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Submission: On March 08 via api from US — Scanned from US

Form analysis 2 forms found in the DOM


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      <div id="kcxH_form_tile"></div>
      <div class="kcxHinvestTitle" id="kcxH_invest_title">Reg A+ Investment Process</div>
  <div id="kcxHinvestSteps">
    <span id="kcxH_basic_info_header_title" class="kcxHHideJointly kcxHstep active">Basic Info</span>
    <span id="kcxH_investor_info_header_title" class="kcxHstep">Investor Info</span>
    <span id="kcxH_company_trust_header_title" class="kcxHHideJointly" style="display: none;"></span>
    <span id="kcxH_jh_header_title" class="kcxHHideJointly" style="display: none;"></span>
    <span id="kcxH_funding_info_header_title" class="kcxHstep kcxHHideJointly">Funding Info</span>
    <span id="kcxH_sign_finish_header_title" class="kcxHstep">Sign &amp; Finish</span>
    <span id="kcxH_dsclosures_title" class="kcxHstep">Disclosures</span>
  <div id="kcxH_regcf_investrow_main_top">
  <!-- Step 1: Basic info -->
  <div id="kcxH_basic_inforow" class="kcxHtab kcxHHideJointly" style="display: block;">
    <span id="kcxH_support_header_msg_ses"></span>
    <span id="kcxH_qrcode_sec">
      <div class="kcxH-6">Have the KoreID Mobile App? Scan the QR code and complete your Investment in the KoreID Mobile App for a faster experience.</div>
      <div class="kcxH-6"><span id="kcxH_qrcode_img"></span></div>
    <div class="kcxHheader">Contact Information</div>
    <div class="kcxHrow kcxHRowContainer" id="contswap1">
      <div class="kcxH-6 kcxHRowOne" id="contswap2">
        <div class="kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired" id="contswap3">
          <div class="kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired" id="contswap4">
            <label for="emailAddress">Email Address</label>
            <input id="kcxH_email_address" type="email" class="form-control kcxHfieldRequired" placeholder="" maxlength="50" required="" autocomplete="nope">
        <div id="kcxH_person_phone_number">
          <div class="kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
            <label for="phoneNumber">Mobile Number</label>
            <input id="kcxHphoneNumber" type="tel" class="form-control kcxHfieldRequired" maxlength="15" autocomplete="nope">
        <div id="kcxH_crowdpoint_otp_sec">
          <div class="kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
            <label for="phoneNumber">Please enter OTP</label>
            <input id="kcxH_crowdpoint_otp_input" type="text" class="form-control" maxlength="15">
        <div id="kcxH_crowdpoint_otp_message"></div>
      <div class="kcxH-6 kcxHRowTwo" id="contswap5">
        <div id="kcxHRegABasicVideo" class="kcxH-video-player kcxH_videos">
          <iframe tabindex="-1" src=";autopause=false" width="354" height="206" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture"></iframe>
        <div tabindex="-1" id="kcxHRegCFBasicVideo" class="kcxH-video-player kcxH_videos">
          <iframe tabindex="-1" src=";autopause=false" width="740" height="320" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture"></iframe>
        <!-- <div class="kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
						<label for="phoneNumber">Mobile Number</label>
						<input id="kcxHphoneNumber" type="tel" class="form-control" maxlength="15">
					</div> -->
    <div id="kcxH_electronic_links_sec">
      <div class="kcxH_checkbox_wrapper" style="margin-top: 32px;">
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          <input id="kcxH_electronic_links" class="kcxH_checkbox" name="kcxH_electronic_links" type="checkbox" value="1">
          <span class="kcxHcheckboxLabel" for="kcxHRegcfCheckLinks" id="kcxH_electronic_links_text"></span>
        <div class="kcxHerror" id="kcxH_electronic_linkskcxHerror"></div>
    <div id="kcxH_regcf_investrow_main_body">
      <div id="kcxH_investment_det_row" class="kcxHinvestRow kcxHHideJointly" style="display: block;">
        <label for="howMuchYouInvest" class="kcxHHowMuchInvest">How Much Would You Like to Invest?</label>
        <div id="kcxH_shareprice_sec"></div>
        <div id="kcxH_investment_section">
          <div id="kcxH_iuwer" class="kcxH-6">
            <div class="kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired kcxH_mob">
              <div class="kcxH_dollar kcxHinvestmentAmount">
                <input type="text" placeholder="0.00" id="kcxH_investment_amount" class="form-control" maxlength="7" inputmode="numeric">
              <span class="kcxHhelp-block"><span id="kcxHShareMinSharePrice"></span></span>
              <span id="howMuchYouInvest"></span>
              <span id="kcxH_investment_amount_error2" class="kcxHerror"></span>
          <span id="kcxhinvestRightArrows" class="kcxhRightArrows"></span>
          <div id="kcxH_shares_number_sec" class="kcxH-6" style="padding-left: 3px;">
            <div class="kcxhform-group kcxHinvestmentShares">
              <input id="kcxH_shares_number" type="text" placeholder="0 Shares" class="form-control" maxlength="10" inputmode="numeric">
              <span class="kcxHhelp-block"><span id="kcxHShareMinShareNumber"></span></span>
        <div id="kcxH_regcf_section" class="kcxH_regcf_only">
          <div id="kcxH_regcf_limit_info" style="display: none;">
            <span id="2sddfa"><span id="kcxH_regcf_limit_info_txt"></span> <span id="kcxH_regcf_max_invest"></span><span id="kcxH_regcf_limit_info_txt2"></span></span>
            <span id="kcxH_regcf_update_limit_link">
              <span class="kcxH_regcf_right">
                <svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 20 28" fill="none" xmlns="">
                    d="M19.8895 10.105C19.6755 9.6 19.4105 9.11 19.1005 8.649L17.4425 9.768C17.6805 10.12 17.8835 10.495 18.0465 10.883C18.2145 11.281 18.3435 11.696 18.4295 12.113C18.5175 12.546 18.5625 12.991 18.5625 13.437C18.5625 13.883 18.5175 14.33 18.4295 14.761C18.3435 15.179 18.2155 15.592 18.0455 15.992C17.8835 16.378 17.6805 16.753 17.4425 17.104C17.2085 17.451 16.9375 17.778 16.6395 18.077C16.3425 18.374 16.0155 18.643 15.6665 18.879C15.3145 19.117 14.9405 19.32 14.5525 19.483C14.1575 19.65 13.7435 19.779 13.3235 19.866C12.4595 20.041 11.5375 20.041 10.6775 19.866C10.2555 19.779 9.84052 19.65 9.44452 19.482C9.05752 19.319 8.68352 19.116 8.33152 18.878C7.98452 18.645 7.65852 18.375 7.36052 18.078C7.06152 17.778 6.79152 17.45 6.55752 17.105C6.32052 16.754 6.11752 16.379 5.95252 15.99C5.78552 15.594 5.65752 15.181 5.57052 14.76C5.48252 14.329 5.43752 13.884 5.43752 13.437C5.43752 12.99 5.48252 12.545 5.57152 12.113C5.65752 11.693 5.78552 11.279 5.95252 10.883C6.11752 10.493 6.32152 10.118 6.55752 9.769C6.79152 9.422 7.06152 9.095 7.35952 8.797C7.65552 8.5 7.98252 8.23 8.33152 7.995C8.68152 7.759 9.05652 7.555 9.44552 7.39C9.84052 7.223 10.2555 7.094 10.6755 7.008C10.7825 6.986 10.8915 6.976 10.9995 6.959V10L15.9995 6L10.9995 2V4.938C10.7565 4.967 10.5135 5 10.2745 5.049C9.72452 5.162 9.18252 5.33 8.66652 5.549C8.15752 5.764 7.66752 6.03 7.21152 6.339C6.75752 6.645 6.33152 6.996 5.94452 7.383C5.55652 7.771 5.20552 8.197 4.89952 8.649C4.59052 9.106 4.32552 9.595 4.10952 10.104C3.89052 10.622 3.72252 11.163 3.61052 11.712C3.49452 12.275 3.43652 12.856 3.43652 13.438C3.43652 14.02 3.49552 14.6 3.61052 15.163C3.72352 15.714 3.89152 16.255 4.10952 16.77C4.32452 17.279 4.59052 17.769 4.89952 18.226C5.20452 18.676 5.55552 19.102 5.94452 19.494C6.33352 19.882 6.75852 20.233 7.20952 20.537C7.66852 20.848 8.15852 21.114 8.66552 21.327C9.18152 21.545 9.72252 21.714 10.2745 21.827C10.8385 21.941 11.4185 22 11.9995 22C12.5805 22 13.1605 21.941 13.7265 21.826C14.2775 21.712 14.8185 21.544 15.3305 21.327C15.8375 21.114 16.3285 20.848 16.7875 20.537C17.2405 20.231 17.6665 19.88 18.0555 19.491C18.4435 19.102 18.7945 18.677 19.1005 18.225C19.4125 17.763 19.6765 17.273 19.8885 16.77C20.1085 16.25 20.2775 15.709 20.3885 15.162C20.5035 14.599 20.5625 14.018 20.5625 13.437C20.5625 12.857 20.5035 12.276 20.3885 11.712C20.2765 11.166 20.1075 10.625 19.8895 10.105Z"
              <span id="kcxH_regcf_limit_link_txt">Update Limit</span>
          <div id="kcxH_regcf_inputs_section" style="display: none;">
            <div class="kcxH_regcf_small_txt">
              <div id="kcxH_regcf_within_limit_help"> This information is only used to calculate your investment limit as required by law. </div>
              <div id="kcxH_regcf_higher_limit_help">
                <p>Let’s make sure you are within your limits!</p>
                <p>Considering your recent investments, this amount would put you over your personal limit in 4(a)(6) investments for the past 12-months.</p>
            <div class="kcxH-6">
              <div class="kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
                <label for="RegCFYearlyIncome">Yearly Income</label>
                <div class="kcxH_dollar kcxHinvestmentAmount">
                  <input id="kcxH_regcf_yearly_income" type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="0.00">
            <div class="kcxH-6">
              <div class="kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
                <label for="RegCFNetWorth">Net Worth</label>
                <div class="kcxH_dollar kcxHinvestmentAmount">
                  <input id="kcxH_regcf_net_worth" type="text" placeholder="0.00" class="form-control">
            <div class="kcxH_regcf_checks">
              <div class="kcxH_checkbox_wrapper">
                <label class="kcxH_checkbox_flex_wrapper">
                  <input id="kcxH_regcf_spouse_income_networth" type="checkbox" value="1" class="kcxH_checkbox" name="kcxH_regcf_spouse_income_networth">
                  <span class="kcxHcheckboxLabel" for="regcfSpouseNetWorth"> The above includes my spouse’s income and net worth.</span>
            <div id="kcxH_regcf_spouse_name_section" style="display:none;">
              <div class="kcxH-6">
                <div class="kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
                  <label for="RegCFSpouseFirstName">Spouse's First Name</label>
                  <input id="kcxH_regcf_spouse_first_name" type="text" class="form-control">
              <div class="kcxH-6">
                <div class="kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
                  <label for="RegCFSpouseLastName">Spouse's Last Name</label>
                  <input id="kcxH_regcf_spouse_last_name" type="text" class="form-control">
