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Submission: On October 06 via manual from ES — Scanned from ES

Form analysis 4 forms found in the DOM

Name: locationSearchForm

<form name="locationSearchForm" class="country__search-form ng-pristine ng-valid" ng-submit="locationSearchCtrl.selectCountry()" ewf-form="locationSearchForm">
  <div ewf-field="locationSearchKeyword" class="ng-scope">
    <span class="field">
      <i class="dhlicon-search country__search-icon"></i>
      <input type="text" autocomplete="off" name="searchKeyword" class="search-field country__search input input_width_full ng-pristine ng-valid ng-valid-ewf-valid ng-empty" placeholder="Quick Filter" ng-model="locationSearchCtrl.searchKeyword"
      <span class="validation-mark"></span>
    <div ewf-validation-errors="" class="ng-scope"></div>

<form role="form" novalidate="" class="ng-pristine ng-invalid ng-invalid-required">
  <strong class="label"> QUICK TRACKING </strong>
  <div ewf-tracking-input="" ewf-tracking-input-numbers="trackingPopupCtrl.trackingNumbers" ewf-tracking-input-class="textarea" ewf-tracking-input-placeholder="'Enter up to 10 numbers, separated by a comma or return'" class="ng-isolate-scope">
    <label ewf-control="" ewf-error-messages="trackingInputCtrl.trackingErrors" class="form-row"><span class="field-wrapper ng-scope"><textarea name="trackingNumbers" required="" placeholder="Enter up to 10 numbers, separated by a comma or return"
          ng-model="trackingInputCtrl.trackingNumbers" ng-class="trackingInputCtrl.inputClass" ewf-tracking-numbers="" aqa-id="trackByNumberTextArea"
          class="ng-scope textarea textarea_width_full ng-pristine ng-invalid ng-invalid-required ng-valid-tracking-numbers ng-empty"></textarea>&nbsp;<span class="validation-mark"></span>
        <div class="msg-error ng-scope" ewf-control-errors="trackingNumbers" ewf-error-messages="trackingInputCtrl.trackingErrors">
          <!-- ngRepeat: error in controlErrorsCtrl.getErrors() track by $index -->
          <div ng-repeat="error in controlErrorsCtrl.getErrors() track by $index" ng-bind="error" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Waybill or Temporary ID number required</div><!-- end ngRepeat: error in controlErrorsCtrl.getErrors() track by $index -->
  <div class="tracking-popup__btn-wrap v2-tracking-popup__btn-wrap">
    <button type="submit" class="btn btn_success btn_small " data-tracking="{'type':'trackingPopup','title':{'en': 'Track shipments'}}" ewfc-submit="trackingPopupCtrl.trackShipments()" aqa-id="submitTrackingNumbersBtn"> Track </button>

