of Personal Data about you is inconsistent with the applicable data protection laws, to lodge a complaint with your local supervisory data
      protection authority (“DPA”).<br>
      <br> To exercise any of the above listed rights, please contact us as set forth below and provide sufficient details so that we can respond appropriately. We will process any requests in accordance with applicable law and within a reasonable
      period of time. We may need to verify the identity of the individual submitting a request before we can address such request. If the request relates to data our customers collect and process through the Connection Services, we will refer the
      request to that customer and will support them in responding to the request. For Connection customers, certain information may be reviewed, corrected and updated by logging into the Connection Services account and editing the profile
      <strong>Compelled Disclosures.</strong> Connection may be required to disclose Personal Data in response to lawful requests by public authorities, including to meet national security or law enforcement requirements. <br>
      <strong>Data Protection Contact.</strong> Our Data Protection Contact for the personal information collected in connection with the Connection Services is: <br>
      <br> &nbsp;&nbsp;Attn: Senior Director, Information Security<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;Connection<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;730 Milford Rd.<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;Merrimack, NH 03054<br>
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   Featured Product: Tripp Lite UPS
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LAST UPDATED: May 25, 2018

This Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”) describes the practices of the Connection
companies, comprising PC Connection, Inc., PC Connection Sales Corporation,
MoreDirect, Inc., GovConnection, Inc. and GlobalServe, Inc. (collectively,
“Connection” or the “Companies,” “we,” “us,” “our”) regarding information
collected through our websites and our products and services (collectively, the
“Connection Services” or “Services”).

Our privacy practices may vary among the places in which we operate in order to
comply with applicable legal requirements.

When you interact with the Connection Services, you consent to such collection,
use and sharing of information as described in this Privacy Policy and our Terms
of Use. If you do not consent to the terms of this Privacy Policy and our Terms
of Use, do not continue to interact with or use the Connection Services.

European Residents: Please see our European Privacy Policy (below) for residents
of the European Union, the European Economic Area or Switzerland.

We may also process personal data submitted relating to individuals in Europe
via other compliance mechanisms, including use of the European Union Standard
Contractual Clauses or Binding Corporate Rules.


The Connection Services gather certain information automatically, some of which
may be considered personal information under applicable law.

We may collect, among other things, the following types of information:

  • Name
  • Address (including billing and shipping address)
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • Fax number
  • Professional information, such as employer or organizational affiliation for
a customer or partner
  • Payment or financial information for billing purposes
  • Screen name
  • Screen sharing views, at the request of customers, for technical or other
types of support
  • Any data in any files uploaded, emailed or otherwise provided by customers
for technical or other types of support
  • Operating system type and version, web server type and version, php version,
database type and version
  • Unique IDs such as a cookie placed on a computer or mobile device, or device
  • IP address or MAC address, and information derived from an IP or MAC
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  • Browsing activities, cookies and similar data, and platform or mobile
application use data
  • Referring domain, destination domain and destination path
  • Geolocational data, including latitudinal and longitudinal data
  • User IDs and passwords for customers with accounts on the Connection
  • Information about the performance, security, software configuration and
availability of our software on your servers and network
  • Website user statistics and website and portal use and viewing activity
  • Communication preferences
  • Other similar information

We may also collect information, including personal information, in the
following situations:

• Registration, purchase and use of the Connection Services: Information such as
name, email address, billing or shipping address, telephone number,
company/organization, financial information (such as credit card number,
verification code, expiration date), and other information, may be collected in
connection with registration for, purchase of or use of the Connection Services
(for example, to sign-up for and log into the Connection Services), including
for processing and shipping of orders. Customers may update their information by
logging into their account. Information may also be collected to track license

• Communications: Personal information such as name, email address, and other
information, may be collected, when provided in any communications, whether via
email, social media, telephone or otherwise.

• Support: Personal information may be collected in connection with customer
support, whether via screensharing, email, social media, telephone or otherwise.

