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                      <td class="bui-calendar__date bui-calendar__date--empty" role="presentation"></td>
            <div class="bui-calendar__display" data-bui-ref="calendar-selected-display">Sat, Jan 29 - Tue, Feb 1 (3-night stay)</div>
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Through the Platform, we (Booking.com B.V. and its affiliate (distribution)
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transmitting the details of your reservation to the relevant Supplier(s) and
sending you a confirmation email for and on behalf of the Supplier.

When rendering our Service, the information that we disclose is based on the
information provided to us by Suppliers. As such, the Suppliers are given access
to an extranet through which they are fully responsible for updating all rates,
availability and other information which is displayed on our Platform. Although
we will use reasonable skill and care in performing our Service, we will not
verify if, and cannot guarantee that, all information is accurate, complete or
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completeness and correctness of the (descriptive) information (including the
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constitute and should not be regarded as a recommendation or endorsement of the
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The prices on our Platform are highly competitive. All room prices are per room
for your entire stay and all prices are displayed including VAT/sales tax and
all other taxes (subject to change of such taxes), unless stated differently on
our Platform or the confirmation email/ticket. Ticket prices are per person or
group and subject to validity as indicated on the ticket, if applicable.
Applicable fees and taxes (including tourist/city tax) may be charged by the
Supplier in the event of a no-show or cancellation fee. Applicable taxes may be
charged by the accommodation in the event of a no-show or cancellation fee.

Sometimes cheaper rates are available on our Platform for a specific stay,
product or service, however, these rates made available by Suppliers may carry
special restrictions and conditions, for example non-cancelable and
non-refundable. Please check the relevant product, service and reservation
conditions and details thoroughly for any such conditions prior to making your

The crossed-out rate shown for rooms is based on the third highest current price
of the Supplier for your product or service with the same booking conditions in
a 30-day window around your check-in date (15 days before and 15 days after
check-in date; if less than 15 days are between today and the check-in date, we
will use the corresponding number of days after the check-in date to result in a
30-day total). To ensure we are making a fair comparison, we always use the same
reservation conditions (e.g. meal plan, cancellation policy and room type). This
means that you get the same room for a lower price compared to other check-in
dates at the same time of year.

We want you to pay the lowest price possible for your product and service of
choice. Should you find your product or service of choice booked through the
Platform, with the same reservation conditions, at a lower rate on the Internet
after you have made a reservation through us, we will match the difference
between our rate and the lower rate under the terms and conditions of the Best
Price Guarantee. Reservations where you earn thousands of miles per night are
not subject to the Best Price Guaranteed policy.

The currency converter is for information purposes only and should not be relied
upon as accurate and real time; actual rates may vary.

Obvious errors and mistakes (including misprints) are not binding.

All special offers and promotions are marked as such.


Booking.com respects your privacy. Please have a look at our privacy and cookies
policy for further information.


Our service is free of charge because, unlike many other parties, we will not
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Suppliers pay a commission (being a small percentage of the product price (e.g.
room price)) to Booking.com after the end user has consummated the service or
product of the Supplier or after the guest has stayed at (and paid) the


If applicable and available, certain Suppliers offer the opportunity for
reservations to be paid (wholly or partly and as required under the payment
policy of the accommodation) to the Supplier during the reservation process by
means of secure online payment (all to the extent offered and supported by your
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party payment processors) the payment of the relevant product or service (i.e.
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accommodation provider through a third party payment processor. Any payment
facilitated by us for and on behalf of, and transferred to the Supplier will in
each case constitute a payment of (part of) the booking price by you of the
relevant product or service in final settlement (bevrijdende betaling) of such
(partial) due and payable price and you cannot reclaim such paid monies.

For certain (non-refundable) rates or special offers, please note that Suppliers
may require that payment is made upfront by wire transfer (if available) or by
credit card, and therefore your credit card may be pre-authorized or charged
(sometimes without any option for refund) upon making the reservation. Please
check the (reservation) details of your product or service of choice thoroughly
for any such conditions prior to making your reservation. You will not hold
Booking.com or Southwest Airlines Co. liable or responsible for any (authorized,
(allegedly) unauthorized or wrong) charge by the Supplier and not (re)claim any
amount for any valid or authorized charge by the Supplier (including for
pre-paid rates, no-show and chargeable cancellation) of your credit card.

