Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

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Submission: On June 24 via manual from PK — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM


<form method="post" target="_blank " class="container-fluid ng-pristine ng-valid">
  <!-- ngRepeat: item in SurveyObj.QuestionArray -->
  <div style="FONT-SIZE: 18PX;FONT-WEIGHT: 600;" ng-repeat="item in SurveyObj.QuestionArray" class="ng-scope">
    <!-- ngRepeat: pt in item.Data --><!-- ngIf: $parent.$index==0 && $index==0 -->
    <div ng-repeat="pt in item.Data" ng-if="$parent.$index==0 &amp;&amp; $index==0" class="ng-scope">
      <!-- ngIf: DefaultLanguage==true -->
      <h3 class="text-center ng-binding ng-scope" style="margin: 0 0 15px;" ng-if="DefaultLanguage==true"> Please rate your overall service experience</h3><!-- end ngIf: DefaultLanguage==true -->
      <!-- ngIf: DefaultLanguage==false -->
      <!-- ngIf: pt.QuestionType == 9 -->
      <ul class="smiley-ul ng-scope" ng-if="pt.QuestionType == 9">
        <!-- ngRepeat: option in pt.QuestionTypeOptions -->
        <li ng-repeat="option in pt.QuestionTypeOptions" class="ng-scope">
          <a name="58-9" ng-model="CheckOptionAnswer" ng-click="CheckSurvey(option.Answer,pt)" ng-value="option.Answer" onclick="selectRate(event,'Poor')" class="toselect ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-empty" value="Highly Satisfied">
                                <!-- ngIf: option.DisplayOrder==1 --><span ng-if="option.DisplayOrder==1" class="smiley-bg delighted ng-scope"></span><!-- end ngIf: option.DisplayOrder==1 -->
                                <!-- ngIf: option.DisplayOrder==2 -->
                                <!-- ngIf: option.DisplayOrder==3 -->
                                <!-- ngIf: option.DisplayOrder==4 -->
                                <!-- ngIf: DefaultLanguage==true --><span ng-if="DefaultLanguage==true" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Highly Satisfied</span><!-- end ngIf: DefaultLanguage==true -->
                                <!-- ngIf: DefaultLanguage==false -->
                                <input type="text" ng-model="pt.RangeAnswere" style="display:none" class="ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-empty">
        </li><!-- end ngRepeat: option in pt.QuestionTypeOptions -->
        <li ng-repeat="option in pt.QuestionTypeOptions" class="ng-scope">
          <a name="58-9" ng-model="CheckOptionAnswer" ng-click="CheckSurvey(option.Answer,pt)" ng-value="option.Answer" onclick="selectRate(event,'Poor')" class="toselect ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-empty" value="Satisfied">
                                <!-- ngIf: option.DisplayOrder==1 -->
                                <!-- ngIf: option.DisplayOrder==2 --><span ng-if="option.DisplayOrder==2" class="smiley-bg satisfied ng-scope"></span><!-- end ngIf: option.DisplayOrder==2 -->
                                <!-- ngIf: option.DisplayOrder==3 -->
                                <!-- ngIf: option.DisplayOrder==4 -->
                                <!-- ngIf: DefaultLanguage==true --><span ng-if="DefaultLanguage==true" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Satisfied</span><!-- end ngIf: DefaultLanguage==true -->
                                <!-- ngIf: DefaultLanguage==false -->
                                <input type="text" ng-model="pt.RangeAnswere" style="display:none" class="ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-empty">
        </li><!-- end ngRepeat: option in pt.QuestionTypeOptions -->
        <li ng-repeat="option in pt.QuestionTypeOptions" class="ng-scope">
          <a name="58-9" ng-model="CheckOptionAnswer" ng-click="CheckSurvey(option.Answer,pt)" ng-value="option.Answer" onclick="selectRate(event,'Poor')" class="toselect ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-empty" value="Dissatisfied">
