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Text Content

Vienna, Austria & Online | 14–19 April 2024

Vienna, Austria & Online | 14–19 April 2024
Vienna, Austria & Online | 14–19 April 2024
 * Submit your abstract
   Find your session
   Abstract management
   How to submit an abstract
   Abstract information
   Abstract update
   Abstract withdrawal
 * Attend
 * Exhibition
   General information
   Booking & prices
   EGU24 exhibitor's terms & conditions
   Suppliers & exhibitor manuals
   Exhibitor management tool
 * Guidelines
   Convener guidelines and rules
   Programme Committee guidelines
   US and GDB guidelines
   ITS guidelines
   SC guidelines
   EOS guidelines
   Townhall meetings
   Splinter meetings
   Supports & waivers
   Conference assistant guidelines
 * Updates
   September Update
   October Update
   November Update
   December Update
 * About
   General information
   Programme Committee composition
   Deadlines and milestones
   EGU General Assembly rules of conduct
   Accessibility and inclusiveness
   Licence and copyright
 * Logins
   Programme committee login
   Mail tool for programme committee members
   Convener login

My profile
My network

Abstract management 


 1. Home
 2. Submit your abstract
 3. How to submit an abstract

Multiple terms: term1 term2
red apples
returns results with all terms like:
Fructose levels in red and green apples

Precise match in quotes: "term1 term2"
"red apples"
returns results matching exactly like:
Anthocyanin biosynthesis in red apples

Exclude a term with -: term1 -term2
apples -red
returns results containing apples but not red:
Malic acid in green apples



Search in:

All PGs

There are no results for your search term.


We are sorry, but your search could not be completed due to network problems.
Please try again later.


We are sorry, but your search could not be completed due to server timeouts.
Please try again later.


We are sorry, but your search term seems to be invalid. Please refine your


We are sorry, but we have received too many parallel search requests. Please try
again later.

Thank you for your interest in the EGU General Assembly 2024. Please follow the
guidelines on this page for submission of your abstract. The abstract submission
deadline is Wednesday, 10 January 2024, 13:00 CET. Please note that an abstract
processing charge (APC) of €50 gross per abstract is levied. All first authors
of abstracts submitted to the EGU24 have to be an EGU member for the calendar
year 2024 or honorary/life member. The membership can be acquired upon abstract

Special notice: in accordance with current EU sanctions, EGU will not accept any
payment of EGU24 registration, abstracts or any other fees from Russian or
Belarusian institutions or banks. If you have any questions about this
restriction, please contact general-assembly@egu.eu.

Abstract submission recipe
Abstract guidelines and rules
One-abstract rule
Abstract processing charges (APCs)
Late abstract submissions


 1.  Use a text editor of your choice to compile your abstract: title,
     author(s), affiliation(s) of author(s), and abstract text. Your abstract
     body should have 100–500 words.
 2.  Browse through the session programme and select the session most relevant
     to you.
 3.  Use the abstract submission link at the chosen session. Please keep in mind
     that submission of the same abstract to more than one session is not
     allowed. Duplicates will be rejected.
 4.  You will be asked to log in to the Copernicus Office Meeting Organizer. Use
     the same account data you have used so far for any conference or journal
     business at Copernicus or EGU. Only first-timers can create a new account.
 5.  Please note that only 2024 EGU members, including honorary/life members,
     can submit an abstract as first author to the General Assembly and that
     co-authors submitting the abstract cannot acquire membership for first
     authors. Renew your EGU membership directly through the abstract submission
     form or beforehand at: https://www.egu.eu/membership/. In the latter case,
     please ensure to select the 2024 membership and use the same user account
     for your membership application as for your abstract submission. EGU
     members get a substantial reduction on the registration fee for the General
 6.  Fill in the submission information of title, author(s), and affiliation(s)
     of author(s).
 7.  ORCID numbers will be linked to authors that have their ORCID included in
     the personal data section of their Copernicus account.
 8.  For your abstract body, the submission form provides you with an HTML
 9.  Depending on the session, your abstract can be presented as an oral,
     poster, or PICO presentation. Therefore, you will be asked to indicate your
     presentation preference. For PICO sessions, the presentation preference is
     already set to PICO presentation.
 10. Indicate whether you plan to present your abstract on-site in Vienna or
 11. Accept the licence & copyright agreement as well as the EGU General
     Assembly rules of conduct and proceed to the abstract preview.
 12. In all cases, please indicate your invoice details for the abstract
     processing charges (APCs, see below). If you are the first author of the
     abstract and you have not yet applied for an EGU membership, the abstract
     submission form requires you to pay the membership in addition to the APC.
     You will then receive two separate invoices for the APC and the membership
 13. Submit your abstract. A confirmation message including your abstract number
     will be displayed and you will receive a confirmation email providing your
     abstract number. Should you not receive the abstract submission
     confirmation email within 24 hours, please check your spam folder first and
     then contact us at egu24@copernicus.org.

In case any questions arise, please do not hesitate to contact us at



 1. The abstract body should be short (100–500 words), clear, concise, and
    written in English with correct spelling and good sentence structure.
 2. Mathematical symbols and equations can be typed in or embedded as images.
 3. Abstracts should be carefully compiled and thoroughly checked, in particular
    with regard to the list of authors, before submission in order to avoid
    last-minute changes.