            <div class="kcxH_regcf_checks">
              <div class="kcxH_checkbox_wrapper">
                <label class="kcxH_checkbox_flex_wrapper">
                  <input id="kcxH_regcf_crowndfund_offerings" type="checkbox" value="1" class="kcxH_checkbox" name="kcxH_regcf_crowndfund_offerings">
                  <span class="kcxHcheckboxLabel" for="regcfCrownfund"> I have invested in crowdfunding offerings in the last 12 months.</span>
              <div id="kcxH_regcf_crowndfund_offerings_lastyear_section" style="display:none;">
                <div class="kcxhform-group">
                  <label for="RegCF12months">How much have you invested in regulation crowdfunding offerings in the last 12 months?</label>
                  <div class="kcxH_dollar kcxHinvestmentAmount">
                    <input id="kcxH_regcf_crowndfund_offerings_value" type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="0.00">
              <div class="kcxH_checkbox_wrapper">
                <label class="kcxH_checkbox_flex_wrapper">
                  <input id="kcxH_regcf_accredited" type="checkbox" value="1" class="kcxH_checkbox" name="kcxH_regcf_accredited">
                  <span class="kcxHcheckboxLabel" for="regcfAccredited"> I am an "accredited" investor (meaning do you earn over $200,000 per year, have a net worth of $1m or more, or are an institutional investor, or a registered person or internal
              <div class="kcxH-toggle-btn" id="kcxHAccreditedInfoToggle">
                <span class="kcxHccNameTooltip"></span> Accredited info <span class="kcxH-arrow"></span>
              <div id="kcxHAccreditedInfoToggleContent" style="display: none;">
                <div class="kcxh-accredited-title">Income/Asset</div>I am an individual with an income of over $200,000 in each of the last two years, or joint income with my spouse exceeding $300,000 in those years, and I reasonably expect at least
                the same this year.<p></p>
                <div class="kcxh-accredited-title">401k/Other</div>I have an individual net worth, or joint net worth with my spouse, that exceeds $1 million including any IRA's, 401K's, and other retirement accounts, but excluding the net value of
                my primary residence.<p></p>
                <div class="kcxh-accredited-title">Registered Person</div>You hold any of the following licenses from the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA): Series 7, Series 82, or Series 65.<p></p>
                <div class="kcxh-accredited-title">Internal</div>You are a director, executive officer, or general partner of the company selling the securities, or any director, executive officer, or general partner of a general partner of that
                issuer or a knowledgeable employee.<p></p>
              <div class="kcxH_regcf_investment_det">
                <div class="kcxH_regcf_invest_info_grid">
                  <div class="kcxH_regcf_invest_det_label"> Total investment limit: <div class="kcxH_regcf_infotxt">Based on your income &amp; net worth</div>
                  <div id="kcxH_regcf_tot_det"> $0 </div>
                <span class="kcxH_vertical-line"></span>
                <div class="kcxH_regcf_invest_info_grid">
                  <div class="kcxH_regcf_invest_det_label"> Previous investments: <div class="kcxH_regcf_infotxt">Last 12 months</div>
                  <div id="kcxH_regcf_past_det"> $0 </div>
                <span class="kcxH_vertical-line"></span>
                <div class="kcxH_regcf_invest_info_grid">
                  <div class="kcxH_regcf_invest_det_label"> Remaining investment limit: </div>
                  <div id="kcxH_regcf_rem_det"> $0 </div>
              <div class="kcxH_regcf_update_btn_sec">
                <span id="kcxH_regcf_cancel">X&nbsp; Cancel</span>
                <button type="button" class="kcxH_regcf_update_txt" id="kcxH_regcf_update_btn">
                  <svg width="24" height="25" viewBox="0 0 24 25" fill="none" xmlns="">
                      d="M12 2.5C6.486 2.5 2 6.986 2 12.5C2 18.014 6.486 22.5 12 22.5C17.514 22.5 22 18.014 22 12.5C22 6.986 17.514 2.5 12 2.5ZM12 20.5C7.589 20.5 4 16.911 4 12.5C4 8.089 7.589 4.5 12 4.5C16.411 4.5 20 8.089 20 12.5C20 16.911 16.411 20.5 12 20.5Z"
                      d="M12 11.4997C10 11.4997 10 10.8737 10 10.4997C10 10.0157 10.701 9.49972 12 9.49972C13.185 9.49972 13.386 10.1377 13.4 10.5177L14.4 10.4997H15.4C15.4 9.47372 14.734 8.03072 13 7.62072V6.51172H11V7.58472C9.029 7.91572 8 9.21172 8 10.4997C8 11.6197 8.52 13.4997 12 13.4997C14 13.4997 14 14.1757 14 14.4997C14 14.9147 13.38 15.4997 12 15.4997C10.159 15.4997 10.011 14.6427 10 14.4997H8C8 15.4177 8.661 17.0527 11 17.4197V18.4997H13V17.4147C14.971 17.0837 16 15.7877 16 14.4997C16 13.3797 15.48 11.4997 12 11.4997Z"
                  </svg> Update Limit </button>
    <div id="kcxH_support_body_msg_ses"></div>
    <div id="kcxH_first_step_terms" class="kcxH_disclaimer"></div>
    <div class="kcxHSpace"></div>
  <!-- Step 2: Investor info -->
  <div id="kcxH_investor_information" class="kcxHtab kcxHSpace" style="display: none;">
    <div class="investorInformation">
      <div id="kcxH_jh_header_text"></div>
      <div id="kcxH_investor_label" class="kcxHheader">Investor Information</div>
      <div id="kcxH_individual_investing_as" class="kcxH_select kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
        <label for="investingAs">Investing As</label> <span id="kcxH_investing_as_help"></span>
        <select id="kcxH_investor_type" class="form-control" required="">
          <option value="" selected="">Please Select</option>
          <option value="3">an Individual</option>
          <option value="4">Joint Tenants With Right of Survivorship</option>
          <option value="5">Joint Tenants In Common</option>
          <option value="6">Tenants By The Entirety</option>
          <option value="1">a Company (Corporation, LLC, etc.)</option>
          <option value="2">a Trust</option>
          <option value="8">Invest through existing Self-Directed IRA</option>
          <!--        <option value="7">IRA (New Direction Trust)</option>        -->
      <span id="kcxH_investingas_bottom"></span>
      <div id="kcxH_cort_investor_additional_fields" class="kcxHHideJointly" style="display: none;">
        <div class="kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
          <label for="kcxHPosition">Position</label>
          <input id="kcxH_investor_Position" class="form-control" type="text" maxlength="50">
      <div class="kcxHrow">
        <div class="kcxH-6">
          <div class="kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
            <label for="firtstName">First Name</label><span class="kcxHLabelInfo">(Must match government-issued ID)</span>
            <input id="kcxH_first_name" class="form-control" type="text" maxlength="50">
        <div class="kcxH-6">
          <div class="kcxhform-group">
            <label for="middleName">Middle Name</label><span class="kcxHLabelInfo">(Must match government-issued ID)</span>
            <input id="kcxH_middle_name" class="form-control" type="text" maxlength="50">
      <div class="kcxHrow">
        <div class="kcxH-6">
          <div class="kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
            <label for="lastName">Last Name</label> <span class="kcxHLabelInfo">(Must match government-issued ID)</span>
            <input id="kcxH_last_name" class="form-control" type="text" maxlength="50" required="">
        <span id="kcxH_jh_phone_input"></span>
        <div class="kcxH-6" id="kcxH_country_dropdown_sec">
          <div class="kcxH_select kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
            <label for="country">Country</label>
            <select id="kcxHIACountry" class="form-control" required="">
      <span id="kcxH_jh_email_full_row"></span>
      <div id="kcxH_jh_country_dropdown"></div>
      <div class="kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
        <label for="address1">Physical Address</label><span class="kcxHLabelInfo">(Please do NOT use P.O.Box)</span>
        <input id="kcxH_address1" class="form-control" type="text" maxlength="190">
      <div class="kcxHrow">
        <div class="kcxH-6">
          <div class="kcxhform-group">
            <label for="address2">Apartment/Suite/Unit Number</label>
            <input id="kcxH_address2" class="form-control" type="text" maxlength="190">
        <div class="kcxH-6">
          <div class="kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
            <label for="city">City</label>
            <input id="kcxH_city" class="form-control" type="text" maxlength="50">
      <div class="kcxHrow">
        <div class="kcxH-6">
          <div class="kcxH_select kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
            <label for="stateProvince" id="kcxHIAStateLabel">State/Province/Territory</label>
            <select id="kcxHIAState" class="form-control" required=""></select>
        <div class="kcxH-6">
          <div class="kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
            <label for="zipPostalCode" id="kcxH_zipLabel">Zip/Postal Code</label>
            <input id="kcxH_zip" class="form-control" type="text" maxlength="10">
      <div class="kcxHrow">
        <div class="kcxH-6">
          <!-- New Date Fields -->
          <div class="kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
            <label for="dateOfBirth">Date of Birth</label><span class="kcxHccNameTooltip kcxH_videos"><span class="kcxHccNameTooltiptext">
                <div class="kcxHtTitle">Why do you need to provide SSN, DOB, Drivers license, or Passport information?</div>
                <div class="kcxH-video-player"><iframe src="" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen=""></iframe></div>This is a
                fully qualified <span id="kcx_offering_label1"></span> offering with a FINRA Broker-dealer escrow provider, an SEC registered transfer agent who are all required to collect this information to approve your investment and meet SEC and
                State securities regulations.
            <div class="kcxH_date_fields">
              <div class="kcxH_date_field">
                <label>Month: </label>
                <input type="text" placeholder="MM" maxlength="2" id="kcxH_dob_month" inputmode="numeric">
              <div class="kcxH_date_field">
                <label>Day: </label>
                <input type="text" value="" placeholder="DD" maxlength="2" id="kcxH_dob_date" inputmode="numeric">
