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Recently Microsoft released a plugin for JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA in order to
integrate this IDE with VSTS and TFS. Although Microsoft did a good job
describing on how this plugin should be installed and described some basic
settings, there are many non covered questions by the documentation provided.
This is especially true when it comes to TFS and HTTPS. I will show you what is
necessary in order to setup a connection for both Git and TFVC repositories on


In order to install the plugin, in the main screen of IDEA, choose Plugins from
Configure menu:

Once the plugin window opens, choose Browse repositories

In browse repositories search for Visual Studio

If the Visual Studio Team Services plugin is not found, your connection may not
be setup correctly. In case you are, as I am, behind a proxy, you need to click
on HTTP Proxy settings button in the same screen (bottom left) and you will be
presented with the following dialog

Here you need to setup the necessary parameters (Auto detect proxy settings
worked for me) and test your connection by clicking on Check connection button.
Once done you will be prompted to enter an address that is behind the proxy so
that internet connection can be verified. I used for my

After confirming, you should see the following message

Now, back to Browse repositories screen, the Visual Studio Team Services plugin
now should be found. Click on install and after the procedure finishes you will
be asked to restart IntelliJ IDEA. Do so, restart the IDE.

The plugin is now installed. In case this is not sufficiently clear, you can
also follow the Microsoft guide Visual Studio Team Services Plugin for IntelliJ
IDEA and Android Studio.

Be also sure that you have at least version v1.111.0 installed as I encountered
issues with TFVC and previous versions of the plugin.


In case you are not accessing TFS through SSL connection you can skip this part.
For Visual Studio Team Services plugin to connect to the TFS via https, that is
using a self-signed certificate, no matter if you do intend using Git or TFVC,
you need to import the certificate in the IntelliJ IDEA certificate store. To do
so, export your certificate in the Base-64 encoded X.509 format. You can read
about this in one of mine previous posts, Installing self-signed certificates
into Git cert store.
Once you exported your certificate and let’s say saved it in C:\temp folder
under the name tfs.cer, you need to open the command prompt and position
yourself under the folder containing keytool.exe application. You can find it in
the IntelliJ IDEA install folder, which in my case is C:\Program Files
(x86)\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 2016.3.1\jre\jre\bin.

Once there you will then execute the following command

keytool -keystore "C:\Program Files (x86)\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA Community
Edition 2016.3.1\jre\jre\lib\security\cacerts" -importcert -alias TFS -file

You will be then prompted for the keystore password. If you haven’t changed it,
the default password is


After typing the password you will see the details about the certificate you are
trying to import, and again you will be prompted to confirm that you trust this
certificate. Type yes and you are done. Your screen should look like this


Before we even start, we need to be sure that a Git client is installed on our
machine. From the Welcome screen choose Configure then Settings.

In the settings window move to Version control -> Git pane and test the path to
your Git client

In case all is good you should get back the version of your Git client

If this is not the case, or the path is wrong (change it and try again) or the
Git client is not present on your machine. You can install Git for windows and
you will find the necessary here.

In case you are using the https connection with TFS and it is based on a
self-signed certificate do not forget to add that certificate into the Git cert
store. This is something different then adding it to the Java cert store that I
described in the previous chapter. You will need to do both of these steps. As I
already described this procedure in detail, you can follow my other blog post
Installing self-signed certificates into Git cert store.

Once the Git client is installed and certificate is imported, we can continue
setting up the Visual Studio Team Services plugin. Get back to the welcome scree
of IntelliJ IDEA and in the version control drop down choose Team Services Git

At this point a new dialog will be presented to you.

Move to the Team Foundation Server tab and specify the address of your TFS
server, then click connect. You will now be prompted for the credentials and if
everything is ok, you will be show the list of available repositories

You are now able to clone the repository of your choice and start working with
it directly from IntelliJ IDEA.


Before starting with TFVC, as for Git, we need an external tool. The tool in
question is TF command line tool. It ships with the Microsoft Team Explorer
Everywhere 2015 and you can download it here.
The file we are interested in is Download it and unzip it in
a folder of your choice. You should end up with something similar to this.