                                <!-- ngIf: option.DisplayOrder==1 -->
                                <!-- ngIf: option.DisplayOrder==2 -->
                                <!-- ngIf: option.DisplayOrder==3 --><span ng-if="option.DisplayOrder==3" class="smiley-bg average ng-scope"></span><!-- end ngIf: option.DisplayOrder==3 -->
                                <!-- ngIf: option.DisplayOrder==4 -->
                                <!-- ngIf: DefaultLanguage==true --><span ng-if="DefaultLanguage==true" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Dissatisfied</span><!-- end ngIf: DefaultLanguage==true -->
                                <!-- ngIf: DefaultLanguage==false -->
                                <input type="text" ng-model="pt.RangeAnswere" style="display:none" class="ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-empty">
        </li><!-- end ngRepeat: option in pt.QuestionTypeOptions -->
        <li ng-repeat="option in pt.QuestionTypeOptions" class="ng-scope">
          <a name="58-9" ng-model="CheckOptionAnswer" ng-click="CheckSurvey(option.Answer,pt)" ng-value="option.Answer" onclick="selectRate(event,'Poor')" class="toselect ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-empty" value="Highly Dissatisfied">
                                <!-- ngIf: option.DisplayOrder==1 -->
                                <!-- ngIf: option.DisplayOrder==2 -->
                                <!-- ngIf: option.DisplayOrder==3 -->
                                <!-- ngIf: option.DisplayOrder==4 --><span ng-if="option.DisplayOrder==4" class="smiley-bg poor ng-scope"></span><!-- end ngIf: option.DisplayOrder==4 -->
                                <!-- ngIf: DefaultLanguage==true --><span ng-if="DefaultLanguage==true" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Highly Dissatisfied</span><!-- end ngIf: DefaultLanguage==true -->
                                <!-- ngIf: DefaultLanguage==false -->
                                <input type="text" ng-model="pt.RangeAnswere" style="display:none" class="ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-empty">
        </li><!-- end ngRepeat: option in pt.QuestionTypeOptions -->
      </ul><!-- end ngIf: pt.QuestionType == 9 -->
      <hr style="float: left;width: 100%;">
      <!-- ngIf: HideOtherQuestion==false -->
    </div><!-- end ngIf: $parent.$index==0 && $index==0 --><!-- end ngRepeat: pt in item.Data --><!--./item-data-->
    <!-- ngRepeat: pt in item.Data --><!-- ngIf: $parent.$index>0  && HideOtherQuestion==false && pt.QuestionType != 6 --><!-- end ngRepeat: pt in item.Data -->
    <!-- ngRepeat: pt in item.Data --><!-- ngIf: $parent.$index>0  && $parent.$last==true && $last==true --><!-- end ngRepeat: pt in item.Data -->
    <!--  <label for="m_3189847521540640526commentText">Any Other suggestions:</label><br>
                <textarea cols="75" name="commentText" rows="5" style="width: 350px"></textarea><br>-->
    <!--  <input style="background: #43a7d5; color: #fff; padding: 12px; border: 0" type="submit" value="Submit your review">--> &nbsp;
  </div><!-- end ngRepeat: item in SurveyObj.QuestionArray -->
  <div style="FONT-SIZE: 18PX;FONT-WEIGHT: 600;" ng-repeat="item in SurveyObj.QuestionArray" class="ng-scope">
    <!-- ngRepeat: pt in item.Data --><!-- ngIf: $parent.$index==0 && $index==0 --><!-- end ngRepeat: pt in item.Data --><!-- ngIf: $parent.$index==0 && $index==0 --><!-- end ngRepeat: pt in item.Data --><!-- ngIf: $parent.$index==0 && $index==0 --><!-- end ngRepeat: pt in item.Data --><!--./item-data-->