              <div class="kcxH_date_field">
                <label>Year: </label>
                <input type="text" value="" placeholder="YYYY" maxlength="4" id="kcxH_dob_year" inputmode="numeric">
            <input type="hidden" id="kcxH_date_of_birth" value="">
        <div class="kcxH-6">
          <div class="kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
            <label for="socialSecurityNumber"><span id="kcxH_identification_number_div">SSN</span></label><span class="kcxHccNameTooltip kcxH_videos"><span class="kcxHccNameTooltiptext">
                <div class="kcxHtTitle">Why do you need to provide SSN, DOB, Drivers license, or Passport information?</div>
                <div class="kcxH-video-player"><iframe src="" width="340" height="160" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen=""></iframe></div>This is a
                fully qualified <span id="kcx_offering_label2"></span> offering with a FINRA Broker-dealer escrow provider, an SEC registered transfer agent who are all required to collect this information to approve your investment and meet SEC and
                State securities regulations.
            <input id="kcxH_id_number_mask" class="form-control kcxHplain_text_input" type="text" maxlength="15" readonly="">
            <input id="kcxH_id_number" type="hidden" maxlength="15">
      <div id="kcxH_how_did_you_hear_about_us_section">
        <div class="kcxHrow">
          <div class="kcxH-12" id="kcxH_hearabout_us_1">
            <div class="kcxH_select kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
              <label for="HowDidYouHearAboutUs">How Did You Hear About Us?</label>
              <select id="kcxH_how_did_you_hear_about_us" class="form-control" required="">
                <option value="" selected="">Please Select</option>
                <option value="LinkedIn">LinkedIn</option>
                <option value="Facebook">Facebook</option>
                <option value="Twitter">Twitter</option>
                <option value="Instagram">Instagram</option>
                <option value="News Release">News Release</option>
                <option value="Television">Television</option>
                <option value="Referral from a Friend">Referral from a Friend</option>
                <option value="Our Company">Our Company</option>
                <option value="Other">Other</option>
          <div class="" id="kcxH_hearabout_us_2" style="display:none">
            <div class="kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
              <label id="kcxH_hearaboutus_refer_lbl" for="refer">Please Enter Source</label>
              <input id="kcxH_hearaboutus_refer" class="form-control" type="text" maxlength="55">
      <div id="kcxHcustom_fields"></div>
      <div id="kcxH_financial_advisor_sec">
        <div class="kcxH_checkbox_wrapper" style="margin-top: 32px;">
          <label class="kcxH_checkbox_flex_wrapper">
            <input id="kcxH_financial_advisor" class="kcxH_checkbox" name="kcxH_financial_advisor" type="checkbox" value="1">
            <span class="kcxHcheckboxLabel" for="financialAdvisor"> A financial advisor is assisting me or is filing out these forms on behalf of the investor.</span>
      <div id="kcxH_financial_advisor_section" style="display: none; margin-top: 16px;">
        <div class="kcxHrow">
          <div class="kcxH-6">
            <div class="kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
              <label for="FinancialAdvisorsName">Financial Advisor's Name</label>
              <input id="kcxH_financial_advisor_name" class="form-control" type="text" maxlength="50">
          <div class="kcxH-6">
            <div class="kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
              <label for="FinancialAdvisorsEmail">Financial Advisor's Email Address</label>
              <input id="kcxH_financial_advisor_email" class="form-control" type="email" maxlength="50">
    <div class="identityCheck" style="margin-top: 48px">
      <div class="kcxHheader">Identity Check</div>
      <!-- <div class="kcxH_disclaimer" style="margin-bottom: 16px"><span id="kcxHbd_name"></span> is a FINRA Broker-Dealer and we are required to keep on file a form that accurately describes who you are.  This is “Know Your Client” Information</div> -->
      <div class="kcxH_disclaimer" style="margin-bottom: 16px" id="kcxH_identity_check_text">Our FINRA Broker Dealer is required to keep on file a form that accurately describes who you are. This is "Know Your Client" information.</div>
      <div class="kcxHrow">
        <div class="kcxH-6">
          <div class="kcxH_select kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
            <label for="identityDocument">Document for Identity Check</label><span class="kcxHccNameTooltip kcxH_videos"><span class="kcxHccNameTooltiptext">
                <div class="kcxHtTitle">Why do you need to provide SSN, DOB, Drivers license, or Passport information?</div>
                <div class="kcxH-video-player"><iframe src="" width="340" height="160" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen=""></iframe></div>This is a
                fully qualified <span id="kcx_offering_label3"></span> offering with a FINRA Broker-dealer escrow provider, an SEC registered transfer agent who are all required to collect this information to approve your investment and meet SEC and
                State securities regulations.
            <select id="kcxH_identification_type" class="form-control" required="" disabled="">
              <option value="" selected="">Select</option>
              <option value="1">Driver's License</option>
              <option value="2">Passport</option>
        <div class="kcxH-6">
          <div id="kcxH_identity_document_number_section" style="display: none;">
            <div class="kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
              <label id="kcxH_identification_number_label" for="identityDocumentNumber"></label>
              <input id="kcxH_identification_number" class="form-control kcxHplain_text_input" type="text" maxlength="20" readonly="">
      <div id="kcxH_identity_expiry_info_section" class="kcxHrow" style="display: none;">
        <!-- <div class="kcxH-6">
						<div class="kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
							<input id="kcxH_document_expiry_date" class="form-control" type="text" placeholder="MM-DD-YYYY" readonly />
					</div> -->
        <div class="kcxH-6">
          <!-- New Date Fields -->
          <div class="kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
            <label id="kcxH_expiry_date_label" for="identityDocumentExpiry"></label>
            <div class="kcxH_date_fields">
              <div class="kcxH_date_field">
                <label>Month: </label>
                <input type="text" placeholder="MM" maxlength="2" id="kcxH_de_month" inputmode="numeric" readonly="">
              <div class="kcxH_date_field">
                <label>Day: </label>
                <input type="text" id="kcxH_de_date" value="" placeholder="DD" maxlength="2" inputmode="numeric" readonly="">
              <div class="kcxH_date_field">
                <label>Year: </label>
                <input type="text" id="kcxH_de_year" value="" placeholder="YYYY" maxlength="4" inputmode="numeric" readonly="">
            <input type="hidden" id="kcxH_document_expiry_date" value="">
        <div class="kcxH-6">
          <div class="kcxH_select kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
            <label for="identityDocumentExpiry" id="kcxHIssuingLable">Issuing State</label>
            <select id="kcxH_identity_document_issuing_state" class="form-control" required="" disabled="">
              <option value="">Select</option>
      <div id="kcxH_upload_docs">
        <div id="kcxHidentityDocumentLicenceDiv">
          <div class="">
            <label for="licenseStateprovince">License image (Front)</label>
          <div class="kcxhform-group kcxH-doc-group">
            <label class="custom-file-input-label" id="kcxHlicenceFrontSideSec"><img src="" alt=""> Add file <input type="file" id="kcxHlicenceFrontSide" class="custom-file-input">
            <span class="custom-file-input-label" id="kcxHlicenceFrontSideRemoveSec">
              <img src="" alt=""><span id="kcxHlicenceFrontSideFilename"></span>
              <span class="kcxhdoc-remove-btn" id="kcxHlicenceFrontSideRemove"><img src="" alt="">Remove</span>
            <!-- <span id="kcxHlicenceFrontSideError" class="kcxHerror"></span> -->
            <span id="kcxHlicenceFrontSideError" class="doc-support-text">Supported Extensions: jpeg, jpg, png, pdf</span>
            <input type="hidden" id="kcxHlicenceFrontSidePath">
          <div class="">
            <label for="licenseStateprovince">License image (Back)</label>
          <div class="kcxhform-group kcxH-doc-group">
            <label class="custom-file-input-label" id="kcxHlicenceBackSideSec"><img src="" alt=""> Add file <input type="file" id="kcxHlicenceBackSide" class="custom-file-input">
            <span class="custom-file-input-label" id="kcxHlicenceBackSideRemoveSec">
              <img src="" alt=""><span id="kcxHlicenceBackSideFilename"></span>
              <span class="kcxhdoc-remove-btn" id="kcxHlicenceBackSideRemove"><img src="" alt=""> Remove</span>
            <!-- <span id="kcxHlicenceBackSideError" class="kcxHerror"></span> -->
            <span id="kcxHlicenceBackSideError" class="doc-support-text">Supported Extensions: jpeg, jpg, png, pdf</span>
            <input type="hidden" id="kcxHlicenceBackSidePath">
        <div id="kcxHidentityDocumentPassportDiv">
          <div class="">
            <label for="passportImage">Passport image (Photo Page)</label>
          <div class="kcxhform-group kcxH-doc-group">
            <label class="custom-file-input-label" id="kcxHlicencePassportImgSec"><img src="" alt=""> Add file <input type="file" id="kcxHlicencePassportImg" class="custom-file-input">
            <span class="custom-file-input-label" id="kcxHlicencePassportImgRemoveSec">
              <img src="" alt=""><span id="kcxHlicencePassportImgFilename"></span>
              <span class="kcxhdoc-remove-btn" id="kcxHlicencePassportImgRemove"><img src="" alt="">Remove</span>
            <span id="" class="doc-support-text">Supported Extensions: jpeg, jpg, png, pdf</span>
            <!-- <span id="kcxHlicencePassportImgError" class="kcxHerror"></span> -->
            <input type="hidden" id="kcxHlicencePassportImgPath">
  <!-- Step 2.1: Company or Trust info -->