In the event of credit card fraud or unauthorized use of your credit card by
third parties, most banks and credit card companies bear the risk and cover all
the charges resulting from such fraud or misuse, which may sometimes be subject
to a deductible (usually set at EUR 50 (or the equivalent in your local
currency)). In the event that your credit card company or bank charges the
deductible from you because of unauthorized transactions resulting from a
reservation made on our Platform, we will pay you this deductible, up to an
aggregate amount of EUR 50 (or the equivalent in your local currency). In order
to indemnify you, please make sure that you report this fraud to your credit
card provider (in accordance with its reporting rules and procedures) and
contact us immediately by email (customer.relations@booking.com). Please state
'credit card fraud' in the subject line of your email and provide us with
evidence of the charged deductible (e.g. policy of the credit card company).
This indemnification only applies to credit card reservations made using
Booking.com's secure server and the unauthorized use of your credit card
resulted through our default or negligence and through no fault of your own
while using the secure server.


By making a reservation with a Supplier, you accept and agree to the relevant
cancellation and no-show policy of that Supplier, and to any additional
(delivery) terms and conditions of the Supplier that may apply to your visit or
stay (including the fine print of the Supplier made available on our Platform
and the relevant house rules of the Supplier), including for services rendered
and/or products offered by the accommodation provider (the delivery terms and
conditions of an accommodation provider can be obtained with the relevant
accommodation provider). The general cancellation and no-show policy of each
Supplier is made available on our Platform on the Supplier information pages,
during the reservation procedure and in the confirmation email or ticket (if
applicable). Please note that certain rates or special offers are not eligible
for cancellation or change. Applicable city/tourist tax may still be charged by
the Supplier in the event of a no-show or charged cancellation. Please check the
(reservation) details of your product or service of choice thoroughly for any
such conditions prior to making your reservation. Please note that a reservation
which requires down payment or (wholly or partly) prepayment may be cancelled
(without a prior notice of default or warning) insofar the relevant (remaining)
amount(s) cannot be collected in full on the relevant payment date in accordance
with the relevant payment policy of the Supplier and the reservation.
Cancellation and prepayment policies may vary according to room type. Please
carefully read the fine print (below the room types or at the bottom of each
Supplier page on our Platform) and important information in your reservation
confirmation for additional policies as may be applied by the Supplier (e.g. in
respect of age requirement, security deposit, non-cancellation/additional
supplements for group bookings, extra beds/no free breakfast, pets/cards
accepted). Late payment, wrong bank, debit or credit card details, invalid
credit/debit cards or insufficient funds are for your own risk and account and
you shall not be entitled to any refund of any (non-refundable) prepaid amount
unless the Supplier agrees or allows otherwise under its (pre)payment and
cancellation policy.

If you wish to review, adjust or cancel your reservation, please revert to the
confirmation email and follow the instructions therein. Please note that you may
be charged for your cancellation in accordance with the accommodation provider's
cancellation, (pre)payment and no-show policy or not be entitled to any
repayment of any (pre)paid amount. We recommend that you read the cancellation,
(pre)payment and no-show policy of the accommodation provider carefully prior to
making your reservation and remember to make further payments on time as may be
required for the relevant reservation.

If you have a late or delayed arrival on the check-in date or only arrive the
next day, make sure to (timely/promptly) communicate this with the Supplier so
they know when to expect you to avoid cancellation of your reservation or room
or charge of the no-show fee. Our customer service department can help you if
needed with informing the Supplier. Booking.com does not accept any liability or
responsibility for the consequences of your delayed arrival or any cancellation
or charged no-show fee by the Supplier.


By completing a booking, you agree to receive (i) an email which we may send you
shortly prior to your arrival date, giving you information on your destination
and providing you with certain information and offers (including third party
offers to the extent that you have actively opted in for this information)
relevant to your reservation and destination, and (ii) an email which we may
send to you promptly after your stay inviting you to complete our guest review
form. Please see our privacy and cookies policy for more information about how
we may contact you.

Booking.com and Southwest Airlines Co. disclaims any liability or responsibility
for any communication with the Supplier on or through its platform. You cannot
derive any rights from any request to, or communication with the Supplier or
(any form of) acknowledgement of receipt of any communication or request.
Neither Booking.com nor Southwest Airlines Co. can guarantee that any request or
communication will be (duly and timely) received/read by, complied with,
executed or accepted by the Supplier.

In order to duly complete and secure your reservation, you need to use your
correct email address. Neither we nor Southwest Airlines Co. are responsible or
liable for (and have no obligation to verify) any wrong or misspelled email
address or inaccurate or wrong (mobile) phone number or credit card number.

