leafyisland.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://leafyisland.com/
Effective URL: https://leafyisland.com/
Submission: On September 13 via api from US — Scanned from CA

Form analysis 147 forms found in the DOM

GET /search

<form class="search-form search-bar__form" action="/search" method="get" role="search">
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POST /cart/add

<form method="post" action="/cart/add">
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POST /cart/add

<form method="post" action="/cart/add">
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POST /cart/add

<form method="post" action="/cart/add">
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POST /cart/add

<form method="post" action="/cart/add">
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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

<form method="post" action="/cart/add">
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POST /cart/add

<form method="post" action="/cart/add">
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POST /cart/add

<form method="post" action="/cart/add">
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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

<form method="post" action="/cart/add">
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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

<form method="post" action="/cart/add">
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POST /cart/add

<form method="post" action="/cart/add">
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POST /cart/add

<form method="post" action="/cart/add">
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POST /cart/add

<form method="post" action="/cart/add">
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POST /cart/add

<form method="post" action="/cart/add">
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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

<form method="post" action="/cart/add">
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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

<form method="post" action="/cart/add">
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POST /cart/add

<form method="post" action="/cart/add">
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POST /cart/add

<form method="post" action="/cart/add">
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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

<form method="post" action="/cart/add">
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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

<form method="post" action="/cart/add">
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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

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Complete Soil Kit 5 kg - Spray Bottle, Soil Mix, Coco Peat, Vermicompost, Liquid

Complete Soil Kit 5 kg - Spray Bottle, Soil Mix, Coco Peat, Vermicompost, Liquid
Regular price Rs. 549.00
Sale price Rs. 549.00
Regular price Rs. 1,249.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

12 inch Brown Garden/ Indoor Pot - Set of 3 + 3 Plates

12 inch Brown Garden/ Indoor Pot - Set of 3 + 3 Plates
Regular price from Rs. 299.00
Sale price from Rs. 299.00
Regular price Rs. 540.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Mini Wine Bucket Planter - Wooden Finish - Premium Fiberglass Pot

Mini Wine Bucket Planter - Wooden Finish - Premium Fiberglass Pot
Regular price from Rs. 399.00
Sale price from Rs. 399.00
Regular price Rs. 899.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

1.75/3 Feet Coir Moss Stick

1.75/3 Feet Coir Moss Stick
Regular price from Rs. 129.00
Sale price from Rs. 129.00
Regular price Rs. 199.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Water Spray Bottle 2L for Gardening

Water Spray Bottle 2L for Gardening
Regular price Rs. 299.00
Sale price Rs. 299.00
Regular price Rs. 699.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Nutrient Rich Soil Mix 1.8 Kg - General Repotting Soil Mix

Nutrient Rich Soil Mix 1.8 Kg - General Repotting Soil Mix
Regular price from Rs. 149.00
Sale price from Rs. 149.00
Regular price Rs. 299.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Liquid Fertilizer 1L - 100% Organic & Natural

Liquid Fertilizer 1L - 100% Organic & Natural
Regular price from Rs. 179.00
Sale price from Rs. 179.00
Regular price Rs. 499.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Vermicompost 1.5 Kg - Organic Fertilizer & Manure

Vermicompost 1.5 Kg - Organic Fertilizer & Manure
Regular price from Rs. 149.00
Sale price from Rs. 149.00
Regular price Rs. 240.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Organic Coco Peat 900g - Soil Essentials for Healthy Roots

Organic Coco Peat 900g - Soil Essentials for Healthy Roots
Regular price from Rs. 149.00
Sale price from Rs. 149.00
Regular price Rs. 215.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Nutrient Rich Soil Box - 10Kg

Nutrient Rich Soil Box - 10Kg
Regular price Rs. 299.00
Sale price Rs. 299.00
Regular price Rs. 1,199.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Complete Soil Kit 5 kg - Spray Bottle, Soil Mix, Coco Peat, Vermicompost, Liquid

Complete Soil Kit 5 kg - Spray Bottle, Soil Mix, Coco Peat, Vermicompost, Liquid
Regular price Rs. 549.00
Sale price Rs. 549.00
Regular price Rs. 1,249.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

12 inch Brown Garden/ Indoor Pot - Set of 3 + 3 Plates

12 inch Brown Garden/ Indoor Pot - Set of 3 + 3 Plates
Regular price from Rs. 299.00
Sale price from Rs. 299.00
Regular price Rs. 540.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Mini Wine Bucket Planter - Wooden Finish - Premium Fiberglass Pot

