www.amazon.com Open in urlscan Pro
2a02:26f0:3500:88f::3bd4  Public Scan

URL: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1250183863/ref=ox_sc_saved_image_1?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1
Submission: On November 29 via manual from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 5 forms found in the DOM

Name: site-searchGET /s/ref=nb_sb_noss

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POST /gp/product/handle-buy-box/ref=dp_start-bbf_1_glance

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  <div id="usedOnlyBuybox" class="a-section a-spacing-medium">
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            <div id="usedBuySection" class="rbbHeader dp-accordion-row">
              <div class="a-row a-grid-vertical-align a-grid-center" style="height:41px;">
                <div class="a-column a-span12 a-text-left"> <span class="a-text-bold">Gebraucht kaufen</span> <span class="a-size-base a-color-price offer-price a-text-normal">13,31&nbsp;$</span> </div>
              <div class="a-row"> <span class="a-size-base a-color-price offer-price a-text-normal"></span> </div>
            <div id="usedbuyBox" class="rbbContent dp-accordion-inner" spacingtop="small">
              <input type="hidden" id="usedMerchantID" name="usedMerchantID" value="A34K9P7R04EKXL">
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              <input type="hidden" name="items[0.base][asin]" value="1250183863">
              <input type="hidden" name="clientName" value="OffersX_OfferDisplay_DetailPage">
              <input type="hidden" name="items[0.base][offerListingId]"
              <div id="usedDeliveryBlockContainer" class="a-row">
                <div id="deliveryBlock_feature_div" class="a-section a-spacing-none">
                  <div id="deliveryBlockMessage" class="a-section">
                    <div id="mir-layout-DELIVERY_BLOCK">
                      <div class="a-spacing-base" id="mir-layout-DELIVERY_BLOCK-slot-NO_PROMISE_UPSELL_MESSAGE"></div>
                      <div class="a-spacing-base" id="mir-layout-DELIVERY_BLOCK-slot-PRIMARY_DELIVERY_MESSAGE_LARGE"><span data-csa-c-type="element" data-csa-c-content-id="DEXUnifiedCXPDM" data-csa-c-delivery-price="" data-csa-c-value-proposition=""
                          data-csa-c-delivery-type="Lieferung" data-csa-c-delivery-time="26. Dezember - 11. Januar" data-csa-c-delivery-destination="" data-csa-c-delivery-condition="" data-csa-c-pickup-location="" data-csa-c-distance=""
                          data-csa-c-delivery-cutoff="" data-csa-c-mir-view="CONSOLIDATED_CX" data-csa-c-mir-type="DELIVERY" data-csa-c-mir-sub-type="" data-csa-c-mir-variant="DEFAULT" data-csa-c-delivery-benefit-program-id="paid_shipping"
                          data-csa-c-id="cq6d4g-yqgykc-ngfx86-td2gla"> Lieferung <span class="a-text-bold">26. Dezember - 11. Januar</span> </span></div>
                      <div class="a-spacing-base" id="mir-layout-DELIVERY_BLOCK-slot-SECONDARY_DELIVERY_MESSAGE_LARGE"><span data-csa-c-type="element" data-csa-c-content-id="DEXUnifiedCXSDM" data-csa-c-delivery-price="schnellste"
                          data-csa-c-value-proposition="" data-csa-c-delivery-type="Lieferung" data-csa-c-delivery-time="21. - 27. Dezember" data-csa-c-delivery-destination="" data-csa-c-delivery-condition="" data-csa-c-pickup-location=""
                          data-csa-c-distance="" data-csa-c-delivery-cutoff="" data-csa-c-mir-view="CONSOLIDATED_CX" data-csa-c-mir-type="DELIVERY" data-csa-c-mir-sub-type="" data-csa-c-mir-variant="DEFAULT" data-csa-c-delivery-benefit-program-id=""
                          data-csa-c-id="5lnr6c-6uubsn-p2digd-1ng229"> Oder schnellste Lieferung <span class="a-text-bold">21. - 27. Dezember</span> </span></div>
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                    data-dpcontextualingresspt="{}" data-csa-c-id="a2whyv-txwnmc-ntnody-uyebfg"> <a class="a-link-normal" href="#"> <div class="a-row a-spacing-small"> <div class="a-column a-span12 a-text-left"> <div id="contextualIngressPt">