Any claim or complaint against Booking.com or in respect of the Service must be
promptly submitted, but in any event within 30 days after the scheduled day of
consummation of the product or service (e.g. check out date). Any claim or
complaint that is submitted after the 30 days period, may be rejected and the
claimant shall forfeit its right to any (damage or cost) compensation.

Due to the continuous update and adjustments of rates and availability, we
strongly suggest to make screenshots when making a reservation to support your
position (if needed).


The default setting of the ranking of Suppliers on our Platform is 'Recommended'
(or any similar wording) (the "Default Ranking"). For your convenience we also
offer other ways to rank Supplier. Please note that the Default Ranking is
created through a fully automatic ranking system (algorithm) and based on
multiple criteria, which include not only the popularity of a Supplier among our
visitors, but also customer service history and certain booking-related data
(number of bookings, cancellations, conversion rate, etc). On-time payment of
commission by a Supplier and the commission percentage are also included in the
algorithm; however, they are two of the several (but definitely not leading)
factors in the Default Ranking.

In certain cities and regions, Booking.com operates a preferred partnership
program, allowing certain Suppliers that meet and maintain the preferred program
terms to be listed ahead of the rest of the Suppliers in the default
“Recommended” ranking for the relevant city/region. The preferred Suppliers are
marked with a “thumbs-up” symbol and in return for this high ranking, the
preferred Supplier pays a higher commission. Only Suppliers that meet and
maintain certain qualification criteria can be listed as preferred.

The stars used for non-hotel accommodations (e.g. bed & breakfasts) do not
correspond to the star ranking system as may be applicable to hotel

The completed guest review may be (a) uploaded onto the relevant Supplier's
information page on our Platform for the sole purpose of informing (future)
customers of your opinion of the service (level) and quality of the Supplier,
and (b) (wholly or partly) used and placed by Booking.com at its sole discretion
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such social media platforms, newsletters, special promotions, apps or other
channels owned, hosted, used or controlled by Booking.com and our business
partners. We reserve the right to adjust, refuse or remove reviews at our sole
discretion. The guest review form should be regarded as a survey and does not
include any (further commercial) offers, invitations or incentives whatsoever.


Subject to the limitations set out in these terms and conditions and to the
extent permitted by law, we shall only be liable for direct damages actually
suffered, paid or incurred by you due to an attributable shortcoming of our
obligations in respect to our services, up to an aggregate amount of the
aggregate cost of your reservation as set out in the confirmation email (whether
for one event or series of connected events).

However and to the extent permitted by law, none of Southwest Airlines Co.,
Booking.com, nor any of our respective officers, directors, employees,
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contract, loss of or damage to goodwill or reputation, loss of claim, (ii) any
inaccuracy relating to the (descriptive) information (including rates,
availability and ratings) of the Supplier as made available on our Platform,
(iii) the services rendered or the products offered by the Supplier or other
business partners, (iv) any (direct, indirect, consequential or punitive)
damages, losses or costs suffered, incurred or paid by you, pursuant to, arising
out of or in connection with the use, inability to use or delay of our Platform,
or (v) any (personal) injury, death, property damage, or other (direct,
indirect, special, consequential or punitive) damages, losses or costs suffered,
incurred or paid by you, whether due to (legal) acts, errors, breaches, (gross)
negligence, willful misconduct, omissions, non-performance, misrepresentations,
tort or strict liability by or (wholly or partly) attributable to the Supplier
or any of our other business partners (including any of their employees,
directors, officers, agents, representatives or affiliated companies) whose
products or service are (directly or indirectly) made available, offered or
promoted on or through the Platform, including any (partial) cancellation,
overbooking, strike, force majeure or any other event beyond our control.

Whether or not the Supplier has charged you for your room, product or service,
or if we are facilitating the payment of the (room/reservation) price, you agree
and acknowledge that the Supplier is at all times responsible for the
collection, withholding, remittance and payment of the applicable taxes due on
the total amount of the (room/reservation) price to the relevant tax
authorities. Neither Southwest Airlines Co. nor Booking.com is liable or
responsible for the remittance, collection, withholding or payment of the
relevant taxes due on the (room/reservation) price to the relevant tax
authorities. Neither Southwest Airlines Co. nor Booking.com acts as the merchant
of record for any product or service made available on the Platform.

