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Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e.V.Sparkasse KölnBonnIBAN: DE15 3705 0198 0000 0011
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Hunger and Drought in East Africa

No water, no harvest, no food: An extreme drought threatens the lives of
millions of people.

Learn more
Earthquakes in Syria and Türkiye

Several earthquakes shook southeastern Türkiye, near the border with Syria, on
February 6, 2023. The people affected still need our help.

Read more
War in Ukraine

Since Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, millions of people have fled to
other European countries or are displaced within Ukraine. They need humanitarian

Read more
Annual Report 2022

In 2022, WHH supported around 18.8 million people in 37 countries with 603

Learn more

Hunger and Drought in East Africa
No water, no harvest, no food: An extreme drought threatens the lives of
millions of people.
Earthquakes in Syria and Türkiye
Several earthquakes shook southeastern Türkiye, near the border with Syria, on
February 6, 2023. The people affected still need our help.
War in Ukraine
Since Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, millions of people have fled to
other European countries or are displaced within Ukraine. They need humanitarian
Annual Report 2022
Up to 828 million people do not have enough to eat. Learn about the causes and
consequences of hunger and what should be done to overcome hunger.


Our vision is a world in which all people have the opportunity to live a
self-determined life in dignity and justice, free from hunger and poverty.

Our work
by 2030 More on #ZeroHunger


projects in 2022

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people supported
in 2022

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people have taken
action with us in 2022

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90.3 %

of your donation is
used for our projects

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10.08.2023 | BlogNiger: "Humanitarian Assistance of vital importance"read more
06.08.2023 | Press ReleaseNGOs warn further instability and sanctions could
exacerbate humanitarian needs

Joint Press Statement of humanitarian NGOs on the sanctions and conflict with
the existing vulnerabilities in Niger.

read more
04.08.2023 | Blog6 Months after the Earthquake in Türkiye and Syria: Our work

Welthungerhilfe has been able to help more than 120,000 people affected by the
earthquakes in Syria and Türkiye. Our support continues

read more
02.08.2023 | Press ReleaseWelthungerhilfe Welcomes Continuation of German
Humanitarian Aid in Niger

"A Question of Survival”: Welthungerhilfe welcomes continuation of German
Humanitarian Aid in Niger

read more
28.07.2023 | BlogA new start: after the flood in Pakistan

The water has gone, many problems remain: the help required for people to
survive the aftermath of the flood of the century.

read more
21.07.2023 | Press ReleaseUNFSS+2: Taking stock 2 years after the UN Food Summit

Press Statement by Welthungerhilfe Secretary General Mathias Mogge on the
occasion of the "UN Food Systems Summit +2 Stocktaking Moment".

