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Effective URL: https://www.radicalcompliance.com/about/?mkt_tok=OTc3LUlGWS0xOTQAAAGS8lminCAAEosnzLjSVxngDm-pZ6PYReZXKIAtzJlpoKgGYKgOe0Nr5JrlkMj0y...
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The boss, Matt Kelly (at right)

Welcome! Thank you for visiting Radical Compliance, a website devoted to
corporate compliance, audit, and risk management issues. We’re delighted to have
you here.

Radical Compliance is owned and operated by Matt Kelly, long-time writer and
observer of the corporate compliance and GRC scene. It launched on Jan. 1, 2016,
and we’ve been working to make the GRC world a better place ever since.

Prior to Radical Compliance, I was a writer, editor, and publisher at Compliance
Week from 2003 through 2015; some of you may know me from my career there. I
also speak frequently at compliance conferences and other events, and will shoot
the breeze on pretty much any compliance topic with anyone who asks.

Here is where I post news and analysis about government regulatory policy and
the implications for corporate compliance programs; share best practices I learn
from other professionals; and keep people current on news that’s happening in
the compliance field. Radical Compliance also publishes a newsletter every
Friday afternoon, including our famous Compliance Jobs Report.

You can learn more about my experience on my LinkedIn page, which lists my
professional achievements, awards, work milestones, core skills, and all that
other stuff that impresses recruiters and HR software.

If you want more information about this site in general, then check out our
FAQs, below.

Q: So what is all this, exactly?
A: Foremost, this is where I post my thoughts about governance, risk, and
compliance. Much will be brilliant, some might be garbage — nevertheless, I post
them here for anyone who might care to read them. After all, you gotta stay
current with your chosen profession, right?

I also want to keep in touch with everyone I know in the compliance community,
and this seems like as good a vehicle as any to do that. I will post some
information as a community service (other blogs to follow, events worth
attending, news articles worth reading, memes to include in the audit committee
presentation, podcasts to download, gossip to spread) simply because I love this

Q: Tell me more about this Friday newsletter and the Compliance Jobs Report.
A: The newsletter comes out every Friday afternoon, so you can look busy in
front of the team while you’re really in a food coma and coasting until 5 p.m.
The newsletter is free, and you can sign up for it on our home page at the “Get
the Friday Newsletter” box on the left.

The Compliance Jobs Report is posted every Friday morning. It’s a compendium of
which compliance and audit professionals have made what job moves in the last
week, career milestones, news from vendors (product releases, mergers, customer
wins, and so forth), GRC events of interest, and cool job openings we’ve
noticed. If you have news you want to include, email me at

Q: Wait, are you that guy who makes all the compliance memes? That’s weird, but
they’re awesome.
A: That is indeed me, and thank you. I have a gallery of several dozen
compliance memes on my Compliance Memes page, and hundreds more are floating
around on the Internet by now.

Q: Can I use one of the memes in my next staff meeting?
A: Sure. Just give a shout to Radical Compliance if you can.

Q: Sometimes I can’t access your website at work, although I can reach it from
my home computer. Why is that?
A: Most likely, you work either at a government agency or a business with lots
of government contract work; your IT security filters might block me because the
word “radical” is in the website name. You can ask your IT security people to
allow access to my site, and I promise — as mighty and powerful as Radical
Compliance is, we pose no threat to the government.

Q: Are you going to ask me for money for this?
A: No. I ask for no subscription fees. This is all free.

Q: So how do you make money?
A: I do some consulting work with people who have compliance problems, or who
want to run their programs better, or need some writing projects done. Sometimes
I do private research projects or work with nonprofits that have
compliance-related missions. That work lets me post here, and the posts here
help me get that work.

Q: You do private consulting? You know, I have this problem where—
A: Shhh! Don’t tell me your idea here! Email me at mkelly@radicalcompliance.com
and we can talk. I’m always ready to help someone or just spend time talking
shop about corporate compliance or audit.

Q: OK, thanks!

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