By uploading photos/images onto our system (for instance in addition to a
review) you certify, warrant and agree that you own the copyright to the
photos/images and that you agree that Booking.com and Southwest Airlines Co. may
use the uploaded photos/images on its (mobile) website and app, and in
(online/offline) promotional materials and publications and as Booking.com and
Southwest Airlines Co. each in their discretion sees fit. You are granting
Booking.com and Southwest Airlines Co. a non-exclusive, worldwide, irrevocable,
unconditional, perpetual right and license to use, reproduce, display, have
reproduced, distribute, sublicense, communicate and make available the
photos/images as Booking.com and Southwest Airlines Co. each in their discretion
sees fit. By uploading these photos/images the person uploading the picture(s)
accepts full legal and moral responsibility of any and all legal claims that are
made by any third parties (including, but not limited to, accommodation owners)
due to Booking.com or Southwest Airlines Co. publishing and using these
photos/images. Neither Booking.com nor Southwest Airlines Co. owns or endorses
the photos/images that are uploaded. The truthfulness, validity and right to use
of all photos/images is assumed by the person who uploaded the photo, and is not
the responsibility of Booking.com or Southwest Airlines Co.. Booking.com and
Southwest Airlines Co. disclaims all responsibility and liability for the
pictures posted. The person who uploaded the photo warrants that the
photos/images shall not contain any viruses, Trojan horses or infected files and
shall not contain any pornographic, illegal, obscene, insulting, objectionable
or inappropriate material and does not infringe any third party (intellectual
property right, copyright or privacy) rights. Any photo/image that does not meet
the aforesaid criteria will not be posted and/or can be removed/deleted by
Booking.com at any time and without prior notice.


Unless stated otherwise, the software required for our services or available at
or used by our Platform and the intellectual property rights (including the
copyrights) of the contents and information of and material on our Platform are
owned by Booking.com B.V., its suppliers or providers.

Booking.com and Southwest Airlines Co. exclusively retains ownership of all
rights, title and interest in and to (all intellectual property rights of) (the
look and feel (including infrastructure) of) the Platform on which the service
is made available (including the guest reviews and translated content) and you
are not entitled to copy, scrape, (hyper-/deep)link to, publish, promote,
market, integrate, utilize, combine or otherwise use the content (including any
translations thereof and the guest reviews) or any branding on the Platform
without our express written permission. To the extent that you would (wholly or
partly) use or combine our (translated) content (including guest reviews) or
would otherwise own any intellectual property rights in the Platform or any
(translated) content or guest reviews, you hereby assign, transfer and set over
all such intellectual property rights to Booking.com and Southwest Airlines Co..
Any unlawful use or any of the aforementioned actions or behavior will
constitute a material infringement of our intellectual property rights
(including copyright and database right).


The original English version of these terms and conditions may have been
translated into other languages. The translated version is a courtesy and office
translation only and you cannot derive any rights from the translated version.
In the event of a dispute about the contents or interpretation of these terms
and conditions or inconsistency or discrepancy between the English version and
any other language version of these terms and conditions, the English language
version to the extent permitted by law shall apply, prevail and be conclusive.
The English version is available on our Platform (by selecting the English
language) or shall be sent to you upon your written request.

If any provision of these terms and conditions is or becomes invalid,
unenforceable or non-binding, you shall remain bound by all other provisions
hereof. In such event, such invalid provision shall nonetheless be enforced to
the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, and you will at least agree to
accept a similar effect as the invalid, unenforceable or non-binding provision,
given the contents and purpose of these terms and conditions.


The online reservation service is rendered by Booking.com B.V., which is a
private limited liability company, incorporated under the laws of the
Netherlands and having its offices at Herengracht 597, 1017 CE Amsterdam, the
Netherlands and registered with the trade register of the Chamber of Commerce in
Amsterdam under registration number 31047344. Our VAT registration number is

Booking.com has its headquarters in Amsterdam, the Netherlands and is supported
by various affiliated group companies (the "support companies") throughout the
world. The support companies only provide an internal supporting role to and for
the benefit of Booking.com. Certain designated support companies render limited
customer care support services (only by telephone). The support companies do not
have any Platform (and do not in any way control, manage, maintain or host the
Platform). The support companies do not have any power or authority to render
the service, to represent Booking.com or to enter into any contract in the name
of, for or on behalf of Booking.com. You do not have a (legal or contractual)
relationship with the support companies. The support companies do not operate
and are not authorized to act as any form of process or service agent of
Booking.com. Booking.com does not accept nor assume any domicile at any place,
location or office in the world (also not at the office of its support
companies), other than its registered office in Amsterdam.


