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POST /ecom/submit/prebook

<form id="prebooking-form" action="/ecom/submit/prebook" method="post" class="relative w-full h-8 flex justify-between items-center">
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        </svg> <input 1="" type="text" value="" placeholder="Select a car park" readonly="true" data-is-open="false"
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    <div 1="" class="absolute top-4 left-0 w-full bg-white pt-4 z-20 rounded-b-2xl opacity-0 -translate-y-2 pointer-events-none transition-all duration-150 | prebooking__locations-dropdown | js-pb-locations-dropdown">
      <div class="relative w-full max-h-38.5 overflow-hidden overflow-y-scroll">
        <ul class="w-full h-full list-none">
          <li class="w-full py-0.8 transition-all hover:bg-neutral-100 translate-x-0 opacity-1 | prebooking__location-item | js-pb-location-item">
            <button type="button" data-location-id="6" data-location="Cheltenham" class="relative w-full px-1.6 py-0.8 text-sm text-accent-dark-blue-2 flex items-center justify-between text-left group | js-pb-location-btn">
              <span class="relative block w-full pr-3.6 font-bold transition-all group-hover:text-accent-light-blue">Cheltenham</span>
              <svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" class="relative w-1.6 h-1.4 text-accent-dark-blue-2 flex-shrink-0 transition-all group-hover:text-accent-light-blue" xmlns="">
                <path d="M1.4375 8H14.5625" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path>
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          <li class="absolute top-0 left-0 w-full h-0 overflow-hidden transition-all translate-x-full opacity-0 | prebooking__car-park-item | js-pb-car-park-item">
            <div class="relative w-full h-[5.3rem] flex items-center justify-center text-center">
              <h4 class="relative mx-auto max-w-[18rem] 2lg:max-w-unset lg:text-base xl:text-md">Select a car park in Cheltenham</h4>
              <button type="button" class="absolute top-0 left-0 w-6 h-[5.3rem] | js-pb-locations-back-btn">
                <svg width="14" height="8" viewBox="0 0 14 8" fill="none"
                  class="absolute top-6/12 left-6/12 -translate-x-6/12 -translate-y-6/12 w-1 lg:w-1.4 transition-all rotate-90 text-accent-dark-blue-2 flex-shrink-0 transition-all hover:text-accent-light-blue" xmlns="">
                    d="M0.29289 0.293378C0.68342 -0.0971417 1.31658 -0.0971416 1.70711 0.293378L7 5.58629L12.2929 0.293379C12.6834 -0.0971406 13.3166 -0.0971405 13.7071 0.293379C14.0976 0.68391 14.0976 1.31709 13.7071 1.70759L7.7071 7.70759C7.3166 8.09809 6.6834 8.09809 6.2929 7.70759L0.29289 1.70759C-0.0976301 1.31709 -0.0976301 0.683908 0.29289 0.293378Z"
                <span class="sr-only">Back</span>
            <ul class="relative w-full list-none mt-1">
              <li class="relative w-full py-0.2 transition-all ">
                <button type="button" data-car-park-id="16" data-carpark="John Lewis Car Park" class="relative w-full px-1.6 py-0.8 flex items-center justify-start text-left group | js-pb-car-park">
                  <span class="relative w-4.8 h-4.8 rounded-full bg-neutral-100 flex justify-center items-center flex-shrink-0 mr-1.6">
                    <svg width="12" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 14" fill="none" class=" w-1.6 lg:w-1.9 transition-all text-neutral-600 transition-all group-hover:text-accent-light-blue" xmlns="">
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                  <span class="relative block">
                    <span class="relative block w-full body-sm mb-0 text-accent-dark-blue-2 font-bold transition-all group-hover:text-accent-light-blue">John Lewis Car Park</span>
        <ul class="w-full h-full list-none">
          <li class="w-full py-0.8 transition-all hover:bg-neutral-100 translate-x-0 opacity-1 | prebooking__location-item | js-pb-location-item">
            <button type="button" data-location-id="1" data-location="Leeds" class="relative w-full px-1.6 py-0.8 text-sm text-accent-dark-blue-2 flex items-center justify-between text-left group | js-pb-location-btn">
              <span class="relative block w-full pr-3.6 font-bold transition-all group-hover:text-accent-light-blue">Leeds</span>
              <svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" class="relative w-1.6 h-1.4 text-accent-dark-blue-2 flex-shrink-0 transition-all group-hover:text-accent-light-blue" xmlns="">
