loginfansclub99.xyz Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

URL: https://loginfansclub99.xyz/
Submission: On January 05 via api from US — Scanned from US

Form analysis 7 forms found in the DOM

POST /auth/login

<form action="/auth/login" class="simple-login sl-s" data-error-title="Error" id="__SimpleLoginAntiForgeryForm" method="post">
  <div class="loginBox row mx-0">
    <input type="text" name="username" required="" class="fld login_username mr-1" autocomplete="off" placeholder="UserID" data-error-required="UserID Diperlukan." data-error-format="UserID harus 3 - 20 karakter alfanumerik.">
    <input type="password" name="password" required="" autocomplete="off" class="fld text login_password mr-1" placeholder="Kata Sandi" data-error-required="Kata Sandi Diperlukan.">
    <span class="toggle-password hide-pas"></span>
    <button class="btn-success btn-login ml-1" type="submit">
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<form class="form-inline" id="form_search_bar" method="get">
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    <div class="input-group w-100">
      <input class="form-control search-input" type="text" autocomplete="off" id="searchgame2_searchgame_Keyword" placeholder="Cari Permainan">
      <div class="input-group-append">
        <button class="btn btn-primary search-input" type="button" id="searchgame2_searchgame_button">
          <i class="fa fa-search"></i>

<form class="video-iframe" id="IntroVideo1_Video">

POST /auth/login

<form action="/auth/login" id="__AjaxLoginAntiForgeryForm" method="post">
  <div class="model-h3">Masuk</div>
  <div class="form-group did-floating-label-content userNameID">
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		c0.9,0,1.8-0.4,2.5-1c0.7-0.7,1-1.5,1-2.5v-14c0-0.9-0.4-1.8-1-2.5c-0.7-0.7-1.5-1-2.5-1H3.5z M22.4,19.4c-0.8-2.2-3.1-5.2-8.4-5.2
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    <label for="FocusTextBox" class="lbl did-floating-label">UserID</label>
    <div class="error_Login_username hide"><span class="text-danger small">UserID Diperlukan</span></div>
    <div class="error_Login_username_numeric_alpha hide"><span class="text-danger small">UserID harus 3 - 20 karakter alfanumerik </span></div>
  <div class="form-group did-floating-label-content registerPasswordIco">
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        d="M10.5452 24.2589C10.5452 24.2272 10.5418 24.1946 10.5452 24.1629C10.6242 23.4983 10.5019 23.042 9.81553 22.6459C8.66196 21.9796 8.32133 20.424 8.86159 19.1505C9.37466 17.9406 10.6922 17.2305 11.9766 17.4723C13.2711 17.7159 14.186 18.6497 14.35 19.8932C14.5292 21.2541 13.8963 22.3972 12.6502 22.9975C12.5593 23.0412 12.4684 23.1947 12.4658 23.2993C12.448 23.9202 12.4616 24.5419 12.4557 25.1636C12.4497 25.7793 12.0734 26.1678 11.4983 26.1661C10.9249 26.1643 10.5546 25.775 10.5461 25.1585C10.5418 24.8583 10.5461 24.5582 10.5452 24.2589ZM11.5 21.2944C12.0709 21.2944 12.4625 20.8982 12.454 20.3279C12.4455 19.7705 12.0573 19.3864 11.5017 19.3864C10.9428 19.3864 10.5588 19.7645 10.5486 20.3254C10.5384 20.8956 10.93 21.2944 11.5 21.2944Z">
    <input id="login_password" type="password" name="password" placeholder=" " required="" autocomplete="off" class="did-floating-input text login_password l2">
    <label for="login_password" class="lbl did-floating-label">Kata Sandi</label>
    <span toggle="#login_password" class="pw-eye-slash toggle-password"></span>
    <div class="error_Login_password hide"><span class="text-danger small">Kata Sandi Diperlukan.</span></div>
  <div class="registrationCaptcha mt-3">
  <button class="rgstButton mt-3 w-100 l4" type="submit">Masuk</button>
  <div class="error-content"></div>
  <input name="__RequestVerificationToken" type="hidden" value="f0AmyCQqUbWHcfgKOS1EK3yn49PZxxa4nbursNJscOSfqQZBXnFcbnXwcdO3I9TMsYlHDXxqSH5u-hvUhUbQVSjaeRQ1">

POST /auth/register

<form action="/auth/register" id="__AjaxRegisterAntiForgeryForm" method="post">
  <div class="signin-content-v3">
    <div class="row justify-content-start align-items-start">
      <div class="col-2 pr-0 dropdown-single">
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        <div class="dropdown-single-content" aria-labelledby="dropdownLang">
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          <a href="/lang/id" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; registerLangChange()"><p><img class="icon-flag" src="https://dd8p0622bwh41.cloudfront.net/Content/media/flag/id.svg" alt="">Indonesia</p></a>
      <div class="col-8 px-0 model-h3 text-center"> Daftar Akun <small>Daftar sekarang untuk memulai dengan akun</small>
    <div class="did-floating-label-content userNameID">
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      <label for="RegisterFocusTextBox" class="did-floating-label">UserID</label>
      <div class="error_Register_username hide"><span class="text-danger small">UserID Diperlukan</span></div>
      <div class="error_Register_username_alpha_numeric hide"><span class="text-danger small">ID pengguna harus dimulai dengan huruf (3-20 karakter)</span></div>
      <div class="error-checkName"></div>
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      <label for="register_password" class="did-floating-label required">Kata Sandi</label>
      <div class="error_Register_password hide"><span class="text-danger small">Kata Sandi Diperlukan</span></div>
      <div class="error_password_length hide"><span class="text-danger small">Kata sandi harus minimal 6 alfanumerik</span></div>
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          d="M10.5452 24.2589C10.5452 24.2272 10.5418 24.1946 10.5452 24.1629C10.6242 23.4983 10.5019 23.042 9.81553 22.6459C8.66196 21.9796 8.32133 20.424 8.86159 19.1505C9.37466 17.9406 10.6922 17.2305 11.9766 17.4723C13.2711 17.7159 14.186 18.6497 14.35 19.8932C14.5292 21.2541 13.8963 22.3972 12.6502 22.9975C12.5593 23.0412 12.4684 23.1947 12.4658 23.2993C12.448 23.9202 12.4616 24.5419 12.4557 25.1636C12.4497 25.7793 12.0734 26.1678 11.4983 26.1661C10.9249 26.1643 10.5546 25.775 10.5461 25.1585C10.5418 24.8583 10.5461 24.5582 10.5452 24.2589ZM11.5 21.2944C12.0709 21.2944 12.4625 20.8982 12.454 20.3279C12.4455 19.7705 12.0573 19.3864 11.5017 19.3864C10.9428 19.3864 10.5588 19.7645 10.5486 20.3254C10.5384 20.8956 10.93 21.2944 11.5 21.2944Z">
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      <span toggle="#password_confirm" class="pw-eye-slash toggle-password"></span>
      <label for="password_confirm" class="did-floating-label required">Konfirmasi Kata Sandi</label>
      <div class="error_Register_cpassword hide"><span class="text-danger small">Konfirmasi Kata Sandi Diperlukan</span></div>
      <div class="error_match_cpassword hide"><span class="text-danger small">Konfirmasi kata sandi anda tidak memiliki kecocokkan</span></div>
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