Mini Wine Bucket Planter - Wooden Finish - Premium Fiberglass Pot
Regular price from Rs. 399.00
Sale price from Rs. 399.00
Regular price Rs. 899.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

1.75/3 Feet Coir Moss Stick

1.75/3 Feet Coir Moss Stick
Regular price from Rs. 129.00
Sale price from Rs. 129.00
Regular price Rs. 199.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Water Spray Bottle 2L for Gardening

Water Spray Bottle 2L for Gardening
Regular price Rs. 299.00
Sale price Rs. 299.00
Regular price Rs. 699.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Nutrient Rich Soil Mix 1.8 Kg - General Repotting Soil Mix

Nutrient Rich Soil Mix 1.8 Kg - General Repotting Soil Mix
Regular price from Rs. 149.00
Sale price from Rs. 149.00
Regular price Rs. 299.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Liquid Fertilizer 1L - 100% Organic & Natural

Liquid Fertilizer 1L - 100% Organic & Natural
Regular price from Rs. 179.00
Sale price from Rs. 179.00
Regular price Rs. 499.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Vermicompost 1.5 Kg - Organic Fertilizer & Manure

Vermicompost 1.5 Kg - Organic Fertilizer & Manure
Regular price from Rs. 149.00
Sale price from Rs. 149.00
Regular price Rs. 240.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out


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Low Maintenance Plants
Indoor Plants
Budget Buys
Tall & Medium Size Plants


Rhapis, Lady Palm Plant

Rhapis, Lady Palm Plant
Regular price from Rs. 999.00
Sale price from Rs. 999.00
Regular price Rs. 1,299.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Ixora Plant (2.5ft tall), Ixora Coccinea Plant

Ixora Plant (2.5ft tall), Ixora Coccinea Plant
Regular price from Rs. 439.00
Sale price from Rs. 439.00
Regular price Rs. 999.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Weeping Fig Plant, Ficus Benjamina Plant

Weeping Fig Plant, Ficus Benjamina Plant
Regular price from Rs. 429.00
Sale price from Rs. 429.00
Regular price Rs. 999.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Ruffled Fan Palm, Licuala Grandis, Pichodia Grandis

Ruffled Fan Palm, Licuala Grandis, Pichodia Grandis
Regular price Rs. 1,499.00
Sale price Rs. 1,499.00
Regular price Rs. 1,399.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Monstera Deliciosa, Swiss Cheese Plant

Monstera Deliciosa, Swiss Cheese Plant
Regular price from Rs. 2,199.00
Sale price from Rs. 2,199.00
Regular price Rs. 3,499.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Ficus Bambino (3ft Tall), Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant

Ficus Bambino (3ft Tall), Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant
Regular price Rs. 1,299.00
Sale price Rs. 1,299.00
Regular price Rs. 1,999.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Areca Palm Tall (3.5 Feet), Golden Cane Palm

Areca Palm Tall (3.5 Feet), Golden Cane Palm
Regular price from Rs. 599.00
Sale price from Rs. 599.00
Regular price Rs. 1,599.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Philodendron Ceylon Golden Plant in White Pot

Philodendron Ceylon Golden Plant in White Pot
Regular price Rs. 1,049.00
Sale price Rs. 1,049.00
Regular price Rs. 1,499.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

ZZ Plant (2.5 feet) in White Pot

ZZ Plant (2.5 feet) in White Pot
Regular price from Rs. 1,199.00
Sale price from Rs. 1,199.00
Regular price Rs. 1,499.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Areca Palm Big (3.5 feet) in White Pot

Areca Palm Big (3.5 feet) in White Pot
Regular price Rs. 799.00
Sale price Rs. 799.00
Regular price Rs. 1,499.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Money Plant Green Variegated, 3 Feet with Moss Stick

Money Plant Green Variegated, 3 Feet with Moss Stick
Regular price from Rs. 939.00
Sale price from Rs. 939.00
Regular price Rs. 1,499.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Monstera Adansonii Tall (3 Feet), Swiss Cheese Plant

Monstera Adansonii Tall (3 Feet), Swiss Cheese Plant
Regular price from Rs. 1,549.00
Sale price from Rs. 1,549.00
Regular price Rs. 2,499.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Spider Plant Vareigated, Chlorophytum Comosum

Spider Plant Vareigated, Chlorophytum Comosum
Regular price from Rs. 499.00
Sale price from Rs. 499.00
Regular price Rs. 999.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Money Plant, 2.5 feet with Moss Stick

