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    * Centre American Select Equity Fund
    * Centre Global Infrastructure Fund

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Centre Funds' James Abate On Bloomberg Radio Discussing Likely Federal Reserve
Policy Actions, The Prospects For A Longer Rolling Economic Slowdown, And
Opportunities In Navigating A Continuing Sideways Market Environment

The statements and opinions expressed are those of the author as of the date
this material was prepared. All information is historical and not indicative of
future results and subject to change. Past performance does not guarantee future

Centre Funds' James Abate Discussing Current Opportunities Within Global Listed
Infrastructure Industries On The Money Life Show With Chuck Jaffe

Centre Funds Thought Leadership Call Series: Centre American Select Equity
Strategy - Unexpected Scenarios That Can Shake Markets in 2023

Centre Funds' James Abate On Bloomberg Radio Discussing The Potential For An
Economic Soft Landing Vs. Recession And The Fallout From The FTX Collapse

Centre Funds' James Abate On Bloomberg Radio Discussing Why We May Still Be In A
Stagflationary Environment And Where Potential Opportunities Exist

Centre Funds' James Abate On Bloomberg Radio Discussing Why The Misalignment Of
The Capital Spending Cycle In The Resource Sectors Vis-À-Vis The Consumer
Business Cycle Will Likely Lead To A Stagflationary Environment

Centre Funds' James Abate Extended Interview with Todd Zempel Discussing the
Third Quarter 2022 Market Review & Forward Outlook

Centre Funds' James Abate On Bloomberg Radio Discussing The Risks From Continued
Fed Tightening As Well As The Impact From Potential Broad-Based Earnings
Deceleration And Lingering Geopolitical Tensions

Centre Funds' James Abate Interview on Money Life Show With Chuck Jaffe
Discussing the Outlook for US Stocks and Sectors at this Stage of the Investment

Centre Funds' James Abate On Bloomberg Radio Discussing The Variables That Will
Determine Whether The Recent Stock Market Strength Is A Bear Market Rally Or The
Start Of A New Bull Market

Centre Funds' James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing the Importance of the
Economic Cycle Deceleration and Currency Markets' Impact on the US Stock Market

Centre Funds' James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing the Likely Market
Consequences from Release of the Federal Reserve's May Committee Minutes as well
as the Ongoing Conflict in Ukraine

Centre Funds' James Abate Extended Interview with Todd Zempel Discussing Centre
Funds' Insight - Spring/Summer 2022 Market Review & Outlook

Centre Funds' James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing How the Currency and
Bond Markets Already Largely Reflect the Federal Reserve's Current Tightening

Centre Funds' James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Offering a Unique Perspective
Regarding the War in Ukraine and its Potential Impact to Markets

Centre Funds' James Abate Interview on Money Life Show With Chuck Jaffe
Highlighting the Potential Relative Opportunities for Fundamental Approaches
Versus Thematic/Disruptive Strategies as the Business Cycle Moves to the Next

Centre Funds' James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing the Implications from
Changes in Fed Policy as well as Areas of Opportunity from the Persistence of

Centre Funds' James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing the 2022 Fundamental
Outlook for US Stocks and Sector Opportunities

Centre Funds' James Abate Interview on Money Life Show With Chuck Jaffe
Discussing the Fundamental Stock Level Opportunities Across the U.S. Equity and
Global Listed Infrastructure Markets

Centre Funds' James Abate Extended Interview with Todd Zempel Discussing Centre
Funds' Insight - Fall/Winter 2021/22 Market Review & Outlook

Centre Funds' James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing the Implications from
Inflation on Retail Sales and Consumer Sentiment

Centre Funds' James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing the Impact from
Potential Changes in Federal Reserve Policies Across Markets and Sectors

Centre Funds' James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing What's Behind the
Rotational Back and Forth Between Cyclicals and Defensive Stocks this Year and
Outlook for the Rest of 2021

Centre Funds' James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing the Potential Impact to
U.S. Stocks from the China Tech Crackdown

Centre Funds' James Abate Interview On Money Life Show With Chuck Jaffe Breaking
Down The Individual Fundamental Drivers That Will Potentially Move The Overall
U.S. Stock Market As Well As Stock Level Opportunities

Centre Funds' James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing the Continuing and
Compelling Investment Case for Commodity Producing and Infrastructure-Related
Companies in the U.S.

Centre Funds' James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing How Best to Play the
Likely Time Correction in U.S. Stocks Continuing but also Prepare for an Air
Pocket Drawdown in Risk Assets

Centre Funds' James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing the Stock Market
Implications from the Rise in Inflation and Federal Reserve (In)actions

Centre Funds Thought Leadership Call Series: Global Infrastructure Strategy -
Investment Opportunities from President Biden's $2 Trillion Infrastructure Plan

Centre Funds' James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing the Risks From and
Opportunities Within a Potential Time Correction in Broad Stock Market Indexes
as Improving Earnings Catch Up to Stock Prices

Centre Funds' James Abate Extended Interview with Joe Gordon and Todd Zempel
Discussing the Wild Action in 'Meme Stonks' Like GameStop and the Potential for
Knock-On Effects in Other Areas of the Market

Centre Funds' James Abate Extended Interview on Money Life Show with Chuck Jaffe
Discussing the American Select Equity Investment Process & Sector and Stock
Level Opportunities in the U.S. Stock Market

Centre Funds' James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing the Upcoming Earnings
Season and the Relative Impact from the Resurgence in Global Manufacturing

Centre Funds' James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing the COVID Second
Stimulus Package and Impact to Stock Markets from the Potential Emergence of
Inflation in 2021

Centre Funds' James Abate Extended Interview with Joe Gordon and Todd Zempel
Discussing the American Select Equity Investment Process & Current Strategy and
Stock Level Opportunities within the Centre American Select Equity Fund

Centre Funds' James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing the Long-Term Negative
Implications from the Federal Reserve's Policies as well as China's post
COVID-19 Economic Recovery & Recent Assertiveness

Centre Funds' James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing the Relationship of the
Emerging Earnings & Economic Recovery Versus Embedded Valuation Expectations for
US Stocks

Centre Funds' James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing the Imbedded
Expectations of the Major Technology Stocks and Potential Areas of Valuation
Opportunities to Complement FAANG Stocks Weightings Within U.S. Equity Indexes