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          <li class="absolute top-0 left-0 w-full h-0 overflow-hidden transition-all translate-x-full opacity-0 | prebooking__car-park-item | js-pb-car-park-item">
            <div class="relative w-full h-[5.3rem] flex items-center justify-center text-center">
              <h4 class="relative mx-auto max-w-[18rem] 2lg:max-w-unset lg:text-base xl:text-md">Select a car park in Leeds</h4>
              <button type="button" class="absolute top-0 left-0 w-6 h-[5.3rem] | js-pb-locations-back-btn">
                <svg width="14" height="8" viewBox="0 0 14 8" fill="none"
                  class="absolute top-6/12 left-6/12 -translate-x-6/12 -translate-y-6/12 w-1 lg:w-1.4 transition-all rotate-90 text-accent-dark-blue-2 flex-shrink-0 transition-all hover:text-accent-light-blue" xmlns="">
                    d="M0.29289 0.293378C0.68342 -0.0971417 1.31658 -0.0971416 1.70711 0.293378L7 5.58629L12.2929 0.293379C12.6834 -0.0971406 13.3166 -0.0971405 13.7071 0.293379C14.0976 0.68391 14.0976 1.31709 13.7071 1.70759L7.7071 7.70759C7.3166 8.09809 6.6834 8.09809 6.2929 7.70759L0.29289 1.70759C-0.0976301 1.31709 -0.0976301 0.683908 0.29289 0.293378Z"
                <span class="sr-only">Back</span>
            <ul class="relative w-full list-none mt-1">
              <li class="relative w-full py-0.2 transition-all ">
                <button type="button" data-car-park-id="2" data-carpark="Leeds Dock (Clarence Dock)" class="relative w-full px-1.6 py-0.8 flex items-center justify-start text-left group | js-pb-car-park">
                  <span class="relative w-4.8 h-4.8 rounded-full bg-neutral-100 flex justify-center items-center flex-shrink-0 mr-1.6">
                    <svg width="12" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 14" fill="none" class=" w-1.6 lg:w-1.9 transition-all text-neutral-600 transition-all group-hover:text-accent-light-blue" xmlns="">
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                  <span class="relative block">
                    <span class="relative block w-full body-sm mb-0 text-accent-dark-blue-2 font-bold transition-all group-hover:text-accent-light-blue">Leeds Dock (Clarence Dock)</span>
              <li class="relative w-full py-0.2 transition-all ">
                <button type="button" data-car-park-id="3" data-carpark="Merrion Centre &amp; First Direct Arena" class="relative w-full px-1.6 py-0.8 flex items-center justify-start text-left group | js-pb-car-park">
                  <span class="relative w-4.8 h-4.8 rounded-full bg-neutral-100 flex justify-center items-center flex-shrink-0 mr-1.6">
                    <svg width="12" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 14" fill="none" class=" w-1.6 lg:w-1.9 transition-all text-neutral-600 transition-all group-hover:text-accent-light-blue" xmlns="">
                        d="M6 0.333496C3.2 0.333496 0.666664 2.48016 0.666664 5.80016C0.666664 7.92016 2.3 10.4135 5.56 13.2868C5.81333 13.5068 6.19333 13.5068 6.44666 13.2868C9.7 10.4135 11.3333 7.92016 11.3333 5.80016C11.3333 2.48016 8.8 0.333496 6 0.333496ZM6 7.00016C5.26666 7.00016 4.66666 6.40016 4.66666 5.66683C4.66666 4.9335 5.26666 4.3335 6 4.3335C6.73333 4.3335 7.33333 4.9335 7.33333 5.66683C7.33333 6.40016 6.73333 7.00016 6 7.00016Z"
                  <span class="relative block">
                    <span class="relative block w-full body-sm mb-0 text-accent-dark-blue-2 font-bold transition-all group-hover:text-accent-light-blue">Merrion Centre &amp; First Direct Arena</span>
        <ul class="w-full h-full list-none">
          <li class="w-full py-0.8 transition-all hover:bg-neutral-100 translate-x-0 opacity-1 | prebooking__location-item | js-pb-location-item">
            <button type="button" data-location-id="2" data-location="London" class="relative w-full px-1.6 py-0.8 text-sm text-accent-dark-blue-2 flex items-center justify-between text-left group | js-pb-location-btn">
              <span class="relative block w-full pr-3.6 font-bold transition-all group-hover:text-accent-light-blue">London</span>
              <svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" class="relative w-1.6 h-1.4 text-accent-dark-blue-2 flex-shrink-0 transition-all group-hover:text-accent-light-blue" xmlns="">
                <path d="M1.4375 8H14.5625" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path>