  <div id="kcxH_investor_type_company_or_trust_section" class="kcxHSpace kcxHHideJointly" style="display: none;">
    <div id="kcxh_company_or_trust_heading" class="kcxHheader"></div>
    <div class="kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired" id="kcxh_trustname_sec">
      <div id="kcxH_company_trust_name_input">
        <label id="kcxHinvestingAsCompanyOrTrustLabel" class="kcxHisrequiredInline" for="investingAsCompany"></label>
        <div class="kcxH-tor-name">
          <span id="kcxh_company_type_suffix" class="input-group-addon-kcxh kcxh-custom-suffix"></span>
          <input id="kcxH_tor_name" class="form-control" type="text" maxlength="140">
    <div id="kcxh_company_additional_inputs">
      <div class="kcxHrow">
        <div class="kcxH-6 kcxhform-group kcxH_select kcxHisrequired">
          <label for="LegalEntity">Legal Entity</label>
          <select id="kcxH_company_legal_entity" class="form-control" required="">
            <option value="">Select</option>
          <!-- <input id="kcxH_company_legal_entity" class="form-control" type="text" maxlength="190"> -->
        <div class="kcxH-6 kcxhform-group">
          <div id="kcxh_companyname_sec"></div>
      <div class="kcxHrow">
        <div class="kcxH-6 kcxhform-group kcxH_select kcxHisrequired">
          <label for="CompanyType">Company Type</label>
          <select id="kcxH_company_type" class="form-control" required="">
            <option value="">Select</option>
          <!-- <input id="kcxH_company_type" class="form-control" type="text" maxlength="190"> -->
        <div class="kcxH-6 kcxhform-group kcxH_select kcxHisrequired">
          <label for="CompanySector">Company Sector</label>
          <select id="kcxH_company_sector" class="form-control" required="">
            <option value="">Select</option>
          <!-- <input id="kcxH_company_sector" class="form-control" type="text" maxlength="190"> -->
    <div class="kcxHrow">
      <div class="kcxH-6 kcxhform-group kcxH_select kcxHisrequired">
        <label for="CTcountry">Country</label>
        <select id="kcxHCTCountry" class="form-control" required="">
          <option value="">Select</option>
      <div class="kcxH-6 kcxH_select kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
        <label for="State/Province">State/Province/Territory</label>
        <select id="kcxHCTState" class="form-control" required=""></select>
    <div class="kcxHrow">
      <div class="kcxH-6 kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
        <label for="City">City</label>
        <input type="text" class="form-control" id="kcxH_tor_person_city" maxlength="50">
      <div class="kcxH-6 kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
        <label for="CTAddress1">Address</label>
        <input id="kcxH_tor_person_address1" class="form-control" type="text" maxlength="190">
    <div class="kcxHrow">
      <div class="kcxH-6 kcxhform-group">
        <label for="CTAddress2">Address 2</label>
        <input id="kcxH_tor_person_address2" class="form-control" type="text" maxlength="190">
      <div class="kcxH-6 kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
        <label for="Zip/PostalCode">Zip/Postal Code</label>
        <input type="text" class="form-control" maxlength="10" id="kcxH_tor_person_postal">
      <!-- <div class="kcxH-6 kcxH_select kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
					<label for="State/Province">State</label>
					<select id="kcxHCTState" class="form-control" required></select>
				</div> -->
    <div class="kcxHrow">
      <div class="kcxH-6 kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
        <label for="CompanyPhoneNumber">Company's Phone Number</label>
        <input id="kcxH_company_phone_number" class="form-control" type="text" maxlength="15">
      <div class="kcxH-6 kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
        <label for="TaxID">Tax ID #</label>
        <input id="kcxH_tor_taxid" class="form-control" type="text" maxlength="140">
    <div class="kcxHrow">
      <!-- <div class="kcxH-6 kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
					<label for="YearFormation">Year of Formation</label>
					<input id="kcxH_tor_year_formation" class="form-control" type='text' placeholder="MM-DD-YYYY">
				</div> -->
      <div class="kcxH-6">
        <!-- New Date Fields -->
        <div class="kcxhform-group">
          <label for="YearFormation">Year of Formation</label>
          <div class="kcxH_date_fields">
            <div class="kcxH_date_field">
              <label>Month: </label>
              <input type="text" id="kcxH_tor_formation_month" placeholder="MM" maxlength="2" inputmode="numeric">
            <div class="kcxH_date_field">
              <label>Day: </label>
              <input type="text" id="kcxH_tor_formation_date" placeholder="DD" maxlength="2" inputmode="numeric">
            <div class="kcxH_date_field">
              <label>Year: </label>
              <input type="text" id="kcxH_tor_formation_year" placeholder="YYYY" maxlength="4" inputmode="numeric">
          <input type="hidden" id="kcxH_tor_year_formation" value="">
      <div class="kcxH-6 kcxH_select kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
        <label for="StateFormation">State/Province/Territory of Formation</label>
        <select id="kcxH_tor_state_formation" class="form-control" required="">
          <option value="">Select</option>
  <!-- Step 2.2: Joint holder info -->
  <div id="kcxH_investor_type_joint_holder_section" class="kcxHSpace kcxHHideJointly" style="display: none">
    <div class="kcxHheader">Joint Investor’s Information</div>
    <div class="kcxHrow">
      <div class="kcxH-6 kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
        <label for="indFirtstName">First Name</label>
        <input id="kcxH_jh_firtst_name" class="form-control" type="text" maxlength="50">
      <div class="kcxH-6 kcxhform-group">
        <label for="indMiddleName">Middle Name</label>
        <input id="kcxH_jh_middle_name" class="form-control" type="text" maxlength="50">
    <div class="kcxHrow">
      <div class="kcxH-6 kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
        <label for="indLastName">Last Name</label>
        <input id="kcxH_jh_last_name" class="form-control" type="text" maxlength="50">
      <div class="kcxH-6 kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
        <label for="indPhoneNumber">Mobile Number</label>
        <input id="kcxHindPhoneNumber" class="form-control" name="indPhoneNumber" type="tel" maxlength="15">
    <div class="kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
      <label for="indEmailAddress">Email Address</label>
      <input id="kcxHindEmailAddress" class="form-control" type="email" maxlength="50">
  <!-- Step 3: Funding info -->
  <div id="kcxH_funding_info_section" class="kcxHtab kcxHSpace kcxHHideJointly" style="display: none;">
    <div id="kcxH_investor_qualification_fieldset">
      <div id="kcxH_accredited_investor_regd">
        <label>Accredited Investor Verification</label>
        <div id="kcxH_regd506c">
          <div class="kcxhform-group">
            <label><strong>I am an</strong> "accredited" investor (meaning do you earn over $200,000 per year, have a net worth of $1m or more, or are an institutional investor). I am going to do my verification by providing (select one).</label>
            <div class="kcxH_radio">
                <input class="kcxHfieldRequired" type="radio" name="regdaccreditedInvestor" value="lawyer" required="">
                <span> Letter from Lawyer </span>
            <div class="kcxH_radio">
                <input class="kcxHfieldRequired" type="radio" name="regdaccreditedInvestor" value="cpa" required="">
                <span> Letter from CPA </span>
            <div class="kcxH_radio">
                <input class="kcxHfieldRequired" type="radio" name="regdaccreditedInvestor" value="broker-dealer" required="">
                <span> Letter from Broker-Dealer </span>
            <div class="kcxH_radio">
                <input class="kcxHfieldRequired" type="radio" name="regdaccreditedInvestor" value="advisor" required="">
                <span> Letter from Investment Advisor </span>
            <div class="kcxH_radio">
                <input class="kcxHfieldRequired" type="radio" name="regdaccreditedInvestor" value="third-party" required="">
                <span> Letter from 3rd Party Verification </span>
            <div class="kcxH_radio">
                <input class="kcxHfieldRequired" type="radio" name="regdaccreditedInvestor" value="registered-person" required="">
                <span> Registered Person </span>
            <div class="kcxH_radio">
                <input class="kcxHfieldRequired" type="radio" name="regdaccreditedInvestor" value="income-verification" required="">
                <span> Income Verification </span>
            <div class="kcxH_radio">
                <input class="kcxHfieldRequired" type="radio" name="regdaccreditedInvestor" value="asset-verification" required="">
                <span> Asset Verification </span>
          <div id="regdaccreditedInvestorkcxHerror" class="kcxHerror"></div>
          <div id="kcxH_accredited_annual_networth_regd"></div>
        <div id="kcxH_regd45_106">
          <div class="kcxhform-group">
            <div class="kcxH_radio">
                <input class="kcxHfieldRequired" type="radio" name="regd_45_106accreditedInvestor" value="1" required="">
                <span> an individual who, either alone or with a spouse, beneficially owns financial assets having an aggregate realizable value that before taxes, but net of any related liabilities, exceeds $1,000,000 </span>
            <div class="kcxH_radio">
                <input class="kcxHfieldRequired" type="radio" name="regd_45_106accreditedInvestor" value="2" required="">
                <span> an individual whose net income before taxes exceeded $200 000 in each of the 2 most recent calendar years or whose net income before taxes combined with that of a spouse exceeded $300 000 in each of the 2 most recent calendar
                  years and who, in either case, reasonably expects to exceed that net income level in the current calendar year </span>
            <!-- </div>
						<div class="kcxhform-group">	 -->
            <div class="kcxH_radio">
                <input class="kcxHfieldRequired" type="radio" name="regd_45_106accreditedInvestor" value="3" required="">