Centre Funds' James Abate Extended Interview on Money Life Show with Chuck Jaffe
Discussing the American Select Equity Investment Process & Current Strategy and
Stock Level Opportunities in the U.S. Stock Market

Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing Emerging Contrarian
Investment Opportunities in the US Outside of the Major Technology Stocks

Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing Potential Stock Market and
Federal Reserve Policy Implications from the Recent Roll-Back of Plans to Reopen
the Economy Due to Coronavirus

Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing the Ramifications from the
Federal Reserve's Asset Purchase Pledge and Potential Impact to the Banking
Sector from the Looming Crisis in Commercial Real Estate

Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing Key Takeaways from Federal
Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell's Outlook and Call for More Fiscal Stimulus

Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing the Implications and
Opportunities from the Recent Collapse in Oil Prices, Resilience of the FAANG
Stocks, as well as Potential Harmful Effects from the Fiscal Stimulus Plans

Centre Funds' James Abate on Money Life with Chuck Jaffe Show Discussing the
Positioning of the American Select Equity Strategy and Insights - Stock Level
Opportunities in and Expectations for the U.S. Stock Market Given the Recent
Sharp Sell-Off

Centre Funds Thought Leadership Call Series: Global Infrastructure Strategy -
Listed Infrastructure vs. Real Estate Investments in the Current
Economic/Political Environment

Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing the Prospects for Equity
Income Opportunities Given the Recent Stock Market Selloff as well as Timing the
Relative Performance Shift of Cyclicals versus Defensives

Centre Funds Thought Leadership Call Series: American Select Equity Strategy -
What To Expect From the Stock Market In 2020 as Election Rhetoric Heats Up and
Will Company Fundamentals Catch Up to Stock Prices

Centre's James Abate on "The Relative Case for Institutional Investors in Listed
Infrastructure," GLIO Journal - issue 6

Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing How Economies and Markets May
React to the Coronavirus Outbreak as well as Key Guideposts to Look for from the
Current Earnings Season

Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing How Markets May React to the
Impeachment Vote and Expectations for the Year Ahead

Centre Funds' James Abate on Money Life with Chuck Jaffe Show Discusses the
Positioning of the American Select Equity Strategy and Important Insights from
the Recent Corporate Earnings Season

Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing What Any Trade Deal Between
the U.S. and China May Look Like and How Much of That is Already Reflected in
Stock Prices

Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing the Importance of Recent
Institute for Supply Management (ISM) Index Reports

Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing the Fragility of Markets and
Equity Style Leadership

Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing the Need and Likelihood for a
Fed Rate Cut

Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing the Impact from the US Yield
Curve Flattening and Downturn in Global Leading Indicators

Centre Funds' James Abate on Money Life with Chuck Jaffe Discussing Why a 30
Percent Correction Would Not Surprise Us

Centre Funds' James Abate Extended Interview on Money Life with Chuck Jaffe
Discussing the Current Opportunity for Infrastructure Stocks and the
Differentiated Attributes of the Centre Global Infrastructure Fund

Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing Key Risks and, in Particular,
the US Stock Market's Reliance on an Unsteady Three Legged Stool

Centre Funds Thought Leadership Call Series: Global Infrastructure Strategy -
Finding True Value - Why Value Style Investors Should Look at the Listed
Infrastructure Category for Opportunity

Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing the Impact to Financial
Markets from the Breakdown in US-North Korea Talks and Signals from the Recent
Rally in Emerging Markets

Centre Funds Thought Leadership Call Series: American Select Equity Strategy -
What's the Potential that 2019 Turns into a 2001-2 Bear Market Rather than the
Resumption of the Bull Market after the 2011 Correction?

Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing the Outlook for U.S. Equities
Given the Recent Movements in the Dollar as well as Best Opportunities as
Economic Growth Tempers

Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing Why Rising Interest Rates are
the Kryptonite to Stocks and the Impact from Sino-U.S. Supply Chain/Trade

Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing Why the Current Sell-Off Is
Different from the Last Three and May Be Analogous to the Year 2000

Centre Funds' James Abate Extended Interview on Money Life Market Call with
Chuck Jaffe Discussing Recent Market Volatility and Recommended Positioning in
U.S. Equities

Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio discussing the Implications from the
latest Chinese Trade Tariffs and Spillover to Asset Allocation between U.S. vs.
International Markets

Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Re-Capping Q2 2018 Earnings Results as
well as Equity Market Implications from Interest Rate and Trade War Concerns

Centre Funds Thought Leadership Call Series: Global Infrastructure Strategy

Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing the Outlook for the Financial
Sector Following the Release of the Federal Reserve's Stress Tests

Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing the Potential Impact to
Equities from the Rise in Interest Rates and the U.S. Trade Dispute with China

Centre Fund's James Abate Extended Interview on Dakota Network Radio with Rob
Robertson Discussing in-depth the American Select Equity Strategy

Centre Funds' James Abate Extended Interview on MoneyLife Market Call with Chuck
Jaffe Discussing the Challenges Facing U.S. Equity Investors Now

Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing the Factors Behind the
Current Market Rally, Earnings Ahead, and Why Investors Should be Cognizant of
Changes in Interest Rates and Risk Premiums

Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio regarding How Pres. Trump's Planned
Tariffs Might Affect Inflation, Growth, and U.S. Stocks

Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio regarding What the Impact and Insights
from the Selloff in Bitcoin and Government Bonds May Mean for U.S. Stocks

Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio regarding the Impact from Trump's Likely
Federal Reserve Chairperson Selection

Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio regarding Why We May Be Done With Fed
Rate Hike in December

Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio regarding why U.S. Stock Market Has a
Valuation Problem

Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio regarding the Stock Market Fallout from
a Possible Fading Trump Agenda

Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio regarding why the Risk Profile is
Changing For Some Tech Shares

Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio regarding why now Active Management May
Win Over Passive Strategies

Centre American Select Equity Fund's James Abate Interview on MoneyLife Market

Centre Funds Thought Leadership Call Series: American Select Equity Strategy

Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio regarding the US Dollar, Fed Policy and
Risks to Trump stock rally

Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio regarding the Dollar, Federal Reserve
and Bank Stocks

Centre American Select Equity Fund's James Abate Interview with MarketWatch's
MoneyLife Market Call

"Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio"

"GDP May Give Ammunition for Fed to Stay Lower Longer - Centre's James Abate on
Bloomberg Radio"

Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio

Centre American Select Equity Fund's James Abate Interview with MarketWatch's
MoneyLife Market Call

Centre Funds Thought Leadership Call Series: American Select Equity Strategy,
"How Would a Trump Presidency Affect the Stock Market?"

