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University Rankings


By Jordan Rubio & James Thorne
October 31, 2022 View comments (12)
Great entrepreneurs can come from anywhere, but some universities have a truly
exceptional track record of producing future entrepreneurs.

PitchBook's annual university rankings compare schools by tallying up the number
of alumni entrepreneurs who have founded venture capital-backed companies. The
undergraduate and graduate rankings are powered by PitchBook data and are based
on an analysis of more than 144,000 VC-backed founders.

Stanford-educated founders top both the undergraduate and graduate lists. UC
Berkeley took the No. 2 spot for undergraduate programs, and Harvard was second
among MBA and other graduate programs. MIT ranks in the top four for
undergraduate and graduate school rankings, despite having a total enrollment of
just 11,934 in 2021.

Outside the US, Israeli colleges Tel Aviv University and Technion are among the
highest-ranking undergraduate programs. Cambridge and Oxford in the United
Kingdom made the top 10 in our graduate list.

For more insights, read our analysis of the 2022 PitchBook university rankings.

The full list is below, broken down by undergraduate and graduate programs, as
well as female-founded companies. Read up on our methodology and changes from
prior years below.


The 2022 rankings are based on the number of founders whose companies received a
first round of venture funding between Jan. 1, 2012, and Oct. 21, 2022. Our
methodology analyzes educational data on more than 144,000 founders.

The data on entrepreneurs, companies and capital raised comes from the PitchBook
Platform. Data on founders' educational background as well as data on
universities are collected from publicly available and primary sources.

Since companies can have more than one founder, and founders could have attended
multiple schools, it is possible for the same company or founder to count toward
multiple universities.

NEW IN 2022

PitchBook made a number of changes to its list of universities in 2022,
including new features and adjustments to how the list is created and compiled.
 * New filter functionality: Users can now filter the rankings by school
   enrollment size, geographic region and whether a university is public or
 * Expanded graduate program ranking: All postgraduate degree holders are now
   included in our graduate rankings. Previously, the graduate ranking only
   included founders who had an MBA.
 * Timeframe: The rankings now capture founders who received funding in the
   preceding decade. Previously, the list captured all founders who raised
   financing since 2006.
 * Public university system tagging: We improved our data on founders to ensure
   that those who attended US public universities were tagged to the campus they
   attended rather than the university system as a whole.
 * More schools: The undergraduate and graduate lists now rank up to 100 schools
   when filters are applied. The female founders' lists rank up to 50 schools.
 * Social sharing: You can now share your school's ranking on Twitter.

Because of these changes from prior years, there is no year-to-year change shown
in the 2022 list.

Download the XLS version of this year's list.

For any feedback or questions, please contact press@pitchbook.com.

Featured image by Joey Schaffer/PitchBook News
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 * University Rankings
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View comments (12)
Ashley bates November 21, 2022 at 5:40 AM
Need to know a lot more about the VC database. How was this data collected and
does it contribute any bias?
James Thorne November 15, 2022 at 8:48 PM
Hi Nick, you can use the filters provided to sort by universities according to
the size of their total enrollment. This will give a better indication of how
universities of similar sizes compare.
Nick November 12, 2022 at 4:33 AM
Without including program student numbers in the ranking calculation its
useless. University with 100k students graduating in 10 years period and
university with 10k students graduating cant be compared on startup founders
numbers alone. Obviously universities with more students graduating have a huge
edge. It just does not make sense :)
Ron Freed-Mann November 8, 2022 at 4:51 AM
Amazing that $80,000/year Chapman University isn't even in the top 100! What are
the students paying for?
Jack Derby November 6, 2022 at 12:45 PM
Great to see that Tufts is in the Top 50. We focus on building entrepreneurship
brick by brick taught and experienced by professors who have done the same.
M. Y. Zuo November 1, 2022 at 9:28 PM
Great info, thanks for sharing. Glad to see my alma mater's punching above its
Mahyar MORADI November 1, 2022 at 1:14 PM
Why no French or German university?
Hemant S November 1, 2022 at 4:09 AM
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) is missing from this list. IIT Delhi alone
has produced 1237 founders and over 23 unicorns. If you consider just 6 top
locations namely: (Mumbai: 1178, Delhi:1237; Madras: 774; Roorkee: 541 and
Kharagpur: 754 founders respectively : Total of 4484 founders, out of which 72
are unicorn companies). Why were they left out? These are just founder counts
btw. (If you consider CEOs: the list will be equally long including Sundar
Pichai from IIT kharagpur, Parag Agrawal from IIT Mumbai.... list just begins
probably future founders)
Kim Emmons October 31, 2022 at 6:43 PM
Are you including all fianancing rounds that are noted in Pitchbook, or only
those that are funded by Venture Capital?
Aidan Katz October 31, 2022 at 4:16 PM
Maybe do these results in terms of "per 1000 students" or something?
Julie Capuder October 31, 2022 at 2:54 PM
Could you also produce the list of all of the entreprenuerial founded "ventures"
from these same schools that have proven to be successful (i.e., actually
continually making sustainable revenues) after their 5 year, 10 year benchmark?
GSB Coach October 31, 2022 at 2:36 PM
Stanford is a truly unique place and the business school specifically attracts
students who want to become entrepreneurs

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