xmmy.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://xmmy.com/
Effective URL: https://xmmy.com/
Submission: On December 12 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

Name: sendmsgPOST

<form name="sendmsg" id="contactform" class="form_fb new-form" method="post" action="">
  <div class="new-form-flex-box">
    <input type="text" id="name" name="name" data-name="Name 4" placeholder="Enter your first name" maxlength="256" required="" class="hero-cta-field_fb new-form inline w-input">
    <input type="text" id="surname" name="surname" data-name="Name 4" placeholder="Enter your last name" maxlength="256" required="" class="hero-cta-field_fb new-form inline w-input">
  <input type="email" id="email" name="email" placeholder="Your email address" maxlength="256" required="" class="hero-cta-field_fb new-form full-row w-input">
  <div class="new-form-flex-box">
    <input type="text" id="company" name="company" placeholder="Enter your company name" maxlength="256" required="" class="hero-cta-field_fb new-form inline w-input">
    <input type="tel" id="telephone" name="telephone" placeholder="Your telephone number" maxlength="256" required="" class="hero-cta-field_fb new-form inline w-input">
  <input type="text" id="apple" name="apple" placeholder="What color is a blue apple?" maxlength="256" required="" class="hero-cta-field_fb new-form full-row w-input">
  <textarea id="message" name="message" placeholder="Please specify the reason to contact us" maxlength="5000" class="hero-cta-field_fb new-form full-row w-input"></textarea>
  <input type="hidden" id="interest" name="interest" value="generic">
  <input id="domain" name="domain" type="hidden" value="XMMY.COM">
  <input id="g-recaptcha-response" name="g-recaptcha-response" type="hidden" value="">
  <input id="submit" type="submit" value="Request info" data-wait="Please wait..." class="button_fb gradient-submit-button new-form w-button">

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A premium domain name like XMMY.COM can help your business achieve instant brand
recognition, significantly lower marketing expenses, maximise brand recall, and
accelerate value creation.

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People are trusting us with their finances and TryDave just didn't seem to give
me the same confidence as Dave.com

challenges: #trust #authority #consistency

Source: Namepros

Jason Wilk
Co-founder, CEO
Company: Dave
Domain name: Dave.com

I knew it was really bad when I went to TV for the first time in my life and all
the anchor could focus on was how bad the name Dapulse was.

challenges: #memorability #spelling #trust

Source: Monday.com

Joel Goldstein
Marketing Lead
Company: Monday
Domain name: Monday.com

We understood that many people thought our site was already Punchbowl.com even
though at the time it was MyPunchbowl.com.

challenges: #confusion #consistency #security

Source: Namepros

Matt Douglas
Company: PunchBowl
Domain name: PunchBowl.com

.com domains are the most well-known worldwide and we wanted to be global from
the beginning, so there was no option of choosing a .com

challenges: #expansion #limiting

Source: Namepros

Daniel Sánchez
Company: Influencity
Domain name: Influencity.com

The problem with not having the .com of your name is that it signals weakness.

challenges: #trust #authority

Source: PaulGraham.com

Paul Graham
Entrepreneur, VC, Co-founder
Y Combinator

We first bought the Teylor.de domain because in the first year we had a sole
focus on the German market. Soon after we also bought the .com domain, as we
knew our future lies in being an international company.

challenges: #expansion #vision #growth

Source: SmartBranding.com

Patrick Stäuble
Company: Teylor
Domain name: Teylor.com

We are a consumer brand, so name recognition matters. We wanted people to take
us seriously, and outside of the startup community users still look to “.com” as
a sign of trust and credibility.

challenges: #trust #credibility #authority

Source: SmartBranding.com

Joshua Wöhle
Company: Mindstone
Domain name: Mindstone.com

Standing out just gets harder when people confuse you with other companies.

challenges: #confusion #fragmentation

Source: Entrepreneur.com

Noah Kagan
Company: Sumo
Domain name: Sumo.com

TreatADog.com was a fine name, but it was long, and not always easy to remember.
End-user recall of the name was an issue.

challenges: #confusion #memorability

Source: MediaOptions.com

David Gimes
Company: Paw
Domain name: Paw.com

We launched dropbox basically and all these confused people started going to
dropbox.com trying to get to the dropbox beta.

challenges: #confusion #fragmentation

Source: SmartBranding.com

Drew Houston
Company: Dropbox
Domain name: Dropbox.com

Securing the stoggles.com domain was a hugely important step for our business.
We’ve had wearstoggles.com, which just doesn’t hold the same brand power.

challenges: #trust #authority

Source: SmartBranding.com

Max Greenberg
Company: Stoggles
Domain name: Stoggles.com

We needed a name that would be understood and easy to remember. It was very
important for us to have a simple brand that has the ability to be recognized
and understood globally.