Centre American Select Equity Fund's James Abate Interview with MarketWatch's
MoneyLife Market Call

Centre Funds Thought Leadership Call Series: Global ex-U.S. Select Equity

Centre Funds Thought Leadership Call Series: Active U.S.Treasury Strategy

Centre Funds Thought Leadership Call Series: American Select Equity Strategy

Centre American Select Equity Fund's James Abate Interview with MarketWatch's
MoneyLife Market Call

Centre Funds Thought Leadership Call Series: Global Select Equity Strategy

Centre Funds Thought Leadership Call Series: Active US Treasury Strategy

"Centre American Select Equity Fund's James Abate Interview with MarketWatch's
MoneyLife Market Call"

Centre's Abate Interview with MarketWatch's MoneyLife Market Call

Bloomberg Advantage Veteran's Day: Centre Asset Mgmt's Abate

Centre's Abate Interview with MarketWatch's MoneyLife Market Call

Market Outlook Call: Active U.S. Treasury Strategy

Jim Abate on the Markets - Bloomberg Radio

Centre's Abate Interview with MarketWatch's MoneyLife Market Call

"Centre's CIO Says Alternative Needed Before Correction" - Bloomberg Radio

Centre's Abate Says Fed Needs to Take More Action - Bloomberg Radio

Centre Asset Management's Abate Sees Rising Blue Chips - Bloomberg Radio

Business Insider Article Featuring Centre Funds' James Abate - "This Is A Year
Where Stockpicking And Concentration Of Idiosyncratic Ideas Is How A Fund Can
Distinguish Itself From Its Peers And The Index."

Click here to access Business Insider Article

To view the fund's standardized performance, please access the following link:

To view the fund's holdings, please access the following link:

Business Insider Article Featuring Centre Funds' James Abate - While Significant
Downside Risk Remains for Passive Index Investors, Idiosyncratic Stock
Opportunities Exist For Fundamentally-Driven, Actively Managed Funds

Click here to access Business Insider Article

To view the fund's standardized performance, please access the following link:

Business Insider Article Featuring Centre Funds' James Abate and the Centre
American Select Equity Fund - History Tells Us to Be Aware of Potential
Drawdowns in The Market Even After the Fed Pivots

Click here to access Business Insider Article

To view the fund's standardized performance, please access the following link:

© 2022 Morningstar. All Rights Reserved. The information contained herein: (1)
is proprietary to Morningstar and/or its content providers; (2) may not be
copied or distributed; and (3) is not warranted to be accurate, complete or
timely. Neither Morningstar nor its content providers are responsible for any
damages or losses arising from any use of this information. Past performance is
no guarantee of future results.

Morningstar Ranking/Number of Funds in Category displays the Fund's actual rank
within its Morningstar Category Large Blend based on average annual total return
and number of funds in that Category 1,374. The returns assume reinvestment of
dividends and do not reflect any applicable sales charge. Absent expense
limitation, total return would be less. Morningstar Percentile Rankings are the
Fund's total return rank relative to all funds in the same Morningstar category,
where 1 is the highest percentile and 100 is the lowest percentile.

Business Insider Article Featuring Centre Funds' James Abate and the Centre
American Select Equity Fund

Click here to access Business Insider Article

Business Insider Article Featuring Centre Funds' James Abate and the Centre
American Select Equity Fund

Click here to access Business Insider Article

© 2022 Morningstar. All Rights Reserved. The information contained herein: (1)
is proprietary to Morningstar and/or its content providers; (2) may not be
copied or distributed; and (3) is not warranted to be accurate, complete or
timely. Neither Morningstar nor its content providers are responsible for any
damages or losses arising from any use of this information. Past performance is
no guarantee of future results.

Morningstar Ranking/Number of Funds in Category displays the Fund's actual rank
within its Morningstar Category Large Blend based on average annual total return
and number of funds in that Category 1,385. The returns assume reinvestment of
dividends and do not reflect any applicable sales charge. Absent expense
limitation, total return would be less. Morningstar Percentile Rankings are the
Fund's total return rank relative to all funds in the same Morningstar category,
where 1 is the highest percentile and 100 is the lowest percentile.

To view the fund's top 10 holdings, standardized performance and other
disclosures, please access the following link:

The statements and opinions expressed are those of the author as of the date
this material was prepared. All information is historical and not indicative of
future results and subject to change. Past performance does not guarantee future

The S&P 500 is an index of 500 stocks seen as a leading indicator of U.S.
equities and a reflection of the performance of the large cap universe, made up
of companies selected by economists.

A put option is a contract giving the owner the right, but not the obligation,
to sell a specified amount of an underlying security at a pre-determined price
within a specified time frame. This pre-determined price that buyer of the put
option can sell at is called the strike price.

The Nasdaq-100 is a stock market index made up of 101 equity securities issued
by 100 of the largest non-financial companies listed on the Nasdaq stock market.
It is a modified capitalization-weighted index.

Disinflation is a decrease in the rate of inflation - a slowdown in the rate of
increase of the general price level of goods and services in a nation's gross
domestic product over time. It is the opposite of reflation.

A bear market is when a market experiences prolonged price declines. It
typically describes a condition in which securities prices fall 20% or more from
recent highs amid widespread pessimism and negative investor sentiment.

The price-to-earnings ratio (P/E ratio) is the ratio for valuing a company that
measures its current share price relative to its earnings per share (EPS). The
price-to-earnings ratio is also sometimes known as the price multiple or the
earnings multiple.

In economics, stagflation or recession-inflation is a situation in which the
inflation rate is high, the economic growth rate slows, and unemployment remains
steadily high. It presents a dilemma for economic policy, since actions intended
to lower inflation may exacerbate unemployment.

Performance data quoted represent past performance. Past performance is no
guarantee of future results and investment returns and principal value of the
Fund will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less
than their original cost. Current performance may be higher or lower than the
performance quoted. Call 1-855-298-4236 or (if applicable) visit
www.centrefunds.com for current month end performance. Total return includes
reinvestment of dividends and capital gains. Performance data quoted does not
reflect the deduction of the sales load or fee. If reflected, the load or fee
would reduce the performance quoted.