• Surveys and Research: We may collect personal information from anyone
participating in research, contests or surveys.


Connection may use the information, including personal information, collected in
connection with the Connection Services for the purpose of providing the
Services to our customers, as well as for supporting our business functions,
such as fraud prevention, marketing, analytics and legal functions and other
legitimate purposes.

To the extent permitted by applicable law and, for customer data, as permitted
by our customer agreements, we may use information collected in connection with
our Services:

  • To operate the Connection Services and provide support.
  • To fulfill customer requests, such as to create a Connection Services
account or complete customer purchases.
  • To communicate with our customers; to inform customers and users of
products, programs, services and promotions.
  • To send customers information regarding the Connection Services and issues
specifically affecting Connection Services.
  • To respond to reviews, comments, or other feedback provided to us.
  • To support and personalize our Services, websites, mobile services, and
  • To protect the security and integrity of our Services, content, and our
  • To provide support
  • For benchmarking, data analysis, audits, developing new products, enhancing
the Connection Services, facilitating product, software and applications
development, improving our services, conducting research, analysis, studies or
surveys, identifying usage trends, as well as for other analytics purposes.
  • To meet our contractual requirements, to comply with applicable legal or
regulatory requirements and our policies, and to protect against criminal
activity, claims and other liabilities.
  • For any other lawful purpose for which the information is provided.

Aggregate Information. To the extent permitted by applicable law, we may use,
process, transfer, and store any data about individuals and customers or
partners in an anonymous (or pseudonymous) and aggregated manner. We may combine
personal information with other information, collected online and offline,
including information from third party sources. We may also use information in
other ways with consent or as permitted by applicable law. By using the
Connection Services, our customers agree that we are hereby licensed to collect,
use, share and store anonymized (or pseudonymized) aggregated data collected
through the Connection Services for benchmarking, analytics, A/B testing,
metrics, research, reporting, machine learning and other business purposes.

Automated Decisions. To the extent permitted by applicable law, we may collect
data in an automated manner and make automated decisions, including using
machine learning algorithms, about individual users of the Connection Services
in order to provide or optimize the Connection Services offered and/or
delivered, for security or analytics purposes, and for any other lawful purpose.
To the extent permitted by applicable law, we may use automated decisions, for
example, to display advertisements and offers based on the individual’s


To the extent permitted by applicable law, Connection may share and disclose
information, including personal information, as set forth below:

  • Customers. We may share information with our customers and their service
providers and other platforms that may assist those customers.
  • Affiliates and Agents. We may share information with our affiliates or any
business partners or agents acting on our behalf.
  • Service Providers. We may share information with our service providers,
agents, vendors and other third parties we use to support and advertise the
Connection Services and our business. We share personal information with such
third parties to the extent necessary to provide services to us, and pursuant to
binding contractual obligations.
  • Advertising and Marketing. To the extent permitted by applicable law, we may
share information with third parties for marketing, advertising, promotions,
contests, or other similar purposes. If required by applicable law, we will
share such data for advertising and marketing purposes only in an aggregate,
anonymous, and de-identified manner.
  • Mergers, Acquisitions, Divestitures. We may share, disclose or transfer
information to a buyer, investor, new affiliate, or other successor in the event
Connection, or any affiliate, portion, group or business unit thereof, undergoes
a business transition, such as a merger, acquisition, consolidation,
reorganization, divestiture, liquidation or dissolution (including bankruptcy),
or a sale or other transfer of all or a portion of any assets of Connection or
any affiliates or during steps in contemplation of such activities (e.g.,
negotiations and due diligence).
  • Law Enforcement and National Security. We may share information with legal,
governmental, or judicial authorities, as instructed or required by those
authorities or applicable laws, or to comply with any law or directive, judicial
or administrative order, legal process or investigation, warrant, subpoena,
government request, regulatory request, law enforcement or national security
investigation, or as otherwise required or authorized by law.
  • Protection of Rights, Property or Safety. We may also share information if,
in our sole discretion, we believe disclosure is necessary or appropriate to
protect the rights, property or safety of any person, or if we suspect fraud or
other illegal activity,

Connection may also disclose personal information for other purposes or to other
third parties when an individual has consented to or requested such disclosure,
or where a customer has obtained permission from such individual, or where such
disclosure is otherwise legally permitted for legitimate business purposes, and,
for customer data, with such customer’s authorization or otherwise in accordance
with Connection’s agreement with such customer.