                <span> a person, other than an individual or investment fund, that has net assets of at least $5,000,000 as shown on its most recently prepared financial statements </span>
            <div class="kcxH_radio">
                <input class="kcxHfieldRequired" type="radio" name="regd_45_106accreditedInvestor" value="4" required="">
                <span> a person in respect of which all of the owners of interests, direct, indirect or beneficial, except the voting securities required by law to be owned by directors, are persons that are accredited investors </span>
          <div id="regd_45_106accreditedInvestorkcxHerror" class="kcxHerror"></div>
          <!-- </div>
						<div id="regd_45_106accreditedInvestorNonindkcxHerror" class="kcxHerror"></div> -->
      <div id="kcxH_accredited_investor_header" class="kcxHheader">Investor Suitability <span class="kcxHccNameTooltip kcxH_videos"><span class="kcxHccNameTooltiptext">
            <div class="kcxHtTitle">Investor Suitability</div>
            <div class="kcxH-video-player">
              <iframe src=";autopause=false" width="340" height="160" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture"></iframe>
            <p>Our investment is open to both accredited ad non-accredited investors. Accredited investors, all you need to do is simply indicate what best describes you as an accredited investors.</p>
            <p>Non-accredited investors, we need you to provide your annual income and net worth, we are then able to calculate the maximum amount you can invest in our company.</p>
      <div class="kcxhform-group">
        <div id="kcxH_accredited_investor">
          <div class="kcxH_radio">
              <input id="kcxH_accredited_invester" class="kcxHfieldRequired" type="radio" name="accreditedInvestor" value="1" required="">
                <b>I am an</b> "accredited" investor (meaning do you earn over $200,000 per year, have a net worth of $1m or more, or are an institutional investor) </span>
          <div id="kcxH_accredited_investor_yes_section" style="display: none;">
            <div id="kcxH_accredited_investor_yes_radio_options">
              <div class="kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
                <label class="kcxH_disclaimer" for="accreditedInvestorYes"><b>Income/Asset</b></label>
                <div class="kcxH_radio">
                    <input type="radio" name="accreditedInvestorYes" value="1">
                    <span> I am an individual with an income of over $200,000 in each of the last two years, or joint income with my spouse exceeding $300,000 in those years, and I reasonably expect at least the same this year. </span>
                <label class="kcxH_disclaimer" for="accreditedInvestorYes"><b>401k/Other</b></label>
                <div class="kcxH_radio">
                    <input type="radio" name="accreditedInvestorYes" value="0">
                    <span> I have an individual net worth, or joint net worth with my spouse, that exceeds $1 million including any IRA's, 401K's, and other retirement accounts, but excluding the net value of my primary residence. </span>
                <label class="kcxH_disclaimer" for="accreditedInvestorYes"><b>Registered Person</b></label>
                <div class="kcxH_radio">
                    <input type="radio" name="accreditedInvestorYes" value="2">
                    <span> You hold any of the following licenses from the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA): Series 7, Series 82, or Series 65. </span>
                <label class="kcxH_disclaimer" for="accreditedInvestorYes"><b>Internal</b></label>
                <div class="kcxH_radio">
                    <input type="radio" name="accreditedInvestorYes" value="3">
                    <span> You are a director, executive officer, or general partner of the company selling the securities, or any director, executive officer, or general partner of a general partner of that issuer or a knowledgeable employee.
            <div id="accreditedInvestorYeskcxHerror" class="kcxHerror"></div>
            <div id="kcxH_accredited_annual_networth_yes"></div>
          <div class="kcxH_radio">
              <input type="radio" name="accreditedInvestor" value="0">
                <b>I am not</b> an "accredited" investor. </span>
          <div id="accreditedInvestorkcxHerror" class="kcxHerror"></div>
      <div id="kcxH_accredited_investor_no_section" style="display: none;">
        <p class="kcxH_disclaimer" id="kcxH_accredited_investor_no_info"><strong>As you are not an "accredited investor" the law limits the total amount you can invest based on your annual income and your net worth. Please provide these so that we
            may determine if the amount you wish to invest is within these limitations.</strong></p>
        <div id="kcxH_accredited_annual_networth_no">
          <div id="kcxH_accredited_annual_networth_sec">
            <div class="kcxHrow">
              <div class="kcxH-6">
                <div class="kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
                  <label for="accreditedInvestorNoAnualIncome" id="kcxH_annual_income_label">Annual Income</label>
                  <div class="kcxH_dollar">
                    <input id="kcxHaccreditedInvestorNoAnualIncome" class="form-control kcxHfieldRequired" type="text" placeholder="0" name="accreditedInvestorNoAnualIncome" autocomplete="nope">
              <div class="kcxH-6">
                <div class="kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
                  <label for="accreditedInvestorNoNetWorth" id="kcxH_net_worth_label">Net Worth</label>
                  <div class="kcxH_dollar">
                    <input id="kcxHaccreditedInvestorNoNetWorth" class="form-control kcxHfieldRequired" type="text" placeholder="0" name="accreditedInvestorNoNetWorth" autocomplete="nope">
            <div id="kcxH_accridited_income_sus_text" class="kcxH_accridited_income_sus_text" style="display: none;">
              <svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="" style="margin-left: -32px; position: absolute;">
                <path d="M12 2C6.486 2 2 6.486 2 12C2 17.514 6.486 22 12 22C17.514 22 22 17.514 22 12C22 6.486 17.514 2 12 2ZM12 20C7.589 20 4 16.411 4 12C4 7.589 7.589 4 12 4C16.411 4 20 7.589 20 12C20 16.411 16.411 20 12 20Z" fill="#38C966"></path>
                <path d="M9.99909 13.587L7.70009 11.292L6.28809 12.708L10.0011 16.413L16.7071 9.70697L15.2931 8.29297L9.99909 13.587Z" fill="#38C966"></path>
              </svg> You are <span class="kcxH_acc_suc_p_text_gren" id="kcxH_acc_suc_p_text_gren"></span> under your investment limit of <span class="kcxH_acc_suc_p_text_blk" id="kcxH_acc_suc_p_text_blk"></span>
            <div id="kcxH_accridited_income_error_text" class="kcxH_accridited_income_error_text" style="display: none;">
              <svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="" style="margin-left: -32px; position: absolute;">
                <path d="M9.17181 16.2418L11.9998 13.4138L14.8278 16.2418L16.2418 14.8278L13.4138 11.9998L16.2418 9.17181L14.8278 7.75781L11.9998 10.5858L9.17181 7.75781L7.75781 9.17181L10.5858 11.9998L7.75781 14.8278L9.17181 16.2418Z"
                <path d="M12 22C17.514 22 22 17.514 22 12C22 6.486 17.514 2 12 2C6.486 2 2 6.486 2 12C2 17.514 6.486 22 12 22ZM12 4C16.411 4 20 7.589 20 12C20 16.411 16.411 20 12 20C7.589 20 4 16.411 4 12C4 7.589 7.589 4 12 4Z" fill="#EB5757"></path>
              </svg> You are <span id="kcxH_acc_suc_p_text_red" class="kcxH_acc_suc_p_text_red"></span> over your investment limit of <span id="kcxH_acc_suc_p_text_blk_red" class="kcxH_acc_suc_p_text_blk"></span>
    <div id="kcxH_tax_information_fieldset" class="kcxHSpace">
      <div class="kcxH_select kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
        <label for="Citizenship">Citizenship</label>
        <select id="kcxH_payment_citizenship" class="form-control" required="">
          <option value="">Select</option>
          <option value="1">I am a US citizen, US resident, or other US person.</option>
          <option value="0">I am not a US citizen, US resident, or other US person.</option>
    <div id="kcxH_funding_information_fieldset" class="kcxHSpace" style="padding-bottom:0;">
      <span id="kcxH_funding_method_section">
        <div class="kcxHheader">Funding Information</div>
        <div class="kcxH_select kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired" style="margin-bottom: 32px">
          <label for="funding-method">Funding Method</label>
          <select id="kcxH_payment_type" class="form-control" required="">
            <option value="">Select</option>
          <span id="kcxH_payment_additional_charges" class="kcxH_disclaimer"></span>
      <div id="kcxH_payment_type_ach_section" style="display: none;">
        <div class="kcxHACHPayment">
          <p class="kcxh_notes">Please make sure that the name you provided on this application matches the name on your bank account.</p>
          <div class="kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
            <label for="NameonAccount">Name on Account</label>
            <div class="form-control kcxHplain_text_input" id="kcxH_ach_account_full_name"></div>
          <div id="kcxH_payment_type_ach_hosted_section">
            <!-- Digipay ACH -->
            <div id="kcxH_Digipay_ach_sec">
              <div id="kcxH_Digipay_ach_fields"></div>
              <button class="kcxH_NuveiCCSubmit" type="button" id="kcxH_click_Digipayach_submit_button">Use This</button>
          <div id="kcxH_payment_type_ach_inline_section">
            <div class="kcxHrow">
              <div class="kcxH-6 kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
                <label for="routingNumber">Routing Number</label>
                <input type="text" class="form-control" id="kcxH_ach_routing_number" maxlength="18">
              <div class="kcxH-6 kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
                <label for="AccountNumber">Account Number</label>
                <input type="text" class="form-control" id="kcxH_ach_account_number" maxlength="18">
            <div class="kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
              <label for="AccountType">Account Type</label>
              <select class="form-control" id="kcxH_ach_account_type" required="">
                <option value="" selected="">Please select</option>
                <option value="chequing">Checking</option>
                <option value="savings">Savings</option>