Under the investment advisory agreement, the Fund pays to the Adviser an
investment advisory fee (accrued daily and payable monthly) at an annual rate of
0.75% of the Fund's average daily net assets for the first $1 billion and 0.70%
of the Fund's average daily net assets thereafter.

The investment adviser to the Fund, Centre Asset Management, LLC (the "Adviser"
or "Centre"), has contractually agreed to reduce its advisory fees and/or
reimburse other expenses of the Fund for not less than one year and until the
next following effective date of the post-effective amendment to the
registration statement of Centre Funds relating to the Fund (on or about January
29, 2023) to the extent necessary to limit the total operating expenses of the
Fund including (but not limited to) investment advisory fees of the Adviser, but
excluding, as applicable, any front-end or contingent deferred sales loads,
taxes, leverage interest, distribution/service (Rule 12b-1) fees, shareholder
services fees, brokerage commissions, acquired fund fees and expenses, expenses
incurred in connection with any merger or reorganization, and extraordinary
expenses (such as litigation and other expenses not incurred in the ordinary
course of the Fund's business) to an annual rate of 1.10% of the average daily
net assets of the Investor Class shares and 0.90% of the average daily net
assets of the Institutional Class shares (the "Expense Limitation Agreement").
The Expense Limitation Agreement may be terminated at any time, and without
payment of any penalty, by the Board of Trustees of the Trust (the "Board"), on
behalf of the Fund, upon 60 days' written notice to the Adviser, but may not be
terminated by the Adviser without the consent of the Board. No recoupment will
be made more than three years after the date that the applicable amount was
initially waived or reimbursed by the Adviser, and the recoupment may not cause
the Fund to exceed the then-existing expense limitation for that class at the
time such waiver or reimbursement was made.

Centre Funds Thought Leadership Webinar for Investors: American Select Equity
Strategy - Review of Investment Process and Recap of Navigating 2020's Equity
Market Volatility and Current Positioning

The statements and opinions expressed are those of the author as of the date
this material was prepared. All information is historical and not indicative of
future results and subject to change. Past performance does not guarantee future

James Abate, CIO of Centre Asset Management on Asset TV Discussing how Factor
Investing Awareness is Playing a Key Role in his Investment Process and
Explaining how to Differentiate Among Factors and Weigh Risks

Click here to view individual holdings.

FANG is the acronym for four high-performing technology stocks in the markets as
of 2017 - Facebook, Amazon, Netflix and Google (now Alphabet, Inc.).

Factor investing is a strategy that chooses securities on attributes that are
associated with higher returns. There are two main types of factors that have
driven returns of stocks, bonds, and other factors; macroeconomic factors and
style factors. The former captures broad risks across asset classes while the
latter aims to explain returns and risks within asset classes.

Centre's James Abate on BNN Bloomberg Television Discussing How Tariffs Are
Starting to Have an Impact on Inflation and Profit Margins

The Content is the opinion of Centre Asset Management and is for informational
purposes only, you should not construe any such information or other material as
legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice.

Centre's James Abate on BNN Bloomberg Television Discussing Opportunities in the
Energy and Materials Sectors and the Potential Market Risks from the Upcoming US

Price-earnings multiple (P/E multiple) is the ratio for valuing a company that
measures its current share price relative to its per-share earnings.

The price-to-sales ratio is a valuation ratio that compares a company's stock
price to its revenues.

A protective put is a risk-management strategy that investors can use to guard
against the loss of unrealized gains. The put option acts like an insurance
policy - it costs money, which reduces the investor's potential gains from
owning the security but also reduces his risk of losing money if the security
declines in value.

The standard deviation is a statistic that measures the dispersion of a dataset
relative to its mean and is calculated as the square root of the variance.

A drawdown is the peak-to-trough decline during a specific recorded period of an
investment, fund or commodity.

"Investing with Caution" - James Abate, Chief Investment Officer at Centre Asset
Management, joins BNN to discuss Mark Zuckerberg's testimony in front of the
U.S. Senate and investing in a higher rate and volatility environment

Price-earnings multiple (P/E multiple) is the ratio for valuing a company that
measures its current share price relative to its per-share earnings.

"Centre American Select Equity Fund's Favorite Stocks for the Current Market
Environment," Centre Funds' James Abate Interview with TheStreet.com

"Treasuries Popping as Currency Battle Rages" - Centre Funds' Kirk Barneby
Interview with TheStreet.com

FOMC: Federal Open Market Committee

Fed: Federal Reserve

Yield Curve Spread: difference between yields on different debt instruments

Risks: There is no assurance that this investment philosophy will consistently
lead to successful investing. Investing involves risks, including loss of

Fixed-income securities are subject to repayment risk and the risk of price
volatility due to interest rate sensitivity, market perception of the issuer's
creditworthiness and general market conditions. As interest rates rise, the
value of fixed-income securities typically declines. TIPS are long-duration
assets, sensitive to changes in interest rates and, in the short term, can
experience substantial fluctuations in price.

The statements and opinions expressed are those of T. Kirk Barneby and are as of
the date of this interview. All information is historical and not indicative of
future results and subject to change. Reader should not assume that an
investment in the securities mentioned was or would be profitable in the future.
This information is not a recommendation to buy or sell. Past performance does
not guarantee future results.

Click Here for standardized performance.

Performance data quoted represent past performance. Past performance is no
guarantee of future results and investment returns and principal value of the
Fund will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less
than their original cost. Current performance may be higher or lower than the
performance quoted. Call 1-855-298-4236 or (if applicable) visit
www.centrefunds.com for current month end performance.

