www.tendersinfo.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

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Effective URL: https://www.tendersinfo.com/
Submission: On August 08 via api from DK — Scanned from DK

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Tendersinfo a brand owned by Euclid Infotech Ltd.(Formerly known as Euclid
Infotech Private Limited) is world's one of the largest Public Procurement
Support Services/Consulting company. With most comprehensive database of
International Tenders, Projects, Business news and Contract Award from
Multilateral Funding agencies, Federal, State, County Government, Utilities
sector, Hospitals, Schools, Ports, NGO's, Defense Forces etc. In addition, it
also offers market & Company Intelligence information, Bid Outsourcing, Bid
Advisory & E-procurement support as its major service offerings supporting SME's
to Fortune 500 companies world over.

Top Categories









Global Tenders
1 .
Sectors : Healthcare Equipment and Services Diagnostic Cardiology Adults
Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring map
Ref No: 476512968 Due Date : 08 Aug 2022

2 .
Sectors : Building Completion Of Work On The Object Of The Cinema semetey In The
Village Of Kyzyl adyr
Tender value : KGS 1.84 Million
Ref No: 476512964 Due Date : 08 Aug 2022

3 .
Sectors : Chemicals One 1 Sterilizer For Ethylene Oxide With Low Temperature
Ref No: 476512960 Due Date : 08 Aug 2022

4 .
Sectors : Pharmaceuticals Igss Code 763 Topiramato Tablet 100 Mg
Ref No: 476512955 Due Date : 08 Aug 2022

5 .
Sectors : Technology Hardware and Equipment Toner Cartridge Code Ce320a Color
Black Printer Use Toner Cartridge Code Ce321a Color Cyan Printer
Ref No: 476512951 Due Date : 08 Aug 2022

6 .
Sectors : Engineering Development Of A Project For The Implementation Of An
Automated Monitoring System
Tender value : KZT 7.32 Million
Ref No: 476512948 Due Date : 08 Aug 2022

7 .
Sectors : Building Repair Of The Administrative Rooms Of The Cinema semeti In
The Village Of Kyzyl adyr
Tender value : KGS 1.26 Million
Ref No: 476512947 Due Date : 08 Aug 2022

8 .
Sectors : Pharmaceuticals Delivery To Georgia southern Region
Tender value : KZT 6.80 Million
Ref No: 476512945 Due Date : 08 Aug 2022

9 .
Sectors : Pharmaceuticals Igss Code 890 Valproic Acid valproate Syrup Or
Suspension Or Oral Solution Of 250 Mg5 Ml Bottles 1
Ref No: 476512943 Due Date : 08 Aug 2022

10 .
Sectors : Metals and Non-Metals Code 9954 Modified Bipolar Clamp For
Videocirugia For Sealing Vessels Of 1 To 7 Mm With Cutting Blad
Ref No: 476512939 Due Date : 08 Aug 2022

View Tenders

Tenders From India
1 .
Sector : Real Estate Auction Sale Of Property Landtamil
Ref No: 476502545 Due Date : 24 Aug 2022

2 .
Sector : Aviation,Software Services Expression Of Interest For The
Implementation Of A Comprehensive Package Of Erp Software For Ksrtc
Ref No: 476502544 Due Date : 11 Aug 2022

3 .
Sector : Infrastructure and construction Laying Of 110mm Pvc Pipe Line From Rafi
Ahmad To Nazim Manzur In Moh Pathanpura Najibabad
Tender value : INR 272000
Ref No: 476502543 Due Date : 22 Aug 2022

4 .
Sector : Transportation,Aviation,Banking, Finance, Insurance and Securities
(BFIS),Consultancy,Engineering,Management, business and administration,Law and
legal,Education and Training,laboratory equipment and services Preparation Of
Dofuments As Per Requirements Of Iso 140012015 or Latest Standards Providing
Ref No: 476502542 Due Date : 23 Aug 2022

5 .
Sector : Services,Infrastructure and construction Reputed And Experienced
Agencies For The Work Renovation Proper Wall Treatment With Painting Of Cla
Ref No: 476502541 Due Date : 29 Aug 2022

6 .
Sector : Energy, Power and Electrical,Infrastructure and construction,Building
Construction Of Additional Office Building In Manamadurai Municipality
Ref No: 476502540 Due Date : 24 Aug 2022

7 .
Sector : Infrastructure and construction Laying Of 160mm Pvc Pipe Line Near
Fatak No 3 To Plot Of Jameel In Moh Zabtaganj Najibabad
Tender value : INR 262000
Ref No: 476502539 Due Date : 22 Aug 2022

8 .
Sector : Machinery and Equipments(M&E) Bioremediation Work In 03 Nala Haridwar
Road Near Hmh Hospital And Shamshan Ghaat And Moh Shyamli Ne
Tender value : INR 4.00 Million
Ref No: 476502538 Due Date : 22 Aug 2022

9 .
Sector : Infrastructure and construction Laying Of 110mm Pvc Pipe Line From
Munsafi Gate To Vishal Watch In Moh Muglushah Najibabad
Tender value : INR 236000
Ref No: 476502537 Due Date : 22 Aug 2022

