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 * Affidavits
   * * * Companies
         * > Affidavit & Letter for Deregistration of Tax PIN
         * > Affidavit for Surrender of Shares
         * > Affidavit & Letter of Resignation by a Director
         * > Affidavit of Resignation by a Partner
         * > Affidavit of Resignation by a Director of a Company
         * > Affidavit & Form CR7 for Change of Directors Particulars
       * Real Estate
         * > Affidavit for Proof of Residence
         * > Affidavit of Spousal Consent
       * Motor Vehicle
         * > Affidavit for Change of Phone Number on NTSA TIMS (Individual)
         * > Affidavit of Change of Phone Number on NTSA TIMS by a Company
         * > Application for Forced Transfer of a Motor Vehicle by Personal
         * > Application for Forced Transfer of a Motor Vehicle Where Seller is
         * > Application for Forced Transfer of a Motor Vehicle to a Company
           where Seller is Absent
         * > Affidavit for Lost/Damaged Logbook
         * > Affidavit for Change of Motor Vehicle Engine
         * > Affidavit for a Lost or Damaged Certificate of Insurance
         * > Affidavit for Lost or Damaged Number Plate
     * * Marriage
         * > Affidavit for Confirmation of Marriage
         * > Affidavit of no Impediment to Marriage
         * > Affidavit for Change of Name after Marriage
         * > Affidavit for Confirmation of Name before Marriage (by a Married
         * > Affidavit of Negation of Spousal Consent
       * Travel
         * > Affidavit of Financial Support for a Student Visa
         * > Affidavit for Replacement of a Lost/Damaged Passport by a
         * > Affidavit for Replacement of a Lost/Damaged Passport by an Adult
         * > Affidavit for Replacement of a Lost/Damaged Passport by a Minor
         * > Affidavit of Consent to Child Travel by both Parents
         * > Affidavit of Consent to Child Travel by a Single Parent
       * Others
         * > Affidavit for Discrepancy in Names
         * > Affidavit for Lost Exam Certificate
         * > Affidavit for Lost Exam Certificate (by Representative)
         * > Affidavit for Removal of Wrong Tax Obligations on KRA Pin
         * > Affidavit of Good Conduct
         * > Affidavit for Renewal of Engineers License
 * Deeds and Agreements
   * * * Agency
         * > Commission Agreement to Sell
         * > Commission Letter to find Tenant
         * > Brokerage Agreement to find Goods or Services
       * Change of Name
         * > Deed Poll by a Divorced Woman
         * > Deed Poll by a Married Woman
         * > Deed Poll by a Widow
         * > Deed Poll by an Adult Person
         * > Deed Poll for a Minor (under 18 Years)
         * > Consent by a Minor over Sixteen Years to Change Name
         * > Kenya Gazette Notice for Change of Name by Adult
         * > Kenya Gazette Notice for Change of Name by Minor
       * Employment
         * > Employment Contract for Domestic Workers
         * > Employment Contract (Simple)
         * > Employment Contract (Detailed)
         * > Employment Contract for Casual Worker
         * > Consent to Salary Reduction
       * Companies
         * > Declaration of Trust to Hold Shares
         * > Share Transfer & Form D
       * Commercial & Services
         * > Arbitration Agreement
         * > Investment Escrow Agency Agreement
       * Finance & Credit
         * > Loan Agreement between Friends
         * > Security Deposit Agreement
         * > Loan Agreement for Business
         * > Debt Settlement Agreement
     * * Real Estate
         * > Lease Tenancy Agreement (Residential)
         * > Sublease Agreement (Commercial Premises)
         * > Transfer by Personal Representative to Beneficiary ( form LRA 42)
         * > Transfer by Personal Representative to Purchaser (form LRA 43)
         * > Transfer of Interests in Land (form LRA 33)
         * > Transfer of Lease (Form LRA 63)
         * > License Agreement (Commercial Premises)
         * > Land Sale Agreement
         * > Application for Lost or Damaged Title (Individual)
         * > Application for Lost or Damaged Title(Corporate)
         * > Offer to Sell Property by Owner
         * > Offer to Sell Real Estate by Agent
         * > Offer to Sell Off-Plan Real Estate Project
         * > Offer for the Purchase of Property by Advocate
         * > Offer to Purchase Property by Interested Buyer
         * > Removal of Name of a Joint Deceased Owner from a Land Title (Form
           LRA 38)
         * > Transfer to a Beneficiary of an Estate (Form LRA 9, 39 and 42)
         * > Application for Exemption from Stamp Duty( Transfer of Property
           Between Associated Companies)
         * > Application for Exemption from Stamp Duty( Transfer of Property to
           a Family Company)
         * > Application for Exemption of Stamp Duty(Transfer of Property to a
         * > Transfer to a Purchaser from the Estate of a Deceased Person (Forms
           LRA 9, 39 AND 43)
         * > Transfer to Personal Representative (Form LRA 39)
         * > Registration of a Joint Personal Representative (Form LRA 40)
       * Sales & Purchases
         * > Car Sale Agreement
         * > Motorcycle Sale Agreement