 * March 9, 2023 - Centre Funds' James Abate On Bloomberg Radio Discussing
   Likely Federal Reserve Policy Actions, The Prospects For A Longer Rolling
   Economic Slowdown, And Opportunities In Navigating A Continuing Sideways
   Market Environment
 * February 28, 2023 - Business Insider Article Featuring Centre Funds' James
   Abate - "This Is A Year Where Stockpicking And Concentration Of Idiosyncratic
   Ideas Is How A Fund Can Distinguish Itself From Its Peers And The Index."
 * February 28, 2023 - Proxy Statement for Special Meeting of Shareholders of
   the Centre Funds
 * February 15, 2023 - Centre Funds' James Abate Discussing Current
   Opportunities Within Global Listed Infrastructure Industries On The Money
   Life Show With Chuck Jaffe
 * February 3, 2023 - Centre Funds Thought Leadership Call Series: Centre
   American Select Equity Strategy - Unexpected Scenarios That Can Shake Markets
   in 2023
 * January 13, 2023 - Centre Funds' James Abate On Bloomberg Radio Discussing
   The Potential For An Economic Soft Landing Vs. Recession And The Fallout From
   The FTX Collapse
 * December 21, 2022 - Business Insider Article Featuring Centre Funds' James
   Abate - While Significant Downside Risk Remains for Passive Index Investors,
   Idiosyncratic Stock Opportunities Exist For Fundamentally-Driven, Actively
   Managed Funds
 * December 13, 2022 - Centre Funds' James Abate On Bloomberg Radio Discussing
   Why We May Still Be In A Stagflationary Environment And Where Potential
   Opportunities Exist
 * December 1, 2022 - Financial Advisor's FA Magazine In-Depth Article Feature
   on the Centre American Select Equity Fund, "This Equity Fund Is Trouncing The
   S&P 500"
 * November 1, 2022 - Centre Funds Insight - Fall & Winter 2022/23 Market Review
   & Outlook
 * November 1, 2022 - Centre Funds' James Abate On Bloomberg Radio Discussing
   Why The Misalignment Of The Capital Spending Cycle In The Resource Sectors
   Vis-À-Vis The Consumer Business Cycle Will Likely Lead To A Stagflationary
 * October 17, 2022 - Business Insider Article Featuring Centre Funds' James
   Abate and the Centre American Select Equity Fund - History Tells Us to Be
   Aware of Potential Drawdowns in The Market Even After the Fed Pivots
 * October 3, 2022 - Centre Funds' James Abate Extended Interview with Todd
   Zempel Discussing the Third Quarter 2022 Market Review & Forward Outlook
 * September 20, 2022 - Centre Funds' James Abate On Bloomberg Radio Discussing
   The Risks From Continued Fed Tightening As Well As The Impact From Potential
   Broad-Based Earnings Deceleration And Lingering Geopolitical Tensions
 * September 17, 2022 - CNBC Article Feature on the Centre American Select
   Equity Fund, "This Large Cap Fund Is Staying Above Water In This Bear Market
   By Being The 'Antithesis Of Ark'"
 * September 1, 2022 - Centre Funds' James Abate Interview on Money Life Show
   With Chuck Jaffe Discussing the Outlook for US Stocks and Sectors at this
   Stage of the Investment Cycle
 * August 15, 2022 - Centre Funds' James Abate On Bloomberg Radio Discussing The
   Variables That Will Determine Whether The Recent Stock Market Strength Is A
   Bear Market Rally Or The Start Of A New Bull Market
 * July 11, 2022 - Business Insider Article Featuring Centre Funds' James Abate
   and the Centre American Select Equity Fund
 * July 10, 2022 - Centre Funds' James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing the
   Importance of the Economic Cycle Deceleration and Currency Markets' Impact on
   the US Stock Market
 * May 26, 2022 - Centre Funds' James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing the
   Likely Market Consequences from Release of the Federal Reserve's May
   Committee Minutes as well as the Ongoing Conflict in Ukraine
 * May 13, 2022 - Centre Funds' James Abate Extended Interview with Todd Zempel
   Discussing Centre Funds' Insight - Spring/Summer 2022 Market Review & Outlook
 * May 2, 2022 - Centre Funds Insight - Spring/Summer 2022 Market Review &
 * April 25, 2022 - Centre Funds' James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing How
   the Currency and Bond Markets Already Largely Reflect the Federal Reserve's
   Current Tightening Cycle
 * April 6, 2022 - Business Insider Article Featuring Centre Funds' James Abate
   and the Centre American Select Equity Fund
 * March 3, 2022 - Centre Funds' James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Offering a
   Unique Perspective Regarding the War in Ukraine and its Potential Impact to
 * February 2, 2022 - Centre Funds' James Abate Interview on Money Life Show
   With Chuck Jaffe Highlighting the Potential Relative Opportunities for
   Fundamental Approaches Versus Thematic/Disruptive Strategies as the Business
   Cycle Moves to the Next Stage
 * January 26, 2022 - Centre Funds' James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing
   the Implications from Changes in Fed Policy as well as Areas of Opportunity
   from the Persistence of Inflation
 * December 27, 2021 - Centre Funds' James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing
   the 2022 Fundamental Outlook for US Stocks and Sector Opportunities
 * December 3, 2021 - Centre Funds' James Abate Interview on Money Life Show
   With Chuck Jaffe Discussing the Fundamental Stock Level Opportunities Across
   the U.S. Equity and Global Listed Infrastructure Markets
 * November 19, 2021 - Centre Funds' James Abate Extended Interview with Todd
   Zempel Discussing Centre Funds' Insight - Fall/Winter 2021/22 Market Review &
 * November 16, 2021 - Centre Funds' James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing
   the Implications from Inflation on Retail Sales and Consumer Sentiment
 * November 1, 2021 - Centre Funds Insight - Fall/Winter 2021/22 Market Review &
 * October 13, 2021 - Centre Funds' James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing
   the Impact from Potential Changes in Federal Reserve Policies Across Markets
   and Sectors
 * August 31, 2021 - Centre Funds' James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing
   What's Behind the Rotational Back and Forth Between Cyclicals and Defensive
   Stocks this Year and Outlook for the Rest of 2021
 * July 27, 2021 - Centre Funds' James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing the
   Potential Impact to U.S. Stocks from the China Tech Crackdown
 * June 16, 2021 - Centre Funds' James Abate Interview On Money Life Show With
   Chuck Jaffe Breaking Down The Individual Fundamental Drivers That Will
   Potentially Move The Overall U.S. Stock Market As Well As Stock Level
 * June 2, 2021 - Centre Funds' James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing the