challenges: #simplicity #expansion #memorability

Source: Namepros

Gregory R. Lettieri
Company: Recycle Track Systems
Domain name: RTS.com

(Our) original domain name is not easy to understand for players from countries
other than China. Therefore, we found it necessary to adjust it.

challenges: #growth #expansion #confusion

Source: Namepros

Company: 37Games
Domain name: 37.com

We saw our customers confusing us with some of the other companies in the
industry, and wanted to remedy that issue. Our service is so different and
unique in comparison with the competition that these confusions might cost us a
lot of opportunities.

challenges: #confusion #authenticity #competition

Source: Namepros

Oliver Dlouhy
Company: Kiwi
Domain name: Kiwi.com

Our domain name was initially CHILI.tv but we changed to CHILI.com in order to
become more international and to emphasize our presence on all devices.

challenges: #confusion #limiting #vision #expansion

Source: SmartBranding.com

Giorgio Tacchia
Company: CHILI
Domain name: CHILI.com

(The entire team's) main concern is the length of TuftandNeedle.com along with
its difficulty to type. At thirteen characters and consisting of three words,
their concerns were well founded.

challenges: #simplicity #confusion #spelling

Source: Namepros

Tuft & Needle
PR Department
Company: Tuft & Needle
Domain name: TN.com

As we continued to gain traction in the pet space, I realized that having “dog”
in our name was potentially limiting us to dog products, but the pet space (and
my aspirations) were much bigger than just dogs.

challenges: #limitations #vision #growth

Source: MediaOptions.com

David Gimes
Company: Paw
Domain name: Paw.com

DoorBot was an awesome name but not a name that you can build a long lasting
meaningful business around.

challenges: #growth #expansion #vision #authority #trust

Source: Namepros

Jamie Siminoff
Company: Ring
Domain name: Ring.com

.com is by far the most identified top-level domain in the world and having that
is good in helping to avoid having people ending up somewhere else when they are
looking for your company.

challenges: #confusion #trust #vision

Source: SmartBranding.com

Thejo Kote
Founder, CEO
Company: Airbase
Domain name: Airbase.com

While Flipdish(.com) was taken, both Flipdish(.ie) and Flipdish(.co.uk) were
available. We ran with these for a while but as soon as we started thinking
internationally, we had a problem.

challenges: #expansion #memorability #trust #authority #consistency

Source: MU Interview

Conor McCarthy
Company: Flipdish
Domain name: Flipdish.com

While they would often find their way to .net, it was a poor experience and
lowered the value of the company in the eyes of our biggest prospects.

challenges: #trust #authority #image

Source: NamePros

Jacob Smith
Company: Packet
Domain name: Packet.com


schedule a call


Hi, my name is Tatiana. I have over 17 years of experience working with
businesses on their brand and web presence. I know first hand the limitations
and issues a business can suffer from when operating on an inferior domain name.

This is why I focus on matching unique digital assets with great companies.
There are no shortcuts when it comes to building exceptional brands. Having the
right domain name is an intrinsic part of that journey.

If you have high ambitions and are serious about your business online, I look
forward to discussing how XMMY.COM can help you grow your brand.



Get started


step 1
step 2
step 3

Introduction call

A 15 minutes call to give you an idea of my way of work, answer any questions
you may have and generally determine if we are a fit.


If after our introduction call you determine that you wish to submit a business
proposal or a cash-only offer for XMMY.COM, I will provide you with guidance on
how to do that. For cash only transactions we consider all serious proposals.

Domain Transfer

For the peace of mind of everyone involved payments are handled via a secure
Escrow service. Once payment/s are cleared the domain will be transferred to
your account under your ownership. I will be there to guide you through the
process and answer any question you may have along the way.

“Companies pay too much attention to the cost of doing something. They should
worry more about the cost of not doing it."

Philip Kotler
Author, Marketing Professor, Economist and Consultant, Founder of World
Marketing Summit


let's talk



let's talk


Congratulations! You are now the proud owner of XMMY.COM. As the news spread
amongst your partners, employees, and customers, your mobile is ringing for
three days. You've got a huge number of calls, a mailbox full of messages and
congrats. Everything is looking good but you need a bit of time, to process it
all, to see the numbers.

It has now been six months and the numbers are in! 40% increase in direct
traffic, then shortly after the number is 70%. Repeat customers have grown well
over 200%. Who would have thought? Increased trust, word of mouth, no traffic
leaks, an important immunity against another brand who may grab the domain,
better SEO and more effective marketing campaigns. You didn't even realize you
were missing on all of those before.

It's been a year now. You sit back and reflect, you've spent three months and a
small fortune to acquire XMMY.COM, and looking back you conclude, it was the
best investment you have ever made.

I hope you enjoyed the journey. While the story is fictional, it is based on
real people and real events, all of which are listed below.