Now, open the command prompt, move into the folder where you have extracted the
TF command line tool and run the following:

tf eula /accept

If command succeeded and you haven’t received any error, you are good to go.

Now back to IDEA. Open the settings panel.

and move to Version Control -> TFVC pane. In the select path to executable
field, enter the exact path to the tf.cmd command file located in TF command
line tool folder.

Once done, press the test button and you should see the following message

Confirm all of the open windows and get back to the IDEA welcome page. Now you
are ready to choose Team Services TFVC (Preview) version control.

At this point, same as for Git, you will be prompted about the connection
towards your TFS. The following dialog will be shown.

Move to the Team Foundation Server tab and specify the address of your TFS
server, then click connect. You will now be prompted for the credentials and if
everything is ok, you will be shown the list of available TFVC repositories.

You can now create a new workspace directly from IDEA and start working with
your TFVC repositories.


There are a couple of common issues you may encounter in following what I just
described. I will tell you about the most common ones and how to overcome those.

In case you see the message in the following screenshot

You are probably facing some issues with the certificate. Make sure that you
exported/imported the certificate correctly.

During the test of the TF command line utility, you may encounter the following

In may case it turned out to be a problem with allocating the heap memory from
TF process. I could clearly see in the log file the following:

2016-12-22 13:14:08,949 [ 17642] INFO - ugin.external.commands.Command -
167680800(ns) - elapsed time for add -noprompt -?
2016-12-22 13:15:46,592 [ 115285] INFO - lugin.external.ToolRunnerCache -
getRunningToolRunner: toolLocation={0}
2016-12-22 13:15:46,592 [ 115285] INFO - lugin.external.ToolRunnerCache -
getRunningToolRunner: slow version - null
2016-12-22 13:15:46,592 [ 115285] INFO - alm.plugin.external.ToolRunner -
ToolRunner.start: toolLocation = C:\Utils\TEE-CLC-14.0.3\tf.cmd
2016-12-22 13:15:46,592 [ 115285] INFO - alm.plugin.external.ToolRunner -
ToolRunner.start: workingDirectory = null
2016-12-22 13:15:46,592 [ 115285] INFO - alm.plugin.external.ToolRunner -
arguments: add -noprompt -?
2016-12-22 13:15:46,716 [ 115409] INFO - ugin.external.commands.Command - CMD:
Error occurred during initialization of VM
2016-12-22 13:15:46,717 [ 115410] INFO - ugin.external.commands.Command - CMD:
Could not reserve enough space for 2097152KB object heap
2016-12-22 13:15:46,731 [ 115424] WARN - ugin.external.commands.Command - CMD:
parsing output failed

A workaround for this issue is to modify the tf.cmd file by specifying a lower
-Xmx parameter. By default it is set to 2014MB however a 1024MB also worked well
for me.

Another issue with this version of Visual Studio Team Services plugin is in
changing in between the Team Services TFVC (Preview) and Team Services Git, or
viceversa. You can read more about it here, TfsAuthenticator hangs the IDE.

No matter the issue, you can always find more information about it in the log
file. The log file is located in my case in
C:\Users\majcicam\.IdeaIC2016.3\system\log. Adapt this path to your case. The
log file name is idea.log.
Visual Studio Team Services Plugin settings can be found in vsts_settings.xml
file under C:\Users\majcicam\.IdeaIC2016.3\config\options folder.


On you can read more about this topic and see some useful
how-to video.

 1. Installing Visual Studio Team Services Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA and Android
 2. Using Visual Studio Team Services Plugin for IntelliJ

With all of these information I do hope you can get on going with the plugin and
boost your productivity.

Happy coding.


Tagged as: authntication, certificate, Git, https, Team Foundation Server, tf,
TFS, TFS 2015, TFVC, Visual Studio Team Services Plugin

Categorized in: IntelliJ IDEA, TFS, Uncategorized

January 2, 2017 Mario MajcicaNo Comments


Installing self-signed certificates into Git cert store
TFS Tips from the Trenches


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