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Name: searchBarGET

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Name: twn-gated-formPOST

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        <option value="">Select State</option>
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        <option value="Other location outside of U.S.">Other location outside of U.S. </option>
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      <label for="jobTitle">Job Title *</label>
      <input type="text" class="form-control no-radius" id="jobTitle" name="jobTitle" data-parsley-maxlength="100" data-parsley-pattern="^[a-zA-Z\s]*$" data-parsley-pattern-message="Alpa characters only."
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  <div class="form-row">
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      <label for="industry">Industry *</label>
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        <option disabled="" selected="">Your Industry</option>
        <!--default general -->
        <option value="General Services"> General </option>
        <option value="Financial Services"> Banking/Financial Services </option>
        <option value="Education"> Education </option>
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        <option value="Hotels"> Hotel/Casino/Resort </option>
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        <option value="Professional Services"> Business Services </option>
        <option value="Restaurant"> Restaurant </option>
        <option value="Retail-General"> Retail </option>
        <option value="Staffing"> Staffing </option>
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        <option value="Transportation"> Transportation </option>
        <option value="Utility"> Utilities </option>
  <div class="form-row">
    <div class="col offset-md-1 mb-2">
      <label for="companySize">Number of Employees *</label>
      <select class="form-control text-uppercase no-radius" name="companySize" id="companySize" data-parsley-required="" data-parsley-required-message="Please select an item in the list">
        <option value="">SELECT</option>
        <option value="1 to 50">1 to 50</option>
        <option value="51 to 500">51 to 500</option>
        <option value="501 to 1,000">501 to 1,000</option>
        <option value="1,001 to 2,500">1,001 to 2,500</option>
        <option value="2,501 to 4,999">2,501 to 4,999</option>
        <option value="5,000 to 9,999">5,000 to 9,999</option>
        <option value="10,000 to 99,999">10,000 to 99,999</option>
        <option value="100,000+">100,000+</option>
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      <label for="companyRevenue">Company Revenue *</label>
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        <option value="">SELECT</option>
        <option value="<$100M">&lt;$100M</option>
        <option value="$100M - $500M">$100M - $500M</option>
        <option value="$500M+">$500M+</option>
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Name: hrefFmPOST #

<form action="#" aria-hidden="true" class="hide" id="hrefFm" method="post" name="hrefFm"><span></span><input hidden="" type="submit"></form>

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 * Solutions
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    * Acquire Top Talent
      Pre-Employment Verification
      Verify applicant's qualifications
      Candidate Verification Summary
      Instantly compare candidate-stated application data to verified employment
    * Onboard New Hires
      Compliance Center
      Onboard new hires anywhere, anytime, with confidence
      Automate, audit, and transform your Form I-9 compliance process
      Work Opportunity Tax Credit Management
      Capture all of your available tax credits
      I-9 Management
      Help manage your I-9s at each stage to offer a better onboarding
      experience. Get started now for just $1.
    * Manage HR Activities
      Affordable Care Act Management
      Collect and aggregate data to help meet ACA obligations
      Compliance Center
      Onboard new hires anywhere, anytime, with confidence
      Employment Verifications
      Protect, automate, and save with The Work Number®
      Automate, audit, and transform your Form I-9 compliance process
      Paperless Pay
      Transform your payroll process to 100% paperless
      Tax Form Management
      Find tax form efficiencies and savings
      Offboarding Forms Solution
      Better manage separation notices for the states that require or provide
      them and add your own offboarding forms into one easy digital packet
    * Manage Unemployment Activities & Taxes
      Disaster Relief Tax Credit Management
      Claim potential disaster relief tax credits the easy way
      Employment Tax Services
      Manage tax liabilities and minimize risk
      Unemployment Cost Management
      Manage unemployment risk
      Work Opportunity Tax Credit Management
      Capture all of your available tax credits
      On-Demand Webinar: Employee Retention Tax Credits - Do You Qualify?
      Learn how you can help maximize your payroll tax savings. Watch Today!

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   The Workforce Wise Podcast
   Listen to information on insightful human capital solutions for HR, payroll,
   tax, and compliance needs to help save time and reduce risk.
   On-Demand Webinar - HR Audits: What Might Trigger Them and How Can You Better
   Learn about the different types of HR audits, what might trigger them, and
   how your team can start preparing today.
 * Partners
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   partner integrations are built to seamlessly fit within your organization’s
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   See plans to help you meet your ACA obligations
   Compliance Center Plans
   Choose a plan to help you onboard new hires with confidence
   I-9 Management Plans
   Take control of your I-9s by finding a management plan
   Unemployment Cost Management Plans
   Select a plan that fits your organization’s unemployment cost needs
 * Log In
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   Compliance Center
   Connect your new hire forms and onboarding compliance management.
   I-9 Management
   Manage every I-9 at every stage.
   Tax Credit and Incentives
   Capture all of your available tax credits.
   Unemployment Web Manager
   Reduce the total cost of managing unemployment claims.
   Paperless Pay
   Transform payroll management to a paperless process.
   Tax Form Management
   Eliminate cumbersome tax form distribution processes.


Are you worried about HR audits? Do you understand the many ways they might be
triggered? Read our best practices to learn more about the audit process and how
you can put yourself in a better position in case you are audited. 

First Name *
Last Name *
Company Name *
Business Email Address *
Business Phone *
Business Headquarters State * Select State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas
California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia
Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland
Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada
New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio
Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee
Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Other
location outside of U.S.
Job Title *
Industry * Your Industry General Banking/Financial Services Education
Healthcare/Medical Hotel/Casino/Resort Manufacturing Business Services
Restaurant Retail Staffing Technology Transportation Utilities
Number of Employees * SELECT 1 to 50 51 to 500 501 to 1,000 1,001 to 2,500 2,501
to 4,999 5,000 to 9,999 10,000 to 99,999 100,000+
Company Revenue * SELECT <$100M $100M - $500M $500M+
Yes, I wish to receive Equifax offers, news, and important information regarding
upcoming and available services from Workforce Solutions.



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