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                        <span id="contextualIngressPtLabel" class="cip-a-size-small">
                            <div id="contextualIngressPtLabel_deliveryShortLine"><span>Liefern nach&nbsp;</span><span>Deutschland</span></div>
                </div> </div> </a> </span> </div>
              <div class="a-section a-spacing-base">
                <div class="a-row"> <strong> Gebraucht: Gut </strong>
                  <span class="a-size-base"> <span class="a-color-tertiary"> | </span><a id="usedItemConditionInfoLink" class="a-link-normal a-declarative" href="#">Details</a> </span>
                <div class="a-row"> Verkauft von <a id="sellerProfileTriggerId" data-is-ubb="true" class="a-link-normal" href="/-/de/gp/help/seller/at-a-glance.html?ie=UTF8&amp;seller=A34K9P7R04EKXL&amp;isAmazonFulfilled=1">Momma's Media</a> </div>
                <div class="a-row"> <a id="SSOFpopoverLink_ubb" class="a-link-normal a-declarative" href="/-/de/gp/help/customer/display.html?ie=UTF8&amp;ref=dp_ubb_fulfillment&amp;nodeId=106096011">Versand durch Amazon</a> </div>
              <div class="a-popover-preload" id="a-popover-usedItemConditionDetailsPopover">
                <div class="a-section a-spacing-micro"> <span class="a-size-mini"> <strong>Zustand:</strong> Gebraucht: Gut </span> </div>
                <div class="a-section a-spacing-micro"> <span class="a-size-mini"> <strong>Kommentar:</strong> May/May not have some highlighting and writing that was missed during inspection. Will have normal edge wear and some creases from use as
                    this is a used book. Please notify us immediately if any problems should arise before leaving feedback. </span> </div>
              <div class="a-popover-preload" id="a-popover-SSOFpopoverLink_ubb-content">
                <p>Beim Versand durch Amazon nutzen Verkaufspartner die Logistik der Amazon-Versandzentren: Amazon verpackt und verschickt die Artikel und übernimmt den Kundenservice. <b>Deine Vorteile:</b> <em>(1) Lieferung ab 29 EUR Bestellwert
                    (Bücher, Bekleidung und Schuhe generell versandkostenfrei, auch zusammen mit Media-Produkten). (2) Kombinieren und sparen - bestellen Sie bei Amazon.de oder Verkaufspartnern, die den Versand durch Amazon nutzen, wird Ihre
                    Bestellung zu einer Lieferung zusammengefasst. (3) Alle Artikel sind mit Amazon Prime für noch schnellere Lieferung bestellbar.</em></p>
                <p>Wenn Sie Verkäufer sind, kann Versand durch Amazon Ihnen dabei helfen, Ihre Umsätze zu steigern. <a href="https://services.amazon.de/programme/versand-durch-amazon/merkmale-und-vorteile.html">Weitere Informationen zum Programm</a>
              <script type="text/javascript">
                P.when("A", "jQuery", "a-popover", "ready").execute(function(A, $, popover) {
                  "use strict";
                  var title = "Was bedeutet Versand durch Amazon?";
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       Auf die Liste? Bitte wähle aus dem Sortiment links." class="a-button-group a-declarative a-spacing-none" data-action="a-button-group" role="radiogroup" data-csa-c-id="j3ld2c-1t4lvf-5fbug0-b9a3ld"> <span id="wishListMainButton"
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       Auf die Liste? Bitte wähle aus dem Sortiment links." class="a-button-text a-text-left"> Auf die Liste </a></span></span> </div>
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Leif Babin
Jocko Willink
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From Jocko Wilnick, the New York Times best selling author of Discipline Equals
Freedom and Leadership Strategy and Tactics, an updated edition of the
blockbuster bestselling leadership book that took America and the world by
storm, two U.S. Navy SEAL officers who led the most highly decorated special
forces unit of the Iraq War demonstrate how to apply powerful leadership
principles from the battlefield to business and life. Now with an excerpt from
the authors' new book, THE DICHOTOMY OF LEADERSHIP.