10 .
Sector : Infrastructure and construction Laying Of 160mm Pvc Pipe Line From
Station Chowk To Wakeel Chicken Shop In Moh Wahid Nagar Najibabad
Tender value : INR 376000
Ref No: 476502536 Due Date : 22 Aug 2022

View Tenders

Free Tenders
 * Supply Of Filtration System (dust Control) And Climate Control For Wearhouse
 * Integrated Planning And Implemention Of Market
 * Development And Implementation Of Reuse Refill
 * Developing Modules And Implementing Pilot Training Of Trainers (tots) On
   Sustainable Production And Organic Farming
 * Awareness-building Programs, And Provide Technical Backstopping For
   Identified Site-specific Thematic Interventions.
 * Farmer Registration In Mpkv And Jnkvv On New Nicessm Application
 * Selection Of An Agency FOR Market Linkages FOR Pine Needles AND Bamboo IN Hp
 * Integration Of Forest Ecosystem Services Approach In Forest Working Plan Of
   Dharamshala And Rohru Forest Divisions In Hp
 * Zero Waste Koyambedu (market And Bus Terminus), Chennai, Tamil Nadu
 * Pilot Demonstration Of Technical Measure At Pattinampakkam Beach (near Marina
   Beach), Chennai, Tamil Nadu
 * Modernizing And Strengthening Of Senelec Transmission Network
 * Documents Management System (archiving System+ Physical Mailing)
 * Implementation Of Impact Surveys For Sustainable Aquaculture For Food And
   Livelihood (safal) Project
 * Market Study & Location Assessment For 1000 Tonnes Per Day Green Ammonia
   Production In India
 * Regulatory Governance Support And Studies (including Financial Autonomy Study
   And Supporting Regulatory Enforcement)
 * Creation And Development Of Self-help Groups (shgs) To Promote Single-use
   Plastic (sup) Alternatives In The State Of Uttar Pradesh.
 * Refresher Course For The Environmental
 * Supply Of Par Sensors And Plant Canopy Analyser For Developpp Economic And
   Environmental Benefits Through Agrivoltaic (apv) Systems In India At Selected
   Locations In India.
 * Procurement Of Equipment: Shrink Wrap Machine Automatic, Air Compressor,
   Machinery Spare Parts & Maintenance Tools And Facility Supplies For
   Production Process For Chennai Sorting Centre.
 * Supply & Install Ups With Batteries For Chennai Sorting Centre.
 * Supply Of Photosynthesis System Under Developpp
 * Creation And Development Of Self-help Groups (shgs) To Promote Single-use
   Plastic (sup) Alternatives In The State Of Kerala.
 * Selecting Suppliers Of Main And Auxiliary Mining Equipment Required For
   Mining Operations
 * Providing It Services For Upgradation, Operations And Maintenance Of The
   Prana Portal
 * Rfp For Procurement Of Civil And Electrical Works For Construction Of Booster
   Pump Room At Lady Harding Hospital, Wasim, Maharashtra
 * Hiring Of Electric Car On Monthly Basis
 * Preventive Maintaince Contract For Fire Safety Equipment
 * Design And Construction Of A New Mt Hagen Hospital To Be Constructed On The
   Existing Hospital Site.

Business Intelligence

Procurement Analytical Tool is an encompassing tool designed to provide
significant detailed insights and market trends on Global Public Procurement
Buying, Multilateral Funding Agencies Funding Pattern, Competitor Analysis and
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Added Subscribers . This interactive analytical tool, a breakthrough cognitive
service that can render quick access to significant and visual information for
businesses. It is devised for making advanced and predictive analysis, simple to
understand and helpful in decision making. Tenders Info Analytical Tool is for
managerial leaders who bid in international market regularly.

India Market Entry Service

Tendersinfo India Market Entry Services was in built to stop all your barriers
and have a valuable market set up which not only helps to lower down the stress
of doing business in India but helps it to get done in a virtuous manner.
Knowing the business culture and understanding the market trends is a tedious

So in order to have a better Market understanding and thus creating a right set
up of your Business in Indian Market. Tendersinfo with India Market Entry expert
team ease down your needs to let you have a better and smooth way of
establishing business in India.

Bid Management Solution

Tendersinfo has came up with one of the best bid management tools in the
industry. This solution brings together all your internal procedures and
information related to - pricing, bids, approvals, competition - into a single

Dump all the unproductive tasks – version control, pricing synch-up, follow-ups!
So that you can focus on the efforts that add value – pricing scenarios,
solution options, competitive analysis, OEM/sub-contractor negotiations, etc. It
brings down the time it takes to develop the commercial bids from months to
weeks to days.

Proposal Writing

TendersInfo with our Experts helps you in Crafting a proposal to support every
win requires a response that needs to bring together all the organization’s
resources with eye catching Graphics that contributes towards a World Class

The term tender proposal is used in the procurement field to describe the
response from potential suppliers to a request for proposal (RFP). There are
three aspects to every tender proposal: company overview, response to
specifications, and pricing. Tender proposals are legally binding responses in a
procurement process. The format of a tender proposal varies widely by industry,
but all have the same basic requirements. The most important part of any tender
response is the deadlines.

