www.eway.ca Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

URL: https://www.eway.ca/en/Landing/furnituresolutions?pageName=HOME&callingLocation=nav-bar&category=Category:Quick%20Fu...
Submission: On May 24 via manual from CA — Scanned from CA

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   1 year
 * Description
   inside graph for Live chat

 * Cookie
 * Duration
 * Description
   To manage showing welcome eway modal for postal code.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
 * Description
   To keep the postal code saved when showing welcome eway modal for postal

 * Cookie
 * Duration
 * Description
   To manage buyer auto login

 * Cookie
 * Duration
 * Description
   DefaultRequestHeaders sent back to the React application

 * Cookie
 * Duration
 * Description
   To show alert message ( remove restricted product message when change shipto

 * Cookie
 * Duration
 * Description
   For auto login feature

 * Cookie
 * Duration
 * Description
   For auto login feature

 * Cookie
 * Duration
 * Description
   used for load balancer.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
 * Description
   akamai cookie.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
 * Description
   Temporary cookie used to test for cookie support. Expires instantly.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
 * Description
   This is an Adobe Analytics cookie that contains information about the
   previous link that was clicked on by the user.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 year
 * Description
   inside graph for Live chat


Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the
content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other
third-party features.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 month
 * Description
   Search Type : This cookie is being created from the .Net but we are not using
   it on the frontend.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
 * Description
   Description is currently not available.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   3 months
 * Description
   Description is currently not available.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   3 months
 * Description
   Description is currently not available.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
 * Description
   Description is currently not available.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   10 minutes
 * Description
   Description is currently not available.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
 * Description
   Description is currently not available.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   5 months 27 days
 * Description
   Description is currently not available.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   6 months
 * Description
   Description is currently not available.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 year 27 days
 * Description
   Description is currently not available.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   30 minutes
 * Description
   Description is currently not available.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 month
 * Description
   No description available.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   30 minutes
 * Description
   Cloudflare set the cookie to support Cloudflare Bot Management.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
 * Description
   No description available.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
 * Description
   To show message after page redirection when we buy again the items from
   submitted order.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   6 months
 * Description
   To enable React Pages.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   12 hours
 * Description
   No Description

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   6 hours
 * Description
   No Description.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 month
 * Description
   No description available.


Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the
website. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of
visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   2 hours
 * Description
   Bloom Reach

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   15 minutes
 * Description

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   7 days
 * Description
   Akamai Boomerang set this cookie, which gauges visitor experience with page
   load times.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
 * Description
   Segment Analytics

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 year
 * Description
   This cookie is set by Segment to count the number of people who visit a
   certain site by tracking if they have visited before.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
 * Description
   This cookie is set by Segment to help track visitor usage, events, target
   marketing, and also measure application performance and stability.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 year 1 month 4 days
 * Description
   KeywordPredictiveSearch for bloomreach

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 day
 * Description
   Google Analytics sets this cookie to store information on how visitors use a
   website while also creating an analytics report of the website's performance.
   Some of the collected data includes the number of visitors, their source, and
   the pages they visit anonymously.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 minute
 * Description
   Google Analytics sets this cookie to store a unique user ID.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 year 1 month 4 days
 * Description
   Google Analytics sets this cookie to store and count page views.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 year 1 month 4 days
 * Description
   Google Analytics sets this cookie to calculate visitor, session and campaign
   data and track site usage for the site's analytics report. The cookie stores
   information anonymously and assigns a randomly generated number to recognise
   unique visitors.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 year 1 month 4 days
 * Description
   Klaviyo sets this cookie to collect information on the visitor’s behavior.
   This information is used for internal analytics and to optimise the website.
   It also registers if the visitor has subscribed to a news letter.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   12 hours
 * Description
   This cookie is set by Powr for analytics measurement.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 year 1 month 4 days
 * Description
   This cookie is set by Powr for analytics measurement.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   2 years
 * Description
   YouTube sets this cookie via embedded YouTube videos and registers anonymous
   statistical data.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 year 1 month 4 days
 * Description
   Google Analytics installs this cookie to store a unique value when the user
   visits each page.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
 * Description
   Used to get reccomendations.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
 * Description
   Segment Analytics

 * Cookie
 * Duration
 * Description
   Segment Analytics

 * Cookie
 * Duration
 * Description
   Segment Analytics


Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance
indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for
the visitors.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 year 1 month 4 days
 * Description
   The s_pers cookie is set by Adobe for anonymized identification of new
   visitors, to help analyze clickstream data, and track historical activity on
   the website.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
 * Description
   This is a Adobe Site Catalyst cookie. This cookie is used to collect
   informaion on how visitors use the website and this information is used for
   improving the website.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
 * Description
   This cookie is used for load balancing and session stickiness. This technical
   session identifier is required for some website features.