   Continuing and Compelling Investment Case for Commodity Producing and
   Infrastructure-Related Companies in the U.S.
 * May 7, 2021 - Centre Funds Insight - Spring/Summer 2021 Market Review &
   Outlook - Global Infrastructure
 * April 28, 2021 - Centre Funds Insight - Spring/Summer 2021 Market Review &
   Outlook - U.S. Equities
 * April 22, 2021 - Centre Funds' James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing How
   Best to Play the Likely Time Correction in U.S. Stocks Continuing but also
   Prepare for an Air Pocket Drawdown in Risk Assets
 * March 18, 2021 - Centre Funds' James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing the
   Stock Market Implications from the Rise in Inflation and Federal Reserve
 * March 12, 2021 - Centre Funds Thought Leadership Call Series: Global
   Infrastructure Strategy - Investment Opportunities from President Biden's $2
   Trillion Infrastructure Plan
 * February 16, 2021 - Centre Funds' James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing
   the Risks From and Opportunities Within a Potential Time Correction in Broad
   Stock Market Indexes as Improving Earnings Catch Up to Stock Prices
 * January 29, 2021 - Centre Funds' James Abate Extended Interview with Joe
   Gordon and Todd Zempel Discussing the Wild Action in 'Meme Stonks' Like
   GameStop and the Potential for Knock-On Effects in Other Areas of the Market
 * January 14, 2021 - Centre Funds' James Abate Extended Interview on Money Life
   Show with Chuck Jaffe Discussing the American Select Equity Investment
   Process & Sector and Stock Level Opportunities in the U.S. Stock Market
 * January 12, 2021 - Centre Funds' James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing
   the Upcoming Earnings Season and the Relative Impact from the Resurgence in
   Global Manufacturing
 * December 21, 2020 - Centre Funds' James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing
   the COVID Second Stimulus Package and Impact to Stock Markets from the
   Potential Emergence of Inflation in 2021
 * November 17, 2020 - Centre Funds' James Abate Extended Interview with Joe
   Gordon and Todd Zempel Discussing the American Select Equity Investment
   Process & Current Strategy and Stock Level Opportunities within the Centre
   American Select Equity Fund
 * November 16, 2020 - Centre Funds Insight - Fall/Winter 2020/21 Market Review
   & Outlook - Global Infrastructure
 * October 28, 2020 - Centre Funds' James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing
   the Long-Term Negative Implications from the Federal Reserve's Policies as
   well as China's post COVID-19 Economic Recovery & Recent Assertiveness
 * October 23, 2020 - Centre Funds Insight - Fall/Winter 2020/21 Market Review &
   Outlook - U.S. Equities
 * October 1, 2020 - Centre Funds' James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing the
   Relationship of the Emerging Earnings & Economic Recovery Versus Embedded
   Valuation Expectations for US Stocks
 * September 24, 2020 - Centre Funds Thought Leadership Webinar for Investors:
   American Select Equity Strategy - Review of Investment Process and Recap of
   Navigating 2020's Equity Market Volatility and Current Positioning
 * September 1, 2020 - Centre Funds' James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing
   the Imbedded Expectations of the Major Technology Stocks and Potential Areas
   of Valuation Opportunities to Complement FAANG Stocks Weightings Within U.S.
   Equity Indexes
 * August 6, 2020 - Centre Funds' James Abate Extended Interview on Money Life
   Show with Chuck Jaffe Discussing the American Select Equity Investment
   Process & Current Strategy and Stock Level Opportunities in the U.S. Stock
 * July 30, 2020 - Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing Emerging
   Contrarian Investment Opportunities in the US Outside of the Major Technology
 * July 13, 2020 - Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing Potential
   Stock Market and Federal Reserve Policy Implications from the Recent
   Roll-Back of Plans to Reopen the Economy Due to Coronavirus
 * July 10, 2020 - Centre Funds Announces Special Meeting of Shareholders of the
   Centre Active U.S. Treasury Fund
 * June 19, 2020 - How Well Has (Y)our Large Cap Fund Performed During the
   Market's Corrections/Downturns Over the Past 5 Years?
 * June 10, 2020 - Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing the
   Ramifications from the Federal Reserve's Asset Purchase Pledge and Potential
   Impact to the Banking Sector from the Looming Crisis in Commercial Real
 * May 22, 2020 - Centre Funds Insight - Spring/Summer 2020 Market Review &
   Outlook - U.S. Equities
 * May 22, 2020 - Centre Funds Insight - Spring/Summer 2020 Market Review &
   Outlook - Global Infrastructure
 * May 13, 2020 - Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing Key
   Takeaways from Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell's Outlook and Call for
   More Fiscal Stimulus Measures
 * April 21, 2020 - Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing the
   Implications and Opportunities from the Recent Collapse in Oil Prices,
   Resilience of the FAANG Stocks, as well as Potential Harmful Effects from the
   Fiscal Stimulus Plans
 * March 26, 2020 - Centre Funds' James Abate on Money Life with Chuck Jaffe
   Show Discussing the Positioning of the American Select Equity Strategy and
   Insights - Stock Level Opportunities in and Expectations for the U.S. Stock
   Market Given the Recent Sharp Sell-Off
 * March 20, 2020 - Centre Funds Thought Leadership Call Series: Global
   Infrastructure Strategy - Listed Infrastructure vs. Real Estate Investments
   in the Current Economic/Political Environment
 * March 10, 2020 - Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing the
   Prospects for Equity Income Opportunities Given the Recent Stock Market
   Selloff as well as Timing the Relative Performance Shift of Cyclicals versus
 * February 6, 2020 - Centre Funds Thought Leadership Call Series: American
   Select Equity Strategy - What To Expect From the Stock Market In 2020 as
   Election Rhetoric Heats Up and Will Company Fundamentals Catch Up to Stock
 * February 4, 2020 - Centre's James Abate on "The Relative Case for
   Institutional Investors in Listed Infrastructure," GLIO Journal - issue 6
 * January 22, 2020 - Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing How
   Economies and Markets May React to the Coronavirus Outbreak as well as Key
   Guideposts to Look for from the Current Earnings Season
 * December 18, 2019 - Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing How
   Markets May React to the Impeachment Vote and Expectations for the Year Ahead