Name: loginForm

<form name="loginForm" novalidate="novalidate" class="fancy-form-container ng-pristine ng-invalid ng-invalid-ewf-valid" role="form" aqa-id="popupLoginForm">
  <div class="loginContainer_title">
    <!-- ngIf: loginCtrl.notification -->
  <div ewf-form-errors="" class="ng-scope">
    <!-- ngRepeat: errorMessage in formErrorsCtrl.formCtrl.formErrors -->
  <!-- ngIf: loginCtrl.userInactive -->
  <div ewf-field="username" class="ng-scope">
    <label class="field-wrapper login-form__input">
      <input class="input input_width_full required fancy-form-input ng-pristine ewf-email-validation ewf-required ng-valid-email ng-invalid ng-invalid-ewf-valid ng-empty" id="popup_form_username" name="username" type="email" autofocus=""
        autocomplete="off" ng-model="loginCtrl.username" ng-model-options="{ updateOn: 'blur'}" ewf-input="" ewf-input-no-char-validation="true" ewf-validate-required="" ewf-validate-required-message="Email address required" ewf-validate-email=""
        ewf-watch-input-value="" aqa-id="loginFormUserNameField">
      <span class="fancy-form-label-floating"> Email Address </span>
      <span class="validation-mark"></span>
      <!-- ngIf: fieldErrorsCtrl.getErrorMessages().length -->
      <div class="msg-error ng-scope" ng-if="fieldErrorsCtrl.getErrorMessages().length" aqa-id="rewardCardErrorMsgContainer" ewf-field-errors="">
        <!-- ngRepeat: errorMessage in fieldErrorsCtrl.getErrorMessages() track by $index -->
        <div role="alert" ng-repeat="errorMessage in fieldErrorsCtrl.getErrorMessages() track by $index" ng-bind-html="errorMessage.error | nls | replace: errorMessage.errorParams" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Email address required</div>
        <!-- end ngRepeat: errorMessage in fieldErrorsCtrl.getErrorMessages() track by $index -->
      </div><!-- end ngIf: fieldErrorsCtrl.getErrorMessages().length -->
  <div class="loginForm_passwordContainer  ng-scope" ewf-field="password">
    <div class="field-wrapper login-form__input">
        <input class="input input_width_full required fancy-form-input ng-pristine ewf-length-validation ewf-pattern-validation ewf-required ng-invalid ng-invalid-ewf-valid ng-empty" id="popup_form_password" name="password" type="password"
          autocomplete="off" ng-model="loginCtrl.password" ng-model-options="{ updateOn: 'blur input'}" ewf-input-password="" ewf-input-no-char-validation="true" ewf-input="" ewf-validate-required="" ewf-validate-required-message="Required"
          ewf-validate-length="" ewf-validate-length-max="35" ewf-validate-length-message="Invalid format" ewf-validate-pattern="PASSWORD" ewf-validate-pattern-message="Invalid format" ewf-watch-input-value="" aqa-id="loginFormPasswordField">
        <span class="fancy-form-label-floating"> Password </span>
        <span class="validation-mark"></span>
        <!-- ngIf: fieldErrorsCtrl.getErrorMessages().length -->
        <div class="msg-error ng-scope" ng-if="fieldErrorsCtrl.getErrorMessages().length" aqa-id="rewardCardErrorMsgContainer" ewf-field-errors="">
          <!-- ngRepeat: errorMessage in fieldErrorsCtrl.getErrorMessages() track by $index -->
          <div role="alert" ng-repeat="errorMessage in fieldErrorsCtrl.getErrorMessages() track by $index" ng-bind-html="errorMessage.error | nls | replace: errorMessage.errorParams" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Required</div>
          <!-- end ngRepeat: errorMessage in fieldErrorsCtrl.getErrorMessages() track by $index -->
        </div><!-- end ngIf: fieldErrorsCtrl.getErrorMessages().length -->
      <a href="/es/en/auth/forgot-password.html" class="left link_forgot-password margin-top" data-tracking="{'type':'forgotPasswordModal','title':{'en': 'Forgot password'}}" aqa-id="forgotPassword">

        Forgot/Reset Password
  <label class="login-popup-remember checkbox">
    <input type="checkbox" value="checkbox" class="checkbox__input ng-pristine ng-valid ng-not-empty" ng-model="loginCtrl.rememberMe" aqa-id="rememberMe">
    <span class="label"> Remember me <div class="info">
        <div>DHL will securely remember and store your email address on your current device.</div>
  <button type="submit" class="btn btn_width_full fancy-form-button login-popup-button" data-tracking="{'type':'login','title':{'en': 'Login'}}" ewfc-submit="loginCtrl.logIn()" ewfc-submit-on-error="loginCtrl.onLoginSubmitError(submitError)"
    <i class="dhlicon-lock"></i> Login </button>
  <span class="fw-bold"> Not Registered? </span>
  <a ng-href="/es/en/registration.html" data-tracking="{'type':'registrationModal','title':{'en': 'Register now'}}" aqa-id="registration-start" href="/es/en/registration.html">