Money Plant, 2.5 feet with Moss Stick
Regular price from Rs. 459.00
Sale price from Rs. 459.00
Regular price Rs. 999.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

White Dracaena Plant in White Planter

White Dracaena Plant in White Planter
Regular price Rs. 999.00
Sale price Rs. 999.00
Regular price Rs. 1,499.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Rhapis, Lady Palm Plant

Rhapis, Lady Palm Plant
Regular price from Rs. 999.00
Sale price from Rs. 999.00
Regular price Rs. 1,299.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Ixora Plant (2.5ft tall), Ixora Coccinea Plant

Ixora Plant (2.5ft tall), Ixora Coccinea Plant
Regular price from Rs. 439.00
Sale price from Rs. 439.00
Regular price Rs. 999.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Weeping Fig Plant, Ficus Benjamina Plant

Weeping Fig Plant, Ficus Benjamina Plant
Regular price from Rs. 429.00
Sale price from Rs. 429.00
Regular price Rs. 999.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Ruffled Fan Palm, Licuala Grandis, Pichodia Grandis

Ruffled Fan Palm, Licuala Grandis, Pichodia Grandis
Regular price Rs. 1,499.00
Sale price Rs. 1,499.00
Regular price Rs. 1,399.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Monstera Deliciosa, Swiss Cheese Plant

Monstera Deliciosa, Swiss Cheese Plant
Regular price from Rs. 2,199.00
Sale price from Rs. 2,199.00
Regular price Rs. 3,499.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Ficus Bambino (3ft Tall), Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant

Ficus Bambino (3ft Tall), Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant
Regular price Rs. 1,299.00
Sale price Rs. 1,299.00
Regular price Rs. 1,999.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Areca Palm Tall (3.5 Feet), Golden Cane Palm

Areca Palm Tall (3.5 Feet), Golden Cane Palm
Regular price from Rs. 599.00
Sale price from Rs. 599.00
Regular price Rs. 1,599.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Philodendron Ceylon Golden Plant in White Pot

Philodendron Ceylon Golden Plant in White Pot
Regular price Rs. 1,049.00
Sale price Rs. 1,049.00
Regular price Rs. 1,499.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out


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FRP Planters
Metal Decor Planters
Ceramic Planters
Concrete Pots


Golden Metal Planters & Pot - Set of 2

Golden Metal Planters & Pot - Set of 2
Regular price Rs. 3,999.00
Sale price Rs. 3,999.00
Regular price Rs. 5,999.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Dual Tone Metal Planters & Pot (Copper-Black) - Set of 2

Dual Tone Metal Planters & Pot (Copper-Black) - Set of 2
Regular price Rs. 3,999.00
Sale price Rs. 3,999.00
Regular price Rs. 5,999.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

4-Tier Metal Planter Stand (3.3 Feet)

4-Tier Metal Planter Stand (3.3 Feet)
Regular price Rs. 3,999.00
Sale price Rs. 3,999.00
Regular price Rs. 5,499.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Floral Metal Railing Planters (Double Hook)

Floral Metal Railing Planters (Double Hook)
Regular price from Rs. 499.00
Sale price from Rs. 499.00
Regular price Rs. 599.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Floral White Lavender Table Top Planter

Floral White Lavender Table Top Planter
Regular price Rs. 379.00
Sale price Rs. 379.00
Regular price Rs. 599.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

3-Tier Stand with Apple Pots

3-Tier Stand with Apple Pots
Regular price Rs. 1,499.00
Sale price Rs. 1,499.00
Regular price Rs. 1,999.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Nordic White-Gold Planter & Pot - Set of 3

Nordic White-Gold Planter & Pot - Set of 3
Regular price Rs. 2,499.00
Sale price Rs. 2,499.00
Regular price Rs. 5,999.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Leafy Island Lavender Table Top Planter

Leafy Island Lavender Table Top Planter
Regular price Rs. 379.00
Sale price Rs. 379.00
Regular price Rs. 599.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Nordic Matte Black-Gold Planter & Pot - Set of 3

Nordic Matte Black-Gold Planter & Pot - Set of 3
Regular price Rs. 2,499.00
Sale price Rs. 2,499.00
Regular price Rs. 5,999.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Nordic Gold Planter & Pot - Set of 3