We may use cookies and similar technologies to operate and improve the
Connection Services, as well as to simplify our interaction with you. A "cookie"
is a unique numeric code that we transfer to your computer so that we can keep
track of your interests and/or preferences and recognize you as a return visitor
to the websites. We may use cookies, log files, pixel tags, web bugs, web
beacons, clear GIFs, Local Storage Objects (LSOs) such as HTML5 and Flash or
other similar technologies to collect information about the ways you interact
with and use the Connection Services, to support and enhance features and
functionality, to monitor performance, to personalize content and experiences,
for marketing and analytics, and for other lawful purposes. We may also engage
third party service providers to provide advertisements and promotions on our
behalf, or authorize third parties to advertise and market products and services
via the Connection Services.

We may use the following types of cookies and similar technologies:

  • Strictly necessary cookies required for the operation of the Connection
Services. They include, for example, cookies that enable you to log into secure
  • Analytical/performance cookies that collect information about how you use
the Connection Services. They allow us to recognize and count the number of
visitors and to see how visitors move around our website. This helps us to
improve the way our website works. These cookies are sometimes placed by third
party providers of web traffic analysis services.
  • Functionality cookies that remember choices you make and recognize you when
you return. This enables us to personalize our content, greet you by name and
remember your preferences (for example, your choice of language or region).
  • Targeting cookies that collect information about your browsing habits such
as the pages you have visited and the links you have followed. We use this
information to make our website more relevant to your interests, and, if we
enable advertising, to make advertising more relevant to you, as well as to
limit the number of times you see an ad. These cookies are usually placed by
third-party advertising networks. They remember the other websites that you
visit and this information is shared with third-party organizations, for
example, advertisers.

Most internet browsers accept cookies by default. You can block cookies by
activating the setting on your browser that allows you to reject all or some
cookies. The help and support area on your internet browser should have
instructions on how to block or delete cookies. Some web browsers (including
some mobile web browsers) provide settings that allow you to control or reject
cookies or to alert you to when a cookie is placed on your computer, tablet or
mobile device. Although you are not required to accept cookies, if you block or
reject them, you may not have access to all of the features available through
the Connection Services.

We may use third party analytics such as Google Analytics or similar analytics
services. The analytics providers that administer these services may use
technologies such as cookies and web beacons to, among other things, help us
analyze how visitors use our websites.

We may use third-party advertisers to serve or track advertisements on or
relating to the Connection Services. These third parties may use cookies and
other tracking and analytical technologies to, among other things, record which
ads your browser has loaded and which pages you were viewing when ads were
delivered or accessed. Information so collected is subject to the privacy
policies of those third parties, which you should carefully review. We have no
control over third party use of cookies.


To the extent permitted by applicable law, we may retain information for as long
as is reasonably necessary to provide the Connection Services or as needed for
other lawful purposes. We may retain cached or archived copies of information.
We may retain anonymized or pseudonymized, aggregated data indefinitely, to the
extent permitted under applicable law. We may be required to retain some data
for a longer period of time because of various laws and regulations or because
of contractual obligations. We also will retain information as long as
reasonably necessary to comply with our legal and contractual obligations,
resolve disputes and enforce our agreements.


To the extent required by applicable law, or in our discretion otherwise, we
will allow customers and individuals to limit use of personal information. If at
any time after providing us with your personal information such information
changes or you change your mind about receiving information from us, you may
request access to your data or that your data be changed.