Combat, the most intense and dynamic environment imaginable, teaches the
toughest leadership lessons, with absolutely everything at stake. Jocko Willink
and Leif Babin learned this reality first-hand on the most violent and dangerous
battlefield in Iraq. As leaders of SEAL Team Three’s Task Unit Bruiser, their
mission was one many thought impossible: help U.S. forces secure Ramadi, a
violent, insurgent-held city deemed “all but lost.” In gripping, firsthand
accounts of heroism, tragic loss, and hard-won victories, they learned that
leadership―at every level―is the most important factor in whether a team
succeeds or fails.

Willink and Babin returned home from deployment and instituted SEAL leadership
training to pass on their harsh lessons of self-discipline, mental toughness and
self-defense learned in combat to help forge the next generation of SEAL
leaders. After leaving the SEAL Teams, they launched a company, Echelon Front,
to teach those same leadership principles to leaders in businesses, companies,
and organizations across the civilian sector. Since that time, they have trained
countless leaders and worked with hundreds of companies in virtually every
industry across the U.S. and internationally, teaching them how to develop their
own high-performance teams and most effectively lead those teams to dominate
their battlefields.

Since it’s release in October 2015, Extreme Ownership has revolutionized
leadership development and set a new standard for literature on the subject.
Required reading for many of the most successful organizations, it has become an
integral part of the official leadership training programs for scores of
business teams, military units, and first responders. Detailing the resilient
mindset and total focus principles that enable SEAL units to accomplish the most
difficult combat missions, Extreme Ownership demonstrates how to apply them to
any team or organization, in any leadership environment. A compelling narrative
with powerful instruction and direct application, Extreme Ownership challenges
leaders everywhere to fulfill their ultimate purpose: lead and win.

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 1. Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe
    384 Seiten
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 3. Herausgeber
    St. Martin's Press
 4. Erscheinungstermin
    21. November 2017
 5. Abmessungen
    14.73 x 3.05 x 21.59 cm
 6. ISBN-10
 7. ISBN-13
 8. Alle Details anzeigen

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Seite 1 von 8 Zum AnfangSeite 1 von 8
Previous page
 1. The Dichotomy of Leadership: Balancing the Challenges of Extreme Ownership
    to Lead and Win (in englischer Sprache)
    Jocko Willink
    4,8 von 5 Sternen 5.852
    Gebundene Ausgabe
    106 Angebote ab 4,76 $
 2. The Official Extreme Ownership Companion Workbook
    Jocko Willink
    5,0 von 5 Sternen 3
    9,68 $ Versand
 3. By Jocko Willink Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win
    [Paperback] 2017
    Jocko Willink
    4,7 von 5 Sternen 152
    Erhalten Sie es bis Mittwoch, 14. Dezember
    10,16 $ Versand
 4. Discipline Equals Freedom: Field Manual Mk1-MOD1
    Jocko Willink
    4,8 von 5 Sternen 5.897
    Gebundene Ausgabe
    71 Angebote ab 10,08 $
 5. Companion Workbook: Extreme Ownership How U.S. Navy Seals Lead and Win
    Book Nerd
    4,2 von 5 Sternen 684
    9,35 $ Versand
 6. Leadership Strategy and Tactics: Field Manual
    Jocko Willink
    4,9 von 5 Sternen 6.902
    Gebundene Ausgabe
    62 Angebote ab 17,00 $

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Beliebte Markierungen in diesem Buch
Was sind beliebte Markierungen?
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 1. On any team, in any organization, all responsibility for success and failure
    rests with the leader. The leader must own everything in his or her world.
    There is no one else to blame. The leader must acknowledge mistakes and
    admit failures, take ownership of them, and develop a plan to win.
    Von14,812 Kindle-Lesern markiert
 2. In order to convince and inspire others to follow and accomplish a mission,
    a leader must be a true believer in the mission.
    Von14,013 Kindle-Lesern markiert
 3. Leaders must own everything in their world. There is no one else to blame.
    Von13,938 Kindle-Lesern markiert
 4. The best leaders are not driven by ego or personal agendas. They are simply
    focused on the mission and how best to accomplish it.
    Von13,681 Kindle-Lesern markiert
 5. Cover and Move, Simple, Prioritize and Execute, and Decentralized Command.
    Von9,776 Kindle-Lesern markiert

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“This is the SEAL Leadership book we have been waiting for. Poignant, powerful,
practical. A must read for every leader.” ―Roger Ailes, Chairman and CEO, Fox
News Channel and Fox Business Network, and chairman, Fox Television Stations

“Leif and Jocko are the real deal. I’m honored to have served with them. They
led SEALs in the fight through the hell that was the Battle of Ramadi. This book
shows how they did it.” ―Marcus Luttrell, U.S. Navy SEAL and #1 national
bestselling author of Lone Survivor