Nordic Gold Planter & Pot - Set of 3
Regular price Rs. 2,499.00
Sale price Rs. 2,499.00
Regular price Rs. 5,999.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Stella Gold-White Giraffe Print Planter

Stella Gold-White Giraffe Print Planter
Regular price Rs. 499.00
Sale price Rs. 499.00
Regular price Rs. 699.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Stella Matte Gold Planter

Stella Matte Gold Planter
Regular price Rs. 499.00
Sale price Rs. 499.00
Regular price Rs. 599.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

White Petite Table Planter & Stand (4.5 Inch)

White Petite Table Planter & Stand (4.5 Inch)
Regular price from Rs. 399.00
Sale price from Rs. 399.00
Regular price Rs. 599.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Black Tricycle Planter (Small)

Black Tricycle Planter (Small)
Regular price Rs. 449.00
Sale price Rs. 449.00
Regular price Rs. 599.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

White Tricycle Planter (Small)

White Tricycle Planter (Small)
Regular price Rs. 449.00
Sale price Rs. 449.00
Regular price Rs. 599.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Golden Metal Planters & Pot - Set of 2

Golden Metal Planters & Pot - Set of 2
Regular price Rs. 3,999.00
Sale price Rs. 3,999.00
Regular price Rs. 5,999.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Dual Tone Metal Planters & Pot (Copper-Black) - Set of 2

Dual Tone Metal Planters & Pot (Copper-Black) - Set of 2
Regular price Rs. 3,999.00
Sale price Rs. 3,999.00
Regular price Rs. 5,999.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

4-Tier Metal Planter Stand (3.3 Feet)

4-Tier Metal Planter Stand (3.3 Feet)
Regular price Rs. 3,999.00
Sale price Rs. 3,999.00
Regular price Rs. 5,499.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Floral Metal Railing Planters (Double Hook)

Floral Metal Railing Planters (Double Hook)
Regular price from Rs. 499.00
Sale price from Rs. 499.00
Regular price Rs. 599.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Floral White Lavender Table Top Planter

Floral White Lavender Table Top Planter
Regular price Rs. 379.00
Sale price Rs. 379.00
Regular price Rs. 599.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

3-Tier Stand with Apple Pots

3-Tier Stand with Apple Pots
Regular price Rs. 1,499.00
Sale price Rs. 1,499.00
Regular price Rs. 1,999.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Nordic White-Gold Planter & Pot - Set of 3

Nordic White-Gold Planter & Pot - Set of 3
Regular price Rs. 2,499.00
Sale price Rs. 2,499.00
Regular price Rs. 5,999.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Leafy Island Lavender Table Top Planter

Leafy Island Lavender Table Top Planter
Regular price Rs. 379.00
Sale price Rs. 379.00
Regular price Rs. 599.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out


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Red Rose Plant

Red Rose Plant
Regular price from Rs. 239.00
Sale price from Rs. 239.00
Regular price Rs. 399.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Anthurium Plant - Any Color (Red, Purple, White, Pink)

Anthurium Plant - Any Color (Red, Purple, White, Pink)
Regular price Rs. 529.00
Sale price Rs. 529.00
Regular price Rs. 899.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Wishbone Plant

Wishbone Plant
Regular price Rs. 319.00
Sale price Rs. 319.00
Regular price Rs. 449.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Cuphea in Paris Red Railing Pot

Cuphea in Paris Red Railing Pot
Regular price Rs. 279.00
Sale price Rs. 279.00
Regular price Rs. 499.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Shevanti, Chrysanthemums Golden, Yellow or White Plant

Shevanti, Chrysanthemums Golden, Yellow or White Plant
Regular price Rs. 199.00
Sale price Rs. 199.00
Regular price Rs. 399.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Pentas Plant

Pentas Plant
Regular price from Rs. 219.00
Sale price from Rs. 219.00
Regular price Rs. 499.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Hibiscus, Gudhal Plant

Hibiscus, Gudhal Plant
Regular price from Rs. 309.00
Sale price from Rs. 309.00
Regular price Rs. 349.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Geranium Plant - Red, White, Pink

Geranium Plant - Red, White, Pink
Regular price from Rs. 239.00
Sale price from Rs. 239.00
Regular price Rs. 449.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Jasmine Plant, Mogra

Jasmine Plant, Mogra
Regular price Rs. 189.00
Sale price Rs. 189.00
Regular price Rs. 349.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Hibiscus Plant in Rectangle Pot - Garden Set