                <path d="M8.4375 14.125L14.5625 8L8.4375 1.875" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path>
          <li class="absolute top-0 left-0 w-full h-0 overflow-hidden transition-all translate-x-full opacity-0 | prebooking__car-park-item | js-pb-car-park-item">
            <div class="relative w-full h-[5.3rem] flex items-center justify-center text-center">
              <h4 class="relative mx-auto max-w-[18rem] 2lg:max-w-unset lg:text-base xl:text-md">Select a car park in London</h4>
              <button type="button" class="absolute top-0 left-0 w-6 h-[5.3rem] | js-pb-locations-back-btn">
                <svg width="14" height="8" viewBox="0 0 14 8" fill="none"
                  class="absolute top-6/12 left-6/12 -translate-x-6/12 -translate-y-6/12 w-1 lg:w-1.4 transition-all rotate-90 text-accent-dark-blue-2 flex-shrink-0 transition-all hover:text-accent-light-blue" xmlns="">
                    d="M0.29289 0.293378C0.68342 -0.0971417 1.31658 -0.0971416 1.70711 0.293378L7 5.58629L12.2929 0.293379C12.6834 -0.0971406 13.3166 -0.0971405 13.7071 0.293379C14.0976 0.68391 14.0976 1.31709 13.7071 1.70759L7.7071 7.70759C7.3166 8.09809 6.6834 8.09809 6.2929 7.70759L0.29289 1.70759C-0.0976301 1.31709 -0.0976301 0.683908 0.29289 0.293378Z"
                <span class="sr-only">Back</span>
            <ul class="relative w-full list-none mt-1">
              <li class="relative w-full py-0.2 transition-all ">
                <button type="button" data-car-park-id="4" data-carpark="Bell Street" class="relative w-full px-1.6 py-0.8 flex items-center justify-start text-left group | js-pb-car-park">
                  <span class="relative w-4.8 h-4.8 rounded-full bg-neutral-100 flex justify-center items-center flex-shrink-0 mr-1.6">
                    <svg width="12" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 14" fill="none" class=" w-1.6 lg:w-1.9 transition-all text-neutral-600 transition-all group-hover:text-accent-light-blue" xmlns="">
                        d="M6 0.333496C3.2 0.333496 0.666664 2.48016 0.666664 5.80016C0.666664 7.92016 2.3 10.4135 5.56 13.2868C5.81333 13.5068 6.19333 13.5068 6.44666 13.2868C9.7 10.4135 11.3333 7.92016 11.3333 5.80016C11.3333 2.48016 8.8 0.333496 6 0.333496ZM6 7.00016C5.26666 7.00016 4.66666 6.40016 4.66666 5.66683C4.66666 4.9335 5.26666 4.3335 6 4.3335C6.73333 4.3335 7.33333 4.9335 7.33333 5.66683C7.33333 6.40016 6.73333 7.00016 6 7.00016Z"
                  <span class="relative block">
                    <span class="relative block w-full body-sm mb-0 text-accent-dark-blue-2 font-bold transition-all group-hover:text-accent-light-blue">Bell Street</span>
              <li class="relative w-full py-0.2 transition-all ">
                <button type="button" data-car-park-id="5" data-carpark="Clements Road" class="relative w-full px-1.6 py-0.8 flex items-center justify-start text-left group | js-pb-car-park">
                  <span class="relative w-4.8 h-4.8 rounded-full bg-neutral-100 flex justify-center items-center flex-shrink-0 mr-1.6">
                    <svg width="12" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 14" fill="none" class=" w-1.6 lg:w-1.9 transition-all text-neutral-600 transition-all group-hover:text-accent-light-blue" xmlns="">
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                  <span class="relative block">
                    <span class="relative block w-full body-sm mb-0 text-accent-dark-blue-2 font-bold transition-all group-hover:text-accent-light-blue">Clements Road</span>
              <li class="relative w-full py-0.2 transition-all ">
                <button type="button" data-car-park-id="6" data-carpark="Clipstone Street" class="relative w-full px-1.6 py-0.8 flex items-center justify-start text-left group | js-pb-car-park">
                  <span class="relative w-4.8 h-4.8 rounded-full bg-neutral-100 flex justify-center items-center flex-shrink-0 mr-1.6">
                    <svg width="12" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 14" fill="none" class=" w-1.6 lg:w-1.9 transition-all text-neutral-600 transition-all group-hover:text-accent-light-blue" xmlns="">
                        d="M6 0.333496C3.2 0.333496 0.666664 2.48016 0.666664 5.80016C0.666664 7.92016 2.3 10.4135 5.56 13.2868C5.81333 13.5068 6.19333 13.5068 6.44666 13.2868C9.7 10.4135 11.3333 7.92016 11.3333 5.80016C11.3333 2.48016 8.8 0.333496 6 0.333496ZM6 7.00016C5.26666 7.00016 4.66666 6.40016 4.66666 5.66683C4.66666 4.9335 5.26666 4.3335 6 4.3335C6.73333 4.3335 7.33333 4.9335 7.33333 5.66683C7.33333 6.40016 6.73333 7.00016 6 7.00016Z"
