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By Tim Brown
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Wednesday, April 14, 2021 19:10

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And this is only a very small percentage of deaths. The vast majority are never
reported to the Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System. Yet, the numbers don’t
lie. In a little over 4 months, there have been more reported deaths following
the experimental COVID injections promoted as “safe and effective” than there
were in the previous 13+ years.

 * Mainstream Media Silence: CDC Reports 2,794 Deaths Following Experimental
   COVID Injections – Europe Nearly Double That Plus Almost A Quarter Million
 * Dr. Lee Merritt On Experimental “Operating System” Injections: We’re Going To
   See A Lot Of Deaths
 * Trump Claims Credit For Experimental Device Injections, Tells Supporters “Get
   Your Shot” – Apparently, Doesn’t Want Credit for Adverse Effects & Deaths
 * Will Vaccine Deaths Exceed COVID Deaths?

Vaccine Impact News reports:

The CDC announced today that deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event
Reporting System (VAERS), a U.S. Government funded database that tracks injuries
and deaths caused by vaccines, following experimental COVID injections, have now
surpassed 3000 deaths since December of 2020, when the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA
COVID shots were given emergency use authorization (EUA) by the FDA.

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This was reported on the CDC website today, on their “Selected Adverse Events
Reported after COVID-19 Vaccination” page.

They report that 3,005 people have now died following COVID-19 experimental
“vaccines.” (Note: not all of these deaths they are reporting have been entered
into the VAERS database yet. Additional data is entered into VAERS every

The CDC wants the public to think that this is an insignificant number, since
over 189 million doses of COVID-19 emergency use injections have now been
administered to the public.

But to put this into perspective, these 3,005 deaths now exceed the total number
of deaths following ALL vaccinations from August of 2007, through the end of
November, 2020, just before the experimental COVID shots started.

That is a time period of over 13 years, with 3,001 deaths following ALL
vaccinations administered during that time frame.

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 * More COVID Vaxx Deaths – Are They Going To Blame It On The Jab Or COVID?
 * China Joe Claims We Need 600-660,000 Deaths Before We Turn The Corner On The
 * Considering the COVID-19 Vaccine? FIRST Read these Reports of DEATHS &
 * Bombshell: Moderna Chief Medical Officer Admits mRNA Alters DNA

And what’s the problem with VAERS? Take a look at this short piece from 2009 on
MSNBC to see how the fox is in the hen house and how VAERS is only giving us a
very small look at the actual numbers.

Of course, the CDC continues to look the other way from what is obviously going
on and declare, “A review of available clinical information including death
certificates, autopsy, and medical records revealed no evidence that vaccination
contributed to patient deaths.”

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Liars! One and all! It doesn’t take a rocket scientist or in this case, a
virologist, to put two and two together with what is going on here. The CDC is
in bed with Big Pharma and corrupt politicians, along with the mainstream media.
They need to be disbanded, the Big Pharma criminals arrested and prosecuted,
along with any politicians who took money in any form from Big Pharma. Oh, and
let’s not forget to deal with the fraudulent media that puts out ads for their
poisons while demonizing actual elements that heal.

The narrative of “safe and effective” can no longer be maintained. These
vaccines are the weapon for genocide.

While the CDC and FDA have put a temporary halt to the Johnson & Johnson
experimental jab due to blood clots in the brain, don’t expect that to stick.
After all, they are the pimps for Big Pharma to move their products on the
ignorant in the populace.

Furthermore, who in their right mind would trust a company like Johnson &
Johnson that knowingly put carcinogens in their baby powder, resulting in untold
numbers of cancers, sicknesses and deaths?

In writing about the deaths following the experimental COVID shots, Brian
Shilhavy points out that “blood clots are not the most common injuries being


 * Too Many Adverse Reactions: CA Temporarily Stops Injections Of Moderna’s
   COVID Vaccine
 * Moderna Vaccine Recipient With Adverse Effects Speaks Out & The CDC Lies
   About COVID Deaths
 * Bribing, Incentivizing, & Threatening Termination Over Covid Vaccines: Is It
 * 20 Countries Now Suspend Experimental COVID Injections – Are You Hesitant?

Deaths by heart attack (cardiac arrest), for example, is much more prevalent,
with 188 recorded deaths so far following COVID injections (source), including 7
heart attack fatalities following J&J shots. A total of 54 deaths have been
recorded so far following J&J shots through April 1, 2021, with only 1 of those
attributed to blood clots.

But these blood clot “clusters” are reportedly so rare among the general
population, especially in the kind of clusters seen following J&J injections,
that almost everything else has been ruled out, leaving the “vaccines” as the
most likely cause.

Don’t expect the FDA to permanently stop the J&J injections, however. They are
going to revise the guidelines given to healthcare people giving the J&J shots,
so they know how to better treat these blood clots when they see them.

Since they are so rare and apparently unique to the AstraZeneca and J&J
adenovirus “vaccines,” this will probably be viewed as another opportunity for
Big Pharma to develop more new drugs to treat these unique blood clots.

And there were major supply issues in the U.S. for the J&J doses, so this will
now allow U.S. COVID mass vaccination plans to use more of the Pfizer and
Moderna experimental mRNA shots.

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Look, if you wouldn’t play Russian Roulette with a revolver with 5 or 6 shots in
it, why in the world would you play it with a syringe that has one? In my
opinion, you’re a special kind of stupid if you do. You’ve been warned.

Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media


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