If you no longer wish to receive our communications, you may opt-out of
receiving them at any time by following the instructions included in each
communication, by sending a blank email request to unsubscribe@connection.com,
or by mail at Connection, 730 Milford Rd. Merrimack, NH 03054, Attn: Senior
director, Information Security. Please note: Even though you may choose to
unsubscribe from our communications, for security reasons we will always attempt
to send you transaction-related order, backorder and shipment confirmation
emails concerning your purchase through our website.


When you use your mobile device to interact with us or use the Connection
Services, we may receive information about your mobile device, including a
unique identifier for your device. We and our service providers and third
parties we collaborate with, including ad networks, may use
cross-device/cross-context tracking. For example, you might use multiple
browsers on a single device, or use various devices (such as desktops,
smartphones, and tablets), which can result in your having multiple accounts or
profiles across these various contexts and devices. Cross-device/cross-context
technology may be used to connect these various accounts or profiles and the
corresponding data from the different contexts and devices.


The Connection Services may provide links to other websites or resources over
which Connection does not have control (“External Web Sites”). Such links do not
constitute an endorsement by Connection of those External Web Sites. You
acknowledge that Connection is providing these links to you only as a
convenience, and further agree that Connection is not responsible for the
content of such External Web Sites. Your use of External Web Sites is subject to
the terms of use and privacy policies located on the External Web Sites.


To prevent unauthorized access or disclosure, to maintain data accuracy, and to
ensure the appropriate use of personal information, we employ procedural and
technological measures that are reasonably designed to help safeguard the
information we collect. Connection may use encryption, secure socket layer,
firewall, password protection and other physical security measures to help
prevent unauthorized access to such. Connection may also place internal
restrictions on who in the company may access data to help prevent unauthorized
access to such information.

Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet or data storage system can
be guaranteed to be 100% secure. Therefore, despite our efforts, we cannot
guarantee its absolute security. We do not warrant or represent that personal
information about you will be protected against, loss, misuse, or alteration by
third parties.

Where required under applicable law or by contract, we will notify the
appropriate parties or individuals of any loss, misuse or alteration of personal
information so that such parties or individuals can take the appropriate actions
for the due protection of their rights. If such personal information is
information of a Connection customer, we will notify such customer and
coordinate with them regarding any required notices to particular individuals.


We recognize the importance of protecting the privacy and safety of children.
The Connection Services are not intended for children under 13 years of age -
and for European residents, for children under 16 years of age (see our European
Privacy Policy). We do not knowingly collect personal information from children
under 13. Anyone under 13 should not use the Connection Services. If we learn we
have collected or received personal information from a child under 13 without
verification of parental consent, we will delete that information. If you
believe we might have any information from or about a child under 13, please
contact us as set forth below.


The Connection Services may be provided using resources and servers located in
various countries around the world, including the United States and other
countries. Therefore, personal information about individuals or customers may be
transferred, processed and stored outside the country where the Connection
Services are used, including to countries outside the European Union (“EU”),
European Economic Area (“EEA”) or Switzerland, where the level of data
protection may not be deemed adequate by the European Commission.


Under California’s “Shine the Light” law, California residents who provide
personal information in obtaining products or services for personal, family or
household use may be entitled to request and obtain from us, once per calendar
year, information about customer information we have shared, if any, with other
businesses for such other businesses’ own direct marketing uses. If applicable,
this information would include the categories of resident information and the
names and addresses of those businesses with which we shared such resident
information for the immediately prior calendar year. To obtain this information,
please contact us as indicated below. Please include sufficient personal
identification information so that we can process the request, including that
you are a California resident.


If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, or our collection, use,
sharing or storage of information about you, you can contact us by email at
infosec@connection.com, or write to the following address:

  Attn: Senior Director, Information Security
  730 Milford Rd.
   Merrimack, NH 03054


DISPUTE RESOLUTION. Except as otherwise expressly provided above, or in our
European Privacy Policy or otherwise required by applicable law, you agree that
the exclusive jurisdiction of any actions arising out of, relating to, or in any
way connected with, this Privacy Policy, shall be in the state or federal
courts, as applicable, located in the State of New Hampshire, USA.