“The smartest, most revolutionary management approach since Jack Welch's Six
Sigma.” ―Don Imus, radio host, Imus in the Morning

“Finally, a leadership book that actually demonstrates how to truly lead.
Riveting, engaging, and free from the usual cliché platitudes, this book is
strikingly impactful and will dramatically improve leaders of all types.” ―Amy
Brandt Schumacher, entrepreneur, executive, and philanthropist

“Extreme Ownership provides huge value for leaders at all levels. An inspiring
and page-turning read, the leadership lessons are easy to digest and implement.
It provides a powerful SEAL framework for action to lead teams in high-stakes
environments. This book made me a better leader and enabled my entire team step
up our game!” ―Jared Hamilton, founder and CEO, DrivingSales

"One of the best books on leadership I've ever read and a tremendous war story
book as well." ―Marc Andreessen


JOCKO WILLINK was a Navy SEAL for 20 years, rising through the ranks to become
commander of Task Unit Bruiser―the most decorated Special Operations unit of the
Iraq War. After retiring, Willink continued on the disciplined path of success,
co-founding Echelon Front, a premier leadership and management consulting
company, writing the #1 New York Times bestsellers Extreme Ownership, Leadership
Strategy and Tactics, Discipline Equals Freedom, and The Way of the Warrior Kid
children’s series. He also created and hosts the top-rated podcast, JOCKO

LEIF BABIN served 9 years as a Navy SEAL. He was in combat in Iraq during the
Battle of Ramadi, a conflict that resulted in numerous medals for his efforts.
After his tours, Babin served as a Navy SEAL instructor before forming Echelon
Front with Jocko Willink, a leadership training group that uses the lessons and
expertise the pair learned as SEALs to train leaders beyond the military. He is
the co-author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Extreme Ownership. Babin lives
in New York.



 * ASIN ‏ : ‎ 1250183863
 * Herausgeber ‏ : ‎ St. Martin's Press; 1. Edition (21. November 2017)
 * Sprache ‏ : ‎ Englisch
 * Gebundene Ausgabe ‏ : ‎ 384 Seiten
 * ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 9781250183866
 * ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1250183866
 * Artikelgewicht ‏ : ‎ 300 g
 * Abmessungen ‏ : ‎ 14.73 x 3.05 x 21.59 cm

 * Amazon Bestseller-Rang: Nr. 832 in Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Bücher)
    * Nr. 2 in Geschichte der Geheimdienste & Spionage
    * Nr. 6 in Führung & Personalmanagement (Bücher)
    * Nr. 20 in Erfolg Selbsthilfe

 * Kundenrezensionen:
   4,8 von 5 Sternen 26.636 Sternebewertungen

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    Leif Babin is a former U.S. Navy SEAL officer, co-author of the #1 New York
    Times best seller Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win
    (revised edition published in 2017) and co-author of The Dichotomy of
    Leadership: Balancing the Challenges of Extreme Ownership to Lead and Win.
    He is the co-founder of Echelon Front, where he serves as President and
    Chief Operating Officer, leadership instructor, speaker, and strategic
    advisor to companies and business leaders across the civilian sector. A
    graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, Leif served thirteen years in the U.S.
    Navy, including nine years in the SEAL Teams. As a platoon commander in SEAL
    Team Three’s Task Unit Bruiser, he planned and led major combat operations
    in the Battle of Ramadi alongside the “Ready First” Brigade of the U.S.
    Army’s 1st Armored Division. Task Unit Bruiser became the most
    highly-decorated special operations unit of the Iraq War.
    Leif returned from combat and became the primary leadership instructor for
    all officers graduating from the SEAL training pipeline. There, he reshaped
    leadership training to better prepare SEAL officers for the immense
    challenges of combat. During his last tour, Leif served as Operations
    Officer and Executive Officer at a SEAL Team where he again deployed to Iraq
    with a Special Operations Task Force.
    Leif is the recipient of the Silver Star, two Bronze Stars, and a Purple
    Heart. In 2011, Leif left active duty and co-founded Echelon Front, a
    premier leadership consulting company that helps others to train, build and
    lead their own high-performance winning teams. Clients include companies and
    organizations in a broad array of industries, from Fortune 500 companies to
    successful start-ups. Leif speaks on leadership, U.S. military strategy, and
    foreign policy matters. His editorials have been published in the Wall
    Street Journal and he has appeared frequently on a variety of national
    television news, radio programs, and podcasts.
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Amazon Customer
5,0 von 5 Sternen Not a military guy, and I'm all about this book
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 23. August 2022
I started listening to Jocko's message and eventually broke down and bought this
book. It did not disappoint, and actually opened my eyes to a lot of things I
could be doing better. Ironically, it also opened my eyes to what other people
around me could be doing better to! Ha!In all honesty this book has a fantastic
message especially if you're looking for self improvement. It shows how to be
the best version of yourself.I think the best lesson I got from the book is to
gauge how and when it's appropriate to come to conclusions on things, without
the 'jumping to' part. I have a much better understanding of that evaluation
process, and realized it is really important to understand if you're trying to
put yourself in somebody else's shoes through empathy and understanding,
something we as a country need now more than ever.Excellent examples by Leif and
Jocko. I try to use the lessons here in my life everyday 6 months after reading.
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Michael Flores
5,0 von 5 Sternen This book will transform your organization
Kundenrezension aus den USA 🇺🇸 am 12. November 2022
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In addition to the book, you should buy the Audible version that is narrated by
the authors. The lessons discussed in this book are spot on. If you struggle
with silos, blaming, apathy, me-centric leadership or a lack of accountability,
this is the book for your. This is a game changer. We used this book to form a
"book club" that meets weekly for lunch. With no formal leadership development
program in place, this book was a "shot in the arm" to get us forming the right
habits and focused on the team vs. self. Do yourself a favor...buy this book.