 * November 25, 2019 - Centre Featured as Boutique of the Week in Citywire
   Professional Buyer Magazine
 * November 21, 2019 - Centre Funds Insight - Winter 2019/20 Market Review &
   Outlook - U.S. Equities
 * November 21, 2019 - Centre Funds Insight - Winter 2019/20 Market Review &
   Outlook - Global Infrastructure
 * November 14, 2019 - Centre Funds' James Abate on Money Life with Chuck Jaffe
   Show Discusses the Positioning of the American Select Equity Strategy and
   Important Insights from the Recent Corporate Earnings Season
 * November 11, 2019 - Centre Global Infrastructure Strategy - The Compelling
   Case for Infrastructure
 * November 6, 2019 - Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing What
   Any Trade Deal Between the U.S. and China May Look Like and How Much of That
   is Already Reflected in Stock Prices
 * October 17, 2019 - Centre American Select Equity Strategy Slide Presentation
   - Current Fund Positioning and Market Outlook (Why the Next Five Years Will
   Likely Not be as Favorable as the Last Five)
 * October 2, 2019 - Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing the
   Importance of Recent Institute for Supply Management (ISM) Index Reports
 * August 26, 2019 - Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing the
   Fragility of Markets and Equity Style Leadership
 * July 9, 2019 - Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing the Need
   and Likelihood for a Fed Rate Cut
 * May 30, 2019 - Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing the Impact
   from the US Yield Curve Flattening and Downturn in Global Leading Indicators
 * May 20, 2019 - Centre Funds Insight - Spring/Summer 2019 Market Review &
   Outlook - Global Infrastructure
 * May 16, 2019 - Centre Funds' James Abate on Money Life with Chuck Jaffe
   Discussing Why a 30 Percent Correction Would Not Surprise Us
 * May 13, 2019 - Centre Funds Insight - Spring/Summer 2019 Market Review &
   Outlook - U.S. Equities
 * April 17, 2019 - Centre Funds' James Abate Extended Interview on Money Life
   with Chuck Jaffe Discussing the Current Opportunity for Infrastructure Stocks
   and the Differentiated Attributes of the Centre Global Infrastructure Fund
 * April 16, 2019 - Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing Key Risks
   and, in Particular, the US Stock Market's Reliance on an Unsteady Three
   Legged Stool
 * March 15, 2019 - Centre Funds Thought Leadership Call Series: Global
   Infrastructure Strategy - Finding True Value - Why Value Style Investors
   Should Look at the Listed Infrastructure Category for Opportunity
 * February 28, 2019 - Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing the
   Impact to Financial Markets from the Breakdown in US-North Korea Talks and
   Signals from the Recent Rally in Emerging Markets
 * February 20, 2019 - James Abate, CIO of Centre Asset Management on Asset TV
   Discussing how Factor Investing Awareness is Playing a Key Role in his
   Investment Process and Explaining how to Differentiate Among Factors and
   Weigh Risks
 * January 25, 2019 - Centre Funds Thought Leadership Call Series: American
   Select Equity Strategy - What's the Potential that 2019 Turns into a 2001-2
   Bear Market Rather than the Resumption of the Bull Market after the 2011
 * January 16, 2019 - Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing the
   Outlook for U.S. Equities Given the Recent Movements in the Dollar as well as
   Best Opportunities as Economic Growth Tempers
 * December 5, 2018 - Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing Why
   Rising Interest Rates are the Kryptonite to Stocks and the Impact from
   Sino-U.S. Supply Chain/Trade Disruption
 * December 3, 2018 - Centre Funds Insight - Winter 2018/19 Market Review &
   Outlook - Global Infrastructure
 * November 12, 2018 - Centre Funds Insight - Winter 2018/19 Market Review &
   Outlook - U.S. Equities
 * October 23, 2018 - Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing Why the
   Current Sell-Off Is Different from the Last Three and May Be Analogous to the
   Year 2000
 * October 19, 2018 - Centre Funds' James Abate Extended Interview on Money Life
   Market Call with Chuck Jaffe Discussing Recent Market Volatility and
   Recommended Positioning in U.S. Equities
 * September 18, 2018 - Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio discussing the
   Implications from the latest Chinese Trade Tariffs and Spillover to Asset
   Allocation between U.S. vs. International Markets
 * August 8, 2018 - Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Re-Capping Q2 2018
   Earnings Results as well as Equity Market Implications from Interest Rate and
   Trade War Concerns
 * July 19, 2018 - Centre's James Abate on BNN Bloomberg Television Discussing
   How Tariffs Are Starting to Have an Impact on Inflation and Profit Margins
 * July 17, 2018 - Centre Funds Announces Special Meeting of Shareholders of the
   Centre Active U.S. Tax Exempt Fund
 * July 12, 2018 - Centre Funds Thought Leadership Call Series: Global
   Infrastructure Strategy
 * June 28, 2018 - Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing the
   Outlook for the Financial Sector Following the Release of the Federal
   Reserve's Stress Tests
 * June 26, 2018 - Centre's James Abate on BNN Bloomberg Television Discussing
   Opportunities in the Energy and Materials Sectors and the Potential Market
   Risks from the Upcoming US Elections
 * May 17, 2018 - Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing the
   Potential Impact to Equities from the Rise in Interest Rates and the U.S.
   Trade Dispute with China
 * May 15, 2018 - Centre Fund's James Abate Extended Interview on Dakota Network
   Radio with Rob Robertson Discussing in-depth the American Select Equity
 * May 14, 2018 - Centre Funds Insight - Spring/Summer 2018 Market Review &
   Outlook - U.S. Equities
 * April 23, 2018 - Centre Funds' James Abate Extended Interview on MoneyLife
   Market Call with Chuck Jaffe Discussing the Challenges Facing U.S. Equity
   Investors Now
 * April 12, 2018 - Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio Discussing the
   Factors Behind the Current Market Rally, Earnings Ahead, and Why Investors
   Should be Cognizant of Changes in Interest Rates and Risk Premiums
 * April 10, 2018 - "Investing with Caution" - James Abate, Chief Investment
   Officer at Centre Asset Management, joins BNN to discuss Mark Zuckerberg's
   testimony in front of the U.S. Senate and investing in a higher rate and
   volatility environment
 * March 7, 2018 - Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio regarding How Pres.
   Trump's Planned Tariffs Might Affect Inflation, Growth, and U.S. Stocks
