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urlscan Pro
Public Scan
Submission: On January 29 via api from US — Scanned from US
TLS certificate: Issued by R3 on January 28th 2024. Valid for: 3 months.
This is the only time was scanned on! Verdict: No classification
Domain & IP information
IP Address | AS Autonomous System | ||
3 | | 11427 (TWC-11427...) (TWC-11427-TEXAS) | |
3 | 2 |
ASN11427 (TWC-11427-TEXAS, US)
PTR: |
Apex Domain Subdomains |
Transfer | |
3 | |
206 KB |
3 | 1 |
Domain | Requested by | |
3 | |
3 | 1 |
This site contains links to these domains. Also see Links.
Domain |
---| |
Subject Issuer | Validity | Valid | |
---|---|---|---| R3 |
2024-01-28 - 2024-04-27 |
3 months | |
This page contains 1 frames:
Primary Page:
Frame ID: 10DC534046E799C7000E99DC887C0283
Requests: 4 HTTP requests in this frame
1 Outgoing links
These are links going to different origins than the main page.
Title: Amulet
Search URL Search Domain Scan URL
Redirected requests
There were HTTP redirect chains for the following requests:
3 HTTP transactions
Method Protocol |
Resource Path |
Size x-fer |
Type MIME-Type |
GET H2 |
Primary Request
/ |
12 KB 12 KB |
text/html |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H2 |
amulet.js |
194 KB 194 KB |
application/javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
/ |
165 B 0 |
image/png |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H2 |
amulet.wasm |
384 KB 0 |
application/wasm |
Request headers
Response headers
Verdicts & Comments Add Verdict or Comment
389 JavaScript Global Variables
These are the non-standard "global" variables defined on the window object. These can be helpful in identifying possible client-side frameworks and code.
number| status_timer boolean| is_in_editor function| getParameterByName string| pointerLockElementName boolean| havePointerLock function| run function| init_canvas function| set_error_text function| set_progress number| perc number| delta number| phase1_limit function| phase1 function| phase2 function| phase function| animate_loading_status function| clear_status_timer function| remove_status_overlay object| pending_load boolean| started function| load function| load_gist function| set_visibility_handler function| setup_audio_resume function| enable_audio function| run_waiting function| pause function| resume object| Module function| log_output object| amulet object| moduleOverrides string| key object| arguments_ string| thisProgram function| quit_ boolean| ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB boolean| ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER boolean| ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE boolean| ENVIRONMENT_HAS_NODE boolean| ENVIRONMENT_IS_SHELL string| scriptDirectory function| locateFile function| read_ function| readAsync undefined| readBinary function| setWindowTitle undefined| nodeFS undefined| nodePath function| out function| err number| STACK_ALIGN function| dynamicAlloc function| getNativeTypeSize function| warnOnce object| asm2wasmImports number| jsCallStartIndex object| functionPointers function| convertJsFunctionToWasm object| funcWrappers function| dynCall number| tempRet0 function| setTempRet0 function| getTempRet0 undefined| wasmBinary boolean| noExitRuntime function| setValue object| wasmMemory object| wasmTable boolean| ABORT number| EXITSTATUS function| assert function| getCFunc function| ccall number| ALLOC_NORMAL number| ALLOC_STACK number| ALLOC_NONE function| allocate function| getMemory object| UTF8Decoder function| UTF8ArrayToString function| UTF8ToString function| stringToUTF8Array function| stringToUTF8 function| lengthBytesUTF8 object| UTF16Decoder function| allocateUTF8 function| allocateUTF8OnStack function| writeArrayToMemory function| writeAsciiToMemory number| WASM_PAGE_SIZE function| alignUp object| buffer object| HEAP8 object| HEAPU8 object| HEAP16 object| HEAPU16 object| HEAP32 object| HEAPU32 object| HEAPF32 object| HEAPF64 function| updateGlobalBufferAndViews number| STACK_BASE number| DYNAMIC_BASE number| DYNAMICTOP_PTR number| INITIAL_TOTAL_MEMORY function| callRuntimeCallbacks object| __ATPRERUN__ object| __ATINIT__ object| __ATMAIN__ object| __ATPOSTRUN__ boolean| runtimeInitialized boolean| runtimeExited function| preRun function| initRuntime function| preMain function| exitRuntime function| postRun function| addOnPreRun function| addOnPostRun function| Math_abs function| Math_ceil function| Math_floor function| Math_min number| runDependencies object| runDependencyWatcher function| dependenciesFulfilled function| getUniqueRunDependency function| addRunDependency function| removeRunDependency function| abort string| dataURIPrefix function| isDataURI string| wasmBinaryFile function| getBinary function| getBinaryPromise function| createWasm undefined| tempDouble undefined| tempI64 object| ASM_CONSTS function| _emscripten_asm_const_i function| _emscripten_asm_const_ii function| _emscripten_asm_const_iiii number| tempDoublePtr function| demangle function| demangleAll function| jsStackTrace function| stackTrace function| ___setErrNo object| PATH object| PATH_FS object| TTY object| MEMFS object| IDBFS object| ERRNO_CODES object| NODEFS object| WORKERFS object| FS function| _emscripten_set_main_loop_timing function| _emscripten_get_now function| _emscripten_set_main_loop object| Browser function| _SDL_GetTicks object| SDL function| _SDL_GL_SetAttribute function| _SDL_GL_SwapBuffers function| _SDL_GetModState function| _SDL_GetMouseState function| _SDL_GetWindowSize function| _SDL_Init function| _SDL_OpenAudio function| _SDL_PauseAudio function| _SDL_PollEvent object| GL function| _SDL_SetVideoMode function| _SDL_WM_ToggleFullScreen object| ENV function| ___buildEnvironment