    <!-- ngRepeat: pt in item.Data --><!-- ngIf: $parent.$index>0  && HideOtherQuestion==false && pt.QuestionType != 6 --><!-- end ngRepeat: pt in item.Data --><!-- ngIf: $parent.$index>0  && HideOtherQuestion==false && pt.QuestionType != 6 --><!-- end ngRepeat: pt in item.Data --><!-- ngIf: $parent.$index>0  && HideOtherQuestion==false && pt.QuestionType != 6 --><!-- end ngRepeat: pt in item.Data -->
    <!-- ngRepeat: pt in item.Data --><!-- ngIf: $parent.$index>0  && $parent.$last==true && $last==true --><!-- end ngRepeat: pt in item.Data --><!-- ngIf: $parent.$index>0  && $parent.$last==true && $last==true --><!-- end ngRepeat: pt in item.Data --><!-- ngIf: $parent.$index>0  && $parent.$last==true && $last==true --><!-- end ngRepeat: pt in item.Data -->
    <!--  <label for="m_3189847521540640526commentText">Any Other suggestions:</label><br>
                <textarea cols="75" name="commentText" rows="5" style="width: 350px"></textarea><br>-->
    <!--  <input style="background: #43a7d5; color: #fff; padding: 12px; border: 0" type="submit" value="Submit your review">--> &nbsp;
  </div><!-- end ngRepeat: item in SurveyObj.QuestionArray -->
  <div style="FONT-SIZE: 18PX;FONT-WEIGHT: 600;" ng-repeat="item in SurveyObj.QuestionArray" class="ng-scope">
    <!-- ngRepeat: pt in item.Data --><!-- ngIf: $parent.$index==0 && $index==0 --><!-- end ngRepeat: pt in item.Data --><!--./item-data-->
    <!-- ngRepeat: pt in item.Data --><!-- ngIf: $parent.$index>0  && HideOtherQuestion==false && pt.QuestionType != 6 --><!-- end ngRepeat: pt in item.Data -->
    <!-- ngRepeat: pt in item.Data --><!-- ngIf: $parent.$index>0  && $parent.$last==true && $last==true --><!-- end ngRepeat: pt in item.Data -->
    <!--  <label for="m_3189847521540640526commentText">Any Other suggestions:</label><br>
                <textarea cols="75" name="commentText" rows="5" style="width: 350px"></textarea><br>-->
    <!--  <input style="background: #43a7d5; color: #fff; padding: 12px; border: 0" type="submit" value="Submit your review">--> &nbsp;
  </div><!-- end ngRepeat: item in SurveyObj.QuestionArray -->
  <div style="FONT-SIZE: 18PX;FONT-WEIGHT: 600;" ng-repeat="item in SurveyObj.QuestionArray" class="ng-scope">
    <!-- ngRepeat: pt in item.Data --><!-- ngIf: $parent.$index==0 && $index==0 --><!-- end ngRepeat: pt in item.Data --><!-- ngIf: $parent.$index==0 && $index==0 --><!-- end ngRepeat: pt in item.Data --><!-- ngIf: $parent.$index==0 && $index==0 --><!-- end ngRepeat: pt in item.Data --><!--./item-data-->
    <!-- ngRepeat: pt in item.Data --><!-- ngIf: $parent.$index>0  && HideOtherQuestion==false && pt.QuestionType != 6 --><!-- end ngRepeat: pt in item.Data --><!-- ngIf: $parent.$index>0  && HideOtherQuestion==false && pt.QuestionType != 6 --><!-- end ngRepeat: pt in item.Data --><!-- ngIf: $parent.$index>0  && HideOtherQuestion==false && pt.QuestionType != 6 --><!-- end ngRepeat: pt in item.Data -->
    <!-- ngRepeat: pt in item.Data --><!-- ngIf: $parent.$index>0  && $parent.$last==true && $last==true --><!-- end ngRepeat: pt in item.Data --><!-- ngIf: $parent.$index>0  && $parent.$last==true && $last==true --><!-- end ngRepeat: pt in item.Data --><!-- ngIf: $parent.$index>0  && $parent.$last==true && $last==true --><!-- end ngRepeat: pt in item.Data -->
    <!--  <label for="m_3189847521540640526commentText">Any Other suggestions:</label><br>
                <textarea cols="75" name="commentText" rows="5" style="width: 350px"></textarea><br>-->
    <!--  <input style="background: #43a7d5; color: #fff; padding: 12px; border: 0" type="submit" value="Submit your review">--> &nbsp;
  </div><!-- end ngRepeat: item in SurveyObj.QuestionArray -->
  <div style="FONT-SIZE: 18PX;FONT-WEIGHT: 600;" ng-repeat="item in SurveyObj.QuestionArray" class="ng-scope">
    <!-- ngRepeat: pt in item.Data --><!-- ngIf: $parent.$index==0 && $index==0 --><!-- end ngRepeat: pt in item.Data --><!-- ngIf: $parent.$index==0 && $index==0 --><!-- end ngRepeat: pt in item.Data --><!--./item-data-->