        Register Now

Name: contentForm

<form class="area ng-scope ng-pristine ng-invalid ng-invalid-ewf-valid" novalidate="novalidate" name="contentForm" ng-if="stepCtrl.isContentShown()" ng-class="{area: !separateArea}" ewf-form="contentForm" ewf-step-content="">
  <div ng-transclude="">
    <h4 class="h4 ng-scope">
    <header class="ng-scope">
      <h2 class="h2"> Do you need to create a shipping label? </h2>
    <div ewf-label-reference="schedulePickupCtrl.model" ewf-label-reference-account-invalid-error="schedulePickupCtrl.accountInvalidError" class="ng-scope ng-isolate-scope">
      <label class="label margin-bottom-tiny"> A DHL shipping label must be attached to all packages that DHL picks up. </label>
      <div class="form-row ng-scope" ewf-field="createShippingLabel">
        <div class="switcher switcher_width_full col-6">
            <input type="radio" class="switcher__input ng-pristine ewf-required ng-invalid ng-invalid-ewf-valid ng-empty" name="createShippingLabel" ng-value="false" ng-model="labelReferenceCtrl.isPickupNeeded"
              ng-class="{checked: labelReferenceCtrl.isPickupNeeded === false}" ng-change="labelReferenceCtrl.onLabelReferenceChange()" ewf-input="" ewf-validate-required="" aqa-id="noStandAlone" value="false">
            <span class="switcher__label"> Yes – Create Label </span>
          <div class="switcher__details text_white">
        <div class="switcher switcher_width_full col-6">
            <input type="radio" class="switcher__input ng-pristine ewf-required ng-invalid ng-invalid-ewf-valid ng-empty" name="createShippingLabel" ng-value="true" ng-model="labelReferenceCtrl.isPickupNeeded"
              ng-class="{checked: labelReferenceCtrl.isPickupNeeded === true}" ewf-input="" ewf-validate-required="" aqa-id="yesStandAlone" value="true">
            <span class="switcher__label"> No </span>
          <div class="switcher__details text_white"> I already have a shipping label attached to my package </div>
      <!-- ngIf: labelReferenceCtrl.isPickupNeeded -->
  <!-- ngIf: !nextButtonHidden -->
  <footer class="area__footer a-right ng-scope" ng-if="!nextButtonHidden">
    <button type="button" class="btn btn_success ng-binding" id="nextButton" data-tracking="{'type':'step','title':{'en': 'Submit the form'}}" ng-bind="stepCtrl.nextButtonText" ng-disabled="stepCtrl.isNextButtonDisabled()"
      ewfc-submit="stepCtrl.onNextClick()" ewfc-submit-options="stepCtrl.submitOptions" ewfc-submit-scroll-blockers="stepCtrl.scrollBlockers" ewfc-submit-on-error="stepCtrl.onFormSubmissionError(submitError)" aqa-id="nextButton">Next</button>
  </footer><!-- end ngIf: !nextButtonHidden -->