                  <span class="relative block">
                    <span class="relative block w-full body-sm mb-0 text-accent-dark-blue-2 font-bold transition-all group-hover:text-accent-light-blue">Clipstone Street</span>
              <li class="relative w-full py-0.2 transition-all ">
                <button type="button" data-car-park-id="30" data-carpark="London Barbican" class="relative w-full px-1.6 py-0.8 flex items-center justify-start text-left group | js-pb-car-park">
                  <span class="relative w-4.8 h-4.8 rounded-full bg-neutral-100 flex justify-center items-center flex-shrink-0 mr-1.6">
                    <svg width="12" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 14" fill="none" class=" w-1.6 lg:w-1.9 transition-all text-neutral-600 transition-all group-hover:text-accent-light-blue" xmlns="">
                        d="M6 0.333496C3.2 0.333496 0.666664 2.48016 0.666664 5.80016C0.666664 7.92016 2.3 10.4135 5.56 13.2868C5.81333 13.5068 6.19333 13.5068 6.44666 13.2868C9.7 10.4135 11.3333 7.92016 11.3333 5.80016C11.3333 2.48016 8.8 0.333496 6 0.333496ZM6 7.00016C5.26666 7.00016 4.66666 6.40016 4.66666 5.66683C4.66666 4.9335 5.26666 4.3335 6 4.3335C6.73333 4.3335 7.33333 4.9335 7.33333 5.66683C7.33333 6.40016 6.73333 7.00016 6 7.00016Z"
                  <span class="relative block">
                    <span class="relative block w-full body-sm mb-0 text-accent-dark-blue-2 font-bold transition-all group-hover:text-accent-light-blue">London Barbican</span>
              <li class="relative w-full py-0.2 transition-all ">
                <button type="button" data-car-park-id="31" data-carpark="Portman Square" class="relative w-full px-1.6 py-0.8 flex items-center justify-start text-left group | js-pb-car-park">
                  <span class="relative w-4.8 h-4.8 rounded-full bg-neutral-100 flex justify-center items-center flex-shrink-0 mr-1.6">
                    <svg width="12" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 14" fill="none" class=" w-1.6 lg:w-1.9 transition-all text-neutral-600 transition-all group-hover:text-accent-light-blue" xmlns="">
                        d="M6 0.333496C3.2 0.333496 0.666664 2.48016 0.666664 5.80016C0.666664 7.92016 2.3 10.4135 5.56 13.2868C5.81333 13.5068 6.19333 13.5068 6.44666 13.2868C9.7 10.4135 11.3333 7.92016 11.3333 5.80016C11.3333 2.48016 8.8 0.333496 6 0.333496ZM6 7.00016C5.26666 7.00016 4.66666 6.40016 4.66666 5.66683C4.66666 4.9335 5.26666 4.3335 6 4.3335C6.73333 4.3335 7.33333 4.9335 7.33333 5.66683C7.33333 6.40016 6.73333 7.00016 6 7.00016Z"
                  <span class="relative block">
                    <span class="relative block w-full body-sm mb-0 text-accent-dark-blue-2 font-bold transition-all group-hover:text-accent-light-blue">Portman Square</span>
        <ul class="w-full h-full list-none">
          <li class="w-full py-0.8 transition-all hover:bg-neutral-100 translate-x-0 opacity-1 | prebooking__location-item | js-pb-location-item">
            <button type="button" data-location-id="3" data-location="Manchester" class="relative w-full px-1.6 py-0.8 text-sm text-accent-dark-blue-2 flex items-center justify-between text-left group | js-pb-location-btn">
              <span class="relative block w-full pr-3.6 font-bold transition-all group-hover:text-accent-light-blue">Manchester</span>
              <svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" class="relative w-1.6 h-1.4 text-accent-dark-blue-2 flex-shrink-0 transition-all group-hover:text-accent-light-blue" xmlns="">
                <path d="M1.4375 8H14.5625" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path>
                <path d="M8.4375 14.125L14.5625 8L8.4375 1.875" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path>
          <li class="absolute top-0 left-0 w-full h-0 overflow-hidden transition-all translate-x-full opacity-0 | prebooking__car-park-item | js-pb-car-park-item">
            <div class="relative w-full h-[5.3rem] flex items-center justify-center text-center">
              <h4 class="relative mx-auto max-w-[18rem] 2lg:max-w-unset lg:text-base xl:text-md">Select a car park in Manchester</h4>
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                <svg width="14" height="8" viewBox="0 0 14 8" fill="none"
