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Effective URL: https://www.sstack.com/dura-tech-1-economy-nylon-halter/p/12952/?sc_src=email_3474709&sc_lid=286474363&sc_uid=tJPaZSx1p...
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Nylon Halters Dura-Tech
14.99 14.99
up to 40% off
The average rating for this product is 5 out of 5 stars 49 Reviews


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Dura-Tech® 1" Economy Nylon Halter
For a halter built to last and at a great value, this 1" nylon halter is a
perfect choice. It's made from a 1" double-ply nylon web with brass plated
hardware that's strong and comfortable for your horse. With ample adjustment on
the crown and curb with heat-sealed holes, this halter is versatile and built to
last. Available in many colors at an affordable price point, this is a great
choice for any horse at your barn.

 * Attractive nylon halter at an economical price
 * 1" double-ply nylon web construction
 * Brass-plated hardware and snap at the throat
 * Adjustment at the curb and crown with heat-sealed holes
 * Personalization available
 * Great for awards!

Featured Review
5.0 star rating

> "This is durable and good quality product!!..."


5.0 star rating

I would but this product again!

This is durable and good quality product!!



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Material Guide - Nylon vs. Nylon Web

Polypropylene(Nylon Web) Nylon Breaking Point Polypropylene(Nylon Web)1500 lbs
Nylon3000 lbs Strength Polypropylene(Nylon Web)Fair NylonHigh Resistance to
Mildew Polypropylene(Nylon Web)Excellent NylonExcellent Resistance to UV
Polypropylene(Nylon Web)Good NylonGood Resistance to Acids Polypropylene(Nylon
Web)Excellent NylonPoor Abrasion Resistance Polypropylene(Nylon Web)Fair
NylonExcellent Resistance to Oils Polypropylene(Nylon Web)Good NylonExcellent
General Texture Polypropylene(Nylon Web)Good NylonExcellent Stretch*
Polypropylene(Nylon Web)Some NylonSlight Water Absorption** Polypropylene(Nylon
Web)No NylonYes Float in Water Polypropylene(Nylon Web)Yes NylonNo Price
Polypropylene(Nylon Web)Less Expensive NylonMore Expensive Application/Usage
Polypropylene(Nylon Web)Medium Duty NylonHeavy Duty Melting Point
Polypropylene(Nylon Web)320° Nylon450°

* Stretch of polypropylene is approximately 25% of rated breaking strength
* Stretch of nylon is approximately 30% of rated breaking strength
** Nylon will lose 12% of its strength when wet If you have any questions about
this product or a type of fit, please contact us at 1-800-365-1311 or

Size Chart - Dura-Tech® 1" Economy Nylon Halter

Size Nose Cheeks Crown SizeYearling/Pony Nose10" Cheeks6 1/2" Crown18" SizeCob
Nose10 1/2" Cheeks7" Crown19" SizeFull Size Nose11 1/2" Cheeks7 1/2" Crown22"

All measurements may vary by up to 1/2" due to the nature of this product. If
you have any questions about this product or a type of fit, please contact us at
1-800-365-1311 or service@sstack.com

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Lela M.
Verified Buyer

5.0 star rating

Amazing halter!

Review by Lela M. on 28 May 2015 review stating Amazing halter!
my horse has broken halter after halter. He has had this halter for several
weeks now and it's still in perfect condition. People at the barn always comment
it and tell me how pretty he looks in it! I love it!

On Dura-Tech 1 Economy Nylon Halter
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Lela M. on 28 May 2015 twitter twitter Share Review by Lela M. on 28 May 2015
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Verified Buyer

5.0 star rating

Will Buy Again

Review by Hunterjumper92 on 6 Oct 2011 review stating Will Buy Again
I use this as my stable halter. I love it, and it looks great on my new horse!
Hes a baby and he still has not destroyed it. Great halter!

On Dura-Tech 1 Economy Nylon Halter
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Hunterjumper92 on 6 Oct 2011 LinkedIn linkedin Share Review by Hunterjumper92 on
6 Oct 2011
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Verified Buyer

5.0 star rating

Great product at a great price!!!

Review by Fran on 20 Oct 2023 review stating Great product at a great price!!!
This halter is well made and comfortable for my horse. I recommend this for an
everyday use halter at a very affordable price. In the past, these halters have
lasted many years.
On Dura-Tech 1 Economy Nylon Halter
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Verified Buyer

5.0 star rating

I would but this product again!

Review by Helen on 14 Oct 2023 review stating I would but this product again!
This is durable and good quality product!!
On Dura-Tech 1 Economy Nylon Halter
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Helen on 14 Oct 2023 twitter twitter Share Review by Helen on 14 Oct 2023
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Verified Buyer

5.0 star rating

Awesome value

Review by J on 31 Aug 2023 review stating Awesome value
Awesome value. Solid construction. I expect that they will last thru heavy use
On Dura-Tech 1 Economy Nylon Halter
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Verified Reviewer

Q: How is the safety of this halter? Any breakaway points if the horse freaks

Answers (1)

Verified Buyer
A: Nylon halters are very durable but do not break if a horse should panic. You
would need to look into a breakaway halter that has areas that will break in the
event of an emergency. The Dura Tech Comfort Plus halter has a breakaway crown
piece and the Dura Tech Fully Padded Breakaway Halter has a breakaway tab
between the cheek and crown. Both are very safe and the breakaway pieces are
Was this answer helpful?



Cob Cob Full Size Full Size Yearling/Pony Yearling/Pony
Size Chart

Black Burgundy Green

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Brass Bridle & Halter Name Tag 3/4" disc (+€‌9.95) #02403
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Rectangle Halter Name Plate 5/8" (+€‌19.00) #02409
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For a padded halter, we recommend:
Dura-Tech® Deluxe Fully Padded Nylon Halter
29.99 29.99
up to 33% off
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Matching Accessories
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12.99 12.99
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Dura-Tech® 8' Nylon Lead Rope with Chain
19.99 19.99
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The average rating for this product is 5 out of 5 stars 55 Reviews
Coated Metal Bridle Rack
3.99 3.99
up to 33% off
The average rating for this product is 5 out of 5 stars 216 Reviews

Brand Dura-Tech

Attention California Residents – Proposition 65
WARNING – Cancer and Reproductive Harm – www.P65Warnings.ca.gov
Dura-Tech® 1" Economy Nylon Halter
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