www.taphandles.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://www.taphandles.com/
Effective URL: https://www.taphandles.com/
Submission: On October 05 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 3 forms found in the DOM

POST https://www.taphandles.com/index.php/en/index

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POST https://www.taphandles.com/index.php/en?RET=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.taphandles.com%2Findex.php%2Fen&URI=index&return_url=0&author_id=1&channel_id=11&entry_id=0&ACT=1&meta=JsKdbXFCRo2tjcTuSA3XWTCoF2Khx72W6WzYmcdhewUguW7O%2FIMe9o7Hn%2F9roMMW6qRCiFeXvBTAdf1FqxkbTp7qkrEMWBKS5%2FpkO4LYHh3si%2FAzKY4FjibZVEiBJHCOsoSOR3upYwDhtl61wd%2BboFQ8AdevVfWfVQHx5vY6VDmOqNn7tVZiZvaQ6pIxTnrQXtHzRrSJAZBlvJRwNwygj%2BiT4%2FlIiutHDt%2F2OLZyN5xmxcMQXbLf6OQvYMMaI9CuDXOEbrZmnlg8LUeILEG27r5f9XEU30u84w%2FiVHpJqXFUeCYZNRBPhgk7z5kb1Vs2RvFzDSTABUBfNRBsuvAHNt33VXcqlJdkv5MID9HgqILcJymQXm6X29ahbRQrHxTf%2F71VGMHCePOPmJpuNjXBczkv%2FmRpQsfH3K1VNQ5nW8JAOYReDpqf0WZuc2DiLFq5

<form id="employ_modal_form" class="uk-form uk-form-stacked" method="post"
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  <div class="uk-form-row">
    <span>Resumé *</span>
    <p class="resume-required">Resume is a required field.</p>
    <p id="resume_file_size_error">File must be less than 5MB.</p>
    <div class="file_field">
      <div class="file_set js_hide" style="display: none;">
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            <input type="hidden" name="resume_directory" value="9">
    <div class="clear"></div>
  <div class="uk-form-row">
    <span>Cover Letter *</span>
    <p class="letter-required">Cover letter is a required.</p>
    <p id="letter_file_size_error">File must be less than 5MB.</p>
    <div class="file_field">
      <div class="file_set js_hide" style="display: none;">
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    <div class="clear"></div>
  <div class="uk-form-row">
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POST https://www.taphandles.com/index.php/en/index

<form id="contact_modal_form" class="uk-form uk-form-stacked" method="post" action="https://www.taphandles.com/index.php/en/index">
  <div class="hiddenFields">
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    <input type="hidden" name="RET" value="">
    <input type="hidden" name="URI" value="index">
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  <input type="hidden" id="subject" name="subject" data-label="Subject" value="New Contact Request">
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  <div class="uk-form-row">
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  <div class="uk-form-row">
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  <div class="uk-form-row">
    <input type="hidden" value="---" name="message[]">
    <input type="hidden" value="How did you hear about us?" name="message[]">
    <input class="uk-form-controls uk-form-large uk-width-1-1" type="text" id="hear_about_us" name="message[]" data-label="Hear About Us" placeholder="How did you hear about us?">
  <div class="uk-form-row">
    <input type="hidden" value="---" name="message[]">
    <input type="hidden" value="What product do you need?" name="message[]">
    <label>What product do you need?</label>
    <select name="message[]">
      <option value="Tap Handles">TAP HANDLES</option>
      <option value="Led Sign">LED SIGNS</option>
      <option value="Custom Pop">CUSTOM POP</option>
      <option value="Not Sure">Not sure</option>
  <div class="uk-form-row">
    <input type="hidden" value="---" name="message[]">
    <input type="hidden" value="How many do you need?" name="message[]">
    <label>How many do you need?</label>
    <select name="message[]">
      <option value="1-25">1-25</option>
      <option value="26-50">26-50</option>
      <option value="50+">50+</option>
      <option value="Not Sure">Not sure</option>
  <div class="uk-form-row">
    <input type="hidden" value="---" name="message[]">
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    <select name="message[]">
      <option value="High">High</option>
      <option value="Medium">Medium</option>
      <option value="Low">Low</option>
  <input type="hidden" value="---" name="message[]">
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Bars Are Busy. Stand Out More.
Brewers commit their lives to creating an amazing beer. It’s our job to capture
same passion with impactful products that tell their story and sell more beer.
Our namesake. When someone orders your beer they’re going to be pointing at your
tap handle. Make sure it lives up to your brand and beer.
We are reinventing custom draft towers by leveraging our expertise to give our
customers the ability to seize innovative marketing opportunities and rapidly
bring design concepts to market.
LED is the new neon. Our custom lighted signs are vibrant, colorful, and
noticeable. Whether paired with a tap or on its own, it creates a powerful
consumer connection.
Challenges accepted. As a collective of storytellers, craftsmen and innovators,
we embrace the chance to showcase your brand in a different way.


Follow Our Handles

We love what we do and we love beer. Join us as we search for #taphandles
in the wild and toast brewers and friends along the way.






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Belltown Series
Queen Anne Series
Short Series


+1 206.462.6800
+1 877.855.6383
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+1 206.462.6800
+1 877.855.6383

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Thanks for your interest in Taphandles. Our opportunities are ever evolving. We
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Our sales crew is reviewing your inquiry and will respond within the next 24
hours. Cheers!

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What product do you need? TAP HANDLES LED SIGNS CUSTOM POP Not sure
How many do you need? 1-25 26-50 50+ Not sure
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