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                    <span class="relative block w-full body-sm mb-0 text-accent-dark-blue-2 font-bold transition-all group-hover:text-accent-light-blue">New Jackson</span>
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                    <span class="relative block w-full body-sm mb-0 text-accent-dark-blue-2  font-bold transition-all group-hover:text-accent-light-blue">John Lewis Car Park</span>
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              <span class="relative block w-full pr-3.6 transition-all group-hover:text-accent-light-blue">Hull</span>
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                    <span class="relative block w-full body-sm mb-0 text-accent-dark-blue-2  font-bold transition-all group-hover:text-accent-light-blue">Wright Street</span>
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              <span class="relative block w-full pr-3.6 transition-all group-hover:text-accent-light-blue">Leeds</span>
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                    d="M0.29289 0.293378C0.68342 -0.0971417 1.31658 -0.0971416 1.70711 0.293378L7 5.58629L12.2929 0.293379C12.6834 -0.0971406 13.3166 -0.0971405 13.7071 0.293379C14.0976 0.68391 14.0976 1.31709 13.7071 1.70759L7.7071 7.70759C7.3166 8.09809 6.6834 8.09809 6.2929 7.70759L0.29289 1.70759C-0.0976301 1.31709 -0.0976301 0.683908 0.29289 0.293378Z"
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                        d="M6 0.333496C3.2 0.333496 0.666664 2.48016 0.666664 5.80016C0.666664 7.92016 2.3 10.4135 5.56 13.2868C5.81333 13.5068 6.19333 13.5068 6.44666 13.2868C9.7 10.4135 11.3333 7.92016 11.3333 5.80016C11.3333 2.48016 8.8 0.333496 6 0.333496ZM6 7.00016C5.26666 7.00016 4.66666 6.40016 4.66666 5.66683C4.66666 4.9335 5.26666 4.3335 6 4.3335C6.73333 4.3335 7.33333 4.9335 7.33333 5.66683C7.33333 6.40016 6.73333 7.00016 6 7.00016Z"
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                    <span class="relative block w-full body-sm mb-0 text-accent-dark-blue-2  font-bold transition-all group-hover:text-accent-light-blue">123 Albion Street</span>
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                    <span class="relative block w-full body-sm mb-0 text-accent-dark-blue-2  font-bold transition-all group-hover:text-accent-light-blue">Leeds Dock (Clarence Dock)</span>
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                    <span class="relative block w-full body-sm mb-0 text-accent-dark-blue-2  font-bold transition-all group-hover:text-accent-light-blue">Merrion Centre &amp; First Direct Arena</span>
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                    d="M0.29289 0.293378C0.68342 -0.0971417 1.31658 -0.0971416 1.70711 0.293378L7 5.58629L12.2929 0.293379C12.6834 -0.0971406 13.3166 -0.0971405 13.7071 0.293379C14.0976 0.68391 14.0976 1.31709 13.7071 1.70759L7.7071 7.70759C7.3166 8.09809 6.6834 8.09809 6.2929 7.70759L0.29289 1.70759C-0.0976301 1.31709 -0.0976301 0.683908 0.29289 0.293378Z"
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                        d="M6 0.333496C3.2 0.333496 0.666664 2.48016 0.666664 5.80016C0.666664 7.92016 2.3 10.4135 5.56 13.2868C5.81333 13.5068 6.19333 13.5068 6.44666 13.2868C9.7 10.4135 11.3333 7.92016 11.3333 5.80016C11.3333 2.48016 8.8 0.333496 6 0.333496ZM6 7.00016C5.26666 7.00016 4.66666 6.40016 4.66666 5.66683C4.66666 4.9335 5.26666 4.3335 6 4.3335C6.73333 4.3335 7.33333 4.9335 7.33333 5.66683C7.33333 6.40016 6.73333 7.00016 6 7.00016Z"
                  <span class="relative block">
                    <span class="relative block w-full body-sm mb-0 text-accent-dark-blue-2  font-bold transition-all group-hover:text-accent-light-blue">Bell Street</span>
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              <li class="relative w-full py-0.2 transition-all ">
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                  <span class="relative block">
                    <span class="relative block w-full body-sm mb-0 text-accent-dark-blue-2  font-bold transition-all group-hover:text-accent-light-blue">Clements Road</span>
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              <li class="relative w-full py-0.2 transition-all ">
                <button type="button" data-car-park-id="6" data-carpark="Clipstone Street" class="relative w-full px-1.6 py-0.8 flex items-center justify-start text-left group | js-pb-car-park">
