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Submitted URL: http://news.engelvoelkers.com/go/16/4XRR07W0-4XOEO4BT-2AU1PI9K-180D78P.html
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Submission: On May 20 via api from BE — Scanned from DE

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Extenso sitio con instalaciones industriales
Chile, II Región de Antofagasta, Calama, Calama Nor Oriente


1,750 m²
8,567 m²
320.000.000 UF

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Alonso de Ercilla / Gerónimo Alderete
Chile, XIII Región Metropolitana de Santiago, La Florida, La Florida


75 m²
75 m²
99.000.000 UF

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Hostal Central
Chile, II Región de Antofagasta, Calama, Calama Nor Oriente


280 m²
280 m²
4.000.000 UF

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Single-Family in Napa, California
United States of America, California, Napa, Napa


1.99 ha
135.000.000 USD

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A one-of-a-kind Hiroshi Sugimoto-designed masterpiece
United States of America, New York, New York City, Midtown Central


748.33 m²
135.000.000 USD

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Summerbreeze 包華士道1-8號
Hong Kong, Hong Kong Island, Happy Valley/Mid Level East


603.22 m²
900.000.000 HKD

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Private Island
Bahamas, Bahamas, Exuma Cays, Exuma Cays


16.19 ha
100.000.000 USD

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Casa solida con gran quincho en Algarrobal
Chile, XIII Región Metropolitana de Santiago, Colina, Chicureo Poniente


400 m²
3,200 m²
2.500.000 UF

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Hong Kong, Hong Kong Island, Happy Valley/Mid Level East


507.81 m²
700.000.000 HKD

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Hong Kong, Hong Kong Island, Peak/South


359.63 m²
688.000.000 HKD

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Hong Kong, Hong Kong Island, Peak/South


511.52 m²
630.000.000 HKD

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Development Potential
Mexico, Baja California, Pacific, Todos Santos-General


72.000.000 USD

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Villa Solitaire - Exceptional Designer Villa with Sea Views in Son Vida, Majorca
Spain, Mallorca, Palma de Mallorca - Surroundings & Son Vida, Son Vida


2,300 m²
4,250 m²
65.000.000 EUR

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Departamento en sector de Nueva Costanera
Chile, XIII Región Metropolitana de Santiago, Vitacura, Nueva Costanera


113 m²
113 m²
1.600.000 UF

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Shouson Peak
Hong Kong, Hong Kong Island, Peak/South


381.92 m²
438.000.000 HKD

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Signature Triplex Penthouse with Majestic Sea View
United Arab Emirates, Dubai, Palm Jumeirah, Atlantis The Royal Residences


1,531.69 m²
180.000.000 AED

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