      <div id="kcxH_payment_type_credit_card_section" style="display: none;">
        <span class="kcxh_notes">Note: After you Submit your credit card information, your card will only be authorized for that amount but not charged until KYC verification is completed successfully. You may see a 'Pending' status on your
        <span class="kcxh_notes">Please make sure that the name you provided on this application matches the name on your credit card.</span>
        <div class="kcxHrow">
          <div class="kcxH-6 kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
            <label for="NameonAccount">Name on Card <span class="kcxHccNameTooltip"><span class="kcxHccNameTooltiptext">To ensure success for your investment, we match the name on your account and the billing postal code with your investor
            <div class="form-control kcxHplain_text_input" id="kcxH_credit_card_full_name"></div>
          <div class="kcxH-6 kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
            <label for="ZipCode">Zip/Postal Code</label> <span class="kcxHccZipTooltip"><span class="kcxHccZipTooltiptext">To ensure success for your investment, we match the name on your account and the billing postal code with your investor
            <div class="form-control kcxHplain_text_input" id="kcxH_credit_card_zip"></div>
        <div id="kcxH_inline_cc_fields" style="display:none;">
          <div class="kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
            <label for="cardNumber">Card Number</label>
            <input type="text" id="kcxH_credit_card_number" class="form-control" maxlength="16">
          <div class="kcxHrow">
            <div class="kcxH-6 kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
              <label for="ExpiryDate">Expiry Date</label>
              <input type="text" id="kcxH_credit_card_expiry_date" placeholder="MM/YY" class="form-control">
            <div class="kcxH-6 kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
              <label for="CVV">CVV</label>
              <input type="text" id="kcxH_credit_card_cvv" class="form-control" maxlength="4">
        <div id="kcxH_stripe_credit_card">
          <div id="kcxH_stripe_credit_card_element"></div>
        <div id="kcxH_PayNetWorkXCC_input" style="display: none;"> </div>
        <button type="button" id="kcxH_click_credit_card_payment_button"></button>
        <!-- TUNL -->
        <div id="kcxH_tunl_section" style="display: none;">
          <div id="frame-wrapper" style="display: none;">
            <iframe id="kcxHtunl-frame"></iframe>
            <div id="kcxHpayment-message" class="loading" title="Click to dismiss">Loading...</div>
            <button type="button" id="kcxH_click_tunl_button">Use This</button>
        <!-- Nuvei CC -->
        <div id="kcxH_NuveiCC_sec">
          <div id="kcxH_Nuvei_CC_fields" class="some initial css-classes kcxH-nuveicc-fields"></div>
          <button class="kcxH_NuveiCCSubmit" type="button" id="kcxH_click_NuveiCC_submit_button">Use This</button>
        <!-- Digipay CC -->
        <div id="kcxH_Digipay_sec">
          <div id="kcxH_Digipay_CC_fields"></div>
          <button class="kcxH_NuveiCCSubmit" type="button" id="kcxH_click_DigipayCC_submit_button">Use This</button>
        <!-- North Capital CC Iframe -->
        <div id="kcxH_northCapitalCC_section">
          <div id="northCapitalCC_iframe-wrapper">
            <iframe id="northCapitalCC-frame"></iframe>
            <!-- <div id="kcxHpayment-message" class="loading" title="Click to dismiss">Loading...</div> -->
      <span id="kcxHCCError" class="kcxHerror text-center"></span>
      <span id="kcxHCardSaved" style="color:#00cc00; display: block;"></span>
      <span class="kcxHccprocessing" id="kcxHccprocessing" style="display: none;">Processing...</span>
      <div id="kcxH_payscout_section" style="display: none;">
        <!-- payscout -->
        <div id="kcxH_payment_type_payscout_ach_section">
          <div id="kcxH_payment_type_payscout_ach_component">
        <button class="kcxHPayscoutSubmit" type="button" id="kcxH_click_payscout_submit_button"></button>
        <span id="kcxHpayscoutError" class="kcxHerror text-center"></span>
        <span id="kcxHPayscoutSaved" style="color:#00cc00; display: block;"></span>
      <span id="kcxHTunlCardSaved" style="color:#00cc00; display: block;"></span>
      <div id="kcxH_payment_type_wire_section" style="display: none;">
        <div class="kcxHheader"> Wire Transfer Information </div>
        <div id="kcxHwireInformation"></div>
      <div id="kcxH_payment_type_mail_a_check_section" style="display: none;">
        <div class="kcxHheader" id="kcxH_mail_check_title">Mail a Check Information</div>
        <div id="kcxHCertifiedChequeInformation"></div>
      <div id="kcxH_payment_type_crypto_section" style="display: none;">
        <div class="kcxHheader">Crypto</div>
        <div id="kcxH_payment_type_crypto_compnies">
      <div id="kcxH_ira_funding_section" style="display: none;">
        <div class="kcxHheader">Invest through existing Self-Directed IRA</div>
        <div class="kcxhform-group">
          <span class="kcxHhelp-block" style="font-size: 16px;"><span class="kcxHccNameTooltip" style="margin-left: 0px;"></span> Use your existing IRA at these IRA custodians</span>
        <div class="kcxHrow">
          <div class="kcxH-6 kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
            <label for="NameonAccount">IRA Custodian Firm </label>
            <input id="kcxH_ira_cutodian_firm" class="form-control" list="kcxH_ira_cutodian_firm_datalist">
            <!-- <select id="kcxH_ira_cutodian_firm" class="form-control" required>
								<option value="">Select</option>
							</select> -->
          <div class="kcxH-6 kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
            <label for="IRATaxId">IRA Custodian Tax ID </label>
            <input type="text" id="kcxH_ira_taxid" class="form-control" maxlength="50">
        <div class="kcxHrow">
          <div class="kcxH-6 kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
            <label for="IRACountry">Country</label>
            <input type="text" id="kcxH_ira_country" value="United States">
          <div class="kcxH-6 kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
            <label for="IRAState">State</label>
            <input type="text" id="kcxH_ira_state" class="form-control" maxlength="50">
        <div class="kcxHrow">
          <div class="kcxH-6 kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
            <label for="iracity">City</label>
            <input type="text" id="kcxH_ira_city" class="form-control" maxlength="50">
          <div class="kcxH-6 kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
            <label for="iraaddress1">Address 1</label>
            <input type="text" id="kcxH_ira_address1" class="form-control" maxlength="50">
        <div class="kcxHrow">
          <div class="kcxH-6 kcxhform-group">
            <label for="iraaddress2">Address 2</label>
            <input type="text" id="kcxH_ira_address2" class="form-control" maxlength="50">
          <div class="kcxH-6 kcxhform-group">
            <label for="irazip">Zip/Postal Code</label>
            <input type="text" id="kcxH_ira_zip" class="form-control" maxlength="50">
        <div class="kcxHrow">
          <div class="kcxH-6 kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
            <label for="iraphone">Phone Number</label>
            <input type="text" id="kcxH_ira_phone" class="form-control" maxlength="50">
          <div class="kcxH-6 kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
            <label for="iraemail">Email Address</label>
            <input type="text" id="kcxH_ira_email" class="form-control" maxlength="50">
        <div class="kcxHrow">
          <div class="kcxH-6 kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
            <label for="iraaccountname">Name on IRA Account</label>
            <input type="text" id="kcxH_name_on_ira_account" class="form-control" maxlength="155">
          <div class="kcxH-6 kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired">
            <label for="IRAAccountNumber">IRA Account Number</label>
            <input type="text" id="kcxH_ira_account_number" class="form-control" maxlength="50">
        <div class="kcxHPayment_instructions">
          <div class="kcxHheader">Invest through existing Self-Directed IRA</div>
          <div id=""> Upon approval of your investment application, we will reach out to you to coordinate payment through your Self-Directed IRA. </div>
      <div id="kcxH_payment_instructions" style="display:none;"></div>
      <div id="kcxH_tapgo_ira_section" class="kcxH_tapgo_ira" style="display: none;">
        <div class="kcxHrow">
          <div class="kcxH-6 kcxhform-group kcxHsm-6">
            <div class="kcxHheader"> TAPGO IRA <span class="kcxHccNameTooltip kcxH_videos"><span class="kcxHccNameTooltiptext">
                  <div class="kcxHtTitle">Individual Retirement Account</div>
                  <div class="kcxH-video-player">
                    <iframe src="" width="340" height="160" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>
                  </div>For your convenience, we have provided a quick and easy way for you to set up an IRA for this investment. All you need to do is simply click yes and it will auto-generate the documents and set up the account. A representative
                  from the IRA custodian will contact you with more details on the type of IRA account.
          <div class="kcxH-6 kcxhform-group kcxHsm-6" id="kcxHiralogo">
            <img src="" class="kcxH_credit_card_tapgo_logo">
        <div class="kcxH_tapgo_ira_description"> This investment is eligible to be put into a new IRA account with New Direction Trust. The process is very simple. Would you like to open an IRA Account? </div>
        <div class="kcxH_radio">
            <input type="radio" class="" name="kcxH_tabgo_ira" value="1">
            <span> Yes, open IRA account </span>
        <div class="kcxH_radio">
            <input type="radio" name="kcxH_tabgo_ira" value="0">
            <span> No, not at this time </span>
        <div id="tabgo_ira_message" style="display: none;"></div>
        <div class="kcxHerror" id="kcxH_tabgo_irakcxHerror"></div>
      <div id="kcxH_payment_mandate_sec" style="display: none;">
        <label class="kcxH_checkbox_flex_wrapper">
          <input id="kcxH_payment_mandate_accept" class="kcxH_checkbox" value="1" type="checkbox">