Hibiscus Plant in Rectangle Pot - Garden Set
Regular price Rs. 369.00
Sale price Rs. 369.00
Regular price Rs. 799.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Impatiens Walleriana Plant

Impatiens Walleriana Plant
Regular price from Rs. 239.00
Sale price from Rs. 239.00
Regular price Rs. 399.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Cuphea Plant

Cuphea Plant
Regular price Rs. 199.00
Sale price Rs. 199.00
Regular price Rs. 399.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Bougainvillea Pink (2 feet tall), Bougainvillea Glabra Plant

Bougainvillea Pink (2 feet tall), Bougainvillea Glabra Plant
Regular price Rs. 499.00
Sale price Rs. 499.00
Regular price Rs. 999.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Periwinkle Plant in a Woven Basket Planter

Periwinkle Plant in a Woven Basket Planter
Regular price from Rs. 749.00
Sale price from Rs. 749.00
Regular price Rs. 899.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Ixora Plant (2.5ft tall), Ixora Coccinea Plant

Ixora Plant (2.5ft tall), Ixora Coccinea Plant
Regular price from Rs. 439.00
Sale price from Rs. 439.00
Regular price Rs. 999.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Red Rose Plant

Red Rose Plant
Regular price from Rs. 239.00
Sale price from Rs. 239.00
Regular price Rs. 399.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Anthurium Plant - Any Color (Red, Purple, White, Pink)

Anthurium Plant - Any Color (Red, Purple, White, Pink)
Regular price Rs. 529.00
Sale price Rs. 529.00
Regular price Rs. 899.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Wishbone Plant

Wishbone Plant
Regular price Rs. 319.00
Sale price Rs. 319.00
Regular price Rs. 449.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Cuphea in Paris Red Railing Pot

Cuphea in Paris Red Railing Pot
Regular price Rs. 279.00
Sale price Rs. 279.00
Regular price Rs. 499.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Shevanti, Chrysanthemums Golden, Yellow or White Plant

Shevanti, Chrysanthemums Golden, Yellow or White Plant
Regular price Rs. 199.00
Sale price Rs. 199.00
Regular price Rs. 399.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Pentas Plant

Pentas Plant
Regular price from Rs. 219.00
Sale price from Rs. 219.00
Regular price Rs. 499.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Hibiscus, Gudhal Plant

Hibiscus, Gudhal Plant
Regular price from Rs. 309.00
Sale price from Rs. 309.00
Regular price Rs. 349.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Geranium Plant - Red, White, Pink

Geranium Plant - Red, White, Pink
Regular price from Rs. 239.00
Sale price from Rs. 239.00
Regular price Rs. 449.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out


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4-Inch Jade Green Ceramic Planter Set

4-Inch Jade Green Ceramic Planter Set
Regular price from Rs. 599.00
Sale price from Rs. 599.00
Regular price Rs. 999.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

3-Inch Meditating Buddha Ceramic Planter Set (Small)

3-Inch Meditating Buddha Ceramic Planter Set (Small)
Regular price from Rs. 499.00
Sale price from Rs. 499.00
Regular price Rs. 999.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

5.5-Inch White Spotted Boat - Ceramic Planter Set (Small)

5.5-Inch White Spotted Boat - Ceramic Planter Set (Small)
Regular price from Rs. 449.00
Sale price from Rs. 449.00
Regular price Rs. 999.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

6-Inch Cerulean Glaze Ceramic Planter (Small)

6-Inch Cerulean Glaze Ceramic Planter (Small)
Regular price from Rs. 449.00
Sale price from Rs. 449.00
Regular price Rs. 999.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Organic Cocopeat Block (1/5 Kg) - Soil Essentials for Healthy Roots

Organic Cocopeat Block (1/5 Kg) - Soil Essentials for Healthy Roots
Regular price from Rs. 199.00
Sale price from Rs. 199.00
Regular price Rs. 215.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Drainage Cells Mats for Terraces & Balconies

Drainage Cells Mats for Terraces & Balconies
Regular price from Rs. 1,249.00
Sale price from Rs. 1,249.00
Regular price Rs. 199.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Lotus Pond FRP Planter

Lotus Pond FRP Planter
Regular price Rs. 3,649.00
Sale price Rs. 3,649.00
Regular price Rs. 5,999.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Rakhi Combo - Gifting Set for Siblings

Rakhi Combo - Gifting Set for Siblings
Regular price Rs. 499.00
Sale price Rs. 499.00
Regular price Rs. 499.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Double Hook Plastic Railing Pots - Set of 3/6