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                  <span class="relative block">
                    <span class="relative block w-full body-sm mb-0 text-accent-dark-blue-2  font-bold transition-all group-hover:text-accent-light-blue">Clipstone Street</span>
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              <li class="relative w-full py-0.2 transition-all ">
                <button type="button" data-car-park-id="30" data-carpark="London Barbican" class="relative w-full px-1.6 py-0.8 flex items-center justify-start text-left group | js-pb-car-park">
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                  <span class="relative block">
                    <span class="relative block w-full body-sm mb-0 text-accent-dark-blue-2  font-bold transition-all group-hover:text-accent-light-blue">London Barbican</span>
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              <li class="relative w-full py-0.2 transition-all ">
                <button type="button" data-car-park-id="31" data-carpark="Portman Square" class="relative w-full px-1.6 py-0.8 flex items-center justify-start text-left group | js-pb-car-park">
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                  <span class="relative block">
                    <span class="relative block w-full body-sm mb-0 text-accent-dark-blue-2  font-bold transition-all group-hover:text-accent-light-blue">Portman Square</span>
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              <span class="relative block w-full pr-3.6 transition-all group-hover:text-accent-light-blue">Manchester</span>
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                    d="M0.29289 0.293378C0.68342 -0.0971417 1.31658 -0.0971416 1.70711 0.293378L7 5.58629L12.2929 0.293379C12.6834 -0.0971406 13.3166 -0.0971405 13.7071 0.293379C14.0976 0.68391 14.0976 1.31709 13.7071 1.70759L7.7071 7.70759C7.3166 8.09809 6.6834 8.09809 6.2929 7.70759L0.29289 1.70759C-0.0976301 1.31709 -0.0976301 0.683908 0.29289 0.293378Z"
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                    <span class="relative block w-full body-sm mb-0 text-accent-dark-blue-2  font-bold transition-all group-hover:text-accent-light-blue">AO Arena</span>
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                  <span class="relative block">
                    <span class="relative block w-full body-sm mb-0 text-accent-dark-blue-2  font-bold transition-all group-hover:text-accent-light-blue">Dale Street</span>
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                    <span class="relative block w-full body-sm mb-0 text-accent-dark-blue-2  font-bold transition-all group-hover:text-accent-light-blue">New Jackson</span>
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                    <span class="relative block w-full body-sm mb-0 text-accent-dark-blue-2  font-bold transition-all group-hover:text-accent-light-blue">Northampton Road</span>
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                  <span class="relative block">
                    <span class="relative block w-full body-sm mb-0 text-accent-dark-blue-2  font-bold transition-all group-hover:text-accent-light-blue">Tariff Street MSCP</span>
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              <span class="relative block w-full pr-3.6 transition-all group-hover:text-accent-light-blue">Rickmansworth</span>
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                    d="M0.29289 0.293378C0.68342 -0.0971417 1.31658 -0.0971416 1.70711 0.293378L7 5.58629L12.2929 0.293379C12.6834 -0.0971406 13.3166 -0.0971405 13.7071 0.293379C14.0976 0.68391 14.0976 1.31709 13.7071 1.70759L7.7071 7.70759C7.3166 8.09809 6.6834 8.09809 6.2929 7.70759L0.29289 1.70759C-0.0976301 1.31709 -0.0976301 0.683908 0.29289 0.293378Z"
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              <span class="relative block w-full pr-3.6 transition-all group-hover:text-accent-light-blue">Watford</span>
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Powered by
 * Car Parks
   7 Whitehall Road 123 Albion Street Leeds Dock Merrion Centre & First Direct
   AO Arena Dale Street Ducie Street New Jackson Northampton Road Tariff Street
   Bell Street Clements Road Clipstone Street London Barbican Portman Square
   Church Gade Sutton