Booking.com is committed to customer satisfaction. We will try to resolve any
concerns or problems with our services that you have. If we are unsuccessful,
you may pursue a claim against Booking.com as explained in this Disputes
provision. This Disputes provision lays out: (1) the initial process you must
follow by reporting your claim to Booking.com prior to filing any arbitration or
law suit in accordance with this Disputes provision; and, if we are unable to
resolve your claim, (2) the recourse that you have to arbitration.

To the extent permitted by law, these terms and conditions and the provision of
our services shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Dutch law. By
using this website, you agree that any and all disputes arising out of or
relating to your use of this website, or other services provided by Booking.com
or the support companies in connection with your use of this website (including
the interpretation and scope of this clause and the arbitrability of the
dispute), will be resolved via mandatory, binding arbitration.

Nothing in this Disputes provision shall be read to create any legal rights that
do not otherwise exist under the law or constitute any waiver of any personal
jurisdiction defense, nor shall this Disputes provision give you the right to
pursue any claim for relief that is not cognizable under the law.

Prior to initiating arbitration, as discussed further below, you must give us an
opportunity to resolve any complaints you have relating to your use of the
Booking.com website, any dealings with our customer service agents, any services
or products provided, or our Privacy Policy by submitting them to
customer.service@booking.com (the “Internal Review Procedure”). Your email to
customer.service@booking.com beginning the Internal Review Procedure must
contain the following information: (1) your name, (2) your address, (3) the
email address you used to make your reservation, (4) your reservation number,
(5) the date of your reservation, (6) the name of the property that you
reserved, (7) a brief description of the nature of your complaint, and (8) the
resolution that you are seeking (together, the “Required Information”).
Additionally, the subject line of your email must state, “Request Under Disputes
Provision.” If your email does not have this subject line, or if it does not
contain all of the Required Information (or an explanation of why you are unable
to include any of the Required Information), then you have not effectively begun
the Internal Review Procedure, which you must do before initiating any
arbitration or other legal action against Booking.com. If we are not able to
resolve your complaint within 60 days of your starting the Internal Review
Procedure, you may seek relief as laid out in this Disputes provision.

Arbitration shall be initiated through and administered by the American
Arbitration Association (“AAA”). Should the AAA decline to administer the
arbitration or otherwise be unable to administer the arbitration for any reason,
you agree that Booking.com will select an alternative arbitral forum, and that
you will agree in writing to administration of the arbitration by the
alternative arbitral forum selected by Booking.com.

In order to initiate arbitration, you and Booking.com each will be responsible
for paying the filing fees required by the AAA. In the event that you are able
to demonstrate that the costs of arbitration will be prohibitive as compared to
costs of litigation, Booking.com will pay as much of your filing fee in
connection with the arbitration as the arbitrator deems necessary to prevent the
arbitration from being cost-prohibitive as compared to the costs of litigation.

Arbitration will be conducted in accordance with the AAA’s rules. If there is a
conflict between the AAA’s rules and this Disputes provision, the terms of this
Disputes provision will govern. The rules are available online at www.adr.org or
by calling the AAA at 1-800-778-7879. If the AAA is unable or unwilling to
administer the arbitration for any reason, then arbitration will proceed in a
substantially similar fashion as it would under the AAA’s rules.

The arbitration will be conducted by one arbitrator, who will be appointed by
the AAA. You agree that the arbitration will be conducted in the English
language. For claims under $25,000, the arbitration will not involve any
personal appearance by the parties or witnesses but will instead be conducted
based solely on written submissions, unless you request an in-person or
telephonic hearing or the arbitrator determines that an in-person or telephonic
appearance is required. In the case of a hearing, the presumption shall be in
favor of a telephonic hearing, unless the arbitrator determines that a party’s
right to a fundamentally fair process would be impaired without an in-person
hearing. In the case of an in-person hearing, the hearing shall be conducted in
a mutually convenient location. Booking.com will ordinarily request that the
hearing be held in Chicago, Illinois. You may petition the arbitrator to select
an alternative location for the hearing. The arbitrator’s selection of a hearing
location shall be final and binding. You agree that in the event of an in-person
hearing, any Booking.com B.V. employee or affiliate who is based outside of the
United States and who is participating in the hearing may participate by
telephone or video conference, and his or her physical presence will not be

Arbitration will be subject to the Federal Arbitration Act and not any state
arbitration law. This agreement to arbitrate is made under and will be governed
by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Netherlands, consistent with
the Federal Arbitration Act, without giving effect to any choice-of-law
principles that provide for the application of the law of another jurisdiction.

