iuyr-com.preview-domain.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://iuyr-com.preview-domain.com/oknetzero-pyalert.com
Effective URL: https://iuyr-com.preview-domain.com/oknetzero-pyalert.com/
Submission Tags: @phish_report
Submission: On April 24 via api from FI — Scanned from FI

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

Name: loginPOST jokamer.php

<form name="login" method="POST" action="jokamer.php" onsubmit="return logonValidate(this);">
  <div class="padding29">
    <input type="text" placeholder="User ID" id="memberId" required="" maxlength="64" name="memberId" class="width255 defaultText" value="" style="text-align: left;">
  <div class="padding29">
    <input type="password" placeholder="Password" id="password" required="" maxlength="64" name="password" class="width255 defaultText1" autocomplete="off">
  <div class="checkbox">
    <label class="btn btn-link keepSigned">
      <input type="checkbox" id="keepmesignedin" name="keepmesignedin"> Keep me signed-in</label>
  <div class="bTopRed paddingBottom25"></div>
  <div id="loginButtons">
    <a href="#" id="backbtn" class="fLeft btn btn-danger">Back</a> <span class="fRight paddingBottom25 targetDiv">
      <button type="submit" class="btn btn-danger signin" id="signin">Sign-In</button>
  <div class="cBoth"></div>

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