Advertising and Marketing

Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and
marketing campaigns. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect
information to provide customized ads.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
 * Description
   Youtube sets this cookie to track the views of embedded videos on Youtube

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   5 months 27 days
 * Description
   YouTube sets this cookie to measure bandwidth, determining whether the user
   gets the new or old player interface.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   15 minutes
 * Description
   doubleclick.net sets this cookie to determine if the user's browser supports

 * Cookie
 * Duration
 * Description
   YouTube sets this cookie to store the user's video preferences using embedded
   YouTube videos.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
 * Description
   YouTube sets this cookie to register a unique ID to store data on what videos
   from YouTube the user has seen.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
 * Description
   YouTube sets this cookie to store the user's video preferences using embedded
   YouTube videos.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
 * Description
   YouTube sets this cookie to register a unique ID to store data on what videos
   from YouTube the user has seen.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 year 24 days
 * Description
   Google DoubleClick IDE cookies store information about how the user uses the
   website to present them with relevant ads according to the user profile.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 year 1 month 4 days
 * Description
   This cookie, provided by Marketo, has information (such as a unique user ID)
   that is used to track the user's site usage. The cookies set by Marketo are
   readable only by Marketo.


Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been
classified into a category as yet.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 year 1 month 4 days
 * Description
   Description is currently not available.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
 * Description
   Description is currently not available.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
 * Description
   Description is currently not available.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
 * Description
   No description available.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   5 minutes
 * Description
   Description is currently not available.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   5 minutes
 * Description
   Description is currently not available.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   5 minutes
 * Description
   Description is currently not available.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
 * Description
   No description available.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   5 minutes
 * Description
   Description is currently not available.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   5 minutes
 * Description
   Description is currently not available.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   5 minutes
 * Description
   Description is currently not available.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   6 hours
 * Description
   Description is currently not available.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   5 minutes
 * Description
   Description is currently not available.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   5 minutes
 * Description
   Description is currently not available.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   5 minutes
 * Description
   Description is currently not available.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   5 minutes
 * Description
   Description is currently not available.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   5 minutes
 * Description
   Description is currently not available.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   5 minutes
 * Description
   Description is currently not available.

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      * Ink & Toner Finder
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      * Staples Ink & Toner
      * Xerox Ink & Toner
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      * Packaging & Shipping Tape
      * Packaging Materials
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      * Stretch & Shrink Wrap
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      * Retail Bags & Gift Supplies
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    * Cell Phone Accessories
      * Bluetooth Headsets
      * Cell Phone Cases
      * Cell Phone Mounts and Stands
      * Cell Phone Screen Protectors
      * Cell Phone Signal Boosters
      * Chargers and Cables
      * Phone Photography Accessories
    * Cell Phones
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    * Backpacks and Bags
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quick furniture solutions for any workspace.

Get a free quote and rendering within 2 days, and delivery and installation in
just 2 to 4 weeks.

      LEARN MORE    


Workspace design
and planning


Fast delivery
and installation

A team of
furniture experts

Free design

Fast and flexible
furniture solutions.
Receive a free quote and design within 48 hours. Delivery and installation
within 2-4 weeks.

Choose stylish products
from leading vendors.
We work with industry leading vendors to provide best in class service. Select
quality products to meet your business needs.

Solutions for any workspace.
Office workspaces, meeting rooms, common areas, breakrooms - when it comes to
enhancing through design, these areas impact your team the most.


Step 1:
From developing common areas to reimagining a corner office, our furniture
professionals are here to bring your new workspace to life.

Step 2:
Quote and Rendering
Access an unparalleled selection of products and manufacturers to suit your
project needs. Once you’ve made your selections, we’ll generate a quote and
rendering within 48 hours.

Step 3:
Final Installation
Our furniture experts and project management are focused on quickly delivering
customized workplace solutions without sacrificing quality.

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