         * > Borehole Water Supply Agreement
         * > Credit Supply Agreement
       * Wills
         * > Will by Parent(s) to Adult Children
         * > Will by Spouse to the other Spouse for a Life Interest
         * > Will by Spouse to the other Spouse Absolutely
         * > Will for Specific Asset Inheritance
       * Powers of Attorney
         * > Medical General Power of Attorney
         * > Medical Specific Power of Attorney
         * > Land General Power of Attorney
         * > Land Irrevocable Power of Attorney
         * > Land Specific Power of Attorney
         * > Company Specific Power of Attorney
         * > Revocation of Land Power of Attorney
       * Services & Others
         * > Confidentiality, Non-Disclosure Agreement & Non-Circumvention
         * > Car Hire Agreement
         * > Gift Deed between Living Persons
 * Letters and Notices
   * * * Agency & Brokerage
         * > Agent’s Mandate Letter to sell
       * Companies
         * > Letter of Consent to Register a Company with Similar Name
         * > Consent for a General Meeting Called by Short Notice
         * > Consent to act as a Director
         * > Notice by Landlord not to renew Tenancy or Lease
         * > Notice by Landlord to Increase Rent
         * > Notice of Change of Directors Particulars (form CR7)
         * > Consent for a General Meeting on Short Notice (Company Shareholder)
         * > Notice of Annual General Meeting
         * > Resolution Accepting Resignation of a Principal Officer
         * > Resolution to Appoint an Auditor to fill in a Casual Vacancy
         * > Resolution to Appoint Bank Account Agent
         * > Resolution to Borrow a Loan
         * > Resolution to Remove Bank Signatories
         * > Resolution to Sell Assets
         * > Resolution to Purchase Assets
         * > Resolution to Appoint a Director to fill in a Casual Vacancy
         * > Resolution to Open Bank Account
         * > Resolution Approving Transfer of Shares
         * > General Proxy Notice
         * > Notice of Revocation – Proxy
         * > Specific Proxy Notice
       * Employment
         * > Employee Personal Details Form
         * > Letter of Introduction for Employee
         * > Letter of Confirmation of Employment
         * > Salary Increment Letter
         * > Promotion Letter
         * > Resignation Letter
         * > Acceptance of Resignation by Employer
         * > Letter of Rejection of Resignation Notice
         * > Certificate of Service
         * > Letter of Recommendation for Employment
         * > Request for Recommendation Letter
         * > Warning Letter
         * > Suspension Letter
         * > Show Cause Letter
         * > Summary Dismissal Letter
         * > Consent to Medical & Drug Test
         * > Student Work Experience Letter
         * > Notice of Intended Redundancy
         * > Regret Letter after Interview
         * > Regret Letter for Job Application
         * > Regret Letter with Feedback
         * > Job Offer Reminder
         * > Job offer Letter Forwarding Employment Contract
         * > Request for Reference
         * > Letter of Refusal to Give a Recommendation
         * > Termination on Account of Redundancy
         * > Memo for Salary Reduction
         * > Memo for Appointment/Promotion of an Employee
         * > Memo Informing Death of an Employee
       * Finance & Credit
         * > Notice of Exceeded Credit Limit
         * > Demand for Payment of Credit Supply
         * > Receipt/Acknowledgement of Payment
         * > Request for Time to Pay Debt
         * > Demand for Debt Repayment
         * > Request for Loan Restructure
     * * Real Estate
         * > Demand Notice to Pay Rent
         * > Eviction Notice
         * > Notice by Tenant to Terminate Tenancy or Lease
         * > Notice to Revise Service Charge
         * > Notice by Tenant to repair
         * > Rent Waiver Request by Tenant
         * > Rent Reduction Request by Tenant
         * > Notice of Delay to Pay Rent by Tenant
         * > Landlord Acceptance of Rent Reduction
         * > Notice of Rent Payment by New Landlord to Tenants
         * > Notice of Change of Landlord to Tenants by Advocate or Agent
         * > Introduction Letter of New Landlord to Tenants
       * Travel
         * > Letter of Recommendation for a Visa
         * > Letter of Parental Consent to Child Travel
         * > Statement of Loss or Damage of a Minor’s Passport
         * > Statement of Loss or Damage of a Passport by Adult
         * > Statement of Loss or Damage of a Passport by Representative
       * Others
         * > Supplier Recommendation Letter
         * > Letter to Terminate Erroneous Application made on NTSA TIMS
 * Speak To A Lawyer
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 * Resource Library
   * * *  * Articles
            * > Domestic workers – The law, rights and Responsibilities
            * > Are you an Employee or an Independent Contractor
            * > Intermeddling with an estate could land you in Jail 
            * > Parental Responsibility for Children
            * > Inheritance-Where there is no Will (intestacy)
            * > How to make a valid Will
            * > Is VAT Payable On Commercial Property?