About 70% of traffic comes from the domain directly – we don’t have to purchase
the keywords as much any longer. The domain name is pretty valuable in and of

Tor Sweeney, Dresses.com
Overall, the reaction and feedback from all stakeholders has been very positive;
it is simple and easy-to- remember, reflects our brand values and proposition
very well.

Team at Invest.com
We saw a big growth with our repeat customers. We had an average return of
repeat customers of over 200% from where it originally was and that was
definitely attributable to the brand. When you are Pacific Pillows, you can
stumble across a bunch of pillow sites, but when you are Pillows.com, its pretty
clear that there is only one Pillows.com

Craig Clark, Pillows.com
We were spending around $10,000 per month on Google AdWords and other
pay-per-click services, which wasn’t really a great investment. As soon as we
acquired the domain name, we saw a significant increase in focused traffic,
apparently from direct visitors.

Ben Carmitchel, CEO of DataRecovery.com
Do you know how many companies have “Sumo” in their name? It’s a lot. You
wouldn’t believe how many times someone has come up to me and said, “Oh, are you
also like (completely unrelated to us) sumo?”. That’s why we went right to the
source. There are many copycat Sumo names in the market but by owning Sumo.com
we’re positioned as the original. We are the Sumo.com.

Noah Kagan, Sumo.com
My mobile was ringing for three days. We’ve got a huge number of calls from
people sitting in and out of our business, my mailbox was full of messages and
congrats. Our marketing team received many emails from our clients saying we’ve
made something huge. We expected people will react somehow but no one thought it
gonna be so positive and massive.

Greg Warzecha, User.com
Acquiring the aura.com domain is an investment in the Aura brand as we grow our
business and build the best all-in-one digital protection platform for

Lark-Marie Anton, Brand Officer, Aura.com
Having the right domain is very important, and having a short, unique name that
resolves in a .com has been super helpful versus, I don’t know,
modern-dresses-best-shop.com or something.

Elena Silenok,CEO of Clothia.com
Switching to Paw.com has had a tremendously positive impact on our company.
First of all, as mentioned before, we no longer are limited to dog products. As
“Paw.com” we have the opportunity to build a major pet industry brand, across a
wide range of pets and products.

David Gimes, Founder of Paw.com
We want to reflect on the fact that we are so much more than a studio or just a
tool to draw together, we're an inspiring platform where creatives meet, ideas
are born, and amazing communities are created.

Team at Magma.com
Having a strong keyword .com domain name brings a lot of inherent value, such as
trust and a sense of being well-established, recognizable and not to mention

Rolf Larsen, CEO of Desktop.com
As the founder of the branded payment platform Recharge.com (500 million annual
revenue), I know how to launch a worldwide fintech platform and how important it
is to have a good domain name that is easy to remember.

Robin Weesie, Exclusive.com
Beyond just the benefits of properly aligning our brand with the .com name, we
knew that owning this domain would illustrate to future customers that we’re
here to stay for the long haul.

Steli Efti, CEO of Close.com
We saw a 40% increase in traffic immediately after securing our preferred

John Furneaux, Hive.com
Since Yought was a unique name, buying the .com was straightforward and was one
reason we wanted to go with something unique. As a marketer, I understood having
a .com presence would be beneficial in the long run, especially as a SaaS

Richard Liu, Founder of Yought.com
There’s a sense of trust and authority that comes with a great name like
Paw.com, and that seems to give a positive boost to just about everything.

David Gimes,Founder of Paw.com
After acquiring user.com we noted 300% increase in traffic.

Tomasz Sawicki, CMO User.com
You will lose all word of mouth marketing if you don’t have a good name. Most
people choose their name because the domain is available. That’s a really bad
idea. I spent 3 months and $182,000 negotiating for Mint.com, and it was the
best purchase I ever made.

Aaron Patzer, Mint.com
This is the company’s most significant evolution in a nearly 50-year history of
serving the rental industry. This is much more than a name change. It is the
outward signal of our evolution from an advertising company to a technology and
software driven company.

Jon Ziglar, CEO, Rent.com
We saw our conversion rate dramatically jump when we rebranded from
usefedora.com to teachable.com.

Ankur Nagpal, Founder, Teachable.com
Operating through stoggles.com helps us to reach more people and follow our
purpose of inspiring the importance of everyday eye protection through
innovative and seamless design.

Max Greenberg - CEO - Stoggles.com
I am pleased to have completed the acquisition of the Chill.com domain name. We
are the proud owners of a highly brandable, premium domain asset reflective of a
word that is pervasive in the everyday lives of consumers and is easy to say,
spell, and remember.

Callum Sommerton, CEO Chill.com
After a few years of effort, we landed our dream web address of Ahead.com,
replacing ThinkAhead.com. Our name finally matches our domain!

Team at Ahead.com
Our plan is to build a strong, memorable brand. Cal.com is the kind of
domain/brand name that achieves exactly that.