read more
14.07.2023 | BlogUNFSS+2 Side Event: How to re-set the table?read more
All articles
the Taliban took power in 2021, Afghanistan has been in the grip of a
humanitarian catastrophe: millions of people are starving.\n\nCurrent projects:
19\nfunding in 2022: 20.6 m. €\nPeople reached in 2022:
threaten the country frequently. Welthungerhilfe help to ensure people’s food
supply and prepare them for catastrophes.\n\ncurrent projects: 38\nfunding in
2022: 10.1 m. €\npeople reached in 2022:
consequences of climate change have a strong impact in densely populated
Bangladesh. Almost every eighth inhabitant suffers from hunger.\n\ncurrent
projects: 12\nfunding in 2022: 2.8 m. €\npeople reached in 2022:
- A country on the upswing? But the indigenous population and smallholders
cannot profit from the economic growth.\n\ncurrent projects*: 5\nfunding in
2022*: 0.6 m. €\npeople reached in 2022*:
Faso","url":"\/our-work\/countries\/burkina-faso","text":"The west African state
Burkina Faso is repeatedly shaken by unrest and revolts. Welthungerhilfe
supports the population.\n\ncurrent projects: 17\nfunding in 2022: 6.4 m.
€\npeople reached in 2022:
is one of the world’s poorest countries. Welthungerhilfe supports the
improvement of living conditions on site. \n\ncurrent projects: 11\nfunding in
2022: 5.1 m. €\npeople reached in 2022:
Republic of
Congo is one of the world’s poorest country despite its wealth of natural
resources. Reasons are political instability and war.\n\ncurrent projects:
17\nfunding in 2022: 11.3 m. €\npeople reached in 2022:
and other disasters - Haiti's rural population suffers the consequences. In
2021, nearly 50% of the population was malnourished.\n\ncurrent projects:
10\nfunding in 2022: 7.3 m. €\npeople reached in 2022:
third of the world's poor population lives in India. How does so much poverty
and hunger arise in the country? The causes are diverse.\n\ncurrent projects:
31\nfunding in 2022: 5 m. €\npeople reached in 2022:
of people in Iraq are still dependent on humanitarian assistance.
Welthungerhilfe helps on site.\n\ncurrent projects: 12\nfunding in 2022: 6.7 m.
€\npeople reached in 2022:
in Yemen need help in many spheres of life: Clean water, medication and food are
scarce.\n\nactive projects: 4\nfunding in 2022: 0.9 m. €\npeople reached in
has one of the highest deforestation rates in the world. The consequences are
land grabbing and hunger.\n\ncurrent projects: 7\nfunding in 2022: 0.5 m.
€\npeople reached in 2022:
is well-known for its diverse wildlife and savanna landscapes, but people are
increasingly suffer from the effects of climate change.\n\ncurrent projects:
42\nfunding in 2022: 11.3 m. €\npeople reached in 2022:
long civil war was followed by the outbreak of Ebola. More than 50 percent of
the Liberian population still lives in poverty.\n\ncurrent projects: 11\nfunding
in 2022: 9.4 m. €\npeople reached in 2022:
is repeatedly hit by extreme droughts. The majority of the population suffers
from hunger and poverty.\n\ncurrent projects: 13\nfunding in 2022: 4.1 m.
€\npeople reached in 2022:
and heavy rain - the south African country is dependent on agricultural income
and suffers from effects of climate change.\n\ncurrent projects: 21\nfunding in
2022: 4.7 m. €\npeople reached in 2022:
conflicts, violence from Islamist militias - in recent years Mali has been
convulsed by instability and violence.\n\ncurrent projects: 16\nfunding in 2022:
10.4 m. €\npeople reached in 2022:
multi-ethnic nation Myanmar ranks among to the poorest countries of the world.
\n\ncurrent projects: 11\nfunding in 2022: 3.0 m. €\npeople reached in 2022:
7 million people in Nepal are living below the national poverty line.
Malnutrition is a serious obstacle, especially for children.\n\ncurrent
projects: 16\nfunding in 2022: 3.3 m. €\npeople reached in 2022:
situation in Niger is tense. Droughts, food crises and attacks by radical
Islamic militias threaten the population.\n\ncurrent projects: 11\nfunding in
2022: 5.8 m. €\npeople reached in 2022:
Korea","url":"\/our-work\/countries\/north-korea","text":"Welthungerhilfe has
been working in North Korea since 1996 and supports the population in areas like
agriculture.\n\ncurrent projects*: 3\nfunding in 2022*: 0.04 m. €\npeople
reached in 2022:
and its partners support local people with disaster risk reduction and rural
development.\n\ncurrent projects: 23\nfunding in 2022: 6.2 m. €\npeople reached
in 2022:
has made an economic upswing, but the poor rural populaton feels little of
it.\n\ncurrent projects*: 5\nfunding in 2022*: 0.6 m. €\npeople reached in
2022*: 14,000","withoutTooltip":null},{"iso":"SL","uid":1652,"title":"Sierra
Leone","url":"\/our-work\/countries\/sierra-leone","text":"Since civil war is