 1. The submission of an abstract carries with it the obligation that it is
    actually presented at the meeting by the author or, at least, by one of the
    co-authors. If this is not possible, please withdraw your abstract as early
    as possible. Without an early withdrawal, abstracts not presented at the
    conference are identified as no-shows. Such contributions are clearly marked
    in the online programme and listed as no-shows. The corresponding HTML/PDF
    abstract will no longer be available.
 2. By submitting an abstract, authors accept the licence & copyright agreement
    and agree to follow the EGU General Assembly rules of conduct.
 3. Submission of the same abstract to more than one session is not allowed.
    Duplicates identified by the programme committee will be rejected.
 4. If you have submitted your abstract to the wrong session, and notice before
    the abstract submission deadline, do not withdraw your abstract but contact
    us at egu24@copernicus.org instead. The Copernicus staff will take care of
    relocating your abstract to the correct session. Paid abstract processing
    charges for withdrawn abstracts because of an incorrect session will not be
 5. The content of EGU General Assembly abstracts is the responsibility of their
    authors. EGU reserves the right to reject abstracts that are not written in
    English, are out of the scope of the EGU General Assembly, do not meet basic
    standards of scientific quality, or do not adhere to conventional standards
    of civil discourse and common decency as laid out in the EGU Code of
 6. The official language of the EGU General Assembly is English. Simultaneous
    interpretation is not provided. It is therefore expected that authors will
    be able to present their research more or less fluently in the English


Authors are allowed as first author to submit either one regular abstract plus
one abstract solicited by a convener, or two solicited abstracts. A second
regular abstract can be submitted to sessions led by the EOS programme group
(the maximum number of abstracts, including solicited abstracts, remains two).
Possible submissions for first authors are the following:

 1. 1 regular + 1 solicited abstract;
 2. or 2 solicited abstracts;
 3. or 1 regular or solicited abstract + 1 regular or solicited abstract to
    EOS-led sessions.

Since the system limits abstract submissions to one, you will need to provide a
transaction number (TAN) when submitting your second abstract (unless the second
abstract is submitted to EOS-led sessions). It is important to obtain your TAN
from the convener of session X of your solicited abstract, even if your
solicited abstract was your first submission to session X (the system does not
ask for a TAN) and your second submission to session Y is your regular abstract
whereby the system asks you for a TAN (second submission). In such a case, you
will submit your second abstract to session Y using your TAN from session X.


Only 2024 EGU members, including honorary/life members, will be able to submit
an abstract as first author. Please renew your EGU membership directly through
the abstract submission form or in advance of the abstract submission through
the EGU membership form. In the latter case, please ensure to use the same user
account for your membership application as for your abstract submission. EGU
members get a substantial reduction on the registration fee to the General
Assembly. Should you submit an abstract as co-author and your first author has
not yet become a 2024 EGU member, you will not be able to acquire the necessary
membership for your colleague. In such a case, they would have to become an EGU
member themselves before you can proceed with the abstract submission.


 1. An APC of €50 gross must be paid for each abstract submission. Any late
    abstracts uploaded by conveners after 11 January 2024 but by their strict
    upload deadline of 17 January 2024, 13:00 CET, will receive a higher APC of
    €95 gross.
 2. APCs can only be paid by credit card or PayPal. You will be asked to provide
    your invoice details since a proper invoice and payment receipt will be sent
    by email. Please note that most probably, this invoice is meant to be an
    institutional invoice addressed to your institute rather than to you
    personally. The submission form therefore has institutional invoice as
    default, but this could be changed to personal invoice if applicable. If
    your institution is based in an EU country, you are requested to provide a
    VAT identification number. This VAT ID can normally be found in the imprint
    of your institution's website. Please carefully check your provided invoice
    address to avoid later changes.
 3. Abstracts are only processed and available for session organization by
    conveners after the payment is completed. Please note that this is a
    processing charge and not a publishing fee.
 4. APCs are not refundable in case of an abstract withdrawal (including in the
    case of submission to a wrong session), rejection, or double submission. If
    the session you submitted your abstract to was withdrawn, your abstract
    would still be eligible for a review in other sessions and a session
    withdrawal is therefore not a reason for an APC refund. The charges
    collected cover the costs to process the abstracts, whether or not the
    abstract is presented at the meeting.
 5. Please remember that abstract processing charges are also not eligible for a
    refund in case of abstract acceptance in a different session other than the
    one the author submitted the abstract to.
 6. The APC does not register you for the EGU General Assembly 2024. Separate
    registration fees apply.
 7. Solicited speakers do not receive discounted APCs or registration fees.


Abstracts sent to conveners to be submitted on your behalf after the regular
abstract submission deadline need to reach conveners well in advance of their
strict upload deadline of 17 January 2024, 13:00 CET. These late submissions
require final approval by the EGU Programme Committee and will be charged an APC
of €95 gross. Please make sure that the first author has a paid EGU membership
2024 before you send the abstract to the conveners. It is important to provide
the following information to the conveners:

 1. Your abstract title;
 2. All authors, including full first names (no initials) and last names;
 3. All email addresses of the authors (i.e., email address of each individual
 4. All affiliations of the authors (i.e., university and/or institute,
 5. Your abstract text;
 6. Your presentation preference;
 7. Whether you will present your abstract on-site in Vienna or virtually;
 8. The billing address for the invoice for the abstract processing charges.

As soon as the convener has uploaded your late abstract, you will receive
further instructions regarding the payment by email.

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