function| _emscripten_get_now_is_monotonic function| _clock_gettime function| ___clock_gettime function| ___cxa_allocate_exception object| ___exception_infos number| ___exception_last function| ___cxa_throw function| ___gxx_personality_v0 function| ___lock function| ___map_file object| SYSCALLS function| ___syscall10 function| ___syscall196 function| ___syscall221 function| ___syscall330 function| ___syscall38 function| ___syscall40 function| ___syscall5 function| ___syscall54 function| ___syscall63 function| __emscripten_syscall_munmap function| ___syscall91 function| ___unlock function| _fd_close function| ___wasi_fd_close function| _fd_read function| ___wasi_fd_read function| _fd_seek function| ___wasi_fd_seek function| _fd_write function| ___wasi_fd_write function| _abort function| _clock function| _difftime function| _emscripten_async_wget2 function| _emscripten_get_heap_size function| abortOnCannotGrowMemory function| emscripten_realloc_buffer function| _emscripten_resize_heap function| _exit function| _getenv function| _glActiveTexture function| _glAttachShader function| _glBindBuffer function| _glBindFramebuffer function| _glBindRenderbuffer function| _glBindTexture function| _glBlendColor function| _glBlendEquation function| _glBlendEquationSeparate function| _glBlendFunc function| _glBlendFuncSeparate function| _glBufferData function| _glBufferSubData function| _glCheckFramebufferStatus function| _glClear function| _glClearColor function| _glClearStencil function| _glColorMask function| _glCompileShader function| _glCreateProgram function| _glCreateShader function| _glCullFace function| _glDeleteBuffers function| _glDeleteFramebuffers function| _glDeleteProgram function| _glDeleteRenderbuffers function| _glDeleteShader function| _glDeleteTextures function| _glDepthFunc function| _glDepthMask function| _glDetachShader function| _glDisable function| _glDisableVertexAttribArray function| _glDrawArrays function| _glDrawElements function| _glEnable function| _glEnableVertexAttribArray function| _glFramebufferRenderbuffer function| _glFramebufferTexture2D function| _glFrontFace function| __glGenObject function| _glGenBuffers function| _glGenFramebuffers function| _glGenRenderbuffers function| _glGenTextures function| _glGenerateMipmap function| _glGetActiveAttrib function| _glGetActiveUniform function| _glGetAttribLocation function| _glGetError function| emscriptenWebGLGet function| _glGetIntegerv function| _glGetProgramInfoLog function| _glGetProgramiv function| _glGetShaderInfoLog function| _glGetShaderiv function| _glGetUniformLocation function| _glHint function| _glLinkProgram function| _glPixelStorei function| __computeUnpackAlignedImageSize object| __colorChannelsInGlTextureFormat object| __sizeOfGlTextureElementType function| emscriptenWebGLGetTexPixelData function| _glReadPixels function| _glRenderbufferStorage function| _glScissor function| _glShaderSource function| _glStencilFuncSeparate function| _glStencilMask function| _glStencilOpSeparate function| _glTexImage2D function| _glTexParameteri function| _glTexSubImage2D function| _glUniform1fv function| _glUniform1iv function| _glUniform2fv function| _glUniform3fv function| _glUniform4fv function| _glUniformMatrix2fv function| _glUniformMatrix3fv function| _glUniformMatrix4fv function| _glUseProgram function| _glValidateProgram function| _glVertexAttribPointer function| _glViewport number| ___tm_current number| ___tm_timezone function| _gmtime_r function| _gmtime function| _llvm_log10_f32 function| _llvm_log10_f64 function| _tzset function| _localtime_r function| _localtime function| _longjmp function| _emscripten_memcpy_big function| _mktime function| __isLeapYear function| __arraySum object| __MONTH_DAYS_LEAP object| __MONTH_DAYS_REGULAR function| __addDays function| _strftime function| _system function| _time undefined| fs undefined| NODEJS_PATH undefined| GLctx boolean| ASSERTIONS function| intArrayFromString function| invoke_vii object| asmGlobalArg object| asmLibraryArg object| asm function| __ZSt18uncaught_exceptionv function| ___cxa_can_catch function| ___cxa_is_pointer_type function| ___errno_location function| __get_daylight function| __get_environ function| __get_timezone function| __get_tzname function| _am_emscripten_pause function| _am_emscripten_resize function| _am_emscripten_resume function| _am_emscripten_run function| _am_emscripten_run_waiting function| _emscripten_get_sbrk_ptr function| _emscripten_replace_memory function| _free function| _llvm_bswap_i32 function| _llvm_maxnum_f64 function| _llvm_minnum_f64 function| _main function| _malloc function| _memcpy function| _memmove function| _memset function| _realloc function| _saveSetjmp function| _setThrew function| _testSetjmp function| establishStackSpace function| globalCtors function| stackAlloc function| stackRestore function| stackSave function| dynCall_di function| dynCall_ii function| dynCall_iidiiii function| dynCall_iii function| dynCall_iiii function| dynCall_iiiii function| dynCall_iiiiii function| dynCall_iijii function| dynCall_jiji function| dynCall_v function| dynCall_vi function| dynCall_vii function| dynCall_viii function| dynCall_viiii function| dynCall_viiiii function| dynCall_viiiiii undefined| calledRun function| ExitStatus boolean| calledMain function| callMain function| exit boolean| shouldRunNow0 Cookies
Cookies are little pieces of information stored in the browser of a user. Whenever a user visits the site again, he will also send his cookie values, thus allowing the website to re-identify him even if he changed locations. This is how permanent logins work.
This is a term in the security industry to describe indicators such as IPs, Domains, Hashes, etc. This does not imply that any of these indicate malicious activity.