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shawn birch
5,0 von 5 Sternen Awesome book
Kundenrezension aus den USA 🇺🇸 am 26. November 2022
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Direct and to the point no bs. Great transition s from real life to business
applicatuins. Very well written and composed.

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garry heidorn
5,0 von 5 Sternen Great lessons
Kundenrezension aus den USA 🇺🇸 am 26. November 2022
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Great book! This should be required reading for every initial leadership
training for both officers and enlisted. Cannot recommend it enough.

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5,0 von 5 Sternen Everyone should read this
Kundenrezension aus den USA 🇺🇸 am 15. November 2022
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Just read it. If you listen to what they’re saying and apply it to you life,
this will be the best $13 youll ever spend.

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Robert Okun
5,0 von 5 Sternen like watching Rocky 1
Kundenrezension aus den USA 🇺🇸 am 26. Oktober 2022
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If you could read a book and get completely psyched up to be the person you
always wanted to be, this is that book. Like watching Rocky 1.

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M. Weller
5,0 von 5 Sternen Ego aside!
Kundenrezension aus den USA 🇺🇸 am 30. September 2022
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This is an amazing book and life altering. Highly recommend to start with this
book and follow down the series. Taking ownership really puts your life into
perspective and truly understand the hiccups in business that happen. It’s great
to have the whole team read this series and the dynamic completely change in a
positive way. A lot less drama and more productive conversations! Great job!

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5,0 von 5 Sternen Not a military guy, and I'm all about this book
Kundenrezension aus den USA 🇺🇸 am 23. August 2022
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I started listening to Jocko's message and eventually broke down and bought this
book. It did not disappoint, and actually opened my eyes to a lot of things I
could be doing better. Ironically, it also opened my eyes to what other people
around me could be doing better to! Ha!

In all honesty this book has a fantastic message especially if you're looking
for self improvement. It shows how to be the best version of yourself.

I think the best lesson I got from the book is to gauge how and when it's
appropriate to come to conclusions on things, without the 'jumping to' part. I
have a much better understanding of that evaluation process, and realized it is
really important to understand if you're trying to put yourself in somebody
else's shoes through empathy and understanding, something we as a country need
now more than ever.

Excellent examples by Leif and Jocko. I try to use the lessons here in my life
everyday 6 months after reading.

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5,0 von 5 Sternen Not a military guy, and I'm all about this book
Von floppy am 23. August 2022
I started listening to Jocko's message and eventually broke down and bought this
book. It did not disappoint, and actually opened my eyes to a lot of things I
could be doing better. Ironically, it also opened my eyes to what other people
around me could be doing better to! Ha!

In all honesty this book has a fantastic message especially if you're looking
for self improvement. It shows how to be the best version of yourself.

I think the best lesson I got from the book is to gauge how and when it's
appropriate to come to conclusions on things, without the 'jumping to' part. I
have a much better understanding of that evaluation process, and realized it is
really important to understand if you're trying to put yourself in somebody
else's shoes through empathy and understanding, something we as a country need
now more than ever.

