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America’s #1 Hair Restoration Experts®

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America’s #1 Hair Restoration Experts®

 * Hair Transplant
    * Hair Transplant Solutions
    * Hair Transplant Overview,Hair Transplant Overview
    * Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE),A minimally invasive procedure where
      hairs are extracted individually and restored to thinning areas.
      Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)
      A minimally invasive procedure where hairs are extracted individually and
      restored to thinning areas.
    * Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT),A simple outpatient procedure where
      a strip of hair is removed and replaced in thinning areas.Follicular Unit
      Transplantation (FUT)
      A simple outpatient procedure where a strip of hair is removed and
      replaced in thinning areas.
    * BioGraft (FUE with Xtrands+),Combines our advanced FUE technique with
      Xtrands+, a state-of-the-art non-surgical solution.BioGraft (FUE with
      Combines our advanced FUE technique with Xtrands+, a state-of-the-art
      non-surgical solution.
    * Eyebrow Restoration,Restore complete missing eyebrows, add fullness to
      thinning brows, or just reshape or fill in bare spots.Eyebrow Restoration
      Restore complete missing eyebrows, add fullness to thinning brows, or just
      reshape or fill in bare spots.
    * Hair Transplantation 101
    * Cost & Financing,Cost & Financing
    * FUE vs FUT,FUE vs FUT
    * Why Hair Transplantation,Why Hair Transplantation
    * View Success Stories,View Success Stories
    * African American Hair Transplant,African American Hair Transplant
    * Transgender Hair Transplant,Transgender Hair Transplant
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 * Non-Surgical
    * Non-Surgical Solutions
    * Non-Surgical Overview,Non-Surgical Overview
    * BosleyRx® – Finasteride,Proven FDA approved, prescription-only medication
      to help stop hair loss.BosleyRx® – Finasteride
      Proven FDA approved, prescription-only medication to help stop hair loss.
    * Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP),Innovative cosmetic pigmentation solution
      that replicates the appearance of thicker, fuller hair.Scalp
      Micropigmentation (SMP)
      Innovative cosmetic pigmentation solution that replicates the appearance
      of thicker, fuller hair.
    * Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT),Bosley Revitalizer® is a clinical-strength,
      at-home treatment for quick, effective hair loss solution.Low-Level Laser
      Therapy (LLLT)
      Bosley Revitalizer® is a clinical-strength, at-home treatment for quick,
      effective hair loss solution.
    * Micro-Roller,A powerful and innovative way to stimulate your scalp and
      rejuvenate your hair.Micro-Roller
      A powerful and innovative way to stimulate your scalp and rejuvenate your
    * Hair Care Products,BosleyMD® has solutions that allow you to easily mix
      and match products to achieve your ideal results.Hair Care Products
      BosleyMD® has solutions that allow you to easily mix and match products to
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    * Why Choose Bosley,Why Choose Bosley
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    * Our Mission Statement,Our Mission Statement
    * Bosley Reviews,Bosley Reviews
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    * Hair Loss Causes in Women,Hair Loss Causes in Women
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Join the millions of people who have come to Bosley to regain their confidence.

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Nick H.

Actual Bosley Patient.
Individual results may vary.

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Edgar S.

Actual Bosley Patient.
Individual results may vary.

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Troy P.

Actual Bosley Patient.
Individual results may vary.

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Kelly S.

Actual Bosley Patient.
Individual results may vary.

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Joshua A.

Actual Bosley Patient.
Individual results may vary.

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A hair transplant from Bosley is the proven, permanent solution to genetic hair
loss. Using next-generation hair restoration techniques, Bosley physicians are
able to create seamless transitions as soft and silky as your original hairline
with results that look completely natural.

View All Hair Transplant Solutions

Jess W.

Actual Low-Level Laser Therapy Patient.
Individual results may vary.


Bosley also offers a variety of non-surgical hair loss solutions that are proven
effective at retaining, strengthening, thickening, and growing the hair you
have. Whether you’ve just started to notice the signs of hair loss or want to
proactively address future hair loss, Bosley has a solution that can help.

View All Non-Surgical Solutions


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Our advanced surgical and non-surgical hair restoration techniques are simple
and effective at restoring your hair – and your confidence.

Why Choose Bosley


Artistry in hair restoration only comes with experience, and no one has more
experience in natural hairline design than we do.

Meet Our Doctors


Our compassionate physicians and counselors understand the challenges of dealing
with hair loss, and we’re dedicated to helping you recapture the confidence and
happiness you deserve.

Get a Free Consultation Today

See The Bosley Guarantee

Cayle D.

Actual Bosley Patient. Individual results may vary.

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We have locations nationwide, with hair transplant and restoration clinics in
Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, Chicago, New York, Miami, Newport Beach, and many
more areas.

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3 / 4

Actual Bosley Patient. Individual results may vary.

I would say that Bosley has the most advanced technology on the market right

Watch Luke's Story

4 / 4

Actual Bosley Patient. Individual results may vary.

When I first thought about hair restoration, I thought, ‘is it going to fall out
if I do something active—if I go on roller coasters, or if I am in the water?’
So, having gone through this procedure and seeing the results—it’s the same as
my natural hair. It IS my hair, so it doesn’t fall out.

Watch Blair's Story

1 / 4

Actual Bosley Patient. Individual results may vary.

I could not look at myself in the mirror and say, 'You're handsome.' My
confidence level was at an all-time low. Bosley has changed my life

Watch Ron's Story

2 / 4

Actual Bosley Patient. Individual results may vary.

"If someone was telling me that they were thinking about going to Bosley, I
would tell them to stop thinking. Just do it. I was in your shoes and you don't
need to think anymore. Just go"

Watch Troy's Story

3 / 4

Actual Bosley Patient. Individual results may vary.

I would say that Bosley has the most advanced technology on the market right

Watch Luke's Story

4 / 4

Actual Bosley Patient. Individual results may vary.

When I first thought about hair restoration, I thought, ‘is it going to fall out
if I do something active—if I go on roller coasters, or if I am in the water?’
So, having gone through this procedure and seeing the results—it’s the same as
my natural hair. It IS my hair, so it doesn’t fall out.

Watch Blair's Story

1 / 4

Actual Bosley Patient. Individual results may vary.

I could not look at myself in the mirror and say, 'You're handsome.' My
confidence level was at an all-time low. Bosley has changed my life

Watch Ron's Story

2 / 4

Actual Bosley Patient. Individual results may vary.

"If someone was telling me that they were thinking about going to Bosley, I
would tell them to stop thinking. Just do it. I was in your shoes and you don't
need to think anymore. Just go"

Watch Troy's Story

3 / 4

Actual Bosley Patient. Individual results may vary.

I would say that Bosley has the most advanced technology on the market right

Watch Luke's Story

4 / 4

Actual Bosley Patient. Individual results may vary.

When I first thought about hair restoration, I thought, ‘is it going to fall out
if I do something active—if I go on roller coasters, or if I am in the water?’
So, having gone through this procedure and seeing the results—it’s the same as
my natural hair. It IS my hair, so it doesn’t fall out.

Watch Blair's Story

 * 1
 * 2
 * 3
 * 4

Ron C. Actual Bosley Patient. Individual results may vary.

Troy P. Actual Bosley Patient. Individual results may vary.

Luke K. Actual Bosley Patient. Individual results may vary.

Blair T. Actual Bosley Patient. Individual results may vary.


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