Text Content

 * Afghanistan
 * Albania
 * Algeria
 * American Samoa
 * Andorra
 * Angola
 * Anguilla
 * Antigua and Barbuda
 * Argentina
 * Armenia
 * Aruba
 * Australia
 * Austria
 * Azerbaijan
 * Bahamas
 * Bahrain
 * Bangladesh
 * Barbados
 * Belarus
 * Belgium
 * Belize
 * Benin
 * Bermuda
 * Bhutan
 * Bolivia
 * Bonaire
 * Bosnia and Herzegovina
 * Botswana
 * Brazil
 * Brunei
 * Bulgaria
 * Burkina Faso
 * Burundi
 * Cambodia
 * Cameroon
 * Canada
 * Canary Islands
 * Cayman Islands
 * Central African Republic
 * Chad
 * Chile
 * China
 * Colombia
 * Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands
 * Congo
 * Congo, Democratic Republic of
 * Cook Islands
 * Costa Rica
 * Cote D Ivoire
 * Croatia
 * Cuba
 * Curacao
 * Cyprus
 * Czech Republic
 * Denmark
 * Djibouti
 * Dominica
 * Dominican Republic
 * Ecuador
 * Egypt
 * El Salvador
 * Equatorial Guinea
 * Estonia
 * Ethiopia
 * Faroe Island
 * Fiji
 * Finland
 * France
 * Gabon
 * Gambia
 * Georgia
 * Germany
 * Ghana
 * Gibraltar
 * Greece
 * Greenland
 * Grenada
 * Guadeloupe
 * Guam
 * Guatemala
 * Guernsey
 * Guinea Republic
 * Guinea-Bissau
 * Guyana (British)
 * Guyana (French)
 * Haiti
 * Honduras
 * Hong Kong SAR, China
 * Hungary
 * Iceland
 * India
 * Indonesia
 * Iran
 * Iraq
 * Ireland
 * Israel
 * Italy
 * Jamaica
 * Japan
 * Jersey
 * Jordan
 * Kazakhstan
 * Kenya
 * Kiribati
 * Kosovo
 * Kuwait
 * Kyrgyzstan
 * Laos
 * Latvia
 * Lebanon
 * Lesotho
 * Liberia
 * Libya
 * Liechtenstein
 * Lithuania
 * Luxembourg
 * Macao SAR, China
 * Madagascar
 * Malawi
 * Malaysia
 * Maldives
 * Mali
 * Malta
 * Marshall Islands
 * Martinique
 * Mauritania
 * Mauritius
 * Mayotte
 * Mexico
 * Micronesia
 * Moldova, Republic of
 * Monaco
 * Mongolia
 * Montenegro
 * Montserrat
 * Morocco
 * Mozambique
 * Myanmar
 * Namibia
 * Nauru
 * Nepal
 * Netherlands
 * Nevis
 * New Caledonia
 * New Zealand
 * Nicaragua
 * Niger
 * Nigeria
 * Niue
 * North Korea
 * North Macedonia
 * Norway
 * Oman
 * Pakistan
 * Palau
 * Panama
 * Papua New Guinea
 * Paraguay
 * Peru
 * Philippines
 * Poland
 * Portugal
 * Puerto Rico
 * Qatar
 * Reunion, Island of
 * Romania
 * Russia
 * Rwanda
 * Samoa
 * San Marino
 * Sao Tome and Principe
 * Saudi Arabia
 * Senegal
 * Serbia
 * Seychelles
 * Sierra Leone
 * Singapore
 * Slovakia
 * Slovenia
 * Solomon Islands
 * Somalia
 * Somaliland
 * South Africa
 * South Korea
 * South Sudan
 * Spain
 * Sri Lanka
 * St. Barthelemy
 * St. Eustatius
 * St. Kitts and Nevis
 * St. Lucia
 * St. Maarten
 * St. Vincent
 * Sudan
 * Suriname
 * Swaziland
 * Sweden
 * Switzerland
 * Syria
 * Tahiti
 * Taiwan
 * Tanzania
 * Thailand
 * Timor Leste
 * Togo
 * Tonga
 * Trinidad & Tobago
 * Tunisia
 * Turkey
 * Turkmenistan
 * Turks and Caicos Islands
 * Tuvalu
 * Uganda
 * Ukraine
 * United Arab Emirates
 * United Kingdom
 * United States of America
 * Uruguay
 * Uzbekistan
 * Vanuatu
 * Venezuela
 * Vietnam
 * Virgin Islands (British)
 * Virgin Islands (US)
 * Yemen
 * Zambia
 * Zimbabwe

English Español
 * Help and Support
 * Find a location
 *  * Quick Links
    * Get a Rate and Time Quote
    * Track Your Shipments
    * Delivery Services


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   What’s New with MyDHL+

Waybill or Temporary ID number required

Track shipments by number or
, get status notifications and obtain proof of delivery.

Want to keep track of shipment history? Register for MyDHL+ today!

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Email Address
Email address required
Forgot/Reset Password
Remember me
DHL will securely remember and store your email address on your current device.
Login Not Registered? Register Now



A DHL shipping label must be attached to all packages that DHL picks up.
Yes – Create Label

I already have a shipping label attached to my package

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