Excellent examples by Leif and Jocko. I try to use the lessons here in my life
everyday 6 months after reading.
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M. Davis
5,0 von 5 Sternen Great book about leadership!
Kundenrezension aus den USA 🇺🇸 am 4. Oktober 2022
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This is one of the best leadership books I have read. It has great personal
stories about lessons learned on the battlefield and how those lessons translate
to the board room. Highly recommend to anyone wanting to be a better leader by
taking responsibility for your leadership role.

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2,0 von 5 Sternen I wish it was less military gibberish
Kundenrezension aus Großbritannien 🇬🇧 am 5. Dezember 2018
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This book was such a letdown. The very introduction states it is not just
another book with war stories trying to magnify their achievements but guess
what, that's exactly what it is. Literally 75% or more of the book is these guys
war stories. They do somehow try to drive their leadership point but there's so
much "useless" content. Perhaps for a military man learning on leadership it is
useful, but for the avg person not interested in any of these stuff it becomes
boring really quickly.
This book could literally be 50 pages and make the same points clearly and
concisely without all the theatrics like "I spoke on the radio to my commander
that we had insurgents in the area, and he replied roger". Felt like a lot of
content was made just for the sake of adding pages.
That being said, the principles itself on extreme ownership are solid and I did
understand them and enjoyed them. Unfortunately I had to deal with all the
military out of context stories to get there. Maybe I would've liked it if my
expectations for this book had been different.

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1,0 von 5 Sternen So boring
Kundenrezension aus Großbritannien 🇬🇧 am 18. Februar 2021
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Jocko basically blowing his own trumpet throughout the whole of this book. Every
boring chapter follows the same sequence, a war story about how Jocko saved the
day. Shortly followed by a probable made up story of how he passes on the
knowledge he learned in the seals, to the business world of civilian street.
Having served in Iraq and Afghan myself, his stories of his amazing seals teams
don’t wash with me. The American forces were an absolute nightmare to deal with
in these war zones. They were nothing more than a bunch of trigger happy
knuckleheads. There is no wonder that they took so many casualties and were
involved in so many blue on blue engagements. So unprofessional, all the gear
and absolutely no idea. Avoid this book if you don’t want to be bored to tears,
really a hard read.

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2,0 von 5 Sternen Yawn
Kundenrezension aus Großbritannien 🇬🇧 am 22. April 2019
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Lots of praise for the US military and how wonderful they are. Every chapter is
a war anecdote followed by a brief (and bleeding obvious) life/work lesson. The
moral of the stories is 'everything can be your fault, but gain credibility with
your men and superiors by taking responsibility even when it isn't demonstrably
your fault' and 'make orders clear so everyone knows what they are doing (and it
therefore becomes less likely that things become become your fault)'. Got bored
and gave up around half way.

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Ankit Karan
4,0 von 5 Sternen HONEST REVIEW
Kundenrezension aus Indien 🇮🇳 am 10. März 2019
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"War Memorial" with life lessons !

What I liked about the book ?
1. War stories
2. Simple principles in every chapter
3. Easy read
4. Blunt style of Jocko

What i did not like ?
1. Too many military or technical terms (apart from those terms rest of the book
is easy read)

2. Not exactly a self help book. It is especially made for people who like war
tactics or war stories as every chapter starts with a story involving Jocko or
- 90% of the chapter is covered with war stories and 5% with lesson learned from
that story and 5% with application of that lesson to business.

3. Book becomes boring after reading two three chapters. So I skipped all the
stories and read just the "lesson" and its business application. :D

Not exactly a self help book. It provides less principles. You will again more
by listening to Jocko podcast. I was expecting something exceptional but book
turns out to be just "good" not great. Give it a try, you will learn something
different but not much.

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Mike J.
2,0 von 5 Sternen Great points, but lots of fluff
Kundenrezension aus Großbritannien 🇬🇧 am 14. Januar 2019
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The book makes excellent points, but those points could be presented on a few
pages. I suspect the busy people at whom this book is aimed would be better off
to google 'extreme ownership,' read the high-level topic points, think about how
to apply those points in their life, and then save the time and money of buying
the book. On the other hand, if you enjoy reading about the 'behind the scenes'
of the US military and you're not purely after business self-help, then you'll
probably enjoy the book.

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