over and Ebola apparently defeated, the uptrend is noticeable. But hunger is
still a hunger problem in Sierra Leone.\n\ncurrent projects: 25\nfunding in
2022: 7.0 m. €\npeople reached in 2022:
Zimbabwe, many people are dependent on aid in the fight against hunger and
poverty.\n\ncurrent projects: 33\nfunding in 2022: 14.5 m. €\npeople reached in
2021: 2,534,000","withoutTooltip":null},{"iso":"XS","uid":1654,"title":"Somalia
is helping Somalia and Somaliland, which are both under threat by droughts
induced by climate change.\n\ncurrent projects: 16\nfunding in 2022: 5.3 m.
€\npeople reached in 2022:
conflicts and social tensions between government, rebels and ethnic groups
strain life in Sudan.\n\ncurrent projects: 24\nfunding in 2022: 21.5 m.
€\npeople reached in 2022:
Sudan","url":"\/our-work\/countries\/south-sudan","text":"The youngest state on
earth is literally struggling to survive. After a brutal civil war and droughts,
many people are dependent on aid.\n\ncurrent projects: 22\nfunding in 2022: 42.2
m. €\npeople reached in 2022:
774,000","withoutTooltip":null},{"iso":"SY","uid":1657,"title":"Syria \/
Türkiye","url":"\/our-work\/countries\/syria-turkiye","text":"The civil war has
already claimed hundreds of thousands of lives. Millions of people have fled.
Welthungerhilfe assists at the local level \n\ncurrent projects: 12\nfunding in
2022: 22.2 m. €\npeople reached in 2022:
is the poorest of the Central Asian Republics. The majority of the population
lives from agriculture.\n\ncurrent projects: 14\nfunding in 2022: 3.2 m.
€\nreached people in 2022:
extreme drought and crop failures are making the live hard in Uganda. Anyway,
about one million people have already found refuge there.\n\ncurrent projects:
31\nfunding in 2022: 9.7 m. €\npeople reached in 2022:
299,000","withoutTooltip":null},{"iso":"CF","uid":1661,"title":"Central African
crises and violent conflicts have plunged the country into chaos. Around one
million people have fled these conditions.\n\ncurrent projects: 18\nfunding in
2022: 6.3 m. €\npeople reached in 2022:
is suffering from an economic and political crisis. Every 5th inhabitant is a
refugee. How our projects help. \n\ncurrent projects: 4\nfunding in 2022: 1.8 m.
€\npeople reached in 2022:
Ukraine was attacked by Russia, war has been raging in Europe's second largest
country.\n\ncurrent projects: 8\nfunding in 2022: 9.6 m. €\npeople reached in
2022: 73,000","withoutTooltip":null}]
threaten the country frequently. Welthungerhilfe help to ensure people’s food
supply and prepare them for catastrophes.\n\ncurrent projects: 38\nfunding in
2022: 10.1 m. €\npeople reached in 2022:
Faso","url":"\/our-work\/countries\/burkina-faso","text":"The west African state
Burkina Faso is repeatedly shaken by unrest and revolts. Welthungerhilfe
supports the population.\n\ncurrent projects: 17\nfunding in 2022: 6.4 m.
€\npeople reached in 2022:
is one of the world’s poorest countries. Welthungerhilfe supports the
improvement of living conditions on site. \n\ncurrent projects: 11\nfunding in
2022: 5.1 m. €\npeople reached in 2022:
Republic of
Congo is one of the world’s poorest country despite its wealth of natural
resources. Reasons are political instability and war.\n\ncurrent projects:
17\nfunding in 2022: 11.3 m. €\npeople reached in 2022:
is well-known for its diverse wildlife and savanna landscapes, but people are
increasingly suffer from the effects of climate change.\n\ncurrent projects:
42\nfunding in 2022: 11.3 m. €\npeople reached in 2022:
long civil war was followed by the outbreak of Ebola. More than 50 percent of
the Liberian population still lives in poverty.\n\ncurrent projects: 11\nfunding
in 2022: 9.4 m. €\npeople reached in 2022:
is repeatedly hit by extreme droughts. The majority of the population suffers
from hunger and poverty.\n\ncurrent projects: 13\nfunding in 2022: 4.1 m.
€\npeople reached in 2022:
and heavy rain - the south African country is dependent on agricultural income
and suffers from effects of climate change.\n\ncurrent projects: 21\nfunding in
2022: 4.7 m. €\npeople reached in 2022:
conflicts, violence from Islamist militias - in recent years Mali has been
convulsed by instability and violence.\n\ncurrent projects: 16\nfunding in 2022:
10.4 m. €\npeople reached in 2022:
situation in Niger is tense. Droughts, food crises and attacks by radical
Islamic militias threaten the population.\n\ncurrent projects: 11\nfunding in
2022: 5.8 m. €\npeople reached in 2022:
Leone","url":"\/our-work\/countries\/sierra-leone","text":"Since civil war is
over and Ebola apparently defeated, the uptrend is noticeable. But hunger is
still a hunger problem in Sierra Leone.\n\ncurrent projects: 25\nfunding in