          <span class="kcxHcheckboxLabel" id="kcxH_payment_mandate_accept_type_label"></span>
          <input id="kcxH_payment_mandate_accept_type" type="hidden">
        <div id="kcxH_payment_mandate_acceptkcxHerror" class="kcxHerror"></div>
  <!-- Step 4: Final shares info -->
  <div id="kcxH_final_shares_section" class="kcxHtab kcxHBRAgreementFlagDiv" style="display: none;">
    <div id="kcxH_final_shares_info" class="kcxH_final_shares_info kcxHHideJointly">
      <div id="2sdfsf1" class="kcxH_final_share_info_grid">
        <div class="kcxH_final_det_label"> Total Invested </div>
        <div id="kcxH_final_share_price" class="kcxH_final_det"></div>
      <span id="df32f" class="kcxhRightArrows" style="margin-top: 15px;"></span>
      <div id="we4rd" class="kcxH_final_share_info_grid">
        <div class="kcxH_final_det_label" id="kcxH_final_det_label_text"> Shares </div>
        <div id="kcxH_final_number" class="kcxH_final_det"></div>
      <span class="kcxhRightArrows" style="margin-top: 15px;"></span>
      <div id="2sdfsf" class="kcxH_final_share_info_grid">
        <div class="kcxH_final_det_label"> Payment Method </div>
        <div id="kcxH_final_pamyent_method" class="kcxH_final_det"></div>
    <!-- Step 4: RegCF Discloser -->
    <div id="kcxH_discloser_section" style="display: none;">
      <div class="kcxH_disclosures">Disclosures</div>
      <div class="kcxH_disclosures_sub">To continue making your investment, please acknowledge each of the following items. You will be sent an email with these acknowledgements when you complete payment for your investment</div>
      <div id="kcxH_disclosures_options"></div>
    <div id="kcxH_sign_info_section">
      <div class="kcxH_investment_provided_email kcxHHideJointly"> Investment details provided in follow-up email </div>
      <div id="kcxH_ndtco_terms_section" style="display: none;">
        <div class="kcxH_fieldset">
          <span class="kcxHCustAgmtLine2">NDTCO Account Terms and Conditions Agreement</span>
          <div id="kcxH_ndtco_terms_and_conditions_scroll" class="kcxHCoreAgreement">
            <div id="kcxH_NDTCO_account_terms_and_conditions"></div>
          <div class="kcxH_checkbox_wrapper">
            <label class="kcxH_checkbox_flex_wrapper">
              <input id="kcxH_ndtco_terms_and_conditions_hidden" type="hidden" value="false" name="applicant_read_the_content">
              <input id="kcxH_ndtco_terms_and_conditions_accept" class="kcxH_checkbox" value="1" type="checkbox">
              <span class="kcxHcheckboxLabel" for="customerSubAgreement">I acknowledge that I have reviewed and accept the <strong>NDTCO Account Terms and Conditions Agreement</strong></span>
            <div id="kcxH_ndtco_terms_and_conditions_acceptkcxHerror" class="kcxHerror"></div>
        <div class="kcxH_fieldset">
          <span class="kcxHCustAgmtLine2">NDTCO Per Asset Fee Agreement</span>
          <div class="kcxHCoreAgreement" id="kcxH_ndtco_asset_fee_agreement_scroll">
            <div id="kcxH_NDTCO_per_asset_fee_agreement"></div>
          <div class="kcxH_checkbox_wrapper">
            <label class="kcxH_checkbox_flex_wrapper">
              <input id="kcxH_ndtco_asset_fee_agreement_hidden" type="hidden" value="false">
              <input id="kcxH_ndtco_asset_fee_agreement_accept" class="kcxH_checkbox" type="checkbox" value="1">
              <span class="kcxHcheckboxLabel" for="customerSubAgreement">I acknowledge that I have reviewed and accept the <strong>NDTCO Per Asset Fee Agreement</strong></span>
            <div id="kcxH_ndtco_asset_fee_agreement_acceptkcxHerror" class="kcxHerror"></div>
        <div class="kcxH_fieldset">
          <span class="kcxHCustAgmtLine2">NDTCO Buy Direction Letter/Directive</span>
          <div class="kcxHCoreAgreement" id="kcxH_ndtco_buy_direction_letter_scroll">
            <div id="kcxH_NDTCO_buy_direction_letter_directive"></div>
          <div class="kcxH_checkbox_wrapper">
            <label class="kcxH_checkbox_flex_wrapper">
              <input id="kcxH_ndtco_buy_direction_letter_hidden" type="hidden" value="false">
              <input id="kcxH_ndtco_buy_direction_letter_accept" class="kcxH_checkbox" type="checkbox" value="1">
              <span class="kcxHcheckboxLabel" for="customerSubAgreement">I acknowledge that I have reviewed and accept the <strong>NDTCO Buy Direction Letter/Directive Agreement</strong></span>
            <div class="kcxHerror" id="kcxH_ndtco_buy_direction_letter_acceptkcxHerror"></div>
        <div class="kcxH_fieldset">
          <span class="kcxHCustAgmtLine2">NDTCO Private Equity Disclaimer</span>
          <div class="kcxHCoreAgreement" id="kcxH_ndtco_private_equity_disclaimer_scroll">
            <div id="kcxH_NDTCO_private_equity_disclaimer"></div>
          <div class="kcxH_checkbox_wrapper">
            <label class="kcxH_checkbox_flex_wrapper">
              <input id="kcxH_ndtco_private_equity_disclaimer_hidden" type="hidden" value="false">
              <input id="kcxH_ndtco_private_equity_disclaimer_accept" class="kcxH_checkbox" type="checkbox" value="1">
              <span class="kcxHcheckboxLabel" for="customerSubAgreement">I acknowledge that I have reviewed and accept the <strong>NDTCO Private Equity Disclaimer</strong></span>
            <div class="kcxHerror" id="kcxH_ndtco_private_equity_disclaimer_acceptkcxHerror"></div>
      <div id="kcxH_platform_agreement_section">
        <span class="kcxHCustAgmtLine2" id="kcxH_platform_agreement_title">Platform Agreement</span>
        <div class="kcxH_fieldset" id="kcxH_platform_agreement_section_scroll">
          <div id="kcxHPlatformAgreement_scroll" class="kcxHCoreAgreement">
            <div id="kcxHPlatformAgreement"></div>
          <div class="kcxH_checkbox_wrapper kcxHAgreementCheckbox">
            <label class="kcxH_checkbox_flex_wrapper">
              <input type="hidden" value="false" id="kcxHPlatformAgreement_hidden">
              <input type="checkbox" value="1" id="kcxH_platform_agreement" class="kcxH_checkbox">
              <span class="kcxHcheckboxLabel" for="customerPlatformAgreement" id="kcxH_platform_dealer_ack_text">I acknowledge that I have reviewed and accept the <strong>Platform Agreement Form.</strong></span>
            <div class="kcxHerror" id="kcxH_platform_agreementkcxHerror"></div>
      <div id="kcxH_broker_dealer_agreement_section">
        <span class="kcxHCustAgmtLine2" id="kcxH_broker_dealer_title">Broker Dealer Form</span>
        <div class="kcxH_fieldset" id="kcxH_broker_dealer_agreement_section_scroll">
          <div id="kcxHBDAgreement_scroll" class="kcxHCoreAgreement">
            <div id="kcxHBDAgreement"></div>
          <div class="kcxH_checkbox_wrapper kcxHAgreementCheckbox">
            <label class="kcxH_checkbox_flex_wrapper">
              <input type="hidden" value="false" id="kcxHBDAgreement_hidden">
              <input type="checkbox" value="1" id="kcxH_subcription_agreement" class="kcxH_checkbox">
              <span class="kcxHcheckboxLabel" for="customerSubAgreement" id="kcxH_broker_dealer_ack_text">I acknowledge that I have reviewed and accept the <strong>Broker Dealer Form.</strong></span>
            <div class="kcxHerror" id="kcxH_subcription_agreementkcxHerror"></div>
      <div id="kcxH_subscription_agreement_section">
        <span class="kcxHCustAgmtLine5">Subscription Agreement</span>
        <div class="kcxH_fieldset" id="kcxH_subscription_agreement_section_scroll">
          <div class="kcxHCoreAgreement" id="kcxHSubscriptionAgreement_scroll">
            <div id="kcxHSubscriptionAgreement"></div>
          <div class="kcxH_checkbox_wrapper">
            <label class="kcxH_checkbox_flex_wrapper">
              <input id="kcxHSubscriptionAgreement_hidden" type="hidden" value="false">
              <input id="kcxH_name_acknowledge" class="kcxH_checkbox" type="checkbox" value="1">
              <span class="kcxHcheckboxLabel" for="customerSubAgreement" id="kcxH_subagreement_ack_text">I acknowledge that the entry of my name in the field below represents an e-signature as detailed in our <span id="kcxH_terms_of_use_txt">terms of
                  use</span>. I agree with the <span id="kcxH_investor_agreement_txt">Subscription Agreement</span> and have reviewed the <span id="kcxH_sec_filing_txt">SEC Offering Circular</span>.</span>
            <div class="kcxHerror" id="kcxH_name_acknowledgekcxHerror"></div>
        <div class="kcxhform-group kcxHisrequired" style="margin: 16px 0 32px;">
          <label for="e-signature">E-signature (Type Full Legal Name as Displayed Below)</label>
          <div id="kcxH_full_sign"></div>
          <input type="text" class="form-control" autocomplete="off" id="kcxH_e_signature" required="">
  <!-- Step 5: Thank you -->
  <div id="kcxH_thank_you_section" class="kcxHtab kcxHSpace" style="display: none;">
    <div class="kcxHrow">
      <div class="kcxH-12">
        <div id="kcxH_jh_final_than_title" class="kcxH_final_thank">Thank you!<br><br>WHAT HAPPENS NOW?</div>
        <div id="kcxH_jh_final_thank_msg" class="kcxH_final_trans_msg">
          <p>Please note that it may take 14-30 days or more to completely process your investment. During this period, the compliance team at <span id="kcxHfinalStepBDName"></span> is performing mandatory ID and AML checks before your investment can
            be confirmed.</p>
          <p>You are going to receive an email with instructions on how to log in to view your pending Investment with our company <span id="kcxHfinalStepClientName"></span> and receive updates on the status of your investment.</p>
          <p>We received your investment request of $<span id="kcxHfinalStepAmount"></span> in <span id="kcxHfinalStepClientName1"></span>, to be paid via <span id="kcxHfinalStepPaymentMethod"></span>.</p>
        <div id="kcxH_payment_instructions_laststep_header" class="kcxH_final_trans_instructions"></div>
        <div id="kcxH_payment_instructions_laststep"></div>
    <span id="kcxH_close_learn_more"></span>
    <div class="kcxH_close_btn">
      <button type="button" class="kcxHinputButtonClass kcxHfinalClose" id="kcxHFinalCloseButton">Close</button>
  <div id="kcxHProcessError" class="kcxHerror text-center"></div>
  <div class="kcxHprocessingDiv" id="kcxHprocessingDiv">Processing...</div>
  <div id="kcxH_navigation">
    <div class="kcxHrow">
      <div class="kcxH-6 kcxHsm-6">
        <div id="kcxHprevButton">
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Reg A+ Investment Process
Basic Info Investor Info Funding Info Sign & Finish Disclosures