    <!-- ngRepeat: pt in item.Data --><!-- ngIf: $parent.$index>0  && HideOtherQuestion==false && pt.QuestionType != 6 --><!-- end ngRepeat: pt in item.Data --><!-- ngIf: $parent.$index>0  && HideOtherQuestion==false && pt.QuestionType != 6 --><!-- end ngRepeat: pt in item.Data -->
    <!-- ngRepeat: pt in item.Data --><!-- ngIf: $parent.$index>0  && $parent.$last==true && $last==true --><!-- end ngRepeat: pt in item.Data --><!-- ngIf: $parent.$index>0  && $parent.$last==true && $last==true -->
    <div ng-repeat="pt in item.Data" ng-if="$parent.$index>0  &amp;&amp; $parent.$last==true &amp;&amp; $last==true" class="ng-scope">
      <label style="FONT-SIZE: 18PX;FONT-WEIGHT: 600;">
        <!-- ngIf: DefaultLanguage==true --><label ng-if="DefaultLanguage==true" class="ng-binding ng-scope"> Any Other suggestions</label><!-- end ngIf: DefaultLanguage==true -->
        <!-- ngIf: DefaultLanguage==false -->
      <div class="row">
        <!-- ngIf: pt.QuestionType == 1 -->
        <!-- ngIf: pt.QuestionType == 2 -->
        <!-- ngIf: pt.QuestionType == 3 -->
        <!-- ngIf: pt.QuestionType == 9 -->
        <!-- ngIf: pt.QuestionType == 4 -->
        <!-- ngIf: pt.QuestionType == 5 -->
        <!-- ngIf: pt.QuestionType == 6 -->
        <div class="col-sm-12 ng-scope" ng-if="pt.QuestionType == 6">
            <textarea id="field" onkeyup="countChar(this)" cols="75" ng-model="pt.TextBoxAnswere" name="commentText" rows="5" style="width:520px" class="ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-empty"></textarea>
          </div><!--textarea div-->
          <div id="charNum" style="float:left;margin-right:7px;"> </div>
        </div><!-- end ngIf: pt.QuestionType == 6 -->
        <div class="col-sm-12">
          <!-- ngIf: pt.QuestionType == 7 -->
        <div class="col-sm-12">
          <!-- ngIf: pt.QuestionType == 8 -->
        <!--<div class="col-sm-12">
                <span class="scale-rating">
                    <input type="radio" name="rating" title="1" value="1">
                    <input type="radio" name="rating" value="2">
                    <input type="radio" name="rating" value="3">
                    <input type="radio" name="rating" value="4">
                    <input type="radio" name="rating" value="5">
                    <input type="radio" name="rating" value="6">
                    <input type="radio" name="rating" value="7">
                    <input type="radio" name="rating" value="8">
                    <input type="radio" name="rating" value="9">
                    <input type="radio" name="rating" value="10">
      <div class="clear"></div>
      <hr class="survey-hr">
    </div><!-- end ngIf: $parent.$index>0  && $parent.$last==true && $last==true --><!-- end ngRepeat: pt in item.Data -->
    <!--  <label for="m_3189847521540640526commentText">Any Other suggestions:</label><br>
                <textarea cols="75" name="commentText" rows="5" style="width: 350px"></textarea><br>-->
    <!--  <input style="background: #43a7d5; color: #fff; padding: 12px; border: 0" type="submit" value="Submit your review">--> &nbsp;
  </div><!-- end ngRepeat: item in SurveyObj.QuestionArray -->
  <button style="background: #43a7d5;color: #fff;padding: 12px;border: 0;margin: 0px auto;width: 200px;display: block;border-radius: 0;" type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg ng-binding" ng-click="Save()">Submit your feedback</button>

Text Content


Dear Customer,

Thank you for getting your car serviced at our workshop. We would like to know
how we performed. Please spare some moments to give us your valuable feedback as
it will help us in improving our service.

Please rate your service experience for the following parameters


 * Highly Satisfied
 * Satisfied
 * Dissatisfied
 * Highly Dissatisfied


Any Other suggestions


Submit your feedback