2022: 7.0 m. €\npeople reached in 2022:
Zimbabwe, many people are dependent on aid in the fight against hunger and
poverty.\n\ncurrent projects: 33\nfunding in 2022: 14.5 m. €\npeople reached in
2021: 2,534,000","withoutTooltip":null},{"iso":"XS","uid":1654,"title":"Somalia
is helping Somalia and Somaliland, which are both under threat by droughts
induced by climate change.\n\ncurrent projects: 16\nfunding in 2022: 5.3 m.
€\npeople reached in 2022:
conflicts and social tensions between government, rebels and ethnic groups
strain life in Sudan.\n\ncurrent projects: 24\nfunding in 2022: 21.5 m.
€\npeople reached in 2022:
Sudan","url":"\/our-work\/countries\/south-sudan","text":"The youngest state on
earth is literally struggling to survive. After a brutal civil war and droughts,
many people are dependent on aid.\n\ncurrent projects: 22\nfunding in 2022: 42.2
m. €\npeople reached in 2022:
extreme drought and crop failures are making the live hard in Uganda. Anyway,
about one million people have already found refuge there.\n\ncurrent projects:
31\nfunding in 2022: 9.7 m. €\npeople reached in 2022:
299,000","withoutTooltip":null},{"iso":"CF","uid":1661,"title":"Central African
crises and violent conflicts have plunged the country into chaos. Around one
million people have fled these conditions.\n\ncurrent projects: 18\nfunding in
2022: 6.3 m. €\npeople reached in 2022: 148,000","withoutTooltip":null}]
the Taliban took power in 2021, Afghanistan has been in the grip of a
humanitarian catastrophe: millions of people are starving.\n\nCurrent projects:
19\nfunding in 2022: 20.6 m. €\nPeople reached in 2022:
consequences of climate change have a strong impact in densely populated
Bangladesh. Almost every eighth inhabitant suffers from hunger.\n\ncurrent
projects: 12\nfunding in 2022: 2.8 m. €\npeople reached in 2022:
third of the world's poor population lives in India. How does so much poverty
and hunger arise in the country? The causes are diverse.\n\ncurrent projects:
31\nfunding in 2022: 5 m. €\npeople reached in 2022:
of people in Iraq are still dependent on humanitarian assistance.
Welthungerhilfe helps on site.\n\ncurrent projects: 12\nfunding in 2022: 6.7 m.
€\npeople reached in 2022:
in Yemen need help in many spheres of life: Clean water, medication and food are
scarce.\n\nactive projects: 4\nfunding in 2022: 0.9 m. €\npeople reached in
has one of the highest deforestation rates in the world. The consequences are
land grabbing and hunger.\n\ncurrent projects: 7\nfunding in 2022: 0.5 m.
€\npeople reached in 2022:
multi-ethnic nation Myanmar ranks among to the poorest countries of the world.
\n\ncurrent projects: 11\nfunding in 2022: 3.0 m. €\npeople reached in 2022:
7 million people in Nepal are living below the national poverty line.
Malnutrition is a serious obstacle, especially for children.\n\ncurrent
projects: 16\nfunding in 2022: 3.3 m. €\npeople reached in 2022:
Korea","url":"\/our-work\/countries\/north-korea","text":"Welthungerhilfe has
been working in North Korea since 1996 and supports the population in areas like
agriculture.\n\ncurrent projects*: 3\nfunding in 2022*: 0.04 m. €\npeople
reached in 2022:
and its partners support local people with disaster risk reduction and rural
development.\n\ncurrent projects: 23\nfunding in 2022: 6.2 m. €\npeople reached
in 2022: 1,897,000","withoutTooltip":null},{"iso":"SY","uid":1657,"title":"Syria
\/ Türkiye","url":"\/our-work\/countries\/syria-turkiye","text":"The civil war
has already claimed hundreds of thousands of lives. Millions of people have
fled. Welthungerhilfe assists at the local level \n\ncurrent projects:
12\nfunding in 2022: 22.2 m. €\npeople reached in 2022:
is the poorest of the Central Asian Republics. The majority of the population
lives from agriculture.\n\ncurrent projects: 14\nfunding in 2022: 3.2 m.
€\nreached people in 2022: 46,000","withoutTooltip":null}]
- A country on the upswing? But the indigenous population and smallholders
cannot profit from the economic growth.\n\ncurrent projects*: 5\nfunding in
2022*: 0.6 m. €\npeople reached in 2022*:
and other disasters - Haiti's rural population suffers the consequences. In
2021, nearly 50% of the population was malnourished.\n\ncurrent projects:
10\nfunding in 2022: 7.3 m. €\npeople reached in 2022:
has made an economic upswing, but the poor rural populaton feels little of
it.\n\ncurrent projects*: 5\nfunding in 2022*: 0.6 m. €\npeople reached in
2022*: 14,000","withoutTooltip":null}]
Ukraine was attacked by Russia, war has been raging in Europe's second largest
country.\n\ncurrent projects: 8\nfunding in 2022: 9.6 m. €\npeople reached in
2022: 73,000","withoutTooltip":null}]