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KoreID Mobile App for a faster experience.

Contact Information
Email Address
Mobile Number
Please enter OTP

How Much Would You Like to Invest?

Update Limit
This information is only used to calculate your investment limit as required by

Let’s make sure you are within your limits!

Considering your recent investments, this amount would put you over your
personal limit in 4(a)(6) investments for the past 12-months.

Yearly Income

Net Worth

The above includes my spouse’s income and net worth.
Spouse's First Name
Spouse's Last Name
I have invested in crowdfunding offerings in the last 12 months.
How much have you invested in regulation crowdfunding offerings in the last 12

I am an "accredited" investor (meaning do you earn over $200,000 per year, have
a net worth of $1m or more, or are an institutional investor, or a registered
person or internal person)
Accredited info

I am an individual with an income of over $200,000 in each of the last two
years, or joint income with my spouse exceeding $300,000 in those years, and I
reasonably expect at least the same this year.

I have an individual net worth, or joint net worth with my spouse, that exceeds
$1 million including any IRA's, 401K's, and other retirement accounts, but
excluding the net value of my primary residence.

Registered Person
You hold any of the following licenses from the Financial Industry Regulatory
Authority (FINRA): Series 7, Series 82, or Series 65.

You are a director, executive officer, or general partner of the company selling
the securities, or any director, executive officer, or general partner of a
general partner of that issuer or a knowledgeable employee.

Total investment limit:
Based on your income & net worth
Previous investments:
Last 12 months
Remaining investment limit:
X  Cancel Update Limit

Investor Information
Investing As Please Select an Individual Joint Tenants With Right of
Survivorship Joint Tenants In Common Tenants By The Entirety a Company
(Corporation, LLC, etc.) a Trust Invest through existing Self-Directed IRA
First Name(Must match government-issued ID)
Middle Name(Must match government-issued ID)
Last Name (Must match government-issued ID)

Physical Address(Please do NOT use P.O.Box)
Apartment/Suite/Unit Number
Zip/Postal Code
Date of Birth
Why do you need to provide SSN, DOB, Drivers license, or Passport information?

This is a fully qualified offering with a FINRA Broker-dealer escrow provider,
an SEC registered transfer agent who are all required to collect this
information to approve your investment and meet SEC and State securities
Why do you need to provide SSN, DOB, Drivers license, or Passport information?

This is a fully qualified offering with a FINRA Broker-dealer escrow provider,
an SEC registered transfer agent who are all required to collect this
information to approve your investment and meet SEC and State securities
How Did You Hear About Us? Please Select LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Instagram
News Release Television Referral from a Friend Our Company Other
Please Enter Source

A financial advisor is assisting me or is filing out these forms on behalf of
the investor.
Financial Advisor's Name
Financial Advisor's Email Address
Identity Check
Our FINRA Broker Dealer is required to keep on file a form that accurately
describes who you are. This is "Know Your Client" information.
Document for Identity Check
Why do you need to provide SSN, DOB, Drivers license, or Passport information?

This is a fully qualified offering with a FINRA Broker-dealer escrow provider,
an SEC registered transfer agent who are all required to collect this
information to approve your investment and meet SEC and State securities
regulations. Select Driver's License Passport

Issuing State Select
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Legal Entity Select

Company Type Select
Company Sector Select
Country Select
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Company's Phone Number
Tax ID #
Year of Formation
State/Province/Territory of Formation Select
Joint Investor’s Information
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Mobile Number
Email Address
Accredited Investor Verification
I am an "accredited" investor (meaning do you earn over $200,000 per year, have
a net worth of $1m or more, or are an institutional investor). I am going to do
my verification by providing (select one).
Letter from Lawyer
Letter from CPA
Letter from Broker-Dealer
Letter from Investment Advisor
Letter from 3rd Party Verification
Registered Person
Income Verification
Asset Verification

an individual who, either alone or with a spouse, beneficially owns financial
assets having an aggregate realizable value that before taxes, but net of any
related liabilities, exceeds $1,000,000
an individual whose net income before taxes exceeded $200 000 in each of the 2
most recent calendar years or whose net income before taxes combined with that
of a spouse exceeded $300 000 in each of the 2 most recent calendar years and
who, in either case, reasonably expects to exceed that net income level in the
current calendar year
a person, other than an individual or investment fund, that has net assets of at
least $5,000,000 as shown on its most recently prepared financial statements
a person in respect of which all of the owners of interests, direct, indirect or
beneficial, except the voting securities required by law to be owned by
directors, are persons that are accredited investors

Investor Suitability
Investor Suitability

Our investment is open to both accredited ad non-accredited investors.
Accredited investors, all you need to do is simply indicate what best describes
you as an accredited investors.

Non-accredited investors, we need you to provide your annual income and net
worth, we are then able to calculate the maximum amount you can invest in our

I am an "accredited" investor (meaning do you earn over $200,000 per year, have
a net worth of $1m or more, or are an institutional investor)
I am an individual with an income of over $200,000 in each of the last two
years, or joint income with my spouse exceeding $300,000 in those years, and I
reasonably expect at least the same this year.
I have an individual net worth, or joint net worth with my spouse, that exceeds
$1 million including any IRA's, 401K's, and other retirement accounts, but
excluding the net value of my primary residence.
Registered Person
You hold any of the following licenses from the Financial Industry Regulatory
Authority (FINRA): Series 7, Series 82, or Series 65.
You are a director, executive officer, or general partner of the company selling
the securities, or any director, executive officer, or general partner of a
general partner of that issuer or a knowledgeable employee.

I am not an "accredited" investor.

As you are not an "accredited investor" the law limits the total amount you can
invest based on your annual income and your net worth. Please provide these so
that we may determine if the amount you wish to invest is within these

Annual Income

Net Worth

You are under your investment limit of
You are over your investment limit of
Citizenship Select I am a US citizen, US resident, or other US person. I am not
a US citizen, US resident, or other US person.
Funding Information
Funding Method Select

Please make sure that the name you provided on this application matches the name
on your bank account.

Name on Account

Use This
Routing Number
Account Number
Account Type Please select Checking Savings
Note: After you Submit your credit card information, your card will only be
authorized for that amount but not charged until KYC verification is completed
successfully. You may see a 'Pending' status on your account.

Please make sure that the name you provided on this application matches the name
on your credit card.
Name on Card To ensure success for your investment, we match the name on your
account and the billing postal code with your investor information.

Zip/Postal Code To ensure success for your investment, we match the name on your
account and the billing postal code with your investor information.

Card Number
Expiry Date

Use This

Use This

Use This


Wire Transfer Information

Mail a Check Information


Invest through existing Self-Directed IRA
Use your existing IRA at these IRA custodians
IRA Custodian Firm
IRA Custodian Tax ID
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Phone Number
Email Address
Name on IRA Account
IRA Account Number
Invest through existing Self-Directed IRA
Upon approval of your investment application, we will reach out to you to
coordinate payment through your Self-Directed IRA.

Individual Retirement Account

For your convenience, we have provided a quick and easy way for you to set up an
IRA for this investment. All you need to do is simply click yes and it will
auto-generate the documents and set up the account. A representative from the
IRA custodian will contact you with more details on the type of IRA account.

This investment is eligible to be put into a new IRA account with New Direction
Trust. The process is very simple. Would you like to open an IRA Account?
Yes, open IRA account
No, not at this time

Total Invested


Payment Method

To continue making your investment, please acknowledge each of the following
items. You will be sent an email with these acknowledgements when you complete
payment for your investment

Investment details provided in follow-up email
NDTCO Account Terms and Conditions Agreement

I acknowledge that I have reviewed and accept the NDTCO Account Terms and
Conditions Agreement

NDTCO Per Asset Fee Agreement

I acknowledge that I have reviewed and accept the NDTCO Per Asset Fee Agreement

NDTCO Buy Direction Letter/Directive

I acknowledge that I have reviewed and accept the NDTCO Buy Direction
Letter/Directive Agreement

NDTCO Private Equity Disclaimer

I acknowledge that I have reviewed and accept the NDTCO Private Equity

Platform Agreement
I acknowledge that I have reviewed and accept the Platform Agreement Form.

Broker Dealer Form
I acknowledge that I have reviewed and accept the Broker Dealer Form.

Subscription Agreement
I acknowledge that the entry of my name in the field below represents an
e-signature as detailed in our terms of use. I agree with the Subscription
Agreement and have reviewed the SEC Offering Circular.

E-signature (Type Full Legal Name as Displayed Below)

Thank you!


Please note that it may take 14-30 days or more to completely process your
investment. During this period, the compliance team at is performing mandatory
ID and AML checks before your investment can be confirmed.

You are going to receive an email with instructions on how to log in to view
your pending Investment with our company and receive updates on the status of
your investment.

We received your investment request of $ in , to be paid via .


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US Investors Only








Starpax shares must be purchase through this -FINRA member – Broker Dealer


Regulation-A financial information publicly available on EDGAR



Before Investing in Starpax we invite you to learn more on our unique technology


Michael GAREAU

Founding President and


Retired President



Retired President



Retired President



Retired COO


United Kingdom

Dr. Jacques JOLIVET, M.D.


George V Silver Jubilee Award in Oncology


Business Lawyer

Found Partner BCF LAW FIRM



To address this critical problem that is insurmountable by relying on drugs or
immunotherapy alone, we have created the Starpax Magnetodrones™ and the Starpax
PolarTrak® two patented, inseparable elements that must work with one another
and conceived to solve what chemotherapy or immunotherapy have not solved for a



Learn more



Learn more


Benzinga – September 27, 2023


Starpax Biopharma is preparing to start clinical trials this year with its
patented Starpax cancer treatment platform across six unmet needs, including
pancreatic, breast, colorectal, head & neck, uterus and prostate cancer. Solid
cancers like the ones Starpax will focus on in the upcoming trials account for
89% of all cancer deaths – that’s largely due to the fact that solid tumors are
so difficult to treat…

Read all medias


remission rate*
Starpax brings a never-before-seen technology on a global scale that, in our
opinion, will revolutionize the way cancer is treated.
more drugs in the tumor**
Starpax is not an ordinary pharma. It conceived a unique, groundbreaking
technology harnessing the power of four different scientific disciplines to get
this result.
fewer toxic molecules in the body**
Thanks to the Starpax technology, Starpax Cancer Treatment release 800x fewer
toxic molecules in the body than traditional chemotherapy.
meaningful side effects observed*
The side effects of modern anticancer drug in systemic injection reaches the
tumor while (99% of this toxic agent continues to circulate in the whole
patient’s body causing side effects.
(*) based on preclinical studies.
(**) Dose calculation according to clinical trials protocol to be used, compared
to traditional chemotherapy

Learn More


Spring 2021

Commissioning of 3 new proprietary laboratories for biopharma development and
quality control in parallel
Summer 2022

PolarTrak® installed at the Jewish General Hospital (Montreal)
Fall 2022

Completed GLP preclinical studies on animals
Fall 2023

End of construction of GMP Magnetodrones™ manufacturing plant
Spring 2024

Commissioning of the manufacturing plant and certification processes
Fall 2024

Begin clinical trials at the Jewish General Hospital for 6 cancer indications
Summer 2025

Expected completion of Phase II trial for commercial approval as Unmet Medical
Need for first indication


IN 2024 

Invest now in Starpax

6615 Abrams Street
St-Laurent, Quebec
H4S 1X9, Canada

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