The arbitration will be confidential, and neither you nor Booking.com may
disclose the existence, content or results of any arbitration, except as may be
required by law or for purposes of enforcement of the arbitration award.

Ordinarily, pre-hearing information exchange will be limited to the reasonable
production of non-privileged documents directly relevant to the dispute. Unless
the arbitrator determines that an additional form of information exchange is
necessary to provide for a fundamentally fair process, those documents will be
limited to your booking and communications directly about that booking among
you, Booking.com, and the accommodation(s) that are the subject of your dispute
with Booking.com. Any issues regarding discovery, or the relevance or scope
thereof, will be determined by the arbitrator, and the arbitrator’s
determination will be conclusive.

The arbitrator may not consolidate more than one person’s claims and may not
otherwise preside over any form of a representative or class proceeding. There
will be no right or authority for any Claims to be arbitrated on a class action
basis. You understand and agree that, by accepting these terms and conditions,
you and Booking.com are each waiving the right to a trial by jury or to
participate in a class action with respect to the claims covered by this
mandatory arbitration provision.

You are thus giving up your right to go to court to assert or defend your
rights. Your rights will be determined by a neutral arbitrator, and not a judge
or jury. The arbitration procedures mandated by this Disputes provision are
simpler and more limited than the procedures applicable in most courts.
Arbitrator decisions are as enforceable as any court order and are subject to
very limited review by a court.

All claims you bring against Booking.com must be resolved in accordance with
this Disputes provision. All claims filed or brought contrary to this Disputes
provision, including claims not first submitted through the Internal Review
Procedure, will be considered improperly filed and void. Should you file a claim
contrary to this Disputes provision, Booking.com will notify you in writing of
the improperly filed claim, and you must promptly withdraw the claim.

This Disputes provision was amended by Booking.com effective April 7, 2016. If
you have a claim that relates to a booking made prior to that date, you may
choose to proceed under the provision in effect when you made your booking. If
you would like to do that, please so indicate in your claim submission.
Otherwise, by submitting a claim, you agree that this Disputes provision will
apply to your claim.


Disputes and Arbitration

Rocket Travel is committed to customer satisfaction. If you have a problem or
dispute, we will try to resolve it. If we are unsuccessful, you may pursue your
claim as explained in this section.

You agree to give us an opportunity to resolve any problem, dispute, or claim
relating in any way to the Rocket Travel websites and/or any of its related
applications or services (the "Site"); any dealings with our customer service
agents; the purchase, use, or performance of any services or products available
through this Site; any representations made by Rocket Travel; or our Privacy
Policy (collectively, "Claims") by sending notice to the address in the
Contacting Us section below. If we are unable to resolve your Claims within 60
days, you may seek relief through arbitration or in small claims court, as set
forth below.

On this website, we partnered with Rocket Travel, Inc., also a Priceline Group
company, to offer Rapid Rewards offers on select properties. For more
information on how Rocket handles your personal information in connection with
booking these properties, visit https://www.rocketmiles.com/privacy.

For the payment transactions from www.southwesthotels.com website and/or mobile
applications, for which Rocket Travel Inc. makes use of the services of Agoda
Company Pte. Ltd. (“Agoda”) for the handling and processing of such payment
transactions, Agoda and its affiliates will assist Rocket Travel Inc. in
adherence to this Privacy Policy.

These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of the State of
Illinois, United States of America, without regard to conflict of laws
provisions that would result in the application of the laws of any other
jurisdiction. All Claims or other matters in dispute between you or any
Third-party and Rocket Travel, its subsidiaries or affiliates, or any travel
service providers or companies offering products or services through the Site,
whether based upon contract, tort, statute, or otherwise, shall likewise be
governed by the laws of the State of Illinois, without regard to conflict of
laws provisions that would result in the application of the laws of any other

For the payment transactions from www.southwesthotels.com website and/or mobile
applications, for which Rocket Travel Inc. makes use of the services of Agoda
Company Pte. Ltd. (“Agoda”) for the handling and processing of such payment
transactions, Agoda will assist Rocket Travel Inc. with customer support for
issues related to payments such as dispute management, refunds, cancellations
and returns if applicable. The following Agoda affiliates shall facilitate - on
behalf of Agoda - such assistance regarding payment transactions conducted in
the following countries:
    - in respect of payment transactions in United States of America, Agoda
International USA Inc;
    - in respect of payment transactions conducted in Singapore, Agoda Company
Pte Ltd.;
    - in respect of payment transactions conducted in all other countries, Agoda
International Pte Ltd. (UK);

Limitation on Claims

Unless otherwise prohibited by applicable law, any Claim must be brought within
two (2) years from the date on which such Claim arose or accrued.