Zero Cost E Procurement Solution

Tendersinfo is going the extra mile by introducing the first ever zero cost e
procurement solution for government agencies to manage all their procurement and
negotiations online. Register all your suppliers on one single platform and
manage send rfp and receive responses with an easy managed solution.

Tender Info is offering the best in-class eProcurement solutions to the Public
and private organizations. With our global buyers and suppliers network, we are
providing the technology platforms to strategies the procurement with precise
tools and techniques. We provide the technology platform to enable all the
stakeholders – Buyers, Suppliers, Legal, and, Finance collaborate and align the
processes with the procurement policies and regulatory norms.


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Contract Awards


This section contains Awarded Contracts that deal with Chemicals. We recommend
using the following key words to narrow your search. In addition, you may search
Key Words that are not listed, and that may be used in specific areas of the


This section contains Contracts Awarded that deal with Consultancy. We recommend
using the following key words to narrow your search. In addition, you may search
Key Words that are not listed, and that may be used in specific areas of the


The Manufacturing Industry is broad and diverse. You will find within our
website, Contracts Awarded for Manufacturers in the Sectors listed below. The
Manufacturing Industry is second only to Infrastructure and Construction in
terms of the total number of Contracts Awarded listed.

Read More


Africa is the world's second-largest and second most-populous continent, after
Asia. The continent is surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea to the north, both
the Suez Canal and the Red Sea along the Sinai Peninsula to the northeast, the
Indian Ocean to the southeast, and the Atlantic Ocean to the west.


Asia-PacificorApacis that part of the world in or near the WesternPacific Ocean.
The area includes much ofEast Asia,Southeast Asia,AustralasiaandOceania. The
Asia Pacific is a region of great diversity.


Europe is the world's second-smallest continent by surface area. Europe is the
third most populous continent after Asia and Africa. As a continent, the economy
of Europe is currently the largest on Earth and it is the richest region as
measured by assets under management. Europe's largest national economy is that
of Germany, which ranks world's fifth-largest economy.

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With large and well-developed agricultural, mining, manufacturing, and service
sectors, Brazil's economy outweighs that of all other South American countries
and is expanding its presence in world markets.


Canada's economy is both mature and diverse, benefiting from an advanced
services sector, an abundance of natural resources, sound management and free
trade agreements.


The worlds second largest populated country, India, is the apple of the eye for
the world now. The world economies are seeing it as their potential market.
India has been one of the best performers in the world economy in recent years.
The economy of India is the fourth largest in the world.

Read More



 * Myanmar : Pyidaungsu Hluttaw approves loans from EDCF, IDA, ADB on final day
   of 16th regular session
 * Spain : Adif is putting out to tender a new contract to advance the
   development of the Master Plan for the Zaragoza-Teruel-Sagunto line
 * Bulgaria : OMV Petrom and Eldrive to install 30 fast charging stations for
   electric cars in filling stations in Romania and Bulgaria
 * Indonesia : ADB Approves $300 Million Loan to Increase Indonesia's Geothermal
   Electricity Generation
 * Cambodia : World Bank Approves $15 Million for Cambodia’s Pre-Service
   Education System for Health Professionals

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We really appreciate your services and your touch base with customers.


Our company is using different kind of procurement portals and am dealing with
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The service of Tendersinfo is of great help for EconoVision. Through your
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So far we are very satisfied with your services. Your daily e-mail alerts are
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search your website for information (tenders and projects).


"I am glad to say that we are very happy with the service of Tendersinfo. We
find the information very complete and up-to-date, and receive new tenders on a
daily basis."


"I am happy using your services. Email alerts keep coming in daily without miss
and your team has been answering to our queries promptly"


"Generally your tender alerts give us a good overview about worldwide tenders
which are being issued in the metering business. Some of them are already known
to us and some are new, especially in several new metering markets for us (e.g.
Iran, India, South East Asia, etc.).

Your alerts are well appreciated. Thank you for your support."


"All is fine and we like your company services and found several business leads
we normally would have missed"


Our company is using different kind of procurement portals and am dealing with
them every day! It is a wonderful experience and great help working/ searching
projects and tenders using your portal. TendersInfo is one of the most useful &
efficient portal we are using by far, in terms of information & intelligence,
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We're getting them and all is working fine. We're very satisfied with your
service and Ketan's support.


Our fruitful cooperation has been continuing, if I am not mistaken, since 2016
when the first contract with the regional center in South East Asia (Singapore)
was signed. In course of last three years, the services that have been provided
from your side don’t give even a chance to doubt in your high professionalism
and customer ’s orientation. All the requests that have been sent from our side
towards you company were processed on time despite to the time tight time frames
and the complexity of the task. Saying this I would be pleased to continue
cooperation with you personally as the manager who always does all possible
steps for customer satisfaction and with your company that proves itself as the
reliable partner. Have a nice weekend.


Our Clients





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