Connection may update this Privacy Policy from time to time in our sole
discretion to reflect changes to our information and privacy practices.
Connection will post any updated Privacy Policy on this page or in the
Connection Services, or with any notice to individual users if required by
applicable law. Continued use of the Connection Services after any such
modifications constitutes acceptance to any such modified Privacy Policy.
Connection encourages you to review this Privacy Policy regularly for any
changes. The date of last revision is shown at the “Last Updated” legend at the
top of this page.


The following European Privacy Policy applies to residents of the European
Union, the European Economic Area and Switzerland.

Personal Data and Processing. For the purposes of this European Privacy Policy:

“Personal Data” means any information relating to an identified or identifiable
natural person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by
reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location
data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical,
physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of such
natural person; and

“Processing” means any operation or set of operations which is performed on
Personal Data or on sets of Personal Data, whether or not by automated means,
such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or
alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission,
dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination,
restriction, erasure or destruction.

Purposes and Legal Bases for Processing Personal Data. Connection processes data
for the purposes as set forth in our Privacy Policy, including to provide the
Connection Services and as explained in the Use of Information and Sharing of
Information sections. To fulfill these purposes, Connection may access data,
including Personal Data, to provide the Connection Services, to correct and
address technical, service or security problems, or in response to contractual
requirements. Please see our Connection Privacy Policy Information We Collect
and Data Retention sections for additional details on how we collect, use,
disclose and share data, make automated decisions, and retain data, including
Personal Data, about individual users or customers.

Our legal bases for the processing of Personal Data are: (i) consent or (ii) any
other applicable legal bases, such as our legitimate interest in engaging in
commerce, offering products and services of value to the customers of the
Connection Services, preventing fraud, ensuring information and network
security, direct marketing and advertising, and complying with industry

Additional Rights for European Residents. As a resident of the EU or a country
following substantially similar legislation regarding the protection of Personal
Data, individuals may have one or more of the following additional rights:

  Access. To request a copy of the Personal Data we have collected about you by
contacting us.

  Rectification & Erasure. To request that we rectify or delete any of the
Personal Data about you that is incomplete, incorrect, unnecessary or outdated.

  Objection. To object, at any time, to Personal Data about you being Processed
for direct marketing purposes.

  Restriction of Processing. To request restriction of Processing of Personal
Data about you for certain reasons, such as, for example, if you consider
Personal Data about you collected by us to be inaccurate or you have objected to
the Processing and the existence of legitimate grounds for Processing is still
under consideration.

  Data Portability. To request and receive the Personal Data we have collected
about you in a commonly used and machine-readable form.

  Right to Withdraw Consent. If Personal Data about you is processed solely
based on your consent and not for any other legitimate interest, to withdraw
your consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of our Processing
based on such consent before it was withdrawn, including processing related to
existing contracts for our products and services.

  Right to Lodge a Complaint with a DPA. If you believe our Processing of
Personal Data about you is inconsistent with the applicable data protection
laws, to lodge a complaint with your local supervisory data protection authority

To exercise any of the above listed rights, please contact us as set forth below
and provide sufficient details so that we can respond appropriately. We will
process any requests in accordance with applicable law and within a reasonable
period of time. We may need to verify the identity of the individual submitting
a request before we can address such request. If the request relates to data our
customers collect and process through the Connection Services, we will refer the
request to that customer and will support them in responding to the request. For
Connection customers, certain information may be reviewed, corrected and updated
by logging into the Connection Services account and editing the profile

Compelled Disclosures. Connection may be required to disclose Personal Data in
response to lawful requests by public authorities, including to meet national
security or law enforcement requirements.

Data Protection Contact. Our Data Protection Contact for the personal
information collected in connection with the Connection Services is:

  Attn: Senior Director, Information Security
  730 Milford Rd.
  Merrimack, NH 03054



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