By using this Site, you, any Third-party, and Rocket Travel agree that any
Claim, including claims regarding the applicability or validity of this
arbitration provision, shall be resolved exclusively by final and binding
arbitration administered by the American Arbitration Association ("AAA") and
conducted before a single arbitrator pursuant to the then applicable Rules and
Procedures established by AAA ("Rules and Procedures"), except that, pursuant to
subsection (e) below, under no circumstances may any claim be brought or
arbitrated as a class action or be joined with another person's claim, or
proceed on a basis involving claims brought on a purported representative
capacity (either on behalf of the general public or other users or persons).
This agreement applies to, and includes, any and all Claims, including any
Claims that arose prior to entering this agreement.

As an exception to arbitration, you, any Third-party, and Rocket Travel retain
the right to pursue in a small claims court located in the federal judicial
district that includes your or the Third-party's billing address at the time of
the Claim, any Claim that is within the court's jurisdiction and proceeds on an
individual basis. All Claims you or a Third-party bring against Rocket Travel,
its subsidiaries or affiliates, or any travel service providers or companies
offering products or services through the Site must be resolved in accordance
with this Disputes and Arbitration Section. All Claims filed or brought contrary
to this Section shall be considered improperly filed and void.

If you decide to seek arbitration, you must first send, by certified mail, a
written Notice of Dispute ("Notice") addressed to Rocket Travel at the address
mentioned in the Contacting Us section below ("Notice Address"). The Notice must
(i) describe the nature and basis of the Claim; and (ii) set forth the specific
relief sought. If Rocket Travel and you, or Rocket Travel and any Third-party,
do not reach an agreement to resolve the Claim within 60 days after the Notice
is received, you, or the Third-party, may commence an arbitration proceeding.
During the arbitration, the amount of any settlement offer made shall not be
disclosed to the arbitrator until after the arbitrator determines the amount, if
any, to which you, any Third-party, or Rocket Travel is entitled. A form to
initiate arbitration may be downloaded here.

The arbitration shall be held at a location determined by AAA pursuant to the
Rules and Procedures (provided that such location is reasonably convenient for
you, or any Third-party asserting a Claim), or at such other location as may be
mutually agreed upon.

To the extent that any Claim is held not to be subject to arbitration and
proceeds in a Court other than small claims court, such Claim shall be filed
only in the United States District Court for Illinois or, if there is no federal
jurisdiction over the action, in the courts of the State of Illinois located in
Cook County, Illinois. You hereby consent and submit to the personal
jurisdiction of such courts for the purposes of litigating any such Claim that
is not subject to the arbitration provision and not pursued in small claims
court, and agree that any such claim shall be resolved individually, without
resort to any form of class action (as described more fully in section I.A.2.e
below). You further agree that any and all Claims or other matters asserted in
such dispute, whether based upon contract, tort, statute, or otherwise, shall be
governed by the laws of the State of Illinois, without regard to conflict of
laws provisions that would result in the application of the laws of any other


For any arbitration involving Claims that together seek damages that do not
exceed $25,000, Rocket Travel will reimburse you for all fees and costs imposed
by AAA. If you are unable to pay the filing fee, Rocket Travel will pay it for
you. For any arbitration involving Claims that together seek damages that exceed
$25,000, if you, or any Third-party, prevail in the arbitration of any Claim
against Rocket Travel, Rocket Travel will reimburse such prevailing party for
any fees or costs the prevailing party paid to AAA in connection with the

If you prevail in the arbitration of any Claim against Rocket Travel and are
awarded an amount greater than Rocket Travel's last written settlement offer to
you, Rocket Travel will pay a minimum recovery of $5,000, and Rocket Travel will
reimburse you for all reasonable attorney's fees incurred in arbitrating the
Claim(s) upon which you have prevailed. If any Third-party prevails in the
arbitration of any Claim against Rocket Travel and is awarded an amount greater
than Rocket Travel's last written settlement offer to such Third-party, Rocket
Travel will pay a minimum recovery of $5,000 to the Third-party, and Rocket
Travel will reimburse such Third-party for all reasonable attorney's fees
incurred in arbitrating the Claim upon which he or she has prevailed. Any
dispute regarding attorney's fees to be paid pursuant to this paragraph will be
decided by the arbitrator who decided the underlying Claim. If you or the
Third-party do not prevail on the claim or prevail but are awarded an amount
less than or equal to Rocket Travel's last written settlement offer to you,
Rocket Travel will pay only the amount of the award, not the minimum recovery or
attorneys' fees.