Double Hook Plastic Railing Pots - Set of 3/6
Regular price from Rs. 699.00
Sale price from Rs. 699.00
Regular price Rs. 450.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Large Apple Vase Ceramic Planter - Set of 2

Large Apple Vase Ceramic Planter - Set of 2
Regular price Rs. 1,799.00
Sale price Rs. 1,799.00
Regular price Rs. 1,999.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Matka Ceramic Planter Set (S/M/L Sizes)

Matka Ceramic Planter Set (S/M/L Sizes)
Regular price from Rs. 449.00
Sale price from Rs. 449.00
Regular price Rs. 999.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Pulido's Echeveria Succulent

Pulido's Echeveria Succulent
Regular price Rs. 349.00
Sale price Rs. 349.00
Regular price Rs. 549.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Mistletoe Cactus Succulent

Mistletoe Cactus Succulent
Regular price Rs. 349.00
Sale price Rs. 349.00
Regular price Rs. 549.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Bottle Cactus Succulent

Bottle Cactus Succulent
Regular price Rs. 349.00
Sale price Rs. 349.00
Regular price Rs. 549.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

4-Inch Swirling Blue Ceramic Planter Set

4-Inch Swirling Blue Ceramic Planter Set
Regular price from Rs. 599.00
Sale price from Rs. 599.00
Regular price Rs. 999.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

4-Inch Jade Green Ceramic Planter Set

4-Inch Jade Green Ceramic Planter Set
Regular price from Rs. 599.00
Sale price from Rs. 599.00
Regular price Rs. 999.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

3-Inch Meditating Buddha Ceramic Planter Set (Small)

3-Inch Meditating Buddha Ceramic Planter Set (Small)
Regular price from Rs. 499.00
Sale price from Rs. 499.00
Regular price Rs. 999.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

5.5-Inch White Spotted Boat - Ceramic Planter Set (Small)

5.5-Inch White Spotted Boat - Ceramic Planter Set (Small)
Regular price from Rs. 449.00
Sale price from Rs. 449.00
Regular price Rs. 999.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

6-Inch Cerulean Glaze Ceramic Planter (Small)

6-Inch Cerulean Glaze Ceramic Planter (Small)
Regular price from Rs. 449.00
Sale price from Rs. 449.00
Regular price Rs. 999.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Organic Cocopeat Block (1/5 Kg) - Soil Essentials for Healthy Roots

Organic Cocopeat Block (1/5 Kg) - Soil Essentials for Healthy Roots
Regular price from Rs. 199.00
Sale price from Rs. 199.00
Regular price Rs. 215.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Drainage Cells Mats for Terraces & Balconies

Drainage Cells Mats for Terraces & Balconies
Regular price from Rs. 1,249.00
Sale price from Rs. 1,249.00
Regular price Rs. 199.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Lotus Pond FRP Planter

Lotus Pond FRP Planter
Regular price Rs. 3,649.00
Sale price Rs. 3,649.00
Regular price Rs. 5,999.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Rakhi Combo - Gifting Set for Siblings

Rakhi Combo - Gifting Set for Siblings
Regular price Rs. 499.00
Sale price Rs. 499.00
Regular price Rs. 499.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out


View all


Haworthia/Echeveria Succulents in Cute Ceramic Pots (Daily Deals 4)

Haworthia/Echeveria Succulents in Cute Ceramic Pots (Daily Deals 4)
Regular price from Rs. 299.00
Sale price from Rs. 299.00
Regular price Rs. 549.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Dracaena Bamboo Plant in Ceramic Pot (Daily Deals 3)

Dracaena Bamboo Plant in Ceramic Pot (Daily Deals 3)
Regular price Rs. 349.00
Sale price Rs. 349.00
Regular price Rs. 599.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Aralia Miniature White Plant in Ceramic Pot (Daily Deals 2)

Aralia Miniature White Plant in Ceramic Pot (Daily Deals 2)
Regular price Rs. 299.00
Sale price Rs. 299.00
Regular price Rs. 499.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Green Ripple Peperomia (Daily Deals 1)

Green Ripple Peperomia (Daily Deals 1)
Regular price Rs. 399.00
Sale price Rs. 399.00
Regular price Rs. 699.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Exotic Calathea Plants (Daily Deals 9)

Exotic Calathea Plants (Daily Deals 9)
Regular price from Rs. 799.00
Sale price from Rs. 799.00
Regular price Rs. 749.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Hypoestes Pink Plant in Turtle Ceramic Pot (Daily Deals 8)