 * About us
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Car Parks
Leeds Dock Armouries Drive, Leeds, LS10 1LE

Merrion Centre & First Direct Arena 5 Merrion Way, Leeds, LS2 8BT

7 Whitehall Road 7 Whitehall Road, Leeds, LS1 4AW

123 Albion Street 123 Albion Street, Leeds, LS2 8ER

Dale Street 75 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2HG

Tariff Street 30 Tariff Street, Manchester, M1 2FJ

Ducie Street Ducie St, Manchester, M1 2JW

AO Arena Arena, New Bridge Street, Manchester, M3 1AR

New Jackson New Jackson, 9 Silvercroft St, Manchester, M15 4AX

Clements Road Clements Road, Ilford, London, IG1 1AG

Clipstone Street Clipstone Mews, London, W1W 5DG

Bell Street Burne House, 5 Bell Street, NW1 5BZ

Sutton Estcourt Road, Watford, WD17 2PS

Gade Gade Car Park, Rosslyn Road, Watford, WD18 0JX

Church Exchange Road, Watford, WD18 0PL

Rickmansworth Homestead Road, Rickmansworth, WD3 1FX

Cheltenham John Lewis car park, Albion Street, Cheltenham, GL52 2RR

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 * Leeds

   * Leeds Dock (Clarence Dock)
   * Merrion Centre & First Direct Arena

 * London

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   * Clements Road
   * Clipstone Street
   * London Barbican
   * Portman Square

 * Manchester

   * AO Arena
   * Dale Street
   * Ducie Street
   * New Jackson
   * Northampton Road
   * Tariff Street MSCP