WorldwideLatin AmericaAfricaAsia


all countries
3AfricaAsiaLatin Americacontinentscontinent
18.8m12.1m6.5m0.1mpeople reached
all countries
all countries


Fighting Hunger with Kenya’s Start-Ups

In the Kenyan village of Kinakoni, new innovative approaches to fighting hunger
are being developed together with start-ups.

read more
Agriculture & Environment
Female Empowerment: More Knowledge Means More Influence

Saffron offers women in Afghanistan the chance to earn their own income.

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Humanitarian Assistance
Daily meals for earthquake survivors in Türkiye

In two cities in Türkiye, women cook daily for thousands of survivors who fled
there after the earthquakes.

read more
Humanitarian Assistance
New start for refugees in Istanbul

532,000 people from Syria live in Istanbul. One of them is Fatima. After a long
journey, she has been working in a café for 8 months.

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Agriculture & Environment
Diversity and cohesion give hope

In Lebanon, locals and Syrian refugees farm together, harvesting cohesion and
reducing prejudice.

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Agriculture & Environment
1,000,000 seedlings against climate change

Earth’s green lung is in danger. Reforestation is intended to reverse the
effects of climate change on the Caribbean.

read more

All projects
Donation Account

Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e. V.
Sparkasse KölnBonn

IBAN: DE15 3705 0198 0000 0011 15

Follow us

Welthungerhilfe is recognised as a non-profit organisation by the German tax
office; it is exempt from income taxes.
VAT Identification Number:

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Donation Account

Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e. V.
Sparkasse KölnBonn

IBAN: DE15 3705 0198 0000 0011 15

Follow us

Welthungerhilfe is recognised as a non-profit organisation by the German tax
office; it is exempt from income taxes.
VAT Identification Number:

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