Bailey Pumfleet, Co-Founder Cal.com
Fleksy.com acts as a primary touch point between us and potential customers, our
website is a representation of who we are and what Fleksy is all about.

Olivier Plante, CEO Fleksy.com
It was important to us to have a brand name that consumers could get to easily
without having to come up with some clever derivative or other domain that’s
close, but not really. Autonomy.com we think obviously handles that.

Scott Painter, Founder and CEO at Autonomy.com
Now that we’ve reached a level of maturity and stability in the CRM space, we
decided it was finally time to invest in acquiring the .com domain—in part to
reconcile that disconnect between calling ourselves Close internally and
“Close-dot-I-O” externally.

Steli Efti - CEO - Close.com
We have seen better overall conversions and lower drop-off rates on our
campaigns. For us, an important factor is that having a premium domain provides
better access to big lead buyers and leading advertisers as well due to, again,
the trust factor.

Frans van Hulle, PX.com
As a new brand, we think a ".com" domain gives us a boost in trust from a
consumer who may not have heard a lot about Perch yet.

Phil DeGisi- Co-Founder at Perch.com
If we didn’t own RTS.com we probably would have changed the company's name. It
was very important for us to have a simple brand that has the ability to be
recognized and understood globally.

Greg Lettieri, CEO Recycle Track Systems
We knew that our current marketing system would work exceptionally well with a
domain as strong as BookKeeping.com. The purchase price has nearly been recouped
in annualized revenues just two months from launch.

Brandon Littlefield, BookKeeping.com
We grow through word-of-mouth, through people tweeting about us and talking
about us, so the address matters.

Tim Campos, CEO Woven.com
Back in the day people used to abbreviate Drukwerkdeal.nl to Drukwerk.nl.
Annoying! That won’t happen with this domain name!

Marco Aarnink, Founder Print.com
When selecting a domain name, I would tell any founder to think hard about the
long term in the beginning. While there may be more upfront effort and financial
investment, getting it right the first time will save you serious stress and
headaches down the road.

Scott Painter, Founder, Fair.com
You will lose all word of mouth marketing if you don’t have a good name. Most
people choose their name because the domain is available. That’s a really bad
idea. I spent 3 months and $182,000 negotiating for Mint.com, and it was the
best purchase I ever made.

Aaron Patzer, Mint.com
My mobile was ringing for three days. We’ve got a huge number of calls from
people sitting in and out of our business, my mailbox was full of messages and
congrats. Our marketing team received many emails from our clients saying we’ve
made something huge. We expected people will react somehow but no one thought it
gonna be so positive and massive.

TGreg Warzecha, User.com


let's talk

...and many others


What is a Premium Domain Name?

A Premium Domain Name is a domain that has characteristics above the norm. Such
characteristics could be strong commercial appeal, short, catchy, keyword rich,
brandable, generic, descriptive, memorable, and appealing.

Is this domain for sale?

The domain name is available for a strategic transaction, a cash-only offer may
be entertained as well.

What is the price for this domain name?

Our process is based on "Make An Offer". If after our introduction call you
determine that you wish to submit a business proposal or a cash-only offer for a
particular name, we will provide you with guidance on how to proceed.

How do I value the domain for my business?

The value of a Premium Domain Name lies in the value such a domain brings to the
acquiring business. What is the value of a domain that can simplify your
message, increase sales and direct traffic, open global markets, and save you
money on marketing and advertising?

How does securing a Premium Domain Name work?

After you fill in the contact form below, you will receive an email with some
extra information about the name and our process of work. If after that you feel
we are a fit, you can book a call to discuss further with us.

Do you work with brokers / agents / advisers ?

Our requirement is to have an open line of communication with the acquiring
party. We understand the value an adviser may bring to the negotiation and so
your adviser is welcome to attend our meeting/s with you.

When it comes to domain names, we understand you have options. You can register
a new domain name, add a word or a hyphen, or get a local domain extension. As a
matter of fact, if you are just testing an idea, if your products or services
are limited to a local market, or if you're creating a non profit or a hobby
project, we would advise you to do just that.

If however you determine that the domain XMMY.COM has the potential to uplift
your brand and that you have the infrastructure and vision to extract the
maximum value from such a strategic investment, we want to help and are looking
forward to hearing from you.

Fields are mandatory!

Please insert a valid email address


Your inquiry for XMMY.COM has been sent, thank you. We will be in touch shortly.
Please check your spam if you don’t have an email from us within few hours.

You can also reach out to me on Linkedin


Looking forward to talking to you soon,

Tatiana Bonneau

All product names, trademarks and registered trademarks are property of their
respective owners. All company, product and service names used in this website
are for identification purposes only. Use of these names, trademarks and brands
does not imply endorsement. All other trademarks cited herein are the property
of their respective owners.