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Health Articles Men's Health Women's Health Weight loss Spiritual Health
Services Include Imperative Health Information Testimonial's Videos Books
Contact Us Dr. Paul Mach, DN


Buy Professional Vitamins

Blessed Herbs


*Not a Substitute For your primary physician. Contact your doctor before
starting a nutritional program or discontinuing prescription medication.




What is Holistic Healthcare Episode 1.
Click Here   to access episodes 2-5.


   Dr Mach, DN, specializes in implementing personalized scientific and research
driven nutrient/vitamin/herbal/dietary programs—based upon each person’s health
concerns, issues and unique goals.  This comprehensive approach is based upon
listening to the patient, hearing what is said, running appropriate laboratory
tests and than assessing all data.  It is only when a complete view of the whole
person metabolic profile is obtained that specific recommendations and
treatments can be made to assist you and your body to heal. This is done by
addressing the cause and not treating just the symptom.

  Dr. Mach, DN, sorts through the maze of fad diets/vitamins/herbs/tonics and
misinformation and the short term “quick fixes”. These are often used
inappropriately to treat or mask symptoms of an underlying health condition
instead of actually resolving the cause of the problem.  Through scientifically
substantiated, usable and intelligent information, you take control of your
health and life destiny. With proper coaching, you evolve into the energetic and
optimally healthy individual you know you were created to be.

  Utilizing these simple yet specific customized nutritional protocols and
detoxification procedures there is hope for virtually every health concern –
even when you have been everywhere else and you still don’t feel the way you

Support is available for women’s health concerns, weight loss, anti-aging,
fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, diabetes, depression and anxiety, elevated blood
pressure and cholesterol, sports optimization, arthritis, immune disorders, ADD,
and preventative measures for cancer and circulatory disorders to name a few.

PREVENTION is ALWAYS better than early DETECTION!!! 


“Webster’s dictionary defines Health as a flourishing condition of body, mind
and spirit. As a holistic health care practitioner I believe in your body’s
ability to achieve health if given the appropriate water, nutrients, exercise,
and guidance.

“My commitment is to serve and assist my patients through the maze of confusion
and help you make informed decisions and choices that will lead to your optimal

“My goal is for you to feel flourishing health the way you know God created you
to experience.”

“My life's purpose is to LISTEN, TEACH and ASSIST you to the best of my ability
with deep commitment and integrity.”

“Your health, your life are your responsibility. I am here to help.”

Affiliated Sites:


FLORENCÉ is a potent, youth-promoting skin cream designed to effect a firmer and
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Healthy Mother Healthy Child - Coming Soon!


Avatar is the most powerful, purest self-development program available. It is a
series of experiential exercises that enables you to rediscover your self and
align your consciousness with what you want to achieve. You will experience your
own unique insights and revelations. It’s you finding out about you. Avatar is a
nine-day self-empowerment training delivered by Paul Mach an Avatar Master
Trainer and others like him worldwide. Click here for more information or
contact directly

© 2009 Dr. Paul Mach, DN
                      Contact our office: (217)
638-4325                                                             Designed
By: Michael Bowers