 * January 31, 2018 - Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio regarding What the
   Impact and Insights from the Selloff in Bitcoin and Government Bonds May Mean
   for U.S. Stocks
 * November 1, 2017 - Centre Funds Insight - Winter 2017/18 Market Review &
   Outlook - U.S. Equities
 * October 31, 2017 - Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio regarding the
   Impact from Trump's Likely Federal Reserve Chairperson Selection
 * September 26, 2017 - Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio regarding Why We
   May Be Done With Fed Rate Hike in December
 * August 22, 2017 - Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio regarding why U.S.
   Stock Market Has a Valuation Problem
 * July 24, 2017 - Delivering Long-Term Results with a Risk-Managed Growth Fund;
   an in-depth interview with James Abate of Centre by The Wall Street
 * July 18, 2017 - Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio regarding the Stock
   Market Fallout from a Possible Fading Trump Agenda
 * June 13, 2017 - Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio regarding why the
   Risk Profile is Changing For Some Tech Shares
 * May 9, 2017 - Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio regarding why now
   Active Management May Win Over Passive Strategies
 * April 19, 2017 - Centre American Select Equity Fund's James Abate Interview
   on MoneyLife Market Call
 * February 24, 2017 - Centre Funds Thought Leadership Call Series: American
   Select Equity Strategy
 * February 23, 2017 - Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio regarding the US
   Dollar, Fed Policy and Risks to Trump stock rally
 * January 12, 2017 - Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio regarding the
   Dollar, Federal Reserve and Bank Stocks
 * December 29, 2016 - Centre American Select Equity Fund's James Abate
   Interview with MarketWatch's MoneyLife Market Call
 * November 30, 2016 - "Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio"
 * October 24, 2016 - "GDP May Give Ammunition for Fed to Stay Lower Longer -
   Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio"
 * August 15, 2016 - Centre's James Abate on Bloomberg Radio
 * August 3, 2016 - Centre American Select Equity Fund's James Abate Interview
   with MarketWatch's MoneyLife Market Call
 * June 18, 2016 - Centre Funds' Sponsored Summer Wine Tasting Benefit for the
   New Jersey Symphony Orchestra
 * May 13, 2016 - "Centre Funds Insight - Spring/Summer 2016 Market Review &
   Outlook - American Equities"
 * April 29, 2016 - Centre Funds Thought Leadership Call Series: American Select
   Equity Strategy, "How Would a Trump Presidency Affect the Stock Market?"
 * April 18, 2016 - Centre American Select Equity Fund's James Abate Interview
   with MarketWatch's MoneyLife Market Call
 * April 5, 2016 - "Centre American Select Equity Fund's Favorite Stocks for the
   Current Market Environment," Centre Funds' James Abate Interview with
 * March 18, 2016 - Centre Funds Thought Leadership Call Series: Global ex-U.S.
   Select Equity Strategy
 * March 10, 2016 - "Treasuries Popping as Currency Battle Rages" - Centre
   Funds' Kirk Barneby Interview with TheStreet.com
 * February 26, 2016 - Centre Funds Thought Leadership Call Series: Active
   U.S.Treasury Strategy
 * January 22, 2016 - Centre Funds Thought Leadership Call Series: American
   Select Equity Strategy
 * December 11, 2015 - Centre American Select Equity Fund's James Abate
   Interview with MarketWatch's MoneyLife Market Call
 * November 30, 2015 - "Centre Funds Insight - Fall/Winter 2015 Market Review &
   Outlook - American Equities"
 * November 20, 2015 - Centre Funds Thought Leadership Call Series: Global
   Select Equity Strategy
 * October 30, 2015 - Centre Funds Thought Leadership Call Series: Active US
   Treasury Strategy
 * October 14, 2015 - "P&G, General Mills Shares Worth Scooping Up Says Centre
 * August 5, 2015 - "Centre American Select Equity Fund's James Abate Interview
   with MarketWatch's MoneyLife Market Call"
 * July 15, 2015 - "Prime Minister Abe's push to make Japanese corporations more
   competitive is working" - Centre Funds' Xavier Smith Interview with
 * July 10, 2015 - Centre Funds Chief Investment Officer James Abate speaks on
   Bloomberg Television's "Market Makers."
   Three Things That Are Moving Today's Markets
 * June 13, 2015 - "Centre Funds' Sponsored Summer Wine Tasting Benefit for the
   New Jersey Symphony Orchestra"
 * May 15, 2015 - "James Abate interviewed on CNBC's Nightly Business Report"
 * April 13, 2015 - Centre's Abate Interview with MarketWatch's MoneyLife Market
 * November 11, 2014 - Bloomberg Advantage Veteran's Day: Centre Asset Mgmt's
 * November 10, 2014 - Centre's Abate Interview with MarketWatch's MoneyLife
   Market Call
 * October 24, 2014 - Market Outlook Call: Active U.S. Treasury Strategy
 * August 20, 2014 - "Vulcan, Union Pacific on Right Track Says Centre Fund
   Manager" - theStreet.com
 * August 18, 2014 - Jim Abate on the Markets - Bloomberg Radio
 * June 24, 2014 - Centre's Abate Interview with MarketWatch's MoneyLife Market
 * May 6, 2014 - "Centre's CIO Says Alternative Needed Before Correction" -
   Bloomberg Radio
 * February 26, 2014 - Centre's Abate Interview with theStreet.com
 * February 5, 2014 - Centre's Abate Says Fed Needs to Take More Action -
   Bloomberg Radio
 * December 18, 2012 - Centre Asset Management's Abate Sees Rising Blue Chips -
   Bloomberg Radio


Email: centrefunds@alpsinc.com
Phone: 1-855-298-4236


Centre Asset Management, LLC
48 Wall Street, Suite 1100
New York, NY 10005

E-mail: info@centreasset.com
Phone: 212-918-4705


Email: centrefunds@alpsinc.com
Phone: 1-855-298-4236


Centre Asset Management, LLC
48 Wall Street, Suite 1100
New York, NY 10005

E-mail: info@centreasset.com
Phone: 212-918-4705


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An investor should consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and
expenses of the Funds carefully before investing. To obtain a prospectus
containing this and other information, please call 1-855-298-4236 or download
the Centre American Select Equity Fund Prospectus or Centre Global
Infrastructure Fund Prospectus. Read the prospectus carefully before you invest.
Click here for fund holdings. Holdings are subject to change.

An investment in the Funds involves risk, including loss of principal.

Centre Funds are distributed by ALPS Distributors, Inc. Centre Asset Management,
LLC is not affiliated to ALPS Distributors, Inc.

Diversification does not eliminate the risk of experiencing investment losses.

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