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URL: https://www.charleskeith.com/us/information/shopping-with-us/size-guide.html
Submission: On April 23 via api from SG — Scanned from SG

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Name: simpleSearchGET /us/search

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Name: login-formPOST /on/demandware.store/Sites-ck-us-Site/en_US/Account-Login

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Name: simpleSearchGET /us/search

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Name: email-formPOST /on/demandware.store/Sites-ck-us-Site/en_US/Account-PasswordResetDialogForm?mobile=

<form class="js-reset-password-form reset-password-form js-recaptcha" action="/on/demandware.store/Sites-ck-us-Site/en_US/Account-PasswordResetDialogForm?mobile=" method="POST" name="email-form" id="email-form">
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Name: login-formPOST /on/demandware.store/Sites-ck-us-Site/en_US/Account-Login

<form action="/on/demandware.store/Sites-ck-us-Site/en_US/Account-Login" class="js-login_form login_form js-chain_inline_validation_form" method="POST" name="login-form">
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      data-type-mismatch="Invalid email address" data-pattern-mismatch="Invalid email address" data-validation-group="100" pattern="^[A-Za-z0-9][\w%+-]*(?:\.[\w%+-]+)*@[A-Za-z0-9][\w.-]*\.[A-Za-z]{2,6}$" required="">
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    <input test-password-input="" type="password" autocomplete="current-password" class="form-control" name="loginPassword" placeholder="Password" data-missing-error="This field is required" data-pattern-error="Please match the requested format."
      data-validation-group="200" pattern="(?=^.{8,}$)((?=.*\d)|(?=.*\W+))(?![.\n])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[a-z]).*$" required="">
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POST /on/demandware.store/Sites-ck-us-Site/en_US/Newsletter-Subscribe

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Shoes Belts Rings Kids' Shoes
 * Shoes
 * Belts
 * Rings
 * Kids' Shoes


We are currently using Asian/European sizing for our footwear. To find your best
fit, follow these steps:
1. Measure your foot
Place the back of your foot against a wall on level ground. Then measure the
distance from point A to B.
The distance between A and B is the length of your feet.
2. Select your size
Refer to the size conversion chart below and select the size closest to the
length of your feet.

ASIA / EU US UK JP KR / CN Length of Foot (CM) 34 4 1 22 220 21.7 35 5 2 22.5
225 22.3 36 6 3 23 230 23 37 7 4 23.5 235 23.7 38 8 5 24.5 245 24.3 39 9 6 25
250 25 40 10 7 25.5 255 25.7 41 11 8 26 260 26.3 42 12 9 27 270 26.9 43 13 10
27.5 275 27.5

Size Chart for Adults
 * CHARLES & KEITH uses Asian/European size for its footwear collection.
 * If both sides of your feet are different in length, we recommend you select a
   shoe size based on the longer side.
 * The current recommended size chart does not include half size
   recommendations. We suggest you select the shoe size based on the length
   closest to your feet measurement.
 * Please note, foot length is not equivalent to shoe length.
 * Shoe comfort is dependent on a combination of factors such as size,
   design/cutting and heel height. For example, shoes that are of the same size,
   but are different in design/cutting, may not give you the same level of
 * These are recommended guidelines to get you the best possible fit for CHARLES
   & KEITH footwear collections only.



Refer to the size chart below and select the belt size closest to the length of
your waist/or hip, according to the belt type.

TYPE SIZE WAIST HIGH WAIST S 65cm/25.63" M 75cm/29.5" L 85cm/33.5" MID WAIST S
70cm/27.5" M 80cm/31.5" L 90cm/35.38" LOW WAIST S 80cm/31.5" M 90cm/33.38" L

 * This size chart is based on the belt type and can vary when worn at a higher
   or lower level.
 * The size of a belt indicates the measurement from the buckle prong (or other
   methods of closure) to the middle hole of the belt.

 * These are the recommended guidelines to get you the best possible fit for
   CHARLES & KEITH belt collections only.



Refer to the size chart below and match the ring size closest to the diameter

SIZE DIAMETER S 16.8mm/ 1.68cm M 17.7mm/1.78cm

 * Use this chart as a general guide. Sizing may vary depending on the shape of
   the ring.
 * Do choose a size that allows your finger to pass through the ring easily.



Download our printable kids' shoe size guide
Refer to the following size chart for the corresponding ages:

AGE EU UK US CN Length of Foot (CM) 0 - 3 months 16 0 1 95 9.5 3 - 6 months 17 1
2 100 10.2 6 - 9 months 18 2 3 110 10.8 9 - 12 months 19 3 4 115 11.5 1 - 1.5
years 20 4 5 125 12.5 1.5 years 21 4.5 5.5 130 13.1 1.5 - 2 years 22 5.5 6.5 140
13.8 2 – 2.5 years 23 6 7 145 14.5 2.5 - 3 years 24 7 8 150 15.1 3 - 3.5 years
25 7.5 8.5 160 15.8 3.5 - 4 years 26 8.5 9.5 165 16.5 4 - 4.5 years 27 9 10 170
17.1 4.5 - 5 years 28 10 11 180 17.8 5 - 5.5 years 29 10.5 11.5 185 18.5 5.5 - 6
years 30 11.5 12.5 190 19.1 6 - 6.5 years 31 12 13 200 19.8 6.5 - 7 years 32 13
1 205 20.5 7 - 7.5 years 33 1 2 210 21.1 7.5 - 8 years 34 2 3 220 21.8

Size Chart for Kids

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