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 2. Articles
 3. Experts
 4. Study on impurities in cosmetics

Thursday, March 17, 2022Experts


The Expertox laboratory, which regularly doses the impurities that may be
present in cosmetics, has taken a closer look at the impurities that may be
found in them through a bibliographical study. This study revealed that almost a
third of the impurities were metals and that there was also a significant
proportion of residual solvents. On average seven impurities can be found in
substances used in cosmetic products.

Reading time
~ 23 minutes

Cosmetics have always been an integral part of our daily lives. According to one
study (Ficheux et al., 2016), women use an average of 16 cosmetics.
There are different types of cosmetics for application to different sites on the
body, which implies a different exposure depending on the product and the site
of application. It is therefore essential to evaluate the safety of cosmetics by
ensuring the safety of the substances and the finished product for the safety of
the consumer. Nevertheless, impurities may persist, which may be due to a
reaction of the substance or by its contamination.


The French ANSM defines a cosmetic product as, “a substance or a mixture
intended to be put in contact with the various superficial parts of the human
body epidermis, hair and capillary systems, nails, lips and external genitals)
or with the teeth and oral mucous membranes, with a view, exclusively or mainly,
to cleaning them, perfuming them, modifying their appearance, protecting them,
maintaining them in good condition or correcting body odours”.
This definition includes a multitude of products used by men and women: creams,
skin care products, lotions, powders, perfume, make-up, deodorants, baby
products, toothpaste, etc.
There are several exposure …


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SCCS : 13th Plenary meeting
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Regulation 2022/135: restrictions for Methyl-n-Methylanthranilate
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Two studies on nano-zinc
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Cosmébio: the Ingredients Trophies 2021
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ECHA to consider restrictions on the use of oxo-plastics and microplastics
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A biodegradable alternative to replace microplastics in cosmetics
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Two "cosmetic" ingredients added to the Candidate List
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IFF's Genencare OSMS achieves Upcycled Certified certification
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Hydroxyapatite: new request for Opinion to the SCCS
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Genistein, Daidzein: preliminary Opinion of the SCCS
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Prostaglandin analogues: the SCCS final Opinion
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"Up-cycling: from marketing claims to regulatory compliance
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ECHA's targeted consultation on the classification Repr. 1B of two cosmetic
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New incriminating against the Butylparaben
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Scientists find unprecedented protection against UVA
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Surface lipids, key players in skin homeostasis
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500,000 grant for Global Bioenergies' new industrial (cosmetics) plant
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VKM call for data on caffeine in cosmetics
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Wales and Scotland: a ban of plastic microbeads in cosmetics to come
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Kojic Acid: the SCCS final Opinion
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New-Zealand should ban microbeads in cosmetics in 2018
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European consultation on the evaluation of chemical substances
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The French market for essential oils
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REACH: fourth round table on essential oil
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Ingredients: the regulatory differences between Europe and the UK
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A163: Opinion of the SCCS
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Reminder: new restrictions for Dihydroxyacetone come into force
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Asbestos: US FDA issues scientific opinions on testing methods for cosmetics
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Methylparaben, Benzyl Salicylate, Salicylic Acid: requests for SCCS Opinions
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Trend: the "Signature" ingredient that makes the difference
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Sodium Bromothymol Blue: request for Opinion to the SCCS
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Wednesday, March 9, 2022
Trend: the "Signature" ingredient that makes the difference
When you create your own brand of cosmetics, your own products, you want to
“stand out”, to make a difference for consumers. Often, bibliographical re...
Thursday, March 17, 2022
Study on impurities in cosmetics
The Expertox laboratory, which regularly doses the impurities that may be
present in cosmetics, has taken a closer look at the impurities that may be ...
Thursday, January 20, 2022
"Up-cycling: from marketing claims to regulatory compliance
When you see the title of this article, I can see you rolling your eyes… and in
your head, a little voice whispering to you: “Again! I’m still hearing...
Thursday, November 25, 2021
The "nightmare" products of the Regulatory Department
As a developer, you are faced with a wide variety of development requests, some
of which can be confusing. It is clear that some clients do not lack i...
Monday, October 18, 2021
The Regulatory Officer: a real tightrope walker
In a first article on the job of Regulatory Officer, Estelle Dehier, from
Labosphere, described this key, high-risk job. In this second part, she disc...
Thursday, October 21, 2021
Skin microbiota and claims substantiation
Rebalance, activate, protect… the microbiota: what claims can be used for a
cosmetic product and how can they be objectified? Anne Charpentier, CEO of...
Thursday, September 30, 2021
Regulatory officer: a complex and high-risk job
In previous articles on the history of the formulator’s job, Estelle Dehier,
from Labosphere, talked about the pressures he undergoes when he writes h...
Thursday, August 26, 2021
Today's formulator under XXL pressure
After tracing the evolution of the formulation profession, Estelle Dehier, from
Labosphere, would now like to raise awareness on the pressures that we...
Thursday, July 22, 2021
Formulator: a profession in constant evolution
The profession of independent formulator has had to adapt very quickly with its
time since the last thirty years. Today, he is no longer “satisfied” w...
Thursday, June 24, 2021
The profession of cosmetics formulator: from yesterday to today
“The pandemic and the containment allowed us to take a look at this job that we
have been passionate about for over 16 years, that of cosmetic product...
Wednesday, June 2, 2021
The objectification of maskne and acne blemish claims
Skin imperfections classically cover a wide range of visible alterations of the
skin, caused by a variety of causes. And today, the wearing of the mas...
Monday, May 10, 2021
Nanos today: definitions, harmonisation, formulator's challenges
“One of the most important issues that we deal with on a daily basis as a
laboratory for the development of tailor-made cosmetic products is nanomater...
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