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Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, CC BY 3.0 — Map data © OpenStreetMap

On two wheels, the world unfolds,
Rich with tales that must be told.


This lengthy journey I undertake,
To meet kind souls, for shared dreams' sake.



Everyone has their own purpose in life. While many people find comfort and
direction in the path set by their culture, family, or traditions, my experience
has been a bit different. Introspection serves as a valuable tool for
challenging these conventional paths, as it lends a rational approach to life
decisions. In my case, however, introspection wasn't the sole factor that led me
to choose a different path, though it certainly played a role. I believe the
environment and system around me constantly signaled that the 'normal' path was
not sustainable. The realization set in that merely working hard in an office to
support a civilization on the brink of collapse would only hasten that
collapse—and I would be a part of it. Inspired by the idea that we should be the
change we wish to see in the world, I decided to align my actions with my
beliefs, all while striving to live the best life I can envision. To me, life is
about amassing as many diverse experiences as possible, interacting with a range
of cultures, and embracing the full spectrum of human emotions. A desk job may
have its rewards, but it offers a limited palette of experiences. After all,
life's richness extends far beyond the colors displayed on a computer screen.


I have a background in Information Technology, and even though my career hasn't
followed that path, my interest in the field remains unabated. Over the years,
I've regularly updated my personal website, always staying attuned to the latest
technological advancements. A few years ago, I was captivated by the idea of
hosting my website on the blockchain to immortalize it. Discovering the Internet
Computer prior to its genesis solidified my belief that it could revolutionize
digital experiences while also addressing issues of democracy, transparency,
sustainability, and decentralization. In my younger years, I wasn't particularly
keen on travel. However, certain individuals ignited my wanderlust, and over the
last decade, I've lived in multiple countries, learned local languages, and
accumulated invaluable experiences. Another facet of my life worth noting is my
love for sports; I believe that mental well-being is inextricably linked to
physical health, and a harmonious balance between the two is essential. This
philosophy has led me to develop a keen interest in bikepacking. So far, I've
undertaken two trips, each covering around 3,000 km, through Portugal and Italy.
These journeys were essentially trial runs to gauge my capabilities for much
longer expeditions—like traversing Africa, the Silk Road, and North to South
America. I am optimistic that my goals are attainable through a combination of
factors: my current savings, my frugal lifestyle, and the support of communities
that I plan to advocate for during my travels. As I have no fixed commitments,
my departure date is flexible, and the destination could even be influenced by






Is this website ... ? ▼
It is not finished and has still bugs and improvement scheduled. But I still
hope you like it !
Hosted using Juno and love on the IC.
Here find the source code Github.
Why are you doing this ? ▼
I've always found cycling around the globe to be incredibly rewarding
- First and foremost, the bicycle allows me to experience landscapes at an ideal
pace. Everything moves just fast enough to keep my senses engaged, yet slow
enough to allow me the time to absorb the beauty that surrounds me.
- Bikes are like magnets for awesome conversations. No kidding, I've had chats
that were both profound and profoundly funny, often with people I've just met!
Who knows, we might even meet !
- From unpredictable weather to mysterious bike paths that Google Maps never
heard of, every day has its mini-adventures that keep your brain in high gear.
- Besides testing my endurance and my laundry skills, I aim to share these
journeys with you. Let's create stories, meet incredible humans, and discover
ideas and values that could very well be life-changing
How long are you doing this ? ▼
Well, you see, time's not exactly the issue, as long as the cash keeps rolling
in, so do I.
Want to sponsor my next leg? Your logo/app/website might be the main topic in my
next story. And hey, if you have a cool project on the #internetcomputer, my
route might just get a detour.
You can even influence my path, but let's keep it above board, people; I won't
be cycling through 'No Entry' signs or promoting anything sketchy.
What are the values/things you are promoting ? ▼
First off, world peace—yeah, it's a cliché, but only because it's important,
folks. It's like the Wi-Fi of humanity; everyone needs it, but they forget until
it's gone. Respect and open mind : necessary values to reach the above.
Then, let's talk respect and open-mindedness. Think of them as the two wheels of
a bike: without one, you're going in circles. Get it?
A sustainable future is a must! We're talking less Game of Thrones, more Captain
Planet. So less sword fights and more saving trees and, oh yeah, blockchain that
actually does something useful for once.
And lastly, enjoying the journey! On a bike, the world's your oyster, but with
less seafood. Slow travel, baby, where the adventures are as rich as a
triple-fudge sundae.
When are you starting ? ▼
August 2024 if everything goes as panned.
How to contact you ? ▼
So far you can contact me on @ICbicycle.