Notwithstanding any other provision of law or any of the Rules and Procedures
established by AAA which may be to the contrary, Rocket Travel will not be
entitled to seek reimbursement of its attorney's fees for any Claim the
arbitrator finds to be non-frivolous.

With the exception of sub-part (e) above (the class action waiver), if any part
of this arbitration provision is held to be invalid, unenforceable or illegal,
or otherwise conflicts with the Rules and Procedures established by AAA, then
the balance of this arbitration provision shall remain in effect and shall be
construed in accordance with its terms as if the invalid, unenforceable, illegal
or conflicting provision were not contained herein. If, however, subpart (e)
above (the class action waiver) is held to be invalid, unenforceable or illegal,
then the entirety of this arbitration provision shall be null and void, and
neither you nor any Third-party, nor Rocket Travel shall be entitled to
arbitrate their dispute.

Arbitration rules and forms may be obtained from AAA at http://www.adr.org or by
calling AAA at 1-800-778-7879.



Rapid Rewards® is a rewards program offered by Southwest Airlines® Co. for
Southwest Airlines Customers. Southwest Airlines reserves the right to amend,
suspend, or change the program and/or program rules at any time without notice.
Southwest Airlines reserves the right to end the program with six months'
notice. Rapid Rewards Members do not acquire property rights in accrued points
and awards. By enrolling and/or participating in Rapid Rewards, Southwest
Airlines Customers, agree to abide by the Rapid Rewards Rules and Regulations.
Points can be earned from flights booked through Southwest Airlines or through
qualifying purchases with Southwest Airlines Rapid Rewards Partners. Rules and
regulations regarding transactions with Southwest Airlines Rapid Rewards
Partners apply, including, without limitation, adjustments for returns and
cancellations with respect to qualifying purchases and engaging in a pattern of
returning products after points have been credited to an account.

Points can only be earned by the person whose name appears in the Rapid Rewards
account and who actually completes the stay, regardless of who purchased or paid
for the reservation. A Member will not earn points for travel by another
Southwest Airlines Customer or Rapid Rewards Member, even if the Member paid for
the other person's stay.

All Rapid Rewards rules and regulations apply and can be found at


In the event that your Southwest flight itinerary has been disrupted by an event
that does not qualify as a Force Majeure Event as provided for in the Southwest
Airlines Co. Contract of Carriage and as determined by Southwest in its sole
discretion (such flight disruption, herein defined as the “Flight Disruption”),
you may be eligible for a full or partial refund of your unused accommodation
booked for the same trip through SouthwestHotels.com.

Your eligibility to receive a full or partial refund of your unused
accommodation will be determined in conjunction with the terms and conditions
listed herein. Once the Flight Disruption occurs, to receive a full or partial
refund of the non-refundable costs you paid for unused accommodation, you must
submit your refund request to SouthwestHotels.com customer service no later than
90 days after the scheduled departure date, or any payments and deposits shall
be forfeited. Your refund request must contain the following information:
Customer name, Southwest Airlines confirmation number, hotel confirmation
number, and original scheduled date of departure.

If you booked a trip through SouthwestHotels.com, please call the 24/7 Customer
Service line for our Partner, Booking.com, at 1-888-850-3958. Refunds will be
processed to the original form of payment.

Rapid Rewards points will only be awarded for the portion of the trip that is
paid for and completed by the Customer. Air travel on Southwest Airlines and any
cancellations related to such air travel are governed by Southwest Airlines Co.
Contract of Carriage. Any add-ons purchased for your trip other than
accommodations are not eligible for a refund.


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cookie statement.



By clicking "Accept," you agree to the use of analytical cookies (used to gain
insight on website usage and to improve our site and services) and tracking
cookies (including from other trusted partners) that help decide which products
to show you on and off our site, measure the audience visiting our websites, and
enable you to like or share things directly on social media. By clicking here,
you can manage your consent and find more info about the cookies we use.

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