            * > Why Special Economic Zones Present Invaluable Business
            * > How to Change your name in Kenya
            * > NHIF must accept Affidavits as proof of marriage
            * > To Guarantee or not to Guarantee
            * > Choosing the Right Outfit for your Business
            * > What you need to know about Minor Traffic Offences in Kenya
            * > Your Spouse must Consent to disposal of Matrimonial Property
            * > Execution Attestation and Verification of Conveyance Instruments
            * > 30 Common Terms used in Relation to Companies
            * > Planning a Customary Marriage? Here’s what the Law requires of
            * > Declassification of Double Cabin Pick-ups as Commercial Vehicles
     * *  * How To
            * > How to Create a Medical or Health Care Power of Attorney
            * > How to become a Kenyan Citizen
            * > How to apply for a new Passport in Kenya
            * > How to Register your Beneficial Ownership Information
            * > How to register Copyright in Kenya
            * > How to Generate Stamp Duty Slip
            * > How to conduct an Official Search for a Company or an LLP
            * > How to apply for a Duplicate Log Book
            * > How to replace a Lost or Damaged Number Plate
            * > How to replace a lost birth certificate
            * > How to replace a lost KCPE or KCSE examination certificate
            * > How to apply for NHIF
            * > How to Register a Business Name
            * > How to Register a Private Limited Company
            * > How to Register your Marriage
            * > How to apply for Administration where there is no will
            * > How to apply for a grant of Probate where there is a will
            * > How to apply for NSSF
            * > How to apply for change of motor vehicle particulars
            * > How to apply for replacement of a lost/damaged Title
            * > How to claim from the Unclaimed Financial Assets Authority
            * > How to make a Will
            * > How to Acquire a Driving License
            * > What is a tax Compliance Certificate?
            * > How to Access Government Services Online
            * > How to get a Certificate of Good Conduct
            * > What you need to know about Credit Reference Bureaus (CRB)
            * > How to Apply for a Death Certificate
            * > How to Change your Name
            * > How to Apply for Replacement of a Lost Passport




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Very knowledgeable articles on what is happening in the country. I'm enlightened
by the information i read on your articles. Most of the things i wasn't aware
now I'm aware.
The service is very good but can we also have more documents and options for
Anonymous Kisumu
Consider reducing your charges because we pay almostsimilar amounts for
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This is a first in the Legal fraternity. It is diversifying the legal services
countrywide. You tend to cover much ground in reaching out to the people. Very
affordable documents which are easy to use. Keep up!!
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Very informative articles and how to's.
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platform that is easily accessible, quick and affordable.
Sarah NjeriBusinesswoman, Nairobi
Extremely satisfied with the documents, but you should come up with a better
way, to sign the documents, I personally avoided to see a lawyer, hoping that
you will be cheaper, but I ended up spending more.
Concerned ClientKenya
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Rosa MuthoniBusiness Consultant, Nairobi
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understand the content well. The details contained in the documents are well
researched .Costs of the documents are minimal.
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lawyerwangu has made by making legal documents available to me online. Very
Rogers NyagahChairman, EBR
Very knowledgeable articles on what is happening in the country. I'm enlightened
by the information i read on your articles. Most of the things i wasn't aware
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May 17, 2022

How to Acquire a Driving License
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May 17, 2022

How to apply for NHIF
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May 17, 2022

How to get a Certificate of Good Conduct
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