Hypoestes Pink Plant in Turtle Ceramic Pot (Daily Deals 8)
Regular price Rs. 399.00
Sale price Rs. 399.00
Regular price Rs. 399.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Fittonia Plant in Ceramic Pot (Daily Deals 7)

Fittonia Plant in Ceramic Pot (Daily Deals 7)
Regular price Rs. 499.00
Sale price Rs. 499.00
Regular price Rs. 499.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Jade Plant in Ceramic Pot (Daily Deals 5)

Jade Plant in Ceramic Pot (Daily Deals 5)
Regular price Rs. 249.00
Sale price Rs. 249.00
Regular price Rs. 199.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Haworthia/Echeveria Succulents in Cute Ceramic Pots (Daily Deals 4)

Haworthia/Echeveria Succulents in Cute Ceramic Pots (Daily Deals 4)
Regular price from Rs. 299.00
Sale price from Rs. 299.00
Regular price Rs. 549.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Dracaena Bamboo Plant in Ceramic Pot (Daily Deals 3)

Dracaena Bamboo Plant in Ceramic Pot (Daily Deals 3)
Regular price Rs. 349.00
Sale price Rs. 349.00
Regular price Rs. 599.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Aralia Miniature White Plant in Ceramic Pot (Daily Deals 2)

Aralia Miniature White Plant in Ceramic Pot (Daily Deals 2)
Regular price Rs. 299.00
Sale price Rs. 299.00
Regular price Rs. 499.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Green Ripple Peperomia (Daily Deals 1)

Green Ripple Peperomia (Daily Deals 1)
Regular price Rs. 399.00
Sale price Rs. 399.00
Regular price Rs. 699.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Exotic Calathea Plants (Daily Deals 9)

Exotic Calathea Plants (Daily Deals 9)
Regular price from Rs. 799.00
Sale price from Rs. 799.00
Regular price Rs. 749.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Hypoestes Pink Plant in Turtle Ceramic Pot (Daily Deals 8)

Hypoestes Pink Plant in Turtle Ceramic Pot (Daily Deals 8)
Regular price Rs. 399.00
Sale price Rs. 399.00
Regular price Rs. 399.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Fittonia Plant in Ceramic Pot (Daily Deals 7)

Fittonia Plant in Ceramic Pot (Daily Deals 7)
Regular price Rs. 499.00
Sale price Rs. 499.00
Regular price Rs. 499.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Jade Plant in Ceramic Pot (Daily Deals 5)

Jade Plant in Ceramic Pot (Daily Deals 5)
Regular price Rs. 249.00
Sale price Rs. 249.00
Regular price Rs. 199.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out


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These strong, sturdy Hand Tools are made of high quality material and are a MUST
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It can be quite confusing to know what soil mix should be used & when. Whether
you should go for liquid fertilizer or coco peat. To add vermicompost or just
regular top soil refresh? We have sorted this out for you without any fancy
 * Read more

Complete Soil Kit 5 kg - Soil Mix, Coco Peat, Vermicompost & Liquid Fertilizer

Complete Soil Kit 5 kg - Soil Mix, Coco Peat, Vermicompost & Liquid Fertilizer
Regular price Rs. 399.00
Sale price Rs. 399.00
Regular price Rs. 749.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Soil Kit 6 kg - 2x Soil Mix, 2x Coco Peat, 1x Vermicompost

Soil Kit 6 kg - 2x Soil Mix, 2x Coco Peat, 1x Vermicompost
Regular price Rs. 349.00
Sale price Rs. 349.00
Regular price Rs. 899.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Soil Kit 2.5 kg - Spray Bottle, Soil Mix, Coco Peat

Soil Kit 2.5 kg - Spray Bottle, Soil Mix, Coco Peat
Regular price Rs. 499.00
Sale price Rs. 499.00
Regular price Rs. 749.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Organic Cocopeat Block (1/5 Kg) - Soil Essentials for Healthy Roots

Organic Cocopeat Block (1/5 Kg) - Soil Essentials for Healthy Roots
Regular price from Rs. 199.00
Sale price from Rs. 199.00
Regular price Rs. 215.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Nutrient Rich Soil Mix 1.8 Kg - General Repotting Soil Mix

Nutrient Rich Soil Mix 1.8 Kg - General Repotting Soil Mix
Regular price from Rs. 149.00
Sale price from Rs. 149.00
Regular price Rs. 299.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Liquid Fertilizer 1L - 100% Organic & Natural

