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Submission: On June 22 via api from US — Scanned from DE

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Maws are Best




All subpages on are variations of fediverse services designed to appeal
to specific user groups. For example, Pixelfed is an image-sharing website
similar to Instagram, but it can also be used to share painted art. The Pixelfur
alternative hosted on is specifically for artists.



All the services hosted here are part of the fediverse. The beauty of the
fediverse lies in the fact that you don’t need to create an account on each
individual service. Instead, content creators can create an account on one of
the services, and people from all around the fediverse can follow them.



Digital and Traditional Artists: Pixelfur – Upload your art here! Based on

Musicians: Sonic Orca – Share your music here!

Hobbyists and Tinkerer: Hoarding Badger – Upload and sell your crafts!

3D artists can choose either Pixelfur or Hoarding Badger, or even both.



Peertube: video and livestreaming.

Goldfish: Shorts, similar to TikTok.

No specific service yet, but something for link-card and gallery pages.



While the provided services cover a wide range, they don’t fully support the
entire fediverse spectrum just yet. Here’s an overview:

Service Self-Federating Federating with Other Services Relay Support Pixelfur
yes yes no Sonic Orca yes no no Hoarding Badger yes yes no

what does each mean?

 * Self-federating: These services work with others of the same kind. For
   example, you can listen to music from one Funkwhale instance on another
   Funkwhale instance.
 * Federating with other services: You can follow accounts from other services.
   For instance, you can follow a Pixelfed account from a Mastodon instance.
 * Relay support: If this works, the public timeline is synced. You won’t need
   to follow someone for your posts to be visible across the entire fediverse
   (or at least all other instances, that are also in the relay).



I want to be transparent. As long as relay support isn’t functioning for
Pixelfur and Sonic Orca, this remains a beta test. For posts to be publicly
visible, this feature needs to be implemented by the developers. Unfortunately,
it’s not within my control—I’ll have to wait for them to make it happen.

For Hoarding Badger relay support might not be important as you usually
advertise objects uploaded on it differently.



If you’d like to support the improvement of this service, please consider
donating on Patreon


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