 * Rickmansworth

   * Rickmansworth

 * Watford

   * Church
   * Gade
   * Sutton

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   * Merrion Centre & First Direct Arena Address content or map

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   * Portman Square Address content or map

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   * John Lewis Car Park

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   * Leeds Dock (Clarence Dock)
   * Merrion Centre & First Direct Arena

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   * Bell Street
   * Clements Road
   * Clipstone Street
   * London Barbican
   * Portman Square

 * Manchester

   * AO Arena
   * Dale Street
   * Ducie Street
   * New Jackson
   * Northampton Road
   * Tariff Street MSCP

 * Rickmansworth

   * Rickmansworth

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   * Church
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   * Sutton

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   * Merrion Centre & First Direct Arena Address content or map

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   * Clipstone Street Address content or map
   * London Barbican Address content or map
   * Portman Square Address content or map

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   * New Jackson Address content or map
   * Northampton Road Address content or map
   * Tariff Street MSCP Address content or map

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See car parks


See car parks


See car parks


See car parks


See car parks


See car parks
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See car parks


See car parks


See car parks


See car parks


See car parks


See car parks


From our easy-to-use booking system to the latest tech, we make parking smooth,
simple and safe.


The latest ANPR technology can be found in all branches and enables a smooth
entry and exit process for customers.

Our on-site teams and 24/7 helpdesk are on hand to ensure our car parks remain
clean, well-lit and a safe environment for visitors.


CitiPark Season tickets are suitable for regular commuters and are available at
all locations across the UK.

Available as single tickets or for multiple vehicles, they make the perfect
partner for any business with parking requirements.


EV Charging is available across the majority of our portfolio through our
subsidiary, CitiCharge.

With both universal and Tesla Destination charging bays available, we are proud
to deliver our ongoing commitment to Going Green.


With over 20 branches in prime locations across the UK, there's a space for you
at CitiPark!

From concert goers to shopping enthusiasts, regular commuters to day trippers...
we have you covered!


Did you know you can save up to 40% versus the turn up and park tariff by
prebooking with CitiPark?

Our easy-to-use app and booking system takes the pain out of parking with the
click of a button!

Find out more


Whilst our 24/7 helpdesk are happy to assist, we have highlighted some of the
most regular asked questions to make your parking experience even smoother


You can pre-book your parking at any of our car parks online
at or via the CitiPark app, simply select the 'Pre-book' tab
and follow the instructions.


You can cancel your pre-booking up to 15 minutes before your parking session is
due to start. Simply visit the ‘Active Tickets’ section in your online account
or via the CitiPark app and follow the instructions. Refunds are issued back to
the original payment method within 10 working days. 


There are no specific spaces for pre-book customers - simply enter the car park
and choose your own available space.


If the entry barriers do not automatically lift for you, please scan the QR code
provided in your confirmation email or active pre-booking ticket (online or via
the CitiPark app) at the entry barrier. If you're still having trouble, you can
press the help button and speak to a member of our team. 


As you approach the barriers at the car park, the ANPR (Automatic Number Plate
Recognition) cameras will read your number plate, match it with your pre-booking
and allow you to enter the car park.


You can change the Registration Plate on your pre-booking up to 15 minutes
before your parking session is due to start online or via the CitiPark app.
Alternatively, you can scan the QR code provided on your email confirmation and
active pre-booking ticket (online or via the CitiPark app) at the car park entry


Easily manage your parking with our mobile app.

Download on the App Store Get it on Google Play


 * About us
 * Latest Info
 * FAQ
 * Contact


Products & Services
 * Season Tickets
 * Car Parking
 * EV Charging
 * Event Parking
 * Corporate Partnerships


   03333 444 939
 * Daily 24 Hours
   CitiPark Town Centre House The Merrion Centre, Leeds LS2 8LY

Save time and avoid queues with the CitiPark App

Download on the App Store Get it on Google Play
 * Privacy Policy
 * Terms & Conditions

© 2024 CitiPark Company No. 05494592 VAT No. GB170156192
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