Liquid Fertilizer 1L - 100% Organic & Natural
Regular price from Rs. 179.00
Sale price from Rs. 179.00
Regular price Rs. 499.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Vermicompost 1.5 Kg - Organic Fertilizer & Manure

Vermicompost 1.5 Kg - Organic Fertilizer & Manure
Regular price from Rs. 149.00
Sale price from Rs. 149.00
Regular price Rs. 240.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Organic Coco Peat 900g - Soil Essentials for Healthy Roots

Organic Coco Peat 900g - Soil Essentials for Healthy Roots
Regular price from Rs. 149.00
Sale price from Rs. 149.00
Regular price Rs. 215.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Nutrient Rich Soil Box - 10Kg

Nutrient Rich Soil Box - 10Kg
Regular price Rs. 299.00
Sale price Rs. 299.00
Regular price Rs. 1,199.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Complete Soil Kit 5 kg - Spray Bottle, Soil Mix, Coco Peat, Vermicompost, Liquid

Complete Soil Kit 5 kg - Spray Bottle, Soil Mix, Coco Peat, Vermicompost, Liquid
Regular price Rs. 549.00
Sale price Rs. 549.00
Regular price Rs. 1,249.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Repotting Soil Kit 6 kg - 3x Soil Mix, 1x Coco Peat

Repotting Soil Kit 6 kg - 3x Soil Mix, 1x Coco Peat
Regular price Rs. 299.00
Sale price Rs. 299.00
Regular price Rs. 899.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Complete Soil Kit 5 kg - Soil Mix, Coco Peat, Vermicompost & Liquid Fertilizer

Complete Soil Kit 5 kg - Soil Mix, Coco Peat, Vermicompost & Liquid Fertilizer
Regular price Rs. 399.00
Sale price Rs. 399.00
Regular price Rs. 749.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Soil Kit 6 kg - 2x Soil Mix, 2x Coco Peat, 1x Vermicompost

Soil Kit 6 kg - 2x Soil Mix, 2x Coco Peat, 1x Vermicompost
Regular price Rs. 349.00
Sale price Rs. 349.00
Regular price Rs. 899.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Soil Kit 2.5 kg - Spray Bottle, Soil Mix, Coco Peat

Soil Kit 2.5 kg - Spray Bottle, Soil Mix, Coco Peat
Regular price Rs. 499.00
Sale price Rs. 499.00
Regular price Rs. 749.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Organic Cocopeat Block (1/5 Kg) - Soil Essentials for Healthy Roots

Organic Cocopeat Block (1/5 Kg) - Soil Essentials for Healthy Roots
Regular price from Rs. 199.00
Sale price from Rs. 199.00
Regular price Rs. 215.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Nutrient Rich Soil Mix 1.8 Kg - General Repotting Soil Mix

Nutrient Rich Soil Mix 1.8 Kg - General Repotting Soil Mix
Regular price from Rs. 149.00
Sale price from Rs. 149.00
Regular price Rs. 299.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Liquid Fertilizer 1L - 100% Organic & Natural

Liquid Fertilizer 1L - 100% Organic & Natural
Regular price from Rs. 179.00
Sale price from Rs. 179.00
Regular price Rs. 499.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Vermicompost 1.5 Kg - Organic Fertilizer & Manure

Vermicompost 1.5 Kg - Organic Fertilizer & Manure
Regular price from Rs. 149.00
Sale price from Rs. 149.00
Regular price Rs. 240.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Organic Coco Peat 900g - Soil Essentials for Healthy Roots

Organic Coco Peat 900g - Soil Essentials for Healthy Roots
Regular price from Rs. 149.00
Sale price from Rs. 149.00
Regular price Rs. 215.00
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out



Choosing the right plant for your home might be more difficult than you think.
More so, if you want to make a statement with a tall variety. Read along to find
out which plants suit your home the best, based on various factors.
 * Read more


Get answers to all balcony related questions. Getting a balcony plant can be
daunting especially when there are so many possibilities - from floor plants to
plants in hanging baskets to vertical growing plants. Not only that there are
other factors that go into deciding what gets into your balcony - from
maintenance to space to sunlight to cost factors. Read this ready list to know
which is a plant for you.
 * Read more


With their increasing popularity and growing dominance in the home décor
spectrum, many people are still unaware of these amazing plants called Suc...
 * Read more


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